;;; Code:
(require 'comint)
+(require 'xref)
(defgroup sweep nil
"SWI-Prolog Embedded in Emacs."
(when (sweep-true-p sol)
(cdr sol))))
+(defun sweep-predicate-references (mfn)
+ (sweep-open-query "user" "sweep" "sweep_predicate_references" mfn)
+ (let ((sol (sweep-next-solution)))
+ (sweep-close-query)
+ (when (sweep-true-p sol)
+ (cdr sol))))
(defun sweep-predicate-location (mfn)
(sweep-open-query "user" "sweep" "sweep_predicate_location" mfn)
(let ((sol (sweep-next-solution)))
(when (sweep-true-p sol)
(cdr sol))))
+(defun sweep-predicate-apropos (pattern)
+ (sweep-open-query "user" "sweep" "sweep_predicate_apropos" pattern)
+ (let ((sol (sweep-next-solution)))
+ (sweep-close-query)
+ (when (sweep-true-p sol)
+ (cdr sol))))
(defun sweep-read-predicate ()
"Read a Prolog predicate (M:F/N) from the minibuffer, with completion."
(let* ((col (sweep-predicates-collection))
(interactive (list (sweep-read-predicate)))
(let* ((loc (sweep-predicate-location mfn))
(path (car loc))
- (line (cdr loc)))
+ (line (or (cdr loc) 1)))
(find-file path)
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- line))))
"Hook for `xref-backend-functions'."
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-at-point ((_backend (eql 'sweep)))
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-completion-table ((_backend (eql 'sweep)))
- (sweep-identifier-completion-table))
+ (completion-table-with-cache #'sweep-predicates-collection))
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-completion-ignore-case ((_backend (eql 'sweep)))
"Case is always significant for Prolog identifiers, so return nil."
-(cl-defmethod xref-backend-definitions ((_backend (eql 'sweep)) symbol))
-(cl-defmethod xref-backend-references ((_backend (eql 'sweep)) symbol))
-(cl-defmethod xref-backend-apropos ((_backend (eql 'sweep)) pattern))
+(cl-defmethod xref-backend-definitions ((_backend (eql 'sweep)) mfn)
+ (when-let ((loc (sweep-predicate-location mfn))
+ (path (car loc))
+ (line (or (cdr loc) 1)))
+ (list (xref-make (concat path ":" (number-to-string line)) (xref-make-file-location path line 0)))))
+(cl-defmethod xref-backend-references ((_backend (eql 'sweep)) mfn)
+ (let ((refs (sweep-predicate-references mfn)))
+ (seq-map (lambda (loc)
+ (let ((path (car loc))
+ (line (or (cdr loc) 1)))
+ (xref-make (concat path ":" (number-to-string line)) (xref-make-file-location path line 0))))
+ refs)))
+(cl-defmethod xref-backend-apropos ((_backend (eql 'sweep)) pattern)
+ (let ((matches (sweep-predicate-apropos pattern)))
+ (seq-map (lambda (match)
+ (let ((mfn (car match))
+ (path (cadr match))
+ (line (or (cddr match) 1)))
+ (xref-make mfn
+ (xref-make-file-location path line 0))))
+ matches)))
(define-derived-mode sweep-mode prog-mode "sweep"
+ sweep_predicate_references/2,
+ sweep_predicate_apropos/2,
+ sweep_local_predicate_completion/2,
:- use_module(library(pldoc/man_index)).
:- use_module(library(lynx/html_text)).
:- use_module(library(prolog_pack)).
+:- use_module(library(help)).
:- use_module(library(prolog_server)).
:- dynamic sweep_current_color/3,
atom_string(D0, D).
sweep_module_description([M0|P], [M|[P]]) :- atom_string(M0, M).
+sweep_predicate_references(MFN, Refs) :-
+ term_string(M:F/N, MFN),
+ pi_head(F/N, H),
+ findall([Path|Line],
+ (xref_called(Path0, H, _, _, Line),
+ atom_string(Path0, Path)),
+ Refs,
+ Tail),
+ findall([Path|Line],
+ (xref_called(Path0, M:H, _, _, Line),
+ atom_string(Path0, Path)),
+ Tail).
sweep_predicate_location(MFN, [Path|Line]) :-
+ !,
term_string(M:F/N, MFN),
pi_head(F/N, H),
+ sweep_predicate_location_(M, H, Path, Line).
+sweep_predicate_location(FN, [Path|Line]) :-
+ !,
+ term_string(F/N, FN),
+ pi_head(F/N, H),
+ sweep_predicate_location_(H, Path, Line).
+sweep_predicate_apropos(Query0, Matches) :-
+ atom_string(Query, Query0),
+ findall([S,Path|Line],
+ (prolog_help:apropos(Query, M:F/N, _, _),
+ format(string(S), '~w:~W/~w', [M, F, [quoted(true), character_escapes(true)], N]),
+ pi_head(F/N, Head),
+ sweep_predicate_location_(M, Head, Path, Line)),
+ Matches, Tail),
+ findall([S,Path],
+ (prolog_help:apropos(Query, F/N, _, _),
+ format(string(S), '~W/~w', [F, [quoted(true), character_escapes(true)], N]),
+ pi_head(F/N, Head),
+ sweep_predicate_location_(Head, Path, Line)),
+ Tail).
+sweep_predicate_location_(H, Path, Line) :-
+ predicate_property(H, file(Path0)),
+ predicate_property(H, line_count(Line)),
+ !,
+ atom_string(Path0, Path).
+sweep_predicate_location_(H, Path, Line) :-
+ xref_defined(Path0, H, How),
+ atom_string(Path0, Path),
+ ( xref_definition_line(How, Line)
+ -> true
+ ; Line = []
+ ).
+sweep_predicate_location_(M, H, Path, Line) :-
+ predicate_property(M:H, file(Path0)),
predicate_property(M:H, line_count(Line)),
- predicate_property(M:H, file(Path0)), atom_string(Path0, Path).
+ !,
+ atom_string(Path0, Path).
+sweep_predicate_location_(M, H, Path, Line) :-
+ xref_defined(Path0, M:H, How),
+ atom_string(Path0, Path),
+ ( xref_definition_line(How, Line)
+ -> true
+ ; Line = []
+ ).
sweep_local_predicate_completion([Mod|Sub], Preds) :-
atom_string(M, Mod),
\+ (predicate_property(M:H, imported_from(M1)), M \= M1)
- Tail),
+ Tail0),
( '$autoload':library_index(H, M, _),
pi_head(F/N, H)
+ Tail0,
+ Tail1),
+ findall(M:F/N,
+ ( xref_defined(SourceId, H, local(_)),
+ xref_module(SourceId, M),
+ pi_head(F/N, H)
+ ),
+ Tail1,
+ Tail),
+ findall(M:F/N,
+ ( xref_defined(_, H, imported(SourceId)),
+ xref_module(SourceId, M),
+ pi_head(F/N, H)
+ ),
list_to_set(Preds0, Preds1),
maplist(sweep_predicate_description, Preds1, Preds2),