** Search and Replace
-*** `M-p' in query-replace minibuffer that reads the FROM string
-now moves through pairs of previous replacements where FROM and TO
-parts are separated by an arrow defined by the new variable
-`query-replace-from-to-separator'. After exiting the minibuffer,
-replacement is performed with the FROM and TO values extracted
-from the strings before and after the separator.
+*** Query-replace history is enhanced.
+When query-replace reads the FROM string from the minibuffer, typing
+`M-p' will now show previous replacements as "FROM SEP TO", where FROM
+and TO are the original text and its replacement, and SEP is an arrow
+string defined by the new variable `query-replace-from-to-separator'.
+To select a prior replacement, type `M-p' until the desired
+replacement appears in the minibuffer, and then exit the minibuffer by
+typing RET.
** Calc