(defalias sym e))))
'(defcustom defface defgroup)))
+(defun custom--get-def (expr)
+ (if (not (memq (car-safe expr)
+ '( define-minor-mode define-globalized-minor-mode)))
+ expr
+ ;; For define-minor-mode, we don't want to evaluate the whole
+ ;; expression, because it tends to define functions which aren't
+ ;; usable (because they call other functions that were skipped).
+ ;; Concretely it gave us an error
+ ;; "void-function bug-reference--run-auto-setup"
+ ;; when subsequently loading `cus-load.el'.
+ (let ((es (list (macroexpand-all expr)))
+ defs)
+ (while es
+ (let ((e (pop es)))
+ (pcase e
+ (`(progn . ,exps) (setq es (append exps es)))
+ (`(custom-declare-variable . ,_) (push e defs)))))
+ (macroexp-progn (nreverse defs)))))
(defun custom-make-dependencies ()
"Batch function to extract custom dependencies from .el files.
Usage: emacs -batch -l ./cus-dep.el -f custom-make-dependencies DIRS"
"^(def\\(custom\\|face\\|group\\|ine\\(?:-globalized\\)?-minor-mode\\)" nil t)
(let ((type (match-string 1))
- (expr (read (current-buffer))))
+ (expr (custom--get-def (read (current-buffer)))))
(condition-case nil
- (let ((custom-dont-initialize t))
+ (let ((custom-dont-initialize t)
+ (sym (nth 1 expr)))
+ (put (if (eq (car-safe sym) 'quote)
+ (cadr sym)
+ sym)
+ 'custom-where name)
;; Eval to get the 'custom-group, -tag,
;; -version, group-documentation etc properties.
- (put (nth 1 expr) 'custom-where name)
(eval expr))
;; Eval failed for some reason. Eg maybe the
;; defcustom uses something defined earlier
(when found
(push (cons (symbol-name symbol)
- (prin1 (sort found 'string<)))) alist))))))
+ (prin1 (sort found #'string<))))
+ alist))))))
(dolist (e (sort alist (lambda (e1 e2) (string< (car e1) (car e2)))))
(insert "(put '" (car e) " 'custom-loads '" (cdr e) ")\n")))
(insert "\
(setq display-fill-column-indicator t)
(unless display-fill-column-indicator-character
- (if (and (char-displayable-p ?\u2502)
- (or (not (display-graphic-p))
- (eq (aref (query-font (car (internal-char-font nil ?\u2502))) 0)
- (face-font 'default))))
- (setq display-fill-column-indicator-character ?\u2502)
- (setq display-fill-column-indicator-character ?|))))
+ (setq display-fill-column-indicator-character
+ (if (and (char-displayable-p ?\u2502)
+ (or (not (display-graphic-p))
+ (eq (aref (query-font (car (internal-char-font nil ?\u2502))) 0)
+ (face-font 'default))))
+ ?\u2502
+ ?|))))
(setq display-fill-column-indicator nil)))
(defun display-fill-column-indicator--turn-on ()
(define-globalized-minor-mode global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode
- display-fill-column-indicator-mode display-fill-column-indicator--turn-on
- ;; See bug#41145
- :group 'display-fill-column-indicator)
+ display-fill-column-indicator-mode display-fill-column-indicator--turn-on)
(provide 'display-fill-column-indicator)
-;;; easy-mmode.el --- easy definition for major and minor modes
+;;; easy-mmode.el --- easy definition for major and minor modes -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 1997, 2000-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
the minor mode is global):
:group GROUP Custom group name to use in all generated `defcustom' forms.
- Defaults to MODE without the possible trailing \"-mode\".
- Don't use this default group name unless you have written a
- `defgroup' to define that group properly.
:global GLOBAL If non-nil specifies that the minor mode is not meant to be
buffer-local, so don't make the variable MODE buffer-local.
By default, the mode is buffer-local.
(unless initialize
(setq initialize '(:initialize 'custom-initialize-default)))
- (unless group
- ;; We might as well provide a best-guess default group.
- (setq group
- `(:group ',(intern (replace-regexp-in-string
- "-mode\\'" "" mode-name)))))
;; TODO? Mark booleans as safe if booleanp? Eg abbrev-mode.
(unless type (setq type '(:type 'boolean)))