(go-mode . ("gopls"))
((R-mode ess-r-mode) . ("R" "--slave" "-e"
- (java-mode . eglot--eclipse-jdt-contact)
+ (java-mode . ("jdtls"))
(dart-mode . ("dart_language_server"))
(elixir-mode . ("language_server.sh"))
(ada-mode . ("ada_language_server"))
(when (eq ?! (aref arg 1)) (aset arg 1 ?^))
`(,self () (re-search-forward ,(concat "\\=" arg)) (,next)))
-;;; eclipse-jdt-specific
-(defclass eglot-eclipse-jdt (eglot-lsp-server) ()
- :documentation "Eclipse's Java Development Tools Language Server.")
-(cl-defmethod eglot-initialization-options ((server eglot-eclipse-jdt))
- "Passes through required jdt initialization options."
- `(:workspaceFolders
- [,@(cl-delete-duplicates
- (mapcar #'eglot--path-to-uri
- (let* ((root (project-root (eglot--project server))))
- (cons root
- (mapcar
- #'file-name-directory
- (append
- (file-expand-wildcards (concat root "*/pom.xml"))
- (file-expand-wildcards (concat root "*/build.gradle"))
- (file-expand-wildcards (concat root "*/.project")))))))
- :test #'string=)]
- ,@(if-let ((home (or (getenv "JAVA_HOME")
- (ignore-errors
- (expand-file-name
- ".."
- (file-name-directory
- (file-chase-links (executable-find "javac"))))))))
- `(:settings (:java (:home ,home)))
- (ignore (eglot--warn "JAVA_HOME env var not set")))))
-(defun eglot--eclipse-jdt-contact (interactive)
- "Return a contact for connecting to eclipse.jdt.ls server, as a cons cell.
-If INTERACTIVE, prompt user for details."
- (cl-labels
- ((is-the-jar
- (path)
- (and (string-match-p
- "org\\.eclipse\\.equinox\\.launcher_.*\\.jar$"
- (file-name-nondirectory path))
- (file-exists-p path))))
- (let* ((classpath (or (getenv "CLASSPATH") path-separator))
- (cp-jar (cl-find-if #'is-the-jar (split-string classpath path-separator)))
- (jar cp-jar)
- (dir
- (cond
- (jar (file-name-as-directory
- (expand-file-name ".." (file-name-directory jar))))
- (interactive
- (expand-file-name
- (read-directory-name
- (concat "Path to eclipse.jdt.ls directory (could not"
- " find it in CLASSPATH): ")
- nil nil t)))
- (t (error "Could not find eclipse.jdt.ls jar in CLASSPATH"))))
- (repodir
- (concat dir
- "org.eclipse.jdt.ls.product/target/repository/"))
- (repodir (if (file-directory-p repodir) repodir dir))
- (config
- (concat
- repodir
- (cond
- ((string= system-type "darwin") "config_mac")
- ((string= system-type "windows-nt") "config_win")
- (t "config_linux"))))
- (workspace
- (expand-file-name (md5 (project-root (eglot--current-project)))
- (locate-user-emacs-file
- "eglot-eclipse-jdt-cache"))))
- (unless jar
- (setq jar
- (cl-find-if #'is-the-jar
- (directory-files (concat repodir "plugins") t))))
- (unless (and jar (file-exists-p jar) (file-directory-p config))
- (error "Could not find required eclipse.jdt.ls files (build required?)"))
- (when (and interactive (not cp-jar)
- (y-or-n-p (concat "Add path to the server program "
- "to CLASSPATH environment variable?")))
- (setenv "CLASSPATH" (concat (getenv "CLASSPATH") path-separator jar)))
- (unless (file-directory-p workspace)
- (make-directory workspace t))
- (cons 'eglot-eclipse-jdt
- (list (executable-find "java")
- "-Declipse.application=org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.id1"
- "-Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4"
- "-Declipse.product=org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.product"
- "-jar" jar
- "-configuration" config
- "-data" workspace)))))
-(cl-defmethod eglot-execute-command
- ((_server eglot-eclipse-jdt) (_cmd (eql java.apply.workspaceEdit)) arguments)
- "Eclipse JDT breaks spec and replies with edits as arguments."
- (mapc #'eglot--apply-workspace-edit arguments))
;;; Obsolete