--- /dev/null
+;;; find-cmd.el --- Build a valid find(1) command with sexps
+;; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Philip Jackson <phil@shellarchive.co.uk>
+;; Version: 0.6
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program ; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; With this module you can build up a (hopefully) valid find(1)
+;; string ready for the command line. For example:
+;; (find-cmd '(prune (name ".svn" ".git" ".CVS"))
+;; '(and (or (name "*.pl" "*.pm" "*.t")
+;; (mtime "+1"))
+;; (fstype "nfs" "ufs"))))
+;; will become (un-wrapped):
+;; "find '/home/phil/' \\( \\( -name '.svn' -or -name '.git' -or
+;; -name '.CVS' \\) -prune -or -true \\) \\( \\( \\( -name '*.pl'
+;; -or -name '*.pm' -or -name '*.t' \\) -or -mtime '+1' \\) -and \\(
+;; -fstype 'nfs' -or -fstype 'ufs' \\) \\)"
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(defconst find-constituents
+ '((and . find-and)
+ (not . find-not)
+ (or . find-or)
+ (a . find-and)
+ (n . find-not)
+ (o . find-or)
+ (prune . find-prune)
+ ;; switches
+ (L . (0))
+ (P . (0))
+ (H . (0))
+ ;; generic tests
+ (amin . (1))
+ (anewer . (1))
+ (atime . (1))
+ (cmin . (1))
+ (cnewer . (1))
+ (ctime . (1))
+ (empty . (0))
+ (false . (0))
+ (fstype . (1))
+ (gid . (1))
+ (group . (1))
+ (ilname . (1))
+ (iname . (1))
+ (inum . (1))
+ (iwholename . (1))
+ (iregex . (1))
+ (links . (1))
+ (lname . (1))
+ (mmin . (1))
+ (mtime . (1))
+ (name . (1))
+ (newer . (1))
+ (nouser . (0))
+ (nogroup . (0))
+ (path . (1))
+ (perm . (0))
+ (regex . (1))
+ (wholename . (1))
+ (size . (1))
+ (true . (0))
+ (type . (1))
+ (uid . (1))
+ (used . (1))
+ (user . (1))
+ (xtype . (nil))
+ ;; normal options (always true)
+ (depth . (0))
+ (maxdepth . (1))
+ (mindepth . (1))
+ (mount . (0))
+ (noleaf . (0))
+ (xdev . (0))
+ (ignore_readdir_race . (0))
+ (noignore_readdir_race . (0))
+ ;; actions
+ (delete . (0))
+ (print0 . (0))
+ (printf . (1))
+ (fprintf . (2))
+ (print . (0))
+ (fprint0 . (1))
+ (fprint . (1))
+ (ls . (0))
+ (fls . (1))
+ (prune . (0))
+ (quit . (0))
+ ;; these need to be terminated with a ;
+ (exec . (1 find-command t))
+ (ok . (1 find-command t))
+ (execdir . (1 find-command t))
+ (okdir . (1 find-command t)))
+ "Holds details of each of the find options. The car of each
+alist is the name. The cdr is minimum args, the function used
+to join many occurences of the argument together, and whether or
+not to leave quotes off the string (non-nil means the string will
+be quoted).")
+(defun find-cmd (&rest subfinds)
+ "Initiate the building of a find command. For exmple:
+\(find-cmd '\(prune \(name \".svn\" \".git\" \".CVS\"\)\)
+ '\(and \(or \(name \"*.pl\" \"*.pm\" \"*.t\"\)
+ \(mtime \"+1\"\)\)
+ \(fstype \"nfs\" \"ufs\"\)\)\)\)
+`default-directory' is used as the initial search path. The
+result is a string that should be ready for the command line."
+ (concat
+ "find " (shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name default-directory)) " "
+ (cond
+ ((cdr subfinds)
+ (mapconcat 'find-to-string subfinds ""))
+ (t
+ (find-to-string (car subfinds))))))
+(defun find-and (form)
+ "And FORMs together, so:
+ \(and \(mtime \"+1\"\) \(name \"something\"\)\)
+will produce:
+ find . \\\( -mtime '+1' -and -name 'something' \\\)"
+ (if (< (length form) 2)
+ (find-to-string (car form))
+ (concat "\\( "
+ (mapconcat 'find-to-string form "-and ")
+ "\\) ")))
+(defun find-or (form)
+ "Or FORMs together, so:
+ \(or \(mtime \"+1\"\) \(name \"something\"\)\)
+will produce:
+ find . \\\( -mtime '+1' -or -name 'something' \\\)"
+ (if (< (length form) 2)
+ (find-to-string (car form))
+ (concat "\\( "
+ (mapconcat 'find-to-string form "-or ")
+ "\\) ")))
+(defun find-not (form)
+ "Or FORMs together and prefix with a -not, so:
+ \(not \(mtime \"+1\"\) \(name \"something\"\)\)
+will produce:
+ -not \\\( -mtime '+1' -or -name 'something' \\\)
+If you wanted the FORMs -and(ed) together instead then this would
+ \(not \(and \(mtime \"+1\"\) \(name \"something\"\)\)\)"
+ (concat "-not " (find-or (mapcar 'find-to-string form))))
+(defun find-prune (form)
+ "-or together FORM(s) postfix '-prune' and then -or that with a
+-true, so:
+ \(prune \(name \".svn\" \".git\"\)\) \(name \"*.pm\"\)
+will produce (unwrapped):
+ \\\( \\\( \\\( -name '.svn' -or -name '.git' \\\) /
+ -prune -or -true \\\) -and -name '*.pm' \\\)"
+ (find-or
+ (list
+ (concat (find-or (mapcar 'find-to-string form)) (find-generic "prune"))
+ (find-generic "true"))))
+(defun find-generic (option &optional oper argcount args dont-quote)
+ "This function allows an arbitrary string to be used as a
+form. OPTION is the name of the form, OPER is the function used
+to either OR or AND multiple results together. ARGCOUNT is the
+minimum of args that OPTION can receive and ARGS are the
+arguments for OPTION."
+ (when (and (numberp argcount) (< (length args) argcount))
+ (error "'%s' needs at least %d arguments" option argcount))
+ (let ((oper (or oper 'find-or)))
+ (if (and args (length args))
+ (funcall oper (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (concat "-" option
+ (if dont-quote
+ (concat " " x " ")
+ (concat " "
+ (shell-quote-argument x)
+ " "))))
+ args))
+ (concat "-" option " "))))
+(defun find-command (form)
+ "For each item in FORM add a terminating semi-colon and turn
+them into valid switches. The result is -and(ed) together."
+ (find-and (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (concat (find-to-string x) "\\; "))
+ form)))
+(defun find-to-string (form)
+ "Parse FORM to produce a set of valid find arguments."
+ (cond
+ ((stringp form)
+ form)
+ ((consp form)
+ (let ((option (cdr (assoc (car form) find-constituents))))
+ (cond
+ ((and (symbolp option) (fboundp option))
+ (funcall option (cdr form)))
+ ((consp option)
+ (let ((option (symbol-name (car form)))
+ (argcnt (car option))
+ (oper (cadr option))
+ (dont-quote (car (cddr option))))
+ (find-to-string
+ (find-generic option oper argcnt (cdr form) dont-quote))))
+ (t
+ (error "Sorry I don't know how to handle '%s'" (car form))))))))
+(provide 'find-cmd)