-* Use conventions in commit messages
+* Use DVCS commenting conventions
-Commit messages should follow conventions used in modern distributed
-version control systems.
+Commits should follow the conventions used in all modern distributed
+version-control systems. That is, they should consist of
-- Start with a self-contained topic line, preferably no longer than 75 chars.
+- A self-contained topic line, preferably no more than 75 chars long.
-- Make the second line blank, if there are two or more lines.
+- If other content follows the topic line, there should be a blank
+ line separating the two.
- Follow the blank line with ChangeLog-like entries for the specific
- changes you made, if any. As long as Emacs maintains ChangeLog
+ changes you made, if any. (As long as Emacs maintains ChangeLog
files, just copy the entries you made in them to the commit message
- after the blank line. Often, the first line of a ChangeLog entry
- can serve as the topic line, so you can merely insert a blank line
- after it.
-- Use UTF-8 encoding in the commit message.
+ after the blank line.)
* Commit to the right branch
-You can view the available Emacs branches at
Development normally takes places on the trunk.
Sometimes specialized features are developed on separate branches
before possibly being merged to the trunk.
these files from the version of gnulib that you have checked out into
a sibling directory of your branch, type "admin/merge-gnulib"; this
will check out the latest version of gnulib if there is no sibling
-directory already. It is a good idea to run "bzr status" afterwards,
+directory already. It is a good idea to run "git status" afterwards,
so that if a gnulib module added a file, you can record the new file
-using "bzr add". After synchronizing from gnulib, do a "make" in the
+using "git add". After synchronizing from gnulib, do a "make" in the
usual way.
To change the set of gnulib modules, change the GNULIB_MODULES
* Backporting a bug-fix from the trunk to a branch (e.g. "emacs-24").
Indicate in the commit log that there is no need to merge the commit
-to the trunk. Anything that matches `bzrmerge-skip-regexp' will do;
-eg start the commit message with "Backport:". This is helpful for the
-person merging the release branch to the trunk.
+to the trunk, e.g. start the commit message with "Backport:". This is
+helpful for the person merging the release branch to the trunk.
* How to merge changes from emacs-24 to trunk
-The following description uses bound branches, presumably it works in
-a similar way with unbound ones.
-0) (This step is only necessary if using bzr older than 2.4.0.)
-Get the bzr changelog_merge plugin:
-cd ~/.bazaar/plugins
-bzr branch changelog_merge
-This plugin should make merging ChangeLogs smoother. It merges new
-entries to the top of the file, rather than trying to fit them in
-mid-way through. Newer versions of the plugin should also be able to
-deal with changes to *old* ChangeLog entries, that should not be
-floated to the head of the file (see launchpad#723968).
-It is included in bzr from 2.4.0 onwards, so remember to delete the
-copy in ~/.bazaar if you upgrade bzr.
-Maybe the default Emacs behavior without this plugin is better,
-though, it's not clear yet.
-1) Get clean, up-to-date copies of the emacs-24 and trunk branches.
-Check for any uncommitted changes with bzr status.
-2) M-x cd /path/to/trunk
-The first time only, do this:
-cd .bzr/branch
-Add the following line to branch.conf:
-changelog_merge_files = ChangeLog
-3) load admin/bzrmerge.el
-4) M-x bzrmerge RET /path/to/emacs-24 RET
-It will prompt about revisions that should be skipped, based on the
-regexp in bzrmerge-missing. If there are more revisions that you know
-need skipping, you'll have to do that by hand.
-5) It will stop if there are any conflicts. Resolve them.
-Using smerge-mode, there are menu items to skip to the next conflict,
-and to take either the trunk, branch, or both copies.
-6) After resolving all conflicts, you might need to run the bzmerge
-command again if there are more revisions still to merge.
-Do not commit (or exit Emacs) until you have run bzrmerge to completion.
-Before committing, check bzr status and bzr diff output.
-If you have run bzrmerge enough times, the "pending merge tip" in bzr
-status should be the last revision from the emacs-24 branch, and
-bzr status -v should show all the revisions you expect to merge.
-(Note that it will also show "skipped" revisions. This is expected,
-and is due to a technical limitation of bzr. The log data for those
-revisions gets merged, the actual changes themselves do not.
- )
-1) If a file is modified in emacs-24, and deleted in the trunk, you
-get a "contents conflict". Assuming the changes don't need to be in
-the trunk at all, use `bzr resolve path/to/file --take-this' to keep the
-trunk version. Prior to bzr 2.2.3, this may fail. You can just
-delete the .OTHER etc files by hand and use bzr resolve path/to/file.
-* Sanity-checking branch merges
+[The section on git merge procedure has not yet been written]
Inspect the ChangeLog entries (e.g. in case too many entries have been
-included or whitespace between entries needs fixing). bzrmerge tries
-to fix up the dates to today's date, but it only does this where there
-are conflicts. If you used the changelog_merge plugin, there won't be
-any conflicts, and (at time of writing) you will need to adjust dates
-by hand. In any case, if someone made multiple ChangeLog entries on
-different days in the branch, you may wish to collapse them all to a
-single entry for that author in the trunk (because in the trunk they
-all appear under the same date). Obviously, if there are multiple
-changes to the same file by different authors, don't break the logical
-ordering in doing this.
+included or whitespace between entries needs fixing). If someone made
+multiple ChangeLog entries on different days in the branch, you may
+wish to collapse them all to a single entry for that author in the
+trunk (because in the trunk they all appear under the same date).
+Obviously, if there are multiple changes to the same file by different
+authors, don't break the logical ordering in doing this.
You may see conflicts in autoload md5sums in comments. Strictly
speaking, the right thing to do is merge everything else, resolve the
* Re-adding a file that has been removed from the repository
-It's easy to get this wrong. Let's suppose you've done:
-bzr remove file; bzr commit
-and now, sometime later, you realize this was a mistake and file needs
-to be brought back. DON'T just do:
-bzr add file; bzr commit
+Let's suppose you've done:
-This restores file, but without its history (`bzr log file' will be
-very short). This is because file gets re-added with a new file-id
-(use `bzr file-id file' to see the id).
+git rm file; git commit -a
-Instead of adding the file, try:
+You can just restore a copy of the file and then re-add it;
+git does not have per-file history so this will not harm
-bzr revert -rN file; bzr commit
+Alternatively, you can do
-where revision N+1 is the one where file was removed.
+git revert XXXXX
-You could also try `bzr add --file-ids-from', if you have a copy of
-another branch where file still exists.
+where XXXXX is the hash of the commit in which file was removed.
+This backs out the entire changeset the deletion was part of,
+which is often more appropriate.
* Undoing a commit (uncommitting)
-It is possible to undo/remove a bzr commit (ie, to uncommit).
-Only do this if you really, really, need to. For example, if you
-somehow made a commit that triggers a bug in bzr itself.
-Don't do it because you made a typo in a commit or the log.
+If you have not pushed the commit, you may be able to use `git reset
+--hard' with a hash argument to revert the your local repo copy to the
+pre-commit state.
-If you do need to do this, do it as soon as possible, because the
-longer you leave it, the more work is involved.
+If you have pushed commit, resetting will be ineffective because it
+will only vanish the commit in your local copy. Instead, use `git
+revert', giving it the commit ID as argument. This will create a
+new commit that backs out the change. Then push that.
-0. First, tell emacs-devel that you are going to do this, and suggest
-people not commit anything to the affected branch for the duration.
-In the following, replace USER with your Savannah username, and
-BRANCH with the name of the branch.
-Let's assume that revno 100 is the bad commit, and that there have
-been two more commits after that (because nothing is ever easy).
-1. Ensure your copy of the branch is up-to-date (for a bound
-branch, bzr up; for an unbound branch, bzr pull) and has no local
-changes (bzr st).
-2. Make a record of the commits you are going to undo:
-bzr diff -c 102 > /tmp/102.diff
-Also record the commit message, author, and any --fixes information.
-3. Most Emacs branches are set up to prevent just this kind of thing.
-So we need to disable that protection:
-bzr config append_revisions_only=False \
- -d bzr+ssh://
-4. Undo the commits:
-bzr uncommit -r -4
-This will show the commits it is going to undo, and prompt you to confirm.
-5. If using an unbound branch:
-bzr push --overwrite
-6. Now, replay the commits you just undid (obviously, fix whatever it
-was in the bad commit that caused the problem):
-patch -p0 < /tmp/100.diff
-bzr commit --author ... --fixes ... -F /tmp/100.log
-7. If using an unbound branch:
-bzr push
-8. Finally, re-enable the branch protection:
-bzr config append_revisions_only=True \
- -d bzr+ssh://
-9. Tell emacs-devel that it is ok to use the branch again.
-Anyone with local changes should back them up before doing anything.
-For a bound branch, bzr up will convert any of the undone commits to a
-pending merge. Just bzr revert these away.
-For an unbound branch, bzr pull will complain about diverged branches
-and refuse to do anything. Use bzr pull --overwrite.
-* Loggerhead
-Loggerhead is the bzr tool for viewing a repository over http (similar
-to ViewVC). The central version is at,
-but if you just like the way this interface presents data, then if
-you have your own copy of the repository, you can operate your own
-Loggerhead server in stand-alone mode, and so help to reduce the load
-on Savannah:
- bzr branch lp:loggerhead ~/.bazaar/plugins/loggerhead
- cd /path/to/emacs/bzr
- bzr serve --http
-You may need to install some Python dependencies to get this command to work.
-For example, on RHEL6 I needed:
- yum install python-paste python-simplejson
- yum --enablerepo=epel install python-simpletal
-Then point your web-browser to .
+Note that git will generate a log message for the revert that includes
+a git hash. Please edit this to refer to the commit by the first line
+of its log comment, or by committer and date, or by something else
+that is not the hash. As noted previously, it is best to avoid hashes
+in comments in case we someday have to change version-control systems
* Bisecting
This is a semi-automated way to find the revision that introduced a bug.
+Browse `git help bisect' for technical instructions.
-First, get the bzr bisect plugin if you do not have it already:
- cd ~/.bazaar/plugins
- bzr branch lp:bzr-bisect bisect
-`bzr help bisect' should work now.
-It's probably simplest to make a new copy of the branch to work in
-from this point onwards.
-Identify the last known "good" revision where the relevant issue is
-NOT present (e.g. maybe Emacs 24.1). Let's say this is revision 1000.
- bzr bisect start
- bzr bisect no -r 1000
-At this point, bzr will switch to the mid-point of revision 1000 and
-the current revision. If you know that the issue was definitely
-present in some specific revision (say 2000), you can use:
- bzr bisect yes -r 2000
-Now bzr switches to revision 1500.
-Now test whether the issue is present. You might need to rebuild
-Emacs to do this, or if you know the problem is in a specific Lisp
-file, you might be able to get away with just loading that one file in
-current Emacs.
-If the issue is present, use
- bzr bisect yes
-If it is not, use
- bzr bisect no
-Repeat until you zero-in on the specific revision.
-When finished, use
- bzr bisect reset
-or simply delete the entire branch if you created it just for this.
-** Some tips for speeding up bisections:
-*** Use ./configure --without-all --cache-file=/tmp/config.cache
-(assuming the thing you are testing for does not need a feature that
---without-all disables).
-*** Rather than `make', use `make -C lib && make -C src bootstrap-emacs
-&& make -C src emacs', to avoid compiling the non-essential lisp files
-(unless the thing you are testing for only shows up in compiled files;
-if so compile just the relevant ones). Obviously use whatever make -j
-option is appropriate for your system.
-* Commit emails
-** Old method: bzr-hookless-email
-Runs hourly via cron. Must ask Savannah admins to enable/disable it
-for each branch. Stores the last revision that it mailed as
-last_revision_mailed in branch.conf on the server. Breaks with bzr 2.6:
-Fix from
-only partially works. Breaks again on every merge commit:
-You can force it to skip the merge commit by changing the value for
-last_revision_mailed, eg:
-bzr config -d bzr+ssh://
-** New method: bzr-email plugin
-Runs on commit. Projects can enable it themselves by using `bzr
-config' to set post_commit_to option for a branch. See `bzr help email'
-(if you have the plugin installed) for other options.
-The From: address will be that of your Savannah account, rather than
-your `bzr whoami' information.
-Note: if you have the bzr-email plugin installed locally, then when
-you commit to the Emacs repository it will also try to send a commit
-email from your local machine. If your machine is not configured to
-send external mail, this will just fail. In any case, you may prefer
-to either remove the plugin from your machine, or disable it for Emacs
-branches. You can do this either by editing branch.conf in your Emacs
-branches, to override the server setting (untested; not sure this
-works), or by adding an entry to ~/.bazaar/locations.conf:
- [bzr+ssh://*/]
- post_commit_to = ""
-You have to use locations.conf rather than bazaar.conf because the
-latter has a lower priority than branch.conf.
-* Using git-bzr
-** initially
-You can use Git locally to talk to the Bazaar repo as a "remote" repo
-via git-bzr (aka git-remote-bzr). Initial clone:
- git clone bzr::bzr+ssh:// e
-This creates the working dir e/ (with subdir .git, etc). Disk usage
-is 13G (as of early 2014), so you will probably want to repack:
- git repack -a -d -f --window=250 --depth=250 --window-memory=N
-where N is chosen to avoid swapping. E.g., given 512MB RAM, N="200m"
-results in "du -sh .git" => 559M, about double the smallest reported
-value (obtained with "deprecated" command "git gc --aggressive").
-** steady-state
-Use "fetch", "pull" and other remote-to-local commands as usual.
-For "push", the Emacs Bazaar repo is configured with
- append_revisions_only = True
-so some versions of git-remote-bzr may raise AppendRevisionsOnlyViolation
-(in func do_export) instead of displaying a "non fast-forward" message
-and skipping the branch. See:
-which includes a provisional patch to git-remote-bzr to do that.
-** remote name
-Although Git itself is agnostic about what names you choose for
-the remote repo, it seems git-bzr is more likely to get confused.
-After the clone as described above, the remote name is "origin";
-changing it is Not Recommended. [Insert 9-hour high-entropy then
-mysterious bug w/ JSON parsing errors anecdote here. --ttn]
-(UPDATE: It seems tag deletion is basically impossible in bzr, so all
-these tags came back.)
In the unlikely event that you need them, the removed tags were:
-tag revision
+tag version stamp
-amigados-merge 14846
-before-thomas-posix1996 16843
-gcc-2_8_1-980401 20893
-gcc-2_8_1-980402 21795
-gcc-2_8_1-980407 20893
-gcc-2_8_1-980412 20893
-gcc-2_8_1-980413 20893
-gcc-2_8_1-980419 21502
-gcc-2_8_1-980426 21502
-gcc-2_8_1-980502 21795
-gcc-2_8_1-980513 21795
-gcc-2_8_1-980525 22147
-gcc-2_8_1-980529 22147
-gcc-2_8_1-980608 22147
-gcc-2_8_1-980609 22147
-gcc-2_8_1-980627 22478
-gcc-2_8_1-980705 22478
-gcc-2_8_1-980718 22478
-gcc-2_8_1-980811 22971
-gcc-2_8_1-980813 23005
-gcc-2_8_1-980928 23338
-gcc-2_8_1-980929 23338
-gcc-2_8_1-RELEASE 20893
-gcc_2_8_1-980315 20893
-gcc_2_8_1-980929 23338
-glibc-2_0_2 16843
-gnumach-release-1-1 17693
-gnumach-release-1-1-1 17693
-gnumach-release-1-1-2 18209
-gnumach-release-1-1-3 18209
-hurd-release-0-2 18209
-jimb-sync-Nov-3-1992 1552
-libc20x-97031 16843
-libc20x-970306 16843
-libc20x-970316 16843
-libc20x-970318 16843
-libc20x-970319 16843
-libc20x-970404 16843
-libc-1-90 15360
-libc-1-91 15451
-libc-1-92 15463
-libc-1-93 15702
-libc-950402 11085
-libc-950411 11255
-libc-950722 12418
-libc-950723 12418
-libc-950922 12859
-libc-951016 12859
-libc-951018 13231
-libc-951029 13231
-libc-951031 13231
-libc-951101 13231
-libc-951102 13231
-libc-951103 13231
-libc-951104 13231
-libc-951105 13231
-libc-951106 13231
-libc-951107 13231
-libc-951108 13231
-libc-951109 13231
-libc-951110 13231
-libc-951111 13231
-libc-951112 13231
-libc-951113 13231
-libc-951114 13231
-libc-951115 13231
-libc-951116 13231
-libc-951117 13231
-libc-951118 13231
-libc-951119 13231
-libc-951120 13231
-libc-951121 13231
-libc-951122 13231
-libc-951123 13231
-libc-951124 13231
-libc-951125 13231
-libc-951126 13231
-libc-951127 13231
-libc-951128 13231
-libc-951129 13231
-libc-951130 13231
-libc-951201 13679
-libc-951202 13679
-libc-951203 13679
-libc-951204 13679
-libc-951206 13686
-libc-951208 13693
-libc-951209 13693
-libc-951210 13693
-libc-951211 13693
-libc-951212 13704
-libc-951213 13704
-libc-951214 13730
-libc-951215 13730
-libc-951216 13741
-libc-951217 13741
-libc-951218 13741
-libc-951219 13741
-libc-951220 13741
-libc-951221 13741
-libc-951222 13741
-libc-951223 13741
-libc-951224 13741
-libc-951225 13741
-libc-951226 13741
-libc-951227 13741
-libc-951228 13741
-libc-951229 13741
-libc-951230 13741
-libc-951231 13741
-libc-960101 13741
-libc-960102 13741
-libc-960103 13741
-libc-960104 13741
-libc-960105 13741
-libc-960106 13741
-libc-960107 13741
-libc-960108 13741
-libc-960109 13741
-libc-960110 13741
-libc-960111 13741
-libc-960112 13741
-libc-960113 13741
-libc-960114 13741
-libc-960115 13741
-libc-960116 14192
-libc-960117 14192
-libc-960118 14213
-libc-960119 14213
-libc-960120 14213
-libc-960121 14213
-libc-960122 14213
-libc-960123 14213
-libc-960124 14213
-libc-960125 14213
-libc-960126 14213
-libc-960127 14213
-libc-960128 14213
-libc-960129 14213
-libc-960130 14213
-libc-960131 14213
-libc-960201 14449
-libc-960202 14449
-libc-960203 14473
-libc-960204 14473
-libc-960205 14473
-libc-960206 14473
-libc-960207 14473
-libc-960208 14473
-libc-960209 14473
-libc-960210 14473
-libc-960211 14540
-libc-960212 14548
-libc-960213 14562
-libc-960214 14562
-libc-960215 14562
-libc-960216 14562
-libc-960217 14562
-libc-960218 14562
-libc-960219 14562
-libc-960220 14562
-libc-960221 14562
-libc-960222 14562
-libc-960223 14562
-libc-960224 14562
-libc-960225 14562
-libc-960226 14562
-libc-960227 14562
-libc-960228 14562
-libc-960229 14562
-libc-960302 14724
-libc-960303 14724
-libc-960304 14724
-libc-960305 14753
-libc-960306 14764
-libc-960307 14764
-libc-960308 14764
-libc-960309 14764
-libc-960310 14764
-libc-960311 14764
-libc-960312 14764
-libc-960313 14764
-libc-960314 14764
-libc-960315 14809
-libc-960316 14809
-libc-960317 14809
-libc-960318 14809
-libc-960319 14809
-libc-960320 14809
-libc-960321 14809
-libc-960322 14855
-libc-960323 14855
-libc-960324 14855
-libc-960325 14855
-libc-960326 14855
-libc-960327 14855
-libc-960328 14855
-libc-960329 14912
-libc-960330 14912
-libc-960331 14912
-libc-960401 14912
-libc-960402 14912
-libc-960403 14912
-libc-960404 14912
-libc-960405 14912
-libc-960406 14912
-libc-960407 14912
-libc-960408 14912
-libc-960409 14962
-libc-960410 14962
-libc-960411 14962
-libc-960412 14962
-libc-960413 15014
-libc-960414 15014
-libc-960415 15014
-libc-960416 15014
-libc-960417 15014
-libc-960418 15014
-libc-960419 15014
-libc-960420 15014
-libc-960421 15014
-libc-960422 15014
-libc-960423 15014
-libc-960424 15014
-libc-960425 15014
-libc-960426 15014
-libc-960427 15014
-libc-960428 15014
-libc-960429 15014
-libc-960430 15014
-libc-960501 15014
-libc-960502 15014
-libc-960503 15014
-libc-960504 15014
-libc-960505 15014
-libc-960506 15014
-libc-960507 15014
-libc-960508 15014
-libc-960509 15014
-libc-960510 15014
-libc-960511 15014
-libc-960512 15014
-libc-960513 15014
-libc-960514 15014
-libc-960515 15014
-libc-960516 15014
-libc-960517 15014
-libc-960518 15014
-libc-960519 15014
-libc-960520 15014
-libc-960521 15261
-libc-960522 15278
-libc-960523 15278
-libc-960524 15278
-libc-960525 15287
-libc-960526 15287
-libc-960527 15287
-libc-960528 15287
-libc-960529 15287
-libc-960530 15287
-libc-960531 15287
-libc-960601 15287
-libc-960602 15287
-libc-960603 15287
-libc-960604 15319
-libc-960605 15334
-libc-960606 15334
-libc-960607 15334
-libc-960608 15360
-libc-960609 15360
-libc-960610 15360
-libc-960611 15360
-libc-960612 15360
-libc-960613 15360
-libc-960614 15360
-libc-960615 15360
-libc-960616 15360
-libc-960617 15360
-libc-960618 15360
-libc-960619 15451
-libc-960620 15451
-libc-960621 15463
-libc-960622 15463
-libc-960623 15463
-libc-960624 15463
-libc-960625 15463
-libc-960626 15463
-libc-960627 15463
-libc-960628 15463
-libc-960629 15554
-libc-960630 15554
-libc-960701 15554
-libc-960702 15554
-libc-960703 15554
-libc-960704 15554
-libc-960705 15554
-libc-960706 15554
-libc-960707 15554
-libc-960708 15620
-libc-960709 15620
-libc-960710 15620
-libc-960711 15620
-libc-960712 15620
-libc-960713 15620
-libc-960714 15620
-libc-960715 15673
-libc-960716 15702
-libc-960717 15702
-libc-960718 15702
-libc-960719 15702
-libc-960720 15702
-libc-960721 15702
-libc-960722 15702
-libc-960723 15702
-libc-960724 15702
-libc-960725 15702
-libc-960726 15702
-libc-960727 15702
-libc-960728 15702
-libc-960729 15702
-libc-960730 15702
-libc-960731 15702
-libc-960801 15702
-libc-960802 15702
-libc-960803 15702
-libc-960804 15702
-libc-960805 15702
-libc-960806 15702
-libc-960807 15702
-libc-960808 15702
-libc-960809 15702
-libc-960810 15702
-libc-960811 15702
-libc-960812 15702
-libc-960813 15702
-libc-960814 15702
-libc-960815 15702
-libc-960816 15702
-libc-960817 15702
-libc-960818 15702
-libc-960819 15702
-libc-960820 15702
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+amigados-merge 1996-03-20T01:08:11Z!
+before-thomas-posix1996 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980401 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980402 1998-04-27T23:48:59Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980407 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980412 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980413 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980419 1998-04-14T00:02:53Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980426 1998-04-14T00:02:53Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980502 1998-04-27T23:48:59Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980513 1998-04-27T23:48:59Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980525 1998-05-19T07:09:32Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980529 1998-05-19T07:09:32Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980608 1998-05-19T07:09:32Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980609 1998-05-19T07:09:32Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980627 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980705 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980718 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980811 1998-08-09T22:42:36Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980813 1998-08-12T21:32:31Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980928 1998-09-28T11:03:36Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-980929 1998-09-28T11:03:36Z!
+gcc-2_8_1-RELEASE 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+gcc_2_8_1-980315 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+gcc_2_8_1-980929 1998-09-28T11:03:36Z!
+glibc-2_0_2 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+gnumach-release-1-1 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+gnumach-release-1-1-1 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+gnumach-release-1-1-2 1997-06-10T04:18:36Z!
+gnumach-release-1-1-3 1997-06-10T04:18:36Z!
+hurd-release-0-2 1997-06-10T04:18:36Z!
+jimb-sync-Nov-3-1992 1992-11-07T05:29:26Z!
+libc20x-97031 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc20x-970306 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc20x-970316 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc20x-970318 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc20x-970319 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc20x-970404 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-1-90 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-1-91 1996-06-18T18:23:57Z!
+libc-1-92 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-1-93 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-950402 1995-03-22T08:54:39Z!
+libc-950411 1995-04-07T07:32:44Z!
+libc-950722 1995-06-28T21:57:23Z!
+libc-950723 1995-06-28T21:57:23Z!
+libc-950922 1995-08-15T02:33:42Z!
+libc-951016 1995-08-15T02:33:42Z!
+libc-951018 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951029 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951031 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951101 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951102 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951103 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951104 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951105 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951106 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951107 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951108 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951109 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951110 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951111 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951112 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951113 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951114 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951115 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951116 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951117 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951118 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951119 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951120 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951121 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951122 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951123 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951124 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951125 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951126 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951127 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951128 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951129 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951130 1995-10-16T15:40:29Z!
+libc-951201 1995-11-30T21:59:48Z!
+libc-951202 1995-11-30T21:59:48Z!
+libc-951203 1995-11-30T21:59:48Z!
+libc-951204 1995-11-30T21:59:48Z!
+libc-951206 1995-12-04T18:22:22Z!
+libc-951208 1995-12-06T11:57:46Z!
+libc-951209 1995-12-06T11:57:46Z!
+libc-951210 1995-12-06T11:57:46Z!
+libc-951211 1995-12-06T11:57:46Z!
+libc-951212 1995-12-12T00:47:21Z!
+libc-951213 1995-12-12T00:47:21Z!
+libc-951214 1995-12-13T21:43:08Z!
+libc-951215 1995-12-13T21:43:08Z!
+libc-951216 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-951217 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-951218 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-951219 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-951220 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-951221 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
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+libc-951223 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
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+libc-951229 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-951230 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-951231 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960101 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960102 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960103 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960104 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
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+libc-960106 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960107 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960108 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960109 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960110 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960111 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960112 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960113 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960114 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960115 1995-12-16T03:32:35Z!
+libc-960116 1996-01-16T01:58:43Z!
+libc-960117 1996-01-16T01:58:43Z!
+libc-960118 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960119 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960120 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960121 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
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+libc-960123 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960124 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960125 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960126 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960127 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960128 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960129 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960130 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960131 1996-01-17T23:54:58Z!
+libc-960201 1996-01-31T19:14:05Z!
+libc-960202 1996-01-31T19:14:05Z!
+libc-960203 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960204 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960205 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960206 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960207 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960208 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960209 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960210 1996-02-03T01:03:27Z!
+libc-960211 1996-02-10T13:26:26Z!
+libc-960212 1996-02-11T23:40:37Z!
+libc-960213 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960214 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960215 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960216 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960217 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960218 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960219 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960220 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960221 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960222 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960223 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960224 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960225 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960226 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960227 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960228 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960229 1996-02-12T23:15:30Z!
+libc-960302 1996-03-01T14:57:49Z!
+libc-960303 1996-03-01T14:57:49Z!
+libc-960304 1996-03-01T14:57:49Z!
+libc-960305 1996-03-05T03:02:45Z!
+libc-960306 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960307 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960308 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960309 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960310 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960311 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960312 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960313 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960314 1996-03-05T23:34:58Z!
+libc-960315 1996-03-15T00:14:04Z!
+libc-960316 1996-03-15T00:14:04Z!
+libc-960317 1996-03-15T00:14:04Z!
+libc-960318 1996-03-15T00:14:04Z!
+libc-960319 1996-03-15T00:14:04Z!
+libc-960320 1996-03-15T00:14:04Z!
+libc-960321 1996-03-15T00:14:04Z!
+libc-960322 1996-03-21T23:26:26Z!
+libc-960323 1996-03-21T23:26:26Z!
+libc-960324 1996-03-21T23:26:26Z!
+libc-960325 1996-03-21T23:26:26Z!
+libc-960326 1996-03-21T23:26:26Z!
+libc-960327 1996-03-21T23:26:26Z!
+libc-960328 1996-03-21T23:26:26Z!
+libc-960329 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960330 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960331 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960401 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960402 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960403 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960404 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960405 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960406 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960407 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960408 1996-03-29T01:49:55Z!
+libc-960409 1996-04-08T20:19:10Z!
+libc-960410 1996-04-08T20:19:10Z!
+libc-960411 1996-04-08T20:19:10Z!
+libc-960412 1996-04-08T20:19:10Z!
+libc-960413 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960414 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960415 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960416 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960417 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960418 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960419 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960420 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960421 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960422 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960423 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960424 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960425 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960426 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960427 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960428 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960429 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960430 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960501 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960502 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960503 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960504 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960505 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960506 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960507 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960508 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960509 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960510 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960511 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960512 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960513 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960514 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960515 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960516 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960517 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960518 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960519 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960520 1996-04-13T00:06:54Z!
+libc-960521 1996-05-20T16:02:45Z!
+libc-960522 1996-05-21T22:55:56Z!
+libc-960523 1996-05-21T22:55:56Z!
+libc-960524 1996-05-21T22:55:56Z!
+libc-960525 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960526 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960527 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960528 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960529 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960530 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960531 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960601 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960602 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960603 1996-05-24T22:34:49Z!
+libc-960604 1996-06-03T12:51:33Z!
+libc-960605 1996-06-05T04:12:46Z!
+libc-960606 1996-06-05T04:12:46Z!
+libc-960607 1996-06-05T04:12:46Z!
+libc-960608 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960609 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960610 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960611 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960612 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960613 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960614 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960615 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960616 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960617 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960618 1996-06-08T01:25:20Z!
+libc-960619 1996-06-18T18:23:57Z!
+libc-960620 1996-06-18T18:23:57Z!
+libc-960621 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960622 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960623 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960624 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960625 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960626 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960627 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960628 1996-06-20T16:20:05Z!
+libc-960629 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960630 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960701 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960702 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960703 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960704 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960705 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960706 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960707 1996-06-28T17:28:58Z!
+libc-960708 1996-07-07T17:26:50Z!
+libc-960709 1996-07-07T17:26:50Z!
+libc-960710 1996-07-07T17:26:50Z!
+libc-960711 1996-07-07T17:26:50Z!
+libc-960712 1996-07-07T17:26:50Z!
+libc-960713 1996-07-07T17:26:50Z!
+libc-960714 1996-07-07T17:26:50Z!
+libc-960715 1996-07-14T18:09:15Z!
+libc-960716 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960717 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960718 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960719 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960720 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960721 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960722 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960723 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960724 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960725 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960726 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960727 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960728 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
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+libc-960731 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960801 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960802 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960803 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960804 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960805 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960806 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960807 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960808 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960809 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960810 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960811 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960812 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960813 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960814 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960815 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960816 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960817 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960818 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960819 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960820 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960821 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960822 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960823 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960824 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960825 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960826 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960827 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960828 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960829 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960830 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960831 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960901 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960902 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960903 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960904 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960905 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960906 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960907 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960908 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960909 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960910 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960911 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960912 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+libc-960913 1996-09-13T03:46:14Z!
+libc-960918 1996-09-15T00:49:22Z!
+libc-960919 1996-09-15T00:49:22Z!
+libc-960920 1996-09-15T00:49:22Z!
+libc-960921 1996-09-15T00:49:22Z!
+libc-960922 1996-09-15T00:49:22Z!
+libc-960923 1996-09-15T00:49:22Z!
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+libc-961001 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961004 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961005 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961006 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961007 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961008 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961009 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961010 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961011 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961012 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961013 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961014 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961015 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961016 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961017 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961018 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961019 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961020 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961021 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961022 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961023 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961024 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961025 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961026 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961027 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961028 1996-09-24T02:44:17Z!
+libc-961029 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
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+libc-961031 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961101 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961102 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961103 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961104 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961105 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961106 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961107 1996-10-29T02:56:12Z!
+libc-961108 1996-11-08T07:35:31Z!
+libc-961109 1996-11-08T07:35:31Z!
+libc-961110 1996-11-08T07:35:31Z!
+libc-961111 1996-11-08T07:35:31Z!
+libc-961114 1996-11-14T02:06:05Z!
+libc-961115 1996-11-14T02:06:05Z!
+libc-961116 1996-11-14T02:06:05Z!
+libc-961117 1996-11-14T02:06:05Z!
+libc-961118 1996-11-14T02:06:05Z!
+libc-961119 1996-11-14T02:06:05Z!
+libc-961120 1996-11-19T18:40:34Z!
+libc-961121 1996-11-20T21:28:32Z!
+libc-961203 1996-11-21T22:20:09Z!Thomas
+libc-961204 1996-11-21T22:20:09Z!Thomas
+libc-961205 1996-11-21T22:20:09Z!Thomas
+libc-961206 1996-11-21T22:20:09Z!Thomas
+libc-961207 1996-11-21T22:20:09Z!Thomas
+libc-961208 1996-12-07T22:47:59Z!
+libc-961209 1996-12-07T22:47:59Z!
+libc-961210 1996-12-07T22:47:59Z!
+libc-961211 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961212 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961213 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961214 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961215 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961216 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961217 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961218 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961219 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961220 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961221 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961222 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961223 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961224 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961225 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
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+libc-961230 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-961231 1996-12-11T00:37:52Z!
+libc-970101 1996-12-31T20:54:33Z!
+libc-970102 1996-12-31T20:54:33Z!
+libc-970103 1996-12-31T20:54:33Z!
+libc-970104 1997-01-03T13:38:47Z!
+libc-970105 1997-01-05T03:44:26Z!
+libc-970106 1997-01-05T03:44:26Z!
+libc-970107 1997-01-05T03:44:26Z!
+libc-970108 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970109 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970110 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970111 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970112 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970113 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970114 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970115 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970116 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970117 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970118 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970119 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970120 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
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+libc-970123 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
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+libc-970125 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
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+libc-970131 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970201 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970202 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970203 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970204 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970205 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970206 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970207 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970208 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970209 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970210 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970211 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970212 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970213 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970214 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970215 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970216 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970217 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970218 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970219 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970220 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970221 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970222 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970223 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970224 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970225 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970226 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970227 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970228 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970301 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970302 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970303 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970304 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970305 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970306 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970307 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970308 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970309 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970310 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970311 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970312 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970313 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970314 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970315 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970316 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970317 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970318 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970319 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970320 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970321 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970322 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970323 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970324 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!
+libc-970325 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970326 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970327 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970328 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970329 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970330 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970331 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970401 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970402 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970403 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970404 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970405 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970406 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970407 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970408 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970409 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970410 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970411 1997-03-24T20:38:28Z!
+libc-970412 1997-04-11T20:40:28Z!
+libc-970413 1997-04-11T20:40:28Z!
+libc-970414 1997-04-11T20:40:28Z!
+libc-970415 1997-04-11T20:40:28Z!
+libc-970416 1997-04-11T20:40:28Z!
+libc-970417 1997-04-11T20:40:28Z!
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+libc-970419 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970420 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970421 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970422 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970423 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970424 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
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+libc-970427 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
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+libc-970429 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970430 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970501 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970502 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970503 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970504 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970505 1997-04-17T18:00:12Z!
+libc-970506 1997-05-05T22:04:41Z!
+libc-970507 1997-05-05T22:04:41Z!
+libc-970508 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970509 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970510 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970511 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970512 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970513 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970514 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970515 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970516 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970517 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970518 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970519 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970520 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970521 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970522 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970523 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970524 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970525 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970526 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970527 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970528 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970529 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970530 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970531 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970601 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970602 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970603 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970604 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970605 1997-05-07T19:19:04Z!Thomas
+libc-970606 1997-06-06T01:21:12Z!
+libc-970607 1997-06-06T01:21:12Z!
+libc-970608 1997-06-08T01:57:13Z!
+libc-970609 1997-06-09T04:56:02Z!
+libc-970610 1997-06-10T04:18:36Z!
+libc-970611 1997-06-10T04:18:36Z!
+libc-970612 1997-06-10T04:18:36Z!
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+libc-970616 1997-06-10T04:18:36Z!
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+libc-970701 1997-06-27T19:20:14Z!
+libc-970702 1997-06-27T19:20:14Z!
+libc-970703 1997-06-27T19:20:14Z!
+libc-970704 1997-06-27T19:20:14Z!
+libc-970705 1997-06-27T19:20:14Z!
+libc-970707 1997-07-07T08:40:20Z!
+libc-970708 1997-07-07T08:40:20Z!
+libc-970709 1997-07-07T08:40:20Z!
+libc-970710 1997-07-07T08:40:20Z!
+libc-970713 1997-07-07T08:40:20Z!
+libc-970715 1997-07-14T19:53:44Z!
+libc-970717 1997-07-16T14:45:30Z!
+libc-970718 1997-07-16T14:45:30Z!
+libc-970719 1997-07-16T14:45:30Z!
+libc-970720 1997-07-16T14:45:30Z!
+libc-970721 1997-07-21T00:58:41Z!
+libc-970722 1997-07-21T00:58:41Z!
+libc-970723 1997-07-21T00:58:41Z!
+libc-970724 1997-07-21T00:58:41Z!
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+libc-970801 1997-07-28T23:37:45Z!
+libc-970802 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970803 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970804 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970805 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970806 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970807 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970808 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970809 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970810 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970811 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970812 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970813 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970814 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970815 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970816 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970817 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970818 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970819 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970820 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970821 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970822 1997-08-01T18:09:30Z!
+libc-970823 1997-08-22T14:49:11Z!
+libc-970824 1997-08-22T14:49:11Z!
+libc-970825 1997-08-22T14:49:11Z!
+libc-970826 1997-08-22T14:49:11Z!
+libc-970827 1997-08-26T09:21:29Z!
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+libc-970830 1997-08-26T09:21:29Z!
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+libc-970902 1997-08-26T09:21:29Z!
+libc-970903 1997-08-26T09:21:29Z!
+libc-970904 1997-08-26T09:21:29Z!
+libc-970905 1997-08-26T09:21:29Z!
+libc-970906 1997-09-05T18:08:34Z!
+libc-970907 1997-09-05T18:08:34Z!
+libc-970908 1997-09-05T18:08:34Z!
+libc-970911 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-970913 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-970921 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-971019 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971020 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971021 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971022 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971023 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971024 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971025 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971026 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971027 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-971030 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971031 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971101 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971102 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971103 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-971118 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971120 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971121 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-971126 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971127 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971128 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971129 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971130 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971201 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-971210 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-971214 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971217 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971218 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-971220 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971221 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971222 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971223 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971224 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971225 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971226 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971227 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971228 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971229 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971230 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-971231 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980103 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980104 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980105 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-980107 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980108 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980109 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980110 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980111 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980112 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-980115 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980116 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980117 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980118 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980119 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980120 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980121 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980122 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980123 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
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+libc-980127 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980128 1997-09-10T21:16:20Z!
+libc-980129 1998-01-28T18:01:29Z!
+libc-980130 1998-01-28T18:01:29Z!
+libc-980212 1998-02-03T18:27:31Z!
+libc-980213 1998-02-03T18:27:31Z!
+libc-980214 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980215 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980216 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980217 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980218 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980219 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
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+libc-980228 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980301 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980302 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980303 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980304 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980306 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980307 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980308 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980309 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980310 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980311 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
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+libc-980313 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980314 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980315 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
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+libc-980330 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980331 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980401 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980402 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980403 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980404 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980405 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980406 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980407 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980408 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980409 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980410 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980411 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980412 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980413 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980414 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980428 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980429 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980430 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980501 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980502 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980503 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980504 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980505 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980506 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980507 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980508 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980509 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980510 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980512 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980513 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980514 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980515 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980516 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980517 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980518 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980519 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980520 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980521 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980522 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980523 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980524 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980525 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980526 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980527 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980528 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980529 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980530 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980531 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980601 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980602 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980603 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980604 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980605 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980606 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980607 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980608 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980609 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980610 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980611 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980612 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980613 1998-02-13T12:16:46Z!
+libc-980614 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980615 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980616 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980617 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980618 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980619 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980620 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980621 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980622 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980623 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980624 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980625 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980626 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980627 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980628 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980629 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980630 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980701 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980702 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980703 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980704 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980705 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980706 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980707 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980708 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980709 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980710 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980711 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980712 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980713 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980714 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980715 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980716 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980717 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980718 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980719 1998-06-13T19:51:10Z!
+libc-980720 1998-07-19T22:11:47Z!
+libc_1_09 1995-02-23T00:08:39Z!
+make-3-72-9 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-72-10 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-72-11 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-72-12 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-72-13 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-73 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-73-1 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-73-2 1995-01-07T16:57:36Z!
+make-3-73-3 1995-05-10T15:03:48Z!
+make-3-74 1995-05-10T15:03:48Z!
+make-3-74-1 1995-08-07T20:48:08Z!
+make-3-74-2 1995-08-07T20:48:08Z!
+make-3-74-3 1996-02-01T18:44:05Z!
+make-3-74-4 1996-03-20T01:08:11Z!
+make-3-74-5 1996-07-03T23:05:19Z!
+make-3-74-6 1996-07-03T23:05:19Z!
+make-3-74-7 1996-07-03T23:05:19Z!
+make-3-75 1996-07-03T23:05:19Z!
+make-3-75-1 1997-07-22T21:35:43Z!
+make-3-75-91 1997-07-22T21:35:43Z!
+make-3-75-92 1997-08-14T02:16:15Z!
+make-3-75-93 1998-04-14T00:02:53Z!
+make-3-76 1997-09-05T21:01:56Z!
+make-3-76-1 1997-09-05T21:01:56Z!
+release-0-0 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+release-0-1 1996-07-16T04:47:46Z!
+release-1-0 1997-04-11T20:40:28Z!
+Release_5_25 1999-02-08T16:53:18Z!
+root-libc-2_0_x-branch 1997-01-07T19:29:28Z!