** Getting involved with development
Discussion about Emacs development takes place on emacs-devel@gnu.org.
-You can subscribe to the emacs-devel@gnu.org mailing list, paying
-attention to postings with subject lines containing "emacs-announce",
-as these discuss important events like feature freezes. See
-https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-devel for mailing list
+You can subscribe to the emacs-devel@gnu.org mailing list.
+If you want to get only the important mails (for things like
+feature freezes), choose to receive only the 'emacs-announce' topic
+(although so far this feature has not been well or consistently used).
+See https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-devel for mailing list
instructions and archives. You can develop and commit changes in your
own copy of the repository, and discuss proposed changes on the
mailing list. Frequent contributors to Emacs can request write access
See the info-gnu-emacs mailing list archives for the form
of past announcements. The first pretest announcement, and the
release announcement, should have more detail.
+ Use the emacs-devel topic 'emacs-announce'. The best way to do
+ this is to add a header "Keywords: emacs-announce" to your mail.
+ (You can also put it in the Subject, but this is not as good
+ because replies that invariably are not announcements also get
+ sent out as if they were.)
12. After a release, update the Emacs pages as below.