+++ /dev/null
-;;; chart.el --- Draw charts (bar charts, etc)
-;;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009
-;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <zappo@gnu.org>
-;; Version: 0.2
-;; Keywords: OO, chart, graph
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This package is an experiment of mine aiding in the debugging of
-;; eieio, and proved to be neat enough that others may like to use
-;; it. To quickly see what you can do with chart, run the command
-;; `chart-test-it-all'.
-;; Chart current can display bar-charts in either of two
-;; directions. It also supports ranged (integer) axis, and axis
-;; defined by some set of strings or names. These name can be
-;; automatically derived from data sequences, which are just lists of
-;; anything encapsulated in a nice eieio object.
-;; Current example apps for chart can be accessed via these commands:
-;; `chart-file-count' - count files w/ matching extensions
-;; `chart-space-usage' - display space used by files/directories
-;; `chart-emacs-storage' - Emacs storage units used/free (garbage-collect)
-;; `chart-emacs-lists' - length of Emacs lists
-;; `chart-rmail-from' - who sends you the most mail (in -summary only)
-;; Customization:
-;; If you find the default colors and pixmaps unpleasant, or too
-;; short, you can change them. The variable `chart-face-color-list'
-;; contains a list of colors, and `chart-face-pixmap-list' contains
-;; all the pixmaps to use. The current pixmaps are those found on
-;; several systems I found. The two lists should be the same length,
-;; as the long list will just be truncated.
-;; If you would like to draw your own stipples, simply create some
-;; xbm's and put them in a directory, then you can add:
-;; (setq x-bitmap-file-path (cons "~/mybitmaps" x-bitmap-file-path))
-;; to your .emacs (or wherever) and load the `chart-face-pixmap-list'
-;; with all the bitmaps you want to use.
-(require 'eieio)
-;;; Code:
-(defvar chart-map nil "Keymap used in chart mode.")
-(if chart-map
- ()
- (setq chart-map (make-sparse-keymap))
- )
-(defvar chart-local-object nil
- "Local variable containing the locally displayed chart object.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'chart-local-object)
-(defvar chart-face-list nil
- "Faces used to colorize charts.
-List is limited currently, which is ok since you really can't display
-too much in text characters anyways.")
-(defvar chart-face-color-list '("red" "green" "blue"
- "cyan" "yellow" "purple")
- "Colors to use when generating `chart-face-list'.
-Colors will be the background color.")
-(defvar chart-face-pixmap-list
- (if (and (fboundp 'display-graphic-p)
- (display-graphic-p))
- '("dimple1" "scales" "dot" "cross_weave" "boxes" "dimple3"))
- "If pixmaps are allowed, display these background pixmaps.
-Useful if new Emacs is used on B&W display")
-(defcustom chart-face-use-pixmaps nil
- "*Non-nil to use fancy pixmaps in the background of chart face colors."
- :group 'eieio
- :type 'boolean)
-(if (and (if (fboundp 'display-color-p)
- (display-color-p)
- window-system)
- (not chart-face-list))
- (let ((cl chart-face-color-list)
- (pl chart-face-pixmap-list)
- nf)
- (while cl
- (setq nf (make-face (intern (concat "chart-" (car cl) "-" (car pl)))))
- (if (condition-case nil
- (> (x-display-color-cells) 4)
- (error t))
- (set-face-background nf (car cl))
- (set-face-background nf "white"))
- (set-face-foreground nf "black")
- (if (and chart-face-use-pixmaps
- pl
- (fboundp 'set-face-background-pixmap))
- (condition-case nil
- (set-face-background-pixmap nf (car pl))
- (error (message "Cannot set background pixmap %s" (car pl)))))
- (setq chart-face-list (cons nf chart-face-list))
- (setq cl (cdr cl)
- pl (cdr pl)))))
-(defun chart-mode ()
- "Define a mode in Emacs for displaying a chart."
- (kill-all-local-variables)
- (use-local-map chart-map)
- (setq major-mode 'chart-mode
- mode-name "CHART")
- (buffer-disable-undo)
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-global-modes) nil)
- (font-lock-mode -1)
- (run-hooks 'chart-mode-hook)
- )
-(defun chart-new-buffer (obj)
- "Create a new buffer NAME in which the chart OBJ is displayed.
-Returns the newly created buffer"
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*%s*" (oref obj title))))
- (chart-mode)
- (setq chart-local-object obj)
- (current-buffer)))
-(defclass chart ()
- ((title :initarg :title
- :initform "Emacs Chart")
- (title-face :initarg :title-face
- :initform 'bold-italic)
- (x-axis :initarg :x-axis
- :initform nil )
- (x-margin :initarg :x-margin
- :initform 5)
- (x-width :initarg :x-width
- )
- (y-axis :initarg :y-axis
- :initform nil)
- (y-margin :initarg :y-margin
- :initform 5)
- (y-width :initarg :y-width
- )
- (key-label :initarg :key-label
- :initform "Key")
- (sequences :initarg :sequences
- :initform nil)
- )
- "Superclass for all charts to be displayed in an emacs buffer")
-(defmethod initialize-instance :AFTER ((obj chart) &rest fields)
- "Initialize the chart OBJ being created with FIELDS.
-Make sure the width/height is correct."
- (oset obj x-width (- (window-width) 10))
- (oset obj y-width (- (window-height) 12)))
-(defclass chart-axis ()
- ((name :initarg :name
- :initform "Generic Axis")
- (loweredge :initarg :loweredge
- :initform t)
- (name-face :initarg :name-face
- :initform 'bold)
- (labels-face :initarg :lables-face
- :initform 'italic)
- (chart :initarg :chart
- :initform nil)
- )
- "Superclass used for display of an axis.")
-(defclass chart-axis-range (chart-axis)
- ((bounds :initarg :bounds
- :initform '(0.0 . 50.0))
- )
- "Class used to display an axis defined by a range of values")
-(defclass chart-axis-names (chart-axis)
- ((items :initarg :items
- :initform nil)
- )
- "Class used to display an axis which represents different named items")
-(defclass chart-sequece ()
- ((data :initarg :data
- :initform nil)
- (name :initarg :name
- :initform "Data")
- )
- "Class used for all data in different charts")
-(defclass chart-bar (chart)
- ((direction :initarg :direction
- :initform vertical))
- "Subclass for bar charts. (Vertical or horizontal)")
-(defmethod chart-draw ((c chart) &optional buff)
- "Start drawing a chart object C in optional BUFF.
-Erases current contents of buffer"
- (save-excursion
- (if buff (set-buffer buff))
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert (make-string 100 ?\n))
- ;; Start by displaying the axis
- (chart-draw-axis c)
- ;; Display title
- (chart-draw-title c)
- ;; Display data
- (message "Rendering chart...")
- (sit-for 0)
- (chart-draw-data c)
- ;; Display key
- ; (chart-draw-key c)
- (message "Rendering chart...done")
- ))
-(defmethod chart-draw-title ((c chart))
- "Draw a title upon the chart.
-Argument C is the chart object."
- (chart-display-label (oref c title) 'horizontal 0 0 (window-width)
- (oref c title-face)))
-(defmethod chart-size-in-dir ((c chart) dir)
- "Return the physical size of chart C in direction DIR."
- (if (eq dir 'vertical)
- (oref c y-width)
- (oref c x-width)))
-(defmethod chart-draw-axis ((c chart))
- "Draw axis into the current buffer defined by chart C."
- (let ((ymarg (oref c y-margin))
- (xmarg (oref c x-margin))
- (ylen (oref c y-width))
- (xlen (oref c x-width)))
- (chart-axis-draw (oref c y-axis) 'vertical ymarg
- (if (oref (oref c y-axis) loweredge) nil xlen)
- xmarg (+ xmarg ylen))
- (chart-axis-draw (oref c x-axis) 'horizontal xmarg
- (if (oref (oref c x-axis) loweredge) nil ylen)
- ymarg (+ ymarg xlen)))
- )
-(defmethod chart-axis-draw ((a chart-axis) &optional dir margin zone start end)
- "Draw some axis for A in direction DIR at with MARGIN in boundry.
-ZONE is a zone specification.
-START and END represent the boundary."
- (chart-draw-line dir (+ margin (if zone zone 0)) start end)
- (chart-display-label (oref a name) dir (if zone (+ zone margin 3)
- (if (eq dir 'horizontal)
- 1 0))
- start end (oref a name-face)))
-(defmethod chart-translate-xpos ((c chart) x)
- "Translate in chart C the coordinate X into a screen column."
- (let ((range (oref (oref c x-axis) bounds)))
- (+ (oref c x-margin)
- (round (* (float (- x (car range)))
- (/ (float (oref c x-width))
- (float (- (cdr range) (car range))))))))
- )
-(defmethod chart-translate-ypos ((c chart) y)
- "Translate in chart C the coordinate Y into a screen row."
- (let ((range (oref (oref c y-axis) bounds)))
- (+ (oref c x-margin)
- (- (oref c y-width)
- (round (* (float (- y (car range)))
- (/ (float (oref c y-width))
- (float (- (cdr range) (car range)))))))))
- )
-(defmethod chart-axis-draw ((a chart-axis-range) &optional dir margin zone start end)
- "Draw axis information based upon a range to be spread along the edge.
-A is the chart to draw. DIR is the direction.
-MARGIN, ZONE, START, and END specify restrictions in chart space."
- (call-next-method)
- ;; We prefer about 5 spaces between each value
- (let* ((i (car (oref a bounds)))
- (e (cdr (oref a bounds)))
- (z (if zone zone 0))
- (s nil)
- (rng (- e i))
- ;; want to jump by units of 5 spaces or so
- (j (/ rng (/ (chart-size-in-dir (oref a chart) dir) 4)))
- p1)
- (if (= j 0) (setq j 1))
- (while (<= i e)
- (setq s
- (cond ((> i 999999)
- (format "%dM" (/ i 1000000)))
- ((> i 999)
- (format "%dK" (/ i 1000)))
- (t
- (format "%d" i))))
- (if (eq dir 'vertical)
- (let ((x (+ (+ margin z) (if (oref a loweredge)
- (- (length s)) 1))))
- (if (< x 1) (setq x 1))
- (chart-goto-xy x (chart-translate-ypos (oref a chart) i)))
- (chart-goto-xy (chart-translate-xpos (oref a chart) i)
- (+ margin z (if (oref a loweredge) -1 1))))
- (setq p1 (point))
- (insert s)
- (chart-zap-chars (length s))
- (put-text-property p1 (point) 'face (oref a labels-face))
- (setq i (+ i j))))
-(defmethod chart-translate-namezone ((c chart) n)
- "Return a dot-pair representing a positional range for a name.
-The name in chart C of the Nth name resides.
-Automatically compensates for for direction."
- (let* ((dir (oref c direction))
- (w (if (eq dir 'vertical) (oref c x-width) (oref c y-width)))
- (m (if (eq dir 'vertical) (oref c y-margin) (oref c x-margin)))
- (ns (length
- (oref (if (eq dir 'vertical) (oref c x-axis) (oref c y-axis))
- items)))
- (lpn (/ (+ 1.0 (float w)) (float ns)))
- )
- (cons (+ m (round (* lpn (float n))))
- (+ m -1 (round (* lpn (+ 1.0 (float n))))))
- ))
-(defmethod chart-axis-draw ((a chart-axis-names) &optional dir margin zone start end)
- "Draw axis information based upon A range to be spread along the edge.
-Optional argument DIR the direction of the chart.
-Optional argument MARGIN , ZONE, START and END specify boundaries of the drawing."
- (call-next-method)
- ;; We prefer about 5 spaces between each value
- (let* ((i 0)
- (s (oref a items))
- (z (if zone zone 0))
- (r nil)
- (p nil)
- (odd nil)
- p1)
- (while s
- (setq odd (= (% (length s) 2) 1))
- (setq r (chart-translate-namezone (oref a chart) i))
- (if (eq dir 'vertical)
- (setq p (/ (+ (car r) (cdr r)) 2))
- (setq p (- (+ (car r) (/ (- (cdr r) (car r)) 2))
- (/ (length (car s)) 2))))
- (if (eq dir 'vertical)
- (let ((x (+ (+ margin z) (if (oref a loweredge)
- (- (length (car s)))
- (length (car s))))))
- (if (< x 1) (setq x 1))
- (if (> (length (car s)) (1- margin))
- (setq x (+ x margin)))
- (chart-goto-xy x p))
- (chart-goto-xy p (+ (+ margin z) (if (oref a loweredge)
- (if odd -2 -1)
- (if odd 2 1)))))
- (setq p1 (point))
- (insert (car s))
- (chart-zap-chars (length (car s)))
- (put-text-property p1 (point) 'face (oref a labels-face))
- (setq i (+ i 1)
- s (cdr s))))
-(defmethod chart-draw-data ((c chart-bar))
- "Display the data available in a bar chart C."
- (let* ((data (oref c sequences))
- (dir (oref c direction))
- (odir (if (eq dir 'vertical) 'horizontal 'vertical))
- )
- (while data
- (if (stringp (car (oref (car data) data)))
- ;; skip string lists...
- nil
- ;; display number lists...
- (let ((i 0)
- (seq (oref (car data) data)))
- (while seq
- (let* ((rng (chart-translate-namezone c i))
- (dp (if (eq dir 'vertical)
- (chart-translate-ypos c (car seq))
- (chart-translate-xpos c (car seq))))
- (zp (if (eq dir 'vertical)
- (chart-translate-ypos c 0)
- (chart-translate-xpos c 0)))
- (fc (if chart-face-list
- (nth (% i (length chart-face-list)) chart-face-list)
- 'default))
- )
- (if (< dp zp)
- (progn
- (chart-draw-line dir (car rng) dp zp)
- (chart-draw-line dir (cdr rng) dp zp))
- (chart-draw-line dir (car rng) zp (1+ dp))
- (chart-draw-line dir (cdr rng) zp (1+ dp)))
- (if (= (car rng) (cdr rng)) nil
- (chart-draw-line odir dp (1+ (car rng)) (cdr rng))
- (chart-draw-line odir zp (car rng) (1+ (cdr rng))))
- (if (< dp zp)
- (chart-deface-rectangle dir rng (cons dp zp) fc)
- (chart-deface-rectangle dir rng (cons zp dp) fc))
- )
- ;; find the bounds, and chart it!
- ;; for now, only do one!
- (setq i (1+ i)
- seq (cdr seq)))))
- (setq data (cdr data))))
- )
-(defmethod chart-add-sequence ((c chart) &optional seq axis-label)
- "Add to chart object C the sequence object SEQ.
-If AXIS-LABEL, then the axis stored in C is updated with the bounds of SEQ,
-or is created with the bounds of SEQ."
- (if axis-label
- (let ((axis (eieio-oref c axis-label)))
- (if (stringp (car (oref seq data)))
- (let ((labels (oref seq data)))
- (if (not axis)
- (setq axis (make-instance chart-axis-names
- :name (oref seq name)
- :items labels
- :chart c))
- (oset axis items labels)))
- (let ((range (cons 0 1))
- (l (oref seq data)))
- (if (not axis)
- (setq axis (make-instance chart-axis-range
- :name (oref seq name)
- :chart c)))
- (while l
- (if (< (car l) (car range)) (setcar range (car l)))
- (if (> (car l) (cdr range)) (setcdr range (car l)))
- (setq l (cdr l)))
- (oset axis bounds range)))
- (if (eq axis-label 'x-axis) (oset axis loweredge nil))
- (eieio-oset c axis-label axis)
- ))
- (oset c sequences (append (oref c sequences) (list seq))))
-;;; Charting optimizers
-(defmethod chart-trim ((c chart) max)
- "Trim all sequences in chart C to be at most MAX elements long."
- (let ((s (oref c sequences)))
- (while s
- (let ((sl (oref (car s) data)))
- (if (> (length sl) max)
- (setcdr (nthcdr (1- max) sl) nil)))
- (setq s (cdr s))))
- )
-(defmethod chart-sort ((c chart) pred)
- "Sort the data in chart C using predicate PRED.
-See `chart-sort-matchlist' for more details"
- (let* ((sl (oref c sequences))
- (s1 (car sl))
- (s2 (car (cdr sl)))
- (s nil))
- (if (stringp (car (oref s1 data)))
- (progn
- (chart-sort-matchlist s1 s2 pred)
- (setq s (oref s1 data)))
- (if (stringp (car (oref s2 data)))
- (progn
- (chart-sort-matchlist s2 s1 pred)
- (setq s (oref s2 data)))
- (error "Sorting of chart %s not supported" (object-name c))))
- (if (eq (oref c direction) 'horizontal)
- (oset (oref c y-axis) items s)
- (oset (oref c x-axis) items s)
- ))
- )
-(defun chart-sort-matchlist (namelst numlst pred)
- "Sort NAMELST and NUMLST (both SEQUENCE objects) based on predicate PRED.
-PRED should be the equivalent of '<, except it must expect two
-cons cells of the form (NAME . NUM). See SORT for more details."
- ;; 1 - create 1 list of cons cells
- (let ((newlist nil)
- (alst (oref namelst data))
- (ulst (oref numlst data)))
- (while alst
- ;; this is reversed, but were are sorting anyway
- (setq newlist (cons (cons (car alst) (car ulst)) newlist))
- (setq alst (cdr alst)
- ulst (cdr ulst)))
- ;; 2 - Run sort routine on it
- (setq newlist (sort newlist pred)
- alst nil
- ulst nil)
- ;; 3 - Separate the lists
- (while newlist
- (setq alst (cons (car (car newlist)) alst)
- ulst (cons (cdr (car newlist)) ulst))
- (setq newlist (cdr newlist)))
- ;; 4 - Store them back
- (oset namelst data (reverse alst))
- (oset numlst data (reverse ulst))))
-;;; Utilities
-(defun chart-goto-xy (x y)
- "Move cursor to position X Y in buffer, and add spaces and CRs if needed."
- (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil)
- (num (goto-line (1+ y))))
- (if (and (= 0 num) (/= 0 (current-column))) (newline 1))
- (if (eobp) (newline num))
- (if (< x 0) (setq x 0))
- (if (< y 0) (setq y 0))
- ;; Now, a quicky column moveto/forceto method.
- (or (= (move-to-column x) x)
- (let ((p (point)))
- (indent-to x)
- (remove-text-properties p (point) '(face))))))
-(defun chart-zap-chars (n)
- "Zap up to N chars without deleteting EOLs."
- (if (not (eobp))
- (if (< n (- (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) (point)))
- (delete-char n)
- (delete-region (point) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))))
-(defun chart-display-label (label dir zone start end &optional face)
- "Display LABEL in direction DIR in column/row ZONE between START and END.
-Optional argument FACE is the property we wish to place on this text."
- (if (eq dir 'horizontal)
- (let (p1)
- (chart-goto-xy (+ start (- (/ (- end start) 2) (/ (length label) 2)))
- zone)
- (setq p1 (point))
- (insert label)
- (chart-zap-chars (length label))
- (put-text-property p1 (point) 'face face)
- )
- (let ((i 0)
- (stz (+ start (- (/ (- end start) 2) (/ (length label) 2)))))
- (while (< i (length label))
- (chart-goto-xy zone (+ stz i))
- (insert (aref label i))
- (chart-zap-chars 1)
- (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'face face)
- (setq i (1+ i))))))
-(defun chart-draw-line (dir zone start end)
- "Draw a line using line-drawing characters in direction DIR.
-Use column or row ZONE between START and END"
- (chart-display-label
- (make-string (- end start) (if (eq dir 'vertical) ?| ?\-))
- dir zone start end))
-(defun chart-deface-rectangle (dir r1 r2 face)
- "Colorize a rectangle in direction DIR across range R1 by range R2.
-R1 and R2 are dotted pairs. Colorize it with FACE."
- (let* ((range1 (if (eq dir 'vertical) r1 r2))
- (range2 (if (eq dir 'vertical) r2 r1))
- (y (car range2)))
- (while (<= y (cdr range2))
- (chart-goto-xy (car range1) y)
- (put-text-property (point) (+ (point) (1+ (- (cdr range1) (car range1))))
- 'face face)
- (setq y (1+ y)))))
-;;; Helpful `I don't want to learn eieio just now' washover functions
-(defun chart-bar-quickie (dir title namelst nametitle numlst numtitle
- &optional max sort-pred)
- "Wash over the complex eieio stuff and create a nice bar chart.
-Creat it going in direction DIR ['horizontal 'vertical] with TITLE
-using a name sequence NAMELST labeled NAMETITLE with values NUMLST
-labeled NUMTITLE.
-Optional arguments:
-Set the charts' max element display to MAX, and sort lists with
-SORT-PRED if desired."
- (let ((nc (make-instance chart-bar
- :title title
- :key-label "8-m" ; This is a text key pic
- :direction dir
- ))
- (iv (eq dir 'vertical)))
- (chart-add-sequence nc
- (make-instance chart-sequece
- :data namelst
- :name nametitle)
- (if iv 'x-axis 'y-axis))
- (chart-add-sequence nc
- (make-instance chart-sequece
- :data numlst
- :name numtitle)
- (if iv 'y-axis 'x-axis))
- (if sort-pred (chart-sort nc sort-pred))
- (if (integerp max) (chart-trim nc max))
- (switch-to-buffer (chart-new-buffer nc))
- (chart-draw nc)))
-;;; Test code
-(defun chart-test-it-all ()
- "Test out various charting features."
- (interactive)
- (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Test Bar Chart"
- '( "U1" "ME2" "C3" "B4" "QT" "EZ") "Items"
- '( 5 -10 23 20 30 -3) "Values")
- )
-;;; Sample utility function
-(defun chart-file-count (dir)
- "Draw a chart displaying the number of different file extentions in DIR."
- (interactive "DDirectory: ")
- (if (not (string-match "/$" dir))
- (setq dir (concat dir "/")))
- (message "Collecting statistics...")
- (let ((flst (directory-files dir nil nil t))
- (extlst (list "<dir>"))
- (cntlst (list 0)))
- (while flst
- (let* ((j (string-match "[^\\.]\\(\\.[a-zA-Z]+\\|~\\|#\\)$" (car flst)))
- (s (if (file-accessible-directory-p (concat dir (car flst)))
- "<dir>"
- (if j
- (substring (car flst) (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- nil)))
- (m (member s extlst)))
- (if (not s) nil
- (if m
- (let ((cell (nthcdr (- (length extlst) (length m)) cntlst)))
- (setcar cell (1+ (car cell))))
- (setq extlst (cons s extlst)
- cntlst (cons 1 cntlst)))))
- (setq flst (cdr flst)))
- ;; Lets create the chart!
- (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Files Extension Distribution"
- extlst "File Extensions"
- cntlst "# of occurances"
- 10
- '(lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b))))
- ))
-(defun chart-space-usage (d)
- "Display a top usage chart for directory D."
- (interactive "DDirectory: ")
- (message "Collecting statistics...")
- (let ((nmlst nil)
- (cntlst nil)
- (b (get-buffer-create " *du-tmp*")))
- (set-buffer b)
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert "cd " d ";du -sk * \n")
- (message "Running `cd %s;du -sk *'..." d)
- (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) shell-file-name t
- (current-buffer) nil)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (message "Scanning output ...")
- (while (re-search-forward "^\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \n]+\\)$" nil t)
- (let* ((nam (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
- (num (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
- (setq nmlst (cons nam nmlst)
- ;; * 1000 to put it into bytes
- cntlst (cons (* (string-to-number num) 1000) cntlst))))
- (if (not nmlst)
- (error "No files found!"))
- (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical (format "Largest files in %s" d)
- nmlst "File Name"
- cntlst "File Size"
- 10
- '(lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b))))
- ))
-(defun chart-emacs-storage ()
- "Chart the current storage requirements of Emacs."
- (interactive)
- (let* ((data (garbage-collect))
- (names '("strings/2" "vectors"
- "conses" "free cons"
- "syms" "free syms"
- "markers" "free mark"
- ;; "floats" "free flt"
- ))
- (nums (list (/ (nth 3 data) 2)
- (nth 4 data)
- (car (car data)) ; conses
- (cdr (car data))
- (car (nth 1 data)) ; syms
- (cdr (nth 1 data))
- (car (nth 2 data)) ; markers
- (cdr (nth 2 data))
- ;(car (nth 5 data)) ; floats are Emacs only
- ;(cdr (nth 5 data))
- )))
- ;; Lets create the chart!
- (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Emacs Runtime Storage Usage"
- names "Storage Items"
- nums "Objects")))
-(defun chart-emacs-lists ()
- "Chart out the size of various important lists."
- (interactive)
- (let* ((names '("buffers" "frames" "processes" "faces"))
- (nums (list (length (buffer-list))
- (length (frame-list))
- (length (process-list))
- (length (face-list))
- )))
- (if (fboundp 'x-display-list)
- (setq names (append names '("x-displays"))
- nums (append nums (list (length (x-display-list))))))
- ;; Lets create the chart!
- (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Emacs List Size Chart"
- names "Various Lists"
- nums "Objects")))
-(defun chart-rmail-from ()
- "If we are in an rmail summary buffer, then chart out the froms."
- (interactive)
- (if (not (eq major-mode 'rmail-summary-mode))
- (error "You must invoke chart-rmail-from in an rmail summary buffer"))
- (let ((nmlst nil)
- (cntlst nil))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "\\-[A-Z][a-z][a-z] +\\(\\w+\\)@\\w+" nil t)
- (let* ((nam (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
- (m (member nam nmlst)))
- (message "Scanned username %s" nam)
- (if m
- (let ((cell (nthcdr (- (length nmlst) (length m)) cntlst)))
- (setcar cell (1+ (car cell))))
- (setq nmlst (cons nam nmlst)
- cntlst (cons 1 cntlst))))))
- (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Username Occurance in RMAIL box"
- nmlst "User Names"
- cntlst "# of occurances"
- 10
- '(lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b))))
- ))
-(provide 'chart)
-;;; chart.el ends here
--- /dev/null
+;;; chart.el --- Draw charts (bar charts, etc)
+;;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <zappo@gnu.org>
+;; Version: 0.2
+;; Keywords: OO, chart, graph
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package is an experiment of mine aiding in the debugging of
+;; eieio, and proved to be neat enough that others may like to use
+;; it. To quickly see what you can do with chart, run the command
+;; `chart-test-it-all'.
+;; Chart current can display bar-charts in either of two
+;; directions. It also supports ranged (integer) axis, and axis
+;; defined by some set of strings or names. These name can be
+;; automatically derived from data sequences, which are just lists of
+;; anything encapsulated in a nice eieio object.
+;; Current example apps for chart can be accessed via these commands:
+;; `chart-file-count' - count files w/ matching extensions
+;; `chart-space-usage' - display space used by files/directories
+;; `chart-emacs-storage' - Emacs storage units used/free (garbage-collect)
+;; `chart-emacs-lists' - length of Emacs lists
+;; `chart-rmail-from' - who sends you the most mail (in -summary only)
+;; Customization:
+;; If you find the default colors and pixmaps unpleasant, or too
+;; short, you can change them. The variable `chart-face-color-list'
+;; contains a list of colors, and `chart-face-pixmap-list' contains
+;; all the pixmaps to use. The current pixmaps are those found on
+;; several systems I found. The two lists should be the same length,
+;; as the long list will just be truncated.
+;; If you would like to draw your own stipples, simply create some
+;; xbm's and put them in a directory, then you can add:
+;; (setq x-bitmap-file-path (cons "~/mybitmaps" x-bitmap-file-path))
+;; to your .emacs (or wherever) and load the `chart-face-pixmap-list'
+;; with all the bitmaps you want to use.
+(require 'eieio)
+;;; Code:
+(defvar chart-map nil "Keymap used in chart mode.")
+(if chart-map
+ ()
+ (setq chart-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ )
+(defvar chart-local-object nil
+ "Local variable containing the locally displayed chart object.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'chart-local-object)
+(defvar chart-face-list nil
+ "Faces used to colorize charts.
+List is limited currently, which is ok since you really can't display
+too much in text characters anyways.")
+(defvar chart-face-color-list '("red" "green" "blue"
+ "cyan" "yellow" "purple")
+ "Colors to use when generating `chart-face-list'.
+Colors will be the background color.")
+(defvar chart-face-pixmap-list
+ (if (and (fboundp 'display-graphic-p)
+ (display-graphic-p))
+ '("dimple1" "scales" "dot" "cross_weave" "boxes" "dimple3"))
+ "If pixmaps are allowed, display these background pixmaps.
+Useful if new Emacs is used on B&W display")
+(defcustom chart-face-use-pixmaps nil
+ "*Non-nil to use fancy pixmaps in the background of chart face colors."
+ :group 'eieio
+ :type 'boolean)
+(if (and (if (fboundp 'display-color-p)
+ (display-color-p)
+ window-system)
+ (not chart-face-list))
+ (let ((cl chart-face-color-list)
+ (pl chart-face-pixmap-list)
+ nf)
+ (while cl
+ (setq nf (make-face (intern (concat "chart-" (car cl) "-" (car pl)))))
+ (if (condition-case nil
+ (> (x-display-color-cells) 4)
+ (error t))
+ (set-face-background nf (car cl))
+ (set-face-background nf "white"))
+ (set-face-foreground nf "black")
+ (if (and chart-face-use-pixmaps
+ pl
+ (fboundp 'set-face-background-pixmap))
+ (condition-case nil
+ (set-face-background-pixmap nf (car pl))
+ (error (message "Cannot set background pixmap %s" (car pl)))))
+ (setq chart-face-list (cons nf chart-face-list))
+ (setq cl (cdr cl)
+ pl (cdr pl)))))
+(defun chart-mode ()
+ "Define a mode in Emacs for displaying a chart."
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map chart-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'chart-mode
+ mode-name "CHART")
+ (buffer-disable-undo)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-global-modes) nil)
+ (font-lock-mode -1)
+ (run-hooks 'chart-mode-hook)
+ )
+(defun chart-new-buffer (obj)
+ "Create a new buffer NAME in which the chart OBJ is displayed.
+Returns the newly created buffer"
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*%s*" (oref obj title))))
+ (chart-mode)
+ (setq chart-local-object obj)
+ (current-buffer)))
+(defclass chart ()
+ ((title :initarg :title
+ :initform "Emacs Chart")
+ (title-face :initarg :title-face
+ :initform 'bold-italic)
+ (x-axis :initarg :x-axis
+ :initform nil )
+ (x-margin :initarg :x-margin
+ :initform 5)
+ (x-width :initarg :x-width
+ )
+ (y-axis :initarg :y-axis
+ :initform nil)
+ (y-margin :initarg :y-margin
+ :initform 5)
+ (y-width :initarg :y-width
+ )
+ (key-label :initarg :key-label
+ :initform "Key")
+ (sequences :initarg :sequences
+ :initform nil)
+ )
+ "Superclass for all charts to be displayed in an emacs buffer")
+(defmethod initialize-instance :AFTER ((obj chart) &rest fields)
+ "Initialize the chart OBJ being created with FIELDS.
+Make sure the width/height is correct."
+ (oset obj x-width (- (window-width) 10))
+ (oset obj y-width (- (window-height) 12)))
+(defclass chart-axis ()
+ ((name :initarg :name
+ :initform "Generic Axis")
+ (loweredge :initarg :loweredge
+ :initform t)
+ (name-face :initarg :name-face
+ :initform 'bold)
+ (labels-face :initarg :lables-face
+ :initform 'italic)
+ (chart :initarg :chart
+ :initform nil)
+ )
+ "Superclass used for display of an axis.")
+(defclass chart-axis-range (chart-axis)
+ ((bounds :initarg :bounds
+ :initform '(0.0 . 50.0))
+ )
+ "Class used to display an axis defined by a range of values")
+(defclass chart-axis-names (chart-axis)
+ ((items :initarg :items
+ :initform nil)
+ )
+ "Class used to display an axis which represents different named items")
+(defclass chart-sequece ()
+ ((data :initarg :data
+ :initform nil)
+ (name :initarg :name
+ :initform "Data")
+ )
+ "Class used for all data in different charts")
+(defclass chart-bar (chart)
+ ((direction :initarg :direction
+ :initform vertical))
+ "Subclass for bar charts. (Vertical or horizontal)")
+(defmethod chart-draw ((c chart) &optional buff)
+ "Start drawing a chart object C in optional BUFF.
+Erases current contents of buffer"
+ (save-excursion
+ (if buff (set-buffer buff))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (make-string 100 ?\n))
+ ;; Start by displaying the axis
+ (chart-draw-axis c)
+ ;; Display title
+ (chart-draw-title c)
+ ;; Display data
+ (message "Rendering chart...")
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (chart-draw-data c)
+ ;; Display key
+ ; (chart-draw-key c)
+ (message "Rendering chart...done")
+ ))
+(defmethod chart-draw-title ((c chart))
+ "Draw a title upon the chart.
+Argument C is the chart object."
+ (chart-display-label (oref c title) 'horizontal 0 0 (window-width)
+ (oref c title-face)))
+(defmethod chart-size-in-dir ((c chart) dir)
+ "Return the physical size of chart C in direction DIR."
+ (if (eq dir 'vertical)
+ (oref c y-width)
+ (oref c x-width)))
+(defmethod chart-draw-axis ((c chart))
+ "Draw axis into the current buffer defined by chart C."
+ (let ((ymarg (oref c y-margin))
+ (xmarg (oref c x-margin))
+ (ylen (oref c y-width))
+ (xlen (oref c x-width)))
+ (chart-axis-draw (oref c y-axis) 'vertical ymarg
+ (if (oref (oref c y-axis) loweredge) nil xlen)
+ xmarg (+ xmarg ylen))
+ (chart-axis-draw (oref c x-axis) 'horizontal xmarg
+ (if (oref (oref c x-axis) loweredge) nil ylen)
+ ymarg (+ ymarg xlen)))
+ )
+(defmethod chart-axis-draw ((a chart-axis) &optional dir margin zone start end)
+ "Draw some axis for A in direction DIR at with MARGIN in boundry.
+ZONE is a zone specification.
+START and END represent the boundary."
+ (chart-draw-line dir (+ margin (if zone zone 0)) start end)
+ (chart-display-label (oref a name) dir (if zone (+ zone margin 3)
+ (if (eq dir 'horizontal)
+ 1 0))
+ start end (oref a name-face)))
+(defmethod chart-translate-xpos ((c chart) x)
+ "Translate in chart C the coordinate X into a screen column."
+ (let ((range (oref (oref c x-axis) bounds)))
+ (+ (oref c x-margin)
+ (round (* (float (- x (car range)))
+ (/ (float (oref c x-width))
+ (float (- (cdr range) (car range))))))))
+ )
+(defmethod chart-translate-ypos ((c chart) y)
+ "Translate in chart C the coordinate Y into a screen row."
+ (let ((range (oref (oref c y-axis) bounds)))
+ (+ (oref c x-margin)
+ (- (oref c y-width)
+ (round (* (float (- y (car range)))
+ (/ (float (oref c y-width))
+ (float (- (cdr range) (car range)))))))))
+ )
+(defmethod chart-axis-draw ((a chart-axis-range) &optional dir margin zone start end)
+ "Draw axis information based upon a range to be spread along the edge.
+A is the chart to draw. DIR is the direction.
+MARGIN, ZONE, START, and END specify restrictions in chart space."
+ (call-next-method)
+ ;; We prefer about 5 spaces between each value
+ (let* ((i (car (oref a bounds)))
+ (e (cdr (oref a bounds)))
+ (z (if zone zone 0))
+ (s nil)
+ (rng (- e i))
+ ;; want to jump by units of 5 spaces or so
+ (j (/ rng (/ (chart-size-in-dir (oref a chart) dir) 4)))
+ p1)
+ (if (= j 0) (setq j 1))
+ (while (<= i e)
+ (setq s
+ (cond ((> i 999999)
+ (format "%dM" (/ i 1000000)))
+ ((> i 999)
+ (format "%dK" (/ i 1000)))
+ (t
+ (format "%d" i))))
+ (if (eq dir 'vertical)
+ (let ((x (+ (+ margin z) (if (oref a loweredge)
+ (- (length s)) 1))))
+ (if (< x 1) (setq x 1))
+ (chart-goto-xy x (chart-translate-ypos (oref a chart) i)))
+ (chart-goto-xy (chart-translate-xpos (oref a chart) i)
+ (+ margin z (if (oref a loweredge) -1 1))))
+ (setq p1 (point))
+ (insert s)
+ (chart-zap-chars (length s))
+ (put-text-property p1 (point) 'face (oref a labels-face))
+ (setq i (+ i j))))
+(defmethod chart-translate-namezone ((c chart) n)
+ "Return a dot-pair representing a positional range for a name.
+The name in chart C of the Nth name resides.
+Automatically compensates for for direction."
+ (let* ((dir (oref c direction))
+ (w (if (eq dir 'vertical) (oref c x-width) (oref c y-width)))
+ (m (if (eq dir 'vertical) (oref c y-margin) (oref c x-margin)))
+ (ns (length
+ (oref (if (eq dir 'vertical) (oref c x-axis) (oref c y-axis))
+ items)))
+ (lpn (/ (+ 1.0 (float w)) (float ns)))
+ )
+ (cons (+ m (round (* lpn (float n))))
+ (+ m -1 (round (* lpn (+ 1.0 (float n))))))
+ ))
+(defmethod chart-axis-draw ((a chart-axis-names) &optional dir margin zone start end)
+ "Draw axis information based upon A range to be spread along the edge.
+Optional argument DIR the direction of the chart.
+Optional argument MARGIN , ZONE, START and END specify boundaries of the drawing."
+ (call-next-method)
+ ;; We prefer about 5 spaces between each value
+ (let* ((i 0)
+ (s (oref a items))
+ (z (if zone zone 0))
+ (r nil)
+ (p nil)
+ (odd nil)
+ p1)
+ (while s
+ (setq odd (= (% (length s) 2) 1))
+ (setq r (chart-translate-namezone (oref a chart) i))
+ (if (eq dir 'vertical)
+ (setq p (/ (+ (car r) (cdr r)) 2))
+ (setq p (- (+ (car r) (/ (- (cdr r) (car r)) 2))
+ (/ (length (car s)) 2))))
+ (if (eq dir 'vertical)
+ (let ((x (+ (+ margin z) (if (oref a loweredge)
+ (- (length (car s)))
+ (length (car s))))))
+ (if (< x 1) (setq x 1))
+ (if (> (length (car s)) (1- margin))
+ (setq x (+ x margin)))
+ (chart-goto-xy x p))
+ (chart-goto-xy p (+ (+ margin z) (if (oref a loweredge)
+ (if odd -2 -1)
+ (if odd 2 1)))))
+ (setq p1 (point))
+ (insert (car s))
+ (chart-zap-chars (length (car s)))
+ (put-text-property p1 (point) 'face (oref a labels-face))
+ (setq i (+ i 1)
+ s (cdr s))))
+(defmethod chart-draw-data ((c chart-bar))
+ "Display the data available in a bar chart C."
+ (let* ((data (oref c sequences))
+ (dir (oref c direction))
+ (odir (if (eq dir 'vertical) 'horizontal 'vertical))
+ )
+ (while data
+ (if (stringp (car (oref (car data) data)))
+ ;; skip string lists...
+ nil
+ ;; display number lists...
+ (let ((i 0)
+ (seq (oref (car data) data)))
+ (while seq
+ (let* ((rng (chart-translate-namezone c i))
+ (dp (if (eq dir 'vertical)
+ (chart-translate-ypos c (car seq))
+ (chart-translate-xpos c (car seq))))
+ (zp (if (eq dir 'vertical)
+ (chart-translate-ypos c 0)
+ (chart-translate-xpos c 0)))
+ (fc (if chart-face-list
+ (nth (% i (length chart-face-list)) chart-face-list)
+ 'default))
+ )
+ (if (< dp zp)
+ (progn
+ (chart-draw-line dir (car rng) dp zp)
+ (chart-draw-line dir (cdr rng) dp zp))
+ (chart-draw-line dir (car rng) zp (1+ dp))
+ (chart-draw-line dir (cdr rng) zp (1+ dp)))
+ (if (= (car rng) (cdr rng)) nil
+ (chart-draw-line odir dp (1+ (car rng)) (cdr rng))
+ (chart-draw-line odir zp (car rng) (1+ (cdr rng))))
+ (if (< dp zp)
+ (chart-deface-rectangle dir rng (cons dp zp) fc)
+ (chart-deface-rectangle dir rng (cons zp dp) fc))
+ )
+ ;; find the bounds, and chart it!
+ ;; for now, only do one!
+ (setq i (1+ i)
+ seq (cdr seq)))))
+ (setq data (cdr data))))
+ )
+(defmethod chart-add-sequence ((c chart) &optional seq axis-label)
+ "Add to chart object C the sequence object SEQ.
+If AXIS-LABEL, then the axis stored in C is updated with the bounds of SEQ,
+or is created with the bounds of SEQ."
+ (if axis-label
+ (let ((axis (eieio-oref c axis-label)))
+ (if (stringp (car (oref seq data)))
+ (let ((labels (oref seq data)))
+ (if (not axis)
+ (setq axis (make-instance chart-axis-names
+ :name (oref seq name)
+ :items labels
+ :chart c))
+ (oset axis items labels)))
+ (let ((range (cons 0 1))
+ (l (oref seq data)))
+ (if (not axis)
+ (setq axis (make-instance chart-axis-range
+ :name (oref seq name)
+ :chart c)))
+ (while l
+ (if (< (car l) (car range)) (setcar range (car l)))
+ (if (> (car l) (cdr range)) (setcdr range (car l)))
+ (setq l (cdr l)))
+ (oset axis bounds range)))
+ (if (eq axis-label 'x-axis) (oset axis loweredge nil))
+ (eieio-oset c axis-label axis)
+ ))
+ (oset c sequences (append (oref c sequences) (list seq))))
+;;; Charting optimizers
+(defmethod chart-trim ((c chart) max)
+ "Trim all sequences in chart C to be at most MAX elements long."
+ (let ((s (oref c sequences)))
+ (while s
+ (let ((sl (oref (car s) data)))
+ (if (> (length sl) max)
+ (setcdr (nthcdr (1- max) sl) nil)))
+ (setq s (cdr s))))
+ )
+(defmethod chart-sort ((c chart) pred)
+ "Sort the data in chart C using predicate PRED.
+See `chart-sort-matchlist' for more details"
+ (let* ((sl (oref c sequences))
+ (s1 (car sl))
+ (s2 (car (cdr sl)))
+ (s nil))
+ (if (stringp (car (oref s1 data)))
+ (progn
+ (chart-sort-matchlist s1 s2 pred)
+ (setq s (oref s1 data)))
+ (if (stringp (car (oref s2 data)))
+ (progn
+ (chart-sort-matchlist s2 s1 pred)
+ (setq s (oref s2 data)))
+ (error "Sorting of chart %s not supported" (object-name c))))
+ (if (eq (oref c direction) 'horizontal)
+ (oset (oref c y-axis) items s)
+ (oset (oref c x-axis) items s)
+ ))
+ )
+(defun chart-sort-matchlist (namelst numlst pred)
+ "Sort NAMELST and NUMLST (both SEQUENCE objects) based on predicate PRED.
+PRED should be the equivalent of '<, except it must expect two
+cons cells of the form (NAME . NUM). See SORT for more details."
+ ;; 1 - create 1 list of cons cells
+ (let ((newlist nil)
+ (alst (oref namelst data))
+ (ulst (oref numlst data)))
+ (while alst
+ ;; this is reversed, but were are sorting anyway
+ (setq newlist (cons (cons (car alst) (car ulst)) newlist))
+ (setq alst (cdr alst)
+ ulst (cdr ulst)))
+ ;; 2 - Run sort routine on it
+ (setq newlist (sort newlist pred)
+ alst nil
+ ulst nil)
+ ;; 3 - Separate the lists
+ (while newlist
+ (setq alst (cons (car (car newlist)) alst)
+ ulst (cons (cdr (car newlist)) ulst))
+ (setq newlist (cdr newlist)))
+ ;; 4 - Store them back
+ (oset namelst data (reverse alst))
+ (oset numlst data (reverse ulst))))
+;;; Utilities
+(defun chart-goto-xy (x y)
+ "Move cursor to position X Y in buffer, and add spaces and CRs if needed."
+ (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil)
+ (num (goto-line (1+ y))))
+ (if (and (= 0 num) (/= 0 (current-column))) (newline 1))
+ (if (eobp) (newline num))
+ (if (< x 0) (setq x 0))
+ (if (< y 0) (setq y 0))
+ ;; Now, a quicky column moveto/forceto method.
+ (or (= (move-to-column x) x)
+ (let ((p (point)))
+ (indent-to x)
+ (remove-text-properties p (point) '(face))))))
+(defun chart-zap-chars (n)
+ "Zap up to N chars without deleteting EOLs."
+ (if (not (eobp))
+ (if (< n (- (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) (point)))
+ (delete-char n)
+ (delete-region (point) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))))
+(defun chart-display-label (label dir zone start end &optional face)
+ "Display LABEL in direction DIR in column/row ZONE between START and END.
+Optional argument FACE is the property we wish to place on this text."
+ (if (eq dir 'horizontal)
+ (let (p1)
+ (chart-goto-xy (+ start (- (/ (- end start) 2) (/ (length label) 2)))
+ zone)
+ (setq p1 (point))
+ (insert label)
+ (chart-zap-chars (length label))
+ (put-text-property p1 (point) 'face face)
+ )
+ (let ((i 0)
+ (stz (+ start (- (/ (- end start) 2) (/ (length label) 2)))))
+ (while (< i (length label))
+ (chart-goto-xy zone (+ stz i))
+ (insert (aref label i))
+ (chart-zap-chars 1)
+ (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'face face)
+ (setq i (1+ i))))))
+(defun chart-draw-line (dir zone start end)
+ "Draw a line using line-drawing characters in direction DIR.
+Use column or row ZONE between START and END"
+ (chart-display-label
+ (make-string (- end start) (if (eq dir 'vertical) ?| ?\-))
+ dir zone start end))
+(defun chart-deface-rectangle (dir r1 r2 face)
+ "Colorize a rectangle in direction DIR across range R1 by range R2.
+R1 and R2 are dotted pairs. Colorize it with FACE."
+ (let* ((range1 (if (eq dir 'vertical) r1 r2))
+ (range2 (if (eq dir 'vertical) r2 r1))
+ (y (car range2)))
+ (while (<= y (cdr range2))
+ (chart-goto-xy (car range1) y)
+ (put-text-property (point) (+ (point) (1+ (- (cdr range1) (car range1))))
+ 'face face)
+ (setq y (1+ y)))))
+;;; Helpful `I don't want to learn eieio just now' washover functions
+(defun chart-bar-quickie (dir title namelst nametitle numlst numtitle
+ &optional max sort-pred)
+ "Wash over the complex eieio stuff and create a nice bar chart.
+Creat it going in direction DIR ['horizontal 'vertical] with TITLE
+using a name sequence NAMELST labeled NAMETITLE with values NUMLST
+labeled NUMTITLE.
+Optional arguments:
+Set the charts' max element display to MAX, and sort lists with
+SORT-PRED if desired."
+ (let ((nc (make-instance chart-bar
+ :title title
+ :key-label "8-m" ; This is a text key pic
+ :direction dir
+ ))
+ (iv (eq dir 'vertical)))
+ (chart-add-sequence nc
+ (make-instance chart-sequece
+ :data namelst
+ :name nametitle)
+ (if iv 'x-axis 'y-axis))
+ (chart-add-sequence nc
+ (make-instance chart-sequece
+ :data numlst
+ :name numtitle)
+ (if iv 'y-axis 'x-axis))
+ (if sort-pred (chart-sort nc sort-pred))
+ (if (integerp max) (chart-trim nc max))
+ (switch-to-buffer (chart-new-buffer nc))
+ (chart-draw nc)))
+;;; Test code
+(defun chart-test-it-all ()
+ "Test out various charting features."
+ (interactive)
+ (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Test Bar Chart"
+ '( "U1" "ME2" "C3" "B4" "QT" "EZ") "Items"
+ '( 5 -10 23 20 30 -3) "Values")
+ )
+;;; Sample utility function
+(defun chart-file-count (dir)
+ "Draw a chart displaying the number of different file extentions in DIR."
+ (interactive "DDirectory: ")
+ (if (not (string-match "/$" dir))
+ (setq dir (concat dir "/")))
+ (message "Collecting statistics...")
+ (let ((flst (directory-files dir nil nil t))
+ (extlst (list "<dir>"))
+ (cntlst (list 0)))
+ (while flst
+ (let* ((j (string-match "[^\\.]\\(\\.[a-zA-Z]+\\|~\\|#\\)$" (car flst)))
+ (s (if (file-accessible-directory-p (concat dir (car flst)))
+ "<dir>"
+ (if j
+ (substring (car flst) (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
+ nil)))
+ (m (member s extlst)))
+ (if (not s) nil
+ (if m
+ (let ((cell (nthcdr (- (length extlst) (length m)) cntlst)))
+ (setcar cell (1+ (car cell))))
+ (setq extlst (cons s extlst)
+ cntlst (cons 1 cntlst)))))
+ (setq flst (cdr flst)))
+ ;; Lets create the chart!
+ (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Files Extension Distribution"
+ extlst "File Extensions"
+ cntlst "# of occurances"
+ 10
+ '(lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+ ))
+(defun chart-space-usage (d)
+ "Display a top usage chart for directory D."
+ (interactive "DDirectory: ")
+ (message "Collecting statistics...")
+ (let ((nmlst nil)
+ (cntlst nil)
+ (b (get-buffer-create " *du-tmp*")))
+ (set-buffer b)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "cd " d ";du -sk * \n")
+ (message "Running `cd %s;du -sk *'..." d)
+ (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) shell-file-name t
+ (current-buffer) nil)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (message "Scanning output ...")
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \n]+\\)$" nil t)
+ (let* ((nam (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
+ (num (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
+ (setq nmlst (cons nam nmlst)
+ ;; * 1000 to put it into bytes
+ cntlst (cons (* (string-to-number num) 1000) cntlst))))
+ (if (not nmlst)
+ (error "No files found!"))
+ (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical (format "Largest files in %s" d)
+ nmlst "File Name"
+ cntlst "File Size"
+ 10
+ '(lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+ ))
+(defun chart-emacs-storage ()
+ "Chart the current storage requirements of Emacs."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((data (garbage-collect))
+ (names '("strings/2" "vectors"
+ "conses" "free cons"
+ "syms" "free syms"
+ "markers" "free mark"
+ ;; "floats" "free flt"
+ ))
+ (nums (list (/ (nth 3 data) 2)
+ (nth 4 data)
+ (car (car data)) ; conses
+ (cdr (car data))
+ (car (nth 1 data)) ; syms
+ (cdr (nth 1 data))
+ (car (nth 2 data)) ; markers
+ (cdr (nth 2 data))
+ ;(car (nth 5 data)) ; floats are Emacs only
+ ;(cdr (nth 5 data))
+ )))
+ ;; Lets create the chart!
+ (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Emacs Runtime Storage Usage"
+ names "Storage Items"
+ nums "Objects")))
+(defun chart-emacs-lists ()
+ "Chart out the size of various important lists."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((names '("buffers" "frames" "processes" "faces"))
+ (nums (list (length (buffer-list))
+ (length (frame-list))
+ (length (process-list))
+ (length (face-list))
+ )))
+ (if (fboundp 'x-display-list)
+ (setq names (append names '("x-displays"))
+ nums (append nums (list (length (x-display-list))))))
+ ;; Lets create the chart!
+ (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Emacs List Size Chart"
+ names "Various Lists"
+ nums "Objects")))
+(defun chart-rmail-from ()
+ "If we are in an rmail summary buffer, then chart out the froms."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not (eq major-mode 'rmail-summary-mode))
+ (error "You must invoke chart-rmail-from in an rmail summary buffer"))
+ (let ((nmlst nil)
+ (cntlst nil))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\\-[A-Z][a-z][a-z] +\\(\\w+\\)@\\w+" nil t)
+ (let* ((nam (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+ (m (member nam nmlst)))
+ (message "Scanned username %s" nam)
+ (if m
+ (let ((cell (nthcdr (- (length nmlst) (length m)) cntlst)))
+ (setcar cell (1+ (car cell))))
+ (setq nmlst (cons nam nmlst)
+ cntlst (cons 1 cntlst))))))
+ (chart-bar-quickie 'vertical "Username Occurance in RMAIL box"
+ nmlst "User Names"
+ cntlst "# of occurances"
+ 10
+ '(lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+ ))
+(provide 'chart)
+;;; chart.el ends here