CHAR_TABLE_REF_ASCII c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^CHAR_TABLE_REF_ASCII (Lisp_Object ct, ptrdiff_t id/
CHAR_TABLE_SET c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^CHAR_TABLE_SET (Lisp_Object ct, int idx, Lisp_Obje/
CHAR_TABLE_STANDARD_SLOTS c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 1697
-CHAR_TYPE_SIZE cccp.y 87
CHAR_TYPE_SIZE y-src/cccp.y 87
CHECKFLAGS make-src/Makefile /^CHECKFLAGS=-DDEBUG -Wno-unused-function$/
CHECKOBJS make-src/Makefile /^CHECKOBJS=chkmalloc.o chkxm.o$/
CHECK_VECTOR_OR_STRING c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^CHECK_VECTOR_OR_STRING (Lisp_Object x)$/
CHECK_WINDOW c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^CHECK_WINDOW (Lisp_Object x)$/
CK_ABS_C y-src/parse.y /^#define CK_ABS_C(x) if((x)<MIN_COL || (x)>MAX_COL)/
-CK_ABS_C parse.y /^#define CK_ABS_C(x) if((x)<MIN_COL || (x)>MAX_COL)/
CK_ABS_R y-src/parse.y /^#define CK_ABS_R(x) if((x)<MIN_ROW || (x)>MAX_ROW)/
-CK_ABS_R parse.y /^#define CK_ABS_R(x) if((x)<MIN_ROW || (x)>MAX_ROW)/
CK_REL_C y-src/parse.y /^#define CK_REL_C(x) if( ((x)>0 && MAX_COL-(x)<cu/
-CK_REL_C parse.y /^#define CK_REL_C(x) if( ((x)>0 && MAX_COL-(x)<cu/
CK_REL_R y-src/parse.y /^#define CK_REL_R(x) if( ((x)>0 && MAX_ROW-(x)<cu/
-CK_REL_R parse.y /^#define CK_REL_R(x) if( ((x)>0 && MAX_ROW-(x)<cu/
CMultiChannelCSC19_3D cp-src/c.C 2
CNL c-src/etags.c /^#define CNL() \\$/
CNL_SAVE_DEFINEDEF c-src/etags.c /^#define CNL_SAVE_DEFINEDEF() \\$/
EQUAL y-src/cccp.c 12
ERLSRC make-src/Makefile /^ERLSRC=gs_dialog.erl lines.erl lists.erl$/
ERROR y-src/parse.y 303
-ERROR parse.y 303
ERROR y-src/cccp.c 9
ETAGS make-src/Makefile /^ETAGS: FRC etags ${infiles}$/
ETAGS% make-src/Makefile /^ETAGS%: FRC etags% ${infiles}$/
FREEFLOOD c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c 1858
FSRC make-src/Makefile /^FSRC=entry.for entry.strange_suffix entry.strange$/
FUN0 y-src/parse.y /^yylex FUN0()$/
-FUN0 parse.y /^yylex FUN0()$/
FUN1 y-src/parse.y /^yyerror FUN1(char *, s)$/
FUN1 y-src/parse.y /^str_to_col FUN1(char **,str)$/
-FUN1 parse.y /^yyerror FUN1(char *, s)$/
-FUN1 parse.y /^str_to_col FUN1(char **,str)$/
FUN2 y-src/parse.y /^make_list FUN2(YYSTYPE, car, YYSTYPE, cdr)$/
FUN2 y-src/parse.y /^parse_cell_or_range FUN2(char **,ptr, struct rng */
-FUN2 parse.y /^make_list FUN2(YYSTYPE, car, YYSTYPE, cdr)$/
-FUN2 parse.y /^parse_cell_or_range FUN2(char **,ptr, struct rng */
FUNCTIONP c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^FUNCTIONP (Lisp_Object obj)$/
FUNCTION_KEY_OFFSET c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 4766
FUNCTION_KEY_OFFSET c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 5061
GC_USE_GCPROS_AS_BEFORE c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 3171
GC_USE_GCPROS_CHECK_ZOMBIES c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 3174
GE y-src/parse.c 8
-GENERIC_PTR cccp.y 56
-GENERIC_PTR cccp.y 58
GENERIC_PTR y-src/cccp.y 56
GENERIC_PTR y-src/cccp.y 58
GEQ y-src/cccp.c 15
INTMASK c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 437
INTTYPEBITS c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 249
INT_BIT c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c 124
-INT_TYPE_SIZE cccp.y 91
INT_TYPE_SIZE y-src/cccp.y 91
ISALNUM c-src/etags.c /^#define ISALNUM(c) isalnum (CHAR (c))$/
ISALPHA c-src/etags.c /^#define ISALPHA(c) isalpha (CHAR (c))$/
LOCK c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c /^#define LOCK()$/
LOCK_ALIGNED_BLOCKS c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c /^#define LOCK_ALIGNED_BLOCKS() \\$/
LOCK_ALIGNED_BLOCKS c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c /^#define LOCK_ALIGNED_BLOCKS()$/
-LONG_TYPE_SIZE cccp.y 95
LONG_TYPE_SIZE y-src/cccp.y 95
LOOKING_AT c-src/etags.c /^#define LOOKING_AT(cp, kw) \/* kw is the keyword, /
LOOKING_AT_NOCASE c-src/etags.c /^#define LOOKING_AT_NOCASE(cp, kw) \/* the keyword i/
MAX_HASH_VALUE c-src/etags.c 2329
MAX_WORD_LENGTH c-src/etags.c 2327
MAYBEREL y-src/parse.y /^#define MAYBEREL(p) (*(p)=='[' && (isdigit((p)[1])/
-MAYBEREL parse.y /^#define MAYBEREL(p) (*(p)=='[' && (isdigit((p)[1])/
MBYTES objc-src/PackInsp.m 59
MCHECK_DISABLED c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c 285
MCHECK_FREE c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c 287
Makefile_help c-src/etags.c 605
Makefile_targets c-src/etags.c /^Makefile_targets (FILE *inf)$/
Mc cp-src/c.C /^int main (void) { my_function0(0); my_function1(1)/
-Mcccp cccp.y /^main ()$/
Mcccp y-src/cccp.y /^main ()$/
Mconway.cpp cp-src/conway.cpp /^void main(void)$/
Metags c-src/etags.c /^main (int argc, char **argv)$/
NONPOINTER_BITS c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 80
NONSRCS make-src/Makefile /^NONSRCS=entry.strange lists.erl clheir.hpp.gz$/
NOTEQUAL y-src/cccp.c 13
-NULL cccp.y 51
NULL y-src/cccp.y 51
-NULL_PTR cccp.y 63
NULL_PTR y-src/cccp.y 63
NUMSTATS objc-src/PackInsp.h 36
NUM_MOD_NAMES c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 6325
USE_STACK_LISP_OBJECTS c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 4658
USE_STACK_LISP_OBJECTS c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 4659
USE_STACK_STRING c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 4691
-U_CHAR cccp.y 38
U_CHAR y-src/cccp.y 38
Unlock/p ada-src/2ataspri.adb /^ procedure Unlock (L : in out Lock) is$/
Unlock/p ada-src/ /^ procedure Unlock (L : in out Lock);$/
WAIT_READING_MAX c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 4281
WAIT_READING_MAX c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 4283
WARNINGS make-src/Makefile /^WARNINGS=-pedantic -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Winline /
-WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE cccp.y 99
WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE y-src/cccp.y 99
WHITE cp-src/screen.hpp 27
WINDOWP c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^WINDOWP (Lisp_Object a)$/
YYBACKUP /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^#define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \\$/
YYBISON y-src/parse.c 4
YYBISON y-src/cccp.c 4
-YYDEBUG parse.y 88
-YYDEBUG cccp.y 122
YYDPRINTF /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^# define YYDPRINTF(Args) \\$/
YYDPRINTF /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^# define YYDPRINTF(Args)$/
YYDPRINTF /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^# define YYDPRINTF(Args) \\$/
YYERROR /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 155
YYFAIL /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 158
YYFAIL /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 159
-YYFINAL parse.y 93
-YYFINAL cccp.y 127
-YYFLAG parse.y 94
-YYFLAG cccp.y 128
YYFPRINTF /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 225
YYFPRINTF /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 226
YYINITDEPTH /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 244
YYINITDEPTH /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 245
-YYLAST parse.y 266
-YYLAST cccp.y 274
YYLEX /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 200
YYLEX /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 202
YYLEX /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 206
YYMAXDEPTH /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 259
YYMAXDEPTH /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 256
YYMAXDEPTH /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 260
-YYNTBASE parse.y 95
-YYNTBASE cccp.y 129
YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 351
YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 354
YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 358
YYSTD /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^# define YYSTD(x) x$/
YYSTYPE y-src/parse.y 71
YYSTYPE y-src/parse.y 72
-YYSTYPE parse.y 71
-YYSTYPE parse.y 72
-YYSTYPE parse.y 85
-YYSTYPE cccp.y 119
YYTERROR /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 177
YYTERROR /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 178
-YYTRANSLATE parse.y /^#define YYTRANSLATE(x) ((unsigned)(x) <= 278 ? yyt/
-YYTRANSLATE cccp.y /^#define YYTRANSLATE(x) ((unsigned)(x) <= 269 ? yyt/
YY_DECL_NON_LSP_VARIABLES /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 374
YY_DECL_NON_LSP_VARIABLES /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 374
YY_DECL_VARIABLES /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 385
add_regex c-src/etags.c /^add_regex (char *regexp_pattern, language *lang)$/
add_user_signal c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^add_user_signal (int sig, const char *name)$/
addnoise html-src/algrthms.html /^Adding Noise to the$/
-address cccp.y 114
address y-src/cccp.y 113
adjust_point_for_property c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^adjust_point_for_property (ptrdiff_t last_pt, bool/
agent cp-src/clheir.hpp 75
aref_addr c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^aref_addr (Lisp_Object array, ptrdiff_t idx)$/
arg c-src/h.h 13
arg_type c-src/etags.c 250
-arglist cccp.y 41
arglist y-src/cccp.y 41
-argno cccp.y 45
argno y-src/cccp.y 45
args c-src/h.h 30
argsindent tex-src/texinfo.tex /^\\newskip\\defargsindent \\defargsindent=50pt$/
concatenatenamestrings pas-src/common.pas /^function concatenatenamestrings; (*($/
consider_token c-src/etags.c /^consider_token (char *str, int len, int c, int *c_/
constant c-src/h.h 29
-constant cccp.y 113
constant y-src/cccp.y 112
constant_args c-src/h.h 27
constype c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 3739
error c-src/etags.c /^static void error (const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE_FO/
error c-src/etags.c /^error (const char *format, ...)$/
error c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^extern _Noreturn void error (const char *, ...) AT/
-error cccp.y /^error (msg)$/
error y-src/cccp.y /^error (msg)$/
error_signaled c-src/etags.c 264
etags el-src/emacs/lisp/progmodes/etags.el /^(defgroup etags nil "Tags tables."$/
expandmng_trees prol-src/natded.prolog /^expandmng_trees([],[]).$/
expandsyn prol-src/natded.prolog /^expandsyn(Syn,Syn):-$/
explicitly-quoted-pending-delete-mode el-src/TAGTEST.EL /^(defalias (quote explicitly-quoted-pending-delete-/
-expression_value cccp.y 68
expression_value y-src/cccp.y 68
extras c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 1603
extvar c-src/h.h 109
fn c-src/exit.c /^ void EXFUN((*fn[1]), (NOARGS));$/
fn c-src/exit.strange_suffix /^ void EXFUN((*fn[1]), (NOARGS));$/
fnin y-src/parse.y 67
-fnin parse.y 67
focus_set pyt-src/ /^ def focus_set(self):$/
follow_key c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^follow_key (Lisp_Object keymap, Lisp_Object key)$/
fonts tex-src/texinfo.tex /^\\obeyspaces \\obeylines \\ninett \\indexfonts \\rawbac/
initb c.c /^static void initb () {}$/
initial_kboard c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 84
initialize-new-tags-table el-src/emacs/lisp/progmodes/etags.el /^(defun initialize-new-tags-table ()$/
-initialize_random_junk cccp.y /^initialize_random_junk ()$/
initialize_random_junk y-src/cccp.y /^initialize_random_junk ()$/
input-pending-p c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^DEFUN ("input-pending-p", Finput_pending_p, Sinput/
input_available_clear_time c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 324
instance_method_exclamation! ruby-src/test.rb /^ def instance_method_exclamation!$/
instance_method_question? ruby-src/test.rb /^ def instance_method_question?$/
instr y-src/parse.y 80
-instr parse.y 80
instruct c-src/etags.c 2527
intNumber go-src/test1.go 13
integer c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 2127
-integer cccp.y 113
integer y-src/cccp.y 112
-integer_overflow cccp.y /^integer_overflow ()$/
integer_overflow y-src/cccp.y /^integer_overflow ()$/
integertonmstr pas-src/common.pas /^function integertonmstr; (* (TheInteger : integer)/
intensity1 f-src/entry.for /^ & intensity1(efv,fv,svin,svquad,sfpv,maxp,val/
is_curly_brace_form c-src/h.h 54
is_explicit c-src/h.h 49
is_func c-src/etags.c 221
-is_hor_space cccp.y 953
is_hor_space y-src/cccp.y 953
-is_idchar cccp.y 948
is_idchar y-src/cccp.y 948
-is_idstart cccp.y 950
is_idstart y-src/cccp.y 950
is_muldiv_operation cp-src/c.C /^is_muldiv_operation(pc)$/
is_ordset prol-src/ordsets.prolog /^is_ordset(X) :- var(X), !, fail.$/
keyvalcgi prol-src/natded.prolog /^keyvalcgi(Key,Val):-$/
keyvalscgi prol-src/natded.prolog /^keyvalscgi(KeyVals),$/
keyvalseq prol-src/natded.prolog /^keyvalseq([KeyVal|KeyVals]) --> $/
-keyword_parsing cccp.y 73
keyword_parsing y-src/cccp.y 73
-keywords cccp.y 115
keywords y-src/cccp.y 114
keywords y-src/cccp.y 306
kind c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 11024
lce_textdomain php-src/lce_functions.php /^ function lce_textdomain($domain)$/
leasqr html-src/software.html /^Leasqr$/
left c-src/etags.c 216
-left_shift cccp.y /^left_shift (a, b)$/
left_shift y-src/cccp.y /^left_shift (a, b)$/
len c-src/etags.c 237
length c-src/etags.c 2495
-length cccp.y 44
-length cccp.y 114
length y-src/cccp.y 44
length y-src/cccp.y 113
letter tex-src/texinfo.tex /^\\chapmacro {#1}{Appendix \\appendixletter}%$/
letter: tex-src/texinfo.tex /^\\xdef\\thischapter{Appendix \\appendixletter: \\noexp/
level c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 3153
lex prol-src/natded.prolog /^lex(W,SynOut,Sem):-$/
-lexptr cccp.y 332
lexptr y-src/cccp.y 332
licenze html-src/softwarelibero.html /^Licenze d'uso di un programma$/
limit cp-src/Range.h /^ double limit (void) const { return rng_limit; }$/
local_if_set c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 2338
location cp-src/clheir.hpp 33
location cp-src/clheir.hpp /^ location() { }$/
-lookup cccp.y /^lookup (name, len, hash)$/
lookup y-src/cccp.y /^lookup (name, len, hash)$/
lowcase c-src/etags.c /^#define lowcase(c) tolower (CHAR (c))$/
lucid_event_type_list_p c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^lucid_event_type_list_p (Lisp_Object object)$/
name tex-src/texinfo.tex /^\\begingroup\\defname {\\code{#1} #2}{Variable}%$/
name tex-src/texinfo.tex /^\\begingroup\\defname {\\code{#2} #3}{#1}$/
name tex-src/texinfo.tex /^\\begingroup\\defname {#2}{#1}\\deftpargs{#3}\\endgrou/
-name cccp.y 43
-name cccp.y 114
-name cccp.y 114
name y-src/cccp.y 43
name y-src/cccp.y 113
name y-src/cccp.y 113
next c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 2192
next c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 3028
next c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 3134
-next cccp.y 42
next y-src/cccp.y 42
next-file el-src/emacs/lisp/progmodes/etags.el /^(defun next-file (&optional initialize novisit)$/
next-file-list el-src/emacs/lisp/progmodes/etags.el /^(defvar next-file-list nil$/
objtag c-src/etags.c 2453
objvar c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 2297
obstack_chunk_alloc y-src/parse.y 46
-obstack_chunk_alloc parse.y 46
obstack_chunk_free y-src/parse.y 47
-obstack_chunk_free parse.y 47
ocatseen c-src/etags.c 2477
octave_MDiagArray2_h cp-src/MDiagArray2.h 29
octave_Range_h cp-src/Range.h 24
open-dribble-file c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^DEFUN ("open-dribble-file", Fopen_dribble_file, So/
openInWorkspace objc-src/PackInsp.m /^static void openInWorkspace(const char *filename)$/
operationKeys objcpp-src/SimpleCalc.M /^- operationKeys:sender$/
-operator cccp.y 438
operator y-src/cccp.y 438
operator ++ cp-src/functions.cpp /^Date & Date::operator ++ ( void ){$/
operator += cp-src/functions.cpp /^Date & Date::operator += ( int days ){$/
parent c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 1590
parse prol-src/natded.prolog /^parse(Ws,Cat):-$/
parseFromVars php-src/lce_functions.php /^ function parseFromVars($prefix)$/
-parse_c_expression cccp.y /^parse_c_expression (string)$/
parse_c_expression y-src/cccp.y /^parse_c_expression (string)$/
parse_cgi prol-src/natded.prolog /^parse_cgi(TokenList,KeyVals):-$/
parse_error y-src/parse.y 81
-parse_error parse.y 81
-parse_escape cccp.y /^parse_escape (string_ptr)$/
parse_escape y-src/cccp.y /^parse_escape (string_ptr)$/
parse_hash y-src/parse.y 63
-parse_hash parse.y 63
parse_menu_item c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^parse_menu_item (Lisp_Object item, int inmenubar)$/
parse_modifiers c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^parse_modifiers (Lisp_Object symbol)$/
parse_modifiers_uncached c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^parse_modifiers_uncached (Lisp_Object symbol, ptrd/
-parse_number cccp.y /^parse_number (olen)$/
parse_number y-src/cccp.y /^parse_number (olen)$/
parse_return y-src/parse.y 73
-parse_return parse.y 73
-parse_return_error cccp.y 70
parse_return_error y-src/cccp.y 70
parse_solitary_modifier c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^parse_solitary_modifier (Lisp_Object symbol)$/
parse_tool_bar_item c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^parse_tool_bar_item (Lisp_Object key, Lisp_Object /
posix_memalign c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c /^posix_memalign (void **memptr, size_t alignment, s/
posn-at-point c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^DEFUN ("posn-at-point", Fposn_at_point, Sposn_at_p/
posn-at-x-y c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^DEFUN ("posn-at-x-y", Fposn_at_x_y, Sposn_at_x_y, /
-possible_sum_sign cccp.y /^#define possible_sum_sign(a, b, sum) ((((a) ^ (b))/
possible_sum_sign y-src/cccp.y /^#define possible_sum_sign(a, b, sum) ((((a) ^ (b))/
post pyt-src/ /^ def post(self):$/
post pyt-src/ /^ def post(self):$/
reverse prol-src/natded.prolog /^reverse([],Ws,Ws).$/
revert objc-src/PackInsp.m /^-revert:sender$/
right c-src/etags.c 216
-right_shift cccp.y /^right_shift (a, b)$/
right_shift y-src/cccp.y /^right_shift (a, b)$/
ring1 c.c 241
ring2 c.c 242
suffixes c-src/etags.c 195
suggest_asking_for_help c-src/etags.c /^suggest_asking_for_help (void)$/
suspend-emacs c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^DEFUN ("suspend-emacs", Fsuspend_emacs, Ssuspend_e/
-sval cccp.y 117
sval y-src/cccp.y 116
swallow_events c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^swallow_events (bool do_display)$/
switch_line_buffers c-src/etags.c /^#define switch_line_buffers() (curndx = 1 - curndx/
toggleDescription objc-src/PackInsp.m /^-toggleDescription$/
tok c-src/etags.c 2491
token c-src/etags.c 2508
-token cccp.y 437
-token cccp.y 439
token y-src/cccp.y 437
token y-src/cccp.y 439
tokenize prol-src/natded.prolog /^tokenize([C1,C2,C3|Cs],Xs-Ys,TsResult):- % spe/
tokenizeatom prol-src/natded.prolog /^tokenizeatom(Atom,Ws):-$/
-tokentab2 cccp.y 442
tokentab2 y-src/cccp.y 442
tool_bar_item_properties c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 7970
tool_bar_items c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c /^tool_bar_items (Lisp_Object reuse, int *nitems)$/
unchar c-src/h.h 99
unexpand-abbrev c-src/abbrev.c /^DEFUN ("unexpand-abbrev", Funexpand_abbrev, Sunexp/
unread_switch_frame c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 204
-unsignedp cccp.y 113
unsignedp y-src/cccp.y 112
uprintmax_t c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 149
uprintmax_t c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 154
valloc c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c /^valloc (size_t size)$/
valseq prol-src/natded.prolog /^valseq([Val|Vals]) --> val(Val), plusvalseq(Vals)./
value c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 687
-value cccp.y 113
value y-src/cccp.y 112
var c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 11023
var c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 3137
visit-tags-table-buffer el-src/emacs/lisp/progmodes/etags.el /^(defun visit-tags-table-buffer (&optional cont)$/
void c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h /^INLINE void (check_cons_list) (void) { lisp_h_chec/
voidfuncptr c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 2108
-voidval cccp.y 116
voidval y-src/cccp.y 115
wait_status_ptr_t c.c 161
waiting_for_input c-src/emacs/src/keyboard.c 150
-warning cccp.y /^warning (msg)$/
warning y-src/cccp.y /^warning (msg)$/
weak c-src/emacs/src/lisp.h 1830
weak_alias c-src/emacs/src/gmalloc.c /^weak_alias (free, cfree)$/
y-get-selection-internal c.c /^ Fy_get_selection_internal, Sy_get_selection_/
yyalloc /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 83
yyalloc /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 84
-yycheck parse.y 330
-yycheck cccp.y 301
yyclearin /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 149
yyclearin /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 150
yydebug /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 237
yydebug /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 238
-yydefact parse.y 219
-yydefact cccp.y 239
-yydefgoto parse.y 237
-yydefgoto cccp.y 251
yyerrhandle /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 848
-yyerrhandle /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 848
-yyerrlab1 /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 823
yyerrlab1 /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 823
yyerrok /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 148
yyerrok /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 149
-yyerror cccp.y /^yyerror (s)$/
yyerror y-src/cccp.y /^yyerror (s)$/
yyerrstatus /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 846
-yyerrstatus /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 846
-yylex cccp.y /^yylex ()$/
yylex y-src/cccp.y /^yylex ()$/
yyls /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 88
yyls /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 89
yylsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 748
yylsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 921
-yylsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 748
-yylsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 921
yymemcpy /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 264
yymemcpy /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^yymemcpy (char *yyto, const char *yyfrom, YYSIZE_T/
yymemcpy /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 265
yyn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 861
yyn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 895
yyn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 903
-yyn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 755
-yyn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 861
-yyn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 895
-yyn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 903
-yynewstate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 763
-yynewstate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 925
yynewstate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 763
yynewstate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 925
-yypact parse.y 242
-yypact cccp.y 256
yyparse /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^yyparse (YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG)$/
yyparse /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^yyparse (YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG)$/
-yypgoto parse.y 260
-yypgoto cccp.y 268
-yyprhs parse.y 134
-yyprhs cccp.y 167
-yyr1 parse.y 197
-yyr1 cccp.y 219
-yyr2 parse.y 207
-yyr2 cccp.y 228
-yyresult /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 932
-yyresult /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 939
-yyresult /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 947
yyresult /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 932
yyresult /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 939
yyresult /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 947
yyreturn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 933
yyreturn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 940
-yyreturn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 933
-yyreturn /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 940
-yyrhs parse.y 142
-yyrhs cccp.y 174
-yyrline parse.y 171
-yyrline cccp.y 195
yyss /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 85
yyss /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 86
yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 757
yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 761
yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 875
yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 924
-yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 757
-yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 761
-yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 875
-yystate /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 924
yystpcpy /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 316
yystpcpy /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc)$/
yystpcpy /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 317
yystrlen /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^yystrlen (const char *yystr)$/
yystrlen /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 294
yystrlen /usr/share/bison/bison.simple /^yystrlen (const char *yystr)$/
-yystype cccp.y 118
-yytable parse.y 269
-yytable cccp.y 277
-yytname parse.y 185
-yytname cccp.y 208
-yytranslate parse.y 101
-yytranslate cccp.y 135
yyvs /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 86
yyvs /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 87
yyvsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 746
yyvsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 919
-yyvsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 746
-yyvsp /usr/share/bison/bison.simple 919
z c.c 144
z c.c 164
z cp-src/clheir.hpp 49
# define L_NE \7f26,492
# define L_GE \7f27,510
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc \7f46,
-#define obstack_chunk_free \7f47,
-VOIDSTAR parse_hash;\7f63,
-unsigned char fnin[\7ffnin\ 167,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f71,
-typedef struct node *YYSTYPE;\7fYYSTYPE\ 172,
-YYSTYPE parse_return;\7f73,
-char *instr;\7finstr\ 180,
-int parse_error \7f81,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f85,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f88,
-#define YYFINAL \7f93,
-#define YYFLAG \7f94,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f95,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f98,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1101,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1134,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1142,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1171,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1185,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1197,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1207,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1219,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1237,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1242,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1260,
-#define YYLAST \7f266,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1269,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1330,
-yyerror FUN1(\7f285,
-make_list FUN2(\7f292,
-#define ERROR \7f303,
-yylex FUN0(\7f314,
-parse_cell_or_range FUN2(\7f586,
-#define CK_ABS_R(\7f670,
-#define CK_REL_R(\7f674,
-#define CK_ABS_C(\7f679,
-#define CK_REL_C(\7f683,
-#define MAYBEREL(\7f688,
-str_to_col FUN1(\7f846,
# define YYSTD(\7f40,
# define YYSTD(\7f42,
# define YYSTACK_ALLOC \7f50,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f445,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f447,
# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE\7f548,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1746,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1748,
- yyn \7f755,
- yystate \7f757,
- yystate \7f761,
- goto yynewstate;\7f763,
- goto yyerrlab1;\7f823,
- yyerrstatus \7f846,
- goto yyerrhandle;\7f848,
- yyn \7f861,
- yystate \7f875,
- yyn \7f895,
- yyn \7f903,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1919,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1921,
- yystate \7f924,
- goto yynewstate;\7f925,
- yyresult \7f932,
- goto yyreturn;\7f933,
- yyresult \7f939,
- goto yyreturn;\7f940,
- yyresult \7f947,
exp \7f2,3
# define RSH \7f17,310
# define UNARY \7f18,327
-typedef unsigned char U_CHAR;\7f38,
-struct arglist \7f41,
-#define NULL \7f51,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f56,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f58,
-#define NULL_PTR \7f63,
-int expression_value;\7f68,
-static jmp_buf parse_return_error;\7f70,
-static int keyword_parsing \7f73,
-#define CHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f87,
-#define INT_TYPE_SIZE \7f91,
-#define LONG_TYPE_SIZE \7f95,
-#define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f99,
-#define possible_sum_sign(\7f104,
- struct constant \7f113,
- struct name \7f114,
-} yystype;\7f118,
-# define YYSTYPE \7f119,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f122,
-#define YYFINAL \7f127,
-#define YYFLAG \7f128,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f129,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f132,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1135,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1167,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1174,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1195,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1208,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1219,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1228,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1239,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1251,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1256,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1268,
-#define YYLAST \7f274,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1277,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1301,
-static char *lexptr;\7flexptr\ 1332,
-parse_number \7f341,
-struct token \7f437,
-static struct token tokentab2[\7ftokentab2\ 1442,
-yylex \7f459,
-parse_escape \7f740,
-yyerror \7f836,
-integer_overflow \7f844,
-left_shift \7f851,
-right_shift \7f873,
-parse_c_expression \7f893,
-main \7f923,
-unsigned char is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 1948,
-unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 1950,
-char is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 1953,
-initialize_random_junk \7f958,
-error \7f988,
-warning \7f993,
-lookup \7f999,
# define YYSTD(\7f41,
# define YYSTD(\7f43,
# define L_NE \7f26,492
# define L_GE \7f27,510
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc \7f46,
-#define obstack_chunk_free \7f47,
-int yylex \7f57,
-void yyerror \7f59,
-void yyerror \7f61,
-VOIDSTAR parse_hash;\7f63,
-extern VOIDSTAR hash_find(\7f64,
-unsigned char fnin[\7ffnin\ 167,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f71,
-typedef struct node *YYSTYPE;\7fYYSTYPE\ 172,
-YYSTYPE parse_return;\7f73,
-YYSTYPE make_list \7f75,
-YYSTYPE make_list \7f77,
-char *instr;\7finstr\ 180,
-int parse_error \7f81,
-extern struct obstack tmp_mem;\7f82,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f85,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f88,
-#define YYFINAL \7f93,
-#define YYFLAG \7f94,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f95,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f98,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1101,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1134,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1142,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1171,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1185,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1197,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1207,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1219,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1237,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1242,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1260,
-#define YYLAST \7f266,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1269,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1330,
-yyerror FUN1(\7f285,
-make_list FUN2(\7f292,
-#define ERROR \7f303,
-extern struct node *yylval;\7fyylval\ 1305,
-unsigned char parse_cell_or_range \7f308,
-unsigned char parse_cell_or_range \7f310,
-yylex FUN0(\7f314,
-parse_cell_or_range FUN2(\7f586,
-#define CK_ABS_R(\7f670,
-#define CK_REL_R(\7f674,
-#define CK_ABS_C(\7f679,
-#define CK_REL_C(\7f683,
-#define MAYBEREL(\7f688,
-str_to_col FUN1(\7f846,
# define YYSTD(\7f40,
# define YYSTD(\7f42,
# define YYSTACK_ALLOC \7f50,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f445,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f447,
# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE\7f548,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1746,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1748,
- yyn \7f755,
- yystate \7f757,
- yystate \7f761,
- goto yynewstate;\7f763,
- goto yyerrlab1;\7f823,
- yyerrstatus \7f846,
- goto yyerrhandle;\7f848,
- yyn \7f861,
- yystate \7f875,
- yyn \7f895,
- yyn \7f903,
- YYDPRINTF \7f917,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1919,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1921,
- yystate \7f924,
- goto yynewstate;\7f925,
- yyresult \7f932,
- goto yyreturn;\7f933,
- yyresult \7f939,
- goto yyreturn;\7f940,
- yyerror \7f946,
- yyresult \7f947,
exp \7f2,3
# define RSH \7f17,310
# define UNARY \7f18,327
-typedef unsigned char U_CHAR;\7f38,
-struct arglist \7f41,
-#define NULL \7f51,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f56,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f58,
-#define NULL_PTR \7f63,
-int yylex \7f66,
-void yyerror \7f67,
-int expression_value;\7f68,
-static jmp_buf parse_return_error;\7f70,
-static int keyword_parsing \7f73,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 176,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[], is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 176,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[], is_idchar[], is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 176,
-extern char *xmalloc \7fxmalloc\ 178,
-extern int pedantic;\7f81,
-extern int traditional;\7f84,
-#define CHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f87,
-#define INT_TYPE_SIZE \7f91,
-#define LONG_TYPE_SIZE \7f95,
-#define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f99,
-#define possible_sum_sign(\7f104,
-static void integer_overflow \7f106,
-static long left_shift \7f107,
-static long right_shift \7f108,
- struct constant \7f113,
- struct name \7f114,
-} yystype;\7f118,
-# define YYSTYPE \7f119,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f122,
-#define YYFINAL \7f127,
-#define YYFLAG \7f128,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f129,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f132,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1135,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1167,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1174,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1195,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1208,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1219,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1228,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1239,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1251,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1256,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1268,
-#define YYLAST \7f274,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1277,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1301,
-static char *lexptr;\7flexptr\ 1332,
-parse_number \7f341,
-struct token \7f437,
-static struct token tokentab2[\7ftokentab2\ 1442,
-yylex \7f459,
-parse_escape \7f740,
-yyerror \7f836,
-integer_overflow \7f844,
-left_shift \7f851,
-right_shift \7f873,
-parse_c_expression \7f893,
-extern int yydebug;\7f919,
-main \7f923,
-unsigned char is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 1948,
-unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 1950,
-char is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 1953,
-initialize_random_junk \7f958,
-error \7f988,
-warning \7f993,
-lookup \7f999,
# define YYSTD(\7f41,
# define YYSTD(\7f43,
# define L_NE \7f26,492
# define L_GE \7f27,510
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc \7f46,
-#define obstack_chunk_free \7f47,
-VOIDSTAR parse_hash;\7f63,
-unsigned char fnin[\7ffnin\ 167,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f71,
-typedef struct node *YYSTYPE;\7fYYSTYPE\ 172,
-YYSTYPE parse_return;\7f73,
-char *instr;\7finstr\ 180,
-int parse_error \7f81,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f85,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f88,
-#define YYFINAL \7f93,
-#define YYFLAG \7f94,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f95,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f98,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1101,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1134,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1142,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1171,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1185,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1197,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1207,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1219,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1237,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1242,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1260,
-#define YYLAST \7f266,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1269,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1330,
-yyerror FUN1(\7f285,
-make_list FUN2(\7f292,
-#define ERROR \7f303,
-yylex FUN0(\7f314,
-parse_cell_or_range FUN2(\7f586,
-#define CK_ABS_R(\7f670,
-#define CK_REL_R(\7f674,
-#define CK_ABS_C(\7f679,
-#define CK_REL_C(\7f683,
-#define MAYBEREL(\7f688,
-str_to_col FUN1(\7f846,
# define YYSTD(\7f40,
# define YYSTD(\7f42,
# define YYSTACK_ALLOC \7f50,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f445,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f447,
# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE\7f548,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1746,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1748,
- yyn \7f755,
- yystate \7f757,
- yystate \7f761,
- goto yynewstate;\7f763,
- goto yyerrlab1;\7f823,
- yyerrstatus \7f846,
- goto yyerrhandle;\7f848,
- yyn \7f861,
- yystate \7f875,
- yyn \7f895,
- yyn \7f903,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1919,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1921,
- yystate \7f924,
- goto yynewstate;\7f925,
- yyresult \7f932,
- goto yyreturn;\7f933,
- yyresult \7f939,
- goto yyreturn;\7f940,
- yyresult \7f947,
exp \7f2,3
# define RSH \7f17,310
# define UNARY \7f18,327
-typedef unsigned char U_CHAR;\7f38,
-struct arglist \7f41,
- struct arglist *next;\7fnext\ 142,
- U_CHAR *name;\7fname\ 143,
- int length;\7f44,
- int argno;\7f45,
-#define NULL \7f51,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f56,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f58,
-#define NULL_PTR \7f63,
-int expression_value;\7f68,
-static jmp_buf parse_return_error;\7f70,
-static int keyword_parsing \7f73,
-#define CHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f87,
-#define INT_TYPE_SIZE \7f91,
-#define LONG_TYPE_SIZE \7f95,
-#define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f99,
-#define possible_sum_sign(\7f104,
- struct constant \7f113,
- struct constant {long value;\7f113,
- struct constant {long value; int unsignedp;\7f113,
- struct constant {long value; int unsignedp;} integer;\7f113,
- struct name \7f114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address;\7faddress\ 1114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address; int length;\7f114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address; int length;} name;\7f114,
- struct arglist *keywords;\7fkeywords\ 1115,
- int voidval;\7f116,
- char *sval;\7fsval\ 1117,
-} yystype;\7f118,
-# define YYSTYPE \7f119,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f122,
-#define YYFINAL \7f127,
-#define YYFLAG \7f128,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f129,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f132,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1135,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1167,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1174,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1195,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1208,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1219,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1228,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1239,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1251,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1256,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1268,
-#define YYLAST \7f274,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1277,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1301,
-static char *lexptr;\7flexptr\ 1332,
-parse_number \7f341,
-struct token \7f437,
- char *operator;\7foperator\ 1438,
- int token;\7f439,
-static struct token tokentab2[\7ftokentab2\ 1442,
-yylex \7f459,
-parse_escape \7f740,
-yyerror \7f836,
-integer_overflow \7f844,
-left_shift \7f851,
-right_shift \7f873,
-parse_c_expression \7f893,
-main \7f923,
-unsigned char is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 1948,
-unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 1950,
-char is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 1953,
-initialize_random_junk \7f958,
-error \7f988,
-warning \7f993,
-lookup \7f999,
# define YYSTD(\7f41,
# define YYSTD(\7f43,
# define L_NE \7f26,492
# define L_GE \7f27,510
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc \7f46,
-#define obstack_chunk_free \7f47,
-VOIDSTAR parse_hash;\7f63,
-unsigned char fnin[\7ffnin\ 167,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f71,
-typedef struct node *YYSTYPE;\7fYYSTYPE\ 172,
-YYSTYPE parse_return;\7f73,
-char *instr;\7finstr\ 180,
-int parse_error \7f81,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f85,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f88,
-#define YYFINAL \7f93,
-#define YYFLAG \7f94,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f95,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f98,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1101,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1134,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1142,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1171,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1185,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1197,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1207,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1219,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1237,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1242,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1260,
-#define YYLAST \7f266,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1269,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1330,
-yyerror FUN1(\7f285,
-make_list FUN2(\7f292,
-#define ERROR \7f303,
-yylex FUN0(\7f314,
-parse_cell_or_range FUN2(\7f586,
-#define CK_ABS_R(\7f670,
-#define CK_REL_R(\7f674,
-#define CK_ABS_C(\7f679,
-#define CK_REL_C(\7f683,
-#define MAYBEREL(\7f688,
-str_to_col FUN1(\7f846,
# define YYSTD(\7f40,
# define YYSTD(\7f42,
# define YYSTACK_ALLOC \7f50,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f445,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f447,
# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE\7f548,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1746,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1748,
- yyn \7f755,
- yystate \7f757,
- yystate \7f761,
- goto yynewstate;\7f763,
- goto yyerrlab1;\7f823,
- yyerrstatus \7f846,
- goto yyerrhandle;\7f848,
- yyn \7f861,
- yystate \7f875,
- yyn \7f895,
- yyn \7f903,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1919,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1921,
- yystate \7f924,
- goto yynewstate;\7f925,
- yyresult \7f932,
- goto yyreturn;\7f933,
- yyresult \7f939,
- goto yyreturn;\7f940,
- yyresult \7f947,
exp \7f2,3
# define RSH \7f17,310
# define UNARY \7f18,327
-typedef unsigned char U_CHAR;\7f38,
-struct arglist \7f41,
-#define NULL \7f51,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f56,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f58,
-#define NULL_PTR \7f63,
-int expression_value;\7f68,
-static jmp_buf parse_return_error;\7f70,
-static int keyword_parsing \7f73,
-#define CHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f87,
-#define INT_TYPE_SIZE \7f91,
-#define LONG_TYPE_SIZE \7f95,
-#define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f99,
-#define possible_sum_sign(\7f104,
- struct constant \7f113,
- struct name \7f114,
-} yystype;\7f118,
-# define YYSTYPE \7f119,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f122,
-#define YYFINAL \7f127,
-#define YYFLAG \7f128,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f129,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f132,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1135,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1167,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1174,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1195,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1208,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1219,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1228,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1239,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1251,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1256,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1268,
-#define YYLAST \7f274,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1277,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1301,
-static char *lexptr;\7flexptr\ 1332,
-parse_number \7f341,
-struct token \7f437,
-static struct token tokentab2[\7ftokentab2\ 1442,
-yylex \7f459,
-parse_escape \7f740,
-yyerror \7f836,
-integer_overflow \7f844,
-left_shift \7f851,
-right_shift \7f873,
-parse_c_expression \7f893,
-main \7f923,
-unsigned char is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 1948,
-unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 1950,
-char is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 1953,
-initialize_random_junk \7f958,
-error \7f988,
-warning \7f993,
-lookup \7f999,
# define YYSTD(\7f41,
# define YYSTD(\7f43,
# define L_NE \7f26,492
# define L_GE \7f27,510
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc \7f46,
-#define obstack_chunk_free \7f47,
-int yylex \7f57,
-void yyerror \7f59,
-void yyerror \7f61,
-VOIDSTAR parse_hash;\7f63,
-extern VOIDSTAR hash_find(\7f64,
-unsigned char fnin[\7ffnin\ 167,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f71,
-typedef struct node *YYSTYPE;\7fYYSTYPE\ 172,
-YYSTYPE parse_return;\7f73,
-YYSTYPE make_list \7f75,
-YYSTYPE make_list \7f77,
-char *instr;\7finstr\ 180,
-int parse_error \7f81,
-extern struct obstack tmp_mem;\7f82,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f85,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f88,
-#define YYFINAL \7f93,
-#define YYFLAG \7f94,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f95,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f98,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1101,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1134,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1142,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1171,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1185,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1197,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1207,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1219,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1237,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1242,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1260,
-#define YYLAST \7f266,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1269,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1330,
-yyerror FUN1(\7f285,
-make_list FUN2(\7f292,
-#define ERROR \7f303,
-extern struct node *yylval;\7fyylval\ 1305,
-unsigned char parse_cell_or_range \7f308,
-unsigned char parse_cell_or_range \7f310,
-yylex FUN0(\7f314,
-parse_cell_or_range FUN2(\7f586,
-#define CK_ABS_R(\7f670,
-#define CK_REL_R(\7f674,
-#define CK_ABS_C(\7f679,
-#define CK_REL_C(\7f683,
-#define MAYBEREL(\7f688,
-str_to_col FUN1(\7f846,
# define YYSTD(\7f40,
# define YYSTD(\7f42,
# define YYSTACK_ALLOC \7f50,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f445,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f447,
# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE\7f548,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1746,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1748,
- yyn \7f755,
- yystate \7f757,
- yystate \7f761,
- goto yynewstate;\7f763,
- goto yyerrlab1;\7f823,
- yyerrstatus \7f846,
- goto yyerrhandle;\7f848,
- yyn \7f861,
- yystate \7f875,
- yyn \7f895,
- yyn \7f903,
- YYDPRINTF \7f917,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1919,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1921,
- yystate \7f924,
- goto yynewstate;\7f925,
- yyresult \7f932,
- goto yyreturn;\7f933,
- yyresult \7f939,
- goto yyreturn;\7f940,
- yyerror \7f946,
- yyresult \7f947,
exp \7f2,3
# define RSH \7f17,310
# define UNARY \7f18,327
-typedef unsigned char U_CHAR;\7f38,
-struct arglist \7f41,
- struct arglist *next;\7fnext\ 142,
- U_CHAR *name;\7fname\ 143,
- int length;\7f44,
- int argno;\7f45,
-#define NULL \7f51,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f56,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f58,
-#define NULL_PTR \7f63,
-int yylex \7f66,
-void yyerror \7f67,
-int expression_value;\7f68,
-static jmp_buf parse_return_error;\7f70,
-static int keyword_parsing \7f73,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 176,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[], is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 176,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[], is_idchar[], is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 176,
-extern char *xmalloc \7fxmalloc\ 178,
-extern int pedantic;\7f81,
-extern int traditional;\7f84,
-#define CHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f87,
-#define INT_TYPE_SIZE \7f91,
-#define LONG_TYPE_SIZE \7f95,
-#define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f99,
-#define possible_sum_sign(\7f104,
-static void integer_overflow \7f106,
-static long left_shift \7f107,
-static long right_shift \7f108,
- struct constant \7f113,
- struct constant {long value;\7f113,
- struct constant {long value; int unsignedp;\7f113,
- struct constant {long value; int unsignedp;} integer;\7f113,
- struct name \7f114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address;\7faddress\ 1114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address; int length;\7f114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address; int length;} name;\7f114,
- struct arglist *keywords;\7fkeywords\ 1115,
- int voidval;\7f116,
- char *sval;\7fsval\ 1117,
-} yystype;\7f118,
-# define YYSTYPE \7f119,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f122,
-#define YYFINAL \7f127,
-#define YYFLAG \7f128,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f129,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f132,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1135,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1167,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1174,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1195,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1208,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1219,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1228,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1239,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1251,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1256,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1268,
-#define YYLAST \7f274,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1277,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1301,
-static char *lexptr;\7flexptr\ 1332,
-parse_number \7f341,
-struct token \7f437,
- char *operator;\7foperator\ 1438,
- int token;\7f439,
-static struct token tokentab2[\7ftokentab2\ 1442,
-yylex \7f459,
-parse_escape \7f740,
-yyerror \7f836,
-integer_overflow \7f844,
-left_shift \7f851,
-right_shift \7f873,
-parse_c_expression \7f893,
-extern int yydebug;\7f919,
-main \7f923,
-unsigned char is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 1948,
-unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 1950,
-char is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 1953,
-initialize_random_junk \7f958,
-error \7f988,
-warning \7f993,
-lookup \7f999,
# define YYSTD(\7f41,
# define YYSTD(\7f43,
# define L_NE \7f26,492
# define L_GE \7f27,510
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc \7f46,
-#define obstack_chunk_free \7f47,
-int yylex \7f57,
-void yyerror \7f59,
-void yyerror \7f61,
-VOIDSTAR parse_hash;\7f63,
-extern VOIDSTAR hash_find(\7f64,
-unsigned char fnin[\7ffnin\ 167,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f71,
-typedef struct node *YYSTYPE;\7fYYSTYPE\ 172,
-YYSTYPE parse_return;\7f73,
-YYSTYPE make_list \7f75,
-YYSTYPE make_list \7f77,
-char *instr;\7finstr\ 180,
-int parse_error \7f81,
-extern struct obstack tmp_mem;\7f82,
-#define YYSTYPE \7f85,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f88,
-#define YYFINAL \7f93,
-#define YYFLAG \7f94,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f95,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f98,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1101,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1134,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1142,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1171,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1185,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1197,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1207,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1219,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1237,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1242,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1260,
-#define YYLAST \7f266,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1269,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1330,
-yyerror FUN1(\7f285,
-make_list FUN2(\7f292,
-#define ERROR \7f303,
-extern struct node *yylval;\7fyylval\ 1305,
-unsigned char parse_cell_or_range \7f308,
-unsigned char parse_cell_or_range \7f310,
-yylex FUN0(\7f314,
-parse_cell_or_range FUN2(\7f586,
-#define CK_ABS_R(\7f670,
-#define CK_REL_R(\7f674,
-#define CK_ABS_C(\7f679,
-#define CK_REL_C(\7f683,
-#define MAYBEREL(\7f688,
-str_to_col FUN1(\7f846,
# define YYSTD(\7f40,
# define YYSTD(\7f42,
# define YYSTACK_ALLOC \7f50,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f445,
# define YYPOPSTACK \7f447,
# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE\7f548,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1746,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1748,
- yyn \7f755,
- yystate \7f757,
- yystate \7f761,
- goto yynewstate;\7f763,
- goto yyerrlab1;\7f823,
- yyerrstatus \7f846,
- goto yyerrhandle;\7f848,
- yyn \7f861,
- yystate \7f875,
- yyn \7f895,
- yyn \7f903,
- YYDPRINTF \7f917,
- *++yyvsp \7fyyvsp\ 1919,
- *++yylsp \7fyylsp\ 1921,
- yystate \7f924,
- goto yynewstate;\7f925,
- yyresult \7f932,
- goto yyreturn;\7f933,
- yyresult \7f939,
- goto yyreturn;\7f940,
- yyerror \7f946,
- yyresult \7f947,
exp \7f2,3
# define RSH \7f17,310
# define UNARY \7f18,327
-typedef unsigned char U_CHAR;\7f38,
-struct arglist \7f41,
- struct arglist *next;\7fnext\ 142,
- U_CHAR *name;\7fname\ 143,
- int length;\7f44,
- int argno;\7f45,
-#define NULL \7f51,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f56,
-#define GENERIC_PTR \7f58,
-#define NULL_PTR \7f63,
-int yylex \7f66,
-void yyerror \7f67,
-int expression_value;\7f68,
-static jmp_buf parse_return_error;\7f70,
-static int keyword_parsing \7f73,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 176,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[], is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 176,
-extern unsigned char is_idstart[], is_idchar[], is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 176,
-extern char *xmalloc \7fxmalloc\ 178,
-extern int pedantic;\7f81,
-extern int traditional;\7f84,
-#define CHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f87,
-#define INT_TYPE_SIZE \7f91,
-#define LONG_TYPE_SIZE \7f95,
-#define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE \7f99,
-#define possible_sum_sign(\7f104,
-static void integer_overflow \7f106,
-static long left_shift \7f107,
-static long right_shift \7f108,
- struct constant \7f113,
- struct constant {long value;\7f113,
- struct constant {long value; int unsignedp;\7f113,
- struct constant {long value; int unsignedp;} integer;\7f113,
- struct name \7f114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address;\7faddress\ 1114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address; int length;\7f114,
- struct name {U_CHAR *address; int length;} name;\7f114,
- struct arglist *keywords;\7fkeywords\ 1115,
- int voidval;\7f116,
- char *sval;\7fsval\ 1117,
-} yystype;\7f118,
-# define YYSTYPE \7f119,
-# define YYDEBUG \7f122,
-#define YYFINAL \7f127,
-#define YYFLAG \7f128,
-#define YYNTBASE \7f129,
-#define YYTRANSLATE(\7f132,
-static const char yytranslate[\7fyytranslate\ 1135,
-static const short yyprhs[\7fyyprhs\ 1167,
-static const short yyrhs[\7fyyrhs\ 1174,
-static const short yyrline[\7fyyrline\ 1195,
-static const char *const yytname[\7fyytname\ 1208,
-static const short yyr1[\7fyyr1\ 1219,
-static const short yyr2[\7fyyr2\ 1228,
-static const short yydefact[\7fyydefact\ 1239,
-static const short yydefgoto[\7fyydefgoto\ 1251,
-static const short yypact[\7fyypact\ 1256,
-static const short yypgoto[\7fyypgoto\ 1268,
-#define YYLAST \7f274,
-static const short yytable[\7fyytable\ 1277,
-static const short yycheck[\7fyycheck\ 1301,
-static char *lexptr;\7flexptr\ 1332,
-parse_number \7f341,
-struct token \7f437,
- char *operator;\7foperator\ 1438,
- int token;\7f439,
-static struct token tokentab2[\7ftokentab2\ 1442,
-yylex \7f459,
-parse_escape \7f740,
-yyerror \7f836,
-integer_overflow \7f844,
-left_shift \7f851,
-right_shift \7f873,
-parse_c_expression \7f893,
-extern int yydebug;\7f919,
-main \7f923,
-unsigned char is_idchar[\7fis_idchar\ 1948,
-unsigned char is_idstart[\7fis_idstart\ 1950,
-char is_hor_space[\7fis_hor_space\ 1953,
-initialize_random_junk \7f958,
-error \7f988,
-warning \7f993,
-lookup \7f999,
# define YYSTD(\7f41,
# define YYSTD(\7f43,
# define RSH 268
# define UNARY 269
-#line 26 "cccp.y"
+#line 26 "y-src/cccp.y"
#include "config.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
static long left_shift ();
static long right_shift ();
-#line 111 "cccp.y"
+#line 111 "y-src/cccp.y"
#ifndef YYSTYPE
typedef union {
struct constant {long value; int unsignedp;} integer;
switch (yyn) {
case 1:
-#line 144 "cccp.y"
+#line 144 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ expression_value = yyvsp[0].integer.value; }
case 3:
-#line 150 "cccp.y"
+#line 150 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ if (pedantic)
pedwarn ("comma operator in operand of `#if'");
yyval.integer = yyvsp[0].integer; }
case 4:
-#line 157 "cccp.y"
+#line 157 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = - yyvsp[0].integer.value;
if ((yyval.integer.value & yyvsp[0].integer.value) < 0 && ! yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp)
integer_overflow ();
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp; }
case 5:
-#line 162 "cccp.y"
+#line 162 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = ! yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 6:
-#line 165 "cccp.y"
+#line 165 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer = yyvsp[0].integer; }
case 7:
-#line 167 "cccp.y"
+#line 167 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = ~ yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp; }
case 8:
-#line 170 "cccp.y"
+#line 170 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = check_assertion (yyvsp[0].name.address, yyvsp[0].name.length,
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 9:
-#line 174 "cccp.y"
+#line 174 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ keyword_parsing = 1; }
case 10:
-#line 176 "cccp.y"
+#line 176 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = check_assertion (yyvsp[-4].name.address, yyvsp[-4].name.length,
1, yyvsp[-1].keywords);
keyword_parsing = 0;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 11:
-#line 181 "cccp.y"
+#line 181 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer = yyvsp[-1].integer; }
case 12:
-#line 186 "cccp.y"
+#line 186 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp;
if (yyval.integer.unsignedp)
yyval.integer.value = (unsigned long) yyvsp[-2].integer.value * yyvsp[0].integer.value;
} }
case 13:
-#line 198 "cccp.y"
+#line 198 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ if (yyvsp[0].integer.value == 0)
error ("division by zero in #if");
} }
case 14:
-#line 213 "cccp.y"
+#line 213 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ if (yyvsp[0].integer.value == 0)
error ("division by zero in #if");
yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value % yyvsp[0].integer.value; }
case 15:
-#line 224 "cccp.y"
+#line 224 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value + yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp;
if (! yyval.integer.unsignedp
integer_overflow (); }
case 16:
-#line 231 "cccp.y"
+#line 231 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value - yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp;
if (! yyval.integer.unsignedp
integer_overflow (); }
case 17:
-#line 238 "cccp.y"
+#line 238 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp;
if (yyvsp[0].integer.value < 0 && ! yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp)
yyval.integer.value = right_shift (&yyvsp[-2].integer, -yyvsp[0].integer.value);
yyval.integer.value = left_shift (&yyvsp[-2].integer, yyvsp[0].integer.value); }
case 18:
-#line 244 "cccp.y"
+#line 244 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp;
if (yyvsp[0].integer.value < 0 && ! yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp)
yyval.integer.value = left_shift (&yyvsp[-2].integer, -yyvsp[0].integer.value);
yyval.integer.value = right_shift (&yyvsp[-2].integer, yyvsp[0].integer.value); }
case 19:
-#line 250 "cccp.y"
+#line 250 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = (yyvsp[-2].integer.value == yyvsp[0].integer.value);
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 20:
-#line 253 "cccp.y"
+#line 253 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = (yyvsp[-2].integer.value != yyvsp[0].integer.value);
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 21:
-#line 256 "cccp.y"
+#line 256 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0;
if (yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp)
yyval.integer.value = (unsigned long) yyvsp[-2].integer.value <= yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value <= yyvsp[0].integer.value; }
case 22:
-#line 262 "cccp.y"
+#line 262 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0;
if (yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp)
yyval.integer.value = (unsigned long) yyvsp[-2].integer.value >= yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value >= yyvsp[0].integer.value; }
case 23:
-#line 268 "cccp.y"
+#line 268 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0;
if (yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp)
yyval.integer.value = (unsigned long) yyvsp[-2].integer.value < yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value < yyvsp[0].integer.value; }
case 24:
-#line 274 "cccp.y"
+#line 274 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0;
if (yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp)
yyval.integer.value = (unsigned long) yyvsp[-2].integer.value > yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value > yyvsp[0].integer.value; }
case 25:
-#line 280 "cccp.y"
+#line 280 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value & yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp; }
case 26:
-#line 283 "cccp.y"
+#line 283 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value ^ yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp; }
case 27:
-#line 286 "cccp.y"
+#line 286 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-2].integer.value | yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp; }
case 28:
-#line 289 "cccp.y"
+#line 289 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = (yyvsp[-2].integer.value && yyvsp[0].integer.value);
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 29:
-#line 292 "cccp.y"
+#line 292 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = (yyvsp[-2].integer.value || yyvsp[0].integer.value);
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 30:
-#line 295 "cccp.y"
+#line 295 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = yyvsp[-4].integer.value ? yyvsp[-2].integer.value : yyvsp[0].integer.value;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = yyvsp[-2].integer.unsignedp || yyvsp[0].integer.unsignedp; }
case 31:
-#line 298 "cccp.y"
+#line 298 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer = yylval.integer; }
case 32:
-#line 300 "cccp.y"
+#line 300 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer = yylval.integer; }
case 33:
-#line 302 "cccp.y"
+#line 302 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.integer.value = 0;
yyval.integer.unsignedp = 0; }
case 34:
-#line 307 "cccp.y"
+#line 307 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.keywords = 0; }
case 35:
-#line 309 "cccp.y"
+#line 309 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ struct arglist *temp;
yyval.keywords = (struct arglist *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct arglist));
yyval.keywords->next = yyvsp[-2].keywords;
temp->next->length = 1; }
case 36:
-#line 322 "cccp.y"
+#line 322 "y-src/cccp.y"
{ yyval.keywords = (struct arglist *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct arglist));
yyval.keywords->name = yyvsp[-1].name.address;
yyval.keywords->length = yyvsp[-1].name.length;
return yyresult;
-#line 327 "cccp.y"
+#line 327 "y-src/cccp.y"
/* During parsing of a C expression, the pointer to the next character
# define L_NE 277
# define L_GE 278
-#line 1 "parse.y"
+#line 1 "y-src/parse.y"
/* Copyright (C) 1990, 1992-1993, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Oleo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#line 41 "parse.y"
+#line 41 "y-src/parse.y"
#include "funcdef.h"
switch (yyn) {
case 1:
-#line 87 "parse.y"
+#line 87 "y-src/parse.y"
{ parse_return=yyvsp[0]; }
case 2:
-#line 88 "parse.y"
+#line 88 "y-src/parse.y"
parse_return=0; }
case 5:
-#line 96 "parse.y"
+#line 96 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-2]; }
case 6:
-#line 98 "parse.y"
+#line 98 "y-src/parse.y"
(yyvsp[-3])->n_x.v_subs[1]=(struct node *)0;
yyval=yyvsp[-3]; }
case 7:
-#line 102 "parse.y"
+#line 102 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-5]; }
case 8:
-#line 106 "parse.y"
+#line 106 "y-src/parse.y"
case 9:
-#line 110 "parse.y"
+#line 110 "y-src/parse.y"
case 10:
-#line 114 "parse.y"
+#line 114 "y-src/parse.y"
(yyvsp[-3])->n_x.v_subs[0]=(struct node *)0;
yyval=yyvsp[-3]; }
case 11:
-#line 118 "parse.y"
+#line 118 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-3]; }
case 12:
-#line 121 "parse.y"
+#line 121 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-3]; }
case 13:
-#line 125 "parse.y"
+#line 125 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-5]; }
case 14:
-#line 129 "parse.y"
+#line 129 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-5]; }
case 15:
-#line 135 "parse.y"
+#line 135 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-7]; }
case 16:
-#line 142 "parse.y"
+#line 142 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-7]; }
case 17:
-#line 150 "parse.y"
+#line 150 "y-src/parse.y"
case 18:
-#line 154 "parse.y"
+#line 154 "y-src/parse.y"
case 19:
-#line 159 "parse.y"
+#line 159 "y-src/parse.y"
(yyvsp[-3])->n_x.v_subs[0]=(struct node *)0;
yyval=yyvsp[-3]; }
case 20:
-#line 163 "parse.y"
+#line 163 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval=yyvsp[-3]; }
case 21:
-#line 174 "parse.y"
+#line 174 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 22:
-#line 178 "parse.y"
+#line 178 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 23:
-#line 182 "parse.y"
+#line 182 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 24:
-#line 186 "parse.y"
+#line 186 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 25:
-#line 190 "parse.y"
+#line 190 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 26:
-#line 194 "parse.y"
+#line 194 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 27:
-#line 198 "parse.y"
+#line 198 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 28:
-#line 202 "parse.y"
+#line 202 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 29:
-#line 206 "parse.y"
+#line 206 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 30:
-#line 210 "parse.y"
+#line 210 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 31:
-#line 214 "parse.y"
+#line 214 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 32:
-#line 218 "parse.y"
+#line 218 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 33:
-#line 222 "parse.y"
+#line 222 "y-src/parse.y"
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 34:
-#line 226 "parse.y"
+#line 226 "y-src/parse.y"
if(yyvsp[0]->comp_value==CONST_FLT) {
yyvsp[0]->n_x.v_float= -(yyvsp[0]->n_x.v_float);
} }
case 35:
-#line 241 "parse.y"
+#line 241 "y-src/parse.y"
yyvsp[-1]->n_x.v_subs[1]=(struct node *)0;
yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 36:
-#line 246 "parse.y"
+#line 246 "y-src/parse.y"
{ yyval = yyvsp[-1]; }
case 37:
-#line 247 "parse.y"
+#line 247 "y-src/parse.y"
case 38:
-#line 255 "parse.y"
+#line 255 "y-src/parse.y"
case 39:
-#line 263 "parse.y"
+#line 263 "y-src/parse.y"
{ yyval = make_list(yyvsp[0], 0); }
case 40:
-#line 265 "parse.y"
+#line 265 "y-src/parse.y"
{ yyval = make_list(yyvsp[0], yyvsp[-2]); }
case 43:
-#line 273 "parse.y"
+#line 273 "y-src/parse.y"
{ yyval=make_list(yyvsp[0], 0); }
case 44:
-#line 275 "parse.y"
+#line 275 "y-src/parse.y"
{ yyval=make_list(yyvsp[0],yyvsp[-2]); }
case 45:
-#line 279 "parse.y"
+#line 279 "y-src/parse.y"
{ yyval=yyvsp[0]; }
return yyresult;
-#line 282 "parse.y"
+#line 282 "y-src/parse.y"