static CFArrayRef mac_ctfont_create_available_families (void);
static Boolean mac_ctfont_equal_in_postscript_name (CTFontRef, CTFontRef);
static CTLineRef mac_ctfont_create_line_with_string_and_font (CFStringRef,
- CTFontRef);
+ CTFontRef);
static CFComparisonResult mac_font_family_compare (const void *,
- const void *, void *);
+ const void *, void *);
static Boolean mac_ctfont_descriptor_supports_languages (CTFontDescriptorRef,
- CFArrayRef);
+ CFArrayRef);
static CFStringRef mac_ctfont_create_preferred_family_for_attributes (CFDictionaryRef);
static CFIndex mac_ctfont_shape (CTFontRef, CFStringRef,
- struct mac_glyph_layout *, CFIndex);
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *, CFIndex);
static CFArrayRef
mac_font_copy_default_descriptors_for_language (CFStringRef language);
static CFStringRef
mac_font_copy_default_name_for_charset_and_languages (CFCharacterSetRef charset,
- CFArrayRef languages);
+ CFArrayRef languages);
static CGGlyph mac_ctfont_get_glyph_for_cid (CTFontRef,
- CTCharacterCollection,
- CGFontIndex);
+ CTCharacterCollection,
+ CGFontIndex);
/* The font property key specifying the font design destination. The
static const CGFloat synthetic_bold_factor = 0.024;
static Boolean cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (CFNumberRef,
- FontSymbolicTraits *);
+ FontSymbolicTraits *);
static void macfont_store_descriptor_attributes (FontDescriptorRef,
- Lisp_Object);
+ Lisp_Object);
static Lisp_Object macfont_descriptor_entity (FontDescriptorRef,
- Lisp_Object,
- FontSymbolicTraits);
+ Lisp_Object,
+ FontSymbolicTraits);
static CFStringRef macfont_create_family_with_symbol (Lisp_Object);
static int macfont_glyph_extents (struct font *, CGGlyph,
- struct font_metrics *, CGFloat *, int);
+ struct font_metrics *, CGFloat *, int);
static CFMutableDictionaryRef macfont_create_attributes_with_spec (Lisp_Object);
static Boolean macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (FontDescriptorRef,
- CFCharacterSetRef,
- Lisp_Object,
- CFArrayRef);
-static CFIndex macfont_closest_traits_index (CFArrayRef,
- FontSymbolicTraits);
+ CFCharacterSetRef,
+ Lisp_Object,
+ CFArrayRef);
+static Boolean macfont_closest_traits_index_p (CFArrayRef, FontSymbolicTraits,
+ CFIndex);
static CFDataRef mac_font_copy_uvs_table (FontRef);
static void mac_font_get_glyphs_for_variants (CFDataRef, UTF32Char,
- const UTF32Char [],
- CGGlyph [], CFIndex);
+ const UTF32Char [],
+ CGGlyph [], CFIndex);
/* From CFData to a lisp string. Always returns a unibyte string. */
CFIndex i, length = CFStringGetLength (string);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- if (CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (string, i) == 0)
- break;
+ if (CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (string, i) == 0)
+ break;
if (i == length)
- return make_unibyte_string (s, strlen (s));
+ return make_unibyte_string (s, strlen (s));
data = CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation (NULL, string,
- kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?');
+ kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?');
if (data)
result = cfdata_to_lisp (data);
cfstring_create_with_string_noencode (Lisp_Object s)
CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithBytes (NULL, SDATA (s), SBYTES (s),
- kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
+ kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
if (string == NULL)
/* Failed to interpret as UTF 8. Fall back on Mac Roman. */
string = CFStringCreateWithBytes (NULL, SDATA (s), SBYTES (s),
- kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, false);
+ kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, false);
return string;
static CGGlyph
mac_font_get_glyph_for_cid (FontRef font, CharacterCollection collection,
- CGFontIndex cid)
+ CGFontIndex cid)
return mac_ctfont_get_glyph_for_cid ((CTFontRef) font, collection, cid);
unichar characters[] = {0xfffd};
NSString *string =
[NSString stringWithCharacters:characters
- length:ARRAYELTS (characters)];
+ length:ARRAYELTS (characters)];
NSGlyphInfo *glyphInfo =
[NSGlyphInfo glyphInfoWithCharacterIdentifier:cid
- collection:collection
- baseString:string];
+ collection:collection
+ baseString:string];
NSDictionary *attributes =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:nsFont,NSFontAttributeName,
- glyphInfo,NSGlyphInfoAttributeName,nil];
+ glyphInfo,NSGlyphInfoAttributeName,nil];
NSTextStorage *textStorage =
[[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString:string
- attributes:attributes];
+ attributes:attributes];
NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
NSTextContainer *textContainer = [[NSTextContainer alloc] init];
NSFont *fontInTextStorage;
(void) [layoutManager glyphRangeForTextContainer:textContainer];
fontInTextStorage = [textStorage attribute:NSFontAttributeName atIndex:0
- effectiveRange:NULL];
+ effectiveRange:NULL];
if (fontInTextStorage == nsFont
- || [[fontInTextStorage fontName] isEqualToString:[nsFont fontName]])
+ || [[fontInTextStorage fontName] isEqualToString:[nsFont fontName]])
- NSGlyph glyph = [layoutManager glyphAtIndex:0];
+ NSGlyph glyph = [layoutManager glyphAtIndex:0];
- if (glyph < [nsFont numberOfGlyphs])
- result = glyph;
+ if (glyph < [nsFont numberOfGlyphs])
+ result = glyph;
[textStorage release];
static Boolean
mac_screen_font_get_metrics (ScreenFontRef font, CGFloat *ascent,
- CGFloat *descent, CGFloat *leading)
+ CGFloat *descent, CGFloat *leading)
NSFont *nsFont = [(NSFont *)font printerFont];
NSTextStorage *textStorage;
usedRect = [layoutManager lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex:0
- effectiveRange:NULL];
+ effectiveRange:NULL];
spaceLocation = [layoutManager locationForGlyphAtIndex:0];
[textStorage release];
static CFIndex
mac_font_shape_1 (NSFont *font, NSString *string,
- struct mac_glyph_layout *glyph_layouts, CFIndex glyph_len,
- BOOL screen_font_p)
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *glyph_layouts, CFIndex glyph_len,
+ BOOL screen_font_p)
NSUInteger i;
CFIndex result = 0;
/* Append a trailing space to measure baseline position. */
[textStorage appendAttributedString:([[[NSAttributedString alloc]
- initWithString:@" "] autorelease])];
+ initWithString:@" "] autorelease])];
[textStorage setFont:font];
[textContainer setLineFragmentPadding:0];
[layoutManager setUsesScreenFonts:screen_font_p];
NSRange range;
NSFont *fontInTextStorage =
- [textStorage attribute:NSFontAttributeName atIndex:i
- longestEffectiveRange:&range
- inRange:(NSMakeRange (0, stringLength))];
+ [textStorage attribute:NSFontAttributeName atIndex:i
+ longestEffectiveRange:&range
+ inRange:(NSMakeRange (0, stringLength))];
if (!(fontInTextStorage == font
- || [[fontInTextStorage fontName] isEqualToString:[font fontName]]))
- break;
+ || [[fontInTextStorage fontName] isEqualToString:[font fontName]]))
+ break;
i = NSMaxRange (range);
if (i < stringLength)
NSRange range = NSMakeRange (0, stringLength);
range = [layoutManager glyphRangeForCharacterRange:range
- actualCharacterRange:NULL];
+ actualCharacterRange:NULL];
numberOfGlyphs = NSMaxRange (range);
used = numberOfGlyphs;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfGlyphs; i++)
- if ([layoutManager notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:i])
- used--;
+ if ([layoutManager notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:i])
+ used--;
if (0 < used && used <= glyph_len)
glyphIndex = 0;
while ([layoutManager notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex])
- glyphIndex++;
+ glyphIndex++;
/* For now we assume the direction is not changed within the
- string. */
+ string. */
[layoutManager getGlyphsInRange:(NSMakeRange (glyphIndex, 1))
- glyphs:NULL characterIndexes:NULL
- glyphInscriptions:NULL elasticBits:NULL
- bidiLevels:&bidiLevel];
+ glyphs:NULL characterIndexes:NULL
+ glyphInscriptions:NULL elasticBits:NULL
+ bidiLevels:&bidiLevel];
if (bidiLevel & 1)
- permutation = xmalloc (sizeof (NSUInteger) * used);
+ permutation = xmalloc (sizeof (NSUInteger) * used);
- permutation = NULL;
+ permutation = NULL;
#define RIGHT_TO_LEFT_P permutation
/* Fill the `comp_range' member of struct mac_glyph_layout, and
- setup a permutation for right-to-left text. */
+ setup a permutation for right-to-left text. */
compRange = NSMakeRange (0, 0);
for (range = NSMakeRange (0, 0); NSMaxRange (range) < used;
- range.length++)
- {
- struct mac_glyph_layout *gl = glyph_layouts + NSMaxRange (range);
- NSUInteger characterIndex =
- [layoutManager characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex];
- gl->string_index = characterIndex;
- if (characterIndex >= NSMaxRange (compRange))
- {
- compRange.location = NSMaxRange (compRange);
- do
- {
- NSRange characterRange =
- [string
- rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex:characterIndex];
- compRange.length =
- NSMaxRange (characterRange) - compRange.location;
- [layoutManager glyphRangeForCharacterRange:compRange
- actualCharacterRange:&characterRange];
- characterIndex = NSMaxRange (characterRange) - 1;
- }
- while (characterIndex >= NSMaxRange (compRange));
- for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
- permutation[range.location + i] = NSMaxRange (range) - i - 1;
- range = NSMakeRange (NSMaxRange (range), 0);
- }
- gl->comp_range.location = compRange.location;
- gl->comp_range.length = compRange.length;
- while (++glyphIndex < numberOfGlyphs)
- if (![layoutManager notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex])
- break;
- }
+ range.length++)
+ {
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *gl = glyph_layouts + NSMaxRange (range);
+ NSUInteger characterIndex =
+ [layoutManager characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex];
+ gl->string_index = characterIndex;
+ if (characterIndex >= NSMaxRange (compRange))
+ {
+ compRange.location = NSMaxRange (compRange);
+ do
+ {
+ NSRange characterRange =
+ [string
+ rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex:characterIndex];
+ compRange.length =
+ NSMaxRange (characterRange) - compRange.location;
+ [layoutManager glyphRangeForCharacterRange:compRange
+ actualCharacterRange:&characterRange];
+ characterIndex = NSMaxRange (characterRange) - 1;
+ }
+ while (characterIndex >= NSMaxRange (compRange));
+ for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
+ permutation[range.location + i] = NSMaxRange (range) - i - 1;
+ range = NSMakeRange (NSMaxRange (range), 0);
+ }
+ gl->comp_range.location = compRange.location;
+ gl->comp_range.length = compRange.length;
+ while (++glyphIndex < numberOfGlyphs)
+ if (![layoutManager notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex])
+ break;
+ }
- for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
- permutation[range.location + i] = NSMaxRange (range) - i - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
+ permutation[range.location + i] = NSMaxRange (range) - i - 1;
/* Then fill the remaining members. */
glyphIndex = prevGlyphIndex = 0;
while ([layoutManager notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex])
- glyphIndex++;
+ glyphIndex++;
- totalAdvance = 0;
+ totalAdvance = 0;
- {
- NSUInteger nrects;
- NSRect *glyphRects =
- [layoutManager
- rectArrayForGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (0, numberOfGlyphs))
- withinSelectedGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0))
- inTextContainer:textContainer rectCount:&nrects];
- totalAdvance = NSMaxX (glyphRects[0]);
- }
+ {
+ NSUInteger nrects;
+ NSRect *glyphRects =
+ [layoutManager
+ rectArrayForGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (0, numberOfGlyphs))
+ withinSelectedGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0))
+ inTextContainer:textContainer rectCount:&nrects];
+ totalAdvance = NSMaxX (glyphRects[0]);
+ }
for (i = 0; i < used; i++)
- {
- struct mac_glyph_layout *gl;
- NSPoint location;
- NSUInteger nextGlyphIndex;
- NSRange glyphRange;
- NSRect *glyphRects;
- NSUInteger nrects;
- gl = glyph_layouts + i;
- else
- {
- NSUInteger dest = permutation[i];
- gl = glyph_layouts + dest;
- if (i < dest)
- {
- CFIndex tmp = gl->string_index;
- gl->string_index = glyph_layouts[i].string_index;
- glyph_layouts[i].string_index = tmp;
- }
- }
- gl->glyph_id = [layoutManager glyphAtIndex:glyphIndex];
- location = [layoutManager locationForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex];
- gl->baseline_delta = spaceLocation.y - location.y;
- for (nextGlyphIndex = glyphIndex + 1; nextGlyphIndex < numberOfGlyphs;
- nextGlyphIndex++)
- if (![layoutManager
- notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:nextGlyphIndex])
- break;
- {
- CGFloat maxX;
- if (prevGlyphIndex == 0)
- glyphRange = NSMakeRange (0, nextGlyphIndex);
- else
- glyphRange = NSMakeRange (glyphIndex,
- nextGlyphIndex - glyphIndex);
- glyphRects =
- [layoutManager
- rectArrayForGlyphRange:glyphRange
- withinSelectedGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0))
- inTextContainer:textContainer rectCount:&nrects];
- maxX = max (NSMaxX (glyphRects[0]), totalAdvance);
- gl->advance_delta = location.x - totalAdvance;
- gl->advance = maxX - totalAdvance;
- totalAdvance = maxX;
- }
- else
- {
- CGFloat minX;
- if (nextGlyphIndex == numberOfGlyphs)
- glyphRange = NSMakeRange (prevGlyphIndex,
- numberOfGlyphs - prevGlyphIndex);
- else
- glyphRange = NSMakeRange (prevGlyphIndex,
- glyphIndex + 1 - prevGlyphIndex);
- glyphRects =
- [layoutManager
- rectArrayForGlyphRange:glyphRange
- withinSelectedGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0))
- inTextContainer:textContainer rectCount:&nrects];
- minX = min (NSMinX (glyphRects[0]), totalAdvance);
- gl->advance = totalAdvance - minX;
- totalAdvance = minX;
- gl->advance_delta = location.x - totalAdvance;
- }
- prevGlyphIndex = glyphIndex + 1;
- glyphIndex = nextGlyphIndex;
- }
+ {
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *gl;
+ NSPoint location;
+ NSUInteger nextGlyphIndex;
+ NSRange glyphRange;
+ NSRect *glyphRects;
+ NSUInteger nrects;
+ gl = glyph_layouts + i;
+ else
+ {
+ NSUInteger dest = permutation[i];
+ gl = glyph_layouts + dest;
+ if (i < dest)
+ {
+ CFIndex tmp = gl->string_index;
+ gl->string_index = glyph_layouts[i].string_index;
+ glyph_layouts[i].string_index = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ gl->glyph_id = [layoutManager glyphAtIndex:glyphIndex];
+ location = [layoutManager locationForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex];
+ gl->baseline_delta = spaceLocation.y - location.y;
+ for (nextGlyphIndex = glyphIndex + 1; nextGlyphIndex < numberOfGlyphs;
+ nextGlyphIndex++)
+ if (![layoutManager
+ notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex:nextGlyphIndex])
+ break;
+ {
+ CGFloat maxX;
+ if (prevGlyphIndex == 0)
+ glyphRange = NSMakeRange (0, nextGlyphIndex);
+ else
+ glyphRange = NSMakeRange (glyphIndex,
+ nextGlyphIndex - glyphIndex);
+ glyphRects =
+ [layoutManager
+ rectArrayForGlyphRange:glyphRange
+ withinSelectedGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0))
+ inTextContainer:textContainer rectCount:&nrects];
+ maxX = max (NSMaxX (glyphRects[0]), totalAdvance);
+ gl->advance_delta = location.x - totalAdvance;
+ gl->advance = maxX - totalAdvance;
+ totalAdvance = maxX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CGFloat minX;
+ if (nextGlyphIndex == numberOfGlyphs)
+ glyphRange = NSMakeRange (prevGlyphIndex,
+ numberOfGlyphs - prevGlyphIndex);
+ else
+ glyphRange = NSMakeRange (prevGlyphIndex,
+ glyphIndex + 1 - prevGlyphIndex);
+ glyphRects =
+ [layoutManager
+ rectArrayForGlyphRange:glyphRange
+ withinSelectedGlyphRange:(NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0))
+ inTextContainer:textContainer rectCount:&nrects];
+ minX = min (NSMinX (glyphRects[0]), totalAdvance);
+ gl->advance = totalAdvance - minX;
+ totalAdvance = minX;
+ gl->advance_delta = location.x - totalAdvance;
+ }
+ prevGlyphIndex = glyphIndex + 1;
+ glyphIndex = nextGlyphIndex;
+ }
- xfree (permutation);
+ xfree (permutation);
result = used;
- }
- [textStorage release];
+ }
+ [textStorage release];
return result;
static CFIndex
mac_screen_font_shape (ScreenFontRef font, CFStringRef string,
- struct mac_glyph_layout *glyph_layouts,
- CFIndex glyph_len)
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *glyph_layouts,
+ CFIndex glyph_len)
return mac_font_shape_1 ([(NSFont *)font printerFont],
- (NSString *) string,
- glyph_layouts, glyph_len, YES);
+ (NSString *) string,
+ glyph_layouts, glyph_len, YES);
static CGColorRef
CGColorRelease (refcol_); \
} while (0)
/* Mac font driver. */
CFStringRef font_names[3];
} macfont_language_default_font_names[] = {
{ CFSTR ("ja"), { CFSTR ("HiraKakuProN-W3"), /* 10.5 - 10.9 */
- CFSTR ("HiraKakuPro-W3"), /* 10.4 */
- NULL }},
+ CFSTR ("HiraKakuPro-W3"), /* 10.4 */
+ NULL }},
{ CFSTR ("ko"), { CFSTR ("AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular"), /* 10.8 - 10.9 */
- CFSTR ("AppleGothic"), /* 10.4 - 10.7 */
- NULL }},
+ CFSTR ("AppleGothic"), /* 10.4 - 10.7 */
+ NULL }},
{ CFSTR ("zh-Hans"), { CFSTR ("STHeitiSC-Light"), /* 10.6 - 10.9 */
- CFSTR ("STXihei"), /* 10.4 - 10.5 */
- NULL }},
+ CFSTR ("STXihei"), /* 10.4 - 10.5 */
+ NULL }},
{ CFSTR ("zh-Hant"), { CFSTR ("STHeitiTC-Light"), /* 10.6 - 10.9 */
- CFSTR ("LiHeiPro"), /* 10.4 - 10.5 */
- NULL }},
+ CFSTR ("LiHeiPro"), /* 10.4 - 10.5 */
+ NULL }},
{ NULL }
threshold =
CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue (CFSTR ("AppleAntiAliasingThreshold"),
- kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication,
- &valid_p);
+ kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication,
+ &valid_p);
if (valid_p)
macfont_antialias_threshold = threshold;
static Boolean
cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (CFNumberRef number,
- FontSymbolicTraits *sym_traits)
+ FontSymbolicTraits *sym_traits)
SInt64 sint64_value;
static void
macfont_store_descriptor_attributes (FontDescriptorRef desc,
- Lisp_Object spec_or_entity)
+ Lisp_Object spec_or_entity)
CFStringRef str;
CFDictionaryRef dict;
CGFloat floatval;
str = mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
if (str)
ASET (spec_or_entity, FONT_FAMILY_INDEX,
- macfont_intern_prop_cfstring (str));
+ macfont_intern_prop_cfstring (str));
CFRelease (str);
dict = mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc, MAC_FONT_TRAITS_ATTRIBUTE);
if (dict)
struct {
- enum font_property_index index;
- CFStringRef trait;
- CGPoint points[6];
+ enum font_property_index index;
+ CFStringRef trait;
+ CGPoint points[6];
} numeric_traits[] =
- {{-0.4, 50}, /* light */
- {-0.24, 87.5}, /* (semi-light + normal) / 2 */
- {0, 100}, /* normal */
- {0.24, 140}, /* (semi-bold + normal) / 2 */
- {0.4, 200}, /* bold */
- {{0, 100}, {0.1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}},
- {{0, 100}, {1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}}};
+ {{-0.4, 50}, /* light */
+ {-0.24, 87.5}, /* (semi-light + normal) / 2 */
+ {0, 100}, /* normal */
+ {0.24, 140}, /* (semi-bold + normal) / 2 */
+ {0.4, 200}, /* bold */
+ {{0, 100}, {0.1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}},
+ {{0, 100}, {1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}}};
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYELTS (numeric_traits); i++)
- {
- num = CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, numeric_traits[i].trait);
- if (num && CFNumberGetValue (num, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &floatval))
- {
- CGPoint *point = numeric_traits[i].points;
- while (point->x < floatval)
- point++;
- if (point == numeric_traits[i].points)
- point++;
- else if (point->x == CGFLOAT_MAX)
- point--;
- floatval = (point - 1)->y + ((floatval - (point - 1)->x)
- * ((point->y - (point - 1)->y)
- / (point->x - (point - 1)->x)));
- FONT_SET_STYLE (spec_or_entity, numeric_traits[i].index,
- make_number (lround (floatval)));
- }
- }
+ {
+ num = CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, numeric_traits[i].trait);
+ if (num && CFNumberGetValue (num, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &floatval))
+ {
+ CGPoint *point = numeric_traits[i].points;
+ while (point->x < floatval)
+ point++;
+ if (point == numeric_traits[i].points)
+ point++;
+ else if (point->x == CGFLOAT_MAX)
+ point--;
+ floatval = (point - 1)->y + ((floatval - (point - 1)->x)
+ * ((point->y - (point - 1)->y)
+ / (point->x - (point - 1)->x)));
+ FONT_SET_STYLE (spec_or_entity, numeric_traits[i].index,
+ make_number (lround (floatval)));
+ }
+ }
num = CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, MAC_FONT_SYMBOLIC_TRAIT);
if (num)
- {
- FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits;
- int spacing;
+ {
+ FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits;
+ int spacing;
- cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (num, &sym_traits);
- spacing = (sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE
- ASET (spec_or_entity, FONT_SPACING_INDEX, make_number (spacing));
- }
+ cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (num, &sym_traits);
+ spacing = (sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE
+ ASET (spec_or_entity, FONT_SPACING_INDEX, make_number (spacing));
+ }
CFRelease (dict);
static Lisp_Object
macfont_descriptor_entity (FontDescriptorRef desc, Lisp_Object extra,
- FontSymbolicTraits synth_sym_traits)
+ FontSymbolicTraits synth_sym_traits)
Lisp_Object entity;
CFDictionaryRef dict;
CFNumberRef num = CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, MAC_FONT_SYMBOLIC_TRAIT);
if (num)
- cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (num, &sym_traits);
+ cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (num, &sym_traits);
CFRelease (dict);
if (EQ (AREF (entity, FONT_SIZE_INDEX), make_number (0)))
ASET (entity, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX, Fcopy_sequence (extra));
name = mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc, MAC_FONT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
font_put_extra (entity, QCfont_entity,
- make_save_ptr_int ((void *) name, sym_traits));
+ make_save_ptr_int ((void *) name, sym_traits));
if (synth_sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC)
if (synth_sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD)
if (synth_sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE)
return entity;
while (1)
- CFIndex i, count;
- if (families == NULL)
- {
- families = mac_font_create_available_families ();
- using_cache_p = 0;
- if (families == NULL)
- break;
- }
- count = CFArrayGetCount (families);
- i = CFArrayBSearchValues (families, CFRangeMake (0, count),
- (const void *) family_name,
- family_name_comparator, NULL);
- if (i < count)
- {
- CFStringRef name = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families, i);
- if ((*family_name_comparator) (name, family_name, NULL)
- == kCFCompareEqualTo)
- result = CFRetain (name);
- }
- if (result || !using_cache_p)
- break;
- else
- {
- CFRelease (families);
- families = NULL;
- }
+ CFIndex i, count;
+ if (families == NULL)
+ {
+ families = mac_font_create_available_families ();
+ using_cache_p = 0;
+ if (families == NULL)
+ break;
+ }
+ count = CFArrayGetCount (families);
+ i = CFArrayBSearchValues (families, CFRangeMake (0, count),
+ (const void *) family_name,
+ family_name_comparator, NULL);
+ if (i < count)
+ {
+ CFStringRef name = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families, i);
+ if ((*family_name_comparator) (name, family_name, NULL)
+ == kCFCompareEqualTo)
+ result = CFRetain (name);
+ }
+ if (result || !using_cache_p)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ CFRelease (families);
+ families = NULL;
+ }
CFRelease (family_name);
signed width_frac : WIDTH_FRAC_BITS, width_int : 16 - WIDTH_FRAC_BITS;
-#define METRICS_VALUE(metrics, member) \
+#define METRICS_VALUE(metrics, member) \
(((metrics)->member##_high << 8) | (metrics)->member##_low)
-#define METRICS_SET_VALUE(metrics, member, value) \
- do {short tmp = (value); (metrics)->member##_low = tmp & 0xff; \
- (metrics)->member##_high = tmp >> 8;} while (0)
+#define METRICS_SET_VALUE(metrics, member, value) \
+ do {short tmp = (value); (metrics)->member##_low = tmp & 0xff; \
+ (metrics)->member##_high = tmp >> 8;} while (0)
enum metrics_status
- {
- METRICS_INVALID = -1, /* metrics entry is invalid */
- METRICS_WIDTH_VALID = -2 /* width is valid but others are invalid */
- };
+ METRICS_INVALID = -1, /* metrics entry is invalid */
+ METRICS_WIDTH_VALID = -2 /* width is valid but others are invalid */
-#define METRICS_STATUS(metrics) \
+#define METRICS_STATUS(metrics) \
(METRICS_VALUE (metrics, ascent) + METRICS_VALUE (metrics, descent))
-#define METRICS_SET_STATUS(metrics, status) \
- do {METRICS_SET_VALUE (metrics, ascent, 0); \
- METRICS_SET_VALUE (metrics, descent, status);} while (0)
+#define METRICS_SET_STATUS(metrics, status) \
+ do {METRICS_SET_VALUE (metrics, ascent, 0); \
+ METRICS_SET_VALUE (metrics, descent, status);} while (0)
static int
macfont_glyph_extents (struct font *font, CGGlyph glyph,
- struct font_metrics *metrics, CGFloat *advance_delta,
- int force_integral_p)
+ struct font_metrics *metrics, CGFloat *advance_delta,
+ int force_integral_p)
struct macfont_info *macfont_info = (struct macfont_info *) font;
FontRef macfont = macfont_info->macfont;
if (row >= macfont_info->metrics_nrows)
macfont_info->metrics =
- xrealloc (macfont_info->metrics,
- sizeof (struct macfont_metrics *) * (row + 1));
+ xrealloc (macfont_info->metrics,
+ sizeof (struct macfont_metrics *) * (row + 1));
memset (macfont_info->metrics + macfont_info->metrics_nrows, 0,
- (sizeof (struct macfont_metrics *)
- * (row + 1 - macfont_info->metrics_nrows)));
+ (sizeof (struct macfont_metrics *)
+ * (row + 1 - macfont_info->metrics_nrows)));
macfont_info->metrics_nrows = row + 1;
if (macfont_info->metrics[row] == NULL)
new = xmalloc (sizeof (struct macfont_metrics) * METRICS_NCOLS_PER_ROW);
for (i = 0; i < METRICS_NCOLS_PER_ROW; i++)
macfont_info->metrics[row] = new;
cache = macfont_info->metrics[row] + col;
CGFloat fwidth;
if (macfont_info->screen_font)
- fwidth = mac_screen_font_get_advance_width_for_glyph (macfont_info->screen_font, glyph);
+ fwidth = mac_screen_font_get_advance_width_for_glyph (macfont_info->screen_font, glyph);
- fwidth = mac_font_get_advance_width_for_glyph (macfont, glyph);
+ fwidth = mac_font_get_advance_width_for_glyph (macfont, glyph);
/* For synthetic mono fonts, cache->width_{int,frac} holds the
- advance delta value. */
+ advance delta value. */
if (macfont_info->spacing == MACFONT_SPACING_SYNTHETIC_MONO)
- fwidth = (font->pixel_size - fwidth) / 2;
+ fwidth = (font->pixel_size - fwidth) / 2;
cache->width_int = lround (fwidth);
cache->width_frac = lround ((fwidth - cache->width_int)
if (macfont_info->spacing == MACFONT_SPACING_SYNTHETIC_MONO)
if (metrics)
- {
- CGRect bounds = mac_font_get_bounding_rect_for_glyph (macfont, glyph);
- if (macfont_info->synthetic_italic_p)
- {
- /* We assume the members a, b, c, and d in
- synthetic_italic_atfm are non-negative. */
- bounds.origin =
- CGPointApplyAffineTransform (bounds.origin,
- synthetic_italic_atfm);
- bounds.size =
- CGSizeApplyAffineTransform (bounds.size, synthetic_italic_atfm);
- }
- if (macfont_info->synthetic_bold_p)
- {
- CGFloat d =
- - synthetic_bold_factor * mac_font_get_size (macfont) / 2;
- bounds = CGRectInset (bounds, d, d);
- }
- switch (macfont_info->spacing)
- {
- bounds.origin.x += - (cache->width_frac
- / (CGFloat) (WIDTH_FRAC_SCALE * 2));
- break;
- break;
- bounds.origin.x += (cache->width_int
- + (cache->width_frac
- break;
- }
- if (bounds.size.width > 0)
- {
- bounds.origin.x -= LCD_FONT_SMOOTHING_LEFT_MARGIN;
- bounds.size.width += (LCD_FONT_SMOOTHING_LEFT_MARGIN
- }
- bounds = CGRectIntegral (bounds);
- METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, lbearing, CGRectGetMinX (bounds));
- METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, rbearing, CGRectGetMaxX (bounds));
- METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, ascent, CGRectGetMaxY (bounds));
- METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, descent, -CGRectGetMinY (bounds));
- }
+ {
+ CGRect bounds = mac_font_get_bounding_rect_for_glyph (macfont, glyph);
+ if (macfont_info->synthetic_italic_p)
+ {
+ /* We assume the members a, b, c, and d in
+ synthetic_italic_atfm are non-negative. */
+ bounds.origin =
+ CGPointApplyAffineTransform (bounds.origin,
+ synthetic_italic_atfm);
+ bounds.size =
+ CGSizeApplyAffineTransform (bounds.size, synthetic_italic_atfm);
+ }
+ if (macfont_info->synthetic_bold_p)
+ {
+ CGFloat d =
+ - synthetic_bold_factor * mac_font_get_size (macfont) / 2;
+ bounds = CGRectInset (bounds, d, d);
+ }
+ switch (macfont_info->spacing)
+ {
+ bounds.origin.x += - (cache->width_frac
+ / (CGFloat) (WIDTH_FRAC_SCALE * 2));
+ break;
+ break;
+ bounds.origin.x += (cache->width_int
+ + (cache->width_frac
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bounds.size.width > 0)
+ {
+ bounds.origin.x -= LCD_FONT_SMOOTHING_LEFT_MARGIN;
+ bounds.size.width += (LCD_FONT_SMOOTHING_LEFT_MARGIN
+ }
+ bounds = CGRectIntegral (bounds);
+ METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, lbearing, CGRectGetMinX (bounds));
+ METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, rbearing, CGRectGetMaxX (bounds));
+ METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, ascent, CGRectGetMaxY (bounds));
+ METRICS_SET_VALUE (cache, descent, -CGRectGetMinY (bounds));
+ }
metrics->lbearing = METRICS_VALUE (cache, lbearing);
metrics->rbearing = METRICS_VALUE (cache, rbearing);
metrics->width = width;
if (advance_delta)
switch (macfont_info->spacing)
- {
- *advance_delta = (force_integral_p ? 0
- : - (cache->width_frac
- / (CGFloat) (WIDTH_FRAC_SCALE * 2)));
- break;
- *advance_delta = 0;
- break;
- *advance_delta = (force_integral_p ? cache->width_int
- : (cache->width_int
- + (cache->width_frac
- / (CGFloat) WIDTH_FRAC_SCALE)));
- break;
- }
+ {
+ *advance_delta = (force_integral_p ? 0
+ : - (cache->width_frac
+ / (CGFloat) (WIDTH_FRAC_SCALE * 2)));
+ break;
+ *advance_delta = 0;
+ break;
+ *advance_delta = (force_integral_p ? cache->width_int
+ : (cache->width_int
+ + (cache->width_frac
+ / (CGFloat) WIDTH_FRAC_SCALE)));
+ break;
+ }
return width;
static CFCharacterSetRef macfont_get_cf_charset_for_name (CFStringRef);
static CGGlyph macfont_get_glyph_for_character (struct font *, UTF32Char);
static CGGlyph macfont_get_glyph_for_cid (struct font *font,
- CharacterCollection, CGFontIndex);
+ CharacterCollection, CGFontIndex);
static CFDataRef macfont_get_uvs_table (struct font *, CharacterCollection *);
static struct macfont_cache *
if (macfont_cache_dictionary == NULL)
macfont_cache_dictionary =
- CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, NULL);
+ CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, NULL);
cache = NULL;
cache = ((struct macfont_cache *)
- CFDictionaryGetValue (macfont_cache_dictionary, key));
+ CFDictionaryGetValue (macfont_cache_dictionary, key));
if (cache == NULL)
FontRef macfont = mac_font_create_with_name (key, 0);
if (macfont)
- {
- cache = xzalloc (sizeof (struct macfont_cache));
- /* Treat the LastResort font as if it contained glyphs for
- all characters. This may look too rough, but neither
- CTFontCopyCharacterSet nor -[NSFont coveredCharacterSet]
- for this font is correct for non-BMP characters on Mac OS
- X 10.5, anyway. */
- if (CFEqual (key, CFSTR ("LastResort")))
- {
- CFRange range = CFRangeMake (0, MAX_UNICODE_CHAR + 1);
- cache->cf_charset =
- CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInRange (NULL, range);
- }
- if (cache->cf_charset == NULL)
- cache->cf_charset = mac_font_copy_character_set (macfont);
- CFDictionaryAddValue (macfont_cache_dictionary, key,
- (const void *) cache);
- CFRelease (macfont);
- }
+ {
+ cache = xzalloc (sizeof (struct macfont_cache));
+ /* Treat the LastResort font as if it contained glyphs for
+ all characters. This may look too rough, but neither
+ CTFontCopyCharacterSet nor -[NSFont coveredCharacterSet]
+ for this font is correct for non-BMP characters on Mac OS
+ X 10.5, anyway. */
+ if (CFEqual (key, CFSTR ("LastResort")))
+ {
+ CFRange range = CFRangeMake (0, MAX_UNICODE_CHAR + 1);
+ cache->cf_charset =
+ CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInRange (NULL, range);
+ }
+ if (cache->cf_charset == NULL)
+ cache->cf_charset = mac_font_copy_character_set (macfont);
+ CFDictionaryAddValue (macfont_cache_dictionary, key,
+ (const void *) cache);
+ CFRelease (macfont);
+ }
return cache;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cache->glyph.nrows; i++)
- xfree (cache->glyph.matrix[i]);
+ xfree (cache->glyph.matrix[i]);
xfree (cache->glyph.matrix);
if (cache->glyph.dictionary)
- CFRelease (cache->glyph.dictionary);
+ CFRelease (cache->glyph.dictionary);
memset (&cache->glyph, 0, sizeof (cache->glyph));
if (cache->uvs.table)
- CFRelease (cache->uvs.table);
+ CFRelease (cache->uvs.table);
memset (&cache->uvs, 0, sizeof (cache->uvs));
int nkeys_or_perm = cache->glyph.row_nkeys_or_perm[row];
if (nkeys_or_perm < ROW_PERM_OFFSET)
- {
- UniChar unichars[256], ch;
- CGGlyph *glyphs;
- int i, len;
- int nrows;
+ {
+ UniChar unichars[256], ch;
+ CGGlyph *glyphs;
+ int i, len;
+ int nrows;
- dispatch_queue_t queue;
- dispatch_group_t group = NULL;
+ dispatch_queue_t queue;
+ dispatch_group_t group = NULL;
- int nkeys;
+ int nkeys;
- if (row != 0)
- {
- CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary;
- uintptr_t key, value;
- int nshifts;
- CGGlyph glyph;
- if (cache->glyph.dictionary == NULL)
- cache->glyph.dictionary =
- CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
- dictionary = cache->glyph.dictionary;
- key = c / NGLYPHS_IN_VALUE;
- nshifts = ((c % NGLYPHS_IN_VALUE) * sizeof (CGGlyph) * 8);
- value = ((uintptr_t)
- CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, (const void *) key));
- glyph = (value >> nshifts);
- if (glyph)
- return glyph;
- if (nkeys_or_perm + 1 != ROW_PERM_OFFSET)
- {
- ch = c;
- if (!mac_font_get_glyphs_for_characters (macfont, &ch,
- &glyph, 1)
- || glyph == 0)
- glyph = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
- if (value == 0)
- cache->glyph.row_nkeys_or_perm[row] = nkeys_or_perm + 1;
- value |= ((uintptr_t) glyph << nshifts);
- CFDictionarySetValue (dictionary, (const void *) key,
- (const void *) value);
- return glyph;
- }
+ if (row != 0)
+ {
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary;
+ uintptr_t key, value;
+ int nshifts;
+ CGGlyph glyph;
+ if (cache->glyph.dictionary == NULL)
+ cache->glyph.dictionary =
+ CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ dictionary = cache->glyph.dictionary;
+ key = c / NGLYPHS_IN_VALUE;
+ nshifts = ((c % NGLYPHS_IN_VALUE) * sizeof (CGGlyph) * 8);
+ value = ((uintptr_t)
+ CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, (const void *) key));
+ glyph = (value >> nshifts);
+ if (glyph)
+ return glyph;
+ if (nkeys_or_perm + 1 != ROW_PERM_OFFSET)
+ {
+ ch = c;
+ if (!mac_font_get_glyphs_for_characters (macfont, &ch,
+ &glyph, 1)
+ || glyph == 0)
+ glyph = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
+ if (value == 0)
+ cache->glyph.row_nkeys_or_perm[row] = nkeys_or_perm + 1;
+ value |= ((uintptr_t) glyph << nshifts);
+ CFDictionarySetValue (dictionary, (const void *) key,
+ (const void *) value);
+ return glyph;
+ }
- queue =
- dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
- group = dispatch_group_create ();
- dispatch_group_async (group, queue, ^{
- int nkeys;
- uintptr_t key;
+ queue =
+ dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
+ group = dispatch_group_create ();
+ dispatch_group_async (group, queue, ^{
+ int nkeys;
+ uintptr_t key;
- nkeys = nkeys_or_perm;
- for (key = row * (256 / NGLYPHS_IN_VALUE); ; key++)
- if (CFDictionaryContainsKey (dictionary,
- (const void *) key))
- {
- CFDictionaryRemoveValue (dictionary,
- (const void *) key);
- if (--nkeys == 0)
- break;
- }
+ nkeys = nkeys_or_perm;
+ for (key = row * (256 / NGLYPHS_IN_VALUE); ; key++)
+ if (CFDictionaryContainsKey (dictionary,
+ (const void *) key))
+ {
+ CFDictionaryRemoveValue (dictionary,
+ (const void *) key);
+ if (--nkeys == 0)
+ break;
+ }
- });
+ });
- }
- len = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- ch = row * 256 + i;
- if (CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember (cache->cf_charset, ch))
- unichars[len++] = ch;
- }
- glyphs = xmalloc (sizeof (CGGlyph) * 256);
- if (len > 0)
- {
- mac_font_get_glyphs_for_characters (macfont, unichars,
- glyphs, len);
- while (i > len)
- {
- int next = unichars[len - 1] % 256;
- while (--i > next)
- glyphs[i] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
- len--;
- glyphs[i] = glyphs[len];
- if (len == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i > len)
- while (i-- > 0)
- glyphs[i] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
- nrows = cache->glyph.nrows;
- nkeys_or_perm = nrows + ROW_PERM_OFFSET;
- cache->glyph.row_nkeys_or_perm[row] = nkeys_or_perm;
- nrows++;
- cache->glyph.matrix = xrealloc (cache->glyph.matrix,
- sizeof (CGGlyph *) * nrows);
- cache->glyph.matrix[nrows - 1] = glyphs;
- cache->glyph.nrows = nrows;
+ }
+ len = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ ch = row * 256 + i;
+ if (CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember (cache->cf_charset, ch))
+ unichars[len++] = ch;
+ }
+ glyphs = xmalloc (sizeof (CGGlyph) * 256);
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ mac_font_get_glyphs_for_characters (macfont, unichars,
+ glyphs, len);
+ while (i > len)
+ {
+ int next = unichars[len - 1] % 256;
+ while (--i > next)
+ glyphs[i] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
+ len--;
+ glyphs[i] = glyphs[len];
+ if (len == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i > len)
+ while (i-- > 0)
+ glyphs[i] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
+ nrows = cache->glyph.nrows;
+ nkeys_or_perm = nrows + ROW_PERM_OFFSET;
+ cache->glyph.row_nkeys_or_perm[row] = nkeys_or_perm;
+ nrows++;
+ cache->glyph.matrix = xrealloc (cache->glyph.matrix,
+ sizeof (CGGlyph *) * nrows);
+ cache->glyph.matrix[nrows - 1] = glyphs;
+ cache->glyph.nrows = nrows;
- if (group)
- {
- dispatch_group_wait (group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
- dispatch_release (group);
- }
+ if (group)
+ {
+ dispatch_group_wait (group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
+ dispatch_release (group);
+ }
- }
+ }
return cache->glyph.matrix[nkeys_or_perm - ROW_PERM_OFFSET][c % 256];
CGGlyph glyph;
if (cache->glyph.dictionary == NULL)
- cache->glyph.dictionary =
- CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ cache->glyph.dictionary =
+ CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
nshifts = ((c % NGLYPHS_IN_VALUE) * sizeof (CGGlyph) * 8);
value = (uintptr_t) CFDictionaryGetValue (cache->glyph.dictionary,
- (const void *) key);
+ (const void *) key);
glyph = (value >> nshifts);
if (glyph == 0)
- {
- UniChar unichars[2];
- CGGlyph glyphs[2];
- CFIndex count = macfont_store_utf32char_to_unichars (c, unichars);
- if (mac_font_get_glyphs_for_characters (macfont, unichars, glyphs,
- count))
- glyph = glyphs[0];
- if (glyph == 0)
- glyph = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
- value |= ((uintptr_t) glyph << nshifts);
- CFDictionarySetValue (cache->glyph.dictionary,
- (const void *) key, (const void *) value);
- }
+ {
+ UniChar unichars[2];
+ CGGlyph glyphs[2];
+ CFIndex count = macfont_store_utf32char_to_unichars (c, unichars);
+ if (mac_font_get_glyphs_for_characters (macfont, unichars, glyphs,
+ count))
+ glyph = glyphs[0];
+ if (glyph == 0)
+ glyph = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
+ value |= ((uintptr_t) glyph << nshifts);
+ CFDictionarySetValue (cache->glyph.dictionary,
+ (const void *) key, (const void *) value);
+ }
return glyph;
static CGGlyph
macfont_get_glyph_for_cid (struct font *font, CharacterCollection collection,
- CGFontIndex cid)
+ CGFontIndex cid)
struct macfont_info *macfont_info = (struct macfont_info *) font;
FontRef macfont = macfont_info->macfont;
CFDataRef uvs_table = mac_font_copy_uvs_table (macfont);
CharacterCollection uvs_collection =
if (uvs_table == NULL
- && mac_font_get_glyph_for_cid (macfont,
- 6480) != kCGFontIndexInvalid)
- {
- /* If the glyph for U+4E55 is accessible via its CID 6480,
- then we use the Adobe-Japan1 UVS table, which maps a
- variation sequence to a CID, as a fallback. */
- static CFDataRef mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1 = NULL;
- if (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1 == NULL)
- mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1 =
- CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy (NULL,
- mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1_bytes,
- sizeof (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1_bytes),
- kCFAllocatorNull);
- if (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1)
- {
- uvs_table = CFRetain (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1);
- }
- }
+ && mac_font_get_glyph_for_cid (macfont,
+ 6480) != kCGFontIndexInvalid)
+ {
+ /* If the glyph for U+4E55 is accessible via its CID 6480,
+ then we use the Adobe-Japan1 UVS table, which maps a
+ variation sequence to a CID, as a fallback. */
+ static CFDataRef mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1 = NULL;
+ if (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1 == NULL)
+ mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1 =
+ CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy (NULL,
+ mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1_bytes,
+ sizeof (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1_bytes),
+ kCFAllocatorNull);
+ if (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1)
+ {
+ uvs_table = CFRetain (mac_uvs_table_adobe_japan1);
+ }
+ }
if (uvs_table == NULL)
- cache->uvs.table = kCFNull;
+ cache->uvs.table = kCFNull;
- cache->uvs.table = uvs_table;
+ cache->uvs.table = uvs_table;
cache->uvs.collection = uvs_collection;
static int macfont_has_char (Lisp_Object, int);
static unsigned macfont_encode_char (struct font *, int);
static void macfont_text_extents (struct font *, unsigned int *, int,
- struct font_metrics *);
+ struct font_metrics *);
static int macfont_draw (struct glyph_string *, int, int, int, int, bool);
static Lisp_Object macfont_shape (Lisp_Object);
static int macfont_variation_glyphs (struct font *, int c,
- unsigned variations[256]);
+ unsigned variations[256]);
static void macfont_filter_properties (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
static struct font_driver macfont_driver =
for (i = j = 0; i < SBYTES (SYMBOL_NAME (registry)); i++, j++)
if (str[i] == '.')
- re[j++] = '\\';
+ re[j++] = '\\';
else if (str[i] == '*')
- re[j++] = '.';
+ re[j++] = '.';
re[j] = str[i];
if (re[j] == '?')
- re[j] = '.';
+ re[j] = '.';
re[j] = '\0';
regexp = make_unibyte_string (re, j);
for (i = 0; cf_charset_table[i].name; i++)
if (fast_c_string_match_ignore_case
- (regexp, cf_charset_table[i].name,
- strlen (cf_charset_table[i].name)) >= 0)
+ (regexp, cf_charset_table[i].name,
+ strlen (cf_charset_table[i].name)) >= 0)
if (! cf_charset_table[i].name)
return -1;
CFMutableCharacterSetRef charset = CFCharacterSetCreateMutable (NULL);
if (! charset)
- return -1;
+ return -1;
for (j = 0; uniquifier[j]; j++)
- {
- count += macfont_store_utf32char_to_unichars (uniquifier[j],
- unichars + count);
- CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange (charset,
- CFRangeMake (uniquifier[j], 1));
- }
+ {
+ count += macfont_store_utf32char_to_unichars (uniquifier[j],
+ unichars + count);
+ CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange (charset,
+ CFRangeMake (uniquifier[j], 1));
+ }
string = CFStringCreateWithCharacters (NULL, unichars, count);
if (! string)
- {
- CFRelease (charset);
- return -1;
- }
+ {
+ CFRelease (charset);
+ return -1;
+ }
cf_charset_table[i].cf_charset = CFCharacterSetCreateCopy (NULL,
- charset);
+ charset);
CFRelease (charset);
/* CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString does not handle
- surrogate pairs properly as of Mac OS X 10.5. */
- cf_charset_table[i].cf_charset_string = string;
+ surrogate pairs properly as of Mac OS X 10.5. */
+ cf_charset_table[i].cf_charset_string = string;
return i;
unsigned int *features[2];
-#define OTF_SYM_TAG(SYM, TAG) \
- do { \
- unsigned char *p = SDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (SYM)); \
+#define OTF_SYM_TAG(SYM, TAG) \
+ do { \
+ unsigned char *p = SDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (SYM)); \
TAG = (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]; \
} while (0)
-#define OTF_TAG_STR(TAG, P) \
- do { \
- (P)[0] = (char) (TAG >> 24); \
- (P)[1] = (char) ((TAG >> 16) & 0xFF); \
- (P)[2] = (char) ((TAG >> 8) & 0xFF); \
- (P)[3] = (char) (TAG & 0xFF); \
- (P)[4] = '\0'; \
+#define OTF_TAG_STR(TAG, P) \
+ do { \
+ (P)[0] = (char) (TAG >> 24); \
+ (P)[1] = (char) ((TAG >> 16) & 0xFF); \
+ (P)[2] = (char) ((TAG >> 8) & 0xFF); \
+ (P)[3] = (char) (TAG & 0xFF); \
+ (P)[4] = '\0'; \
} while (0)
static struct OpenTypeSpec *
OTF_SYM_TAG (spec->script, spec->script_tag);
val = assq_no_quit (spec->script, Votf_script_alist);
if (CONSP (val) && SYMBOLP (XCDR (val)))
- spec->script = XCDR (val);
+ spec->script = XCDR (val);
- spec->script = Qnil;
+ spec->script = Qnil;
spec->script_tag = 0x44464C54; /* "DFLT" */
val = XCAR (otf_spec);
if (! NILP (val))
- OTF_SYM_TAG (val, spec->langsys_tag);
+ OTF_SYM_TAG (val, spec->langsys_tag);
otf_spec = XCDR (otf_spec);
spec->nfeatures[0] = spec->nfeatures[1] = 0;
val = XCAR (otf_spec);
if (NILP (val))
- continue;
+ continue;
len = Flength (val);
spec->features[i] =
- (min (PTRDIFF_MAX, SIZE_MAX) / sizeof (int) < XINT (len)
- ? 0
- : malloc (XINT (len) * sizeof *spec->features[i]));
+ (min (PTRDIFF_MAX, SIZE_MAX) / sizeof (int) < XINT (len)
+ ? 0
+ : malloc (XINT (len) * sizeof *spec->features[i]));
if (! spec->features[i])
- {
- if (i > 0 && spec->features[0])
- free (spec->features[0]);
- free (spec);
- return NULL;
- }
+ {
+ if (i > 0 && spec->features[0])
+ free (spec->features[0]);
+ free (spec);
+ return NULL;
+ }
for (j = 0, negative = 0; CONSP (val); val = XCDR (val))
- {
- if (NILP (XCAR (val)))
- negative = 1;
- else
- {
- unsigned int tag;
- OTF_SYM_TAG (XCAR (val), tag);
- spec->features[i][j++] = negative ? tag & 0x80000000 : tag;
- }
- }
+ {
+ if (NILP (XCAR (val)))
+ negative = 1;
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned int tag;
+ OTF_SYM_TAG (XCAR (val), tag);
+ spec->features[i][j++] = negative ? tag & 0x80000000 : tag;
+ }
+ }
spec->nfeatures[i] = j;
return spec;
CGPoint points[6];
} numeric_traits[] =
- {{-0.4, 50}, /* light */
- {-0.24, 87.5}, /* (semi-light + normal) / 2 */
- {0, 100}, /* normal */
- {0.24, 140}, /* (semi-bold + normal) / 2 */
- {0.4, 200}, /* bold */
+ {{-0.4, 50}, /* light */
+ {-0.24, 87.5}, /* (semi-light + normal) / 2 */
+ {0, 100}, /* normal */
+ {0.24, 140}, /* (semi-bold + normal) / 2 */
+ {0.4, 200}, /* bold */
- {{0, 100}, {0.1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}},
+ {{0, 100}, {0.1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}},
- {{0, 100}, {1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}}};
+ {{0, 100}, {1, 200}, {CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}}}};
registry = AREF (spec, FONT_REGISTRY_INDEX);
if (NILP (registry)
cf_charset_idx = macfont_get_charset (registry);
if (cf_charset_idx < 0)
- goto err;
+ goto err;
charset = cf_charset_table[cf_charset_idx].cf_charset;
charset_string = cf_charset_table[cf_charset_idx].cf_charset_string;
lang = cf_charset_table[cf_charset_idx].lang;
if (lang)
- {
- langarray = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (! langarray)
- goto err;
- CFArrayAppendValue (langarray, lang);
- }
+ {
+ langarray = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (! langarray)
+ goto err;
+ CFArrayAppendValue (langarray, lang);
+ }
for (extra = AREF (spec, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX);
tmp = XCAR (extra);
key = XCAR (tmp), val = XCDR (tmp);
if (EQ (key, QClang))
- {
- if (! langarray)
- langarray = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (! langarray)
- goto err;
- if (SYMBOLP (val))
- val = list1 (val);
- for (; CONSP (val); val = XCDR (val))
- if (SYMBOLP (XCAR (val)))
- {
- CFStringRef lang =
- cfstring_create_with_string_noencode (SYMBOL_NAME
- (XCAR (val)));
- if (lang == NULL)
- goto err;
- CFArrayAppendValue (langarray, lang);
- CFRelease (lang);
- }
- }
+ {
+ if (! langarray)
+ langarray = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (! langarray)
+ goto err;
+ if (SYMBOLP (val))
+ val = list1 (val);
+ for (; CONSP (val); val = XCDR (val))
+ if (SYMBOLP (XCAR (val)))
+ {
+ CFStringRef lang =
+ cfstring_create_with_string_noencode (SYMBOL_NAME
+ (XCAR (val)));
+ if (lang == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ CFArrayAppendValue (langarray, lang);
+ CFRelease (lang);
+ }
+ }
else if (EQ (key, QCotf))
- {
- otspec = macfont_get_open_type_spec (val);
- if (! otspec)
- goto err;
- script = otspec->script;
- }
+ {
+ otspec = macfont_get_open_type_spec (val);
+ if (! otspec)
+ goto err;
+ script = otspec->script;
+ }
else if (EQ (key, QCscript))
- script = val;
+ script = val;
if (! NILP (script) && ! charset)
Lisp_Object chars = assq_no_quit (script, Vscript_representative_chars);
if (CONSP (chars) && CONSP (CDR (chars)))
- {
- CFMutableStringRef string = CFStringCreateMutable (NULL, 0);
- CFMutableCharacterSetRef cs = CFCharacterSetCreateMutable (NULL);
- if (! string || !cs)
- {
- if (string)
- CFRelease (string);
- else if (cs)
- CFRelease (cs);
- goto err;
- }
- for (chars = XCDR (chars); CONSP (chars); chars = XCDR (chars))
- if (CHARACTERP (XCAR (chars)))
- {
- UniChar unichars[2];
- CFIndex count =
- macfont_store_utf32char_to_unichars (XFASTINT (XCAR (chars)),
- unichars);
- CFRange range = CFRangeMake (XFASTINT (XCAR (chars)), 1);
- CFStringAppendCharacters (string, unichars, count);
- CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange (cs, range);
- }
- charset = cs;
- /* CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString does not
- handle surrogate pairs properly as of Mac OS X 10.5. */
- charset_string = string;
- }
+ {
+ CFMutableStringRef string = CFStringCreateMutable (NULL, 0);
+ CFMutableCharacterSetRef cs = CFCharacterSetCreateMutable (NULL);
+ if (! string || !cs)
+ {
+ if (string)
+ CFRelease (string);
+ else if (cs)
+ CFRelease (cs);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ for (chars = XCDR (chars); CONSP (chars); chars = XCDR (chars))
+ if (CHARACTERP (XCAR (chars)))
+ {
+ UniChar unichars[2];
+ CFIndex count =
+ macfont_store_utf32char_to_unichars (XFASTINT (XCAR (chars)),
+ unichars);
+ CFRange range = CFRangeMake (XFASTINT (XCAR (chars)), 1);
+ CFStringAppendCharacters (string, unichars, count);
+ CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange (cs, range);
+ }
+ charset = cs;
+ /* CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString does not
+ handle surrogate pairs properly as of Mac OS X 10.5. */
+ charset_string = string;
+ }
attributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
if (! attributes)
goto err;
CFStringRef family = macfont_create_family_with_symbol (tmp);
if (! family)
- goto err;
+ goto err;
CFDictionaryAddValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_FAMILY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE,
- family);
+ family);
CFRelease (family);
traits = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 4,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
if (! traits)
goto err;
tmp = AREF (spec, numeric_traits[i].index);
if (INTEGERP (tmp))
- {
- CGPoint *point = numeric_traits[i].points;
- CGFloat floatval = (XINT (tmp) >> 8); // XXX
- CFNumberRef num;
- while (point->y < floatval)
- point++;
- if (point == numeric_traits[i].points)
- point++;
- else if (point->y == CGFLOAT_MAX)
- point--;
- floatval = (point - 1)->x + ((floatval - (point - 1)->y)
- * ((point->x - (point - 1)->x)
- / (point->y - (point - 1)->y)));
- if (floatval > 1.0)
- floatval = 1.0;
- else if (floatval < -1.0)
- floatval = -1.0;
- num = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &floatval);
- if (! num)
- goto err;
- CFDictionaryAddValue (traits, numeric_traits[i].trait, num);
- CFRelease (num);
- }
+ {
+ CGPoint *point = numeric_traits[i].points;
+ CGFloat floatval = (XINT (tmp) >> 8); // XXX
+ CFNumberRef num;
+ while (point->y < floatval)
+ point++;
+ if (point == numeric_traits[i].points)
+ point++;
+ else if (point->y == CGFLOAT_MAX)
+ point--;
+ floatval = (point - 1)->x + ((floatval - (point - 1)->y)
+ * ((point->x - (point - 1)->x)
+ / (point->y - (point - 1)->y)));
+ if (floatval > 1.0)
+ floatval = 1.0;
+ else if (floatval < -1.0)
+ floatval = -1.0;
+ num = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &floatval);
+ if (! num)
+ goto err;
+ CFDictionaryAddValue (traits, numeric_traits[i].trait, num);
+ CFRelease (num);
+ }
if (CFDictionaryGetCount (traits))
CFDictionaryAddValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_TRAITS_ATTRIBUTE, traits);
if (charset)
CFDictionaryAddValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_CHARACTER_SET_ATTRIBUTE,
- charset);
+ charset);
if (charset_string)
- charset_string);
+ charset_string);
if (langarray)
CFDictionaryAddValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_LANGUAGES_ATTRIBUTE, langarray);
if (otspec)
if (otspec->nfeatures[0] > 0)
- free (otspec->features[0]);
+ free (otspec->features[0]);
if (otspec->nfeatures[1] > 0)
- free (otspec->features[1]);
+ free (otspec->features[1]);
free (otspec);
static Boolean
macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (FontDescriptorRef desc,
- CFCharacterSetRef charset,
- Lisp_Object chars,
- CFArrayRef languages)
+ CFCharacterSetRef charset,
+ Lisp_Object chars,
+ CFArrayRef languages)
Boolean result = true;
if (charset || VECTORP (chars))
CFCharacterSetRef desc_charset =
- mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
+ mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
if (desc_charset == NULL)
- result = false;
+ result = false;
- {
- if (charset)
- result = CFCharacterSetIsSupersetOfSet (desc_charset, charset);
- else /* VECTORP (chars) */
- {
- ptrdiff_t j;
- for (j = 0; j < ASIZE (chars); j++)
- if (TYPE_RANGED_INTEGERP (UTF32Char, AREF (chars, j))
- && CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember (desc_charset,
- XFASTINT (AREF (chars, j))))
- break;
- if (j == ASIZE (chars))
- result = false;
- }
- CFRelease (desc_charset);
- }
+ {
+ if (charset)
+ result = CFCharacterSetIsSupersetOfSet (desc_charset, charset);
+ else /* VECTORP (chars) */
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t j;
+ for (j = 0; j < ASIZE (chars); j++)
+ if (TYPE_RANGED_INTEGERP (UTF32Char, AREF (chars, j))
+ && CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember (desc_charset,
+ XFASTINT (AREF (chars, j))))
+ break;
+ if (j == ASIZE (chars))
+ result = false;
+ }
+ CFRelease (desc_charset);
+ }
if (result && languages)
result = mac_font_descriptor_supports_languages (desc, languages);
return result;
-static CFIndex
-macfont_closest_traits_index (CFArrayRef traits_array,
- FontSymbolicTraits target)
+static int
+macfont_traits_distance (FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits1,
+ FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits2)
+ FontSymbolicTraits diff = (sym_traits1 ^ sym_traits2);
+ int distance = 0;
+ /* We prefer synthetic bold of italic to synthetic italic of bold
+ when both bold and italic are available but bold-italic is not
+ available. */
+ if (diff & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD)
+ distance |= (1 << 0);
+ distance |= (1 << 1);
+ distance |= (1 << 2);
+ return distance;
+static Boolean
+macfont_closest_traits_index_p (CFArrayRef traits_array,
+ FontSymbolicTraits target,
+ CFIndex index)
- CFIndex i, result = -1, count = CFArrayGetCount (traits_array);
- int min_distance = (1 << 3);
+ CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount (traits_array);
+ FontSymbolicTraits traits;
+ int my_distance;
+ traits = ((FontSymbolicTraits) (uintptr_t)
+ CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (traits_array, index));
+ my_distance = macfont_traits_distance (target, traits);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- FontSymbolicTraits traits, diff;
- int distance = 0;
- traits = ((FontSymbolicTraits) (uintptr_t)
- CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (traits_array, i));
- diff = (target ^ traits);
- /* We prefer synthetic bold of italic to synthetic italic of
- bold when both bold and italic are available but bold-italic
- is not available. */
- if (diff & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD)
- distance |= (1 << 0);
- distance |= (1 << 1);
- distance |= (1 << 2);
- if (distance < min_distance)
- {
- min_distance = distance;
- result = i;
- }
- }
+ if (i != index)
+ {
+ traits = ((FontSymbolicTraits) (uintptr_t)
+ CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (traits_array, i));
+ if (macfont_traits_distance (target, traits) < my_distance)
+ return false;
+ }
- return result;
+ return true;
static Lisp_Object
family_name = macfont_create_family_with_symbol (family);
if (family_name == NULL)
- goto finish;
+ goto finish;
attributes = macfont_create_attributes_with_spec (spec);
spacing = XINT (AREF (spec, FONT_SPACING_INDEX));
traits = ((CFMutableDictionaryRef)
- CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_TRAITS_ATTRIBUTE));
+ CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_TRAITS_ATTRIBUTE));
synth_sym_traits |= MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC;
if (traits)
- CFDictionaryRemoveValue (traits, MAC_FONT_SLANT_TRAIT);
+ CFDictionaryRemoveValue (traits, MAC_FONT_SLANT_TRAIT);
synth_sym_traits |= MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD;
if (traits)
- CFDictionaryRemoveValue (traits, MAC_FONT_WEIGHT_TRAIT);
+ CFDictionaryRemoveValue (traits, MAC_FONT_WEIGHT_TRAIT);
if (languages
CFStringRef language = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (languages, 0);
if (CFStringHasPrefix (language, CFSTR ("ja"))
- || CFStringHasPrefix (language, CFSTR ("ko"))
- || CFStringHasPrefix (language, CFSTR ("zh")))
- synth_sym_traits |= MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE;
+ || CFStringHasPrefix (language, CFSTR ("ko"))
+ || CFStringHasPrefix (language, CFSTR ("zh")))
+ synth_sym_traits |= MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE;
/* Create array of families. */
if (family_name)
families = CFArrayCreate (NULL, (const void **) &family_name,
- 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
CFStringRef pref_family;
families = mac_font_create_available_families ();
if (families == NULL)
- goto err;
+ goto err;
families_count = CFArrayGetCount (families);
/* Move preferred family to the front if exists. */
pref_family =
- mac_font_create_preferred_family_for_attributes (attributes);
+ mac_font_create_preferred_family_for_attributes (attributes);
if (pref_family)
- {
- pref_family_index =
- CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue (families,
- CFRangeMake (0, families_count),
- pref_family);
- CFRelease (pref_family);
- }
+ {
+ pref_family_index =
+ CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue (families,
+ CFRangeMake (0, families_count),
+ pref_family);
+ CFRelease (pref_family);
+ }
if (pref_family_index > 0)
- {
- CFMutableArrayRef mutable_families =
- CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, families_count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (mutable_families)
- {
- CFArrayAppendValue (mutable_families,
- CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families,
- pref_family_index));
- CFArrayAppendArray (mutable_families, families,
- CFRangeMake (0, pref_family_index));
- if (pref_family_index + 1 < families_count)
- CFArrayAppendArray (mutable_families, families,
- CFRangeMake (pref_family_index + 1,
- families_count
- - (pref_family_index + 1)));
- CFRelease (families);
- families = mutable_families;
- }
- }
+ {
+ CFMutableArrayRef mutable_families =
+ CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, families_count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (mutable_families)
+ {
+ CFArrayAppendValue (mutable_families,
+ CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families,
+ pref_family_index));
+ CFArrayAppendArray (mutable_families, families,
+ CFRangeMake (0, pref_family_index));
+ if (pref_family_index + 1 < families_count)
+ CFArrayAppendArray (mutable_families, families,
+ CFRangeMake (pref_family_index + 1,
+ families_count
+ - (pref_family_index + 1)));
+ CFRelease (families);
+ families = mutable_families;
+ }
+ }
charset = CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes,
if (charset)
CFRetain (charset);
val = assq_no_quit (QCscript, AREF (spec, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX));
if (! NILP (val))
- {
- val = assq_no_quit (XCDR (val), Vscript_representative_chars);
- if (CONSP (val) && VECTORP (XCDR (val)))
- chars = XCDR (val);
- }
+ {
+ val = assq_no_quit (XCDR (val), Vscript_representative_chars);
+ if (CONSP (val) && VECTORP (XCDR (val)))
+ chars = XCDR (val);
+ }
val = Qnil;
int j;
CFDictionarySetValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_FAMILY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE,
- family_name);
+ family_name);
pat_desc = mac_font_descriptor_create_with_attributes (attributes);
if (! pat_desc)
- goto err;
+ goto err;
/* CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors on Mac OS X
- 10.7 returns NULL if pat_desc represents the LastResort font.
- So we use CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptor (no
- trailing "s") for such a font. */
+ 10.7 returns NULL if pat_desc represents the LastResort font.
+ So we use CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptor (no
+ trailing "s") for such a font. */
if (!CFEqual (family_name, CFSTR ("LastResort")))
- descs = mac_font_descriptor_create_matching_font_descriptors (pat_desc,
- NULL);
+ descs = mac_font_descriptor_create_matching_font_descriptors (pat_desc,
+ NULL);
- {
- FontDescriptorRef lr_desc =
- mac_font_descriptor_create_matching_font_descriptor (pat_desc,
- NULL);
- if (lr_desc)
- {
- descs = CFArrayCreate (NULL, (const void **) &lr_desc, 1,
- &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- CFRelease (lr_desc);
- }
- else
- descs = NULL;
- }
+ {
+ FontDescriptorRef lr_desc =
+ mac_font_descriptor_create_matching_font_descriptor (pat_desc,
+ NULL);
+ if (lr_desc)
+ {
+ descs = CFArrayCreate (NULL, (const void **) &lr_desc, 1,
+ &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ CFRelease (lr_desc);
+ }
+ else
+ descs = NULL;
+ }
CFRelease (pat_desc);
if (! descs)
- goto err;
+ goto err;
descs_count = CFArrayGetCount (descs);
if (descs_count == 0
- || !macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, 0),
- charset, chars,
- languages))
- {
- CFRelease (descs);
- continue;
- }
+ || !macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, 0),
+ charset, chars,
+ languages))
+ {
+ CFRelease (descs);
+ continue;
+ }
filtered_descs =
- CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, descs_count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, descs_count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
traits_array = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, descs_count, NULL);
for (j = 0; j < descs_count; j++)
- {
- FontDescriptorRef desc = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, j);
- CFDictionaryRef dict;
- CFNumberRef num;
- FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits;
- dict = mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
- if (dict == NULL)
- continue;
- num = CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, MAC_FONT_SYMBOLIC_TRAIT);
- CFRelease (dict);
- if (num == NULL
- || !cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (num, &sym_traits))
- continue;
- if (spacing >= 0
- && !(synth_sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE)
- && (((sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE) != 0)
- != (spacing >= FONT_SPACING_MONO)))
- continue;
- /* Don't use a color bitmap font unless its family is
- explicitly specified. */
- if ((sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_COLOR_GLYPHS) && NILP (family))
- continue;
- if (j > 0
- && !macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (desc, charset,
- chars, languages))
- continue;
- CFArrayAppendValue (filtered_descs, desc);
- CFArrayAppendValue (traits_array,
- (const void *) (uintptr_t) sym_traits);
- }
+ {
+ FontDescriptorRef desc = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, j);
+ CFDictionaryRef dict;
+ CFNumberRef num;
+ FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits;
+ dict = mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
+ if (dict == NULL)
+ continue;
+ num = CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, MAC_FONT_SYMBOLIC_TRAIT);
+ CFRelease (dict);
+ if (num == NULL
+ || !cfnumber_get_font_symbolic_traits_value (num, &sym_traits))
+ continue;
+ if (spacing >= 0
+ && !(synth_sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE)
+ && (((sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE) != 0)
+ != (spacing >= FONT_SPACING_MONO)))
+ continue;
+ /* Don't use a color bitmap font unless its family is
+ explicitly specified. */
+ if ((sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_COLOR_GLYPHS) && NILP (family))
+ continue;
+ if (j > 0
+ && !macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (desc, charset,
+ chars, languages))
+ continue;
+ CFArrayAppendValue (filtered_descs, desc);
+ CFArrayAppendValue (traits_array,
+ (const void *) (uintptr_t) sym_traits);
+ }
CFRelease (descs);
descs = filtered_descs;
descs_count = CFArrayGetCount (descs);
for (j = 0; j < descs_count; j++)
- {
- FontDescriptorRef desc = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, j);
- FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits =
- ((FontSymbolicTraits) (uintptr_t)
- CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (traits_array, j));
- FontSymbolicTraits mask_min, mask_max, imask, bmask, mmask;
- mask_min = ((synth_sym_traits ^ sym_traits)
- if (FONT_SLANT_NUMERIC (spec) < 0)
- mask_min &= ~MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC;
- if (FONT_WEIGHT_NUMERIC (spec) < 0)
- mask_min &= ~MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD;
- mask_max = (synth_sym_traits & ~sym_traits);
- /* Synthetic bold does not work for bitmap-only fonts on Mac
- OS X 10.6. */
- if ((mask_min ^ mask_max) & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD)
- {
- CFNumberRef format =
- mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
- if (format)
- {
- uint32_t format_val;
- if (CFNumberGetValue (format, kCFNumberSInt32Type,
- &format_val)
- && format_val == MAC_FONT_FORMAT_BITMAP)
- mask_max &= ~MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD;
- }
- }
- if (spacing >= 0)
- mask_min |= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE);
- for (mmask = (mask_min & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE);
- mmask <= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE);
- for (bmask = (mask_min & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD);
- bmask <= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD);
- for (imask = (mask_min & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC);
- imask <= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC);
- {
- FontSymbolicTraits synth = (imask | bmask | mmask);
- if (synth == 0
- || j == macfont_closest_traits_index (traits_array,
- (sym_traits | synth)))
- {
- entity = macfont_descriptor_entity (desc, extra, synth);
- if (! NILP (entity))
- val = Fcons (entity, val);
- }
- }
- }
+ {
+ FontDescriptorRef desc = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, j);
+ FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits =
+ ((FontSymbolicTraits) (uintptr_t)
+ CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (traits_array, j));
+ FontSymbolicTraits mask_min, mask_max, imask, bmask, mmask;
+ mask_min = ((synth_sym_traits ^ sym_traits)
+ if (FONT_SLANT_NUMERIC (spec) < 0)
+ mask_min &= ~MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC;
+ if (FONT_WEIGHT_NUMERIC (spec) < 0)
+ mask_min &= ~MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD;
+ mask_max = (synth_sym_traits & ~sym_traits);
+ /* Synthetic bold does not work for bitmap-only fonts on Mac
+ OS X 10.6. */
+ if ((mask_min ^ mask_max) & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD)
+ {
+ CFNumberRef format =
+ mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
+ if (format)
+ {
+ uint32_t format_val;
+ if (CFNumberGetValue (format, kCFNumberSInt32Type,
+ &format_val)
+ && format_val == MAC_FONT_FORMAT_BITMAP)
+ mask_max &= ~MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD;
+ }
+ }
+ if (spacing >= 0)
+ mask_min |= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE);
+ for (mmask = (mask_min & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE);
+ mmask <= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE);
+ for (bmask = (mask_min & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD);
+ bmask <= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_BOLD);
+ for (imask = (mask_min & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC);
+ imask <= (mask_max & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_ITALIC);
+ {
+ FontSymbolicTraits synth = (imask | bmask | mmask);
+ if (synth == 0
+ || macfont_closest_traits_index_p (traits_array,
+ (sym_traits | synth),
+ j))
+ {
+ entity = macfont_descriptor_entity (desc, extra, synth);
+ if (! NILP (entity))
+ val = Fcons (entity, val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
CFRelease (traits_array);
CFRelease (descs);
if (pat_desc)
desc = mac_font_descriptor_create_matching_font_descriptor (pat_desc,
- NULL);
+ NULL);
CFRelease (pat_desc);
if (desc)
entity = macfont_descriptor_entity (desc, AREF (spec, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX),
- 0);
+ 0);
CFRelease (desc);
unblock_input ();
CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount (families);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- list = Fcons (macfont_intern_prop_cfstring (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families, i)), list);
+ list = Fcons (macfont_intern_prop_cfstring (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families, i)), list);
CFRelease (families);
macfont_free_entity (Lisp_Object entity)
Lisp_Object val = assq_no_quit (QCfont_entity,
CFStringRef name = XSAVE_POINTER (XCDR (val), 0);
block_input ();
int size;
FontRef macfont;
FontSymbolicTraits sym_traits;
- int i, total_width;
+ char name[256];
+ int len, i, total_width;
CGGlyph glyph;
CGFloat ascent, descent, leading;
return Qnil;
font_object = font_build_object (VECSIZE (struct macfont_info),
- Qmac_ct, entity, size);
+ Qmac_ct, entity, size);
font = XFONT_OBJECT (font_object);
font->pixel_size = size;
font->driver = &macfont_driver;
val = assq_no_quit (QCdestination, AREF (entity, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX));
if (CONSP (val) && EQ (XCDR (val), make_number (1)))
macfont_info->screen_font = mac_screen_font_create_with_name (font_name,
- size);
+ size);
macfont_info->screen_font = NULL;
macfont_info->cache = macfont_lookup_cache (font_name);
if (sym_traits & MAC_FONT_TRAIT_MONO_SPACE)
macfont_info->spacing = MACFONT_SPACING_MONO;
macfont_info->spacing = MACFONT_SPACING_SYNTHETIC_MONO;
if (macfont_info->synthetic_italic_p || macfont_info->synthetic_bold_p)
macfont_info->antialias = MACFONT_ANTIALIAS_ON;
val = assq_no_quit (QCantialias, AREF (entity, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX));
if (CONSP (val))
- macfont_info->antialias =
+ macfont_info->antialias =
macfont_info->color_bitmap_p = 0;
glyph = macfont_get_glyph_for_character (font, ' ' + i);
if (glyph == kCGFontIndexInvalid)
- break;
+ break;
total_width += macfont_glyph_extents (font, glyph, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (i == 95)
font->average_width = font->space_width; /* XXX */
if (!(macfont_info->screen_font
- && mac_screen_font_get_metrics (macfont_info->screen_font,
- &ascent, &descent, &leading)))
+ && mac_screen_font_get_metrics (macfont_info->screen_font,
+ &ascent, &descent, &leading)))
CFStringRef family_name;
descent = mac_font_get_descent (macfont);
leading = mac_font_get_leading (macfont);
/* AppKit and WebKit do some adjustment to the heights of
- Courier, Helvetica, and Times. */
+ Courier, Helvetica, and Times. */
family_name = mac_font_copy_family_name (macfont);
if (family_name)
- {
- if (CFEqual (family_name, CFSTR ("Courier"))
- || CFEqual (family_name, CFSTR ("Helvetica"))
- || CFEqual (family_name, CFSTR ("Times")))
- ascent += (ascent + descent) * .15f;
- else if (CFStringHasPrefix (family_name, CFSTR ("Hiragino")))
- {
- leading *= .25f;
- ascent += leading;
- }
- CFRelease (family_name);
- }
+ {
+ if (CFEqual (family_name, CFSTR ("Courier"))
+ || CFEqual (family_name, CFSTR ("Helvetica"))
+ || CFEqual (family_name, CFSTR ("Times")))
+ ascent += (ascent + descent) * .15f;
+ else if (CFStringHasPrefix (family_name, CFSTR ("Hiragino")))
+ {
+ leading *= .25f;
+ ascent += leading;
+ }
+ CFRelease (family_name);
+ }
font->ascent = ascent + 0.5f;
val = assq_no_quit (QCminspace, AREF (entity, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX));
CFRelease (macfont_info->macfont);
CGFontRelease (macfont_info->cgfont);
if (macfont_info->screen_font)
- CFRelease (macfont_info->screen_font);
+ CFRelease (macfont_info->screen_font);
macfont_release_cache (macfont_info->cache);
for (i = 0; i < macfont_info->metrics_nrows; i++)
- if (macfont_info->metrics[i])
- xfree (macfont_info->metrics[i]);
+ if (macfont_info->metrics[i])
+ xfree (macfont_info->metrics[i]);
if (macfont_info->metrics)
- xfree (macfont_info->metrics);
+ xfree (macfont_info->metrics);
macfont_info->cache = NULL;
unblock_input ();
static void
-macfont_text_extents (struct font *font, unsigned int *code,
- int nglyphs, struct font_metrics *metrics)
+macfont_text_extents (struct font *font, unsigned int *code, int nglyphs,
+ struct font_metrics *metrics)
int width, i;
for (i = 1; i < nglyphs; i++)
struct font_metrics m;
- int w = macfont_glyph_extents (font, code[i], &m, NULL, 0);
- if (width + m.lbearing < metrics->lbearing)
- metrics->lbearing = width + m.lbearing;
- if (width + m.rbearing > metrics->rbearing)
- metrics->rbearing = width + m.rbearing;
- if (m.ascent > metrics->ascent)
- metrics->ascent = m.ascent;
- if (m.descent > metrics->descent)
- metrics->descent = m.descent;
+ int w = macfont_glyph_extents (font, code[i], metrics ? &m : NULL,
+ NULL, 0);
+ if (metrics)
+ {
+ if (width + m.lbearing < metrics->lbearing)
+ metrics->lbearing = width + m.lbearing;
+ if (width + m.rbearing > metrics->rbearing)
+ metrics->rbearing = width + m.rbearing;
+ if (m.ascent > metrics->ascent)
+ metrics->ascent = m.ascent;
+ if (m.descent > metrics->descent)
+ metrics->descent = m.descent;
+ }
width += w;
unblock_input ();
- metrics->width = width;
+ if (metrics)
+ metrics->width = width;
static int
macfont_draw (struct glyph_string *s, int from, int to, int x, int y,
- bool with_background)
+ bool with_background)
struct frame * f = s->f;
struct macfont_info *macfont_info = (struct macfont_info *) s->font;
bool no_antialias_p =
(macfont_info->antialias == MACFONT_ANTIALIAS_OFF
|| (macfont_info->antialias == MACFONT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT
- && font_size <= macfont_antialias_threshold));
+ && font_size <= macfont_antialias_threshold));
int len = to - from;
struct face *face = s->face;
CGContextRef context;
if (with_background)
background_rect = CGRectMake (x, y - FONT_BASE (s->font),
s->width, FONT_HEIGHT (s->font));
- else
+ else
background_rect = CGRectNull;
text_position = CGPointMake (x, -y);
glyphs = xmalloc (sizeof (CGGlyph) * len);
- CGFloat advance_delta;
+ CGFloat advance_delta = 0;
int i;
CGFloat total_width = 0;
positions = xmalloc (sizeof (CGPoint) * len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- int width;
- glyphs[i] = s->char2b[from + i];
- width = (s->padding_p ? 1
- : macfont_glyph_extents (s->font, glyphs[i],
- NULL, &advance_delta,
- no_antialias_p));
- positions[i].x = total_width + advance_delta;
- positions[i].y = 0;
- total_width += width;
+ int width;
+ glyphs[i] = s->char2b[from + i];
+ width = (s->padding_p ? 1
+ : macfont_glyph_extents (s->font, glyphs[i],
+ NULL, &advance_delta,
+ no_antialias_p));
+ positions[i].x = total_width + advance_delta;
+ positions[i].y = 0;
+ total_width += width;
CGContextFillRects (context, &background_rect, 1);
if (macfont_info->cgfont)
CGAffineTransform atfm;
CGContextScaleCTM (context, 1, -1);
if (macfont_info->synthetic_italic_p)
- atfm = synthetic_italic_atfm;
+ atfm = synthetic_italic_atfm;
- atfm = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
+ atfm = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
if (macfont_info->synthetic_bold_p)
- {
- CGContextSetTextDrawingMode (context, kCGTextFillStroke);
- CGContextSetLineWidth (context, synthetic_bold_factor * font_size);
- }
+ {
+ CGContextSetTextDrawingMode (context, kCGTextFillStroke);
+ CGContextSetLineWidth (context, synthetic_bold_factor * font_size);
+ }
if (no_antialias_p)
- CGContextSetShouldAntialias (context, false);
+ CGContextSetShouldAntialias (context, false);
CGContextSetTextMatrix (context, atfm);
CGContextSetTextPosition (context, text_position.x, text_position.y);
if (macfont_info->color_bitmap_p
- && CTFontDrawGlyphs != NULL
+ && CTFontDrawGlyphs != NULL
- )
- {
- if (len > 0)
- {
- CTFontDrawGlyphs (macfont_info->macfont, glyphs, positions, len,
+ )
+ {
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ CTFontDrawGlyphs (macfont_info->macfont, glyphs, positions, len,
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
#endif /* MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 1070 */
- {
- CGContextSetFont (context, macfont_info->cgfont);
- CGContextSetFontSize (context, font_size);
- CGContextShowGlyphsAtPositions (context, glyphs, positions, len);
- }
+ {
+ CGContextSetFont (context, macfont_info->cgfont);
+ CGContextSetFontSize (context, font_size);
+ CGContextShowGlyphsAtPositions (context, glyphs, positions, len);
+ }
Lisp_Object lglyph = LGSTRING_GLYPH (lgstring, i);
if (NILP (lglyph))
- break;
+ break;
if (LGLYPH_CHAR (lglyph) >= 0x10000)
- nonbmp_len++;
+ nonbmp_len++;
len = i;
UTF32Char c = LGLYPH_CHAR (LGSTRING_GLYPH (lgstring, i));
if (macfont_store_utf32char_to_unichars (c, unichars + i + j) > 1)
- {
- nonbmp_indices[j] = i + j;
- j++;
- }
+ {
+ nonbmp_indices[j] = i + j;
+ j++;
+ }
nonbmp_indices[j] = len + j; /* sentinel */
block_input ();
string = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy (NULL, unichars, len + nonbmp_len,
- kCFAllocatorNull);
+ kCFAllocatorNull);
if (string)
glyph_layouts = alloca (sizeof (struct mac_glyph_layout) * glyph_len);
if (macfont_info->screen_font)
- used = mac_screen_font_shape (macfont_info->screen_font, string,
- glyph_layouts, glyph_len);
+ used = mac_screen_font_shape (macfont_info->screen_font, string,
+ glyph_layouts, glyph_len);
- used = mac_font_shape (macfont, string, glyph_layouts, glyph_len);
+ used = mac_font_shape (macfont, string, glyph_layouts, glyph_len);
CFRelease (string);
int xoff, yoff, wadjust;
if (NILP (lglyph))
- {
- lglyph = Fmake_vector (make_number (LGLYPH_SIZE), Qnil);
- LGSTRING_SET_GLYPH (lgstring, i, lglyph);
- }
+ {
+ lglyph = Fmake_vector (make_number (LGLYPH_SIZE), Qnil);
+ LGSTRING_SET_GLYPH (lgstring, i, lglyph);
+ }
from = gl->comp_range.location;
/* Convert UTF-16 index to UTF-32. */
j = 0;
while (nonbmp_indices[j] < from)
- j++;
+ j++;
from -= j;
LGLYPH_SET_FROM (lglyph, from);
to = gl->comp_range.location + gl->comp_range.length;
/* Convert UTF-16 index to UTF-32. */
while (nonbmp_indices[j] < to)
- j++;
+ j++;
to -= j;
LGLYPH_SET_TO (lglyph, to - 1);
/* LGLYPH_CHAR is used in `describe-char' for checking whether
- the composition is trivial. */
+ the composition is trivial. */
- UTF32Char c;
- if (unichars[gl->string_index] >= 0xD800
- && unichars[gl->string_index] < 0xDC00)
- c = (((unichars[gl->string_index] - 0xD800) << 10)
- + (unichars[gl->string_index + 1] - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
- else
- c = unichars[gl->string_index];
- if (macfont_get_glyph_for_character (font, c) != gl->glyph_id)
- c = 0;
- LGLYPH_SET_CHAR (lglyph, c);
+ UTF32Char c;
+ if (unichars[gl->string_index] >= 0xD800
+ && unichars[gl->string_index] < 0xDC00)
+ c = (((unichars[gl->string_index] - 0xD800) << 10)
+ + (unichars[gl->string_index + 1] - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
+ else
+ c = unichars[gl->string_index];
+ if (macfont_get_glyph_for_character (font, c) != gl->glyph_id)
+ c = 0;
+ LGLYPH_SET_CHAR (lglyph, c);
yoff = lround (- gl->baseline_delta);
wadjust = lround (gl->advance);
if (xoff != 0 || yoff != 0 || wadjust != metrics.width)
- {
- Lisp_Object vec;
+ {
+ Lisp_Object vec;
- vec = Fmake_vector (make_number (3), Qnil);
- ASET (vec, 0, make_number (xoff));
- ASET (vec, 1, make_number (yoff));
- ASET (vec, 2, make_number (wadjust));
- LGLYPH_SET_ADJUSTMENT (lglyph, vec);
- }
+ vec = Fmake_vector (make_number (3), Qnil);
+ ASET (vec, 0, make_number (xoff));
+ ASET (vec, 1, make_number (yoff));
+ ASET (vec, 2, make_number (wadjust));
+ LGLYPH_SET_ADJUSTMENT (lglyph, vec);
+ }
unblock_input ();
UInt32 length, num_var_selector_records;
struct variation_selector_record variation_selector_records[1];
(sizeof (struct uvs_table) - sizeof (struct variation_selector_record))
struct unicode_value_range
UInt32 num_unicode_value_ranges;
struct unicode_value_range unicode_value_ranges[1];
(sizeof (struct default_uvs_table) - sizeof (struct unicode_value_range))
struct uvs_mapping
UInt32 num_uvs_mappings;
struct uvs_mapping uvs_mappings[1];
(sizeof (struct non_default_uvs_table) - sizeof (struct uvs_mapping))
#pragma pack(pop)
#if __LP64__
if (CFDataGetLength (cmap_table) > UINT32_MAX)
- goto finish;
+ goto finish;
cmap_len = CFDataGetLength (cmap_table);
if (sizeof_sfntCMapHeader > cmap_len)
- goto finish;
+ goto finish;
ntables = BUINT16_VALUE (cmap->numTables);
if (ntables > ((cmap_len - sizeof_sfntCMapHeader)
- / sizeof_sfntCMapEncoding))
- goto finish;
+ / sizeof_sfntCMapEncoding))
+ goto finish;
for (i = 0; i < ntables; i++)
- if ((BUINT16_VALUE (cmap->encoding[i].platformID)
- == kFontUnicodePlatform)
- && (BUINT16_VALUE (cmap->encoding[i].scriptID)
- == 5)) /* kFontUnicodeV4_0VariationSequenceSemantics */
- {
- uvs_offset = BUINT32_VALUE (cmap->encoding[i].offset);
- break;
- }
+ if ((BUINT16_VALUE (cmap->encoding[i].platformID)
+ == kFontUnicodePlatform)
+ && (BUINT16_VALUE (cmap->encoding[i].scriptID)
+ == 5)) /* kFontUnicodeV4_0VariationSequenceSemantics */
+ {
+ uvs_offset = BUINT32_VALUE (cmap->encoding[i].offset);
+ break;
+ }
if (i == ntables
- || uvs_offset > cmap_len
- || SIZEOF_UVS_TABLE_HEADER > cmap_len - uvs_offset)
- goto finish;
+ || uvs_offset > cmap_len
+ || SIZEOF_UVS_TABLE_HEADER > cmap_len - uvs_offset)
+ goto finish;
uvs = (struct uvs_table *) ((UInt8 *) cmap + uvs_offset);
uvs_len = BUINT32_VALUE (uvs->length);
if (uvs_len > cmap_len - uvs_offset
- goto finish;
+ goto finish;
if (BUINT16_VALUE (uvs->format) != 14)
- goto finish;
+ goto finish;
nrecords = BUINT32_VALUE (uvs->num_var_selector_records);
if (nrecords > ((uvs_len - SIZEOF_UVS_TABLE_HEADER)
- / sizeof (struct variation_selector_record)))
- goto finish;
+ / sizeof (struct variation_selector_record)))
+ goto finish;
records = uvs->variation_selector_records;
for (i = 0; i < nrecords; i++)
- {
- UInt32 default_uvs_offset, non_default_uvs_offset;
- default_uvs_offset = BUINT32_VALUE (records[i].default_uvs_offset);
- if (default_uvs_offset)
- {
- struct default_uvs_table *default_uvs;
- UInt32 nranges;
- if (default_uvs_offset > uvs_len
- > uvs_len - default_uvs_offset))
- goto finish;
- default_uvs = ((struct default_uvs_table *)
- ((UInt8 *) uvs + default_uvs_offset));
- nranges = BUINT32_VALUE (default_uvs->num_unicode_value_ranges);
- if (nranges > ((uvs_len - default_uvs_offset
- / sizeof (struct unicode_value_range)))
- goto finish;
- /* Now 2 * nranges can't overflow, so we can safely use
- `(lo + hi) / 2' instead of `lo + (hi - lo) / 2' in
- mac_font_get_glyphs_for_variants. */
- }
- non_default_uvs_offset =
- BUINT32_VALUE (records[i].non_default_uvs_offset);
- if (non_default_uvs_offset)
- {
- struct non_default_uvs_table *non_default_uvs;
- UInt32 nmappings;
- if (non_default_uvs_offset > uvs_len
- > uvs_len - non_default_uvs_offset))
- goto finish;
- non_default_uvs = ((struct non_default_uvs_table *)
- ((UInt8 *) uvs + non_default_uvs_offset));
- nmappings = BUINT32_VALUE (non_default_uvs->num_uvs_mappings);
- if (nmappings > ((uvs_len - non_default_uvs_offset
- / sizeof (struct uvs_mapping)))
- goto finish;
- /* Now 2 * nmappings can't overflow, so we can safely
- use `(lo + hi) / 2' instead of `lo + (hi - lo) / 2'
- in mac_font_get_glyphs_for_variants. */
- }
- }
+ {
+ UInt32 default_uvs_offset, non_default_uvs_offset;
+ default_uvs_offset = BUINT32_VALUE (records[i].default_uvs_offset);
+ if (default_uvs_offset)
+ {
+ struct default_uvs_table *default_uvs;
+ UInt32 nranges;
+ if (default_uvs_offset > uvs_len
+ > uvs_len - default_uvs_offset))
+ goto finish;
+ default_uvs = ((struct default_uvs_table *)
+ ((UInt8 *) uvs + default_uvs_offset));
+ nranges = BUINT32_VALUE (default_uvs->num_unicode_value_ranges);
+ if (nranges > ((uvs_len - default_uvs_offset
+ / sizeof (struct unicode_value_range)))
+ goto finish;
+ /* Now 2 * nranges can't overflow, so we can safely use
+ `(lo + hi) / 2' instead of `lo + (hi - lo) / 2' in
+ mac_font_get_glyphs_for_variants. */
+ }
+ non_default_uvs_offset =
+ BUINT32_VALUE (records[i].non_default_uvs_offset);
+ if (non_default_uvs_offset)
+ {
+ struct non_default_uvs_table *non_default_uvs;
+ UInt32 nmappings;
+ if (non_default_uvs_offset > uvs_len
+ > uvs_len - non_default_uvs_offset))
+ goto finish;
+ non_default_uvs = ((struct non_default_uvs_table *)
+ ((UInt8 *) uvs + non_default_uvs_offset));
+ nmappings = BUINT32_VALUE (non_default_uvs->num_uvs_mappings);
+ if (nmappings > ((uvs_len - non_default_uvs_offset
+ / sizeof (struct uvs_mapping)))
+ goto finish;
+ /* Now 2 * nmappings can't overflow, so we can safely
+ use `(lo + hi) / 2' instead of `lo + (hi - lo) / 2'
+ in mac_font_get_glyphs_for_variants. */
+ }
+ }
uvs_table = CFDataCreate (NULL, (UInt8 *) uvs, uvs_len);
static void
mac_font_get_glyphs_for_variants (CFDataRef uvs_table, UTF32Char c,
- const UTF32Char selectors[], CGGlyph glyphs[],
- CFIndex count)
+ const UTF32Char selectors[], CGGlyph glyphs[],
+ CFIndex count)
struct uvs_table *uvs = (struct uvs_table *) CFDataGetBytePtr (uvs_table);
struct variation_selector_record *records = uvs->variation_selector_records;
UInt32 default_uvs_offset, non_default_uvs_offset;
if (selectors[i] < BUINT24_VALUE (records[ir].var_selector))
- {
- glyphs[i++] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
- continue;
- }
+ {
+ glyphs[i++] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
+ continue;
+ }
else if (selectors[i] > BUINT24_VALUE (records[ir].var_selector))
- {
- ir++;
- continue;
- }
+ {
+ ir++;
+ continue;
+ }
/* selectors[i] == BUINT24_VALUE (records[ir].var_selector) */
default_uvs_offset = BUINT32_VALUE (records[ir].default_uvs_offset);
non_default_uvs_offset =
- BUINT32_VALUE (records[ir].non_default_uvs_offset);
+ BUINT32_VALUE (records[ir].non_default_uvs_offset);
dispatch_group_async (group, queue, ^{
- glyphs[i] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
- if (default_uvs_offset)
- {
- struct default_uvs_table *default_uvs =
- (struct default_uvs_table *) ((UInt8 *) uvs
- + default_uvs_offset);
- struct unicode_value_range *ranges =
- default_uvs->unicode_value_ranges;
- UInt32 lo, hi;
- lo = 0;
- hi = BUINT32_VALUE (default_uvs->num_unicode_value_ranges);
- while (lo < hi)
- {
- UInt32 mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
- if (c < BUINT24_VALUE (ranges[mid].start_unicode_value))
- hi = mid;
- else
- lo = mid + 1;
- }
- if (hi > 0
- && (c <= (BUINT24_VALUE (ranges[hi - 1].start_unicode_value)
- + BUINT8_VALUE (ranges[hi - 1].additional_count))))
- glyphs[i] = 0;
- }
- if (glyphs[i] == kCGFontIndexInvalid && non_default_uvs_offset)
- {
- struct non_default_uvs_table *non_default_uvs =
- (struct non_default_uvs_table *) ((UInt8 *) uvs
- + non_default_uvs_offset);
- struct uvs_mapping *mappings = non_default_uvs->uvs_mappings;
- UInt32 lo, hi;
- lo = 0;
- hi = BUINT32_VALUE (non_default_uvs->num_uvs_mappings);
- while (lo < hi)
- {
- UInt32 mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
- if (c < BUINT24_VALUE (mappings[mid].unicode_value))
- hi = mid;
- else
- lo = mid + 1;
- }
- if (hi > 0 &&
- BUINT24_VALUE (mappings[hi - 1].unicode_value) == c)
- glyphs[i] = BUINT16_VALUE (mappings[hi - 1].glyph_id);
- }
+ glyphs[i] = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
+ if (default_uvs_offset)
+ {
+ struct default_uvs_table *default_uvs =
+ (struct default_uvs_table *) ((UInt8 *) uvs
+ + default_uvs_offset);
+ struct unicode_value_range *ranges =
+ default_uvs->unicode_value_ranges;
+ UInt32 lo, hi;
+ lo = 0;
+ hi = BUINT32_VALUE (default_uvs->num_unicode_value_ranges);
+ while (lo < hi)
+ {
+ UInt32 mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ if (c < BUINT24_VALUE (ranges[mid].start_unicode_value))
+ hi = mid;
+ else
+ lo = mid + 1;
+ }
+ if (hi > 0
+ && (c <= (BUINT24_VALUE (ranges[hi - 1].start_unicode_value)
+ + BUINT8_VALUE (ranges[hi - 1].additional_count))))
+ glyphs[i] = 0;
+ }
+ if (glyphs[i] == kCGFontIndexInvalid && non_default_uvs_offset)
+ {
+ struct non_default_uvs_table *non_default_uvs =
+ (struct non_default_uvs_table *) ((UInt8 *) uvs
+ + non_default_uvs_offset);
+ struct uvs_mapping *mappings = non_default_uvs->uvs_mappings;
+ UInt32 lo, hi;
+ lo = 0;
+ hi = BUINT32_VALUE (non_default_uvs->num_uvs_mappings);
+ while (lo < hi)
+ {
+ UInt32 mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ if (c < BUINT24_VALUE (mappings[mid].unicode_value))
+ hi = mid;
+ else
+ lo = mid + 1;
+ }
+ if (hi > 0 &&
+ BUINT24_VALUE (mappings[hi - 1].unicode_value) == c)
+ glyphs[i] = BUINT16_VALUE (mappings[hi - 1].glyph_id);
+ }
- });
+ });
CGGlyph glyphs[256];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- selectors[i] = 0xFE00 + i;
+ selectors[i] = 0xFE00 + i;
for (; i < 256; i++)
- selectors[i] = 0xE0100 + (i - 16);
+ selectors[i] = 0xE0100 + (i - 16);
mac_font_get_glyphs_for_variants (uvs_table, c, selectors, glyphs, 256);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- CGGlyph glyph = glyphs[i];
- && glyph != kCGFontIndexInvalid)
- glyph = macfont_get_glyph_for_cid (font, uvs_collection, glyph);
- if (glyph == kCGFontIndexInvalid)
- variations[i] = 0;
- else
- {
- variations[i] = (glyph ? glyph
- : macfont_get_glyph_for_character (font, c));
- n++;
- }
- }
+ {
+ CGGlyph glyph = glyphs[i];
+ && glyph != kCGFontIndexInvalid)
+ glyph = macfont_get_glyph_for_cid (font, uvs_collection, glyph);
+ if (glyph == kCGFontIndexInvalid)
+ variations[i] = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ variations[i] = (glyph ? glyph
+ : macfont_get_glyph_for_character (font, c));
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
unblock_input ();
static Boolean
mac_ctfont_descriptor_supports_languages (CTFontDescriptorRef descriptor,
- CFArrayRef languages)
+ CFArrayRef languages)
Boolean result = true;
CFArrayRef desc_languages =
desc_languages_count = CFArrayGetCount (desc_languages);
languages_count = CFArrayGetCount (languages);
for (i = 0; i < languages_count; i++)
- if (!CFArrayContainsValue (desc_languages,
- CFRangeMake (0, desc_languages_count),
- CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (languages, i)))
- {
- result = false;
- break;
- }
+ if (!CFArrayContainsValue (desc_languages,
+ CFRangeMake (0, desc_languages_count),
+ CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (languages, i)))
+ {
+ result = false;
+ break;
+ }
CFRelease (desc_languages);
CFStringRef keys[] = {
- kCTLanguageAttributeName
+ kCTLanguageAttributeName
- CFSTR ("NSLanguage")
+ CFSTR ("NSLanguage")
CFTypeRef values[] = {NULL};
CFIndex num_values = 0;
CFArrayRef languages
- = CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_LANGUAGES_ATTRIBUTE);
+ = CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, MAC_FONT_LANGUAGES_ATTRIBUTE);
if (languages && CFArrayGetCount (languages) > 0)
- {
- if (CTGetCoreTextVersion () >= kCTVersionNumber10_9)
- values[num_values++] = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (languages, 0);
- else
- {
- CFCharacterSetRef charset =
- CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes,
- result = mac_font_copy_default_name_for_charset_and_languages (charset, languages);
- }
- }
+ {
+ if (CTGetCoreTextVersion () >= kCTVersionNumber10_9)
+ values[num_values++] = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (languages, 0);
+ else
+ {
+ CFCharacterSetRef charset =
+ CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes,
+ result = mac_font_copy_default_name_for_charset_and_languages (charset, languages);
+ }
+ }
if (result == NULL)
- {
- CFAttributedStringRef attr_string = NULL;
- CTLineRef ctline = NULL;
- CFDictionaryRef attrs
- = CFDictionaryCreate (NULL, (const void **) keys,
- (const void **) values, num_values,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
- if (attrs)
- {
- attr_string = CFAttributedStringCreate (NULL, charset_string,
- attrs);
- CFRelease (attrs);
- }
- if (attr_string)
- {
- ctline = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attr_string);
- CFRelease (attr_string);
- }
- if (ctline)
- {
- CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (ctline);
- CFIndex i, nruns = CFArrayGetCount (runs);
- CTFontRef font;
- for (i = 0; i < nruns; i++)
- {
- CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runs, i);
- CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run);
- CTFontRef font_in_run;
- if (attributes == NULL)
- break;
- font_in_run =
- CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName);
- if (font_in_run == NULL)
- break;
- if (i == 0)
- font = font_in_run;
- else if (!mac_ctfont_equal_in_postscript_name (font,
- font_in_run))
- break;
- }
- if (nruns > 0 && i == nruns)
- result = CTFontCopyAttribute (font, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute);
- CFRelease (ctline);
- }
- }
+ {
+ CFAttributedStringRef attr_string = NULL;
+ CTLineRef ctline = NULL;
+ CFDictionaryRef attrs
+ = CFDictionaryCreate (NULL, (const void **) keys,
+ (const void **) values, num_values,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ if (attrs)
+ {
+ attr_string = CFAttributedStringCreate (NULL, charset_string,
+ attrs);
+ CFRelease (attrs);
+ }
+ if (attr_string)
+ {
+ ctline = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attr_string);
+ CFRelease (attr_string);
+ }
+ if (ctline)
+ {
+ CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (ctline);
+ CFIndex i, nruns = CFArrayGetCount (runs);
+ CTFontRef font;
+ for (i = 0; i < nruns; i++)
+ {
+ CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runs, i);
+ CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run);
+ CTFontRef font_in_run;
+ if (attributes == NULL)
+ break;
+ font_in_run =
+ CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName);
+ if (font_in_run == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (i == 0)
+ font = font_in_run;
+ else if (!mac_ctfont_equal_in_postscript_name (font,
+ font_in_run))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nruns > 0 && i == nruns)
+ result = CTFontCopyAttribute (font, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute);
+ CFRelease (ctline);
+ }
+ }
return result;
mac_ctfont_get_advance_width_for_glyph (CTFontRef font, CGGlyph glyph)
return CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs (font, kCTFontDefaultOrientation,
- &glyph, NULL, 1);
+ &glyph, NULL, 1);
static inline CGRect
mac_ctfont_get_bounding_rect_for_glyph (CTFontRef font, CGGlyph glyph)
return CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs (font, kCTFontDefaultOrientation,
- &glyph, NULL, 1);
+ &glyph, NULL, 1);
static CFArrayRef
CFArrayRef orig_families = CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames ();
if (orig_families)
- {
- CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount (orig_families);
- families = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (families)
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- CFStringRef family = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (orig_families, i);
- if (!CFStringHasPrefix (family, CFSTR ("."))
- && (CTFontManagerCompareFontFamilyNames (family,
- CFSTR ("LastResort"),
- != kCFCompareEqualTo))
- CFArrayAppendValue (families, family);
- }
- CFRelease (orig_families);
- }
+ {
+ CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount (orig_families);
+ families = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (families)
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ CFStringRef family = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (orig_families, i);
+ if (!CFStringHasPrefix (family, CFSTR ("."))
+ && (CTFontManagerCompareFontFamilyNames (family,
+ CFSTR ("LastResort"),
+ != kCFCompareEqualTo))
+ CFArrayAppendValue (families, family);
+ }
+ CFRelease (orig_families);
+ }
else /* CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames == NULL */
collection = CTFontCollectionCreateFromAvailableFonts (NULL);
if (collection)
- {
- descs = CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors (collection);
- CFRelease (collection);
- }
+ {
+ descs = CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors (collection);
+ CFRelease (collection);
+ }
if (descs)
- {
- CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount (descs);
- families = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (families)
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- FontDescriptorRef desc = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, i);
- CFStringRef name =
- mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
- if (name)
- {
- CFIndex p, limit = CFArrayGetCount (families);
- p = CFArrayBSearchValues (families, CFRangeMake (0, limit),
- (const void *) name,
- mac_font_family_compare, NULL);
- if (p >= limit)
- CFArrayAppendValue (families, name);
- else if (mac_font_family_compare
- (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families, p),
- name, NULL) != kCFCompareEqualTo)
- CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex (families, p, name);
- CFRelease (name);
- }
- }
- CFRelease (descs);
- }
+ {
+ CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount (descs);
+ families = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (families)
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ FontDescriptorRef desc = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descs, i);
+ CFStringRef name =
+ mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (desc,
+ if (name)
+ {
+ CFIndex p, limit = CFArrayGetCount (families);
+ p = CFArrayBSearchValues (families, CFRangeMake (0, limit),
+ (const void *) name,
+ mac_font_family_compare, NULL);
+ if (p >= limit)
+ CFArrayAppendValue (families, name);
+ else if (mac_font_family_compare
+ (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (families, p),
+ name, NULL) != kCFCompareEqualTo)
+ CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex (families, p, name);
+ CFRelease (name);
+ }
+ }
+ CFRelease (descs);
+ }
name2 = CTFontCopyPostScriptName (font2);
if (name2)
- {
- result = CFEqual (name1, name2);
- CFRelease (name2);
- }
+ {
+ result = CFEqual (name1, name2);
+ CFRelease (name2);
+ }
CFRelease (name1);
static CTLineRef
mac_ctfont_create_line_with_string_and_font (CFStringRef string,
- CTFontRef macfont)
+ CTFontRef macfont)
CFStringRef keys[] = {kCTFontAttributeName, kCTKernAttributeName};
CFTypeRef values[] = {NULL, NULL};
if (values[1])
attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (NULL, (const void **) keys,
- (const void **) values,
+ (const void **) values,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
CFRelease (values[1]);
if (attributes)
if (ctline)
/* Abandon if ctline contains some fonts other than the
- specified one. */
+ specified one. */
CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (ctline);
CFIndex i, nruns = CFArrayGetCount (runs);
for (i = 0; i < nruns; i++)
- {
- CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runs, i);
- CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run);
- CTFontRef font_in_run;
- if (attributes == NULL)
- break;
- font_in_run =
- CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName);
- if (font_in_run == NULL)
- break;
- if (!mac_ctfont_equal_in_postscript_name (macfont, font_in_run))
- break;
- }
+ {
+ CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runs, i);
+ CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run);
+ CTFontRef font_in_run;
+ if (attributes == NULL)
+ break;
+ font_in_run =
+ CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName);
+ if (font_in_run == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (!mac_ctfont_equal_in_postscript_name (macfont, font_in_run))
+ break;
+ }
if (i < nruns)
- {
- CFRelease (ctline);
- ctline = NULL;
- }
+ {
+ CFRelease (ctline);
+ ctline = NULL;
+ }
return ctline;
static CFIndex
mac_ctfont_shape (CTFontRef font, CFStringRef string,
- struct mac_glyph_layout *glyph_layouts, CFIndex glyph_len)
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *glyph_layouts, CFIndex glyph_len)
CFIndex used, result = 0;
CTLineRef ctline = mac_ctfont_create_line_with_string_and_font (string, font);
CFIndex total_glyph_count = 0;
for (k = 0; k < ctrun_count; k++)
- {
- CTRunRef ctrun = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (ctruns, k);
- CFIndex i, min_location, glyph_count = CTRunGetGlyphCount (ctrun);
- struct mac_glyph_layout *glbuf = glyph_layouts + total_glyph_count;
- CFRange string_range, comp_range, range;
- CFIndex *permutation;
- if (CTRunGetStatus (ctrun) & kCTRunStatusRightToLeft)
- permutation = xmalloc (sizeof (CFIndex) * glyph_count);
- else
- permutation = NULL;
+ {
+ CTRunRef ctrun = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (ctruns, k);
+ CFIndex i, min_location, glyph_count = CTRunGetGlyphCount (ctrun);
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *glbuf = glyph_layouts + total_glyph_count;
+ CFRange string_range, comp_range, range;
+ CFIndex *permutation;
+ if (CTRunGetStatus (ctrun) & kCTRunStatusRightToLeft)
+ permutation = xmalloc (sizeof (CFIndex) * glyph_count);
+ else
+ permutation = NULL;
#define RIGHT_TO_LEFT_P permutation
- /* Now the `comp_range' member of struct mac_glyph_layout is
- temporarily used as a work area such that:
- glbuf[i].comp_range.location =
- min {compRange[i + 1].location, ...,
+ /* Now the `comp_range' member of struct mac_glyph_layout is
+ temporarily used as a work area such that:
+ glbuf[i].comp_range.location =
+ min {compRange[i + 1].location, ...,
compRange[glyph_count - 1].location,
maxRange (stringRangeForCTRun)}
- glbuf[i].comp_range.length = maxRange (compRange[i])
- where compRange[i] is the range of composed characters
- containing i-th glyph. */
- string_range = CTRunGetStringRange (ctrun);
- min_location = string_range.location + string_range.length;
- for (i = 0; i < glyph_count; i++)
- {
- struct mac_glyph_layout *gl = glbuf + glyph_count - i - 1;
- CFIndex glyph_index;
- CFRange rng;
- glyph_index = glyph_count - i - 1;
- else
- glyph_index = i;
- CTRunGetStringIndices (ctrun, CFRangeMake (glyph_index, 1),
- &gl->string_index);
- rng =
- CFStringGetRangeOfComposedCharactersAtIndex (string,
- gl->string_index);
- gl->comp_range.location = min_location;
- gl->comp_range.length = rng.location + rng.length;
- if (rng.location < min_location)
- min_location = rng.location;
- }
- /* Fill the `comp_range' member of struct mac_glyph_layout,
- and setup a permutation for right-to-left text. */
- comp_range = CFRangeMake (string_range.location, 0);
- range = CFRangeMake (0, 0);
- while (1)
- {
- struct mac_glyph_layout *gl =
- glbuf + range.location + range.length;
- if (gl->comp_range.length
- > comp_range.location + comp_range.length)
- comp_range.length = gl->comp_range.length - comp_range.location;
- min_location = gl->comp_range.location;
- range.length++;
- if (min_location >= comp_range.location + comp_range.length)
- {
- comp_range.length = min_location - comp_range.location;
- for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
- {
- glbuf[range.location + i].comp_range = comp_range;
- permutation[range.location + i] =
- range.location + range.length - i - 1;
- }
- comp_range = CFRangeMake (min_location, 0);
- range.location += range.length;
- range.length = 0;
- if (range.location == glyph_count)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Then fill the remaining members. */
- for (range = CFRangeMake (0, 1); range.location < glyph_count;
- range.location++)
- {
- struct mac_glyph_layout *gl;
- CGPoint position;
- gl = glbuf + range.location;
- else
- {
- CFIndex src, dest;
- src = glyph_count - 1 - range.location;
- dest = permutation[src];
- gl = glbuf + dest;
- if (src < dest)
- {
- CFIndex tmp = gl->string_index;
- gl->string_index = glbuf[src].string_index;
- glbuf[src].string_index = tmp;
- }
- }
- CTRunGetGlyphs (ctrun, range, &gl->glyph_id);
- CTRunGetPositions (ctrun, range, &position);
- gl->advance_delta = position.x - total_advance;
- gl->baseline_delta = position.y;
- gl->advance = (gl->advance_delta
- + CTRunGetTypographicBounds (ctrun, range,
- total_advance += gl->advance;
- }
- xfree (permutation);
+ glbuf[i].comp_range.length = maxRange (compRange[i])
+ where compRange[i] is the range of composed characters
+ containing i-th glyph. */
+ string_range = CTRunGetStringRange (ctrun);
+ min_location = string_range.location + string_range.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < glyph_count; i++)
+ {
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *gl = glbuf + glyph_count - i - 1;
+ CFIndex glyph_index;
+ CFRange rng;
+ glyph_index = glyph_count - i - 1;
+ else
+ glyph_index = i;
+ CTRunGetStringIndices (ctrun, CFRangeMake (glyph_index, 1),
+ &gl->string_index);
+ rng =
+ CFStringGetRangeOfComposedCharactersAtIndex (string,
+ gl->string_index);
+ gl->comp_range.location = min_location;
+ gl->comp_range.length = rng.location + rng.length;
+ if (rng.location < min_location)
+ min_location = rng.location;
+ }
+ /* Fill the `comp_range' member of struct mac_glyph_layout,
+ and setup a permutation for right-to-left text. */
+ comp_range = CFRangeMake (string_range.location, 0);
+ range = CFRangeMake (0, 0);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *gl =
+ glbuf + range.location + range.length;
+ if (gl->comp_range.length
+ > comp_range.location + comp_range.length)
+ comp_range.length = gl->comp_range.length - comp_range.location;
+ min_location = gl->comp_range.location;
+ range.length++;
+ if (min_location >= comp_range.location + comp_range.length)
+ {
+ comp_range.length = min_location - comp_range.location;
+ for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
+ {
+ glbuf[range.location + i].comp_range = comp_range;
+ permutation[range.location + i] =
+ range.location + range.length - i - 1;
+ }
+ comp_range = CFRangeMake (min_location, 0);
+ range.location += range.length;
+ range.length = 0;
+ if (range.location == glyph_count)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Then fill the remaining members. */
+ for (range = CFRangeMake (0, 1); range.location < glyph_count;
+ range.location++)
+ {
+ struct mac_glyph_layout *gl;
+ CGPoint position;
+ gl = glbuf + range.location;
+ else
+ {
+ CFIndex src, dest;
+ src = glyph_count - 1 - range.location;
+ dest = permutation[src];
+ gl = glbuf + dest;
+ if (src < dest)
+ {
+ CFIndex tmp = gl->string_index;
+ gl->string_index = glbuf[src].string_index;
+ glbuf[src].string_index = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ CTRunGetGlyphs (ctrun, range, &gl->glyph_id);
+ CTRunGetPositions (ctrun, range, &position);
+ gl->advance_delta = position.x - total_advance;
+ gl->baseline_delta = position.y;
+ gl->advance = (gl->advance_delta
+ + CTRunGetTypographicBounds (ctrun, range,
+ total_advance += gl->advance;
+ }
+ xfree (permutation);
- total_glyph_count += glyph_count;
- }
+ total_glyph_count += glyph_count;
+ }
result = used;
static CGGlyph
mac_ctfont_get_glyph_for_cid (CTFontRef font, CTCharacterCollection collection,
- CGFontIndex cid)
+ CGFontIndex cid)
CGGlyph result = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
UniChar characters[] = {0xfffd};
if (string)
CTGlyphInfoRef glyph_info =
- CTGlyphInfoCreateWithCharacterIdentifier (cid, collection, string);
+ CTGlyphInfoCreateWithCharacterIdentifier (cid, collection, string);
CFDictionaryRef attributes = NULL;
if (glyph_info)
- {
- CFStringRef keys[] = {kCTFontAttributeName,
- kCTGlyphInfoAttributeName};
- CFTypeRef values[] = {font, glyph_info};
+ {
+ CFStringRef keys[] = {kCTFontAttributeName,
+ kCTGlyphInfoAttributeName};
+ CFTypeRef values[] = {font, glyph_info};
- attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (NULL, (const void **) keys,
- (const void **) values,
+ attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (NULL, (const void **) keys,
+ (const void **) values,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
- CFRelease (glyph_info);
- }
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ CFRelease (glyph_info);
+ }
if (attributes)
- {
- attr_string = CFAttributedStringCreate (NULL, string, attributes);
- CFRelease (attributes);
- }
+ {
+ attr_string = CFAttributedStringCreate (NULL, string, attributes);
+ CFRelease (attributes);
+ }
CFRelease (string);
if (attr_string)
CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (ctline);
if (CFArrayGetCount (runs) > 0)
- {
- CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runs, 0);
- CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run);
- if (attributes)
- {
- CTFontRef font_in_run =
- CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName);
- if (font_in_run
- && mac_ctfont_equal_in_postscript_name (font_in_run, font))
- {
- CTRunGetGlyphs (run, CFRangeMake (0, 1), &result);
- if (result >= CTFontGetGlyphCount (font))
- result = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
- }
- }
- }
+ {
+ CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runs, 0);
+ CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run);
+ if (attributes)
+ {
+ CTFontRef font_in_run =
+ CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName);
+ if (font_in_run
+ && mac_ctfont_equal_in_postscript_name (font_in_run, font))
+ {
+ CTRunGetGlyphs (run, CFRangeMake (0, 1), &result);
+ if (result >= CTFontGetGlyphCount (font))
+ result = kCGFontIndexInvalid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
CFRelease (ctline);
CFRange range;
range = CFStringFind (family, CFSTR ("Apple"),
- kCFCompareCaseInsensitive | kCFCompareAnchored);
+ kCFCompareCaseInsensitive | kCFCompareAnchored);
if (range.location != kCFNotFound)
- return 1;
+ return 1;
return 0;
CTFontRef user_font =
- CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage (kCTFontUserFontType, 0, language);
+ CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage (kCTFontUserFontType, 0, language);
if (user_font)
- {
- CFArrayRef languages =
- CFArrayCreate (NULL, (const void **) &language, 1,
- &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (languages)
- {
- result = CTFontCopyDefaultCascadeListForLanguages (user_font,
- languages);
- CFRelease (languages);
- }
- CFRelease (user_font);
- }
+ {
+ CFArrayRef languages =
+ CFArrayCreate (NULL, (const void **) &language, 1,
+ &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (languages)
+ {
+ result = CTFontCopyDefaultCascadeListForLanguages (user_font,
+ languages);
+ CFRelease (languages);
+ }
+ CFRelease (user_font);
+ }
else /* CTFontCopyDefaultCascadeListForLanguages == NULL */
CFIndex i;
for (i = 0; macfont_language_default_font_names[i].language; i++)
- {
- if (CFEqual (macfont_language_default_font_names[i].language,
+ {
+ if (CFEqual (macfont_language_default_font_names[i].language,
- {
- CFMutableArrayRef descriptors =
- CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (descriptors)
- {
- CFIndex j;
- for (j = 0;
- macfont_language_default_font_names[i].font_names[j];
- j++)
- {
- CFDictionaryRef attributes =
- CFDictionaryCreate (NULL,
- ((const void **)
- ((const void **)
- &macfont_language_default_font_names[i].font_names[j]),
- 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
- if (attributes)
- {
- FontDescriptorRef pat_desc =
- mac_font_descriptor_create_with_attributes (attributes);
- if (pat_desc)
- {
- FontDescriptorRef descriptor =
- mac_font_descriptor_create_matching_font_descriptor (pat_desc, NULL);
- if (descriptor)
- {
- CFArrayAppendValue (descriptors, descriptor);
- CFRelease (descriptor);
- }
- CFRelease (pat_desc);
- }
- CFRelease (attributes);
- }
- }
- result = descriptors;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ {
+ CFMutableArrayRef descriptors =
+ CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (descriptors)
+ {
+ CFIndex j;
+ for (j = 0;
+ macfont_language_default_font_names[i].font_names[j];
+ j++)
+ {
+ CFDictionaryRef attributes =
+ CFDictionaryCreate (NULL,
+ ((const void **)
+ ((const void **)
+ &macfont_language_default_font_names[i].font_names[j]),
+ 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ if (attributes)
+ {
+ FontDescriptorRef pat_desc =
+ mac_font_descriptor_create_with_attributes (attributes);
+ if (pat_desc)
+ {
+ FontDescriptorRef descriptor =
+ mac_font_descriptor_create_matching_font_descriptor (pat_desc, NULL);
+ if (descriptor)
+ {
+ CFArrayAppendValue (descriptors, descriptor);
+ CFRelease (descriptor);
+ }
+ CFRelease (pat_desc);
+ }
+ CFRelease (attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ result = descriptors;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
static CFStringRef
mac_font_copy_default_name_for_charset_and_languages (CFCharacterSetRef charset,
- CFArrayRef languages)
+ CFArrayRef languages)
CFStringRef result = NULL;
CFStringRef language = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (languages, 0);
CFIndex i, count = CFArrayGetCount (descriptors);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- FontDescriptorRef descriptor =
- CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descriptors, i);
- if (macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (descriptor, charset,
- Qnil, languages))
- {
- CFStringRef family =
- mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (descriptor,
- if (family)
- {
- if (!CFStringHasPrefix (family, CFSTR ("."))
- && !CFEqual (family, CFSTR ("LastResort")))
+ {
+ FontDescriptorRef descriptor =
+ CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (descriptors, i);
+ if (macfont_supports_charset_and_languages_p (descriptor, charset,
+ Qnil, languages))
+ {
+ CFStringRef family =
+ mac_font_descriptor_copy_attribute (descriptor,
+ if (family)
+ {
+ if (!CFStringHasPrefix (family, CFSTR ("."))
+ && !CFEqual (family, CFSTR ("LastResort")))
- result = family;
- break;
- }
- else
- CFRelease (family);
- }
- }
- }
+ result = family;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ CFRelease (family);
+ }
+ }
+ }
CFRelease (descriptors);