*** In the Options menu, the "Truncate Long Lines in the Buffer" entry
has been replaced with a submenu offering three different ways to
handle long lines: truncation, continuation at the window edge, and
-the new word wrapping option (see Editing Changes, below).
+the new word wrapping behavior (see Editing Changes, below).
*** Improvements to menus for major and minor modes
More major and minor modes now have a mode specific menu, and existing
* Editing Changes in Emacs 23.1
** The C-n and C-p line-motion commands now move by screen lines,
taking continued lines and variable-width characters into account.
Setting `line-move-visual' to nil reverts this to the previous
*** When Transient Mark mode is on, M-$ now checks spelling of the
region if the region is active. Otherwise, it checks spelling of the
word at point.
*** When Transient Mark mode is on, TAB now indents the region if the
region is active.
*** `use-empty-active-region' controls whether an empty active region
in Transient Mark mode should make commands operate on that empty
completions only if you repeat the completion. This was already
supported in `partial-completion-mode'.
-** Continuation lines can be wrapped at word boundaries
-(word-wrapping) instead of the right window edge. The new per-buffer
-variable `word-wrap', if non-nil turns on word-wrapping. Word
-wrapping does not take place if continuation lines are not shown,
-e.g. if truncate-lines is non-nil.
+** Continuation lines can now be wrapped at word boundaries
+(word-wrapping). This is controlled by the new per-buffer variable
+`word-wrap'. Word wrapping does not take place if continuation lines
+are not shown, e.g. if truncate-lines is non-nil. The most convenient
+way to enable word-wrapping is using the new minor mode Visual Line
+mode; in addition to setting `word-wrap' to t, this rebinds some
+editing commands to work on screen lines rather than text lines. See
+New Modes and Packages, below.
** Window management changes
It turns on word-wrapping in the current buffer, and rebinds C-a, C-e,
and C-k to commands that operate by visual lines instead of logical
lines. This is a more reliable replacement for longlines-mode.
+This can also be turned on using the menu bar, via
+Options -> Line Wrapping in this Buffer -> Word Wrap
** xesam.el is an implementation of Xesam, an interface to (desktop)
search engines like Beagle, Strigi, and Tracker. The Xesam API