-#+title: sweep NEWS -- history of user-visible changes.
+#+title: sweep NEWS -- history of user-visible changes
#+author: Eshel Yaron
#+email: me@eshelyaron.com
#+language: en
For further details, please consult the manual:
+* Development version 0.4.8-dev
+** New command ~sweeprolog-document-predicate-at-point~ in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers
+~sweeprolog-document-predicate-at-point~ is a new command available in
+~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers for interactively inserting =PlDoc=
+documentation comments for the predicate defined at point. Bound to
+=C-c C-d= in ~sweeprolog-mode-map~.
* Version 0.4.7 on 2022-10-01
** Added integration with =eldoc=