rm -rf bin lib share swipl/build
- rm -f $(TARGET)
+ rm -f $(TARGET) $(BASENAME).info
cd swipl; \
cmake $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) -G Ninja ..; \
ninja; \
ninja install
+ emacs -Q --batch --eval '(require (quote ox-texinfo))' --eval "(with-current-buffer (find-file \"README.org\") (org-export-to-file (quote texinfo) \"$@\" nil nil nil nil nil (quote org-texinfo-compile)))"
--- /dev/null
+#+title: sweep: SWI-Prolog Embedded in Emacs
+#+author: Eshel Yaron
+#+email: me@eshelyaron.com
+#+language: en
+#+options: ':t toc:nil author:t email:t num:t
+#+startup: content indent
+#+export_file_name: sweep.texi
+#+texinfo_filename: sweep.info
+#+texinfo_dir_category: Prolog
+#+texinfo_dir_title: Sweep: (sweep)
+#+texinfo_dir_desc: SWI-Prolog Embedded in Emacs
+#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINERSITE @uref{https://eshelyaron.com,maintainer webpage}
+#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINER Eshel Yaron
+#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINEREMAIL @email{me@eshelyaron.com}
+#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINERCONTACT @uref{mailto:me@eshelyaron.com,contact the maintainer}
+# The "kbd" macro turns KBD into @kbd{KBD}. Additionally, it
+# encloses case-sensitive special keys (SPC, RET...) within @key{...}.
+#+macro: kbd (eval (let ((case-fold-search nil) (regexp (regexp-opt '("SPC" "RET" "LFD" "TAB" "BS" "ESC" "DELETE" "SHIFT" "Ctrl" "Meta" "Alt" "Cmd" "Super" "UP" "LEFT" "RIGHT" "DOWN") 'words))) (format "@@texinfo:@kbd{@@%s@@texinfo:}@@" (replace-regexp-in-string regexp "@@texinfo:@key{@@\\&@@texinfo:}@@" $1 t))))
+This manual describes the Emacs package =sweep=, which provides an
+embedded SWI-Prolog runtime inside of Emacs.
+#+toc: headlines 8 insert TOC here, with eight headline levels
+* Installation
+1. Clone the =sweep= repository:
+ #+begin_src sh
+ git clone --recursive https://git.sr.ht/~eshel/sweep
+ #+end_src
+2. Optionally, build the C module =sweep-module=:
+ #+begin_src sh
+ cd sweep
+ make
+ #+end_src
+3. Add =sweep= to Emacs' =load-path=:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sweep")
+ #+end_src
+4. Load =sweep= into Emacs:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (require 'sweep)
+ #+end_src
+ If =sweep-module= is not already built, =sweep= will suggest to build
+ it when loaded. Note that this may take a couple of minutes as the
+ SWI-Prolog runtime may need to be built as well.
+* Querying Prolog
+=sweep= provides the Elisp function =sweep-open-query= for initiating
+Prolog queries. To examine the results of the query, the function
+=sweep-next-solution= is used. When no more solutions are available, or
+when otherwise further solutions are not required, the query must be
+close with either =sweep-cut-query= or =sweep-close-query=.
+#+FINDEX: sweep-open-query
+#+FINDEX: sweep-next-solution
+#+FINDEX: sweep-cut-query
+#+FINDEX: sweep-close-query
+As an example, we show an invocation of the non-deterministic
+predicate =lists:permutation/2= from Elisp, which yields the number of
+different permutations of the list =(1 2 3 4 5)=:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (sweep-open-query "user" "lists" "permutation" '(1 2 3 4 5))
+ (let ((num 0)
+ (sol (sweep-next-solution)))
+ (while sol
+ (setq num (1+ num))
+ (setq sol (sweep-next-solution)))
+ (sweep-close-query)
+ num)
+* Indices
+** Function index
+:INDEX: fn
+** Variable index
+:INDEX: vr
+** Concept index
+:INDEX: cp
return buf;
-/* int */
-/* estring_to_atom(emacs_env *eenv, emacs_value estring, term_t t) { */
-/* ptrdiff_t len = 0; */
-/* char *buf = NULL; */
-/* int i = 0; */
-/* if ((buf = estring_to_cstring(eenv, estring, &len)) == NULL) return -1; */
-/* i = PL_put_atom_nchars(t, len - 1, buf); */
-/* free(buf); */
-/* return i; */
-/* } */
estring_to_pstring(emacs_env *eenv, emacs_value estring, term_t t) {
ptrdiff_t len = 0;
return i;
-/* static IOSTREAM * */
-/* estring_to_stream(emacs_env *eenv, emacs_value estring) { */
-/* ptrdiff_t len = 0; */
-/* size_t slen = 0; */
-/* char *buf = NULL; */
-/* if ((buf = estring_to_cstring(eenv, estring, &len)) == NULL) return NULL; */
-/* slen = len - 1; */
-/* return Sopenmem(&buf, &slen, "r"); */
-/* } */
static emacs_value
econs(emacs_env *env, emacs_value car, emacs_value cdr) {
emacs_value args[2] = {car, cdr};
if (c != NULL) free(c);
if (m != NULL) free(m);
if (f != NULL) free(f);
- // if (s != NULL) Sclose(s);
return et(env);
-/* emacs_value */
-/* sweep_open_query(emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args, void *data) */
-/* { */
-/* predicate_t p = NULL; */
-/* IOSTREAM * s = NULL; */
-/* char * m = NULL; */
-/* module_t n = NULL; */
-/* char * c = NULL; */
-/* char * f = NULL; */
-/* term_t a = PL_new_term_refs(3); */
-/* (void)data; */
-/* (void)nargs; */
-/* if (PL_current_query() != 0) { */
-/* ethrow(env, "Prolog is already executing a query"); */
-/* goto cleanup; */
-/* } */
-/* if ((c = estring_to_cstring(env, args[0], NULL)) == NULL) { */
-/* goto cleanup; */
-/* } */
-/* n = PL_new_module(PL_new_atom(c)); */
-/* if ((m = estring_to_cstring(env, args[1], NULL)) == NULL) { */
-/* goto cleanup; */
-/* } */
-/* if ((f = estring_to_cstring(env, args[2], NULL)) == NULL) { */
-/* goto cleanup; */
-/* } */
-/* p = PL_predicate(f, 3, m); */
-/* if (estring_to_atom(env, args[3], a+0) < 0) { */
-/* goto cleanup; */
-/* } */
-/* if ((s = estring_to_stream(env, args[4])) == NULL) { */
-/* goto cleanup; */
-/* } */
-/* PL_unify_stream(a+1, s); */
-/* PL_open_query(n, PL_Q_NODEBUG | PL_Q_EXT_STATUS | PL_Q_CATCH_EXCEPTION, p, a); */
-/* o = a+2; */
-/* cleanup: */
-/* if (c != NULL) free(c); */
-/* if (m != NULL) free(m); */
-/* if (f != NULL) free(f); */
-/* // if (s != NULL) Sclose(s); */
-/* return et(env); */
-/* } */
static emacs_value
sweep_initialize(emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args, void *data)
1, emacs_variadic_function,
- "Initialize Prolog.\
-ARG1 is passed as argv[0] to `PL_initialise()', which see.\
+ "Initialize Prolog.\n\
+ARG1 is passed as argv[0] to `PL_initialise()', which see.\n\
REST is passed as the rest of the command line arguments to Prolog.",
emacs_value args_initialize[] = {symbol_initialize, func_initialize};
4, 4,
- "Query Prolog.\
-ARG1 is a string denoting the context module for the query.\
-ARG2 and ARG3 are strings designating the module and predicate name of the Prolog predicate to invoke, which must be of arity 3.\
-ARG4 is a string that is converted to an atom and passed as the first argument of the invoked predicate.\
-ARG5 is a string that is converted to a Prolog stream and passed as the second argument of the invoked predicate.\
-The third and final argument of the predicate is left unbound and is assumed to be an output variable, whose further instantiations can be examined via `sweep-next-solution'.",
+ "Query Prolog.\n\
+ARG1 is a string denoting the context module for the query.\n\
+ARG2 and ARG3 are strings designating the module and predicate name of the Prolog predicate to invoke, which must be of arity 2.\n\
+ARG4 is any object that can be converted to a Prolog term, and will be passed as the first argument of the invoked predicate.\n\
+The second argument of the predicate is left unbound and is assumed to treated by the invoked predicate as an output variable.\n\
+Further instantiations of the output variable can be examined via `sweep-next-solution'.",
emacs_value args_open_query[] = {symbol_open_query, func_open_query};
env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "defalias"), 2, args_open_query);
0, 0,
- "Return the next solution from Prolog, or nil if there are none.\
+ "Return the next solution from Prolog, or nil if there are none.\n\
See also `sweep-open-query'.",
emacs_value args_next_solution[] = {symbol_next_solution, func_next_solution};
0, 0,
- "Finalize the current Prolog query.\
+ "Finalize the current Prolog query.\n\
This function retains the current instantiation of the query variables.",
emacs_value args_cut_query[] = {symbol_cut_query, func_cut_query};
0, 0,
- "Finalize the current Prolog query.\
+ "Finalize the current Prolog query.\n\
This function drops the current instantiation of the query variables.",
emacs_value args_close_query[] = {symbol_close_query, func_close_query};
(completing-read "Predicate: " col)))
(defun sweep-find-predicate (mfn)
+ "Jump to the definiton of the Prolog predicate MFN.
+MFN must be a string of the form \"M:F/N\" where M is a Prolog
+module name, F is a functor name and N is its arity."
(interactive (list (sweep-read-predicate)))
(let* ((loc (sweep-predicate-location mfn))
(path (car loc))
(completing-read "Module: " col)))
(defun sweep-find-module (mod)
+ "Jump to the source file of the Prolog module MOD."
(interactive (list (sweep-read-module-name)))
(find-file (sweep-module-path mod)))
sweep_module_path_(Module, Path) :-
module_property(Module, file(Path)), !.
sweep_module_path_(Module, Path) :-
- '$autoload':library_index(_, Module, Path), !.
+ '$autoload':library_index(_, Module, Path0), !, string_concat(Path0, ".pl", Path).
sweep_modules_collection([], Modules) :-
findall([M|P], ( module_property(M0, file(P0)), atom_string(M0, M), atom_string(P0, P) ), Modules0, Tail),
- setof([M|P], M0^P0^N^('$autoload':library_index(N, M0, P0), atom_string(M0, M), atom_string(P0, P) ), Tail),
+ setof([M|P], M0^P0^N^('$autoload':library_index(N, M0, P0), string_concat(P0, ".pl", P), atom_string(M0, M) ), Tail),
list_to_set(Modules0, Modules).
sweep_predicate_location(MFN, [Path|Line]) :-