--- /dev/null
+(This is a draft. The method here won't actually work yet, because
+neither git-new-workdir nor merge-changelog are in the Emacs
+distribution yet.)
+Setting up and using git for normal, simple bugfixing
+If you haven't configured git before you should first do:
+git config --global user.name "Frank Chu"
+git config --global user.email "fchu@example.com"
+Initial setup
+Then we want to clone the repository. We normally want to have both
+the current trunk and the emacs-24 branch.
+mkdir ~/emacs
+cd ~/emacs
+git clone <membername>@git.sv.gnu.org:/srv/git/emacs.git
+mv emacs trunk
+./trunk/admin/git-new-workdir trunk emacs-24
+cd emacs-24
+git checkout emacs-24
+You now have both branches conveniently accessible, and you can do
+"git pull" in them once in a while to keep updated.
+Fixing bugs
+You edit the files in either branch, `M-x vc-dir', and check in your
+changes. Then you need to push the data to the main repository. This
+will usually fail, since somebody else has pushed other changes in the
+meantime. To fix this, say
+git pull --rebase
+which will update your repository, and then re-apply your changes on
+top of that. Then say
+git push
+Backporting to emacs-24
+If you have applied a fix to the trunk, but then decide that it should
+be applied to the emacs-24 branch, too, then
+cd ~/emacs/trunk
+git log
+and find the commit you're looking for. Then find the commit ID,
+which will look like
+commit 958b768a6534ae6e77a8547a56fc31b46b63710b
+cd ~/emacs/emacs-24
+git cherry-pick 958b768a6534ae6e77a8547a56fc31b46b63710b
+git commit --amend
+and add "Backport:" to the commit string. Then
+git push
+Merging emacs-24 to trunk
+This has yet to be written.