LPVOID TokenInformation,
DWORD TokenInformationLength,
PDWORD ReturnLength);
+typedef BOOL (WINAPI * GetProcessTimes_Proc) (
+ HANDLE process_handle,
+ LPFILETIME creation_time,
+ LPFILETIME exit_time,
+ LPFILETIME kernel_time,
+ LPFILETIME user_time);
+GetProcessTimes_Proc get_process_times_fn = NULL;
#ifdef _UNICODE
const char * const LookupAccountSid_Name = "LookupAccountSidW";
return s_b_ret;
+/* Get total user and system times for get-internal-run-time.
+ Returns a list of three integers if the times are provided by the OS
+ (NT derivatives), otherwise it returns the result of current-time. */
+w32_get_internal_run_time ()
+ if (get_process_times_fn)
+ {
+ FILETIME create, exit, kernel, user;
+ HANDLE proc = GetCurrentProcess();
+ if ((*get_process_times_fn) (proc, &create, &exit, &kernel, &user))
+ {
+ LARGE_INTEGER user_int, kernel_int, total;
+ int microseconds;
+ user_int.LowPart = user.dwLowDateTime;
+ user_int.HighPart = user.dwHighDateTime;
+ kernel_int.LowPart = kernel.dwLowDateTime;
+ kernel_int.HighPart = kernel.dwHighDateTime;
+ total.QuadPart = user_int.QuadPart + kernel_int.QuadPart;
+ /* FILETIME is 100 nanosecond increments, Emacs only wants
+ microsecond resolution. */
+ total.QuadPart /= 10;
+ microseconds = total.QuadPart % 1000000;
+ total.QuadPart /= 1000000;
+ /* Sanity check to make sure we can represent the result. */
+ if (total.HighPart == 0)
+ {
+ int secs = total.LowPart;
+ return list3 (make_number ((secs >> 16) & 0xffff),
+ make_number (secs & 0xffff),
+ make_number (microseconds));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Fcurrent_time ();
/* ** The wrapper functions ** */
BOOL WINAPI open_process_token (
globals_of_w32 ()
+ HMODULE kernel32 = GetModuleHandle ("kernel32.dll");
+ get_process_times_fn = (GetProcessTimes_Proc)
+ GetProcAddress (kernel32, "GetProcessTimes");
g_b_init_is_windows_9x = 0;
g_b_init_open_process_token = 0;
g_b_init_get_token_information = 0;