(require 'project)
+(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ert)
(require 'grep)
(require 'xref)
+(defmacro project-tests--with-temporary-directory (var &rest body)
+ "Create a new temporary directory.
+Bind VAR to the name of the directory, and evaluate BODY. Delete
+the directory after BODY exits."
+ (declare (debug (symbolp body)) (indent 1))
+ (cl-check-type var symbol)
+ (let ((directory (make-symbol "directory")))
+ `(let ((,directory (make-temp-file "project-tests-" :directory)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((,var ,directory))
+ ,@body)
+ (delete-directory ,directory :recursive)))))
(ert-deftest project/quoted-directory ()
"Check that `project-files' and `project-find-regexp' deal with
quoted directory names (Bug#47799)."
(skip-unless (executable-find find-program))
(skip-unless (executable-find "xargs"))
(skip-unless (executable-find "grep"))
- (let ((directory (make-temp-file "project-tests-" :directory)))
- (unwind-protect
- (let ((default-directory directory)
- (project-current-inhibit-prompt t)
- (project-find-functions nil)
- (project-list-file
- (expand-file-name "projects" directory))
- (project (cons 'transient (file-name-quote directory)))
- (file (expand-file-name "file" directory)))
- (add-hook 'project-find-functions (lambda (_dir) project))
- (should (eq (project-current) project))
- (write-region "contents" nil file nil nil nil 'excl)
- (should (equal (project-files project)
- (list (file-name-quote file))))
- (let* ((references nil)
- (xref-search-program 'grep)
- (xref-show-xrefs-function
- (lambda (fetcher _display)
- (push (funcall fetcher) references))))
- (project-find-regexp "tent")
- (pcase references
- (`((,item))
- (should
- ;; FIXME: Shouldn't `xref-match-item' be a subclass of
- ;; `xref-item'?
- (cl-typep item '(or xref-item xref-match-item)))
- (should
- (file-equal-p
- (xref-location-group (xref-item-location item))
- file)))
- (otherwise
- (ert-fail (format-message "Unexpected references: %S"
- otherwise))))))
- (delete-directory directory :recursive))))
+ (project-tests--with-temporary-directory directory
+ (let ((default-directory directory)
+ (project-current-inhibit-prompt t)
+ (project-find-functions nil)
+ (project-list-file
+ (expand-file-name "projects" directory))
+ (project (cons 'transient (file-name-quote directory)))
+ (file (expand-file-name "file" directory)))
+ (add-hook 'project-find-functions (lambda (_dir) project))
+ (should (eq (project-current) project))
+ (write-region "contents" nil file nil nil nil 'excl)
+ (should (equal (project-files project)
+ (list (file-name-quote file))))
+ (let* ((references nil)
+ (xref-search-program 'grep)
+ (xref-show-xrefs-function
+ (lambda (fetcher _display)
+ (push (funcall fetcher) references))))
+ (project-find-regexp "tent")
+ (pcase references
+ (`((,item))
+ ;; FIXME: Shouldn't `xref-match-item' be a subclass of
+ ;; `xref-item'?
+ (should (cl-typep item '(or xref-item xref-match-item)))
+ (should (file-equal-p
+ (xref-location-group (xref-item-location item))
+ file)))
+ (otherwise
+ (ert-fail (format-message "Unexpected references: %S"
+ otherwise))))))))
;;; project-tests.el ends here