--- /dev/null
+EBNF (Extended Backus Normal Form) description of the format of the tags
+file created by etags.c and interpreted by etags.el
+Francesco Potorti` <pot@gnu.org> 2002
+FF ::= #x0c /* form feed */
+LF ::= #x0a /* line feed */
+PATTERM ::= #x80 /* pattern terminator */
+NAMTERM ::= #x01 /* name terminator */
+regchar ::= [^#x0a#x0c#x80] /* regular character */
+regstring ::= { regchar } /* regular string */
+unsint ::= [0-9] { [0-9] } /* non-negative integer */
+tagfile ::= { tagsection } /* a tags file */
+tagsection ::= FF LF ( includesec | regularsec ) LF
+includesec ::= filename ",include" [ LF fileprop ]
+regularsec ::= filename "," [ unsint ] [ LF fileprop ] { LF tag }
+filename ::= regchar regstring /* a file name */
+fileprop ::= PATTERM "(" regstring ")"
+tag ::= directtag | patterntag
+directtag ::= PATTERM realposition
+patterntag ::= pattern PATTERM [ tagname NAMTERM ] position
+pattern ::= regstring /* a tag pattern */
+tagname ::= regchar regstring /* a tag name */
+position ::= realposition | ","
+realposition ::= "," unsint | unsint "," | unsint "," unsint