(cons 'jit-lock-bounds (cons new-beg new-end)))))
(defvar-local mhtml--last-submode nil
- "Record the last visited submode, so the cursor-sensor function
-can function properly.")
+ "Record the last visited submode.
+This is used by `mhtml--pre-command'.")
(defvar-local mhtml--stashed-crucial-variables nil
"Alist of stashed values of the crucial variables.")
Code inside a <script> element is indented using the rules from
`js-mode'; and code inside a <style> element is indented using
the rules from `css-mode'."
- (cursor-sensor-mode)
(setq-local indent-line-function #'mhtml-indent-line)
(setq-local parse-sexp-lookup-properties t)
(setq-local syntax-propertize-function #'mhtml-syntax-propertize)