GNU Emacs NEWS -- history of user-visible changes.
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
See the end of the file for license conditions.
Please send Emacs bug reports to
If possible, use M-x report-emacs-bug.
-This file is about changes in Emacs version 24.
+This file is about changes in Emacs version 25.
-See files NEWS.23, NEWS.22, NEWS.21, NEWS.20, NEWS.19, NEWS.18,
+See files NEWS.24, NEWS.23, NEWS.22, NEWS.21, NEWS.20, NEWS.19, NEWS.18,
and NEWS.1-17 for changes in older Emacs versions.
You can narrow news to a specific version by calling `view-emacs-news'
setting default font, menu bar, fringe width, or scroll bars of a
specific frame does not resize that frame in order to preserve the
number of columns or lines it displays.
* Changes in Emacs 25.1 on Non-Free Operating Systems
or Windows Server 2003. The built binaries still run on all versions
of Windows starting with Windows 9X.
-* Installation Changes in Emacs 24.4
-** Emacs can now be compiled with ACL (access control list) support.
-This happens by default if a suitable support library is found at
-build time, like libacl on GNU/Linux. To prevent this, use the
-configure option `--disable-acl'. See below for the features this provides.
-** Emacs can now be compiled with file notification support.
-This happens by default if a suitable system library is found at
-build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
-`--without-file-notification'. See below for file-notify features.
-This feature is not available for the Nextstep port.
-** Emacs can now be compiled with zlib support.
-This happens by default if zlib is present, which it normally is.
-To prevent this, use the configure option `--without-zlib'.
-This provides the function `zlib-decompress-region'; see below for details.
-** The configure option `--without-compress-info' has been generalized,
-and renamed to `--without-compress-install'. It now prevents compression
-of _any_ files during installation.
-** The configure option `--with-crt-dir' has been removed.
-It is no longer needed, as the crt*.o files are no longer linked specially.
-** Directories passed to configure option `--enable-locallisppath' are
-no longer created during installation.
-** Emacs for Nextstep (Mac OS X, GNUstep) can be built with ImageMagick support.
-This requires pkg-config to be available at build time.
-* Startup Changes in Emacs 24.4
-** When initializing `load-path', an empty element in the EMACSLOADPATH
-environment variable (either leading, e.g., ":/foo"; trailing, e.g.,
-"/foo:"; or embedded, e.g., "/foo::/bar") is replaced with the default
-load-path (the one that would have been used if EMACSLOADPATH was unset).
-This makes it easier to _extend_ the load-path via EMACSLOADPATH
-(previously, EMACSLOADPATH had to specify the complete load-path,
-including the defaults). (In older versions of Emacs, an empty element
-was replaced by ".", so use an explicit "." now if that is what you want.)
-** The -L option, which normally prepends its argument to load-path,
-will instead append, if the argument begins with `:' (or `;' on MS Windows;
-i.e., `path-separator').
-** If you use either site-load.el or site-init.el to customize the dumped
-Emacs executable, any changes to `load-path' that these files make
-will no longer be present after dumping. To affect a permanent change
-to `load-path', use the `--enable-locallisppath' option of `configure'.
-** The user option `initial-buffer-choice' can now specify a function
-to set up the initial buffer.
-* Changes in Emacs 24.4
-** Support for ACLs (access control lists).
-This requires a suitable support library to be found at build time.
-On GNU/Linux, the POSIX ACL interface is used via libacl.
-On MS-Windows, the NT Security APIs are used to emulate the POSIX interface.
-ACLs are extended file attributes, used e.g. for finer-grained permissions.
-*** Emacs preserves the ACL entries of files when backing up.
-*** New functions `file-acl' and `set-file-acl' get and set file ACLs.
-** Support for menus on text-mode terminals.
-If the terminal supports a mouse, clicking on the menu bar, or on
-sensitive portions of the mode line or header line, will drop down the
-menu defined at that position. Likewise, clicking C-mouse-1, C-mouse-2, or
-C-mouse-3 on the text area will pop up the menus defined for those locations.
-If the text terminal does not support a mouse, you can activate the
-first menu-bar menu by typing F10, which invokes `menu-bar-open'.
-If you want the previous behavior, where F10 invoked `tmm-menubar',
-customize the option `tty-menu-open-use-tmm' to a non-nil value.
-(Typing M-` always invokes `tmm-menubar', even if `tty-menu-open-use-tmm'
-is nil.)
-** New option `load-prefer-newer' affects how the `load' function chooses
-the file to load. If this is non-nil, then when both .el and .elc
-versions of a file exist, and the caller did not explicitly specify
-which one to load, then the newer file is loaded. The default, nil,
-means to always load the .elc file.
-** Multi-monitor support
-*** New functions `display-monitor-attributes-list' and
-`frame-monitor-attributes' can be used to obtain information about
-each physical monitor on multi-monitor setups.
-*** The functions `display-pixel-width' and `display-pixel-height' now
-behave consistently among the platforms: they return the pixel width
-or height for all physical monitors associated with the given display
-as if they were on X. To get information for each physical
-monitor, use the new functions above. Similar notes also apply to
-`x-display-pixel-width', `x-display-pixel-height', `display-mm-width',
-`display-mm-height', `x-display-mm-width', and `x-display-mm-height'.
-** New function `zlib-decompress-region', which decompresses gzip- and
-zlib-format compressed data using built-in zlib support (if available).
-** The *Messages* buffer is created in `messages-buffer-mode',
-a new major mode, with read-only status. Any code that might create
-the *Messages* buffer should call the function `messages-buffer' to do
-so and set up the mode.
-** The cursor stops blinking after 10 blinks (by default) on X and Nextstep.
-You can change the default by customizing `blink-cursor-blinks'.
-** In keymaps where SPC scrolls forward, S-SPC now scrolls backward.
-This affects View mode, etc.
-** The default value of `make-backup-file-name-function' is no longer nil.
-Instead it defaults to a function that does what the nil value used to.
-** Help
-*** The command `apropos-variable' is renamed to `apropos-user-option'.
-`apropos-user-option' shows all user options, while `apropos-variable'
-shows all variables. When called with a universal prefix argument,
-the two commands swap their behaviors. When `apropos-do-all' is
-non-nil, they output the same results.
-*** The key `?' now describes prefix bindings, like `C-h'.
-*** The command `describe-function' has been extended for EIEIO.
-Running it on constructors will show a full description of the
-generated class. For generic functions, it will show all
-implementations together with links to the source. The old commands
-`describe-class', `describe-constructor' and `describe-generic' were
-*** The function `quail-help' is no longer an interactive command.
-Use `C-h C-\' (`describe-input-method') instead.
-** Frame and window handling
-*** New commands `toggle-frame-fullscreen' and `toggle-frame-maximized',
-bound to <f11> and M-<f10>, respectively.
-*** New hooks `focus-in-hook', `focus-out-hook'.
-These are normal hooks run when an Emacs frame gains or loses input focus.
-*** The function `window-in-direction' now takes additional arguments
-for specifying a reference point, wrapping the selection around frame
-borders, and specifying ways to select the minibuffer window.
-*** Emacs can now change frame sizes in units of pixels, rather than
-text rows or columns. When maximizing a frame or making it fullscreen,
-remaining extra pixels are no longer given to the minibuffer, the rightmost
-fringe, or other unusable space, but are distributed among the text
-areas of the frame's windows. If the new option `frame-resize-pixelwise'
-is non-nil, all frame size changes happen pixelwise and set the
-corresponding size hints for the window manager.
-*** Emacs can now change window sizes in units of pixels.
-Mouse-dragging a mode line or window divider now changes the size of
-adjacent windows pixelwise. If the new option `window-resize-pixelwise'
-is non-nil, functions like `balance-windows-area' and `fit-window-to-buffer'
-resize windows pixelwise. Most functions for changing or accessing
-window sizes now have an additional argument that allows changes to apply,
-or values to be returned, in pixels instead of lines/columns.
-*** The functions `window-body-height' and `window-body-width' now never
-count partially visible lines or columns if called with a nil PIXELWISE
-*** Emacs can now draw dividers between adjacent windows. To put
-dividers between side-by-side/vertically stacked windows customize the
-frame parameters `right-divider-width' and `bottom-divider-width' to
-some positive integer. You can drag dividers with the mouse (they show
-a corresponding cursor when the mouse hovers over them). You can change
-the appearance of dividers by customizing the faces `window-divider',
-`window-divider-first-pixel', and `window-divider-last-pixel'. The last
-two are useful to provide a 3D effect, or to better distinguish dividers
-from surrounding display objects.
-*** New functions to return the pixel sizes of window components, namely
-`window-scroll-bar-width', `window-mode-line-height',
-`window-header-line-height', `window-right-divider-width', and
-*** The new function `window-text-pixel-size' returns the size of the
-text of a window's buffer in pixels. This allows functions like
-`fit-frame-to-buffer' and `fit-window-to-buffer' to accurately fit a
-window to its buffer as it will be displayed.
-*** `fit-window-to-buffer' can now resize windows in both dimensions.
-This behavior is controlled by the new option
-`fit-window-to-buffer-horizontally'. The new option
-`fit-frame-to-buffer' allows you to fit the window's frame to its buffer.
-*** `fit-frame-to-buffer' now fits frames in both dimensions. The new
-options `fit-frame-to-buffer-margins' and `fit-frame-to-buffer-sizes'
-control the size of the frame and its position on screen.
-*** Temp Buffer Resize Mode can now adjust the height and width of
-windows and frames. The new option `temp-buffer-max-width' allows you to
-control the width of temporary buffer windows. Moreover, if the new
-option `fit-frame-to-buffer' is non-nil and the buffer appears in the
-root window of a frame, Temp Buffer Resize Mode will try to adjust the
-width and/or height of the frame.
-*** `split-window' is now a non-interactive function, not a command.
-As a command, it was a special case of `C-x 2' (`split-window-below'),
-and as such superfluous. After being reimplemented in Lisp, its
-interactive form was mistakenly retained.
-*** The functions `window-size' and `window-total-size' now have an
-optional argument to return a rounded size value.
-*** `window-state-put' now allows you to put a window state into internal
-windows too.
-*** New option `scroll-bar-adjust-thumb-portion'.
-Available only on X, this option allows you to control over-scrolling
-using the scroll bar (i.e., dragging the thumb down even when the end
-of the buffer is visible).
-*** New display actions functions for `display-buffer':
-**** `display-buffer-at-bottom' chooses or creates a window at the
-bottom of the selected frame.
-**** `display-buffer-no-window' to not display the buffer in a window.
-*** New display action alist entry `allow-no-window' to indicate the
-caller of `display-buffer' is ready to handle the case of not displaying
-the buffer in a window.
-*** `display-buffer-in-previous-window' is now a member of
-** Lisp evaluation
-*** `eval-defun' on an already defined defcustom calls the :set function,
-if there is one.
-*** The commands `eval-expression' (`M-:'), `eval-last-sexp' (`C-x C-e'),
-and `eval-print-last-sexp' (`C-j' in Lisp Interaction mode) can take a
-zero prefix argument. This disables truncation of lists in the output,
-equivalent to setting `(eval-expression-)print-length' and
-`(eval-expression-)print-level' to nil. Additionally, it causes integers
-to be printed in other formats (octal, hexadecimal, and character).
-*** New hook `eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook' run by
-`eval-expression' on entering the minibuffer.
-** `cache-long-line-scans' is now non-nil, and renamed to `cache-long-scans',
-because it affects caching of paragraph scanning results as well.
-There is no reason to set this to nil except for debugging purposes.
-** `emacs-bzr-version' has been renamed to `emacs-repository-version',
-and works for git too, if you fetch the repository notes.
-** The default value of `comment-use-global-state' is now t,
-and this variable has been marked obsolete.
-** `write-region-inhibit-fsync' now defaults to t in batch mode.
-** The option `set-mark-default-inactive' has been deleted.
-This unfinished feature was introduced by accident in Emacs 23.1;
-simply disabling Transient Mark mode does the same thing.
-* Editing Changes in Emacs 24.4
-** Indentation
-*** `electric-indent-mode' is now enabled by default.
-Typing RET reindents the current line and indents the new line.
-`C-j' inserts a newline but does not indent. In some programming modes,
-additional characters are electric (eg `{').
-*** New buffer-local `electric-indent-local-mode'.
-*** The behavior of `C-x TAB' (`indent-rigidly') has changed.
-When invoked without a prefix argument, it now activates a transient
-mode in which typing <left>, <right>, <S-left>, and <S-right> adjusts
-the text indentation in the region. Typing any other key resumes
-normal editing behavior.
-*** `tab-stop-list' is now implicitly extended to infinity by repeating
-the last step. Its default value is changed to nil, which means a tab
-stop every `tab-width' columns.
-** Uniquify is enabled by default, with `post-forward-angle-brackets' style.
-In other words, if you visit two files that have the same base name,
-then rather than creating buffers basename and basename<2>,
-Emacs uses basename<dirA> and basename<dirB>. To change this,
-customize `uniquify-buffer-name-style'. Set it to nil for the old behavior.
-** New command `C-x SPC' (`rectangle-mark-mode') makes a rectangular region.
-Most commands are still unaware of it, but kill/yank do work on the rectangle.
-** New option `visual-order-cursor-movement'.
-If this is non-nil, cursor motion with arrow keys will follow the
-visual order of characters on the screen: <left> always moves to the
-left, <right> always moves to the right, disregarding the surrounding
-bidirectional context.
-** New command `delete-duplicate-lines'.
-This searches the region for identical lines, and removes all but one
-copy of each repeated line. The lines need not be sorted.
-** New command `cycle-spacing' acts like a smarter `just-one-space'.
-When called in succession, it cycles between spacing conventions:
-one space, no spaces, original spacing.
-** `blink-matching-paren' now only highlights the matching open-paren
-by default, instead of moving the cursor. Set this variable to `jump' to
-restore the old behavior.
-** The new function `fill-single-char-nobreak-p' can stop fill from breaking
-a line after a one-letter word, which is an error in some typographical
-conventions. To use it, add it to the `fill-nobreak-predicate' hook.
-** Registers
-*** All interactive commands that read a register (`copy-to-register', etc.)
-now display a temporary window after `register-preview-delay' seconds
-that summarizes existing registers. To disable this, set that option to nil.
-Interactive commands that read registers and want to make use of this
-should use `register-read-with-preview' to read register names.
-*** New command `frameset-to-register' bound to `C-x r f', replacing
-`frame-configuration-to-register'. It offers similar functionality,
-plus enhancements like the ability to restore deleted frames.
-(`frame-configuration-to-register' still exists, but no longer has a
-key binding.)
-*** New command `C-x C-k x' (`kmacro-to-register') stores keyboard
-macros in registers.
-* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.4
-** Backtrace and debugger
-*** New Lisp debugger command `v' (`debugger-toggle-locals') toggles the
-display of local variables of the current stack frame.
-*** The Lisp debugger's `e' command (`debugger-eval-expression') now includes
-the lexical environment when evaluating the code in the context at point
-(and so allows you to access lexical variables).
-*** New minor mode `jit-lock-debug-mode' helps you debug code run via JIT Lock.
-** Battery information can now be retrieved from BSD's `apm' utility.
-** In the Buffer Menu, `M-s a C-o' shows matches for a regexp in marked buffers.
-** Calc
-*** Calc by default now uses the Gregorian calendar for all dates, and
-uses January 1, 1 AD as its day number 1. Previously Calc used the
-Julian calendar for dates before September 14, 1752, and it used
-December 31, 1 BC as its day number 1; the new scheme is more
-consistent with Calendar's calendrical system and day numbering.
-*** The new option `calc-gregorian-switch' lets you configure if
-(and when) Calc switches from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.
-*** Support for ISO 8601 dates.
-** Calendar and Diary
-*** New faces `calendar-weekday-header', `calendar-weekend-header',
-and `calendar-month-header'.
-*** New option `calendar-day-header-array'.
-*** New variable `diary-from-outlook-function', used by the command
-*** The variable `calendar-font-lock-keywords' is obsolete.
-*** EDE
-**** The cpp-root project now supports executing a compile command.
-It can be set through the new :compile-command slot or the
-buffer-local variable `compile-command'.
-**** Better selection of include directories for the 'linux' project.
-Include directories now support out-of-tree build directories and
-target architecture auto-detection.
-*** Semantic
-**** Improved detection of used namespaces in current scope in C++.
-**** Parsing of default values for variables and function arguments in C/C++.
-They are also displayed by the summarize feature in the mode line.
-**** Improved parsing of function pointers in C/C++.
-This also includes parsing of function pointers as function arguments.
-**** Parsing of C/C++ preprocessor macros that open new scope.
-For example, this enables parsing of macros that open new namespaces.
-**** Support for 'this' pointer in inline member functions in C++.
-** CFEngine mode
-*** Support for completion, ElDoc, and Flycheck has been added.
-*** The current CFEngine syntax is parsed from "cf-promises -s json".
-There is a fallback syntax available if you don't have cf-promises or
-if your version doesn't support that option. See option `cfengine-cf-promises'.
-** cl-lib
-*** New macro `cl-tagbody'.
-This executes statements while allowing for control transfer to labels.
-*** letf is now just an alias for cl-letf.
-** CUA mode
-*** CUA mode now uses `delete-selection-mode' and `shift-select-mode'.
-Hence, you can now enable it independently from those modes, and from
-*** `cua-highlight-region-shift-only' is now obsolete.
-You can disable `transient-mark-mode' to get the same result.
-*** CUA's rectangles can now be used without CUA by calling the command
-** Delete Selection mode can now be used without Transient Mark mode.
-** Desktop
-*** `desktop-save-mode' by default now auto-saves an existing desktop file
-after `desktop-auto-save-timeout'. To disable this, customize that option
-to nil (or zero).
-*** Desktop now saves and restores the frame/window configuration.
-To disable this, set `desktop-restore-frames' to nil.
-See also related options `desktop-restore-reuses-frames',
-`desktop-restore-in-current-display', and `desktop-restore-forces-onscreen'.
-** New Dired minor mode `dired-hide-details-mode' toggles whether details,
-such as file ownership or permissions, are visible in Dired buffers.
-See the new options `dired-hide-details-hide-symlink-targets' and
-`dired-hide-details-hide-information-lines' for customizing what to hide.
-** You can enable ElDoc inside the `eval-expression' minibuffer with:
- (add-hook 'eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook 'eldoc-mode)
-The results display in the mode line.
-** Electric Pair mode
-*** New option `electric-pair-preserve-balance', enabled by default.
-If non-nil, pairing/skipping only kicks in when that help the balance
-of parentheses and quotes; i.e., the buffer should end up at least as
-balanced as before.
-You can further control this behavior by adjusting the predicates
-stored in `electric-pair-inhibit-predicate' and `electric-pair-skip-self'.
-*** New option `electric-pair-delete-adjacent-pairs', enabled by default.
-In `electric-pair-mode', the commands `backward-delete-char' and
-`backward-delete-char-untabify' are now bound to electric variants
-that delete the closer when invoked between adjacent pairs.
-*** New option `electric-pair-open-newline-between-pairs', enabled by default.
-In `electric-pair-mode', inserting a newline between adjacent pairs
-opens an extra newline after point, which is indented if
-`electric-indent-mode' is also set.
-*** New option `electric-pair-skip-whitespace', enabled by default.
-This controls if skipping over closing delimiters should jump over any
-whitespace slack. Setting it to `chomp' makes it delete this
-whitespace. See also the variable `electric-pair-skip-whitespace-chars'.
-*** New variables control the pairing in strings and comments.
-You can customize `electric-pair-text-pairs' and
-`electric-pair-text-syntax-table' to tweak pairing behavior inside
-strings and comments.
-** New EPA option `epa-mail-aliases'.
-You can set this to a list of email address aliases that `epa-mail-encrypt'
-should use to find keys.
-** New ERC option `erc-accidental-paste-threshold-seconds'.
-If set to a number, this can be used to avoid accidentally pasting large
-amounts of data into the ERC input.
-** New ERT macro `skip-unless' allows skipping ERT tests.
-** Eshell
-*** `eshell' now supports visual subcommands and options.
-Eshell has been able to handle "visual" commands (interactive,
-non-line oriented commands such as top that require display
-capabilities not provided by eshell) by running them in an Emacs
-terminal emulator. See `eshell-visual-commands'.
-This feature has been extended to subcommands and options that make a
-usually line-oriented command a visual command. Typical examples are
-"git log" and "git <command> --help", which display their output in a
-pager by default. See `eshell-visual-subcommands' and `eshell-visual-options'.
-*** New Eshell-Tramp module.
-External su and sudo commands are now the default; the internal,
-Tramp-using variants can still be used by enabling the eshell-tramp module.
-** New F90 mode option `f90-smart-end-names'.
-** New option `gnutls-verify-error', if non-nil, means that Emacs
-should reject SSL/TLS certificates that GnuTLS determines as invalid.
-(This option defaults to nil at present, but this is expected to change
-in a future release.)
-** Hi-Lock
-*** New global command `M-s h .' (`highlight-symbol-at-point') highlights
-the symbol near point.
-*** New option `hi-lock-auto-select-face'. When non-nil, hi-lock commands
-will cycle through faces in `hi-lock-face-defaults' without prompting.
-** Icomplete is now more similar to Ido.
-*** Icomplete by default now applies to all forms of minibuffer completion.
-The variable `icomplete-with-completion-tables' (now a user option)
-controls this. To restore the old behavior, set it back to
-*** You can navigate through and select completions using the keys
-from `icomplete-minibuffer-map'.
-*** The string that separates potential completions is now a customizable
-option (`icomplete-separator'). The default is " | " rather than ",".
-*** New face `icomplete-first-match'; and new options
-`icomplete-hide-common-prefix' and `icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input'.
-*** The option `icomplete-show-key-bindings' has been removed.
-** Ido
-*** An Ido user manual is now included.
-*** The option `ido-use-virtual-buffers' can now take the value `auto'.
-This means to use virtual buffers if the current ido input does not match
-an existing buffer.
-*** The variable `ido-decorations' can optionally have two new elements,
-which are the brackets to use around the sole remaining completion.
-** Image mode
-*** New commands `n' (`image-next-file') and `p' (`image-previous-file')
-visit the next image file and the previous image file in the same
-directory, respectively.
-*** New commands to show specific frames of multi-frame images.
-`f' (`image-next-frame') and `b' (`image-previous-frame') visit the
-next or previous frame. `F' (`image-goto-frame') shows a specific frame.
-*** New commands to speed up, slow down, or reverse animation.
-`a +' (`image-increase-speed') and `a -' (`image-decrease-speed') to
-speed up and slow down the animation. `a r' (`image-reverse-speed')
-to reverse it and `a 0' (`image-reset-speed') to reset it.
-*** The command `image-mode-fit-frame' deletes other windows.
-When toggling, it restores the frame's previous window configuration.
-It also has an optional frame argument, which can be used by Lisp
-callers to fit the image to a frame other than the selected frame.
-** New Imenu option `imenu-generic-skip-comments-and-strings'.
-** Info
-*** New Info face `info-index-match', used to highlight matches in index
-entries displayed by `Info-index-next', `Info-virtual-index' and
-*** The Info-edit command is obsolete. Editing Info nodes by hand
-has not been relevant for some time.
-** JS Mode
-*** New option `js-switch-indent-offset'.
-*** Better indentation of multiple-variable declarations.
-If a declaration spans several lines, variables on the following lines
-are lined up to the first one.
-*** Recognition and better indentation of continuations in array comprehensions.
-** MH-E has been updated to version 8.6 - see separate MH-E-NEWS file.
-** Octave mode
-*** Font locking for Texinfo comments and new keywords.
-*** Completion in Octave file buffers.
-*** ElDoc support.
-*** Jump to definition.
-*** Documentation lookup/search.
-** OPascal mode is the new name for Delphi mode
-*** All delphi-* variables and functions have been renamed to opascal-*.
-Obsolete aliases exist for those likely to have been used externally.
-*** The option `delphi-newline-always-indents' has been removed.
-Use `electric-indent-mode' instead.
-*** The TAB key runs the standard `indent-for-tab-command', not `delphi-tab'.
-** Package
-*** The package library now supports digital signing of packages.
-Maintainers of package archives should consider signing their packages
-to enhance security.
-**** If the user option `package-check-signature' is non-nil,
-Emacs tries to check package signatures at install time.
-The value `allow-unsigned' allows installation of unsigned packages.
-**** The user option `package-unsigned-archives' lists archives where
-Emacs will not try to check signatures.
-*** New option `package-pinned-packages'. This is useful if you have multiple
-archives enabled, with more than one offering a given package that you want.
-*** In the `list-packages' buffer, you can use `f' (`package-menu-filter')
-to filter the list of packages by a keyword.
-*** In the `describe-package' buffer, there are now buttons listing the
-keywords related to the package. Click on a button to see other packages
-related to that keyword.
-*** The format of `archive-contents' files, generated by package
-repositories, has changed to allow a new (fifth) element in the data
-vectors, containing an associative list with extra properties.
-(For example, `describe-package' uses the `:url' extra property to
-display a "Homepage" header.)
-** In Prolog mode, `prolog-use-smie' has been removed,
-along with the non-SMIE indentation code.
-** Python mode
-*** Out of the box support for CPython, iPython and readline based shells.
-**** `python-shell-completion-module-string-code' is no longer used.
-*** Automatic shell prompt detection. New user options:
-**** `python-shell-interpreter-interactive-arg'.
-**** `python-shell-prompt-detect-enabled'.
-**** `python-shell-prompt-detect-failure-warning'.
-**** `python-shell-prompt-input-regexps'.
-**** `python-shell-prompt-output-regexps'.
-*** Python shell support for remote hosts via tramp.
-*** Correct display of line numbers for code sent to the Python shell.
-** Remember
-*** The new command `remember-notes' creates a buffer that is saved on exit.
-You can use it as a more permanent *scratch* buffer.
-*** Remember can now store notes in separate files.
-To use this, add `remember-store-in-files' to the `remember-handler-functions'
-option. The files are saved in `remember-data-directory' using
-names specified by `remember-directory-file-name-format'.
-** Rmail
-*** Customize `rmail-mbox-format' to influence some minor aspects of
-how Rmail displays non-MIME messages.
-*** The `unrmail' command now converts from BABYL to mboxrd format,
-rather than mboxo. Customize `unrmail-mbox-format' to change this.
-** Ruby mode
-*** Improved syntax highlighting and indentation.
-*** New `electric-indent-mode' integration.
-*** New option `ruby-encoding-magic-comment-style'.
-*** New option `ruby-custom-encoding-magic-comment-template'.
-*** New option `ruby-align-to-stmt-keywords'.
-*** New option `ruby-align-chained-calls'.
-*** More Ruby file types have been added to `auto-mode-alist'.
-** Search and Replace
-*** New global command `M-s .' (`isearch-forward-symbol-at-point')
-starts a symbol (identifier) incremental search forward with the
-symbol found near point added to the search string initially.
-*** `C-x 8 RET' in Isearch mode reads a character by its Unicode name
-and adds it to the search string.
-*** `M-s i' in Isearch mode toggles whether search matches invisible text.
-*** `query-replace' skips invisible text when `search-invisible' is nil,
-and opens overlays with hidden text when `search-invisible' is `open'.
-*** A negative prefix argument of replacement commands replaces backward.
-`M-- M-%' replaces a string backward, `M-- C-M-%' replaces a regexp
-backward, `M-s w words M-- M-%' replaces a sequence of words backward.
-*** By default, prefix arguments do not now terminate Isearch mode.
-Set `isearch-allow-prefix' to nil to restore the old behavior.
-*** More Isearch commands accept prefix arguments, namely
-`isearch-printing-char', `isearch-quote-char', `isearch-yank-word',
-*** Word search now matches whitespace at the beginning/end
-of the search string if it contains leading/trailing whitespace.
-In an incremental word search or when using a non-nil LAX argument
-of `word-search-regexp', the lax matching can also match part of
-the first word (in addition to the lax matching of the last word).
-The same rules are now applied to the symbol search, with the difference
-that it matches symbols, and non-symbol characters between symbols.
-** New SES command `ses-rename-cell' allows assignment of names to SES cells.
-** The shell.el option `explicit-bash-args' includes --noediting by default.
-All non-ancient Bash versions support this option.
-** Shell Script mode
-*** The SMIE indentation engine is now used by default - see `sh-use-smie'.
-*** `sh-mode' now has its own setting for `add-log-current-defun-function'.
-** SMIE
-*** You can customize the SMIE indentation of a mode via `smie-config'.
-The command `smie-config-guess' can help you derive the appropriate
-indentation settings, if you provide it with an indented sample file.
-Use `smie-config-save' to save the result.
-*** You can customize the SMIE indentation of a file by adding an entry to
-the file's local variables of the form: `eval: (smie-config-local '(RULES))'.
-*** New commands `smie-config-show-indent' and `smie-config-set-indent'.
-** SQL mode
-*** Improved login monitoring and appropriate response to login failures.
-New variable `sql-login-delay' defines maximum wait time for a connection.
-*** Oracle support.
-SQL*Plus script placeholders are properly highlighted and identified
-in `sql-placeholders-filter'. When starting SQL*Plus, `sql-oracle-options'
-are passed before the logon parameter, as required. The default now
-includes `-L', to limit the number of logon attempts per invocation.
-** New Term mode option `term-suppress-hard-newline'.
-** Todo mode has been rewritten and enhanced.
-The Todo mode user manual describes all commands and most user
-options. To support some of these features, a new file format is
-used, which is incompatible with the old format; however, you can
-convert old todo and done item files to the new format on initializing
-the first new todo file, or at any later time with the provided
-conversion command. The previous version of todo-mode.el has been
-renamed to otodo-mode.el and is now obsolete. New features include:
-*** Support for multiple todo files and archive files of done items.
-*** Renaming, reordering, moving, merging, and deleting categories.
-*** Sortable tabular summaries of categories and the item types they contain.
-*** Cross-category lists of items filtered by specific criteria.
-*** More fine-grained interaction with the Emacs diary, by being able to
-decide for each todo item whether it appears in the Fancy Diary display.
-*** Highly flexible new item insertion and item editing.
-*** Moving items between categories, storing done items in their category
-or in archive files, undoing or unarchiving done items.
-*** Reprioritizing items by inputting a numerical priority.
-*** Extensive customizability of operation and display, including many faces.
-** Trace
-*** `trace-function' and `trace-function-background' no longer prompt for
-the output buffer. Unless you use a prefix argument, they output to
-*** With a prefix argument, `trace-function' and `trace-function-background'
-will prompt for a "context". This is a Lisp expression, whose value at the
-time the function is entered/exited is printed along with the function's
-name and arguments.
-** Tramp
-*** New connection method "adb", which allows to access Android
-devices by the Android Debug Bridge. The variable `tramp-adb-program'
-can be used to adapt the path of the "adb" program, if needed.
-*** Handlers for `file-acl' and `set-file-acl' for remote machines
-that support POSIX ACLs.
-*** Handlers for `file-notify-add-watch' and `file-notify-rm-watch'
-for remote machines that support filesystem notifications.
-*** The experimental url syntax for remote file names has been removed.
-*** The connection methods "plink1", "ssh1", "ssh2", "scp1", "scp2",
-"scpc" and "rsyncc" are discontinued. The ssh option
-"ControlMaster=auto" is set automatically in all ssh-based methods,
-when possible. See `tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options'.
-** New URL command `url-cookie-list' displays the current cookies,
-and allows you to interactively remove cookies.
-** VC and related modes
-*** In VC directory mode, `D' displays diffs between VC-controlled
-whole tree revisions.
-*** In VC directory mode, `L' lists the change log for the current VC
-controlled tree in a window.
-*** In VC directory mode, `I' shows a log of changes that will be
-received with a pull operation.
-*** `C-x v G' (globally) and `G' (in VC directory mode) ignores a file
-under current version control system. When called with a prefix
-argument, you can remove a file from the ignored file list.
-** VHDL mode
-*** New options: `vhdl-actual-generic-name', `vhdl-beautify-options'.
-*** New commands: `vhdl-fix-statement-region', `vhdl-fix-statement-buffer'.
-** The Woman commands `woman-default-faces' and `woman-monochrome-faces'
-are obsolete. Customize the `woman-*' faces instead.
-** More packages look for ~/.emacs.d/<foo> additionally to ~/.<foo>.
-Affected files:
-~/.emacs.d/timelog replaces ~/.timelog
-~/.emacs.d/vip replaces ~/.vip
-~/.emacs.d/viper replaces ~/.viper
-~/.emacs.d/ido.last replaces ~/.ido.last
-~/.emacs.d/kkcrc replaces ~/.kkcrc
-~/.emacs.d/quickurls replaces ~/.quickurls
-~/.emacs.d/idlwave/ replaces ~/.idlwave/
-~/.emacs.d/bdfcache.el replaces ~/.bdfcache.el
-~/.emacs.d/places replaces ~/.emacs-places
-~/.emacs.d/shadows replaces ~/.shadows
-~/.emacs.d/shadow_todo replaces ~/.shadow_todo
-~/.emacs.d/strokes replaces ~/.strokes
-~/.emacs.d/notes replaces ~/.notes
-~/.emacs.d/type-break replaces ~/.type-break
-Also the following files used by the now obsolete otodo-mode.el:
-~/.emacs.d/todo-do replaces ~/.todo-do
-~/.emacs.d/todo-done replaces ~/.todo-done
-~/.emacs.d/todo-top replaces ~/.todo-top
-** Obsolete packages
-*** iswitchb.el; use icomplete-mode.
-*** longlines.el; use visual-line-mode.
-*** meese.el.
-*** sup-mouse.el.
-*** terminal.el; use term.el instead.
-*** the old version of todo-mode.el (renamed to otodo-mode.el).
-*** xesam.el (owing to the cancellation of the XESAM project).
-*** yow.el; use fortune.el or cookie1.el instead.
-* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.4
-** New package eww.el provides a built-in web browser.
-This requires Emacs to have been compiled with libxml2 support.
-** New package nadvice.el offers lighter-weight advice facilities.
-It is layered as:
-*** `add-function'/`remove-function', which can be used to add/remove code on
-any function-carrying place, such as process filters or `<foo>-function' hooks.
-*** `advice-add'/`advice-remove' to add/remove a piece of advice on a named
-function, much like `defadvice' does.
-** New package frameset.el provides a set of operations to save a frameset
-(the state of all or a subset of the existing frames and windows, somewhat
-similar to a frame configuration), both in-session and persistently, and
-restore it at some point in the future.
-** New package filenotify.el provides an interface for file system
-notifications. It requires that Emacs be compiled with one of the
-low-level libraries gfilenotify.c, inotify.c or w32notify.c.
-** New minor modes `prettify-symbols-mode' and `global-prettify-symbols-mode'
-display specified symbols as composed characters. E.g., in Emacs Lisp mode,
-this replaces the string "lambda" with the Greek lambda character.
-** New minor mode `superword-mode', which overrides the default word motion
-commands to treat "symbol_words" as a single word, similar to what
-`subword-mode' does.
-* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.4
-** The default file coding for Emacs Lisp files is now utf-8.
-(See `file-coding-system-alist'.) In most cases, this change is
-transparent, but files that contain unusual characters without
-specifying an explicit coding system may fail to load with obscure
-errors. You should either convert them to utf-8 or add an explicit
-`coding:' cookie.
-** Default process filters and sentinels are not nil any more.
-Instead they default to a function that does what the nil value used to do.
-** Overlay priority does not have to be nil or a non-negative integer.
-Overlay priority can be other kinds of Lisp objects. We didn't yet
-decide whether other types of values are stable enough, and therefore
-don't feel it's right to document them. For now, don't assume in your
-code that the values of overlay priority can only be either nil or an
-integer, always test them with an appropriate predicate to be one or
-the other. If you need to sort arbitrary overlays into priority
-order, `overlays-at' can now optionally do this.
-You should still only specify integer priorities on overlays you create.
-** The cars of the elements in `interpreter-mode-alist' are now
-treated as regexps rather than literal strings.
-** `overriding-terminal-local-map' no longer replaces the local keymaps.
-It used to disable the minor mode, major mode, and text-property keymaps,
-whereas now it simply has higher precedence.
-** `kill-region' has lost its `yank-handler' optional argument.
-** `(input-pending-p)' no longer runs other timers that are ready to run.
-The new optional CHECK-TIMERS parameter allows for the prior behavior.
-** `defvar' and `defcustom' in a let-binding affect the "external" default.
-** The syntax of ?» and ?« is now punctuation instead of matched parens.
-Some languages match those as »...«, and others as «...», so it is
-better for Emacs to stay neutral by default.
-** `read-event' does not always decode chars in ttys any more. As was the case
-in Emacs 22 and before, `read-event' (and `read-char') by default read raw
-bytes from the terminal. If you want to read decoded chars instead (as was
-always the case in Emacs-23, for example), pass a non-nil
-`inherit-input-method' argument.
-** In `symbol-function', nil and "unbound" are indistinguishable.
-`symbol-function' does not signal a `void-function' error any more.
-To determine if a symbol's function definition is void, use `fboundp'.
-** `defadvice' does not honor the `freeze' flag and cannot advise
-special-forms any more.
-** `dolist' no longer binds VAR while evaluating the RESULT form,
-when lexical binding is enabled. Previously, VAR was bound to nil,
-which often led to spurious unused-variable warnings.
-** The return value of `backup-buffer' has changed.
-The second argument is no longer an SELinux context, instead it is an
-alist of extended attributes as returned by the new function
-`file-extended-attributes'. The attributes can be applied to another
-file using `set-file-extended-attributes'.
-** By default `copy-file' no longer copies file permission bits to an
-existing destination; and it sets the file permission bits of a newly
-created destination to those of the source, masked by the default file
-permissions. To copy the file permission bits, pass t as the
-PRESERVE-PERMISSIONS argument of `copy-file'.
-** `visited-file-modtime' now returns -1 for nonexistent files.
-Formerly it returned a list (-1 LOW USEC PSEC), but this was ambiguous
-in the presence of files with negative time stamps.
-** Frame-local variables that affect redisplay do not work any more.
-More specifically, redisplay does not bother to check for a frame-local
-value when looking up variables.
-** In compiled Lisp files, the header no longer includes a timestamp.
-** The option `inhibit-local-menu-bar-menus' has been removed.
-* Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.4
-** Change to the Emacs Lisp coding conventions: the package descriptor
-and name of global variables, constants, and functions should be separated
-by two hyphens if the symbol is not meant to be used by other packages.
-** The second argument of `eval' can now specify a lexical environment.
-** New macro `define-alternatives' can be used to define generic commands.
-Generic commands are interactive functions whose implementation can be
-selected among several alternatives, as a matter of user preference.
-** Numeric comparison functions =, <, >, <=, >= can now take many arguments.
-** New functions `special-form-p' and `macrop'.
-** New macro `with-eval-after-load'.
-This is like the old `eval-after-load', but better behaved.
-** If you give a symbol a `defalias-fset-function' property, `defalias'
-on that symbol will use the associated value as a function to call
-in place of `fset'.
-** New variable `enable-dir-local-variables'.
-Directory-local variables are ignored if this is nil. This may be
-useful for modes that want to ignore directory-locals while still
-respecting file-local variables.
-** `read-regexp' now uses the new variable `read-regexp-defaults-function'
-as a function to call to provide default values.
-** New functions `group-gid' and `group-real-gid'.
-** New function `get-pos-property'.
-** New hook `pre-redisplay-function'.
-** `byte-compile-interactive-only-functions' is now obsolete.
-To specify that a command should only be called interactively, give it
-a non-nil `interactive-only' property.
-** New function `string-suffix-p'.
-** `split-string' now takes an optional argument TRIM.
-The value, if non-nil, is a regexp that specifies what to trim from
-the start and end of each substring.
-** Completion
-*** The separator used by `completing-read-multiple' is now a regexp.
-The default `crm-separator' has been changed to allow surrounding spaces
-around the comma.
-*** New function `completion-table-with-cache' is a wrapper for
-`completion-table-dynamic' that caches the result of the last lookup.
-*** New function `completion-table-merge' to combine several
-completion tables by merging their completions.
-*** The `common-substring' argument of `display-completion-list',
-which has been documented as obsolete since Emacs 23.1, is now _really_
-obsolete, and no longer advertised. Instead either call
-`completion-hilit-commonality' to add the highlighting; or use
-`completion-all-completions', which returns highlighted strings.
-** Encoding and decoding of text
-*** New coding-system `prefer-utf-8'.
-This is like `undecided' but prefers UTF-8 on decoding if the text to
-be decoded does not contain any invalid UTF-8 sequences. On encoding,
-any non-ASCII characters are automatically encoded as UTF-8.
-*** New attributes of coding-systems whose type is `undecided'.
-Two new attributes, `:inhibit-null-byte-detection' and
-`:inhibit-iso-escape-detection', determine how to detect encoding of
-text that includes null bytes and ISO-2022 escape sequences, respectively.
-Each of these attributes can be either nil, zero, or t. If t, decoding
-text ignores null bytes and ISO-2022 sequences, respectively. If nil,
-null bytes cause text to be decoded with no-conversion, and ISO-2022
-sequences cause Emacs to assume the text is encoded in one of the ISO-2022
-encodings, such as iso-2022-7bit. If zero, Emacs consults the variables
-`inhibit-null-byte-detection' and `inhibit-iso-escape-detection'.
-The new attribute `:prefer-utf-8', if non-nil, causes Emacs to prefer
-UTF-8 encoding and decoding, whenever possible.
-These attributes are only meaningful for coding-systems of type `undecided'.
-(The type of a coding-system is determined by its `:coding-type' attribute
-and can be accessed by calling the `coding-system-type' function.)
-** Error-handling
-*** New function `define-error'.
-*** `with-demoted-errors' takes an additional argument `format'.
-*** Errors from timer functions are no longer silently discarded,
-but are reported as messages. So you may see "Error running timer"
-messages from code that was failing silently till now. Set
-`debug-on-error' non-nil to get a real error and a backtrace.
-** Faces
-*** Face specs set via Custom themes now replace the `defface' spec
-rather than inheriting from it. In other words, setting a face via a
-theme now behaves like setting it via Customize: you only need to
-specify the attributes that you want, you don't need to unset those
-that you don't want.
-*** The function `face-spec-set' is now like `setq' for face specs.
-Its third arg now accepts values specifying a face spec type (defface,
-custom, or override spec), and the relevant spec is set accordingly.
-*** New face spec attribute :distant-foreground
-specifies foreground to use if background color is near the foreground
-color that would otherwise have been used.
-*** New function `add-face-text-property', which can be used to
-conveniently prepend/append new face properties.
-*** New face characteristic (supports :underline (:style wave))
-specifies whether or not the terminal can display a wavy line.
-** File-handling
-*** Support for filesystem notifications.
-Emacs now supports notifications of filesystem changes, such as
-creation, modification, and deletion of files. This requires the
-`glib' API, or the 'inotify' API (on GNU/Linux systems only). On
-MS-Windows systems, this is supported for Windows XP and newer.
-*** The 9th element returned by `file-attributes' is now unspecified.
-Formerly, it was t if the file's gid would change if file were deleted
-and recreated. This value has been inaccurate for years on many
-platforms, and nobody seems to have noticed or cared.
-*** The 6th argument to `copy-file' has been renamed to
-PRESERVE-PERMISSIONS as it now handles ACL entries and the traditional
-Unix file permission bits as well as SELinux context.
-*** The function `file-ownership-preserved-p' now has an optional
-argument GROUP which causes it check for file group too. This can be
-used in place of the 9th element of `file-attributes'.
-*** The function `set-visited-file-modtime' now accepts a 0 or -1 argument,
-with the same interpretation as the returned value of `visited-file-modtime'.
-** Image API
-*** `image-animated-p' is now `image-multi-frame-p'.
-It returns non-nil for any image that contains multiple frames,
-whether or not it specifies a frame delay.
-*** New variable `image-default-frame-delay' gives the frame delay for
-animated images which do not specify a frame delay.
-*** New functions `image-current-frame' and `image-show-frame' for getting
-and setting the current frame of a multi-frame image.
-** ImageMagick
-*** ImageMagick images now support the :max-width and :max-height keywords.
-*** When using `create-image' with image data, you can pass a :format
-attribute (via the property-list argument) in order to help
-ImageMagick detect the image type. The value should be a MIME
-content-type that is found in the new variable `image-format-suffixes'.
-** Revert and Autorevert
-*** If Emacs is compiled with file notification support, it uses notifications
-instead of checking file time stamps. To disable this, set the user option
-`auto-revert-use-notify' to nil. Alternatively, you can specify a regular
-expression matching directories to be excluded from file notifications via
-*** The default values of `buffer-stale-function', `revert-buffer-function',
-and `revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function' are no longer nil.
-Instead they default to functions that do what the nil value used to.
-*** `buffer-stale-function' is now used for buffers visiting files too.
-*** The new user option `auto-revert-remote-files' enables reversion
-of remote files, if non-nil.
-** Terminal
-*** Functions to pop up menus and dialogs now work on all terminals,
-including TTYs. This includes `x-popup-menu', `x-popup-dialog',
-`message-box', `yes-or-no-p', etc.
-The function `display-popup-menus-p' will now return non-nil for a
-display or frame whenever a mouse is supported on that display or frame.
-*** New hook `tty-setup-hook', run at the end of initializing a text terminal.
-*** The hook `term-setup-hook' is obsolete. It is entirely equivalent
-to `emacs-startup-hook'. See also the new `tty-setup-hook'.
-** Minor internal changes to the details of lock files.
-The lock for DIR/FILE is now _always_ DIR/.#FILE.
-If DIR/.#FILE already exists and is not an Emacs lock file,
-Emacs makes no attempt to lock DIR/FILE. (Previously, it fell back to
-numbered lock files DIR/.#FILE.0...).
-On file systems that do not support symbolic links, the lock is now a
-regular file with contents being what would have been in the symlink.
-** New bool-vector set operation functions:
-*** `bool-vector-exclusive-or'
-*** `bool-vector-union'
-*** `bool-vector-intersection'
-*** `bool-vector-set-difference'
-*** `bool-vector-not'
-*** `bool-vector-subsetp'
-*** `bool-vector-count-consecutive'
-*** `bool-vector-count-population'
-** New library subr-x.el with miscellaneous small utility functions:
-*** `hash-table-keys'
-*** `hash-table-values'
-*** `string-blank-p'
-*** `string-empty-p'
-*** `string-join'
-*** `string-reverse'
-*** `string-trim-left'
-*** `string-trim-right'
-*** `string-trim'
-*** `string-remove-prefix'
-*** `string-remove-suffix'
-** The `time-to-seconds' alias to `float-time' is no longer marked obsolete.
-** The spelling of the rx.el category `chinese-two-byte' has been
-corrected (the first 'e' was missing).
-** EIEIO namespace cleanup, obsolete-aliasing functions to use `eieio-' prefix:
-*** object-name -> eieio-object-name
-*** object-class -> eieio-object-class
-*** object-class-fast -> eieio--object-class
-*** object-class-name -> eieio-object-class-name
-*** object-name-string -> eieio-object-name-string
-*** object-num-slots -> eieio--object-num-slots
-*** object-set-name-string -> eieio-object-set-name-string
-*** class-of -> eieio-object-class
-*** class-name -> eieio-class-name
-*** class-parent -> eieio-class-parent
-*** class-parents -> eieio-class-parents
-*** class-parents-fast -> eieio-class-parents-fast
-*** class-children -> eieio-class-children
-*** class-num-slots -> eieio--class-num-slots
-*** class-precedence-list -> eieio-class-precedence-list
-*** class-direct-subclasses -> eieio-class-children
-*** class-direct-superclasses -> eieio-class-parents
-** Obsoleted functions
-*** `log10'
-*** `dont-compile'
-*** `lisp-complete-symbol'
-*** `field-complete'
-*** `minibuffer-completion-contents'
-*** `isearch-nonincremental-exit-minibuffer'
-*** `isearch-filter-visible'
-*** `generic-make-keywords-list'
-*** `get-upcase-table' (use `case-table-get-table' instead).
-** `with-wrapper-hook' is obsoleted by `add-function'.
-The few hooks that used with-wrapper-hook are replaced as follows:
-*** `abbrev-expand-function' obsoletes `abbrev-expand-functions'.
-*** `completion-in-region-function' obsoletes `completion-in-region-functions'.
-*** `filter-buffer-substring-function' obsoletes `filter-buffer-substring-functions'.
-* Changes in Emacs 24.4 on Non-Free Operating Systems
-** New Core Text based font backend for Mac OS X 10.5 and newer.
-To use the old font backend, use the following on the command line:
- % defaults write org.gnu.Emacs FontBackend ns
-GNUstep and Mac OS X 10.4 use the old font backend.
-** Improved fullscreen support on Mac OS X 10.7 and newer, where the
-default fullscreen method is now "native" fullscreen. To use the
-old style fullscreen, customize `ns-use-native-fullscreen' to nil.
-** On Mac OS X 10.7 and newer, Emacs can use sRGB colorspace, and does so
-by default. Customize `ns-use-srgb-colorspace' to go back to the old method.
-Note that this does not apply to images.
-** The procedure for building Emacs on MS-Windows has changed.
-It is now built by running the same configure script as on all other
-platforms. This requires the MSYS environment and MinGW development
-tools. See the updated instructions in nt/INSTALL for details.
-Using the Posix configure script and Makefiles also means a change in
-the directory structure of the Emacs installation on Windows. It is
-now the same as on GNU and Unix systems. In particular, the auxiliary
-programs, such as cmdproxy.exe and hexl.exe, are in
-libexec/emacs/VERSION/i686-pc-mingw32 (where VERSION is the Emacs
-version), version-independent site-lisp is in share/emacs/site-lisp,
-version-specific Lisp files are in share/emacs/VERSION/lisp and in
-share/emacs/VERSION/site-lisp, Info docs are in share/info, and data
-files are in share/emacs/VERSION/etc. (Emacs knows about all these
-directories and will find the files in there automatically; there's no
-need to set any variables due to this change.)
-** Emacs on Windows 2000 and later can now access files and directories
-whose names cannot be encoded in the current system codepage.
-The new variable `w32-unicode-filenames' controls this feature: if it
-is t, Emacs uses Unicode APIs to pass file names to system calls,
-which lifts the limitation of file names to the current locale.
-** Lock files now work on MS-Windows.
-This helps to prevent losing your edits if the same file is being
-edited in another Emacs session or by another user. See the node
-"Interlocking" in the Emacs User Manual for the details. To disable
-file locking, customize `create-lockfiles' to nil.
-** The "generate a backtrace on fatal error" feature now works on MS-Windows.
-The backtrace is written to the 'emacs_backtrace.txt' file in the
-directory where Emacs was running.
-** The `network-interface-list' and `network-interface-info' functions
-are now available on MS-Windows.
-** The variable `buffer-file-type' is no longer supported.
-Setting it has no effect, and %t in the mode-line format is ignored.
-Likewise, `file-name-buffer-file-type-alist' is now obsolete, and
-modifying it has no effect.
-* Installation Changes in Emacs 24.3
-** The default X toolkit is now Gtk+ version 3.
-If you don't pass `--with-x-toolkit' to configure, or if you use
-`--with-x-toolkit=gtk' or `--with-x-toolkit=yes', configure will try
-to build with Gtk+ version 3, and if that fails, try Gtk+ version 2.
-You can explicitly require a specific version by passing
-`--with-x-toolkit=gtk2' or `--with-x-toolkit=gtk3' to configure.
-** New configure option `--enable-link-time-optimization', to utilize
-an appropriate feature provided by GCC since version 4.5.0.
-** New configure option `--without-all' to disable most of the optional
-features (image support, etc.) that are normally enabled by default.
-** New configure option `--enable-gcc-warnings' (for developing/debugging
-Emacs). If building with GCC, this enables compile-time checks that
-warn/give errors about possibly-questionable C code. On a recent GNU
-system there should be no warnings; on older and on non-GNU systems
-the results may be useful to developers.
-** The configure option `--enable-use-lisp-union-type' has been
-renamed to `--enable-check-lisp-object-type', as the resulting
-Lisp_Object type no longer uses a union to implement the compile time
-check that this option enables.
-** The configure option `--disable-maintainer-mode' has been removed,
-as it was confusingly-named and rarely useful.
-** The configure options `--program-prefix', `--program-suffix', and
-`--program-transform-name' apply to more than just the installed
-binaries. Now they also affect the man pages, icons, and the
-etc/emacs.desktop file; but not the info pages, since this would break
-links between the various manuals.
-** You can use `NO_BIN_LINK=t make install' to prevent the installation
-overwriting "emacs" in the installation bin/ directory with a link
-to "emacs-VERSION".
-** Emacs uses libtinfo in preference to libncurses, if available.
-** On FreeBSD and NetBSD, configure no longer adds /usr/local/lib and
-/usr/pkg/lib to the linker search path. You must add them yourself if
-you want them.
-** The standalone scripts `rcs-checkin' and `vcdiff' have been removed
-(from the bin and libexec directories, respectively). The former is
-no longer relevant, the latter is replaced by lisp (in vc-sccs.el).
-* Startup Changes in Emacs 24.3
-** Emacs no longer searches for `leim-list.el' files beneath the standard
-lisp/ directory. There should not be any there anyway. If you have
-been adding them there, put them somewhere else; e.g., site-lisp.
-** The `--no-site-lisp' command line option now works for Nextstep builds.
-* Changes in Emacs 24.3
-** Help
-*** `C-h f' (`describe-function') can now perform autoloading.
-When this command is called for an autoloaded function whose docstring
-contains a key substitution construct, that function's library is
-automatically loaded, so that the documentation can be shown
-correctly. To disable this, set `help-enable-auto-load' to nil.
-*** `C-h f' now reports previously-autoloaded functions as "autoloaded",
-even after their associated libraries have been loaded (and the
-autoloads have been redefined as functions).
-** ImageMagick
-*** Images displayed via ImageMagick now support transparency and the
-:background image specification property.
-*** When available, ImageMagick support is automatically enabled.
-It is no longer necessary to call `imagemagick-register-types'
-explicitly to install ImageMagick image types; that function is called
-automatically at startup, or when customizing an imagemagick- option.
-*** Setting `imagemagick-types-inhibit' to t now disables the use of
-ImageMagick to view images. (You must call `imagemagick-register-types'
-afterwards if you do not use customize to change this.)
-*** The new variable `imagemagick-enabled-types' also affects which
-ImageMagick types are treated as images. The function
-`imagemagick-filter-types' returns the list of types that will be
-treated as images.
-** Minibuffer
-*** In minibuffer filename prompts, `C-M-f' and `C-M-b' now move to the
-next and previous path separator, respectively.
-*** `minibuffer-electric-default-mode' can shorten "(default ...)" to "[...]"
-in minibuffer prompts. Just set `minibuffer-eldef-shorten-default'
-non-nil before enabling the mode.
-** Mode line
-*** New option `mode-line-default-help-echo' specifies the help text
-(shown in a tooltip or in the echo area) for any part of the mode line
-that does not have its own specialized help text.
-*** You can now click mouse-3 in the coding system indicator to invoke
-** Server and client
-*** emacsclient now obeys string values for `initial-buffer-choice',
-if it is told to open a new frame without specifying any file to visit
-or expression to evaluate.
-*** New option `server-auth-key' specifies a shared server key.
-** Emacs now generates backtraces on fatal errors.
-On encountering a fatal error, Emacs now outputs a textual description
-of the fatal signal, and a short backtrace on platforms like glibc
-that support backtraces.
-** `C-x C-q' is now bound to the new minor mode `read-only-mode'.
-This minor mode replaces `toggle-read-only', which is now obsolete.
-** Most `y-or-n' prompts now allow you to scroll the selected window.
-Typing `C-v' or `M-v' at a y-or-n prompt scrolls forward or backward
-respectively, without exiting from the prompt.
-** In the Package Menu, newly-available packages are listed as "new",
-and sorted above the other "available" packages by default.
-** If your Emacs was built from a repository checkout, the new variable
-`emacs-bzr-version' contains information about the bzr revision used.
-** New option `create-lockfiles' specifies usage of lockfiles.
-It defaults to t. Changing it to nil inhibits the creation of lock
-files (use this with caution).
-** New option `enable-remote-dir-locals', if non-nil, allows directory-local
-variables on remote hosts.
-** The entry for PCL-CVS has been removed from the Tools menu.
-The PCL-CVS commands are still available via the keyboard.
-** Using "unibyte: t" in Lisp source files is obsolete.
-Use "coding: raw-text" instead.
-** In the buffer made by `M-x report-emacs-bug', the `C-c m' binding
-has been changed to `C-c M-i' (`report-emacs-bug-insert-to-mailer').
-The previous binding, introduced in Emacs 24.1, was a mistake, because
-`C-c LETTER' bindings are reserved for user customizations.
-** Internationalization
-*** New language environment: Persian.
-*** New input method `vietnamese-vni'.
-** Nextstep (GNUstep / Mac OS X) port
-*** Support for fullscreen and the frame parameter fullscreen.
-*** A file dialog is used for open/save operations initiated from the
-* Editing Changes in Emacs 24.3
-** Search and Replace
-*** Non-regexp Isearch now performs "lax" space matching.
-Each sequence of spaces in the supplied search string may match any
-sequence of one or more whitespace characters, as specified by the
-variable `search-whitespace-regexp'. (This variable is also used by a
-similar existing feature for regexp Isearch.)
-*** New Isearch command `M-s SPC' toggles lax space matching.
-This applies to both ordinary and regexp Isearch.
-*** New option `replace-lax-whitespace'.
-If non-nil, `query-replace' uses flexible whitespace matching too.
-The default is nil.
-*** Global `M-s _' starts a symbol (identifier) incremental search,
-and `M-s _' in Isearch toggles symbol search mode.
-`M-s c' in Isearch toggles search case-sensitivity.
-** Navigation commands
-*** New binding `M-g c' for `goto-char'.
-*** New binding `M-g TAB' for `move-to-column'.
-*** `M-g TAB' (`move-to-column') prompts for a column number if called
-interactively with no prefix arg. Previously, it moved to column 1.
-** New option `yank-handled-properties' allows processing of text
-properties on yanked text, in ways that are more general than just
-removing them (as is done by `yank-excluded-properties').
-** New option `delete-trailing-lines' specifies whether
-M-x delete-trailing-whitespace should delete trailing lines at the end
-of the buffer. It defaults to t.
-** `C-u M-=' now counts lines/words/characters in the entire buffer.
-** `C-x 8 RET' is now bound to `insert-char', which is now a command.
-`ucs-insert' is now an obsolete alias for `insert-char'.
-** The `z' key no longer has a binding in most special modes.
-It used to be bound to `kill-this-buffer', but `z' is too easy to
-accidentally type.
-** New command `C-x r M-w' (`copy-rectangle-as-kill').
-It copies the region-rectangle as the last rectangle kill.
-** Registers
-*** `C-x r +' is now overloaded to invoke `append-to-register'.
-*** New option `register-separator' specifies the register containing
-the text to put between collected texts for use with
-M-x append-to-register and M-x prepend-to-register.
-* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.3
-** Common Lisp emulation (CL)
-*** CL's main entry is now (require 'cl-lib).
-`cl-lib' is like the old `cl' except that it uses the namespace cleanly;
-i.e., all its definitions have the "cl-" prefix (and internal definitions
-use the "cl--" prefix).
-If `cl' provided a feature under the name `foo', then `cl-lib'
-provides it under the name `cl-foo' instead; with the exceptions of the
-few `cl' definitions that had to use `foo*' to avoid conflicts with
-pre-existing Elisp entities. These have been renamed to `cl-foo'
-rather than `cl-foo*'.
-The old `cl' is now deprecated and is mainly just a bunch of aliases that
-provide the old, non-prefixed names. Some exceptions are listed below:
-*** `cl-flet' is not like `flet' (which is deprecated).
-Instead it obeys the behavior of Common-Lisp's `flet'.
-In particular, in cl-flet function definitions are lexically scoped,
-whereas in flet the scoping is dynamic.
-*** `cl-labels' is slightly different from `labels'.
-The difference is that it relies on the `lexical-binding' machinery
-(as opposed to the `lexical-let' machinery used previously) to capture
-definitions in closures, so such closures will only work if `lexical-binding'
-is in use.
-*** `cl-letf' is not exactly like `letf'.
-The only difference is in details that relate to some deprecated usage
-of `symbol-function' in place forms.
-*** `progv' was rewritten to use the `let' machinery.
-A side effect is that variables without corresponding values are bound
-to nil rather than being made unbound.
-*** The following methods of extending `setf' are obsolete
-(use features from gv.el instead):
-`define-modify-macro' (use `gv-letplace')
-`defsetf' (use `gv-define-simple-setter' or `gv-define-setter')
-`define-setf-expander' (use `gv-define-setter' or `gv-define-expander')
-`get-setf-method' no longer exists (see "Incompatible Lisp Changes")
-** Diff mode
-*** Changes are now highlighted using the same color scheme as in
-modern VCSes. Deletions are displayed in red (new faces
-`diff-refine-removed' and `smerge-refined-removed', and new definition
-of `diff-removed'), insertions in green (new faces `diff-refine-added'
-and `smerge-refined-added', and new definition of `diff-added').
-*** The variable `diff-use-changed-face' defines whether to use the
-face `diff-changed', or `diff-removed' and `diff-added' to highlight
-changes in context diffs.
-*** The new command `diff-delete-trailing-whitespace' removes trailing
-whitespace introduced by a diff.
-** Ediff now uses the same color scheme as Diff mode.
-** Python mode
-A new version of python.el, which provides several new features, including:
-per-buffer shells, better indentation, Python 3 support, and improved
-shell-interaction compatible with iPython (and virtually any other
-text based shell).
-*** Some user options have been replaced/renamed, including (old -> new):
-**** python-indent -> python-indent-offset
-**** python-guess-indent -> python-indent-guess-indent-offset
-**** python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p -> python-pdbtrack-activate
-**** python-use-skeletons -> python-skeleton-autoinsert
-*** Some user options have been removed, including:
-**** `python-indent-string-contents': Strings are never indented.
-**** `python-honour-comment-indentation':
-Comments are always considered as indentation markers.
-**** `python-continuation-offset': Indentation is automatically
-calculated in a pep8 compliant way depending on the context.
-**** `python-shell-prompt-alist', `python-shell-continuation-prompt-alist':
-Have no direct mapping as the shell interaction is completely different.
-**** `python-python-command', `python-jython-command':
-Replaced by `python-shell-interpreter'.
-**** `inferior-python-filter-regexp', `python-remove-cwd-from-path',
-`python-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string', `python-source-modes':
-No longer relevant.
-*** Some commands have been replaced (old -> new):
-**** python-insert-class -> python-skeleton-class
-**** python-insert-def -> python-skeleton-def
-**** python-insert-for -> python-skeleton-for
-**** python-insert-if -> python-skeleton-if
-**** python-insert-try/except -> python-skeleton-try
-**** python-insert-try/finally -> python-skeleton-try
-**** python-insert-while -> python-skeleton-while
-**** python-find-function -> python-nav-jump-to-defun
-**** python-next-statement -> python-nav-forward-sentence
-**** python-previous-statement -> python-nav-backward-sentence
-**** python-beginning-of-defun-function -> python-nav-beginning-of-defun
-**** python-end-of-defun-function -> python-nav-end-of-defun
-**** python-send-buffer -> python-shell-send-buffer
-**** python-send-defun -> python-shell-send-defun
-**** python-send-region -> python-shell-send-region
-**** python-send-region-and-go -> emulate with python-shell-send-region
-and python-shell-switch-to-shell
-**** python-send-string -> python-shell-send-string
-**** python-switch-to-python -> python-shell-switch-to-shell
-**** python-describe-symbol -> python-eldoc-at-point
-** D-Bus
-*** New variables `dbus-compiled-version' and `dbus-runtime-version'.
-*** The D-Bus object manager interface is implemented.
-*** Variables of type :(u)int32 and :(u)int64 accept floating points,
-if their value does not fit into Emacs's integer range.
-*** The function `dbus-call-method' is now non-blocking.
-It can be interrupted by `C-g'. `dbus-call-method-non-blocking' is obsolete.
-*** Signals can also be sent as unicast messages.
-*** The argument list of `dbus-register-signal' has been extended,
-according to the new match rule types of D-Bus.
-*** `dbus-init-bus' supports private connections.
-*** There is a new function `dbus-setenv'.
-** `desktop-path' no longer includes the "." directory.
-Desktop files are now located in ~/.emacs.d by default.
-** Dired
-*** `dired-do-async-shell-command' executes each file sequentially
-if the command ends in `;' (when operating on multiple files).
-Otherwise, it executes the command on each file in parallel.
-*** Typing `M-n' in the minibuffer of `dired-do-chmod', `dired-do-chgrp',
-`dired-do-chown', and `dired-do-touch' yanks the attributes of the
-file at point.
-*** When the region is active, `m' (`dired-mark'), `u' (`dired-unmark'),
-`DEL' (`dired-unmark-backward'), and `d' (`dired-flag-file-deletion')
-mark/unmark/flag all files in the active region.
-*** The minibuffer default for `=' (`dired-diff') has changed.
-It is now the backup file for the file at point, if one exists.
-In Transient Mark mode the default is the file at the active mark.
-*** `M-=' is no longer bound to `dired-backup-diff' in Dired buffers.
-The global binding for `M-=', `count-words-region' is in effect.
-** ERC
-*** New module "notifications", which can send a notification when you
-receive a private message or your nickname is mentioned.
-*** ERC will look up server/channel names via auth-source and use any
-channel keys found.
-*** New option `erc-lurker-hide-list', similar to `erc-hide-list', but
-only applies to messages sent by lurkers.
-** reStructuredText mode
-*** Keybindings (see `C-c C-h'), TAB indentation, filling and auto-filling,
-fontification, comment handling, and customization have all been revised
-and improved.
-*** Support for `imenu' and `which-function-mode'.
-*** The reStructuredText syntax is more closely covered.
-Sphinx support has been improved.
-*** `rst-insert-list' inserts new list or continues existing lists.
-*** A negative prefix argument always works for `rst-adjust'.
-*** The window configuration is reset after displaying a TOC.
-*** The constant `rst-version' describes the rst.el package version.
-** Ruby mode
-*** Support for percent literals and recognition of regular expressions
-in method calls without parentheses with more methods, including Cucumber
-steps definitions.
-*** Improved syntax highlighting and indentation.
-*** New command `ruby-toggle-block', bound to `C-c {'.
-*** Some non-standard keybindings/commands have been removed:
-**** `ruby-electric-brace'; use `electric-indent-mode' instead.
-**** `ruby-mark-defun'; use `mark-defun'.
-**** `ruby-beginning-of-defun' and `ruby-end-of-defun' are replaced by
-appropriate settings for the variables `beginning-of-defun-function'
-and `end-of-defun-function'.
-**** Non-standard keybindings for `backward-kill-word', `comment-region',
-`reindent-then-newline-and-indent' and `newline' have been removed.
-** Shell Script mode
-*** Pairing of parens/quotes uses `electric-pair-mode' instead of skeleton-pair.
-*** `sh-electric-here-document-mode' now controls auto-insertion of here-docs.
-*** `sh-use-smie' lets you choose a new indentation and navigation code.
-** VHDL mode
-*** The free software compiler GHDL is supported (and now the default).
-*** Support for the VHDL-AMS packages has been added/updated.
-*** Updated to the 2002 revision of the VHDL standard.
-*** Accepts \r and \f as whitespace.
-** Apropos
-*** The faces used by Apropos are now directly customizable.
-These faces are named `apropos-symbol', `apropos-keybinding', and so on;
-see the `apropos' Custom group for details.
-*** The old options whose values specified faces to use have been removed
-(i.e. `apropos-symbol-face', `apropos-keybinding-face', `apropos-label-face',
-`apropos-match-face' and `apropos-property-face'.).
-** Buffer Menu
-*** This package has been rewritten to use Tabulated List mode.
-*** Option `Buffer-menu-buffer+size-width' is now obsolete.
-Use `Buffer-menu-name-width' and `Buffer-menu-size-width' instead.
-** Calc
-*** Algebraic simplification mode is now the default.
-To restrict to the limited simplifications given by the former
-default simplification mode, use `m I'.
-** Calendar
-*** You can customize the header text that appears above each calendar month.
-See the variable `calendar-month-header'.
-*** New LaTeX calendar style, produced by `cal-tex-cursor-week2-summary'.
-*** The calendars produced by cal-html include holidays.
-Customize `cal-html-holidays' to change this.
-*** The major modes from the parser generators "Bovine" and "Wisent"
-are now properly integrated in Emacs. The file suffixes ".by" and ".wy"
-are in `auto-mode-alist', and the corresponding manuals are included.
-*** EDE
-**** Menu support for the "Configuration" feature. This allows users to
-choose the active configuration (such as debug or install) from the menu.
-**** New command `ede-set' to interactively set project-local variables.
-**** Support for compiling, debugging, and running in "generic" projects.
-**** Autoconf editing support for M4 macros with complex arguments.
-**** Compilation support for the "linux" project type.
-**** "simple" projects have been removed; use "generic" projects instead.
-*** Semantic
-**** Support for parsing #include statements inside a namespace in C/C++.
-**** Improved support for 'extern "C"' declarations in C/C++.
-**** The ability to ignore more common special C/C++ preprocessor symbols,
-such as '__nonnull' and '__asm'. Add '__cplusplus' macro when parsing C++.
-If available, include cdefs.h as an additional source of preprocessor symbols.
-**** Improved C/C++ function pointer parsing.
-**** In Python, support for converting imports to include file names.
-**** Ability to dynamically determine the Python load path.
-**** Support for the Python 'WITH' and 'AT' keywords.
-**** Improved tooltip completion.
-*** SRecode
-**** The SRecode manual is now included.
-**** Tag generation supports constructor/destructor settings and system
-include differentiation.
-**** Addition of 'Framework' support: Frameworks are specified when a
-particular kind of library (such as Android) is needed in a common language
-mode (like Java).
-**** Support for nested templates and let variables override based on priority.
-**** Support for merging tables from multiple related modes, such as
-default -> c++ -> arduino.
-** Compile has a new option `compilation-always-kill'.
-** Customize
-*** `custom-reset-button-menu' now defaults to t.
-*** Non-option variables are never matched in `customize-apropos' and
-`customize-apropos-options' (i.e., the prefix argument does nothing for
-these commands now).
-** Term
-*** The variables `term-default-fg-color' and `term-default-bg-color'
-are now deprecated in favor of the customizable face `term'.
-*** You can customize how to display ANSI terminal colors and styles
-by customizing the corresponding `term-color-<COLOR>',
-`term-color-underline' and `term-color-bold' faces.
-** Tramp
-*** The syntax has been extended in order to allow ad-hoc proxy definitions.
-*** Remote processes are now also supported on remote MS-Windows hosts.
-** URL
-*** Structs made by `url-generic-parse-url' have nil `attributes' slot.
-Previously, this slot stored semicolon-separated attribute-value pairs
-appended to some imap URLs, but this is not compatible with RFC 3986.
-So now the `filename' slot stores the entire path and query components,
-and the `attributes' slot is always nil.
-*** New function `url-encode-url' for encoding a URI string.
-The `url-retrieve' function now uses this to encode its URL argument,
-in case that is not properly encoded.
-** notifications.el supports now version 1.2 of the Notifications API.
-The function `notifications-get-capabilities' returns the supported
-server properties.
-** Flymake uses fringe bitmaps to indicate errors and warnings.
-See `flymake-fringe-indicator-position', `flymake-error-bitmap' and
-** The FFAP option `ffap-url-unwrap-remote' can now be a list of strings,
-specifying URL types that should be converted to remote file names at
-the FFAP prompt. The default is now '("ftp").
-** New Ibuffer `derived-mode' filter, bound to `/ M'.
-The old binding for `/ M' (filter by used-mode) is now bound to `/ m'.
-** New option `mouse-avoidance-banish-position' specifies where the
-`banish' mouse avoidance setting moves the mouse.
-** In Perl mode, new option `perl-indent-parens-as-block' causes non-block
-closing brackets to be aligned with the line of the opening bracket.
-** In Proced mode, new command `proced-renice' renices marked processes.
-** New option `async-shell-command-buffer' specifies the buffer to use
-for a new asynchronous `shell-command' when the default output buffer
-`*Async Shell Command*' is already in use.
-** SQL mode has a new option `sql-db2-escape-newlines'.
-If non-nil, newlines sent to the command interpreter will be escaped
-by a backslash. The default does not escape the newlines and assumes
-that the sql statement will be terminated by a semicolon.
-** New command `tabulated-list-sort', bound to `S' in Tabulated List mode
-(and modes that derive from it), sorts the column at point, or the Nth
-column if a numeric prefix argument is given.
-** `which-func-modes' now defaults to t, so Which Function mode, when
-enabled, applies to all applicable major modes.
-** `winner-mode-hook' now runs when the mode is disabled, as well as when
-it is enabled.
-** Follow mode no longer works by using advice.
-The option `follow-intercept-processes' has been removed.
-** `javascript-generic-mode' is now an obsolete alias for `js-mode'.
-** Hooks renamed to avoid obsolete "-hooks" suffix:
-*** semantic-lex-reset-hooks -> semantic-lex-reset-functions
-*** semantic-change-hooks -> semantic-change-functions
-*** semantic-edits-new-change-hooks -> semantic-edits-new-change-functions
-*** semantic-edits-delete-change-hooks -> semantic-edits-delete-change-functions
-*** semantic-edits-reparse-change-hooks -> semantic-edits-reparse-change-functions
-*** semanticdb-save-database-hooks -> semanticdb-save-database-functions
-*** c-prepare-bug-report-hooks -> c-prepare-bug-report-hook
-*** rcirc-sentinel-hooks -> rcirc-sentinel-functions
-*** rcirc-receive-message-hooks -> rcirc-receive-message-functions
-*** rcirc-activity-hooks -> rcirc-activity-functions
-*** rcirc-print-hooks -> rcirc-print-functions
-*** dbus-event-error-hooks -> dbus-event-error-functions
-*** eieio-pre-method-execution-hooks -> eieio-pre-method-execution-functions
-*** checkdoc-style-hooks -> checkdoc-style-functions
-*** checkdoc-comment-style-hooks -> checkdoc-comment-style-functions
-*** archive-extract-hooks -> archive-extract-hook
-*** filesets-cache-fill-content-hooks -> filesets-cache-fill-content-hook
-*** hfy-post-html-hooks -> hfy-post-html-hook
-*** nndiary-request-create-group-hooks -> nndiary-request-create-group-functions
-*** nndiary-request-update-info-hooks -> nndiary-request-update-info-functions
-*** nndiary-request-accept-article-hooks -> nndiary-request-accept-article-functions
-*** gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-hooks -> gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-functions
-** Obsolete packages
-*** assoc.el
-In most cases, assoc+member+push+delq work just as well.
-And in any case it's just a terrible package: ugly semantics, terrible
-inefficiency, and not namespace-clean.
-*** bruce.el
-*** cust-print.el
-*** ledit.el
-*** mailpost.el
-*** mouse-sel.el
-*** patcomp.el
-* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.3
-** Docstrings starting with `*' no longer indicate user options.
-Only variables defined using `defcustom' are considered user options.
-The function `user-variable-p' is now an obsolete alias for
-** The return values of `defalias', `defun' and `defmacro' have changed,
-and are now undefined. For backwards compatibility, `defun' and
-`defmacro' currently return the name of the newly defined
-function/macro, but this should not be relied upon.
-** `random' by default now returns a different random sequence in
-every Emacs run. Use `(random S)', where S is a string, to set the
-random seed to a value based on S, in order to get a repeatable
-sequence in later calls.
-** If the NEWTEXT arg to `replace-match' contains a substring "\?",
-that substring is inserted literally even if the LITERAL arg is
-non-nil, instead of causing an error to be signaled.
-** `select-window' now always makes the window's buffer current.
-It does so even if the window was selected before.
-** The function `x-select-font' can return a font spec, instead of a
-font name as a string. Whether it returns a font spec or a font name
-depends on the graphical library.
-** `face-spec-set' no longer sets frame-specific attributes when the
-third argument is a frame (that usage was obsolete since Emacs 22.2).
-** `set-buffer-multibyte' now signals an error in narrowed buffers.
-** The CL package's `get-setf-method' function no longer exists.
-Generalized variables are now part of core Emacs Lisp, and implemented
-differently to the way cl.el used to do it. It is not possible to
-define a compatible replacement for `get-setf-method'. See the file
-gv.el for internal details of the new implementation.
-** The arguments of `dbus-register-signal' are no longer just strings,
-but keywords or keyword-string pairs. The old argument list will
-still be supported for Emacs 24.x.
-** Miscellaneous name changes
-Some Lisp symbols have been renamed to correct their spelling,
-or to be more consistent with standard Emacs terminology.
-*** Renamed functions
-**** hangul-input-method-inactivate -> hangul-input-method-deactivate
-**** inactivate-input-method -> deactivate-input-method
-**** quail-inactivate -> quail-deactivate
-**** robin-inactivate -> robin-deactivate
-**** viper-inactivate-input-method -> viper-deactivate-input-method
-**** viper-inactivate-input-method-action ->
- viper-deactivate-input-method-action
-**** ucs-input-inactivate -> ucs-input-deactivate
-*** Renamed hooks
-The old hooks are still supported for backward compatibility, but they
-are deprecated and will be removed eventually.
-**** input-method-inactivate-hook -> input-method-deactivate-hook
-**** robin-inactivate-hook -> robin-deactivate-hook
-**** quail-inactivate-hook -> quail-deactivate-hook
-*** Renamed variables
-**** follow-deactive-menu -> follow-inactive-menu
-**** inactivate-current-input-method-function ->
- deactivate-current-input-method-function
-** Some obsolete functions, variables, and faces have been removed:
-*** `last-input-char', `last-command-char', `unread-command-char'
-*** `facemenu-unlisted-faces'
-*** `rmail-decode-mime-charset'
-*** `iswitchb-read-buffer'
-*** `sc-version', `sc-submit-bug-report'
-*** `set-char-table-default'
-*** `string-to-sequence' (use `string-to-list' or `string-to-vector')
-*** `compile-internal'
-*** `modeline'
-*** `mode-line-inverse-video'
-*** `follow-mode-off-hook'
-*** `cvs-commit-buffer-require-final-newline'
-(use `log-edit-require-final-newline' instead)
-*** `cvs-changelog-full-paragraphs'
-(use `log-edit-changelog-full-paragraphs' instead)
-*** `cvs-diff-ignore-marks', `cvs-diff-buffer-name'
-*** `vc-ignore-vc-files' (use `vc-handled-backends' instead)
-*** `vc-master-templates' (use `vc-handled-backends' instead)
-*** `vc-checkout-carefully'
-* Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.3
-** CL-style generalized variables are now in core Elisp.
-`setf' is autoloaded; `push' and `pop' accept generalized variables.
-You can define your own generalized variables using `gv-define-simple-setter',
-`gv-define-setter', etc.
-** Emacs tries to macroexpand interpreted (non-compiled) files during load.
-This can significantly speed up execution of non-byte-compiled code,
-but can also bump into previously unnoticed cyclic dependencies.
-These are generally harmless: they will simply cause the macro calls
-to be left for later expansion (as before), but will result in a
-warning ("Eager macro-expansion skipped due to cycle") describing the cycle.
-You may wish to restructure your code so this does not happen.
-** New sampling-based Elisp profiler.
-Try M-x profiler-start, do some work, and then call M-x profiler-report.
-When finished, use M-x profiler-stop. The sampling rate can be based on
-CPU time or memory allocations.
-** `defun' also accepts a (declare DECLS) form, like `defmacro'.
-The interpretation of the DECLS is determined by `defun-declarations-alist'.
-** New macros `setq-local' and `defvar-local'.
-** Face underlining can now use a wave.
-** `read-regexp' has a new argument HISTORY; the first argument PROMPT
-of `read-regexp' accepts a string ending with a colon and space, and its
-second argument DEFAULTS can be a list of strings accessible via `M-n'
-in the minibuffer ahead of other hard-coded useful regexp-related values.
-More commands use `read-regexp' now to read their regexp arguments.
-** Completion
-*** New function `completion-table-with-quoting' to handle completion
-in the presence of quoting, such as file completion in shell buffers.
-*** New function `completion-table-subvert' to use an existing completion
-table, but with a different prefix.
-** Debugger
-*** New error type and new function `user-error'.
-These do not trigger the debugger.
-*** New option `debugger-bury-or-kill', saying what to do with the
-debugger buffer when exiting debug.
-*** Set `debug-on-message' to enter the debugger when a certain
-message is displayed in the echo area. This can be useful when trying
-to work out which code is doing something.
-*** New var `inhibit-debugger', automatically set to prevent accidental
-recursive invocations.
-** Window handling
-*** New command `fit-frame-to-buffer' adjusts the frame height to
-fit the contents.
-*** The command `fit-window-to-buffer' can adjust the frame height
-if the new option `fit-frame-to-buffer' is non-nil.
-*** New macro `with-temp-buffer-window', similar to
-*** `temp-buffer-resize-mode' no longer resizes windows that have been
-*** New option `switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point' to restore a
-window's point when switching buffers.
-*** New display action alist entries `window-height' and `window-width'
-specify the size of new windows created by `display-buffer'.
-*** New display action alist entry `pop-up-frame-parameters', if
-non-nil, specifies frame parameters to give any newly-created frame.
-*** New display action alist entry `inhibit-switch-frame', if non-nil,
-tells display action functions to avoid changing which frame is
-*** New display action alist entry `previous-window', if non-nil,
-specifies window to reuse in `display-buffer-in-previous-window'.
-*** New display action functions `display-buffer-below-selected',
-and `display-buffer-in-previous-window'.
-*** The functions `get-lru-window', `get-mru-window' and `get-largest-window'
-now accept a third argument to avoid choosing the selected window.
-*** Additional values recognized for option `window-combination-limit'.
-*** The following variables are obsolete, as they can be replaced by
-appropriate entries in the `display-buffer-alist' function introduced
-in Emacs 24.1:
-**** `dired-shrink-to-fit'
-**** `display-buffer-reuse-frames'
-**** `display-buffer-function'
-**** `special-display-buffer-names'
-**** `special-display-frame-alist'
-**** `special-display-function'
-**** `special-display-regexps'
-** Time
-*** `current-time-string' no longer requires that its argument's year
-must be in the range 1000..9999. It now works with any year supported
-by the underlying C implementation.
-*** `current-time' now returns extended-format time stamps
-(HIGH LOW USEC PSEC), where the new PSEC slot specifies picoseconds.
-PSEC is typically a multiple of 1000 on current machines. Other
-functions that use this format, such as `file-attributes' and
-`format-time-string', have been changed accordingly. Old-format time
-stamps are still accepted.
-*** The format of timers in `timer-list' and `timer-idle-list' is now
-The PSECS slot is new, and uses picosecond resolution. It can be
-accessed via the new `timer--psecs' accessor.
-*** Last-modified time stamps in undo lists now are of the form
-*** Improved security when handling persistent objects:
-**** `eieio-persistent-read' now features optional arguments for specifying
-the class to load, as well as a flag stating whether subclasses are allowed;
-if provided, other classes will be rejected by the reader. For
-compatibility with existing code, if the class is omitted only a
-warning is issued.
-**** New specialized reader for pulling in classes and signaling errors
-without evaluation of suspicious code.
-**** All slots that contain objects must have a :type. Slots with lists
-of objects must use a new type predicate for a list of an object type.
-*** Support for `find-function' and similar utilities, through the addition
-of filename support to generated symbols.
-** Floating point functions now always return special values like NaN,
-instead of signaling errors, if given invalid args; e.g., (log -1.0).
-Previously, they returned NaNs on some platforms but signaled errors
-on others. The affected functions are acos, asin, tan, exp, expt,
-log, log10, sqrt, and mod.
-** New fringe bitmap `exclamation-mark'.
-** Miscellaneous changes to special forms and macros
-*** `defun' and `defmacro' are now macros rather than special forms.
-*** `kbd' is now a function rather than a macro.
-** Miscellaneous new functions
-*** `set-temporary-overlay-map' sets up a temporary keymap that
-takes precedence over most other maps for a short while (normally one key).
-*** `autoloadp' tests if its argument is an autoloaded object.
-*** `autoload-do-load' performs the autoloading operation.
-*** `buffer-narrowed-p' tests if the buffer is narrowed.
-*** `file-name-base' returns a file name sans directory and extension.
-*** `function-get' fetches a function property, following aliases.
-*** `posnp' tests if an object is a `posn'.
-*** `system-users' returns the user names on the system.
-*** `system-groups' returns the group names on the system.
-*** `tty-top-frame' returns the topmost frame of a text terminal.
-** The following functions and variables are obsolete:
-*** `automount-dir-prefix' (use `directory-abbrev-alist')
-*** `buffer-has-markers-at'
-*** `macro-declaration-function' (use `macro-declarations-alist')
-*** `window-system-version' (provides no useful information)
-*** `dired-pop-to-buffer' (use `dired-mark-pop-up')
-*** `query-replace-interactive'
-*** `font-list-limit' (has had no effect since Emacs < 23)
-* Changes in Emacs 24.3 on Non-Free Operating Systems
-** Cygwin builds can use the native MS Windows user interface.
-Pass `--with-w32' to configure. The default remains the X11 interface.
-** Two new functions are available in Cygwin builds:
-`cygwin-convert-file-name-from-windows' and
-`cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows'. These functions allow Lisp
-code to access the Cygwin file-name mapping machinery to convert
-between Cygwin and Windows-native file and directory names.
-** When invoked with the -nw switch to run on the Windows text-mode terminal,
-Emacs now supports `mouse-highlight', help-echo (in the echo area), and
-** On MS Windows Vista and later Emacs now supports symbolic links.
-** On MS Windows, you can pass `--without-libxml2' to configure.bat to omit
-support for libxml2, even if its presence is detected.
-** On Mac OS X, the Nextstep port requires OS X 10.4 or later.
-** On Mac OS X, configure no longer automatically adds the Fink "/sw"
-directories to the search path. You must add them yourself if you want them.
-* Changes in Emacs 24.2
-** This is mainly a bug-fix release.
-* Installation Changes in Emacs 24.1
-** Emacs can be compiled with Gtk+ 3.0 if you pass --with-x-toolkit=gtk3
-to configure. Note that other libraries used by Emacs, RSVG and GConf,
-also depend on Gtk+. You can disable them with --without-rsvg and
-** Emacs can be compiled with GnuTLS support.
-This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
-found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
-`--without-gnutls'. See below for GnuTLS features.
-** Emacs can be compiled with SELinux support.
-This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
-found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
-`--without-selinux'. See below for SELinux features.
-** Emacs can be compiled with ImageMagick support.
-This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
-found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
-`--without-imagemagick'. See below for ImageMagick features.
-This feature is not available for the Nextstep or MS ports.
-** Emacs can be compiled with libxml2 support.
-This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
-found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
-`--without-xml2'. See below for libxml2 features.
-** By default, the installed Info and man pages are compressed.
-You can disable this by configuring --without-compress-info.
-** New configure option --with-wide-int.
-With it, Emacs integers typically have 62 bits, even on 32-bit machines.
-On 32-bit hosts, this raises the limit on buffer sizes from about 512 MiB
-to about 2 GiB.
-** New configure options: --with-mmdf, --with-mail-unlink, --with-mailhost.
-These provide no new functionality, they just remove the need to edit
-lib-src/Makefile by hand in order to use the associated features.
-** New configure option --enable-use-lisp-union-type.
-This is only useful for Emacs developers to debug certain types of bugs.
-This is not a new feature; only the configure flag is new.
-** The standalone programs digest-doc and sorted-doc are removed.
-Emacs now uses Lisp commands `doc-file-to-man' and `doc-file-to-info'.
-** The standalone program `fakemail' is removed.
-If you need it, feedmail.el provides a superset of the functionality.
-* Startup Changes in Emacs 24.1
-** The --unibyte, --multibyte, --no-multibyte, and --no-unibyte
-command line arguments, and the EMACS_UNIBYTE environment variable, no
-longer have any effect. (They were declared obsolete in Emacs 23.)
-** New command line option `--no-site-lisp' removes site-lisp directories
-from load-path. -Q now implies this. This option does not affect the
-EMACSLOADPATH environment variable (and hence has no effect for
-Nextstep builds).
-* Changes in Emacs 24.1
-** Completion
-*** Many packages now use the `completion-at-point' command,
-rather than implementing separate completion commands.
-*** `completion-at-point' now handles tags and semantic completion.
-*** Completion in a non-minibuffer now tries to detect the end of completion
-and pops down the *Completions* buffer accordingly.
-*** New option `completion-cycle-threshold' allows completion cycling.
-*** New option `completion-category-overrides' for overriding the
-default completion style in certain circumstances.
-*** New completion style `substring'.
-*** Completion of buffer names uses `substring' completion by default.
-*** The option `widget-complete-field' has been removed.
-** Mail changes
-*** The first time you try sending mail, Emacs asks for a mail method.
-This is implemented by a new default for `send-mail-function', which
-is `sendmail-query-once'. This offers to use the smtpmail package, or
-to use the old defaults relying on external mail facilities
-(`sendmail-send-it' on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like systems, and
-`mailclient-send-it' on Windows).
-*** Typing `C-c m' in the buffer made by `M-x report-emacs-bug'
-transfers the report to your desktop's preferred mail client, if there
-is one. This uses either the "xdg-email" utility, or Mac OS's "open"
-*** See Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages for SMTPmail changes
-and Mail mode changes
-** Emacs server and client changes
-*** New option `server-port' specifies the port for TCP Emacs servers.
-*** New emacsclient argument -q/--quiet suppresses some status messages.
-*** New emacsclient argument --frame-parameters specifies the frame
-parameters of any newly-created graphical frame.
-*** If emacsclient shuts down due to Emacs signaling an error,
-its exit status is 1.
-*** New emacsclient argument --parent-id ID.
-This opens a client frame in parent X window ID, via XEmbed, similar
-to the --parent-id argument to Emacs.
-** Internationalization changes
-*** Emacs now supports display and editing of bidirectional text.
-Right-to-left (RTL) scripts, such as Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew, are
-displayed in the correct visual order as expected by users of those
-scripts. The display reordering is a "full bidirectionality" class
-implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UBA). Buffers
-with no RTL text should look exactly the same as before.
-**** New buffer-local variable `bidi-display-reordering'.
-To disable display reordering in a buffer, change this to nil.
-**** New buffer-local variable `bidi-paragraph-direction'.
-If nil (the default), Emacs determines the base direction of each
-paragraph from its text, as specified by the UBA. Setting the value
-to `right-to-left' or `left-to-right' forces a base direction on each
-Paragraphs with right-to-left base direction are displayed starting at
-the right window edge.
-*** Enhanced support for characters with no glyphs in available fonts,
-or, on text terminals, characters that cannot be encoded by the
-terminal coding system. The new option `glyphless-char-display-control'
-specifies how to display them: as a hexadecimal code in a box, a thin
-1-pixel space, an empty box, etc.
-*** New input methods for Farsi and Bulgarian
-(farsi-isiri-9147, farsi-transliterate-banan, bulgarian-alt-phonetic).
-*** `nobreak-char-display' now also highlights Unicode hyphen chars
-(U+2010 and U+2011).
-*** New Hebrew translation of the Emacs Tutorial.
-Type `C-u C-h t' to choose it in case your language setup doesn't
-automatically select it.
-** An Emacs Lisp package manager is now included.
-This is a convenient way to download and install additional packages,
-from a package repository at
-*** M-x list-packages shows a list of packages, which can be
-selected for installation.
-*** New command `describe-package', bound to `C-h P'.
-*** By default, all installed packages are loaded automatically when
-Emacs starts up. To disable this, set `package-enable-at-startup' to
-nil. To specify the packages to load, customize `package-load-list'.
-** Custom theme changes
-*** New command `M-x customize-themes', which provides a convenient
-interface for enabling and disabling Custom themes.
-*** New option `custom-theme-load-path' is the load path for themes.
-Emacs no longer looks for Custom themes in `load-path'. The default
-value of `custom-theme-load-path' says to look for themes in
-`custom-theme-directory', followed by a subdirectory of
-`data-directory' named "themes/", which contains a small selection of
-built-in Custom themes.
-*** New option `custom-safe-themes' records known-safe theme files.
-If a theme is not in this list, Emacs queries before loading it, and
-offers to save the theme to `custom-safe-themes' automatically. By
-default, all themes included in Emacs are treated as safe.
-** Improved GTK integration
-*** GTK scroll-bars are now placed on the right by default.
-The function `set-scroll-bar-mode' can change this.
-*** GTK tool bars can have just text, just images or images and text.
-Customize `tool-bar-style' to choose the style. On a Gnome desktop,
-the default is taken from desktop settings.
-*** GTK tool bars can be placed on any edge of the frame.
-The frame-parameter tool-bar-position controls this. It takes the
-values top, left, right or bottom. The Options => Show/Hide menu has
-entries for this.
-*** The default colors for selected text (the `region' face) are taken
-from the GTK theme when Emacs is built with GTK.
-*** Emacs uses GTK tooltips by default if built with GTK.
-You can disable this by changing `x-gtk-use-system-tooltips' to nil.
-** Graphical interface changes
-*** On graphical displays, the mode-line no longer ends in dashes.
-Also, the first dash (which does not indicate anything) is just
-displayed as a space.
-*** `menu-bar-select-buffer-function' lets you choose another operation
-instead of `switch-to-buffer' when selecting an item in the Buffers menu.
-*** Lucid menus and dialogs can display antialiased fonts if Emacs is
-built with Xft. These fonts can be set via X resources, for example:
-Emacs.pane.menubar.font: Courier-12
-** Exiting changes
-*** Emacs now calls `kill-emacs' if it receives SIGTERM or SIGHUP,
-or if it receives a SIGINT signal in batch mode.
-*** `kill-emacs-hook' is now also run in batch mode.
-Third-party code which adds to `kill-emacs-hook' should check if they
-do the right thing in batch mode.
-** Scrolling changes
-*** New scrolling commands `scroll-up-command' and `scroll-down-command'
-(bound to C-v/[next] and M-v/[prior]) do not signal errors at top/bottom
-of buffer at first key-press (instead they move to top/bottom of buffer)
-when `scroll-error-top-bottom' is non-nil.
-*** New option `scroll-error-top-bottom' (see above).
-*** New scrolling commands `scroll-up-line' and `scroll-down-line'
-scroll a line instead of full screen.
-*** New property `scroll-command' should be set on a command's symbol to
-define it as a scroll command affected by `scroll-preserve-screen-position'.
-*** If you customize `scroll-conservatively' to a value greater than 100,
-Emacs will never recenter point in the window when it scrolls due to
-cursor motion commands or commands that move point (e.f., `M-g M-g').
-Previously, you needed to use `most-positive-fixnum' as the value of
-`scroll-conservatively' to achieve the same effect.
-*** "Aggressive" scrolling now honors the scroll margins.
-If you customize `scroll-up-aggressively' or
-`scroll-down-aggressively' and move point off the window, Emacs now
-scrolls the window so as to avoid positioning point inside the scroll
-** Basic SELinux support has been added.
-This requires Emacs to be linked with libselinux at build time.
-*** Emacs preserves the SELinux file context when backing up.
-Also, the function `copy-file' has an extra optional argument for
-preserving SELinux context, and the return value of `backup-buffer'
-now includes the SELinux context.
-*** New functions `file-selinux-context' and `set-file-selinux-context'
-get and set the SELinux context of a file.
-** Trash changes
-*** `delete-by-moving-to-trash' now only affects commands that specify
-trashing. This avoids inadvertently trashing temporary files.
-*** Calling `delete-file' or `delete-directory' with a prefix argument
-now forces true deletion, regardless of `delete-by-moving-to-trash'.
-** File- and directory-local variable changes
-*** You can stop directory local vars from applying to subdirectories.
-Add an element (subdirs . nil) to the alist portion of any variables
-settings to indicate that the section should not apply to
-*** Directory local variables can apply to some file-less buffers.
-Affected modes include dired, vc-dir, and log-edit. For example,
-adding "(diff-mode . ((mode . whitespace)))" to .dir-locals.el will
-turn on `whitespace-mode' for *vc-diff* buffers. Modes should call
-`hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer' to support this.
-*** Using "mode: MINOR-MODE" to enable a minor mode is deprecated.
-Instead, use "eval: (minor-mode 1)".
-*** The variable `inhibit-first-line-modes-regexps' has been renamed
-to `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'. As the name suggests, it now
-applies to ALL file local variables, not just -*- lines. The
-associated `inhibit-first-line-modes-suffixes' has been renamed in the
-corresponding way.
-** Window changes
-*** The `quit-window' command now restores the last buffer displayed
-in the quitted window.
-*** Resizing an Emacs frame now preserves proportional window sizes,
-modulo restrictions like window minimum sizes and fixed-size windows.
-*** The behavior of `display-buffer' is now customizable in detail.
-**** New option `display-buffer-base-action' specifies a list of
-user-determined display "actions" (functions and optional arguments
-for choosing the displaying window).
-This takes precedence over the default display action, which is
-specified by `display-buffer-fallback-action'.
-**** New option `display-buffer-alist' maps buffer name regexps to
-display actions, taking precedence over `display-buffer-base-action'.
-*** New option `window-combination-limit'.
-The new option `window-combination-limit' allows to return the space
-obtained for resizing or creating a window more reliably to the window
-from which such space was obtained.
-*** New option `window-combination-resize'.
-The new option `window-combination-resize' allows to split a window that
-otherwise cannot be split because it's too small by stealing space from
-other windows in the same combination. Subsequent resizing or deletion
-of the window will resize all windows in the same combination as well.
-*** New option `frame-auto-hide-function' lets you choose between
-iconifying or deleting a frame when burying a buffer in a dedicated
-frame, or quitting a window showing a buffer in a frame of its own.
-*** New commands `maximize-window' and `minimize-window'.
-These maximize and minimize the size of a window within its frame.
-*** New commands `switch-to-prev-buffer' and `switch-to-next-buffer'.
-These functions allow to navigate through the live buffers that have
-been shown in a specific window.
-** Minibuffer changes
-*** The inactive minibuffer has its own major mode `minibuffer-inactive-mode'.
-This is handy for minibuffer-only frames, and is also used for the feature
-where mouse-1 pops up *Messages*"', which can now easily be changed.
-*** Minibuffers set `truncate-lines' to nil.
-If you want to change the value to something else, you could use
-for example `minibuffer-setup-hook'.
-** `auto-mode-case-fold' is now enabled by default.
-** `backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' now defaults to t.
-** New basic faces `error', `warning', `success'.
-These are used to highlight text indicating failure, caution or
-successful operation.
-** New option `list-colors-sort' defines the color sort order
-for `list-colors-display'.
-** The variable `focus-follows-mouse' now always defaults to nil.
-* Editing Changes in Emacs 24.1
-** Search changes
-*** C-y in Isearch is now bound to `isearch-yank-kill', instead of
-*** M-y in Isearch is now bound to `isearch-yank-pop', instead of
-*** M-s C-e in Isearch is now bound to `isearch-yank-line'.
-** New commands `count-words-region' and `count-words'.
-*** M-= is bound to `count-words-region', not `count-lines-region'.
-The `count-words-region' command, when called interactively, reports
-the number of lines, words, and characters in the region. It is a
-superset of the old `count-lines-region', which is now an obsolete
-alias for it.
-** The command `just-one-space' (M-SPC), if given a negative argument,
-also deletes newlines around point.
-** Deletion changes
-*** New option `delete-active-region'.
-If non-nil, [delete] and DEL delete the region if it is active and no
-prefix argument is given. If set to `kill', those commands kill
-*** New command `delete-forward-char', bound to [delete].
-This is meant for interactive use, and obeys `delete-active-region'.
-The command `delete-char' does not obey `delete-active-region'.
-*** `delete-backward-char' is now a Lisp function.
-Apart from obeying `delete-active-region', its behavior is unchanged.
-However, the byte compiler now warns if it is called from Lisp; Lisp
-callers should use delete-char with a negative argument instead.
-*** The option `mouse-region-delete-keys' has been deleted.
-** Selection changes.
-The default handling of clipboard and primary selections has been
-changed to conform with modern X applications. In short, most
-commands for killing and yanking text now use the clipboard, while
-mouse commands use the primary selection.
-In the following, we provide a list of these changes, followed by a
-list of steps to get the old behavior back if you prefer that.
-*** `select-active-regions' now defaults to t.
-Merely selecting text (e.g. with drag-mouse-1) no longer puts it in
-the kill ring. The selected text is put in the primary selection, if
-the system possesses a separate primary selection facility (e.g. X).
-**** `select-active-regions' also accepts a new value, `only'.
-This means to only set the primary selection for temporarily active
-regions (usually made by mouse-dragging or shift-selection);
-"ordinary" active regions, such as those made with C-SPC followed by
-point motion, do not alter the primary selection.
-**** `mouse-drag-copy-region' now defaults to nil.
-*** mouse-2 is now bound to `mouse-yank-primary'.
-This pastes from the primary selection, ignoring the kill-ring.
-Previously, mouse-2 was bound to `mouse-yank-at-click'.
-*** `x-select-enable-clipboard' now defaults to t on all platforms.
-*** `x-select-enable-primary' now defaults to nil.
-Thus, commands that kill text or copy it to the kill-ring (such as
-M-w, C-w, and C-k) also use the clipboard---not the primary selection.
-**** The "Copy", "Cut", and "Paste" items in the "Edit" menu are now
-exactly equivalent to M-w, C-w, and C-y respectively.
-**** Note that on MS-Windows, `x-select-enable-clipboard' was already
-non-nil by default, as Windows does not support the primary selection
-between applications.
-*** To return to the previous behavior, do the following:
-**** Change `select-active-regions' to nil.
-**** Change `mouse-drag-copy-region' to t.
-**** Change `x-select-enable-primary' to t (on X only).
-**** Change `x-select-enable-clipboard' to nil.
-**** Bind `mouse-yank-at-click' to mouse-2.
-*** Support for X cut buffers has been removed.
-*** X clipboard managers are now supported.
-To inhibit this, change `x-select-enable-clipboard-manager' to nil.
-** New command `C-x r N' (`rectangle-number-lines') numbers the lines
-in the current rectangle. With a prefix argument, this prompts for a
-number to count from and for a format string.
-** `redisplay-dont-pause' now defaults to t.
-This makes Emacs feel more responsive to editing commands that arrive
-at high rate, e.g. if you lean on some key, because stopping redisplay
-in the middle (when this variable is nil) forces more expensive
-updates later on, and Emacs appears to be unable to keep up.
-** The behavior of <TAB> for active regions in Text mode has changed.
-In Text and related modes, typing <TAB> (`indent-for-tab-command')
-when the region is active causes Emacs to indent all the lines in the
-region, aligning them with the line previous to the first line in the
-region (or with the left margin if there is no previous line).
-** When `occur' is called with a prefix argument, matching strings are
-collected into the `*Occur*' buffer without line numbers. If there
-are parenthesized subexpressions in the specified regexp, `occur'
-reads replacement text that may contain \\& and \\N whose convention
-follows `replace-match'.
-* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.1
-** Archive Mode has basic support for browsing and updating 7z archives.
-** BibTeX mode
-*** BibTeX mode now supports biblatex.
-Use the variable `bibtex-dialect' to select different BibTeX dialects.
-`bibtex-entry-field-alist' is now an obsolete alias for
-*** New command `bibtex-search-entries', bound to C-c C-a.
-*** New `bibtex-entry-format' option `sort-fields', disabled by default.
-*** New variable `bibtex-search-entry-globally'.
-** Browse-url
-*** New option `browse-url-mailto-function' specifies how to handle "mailto:"s.
-*** The default browser used by the package is now the "xdg-open" program,
-on platforms that support it. This calls your desktop's preferred browser.
-** Calc
-*** Support for musical notes.
-*** Support for logarithmic units.
-*** No longer uses the tex prefix for TeX specific unit names when
-using TeX or LaTeX mode.
-*** New option to highlight selections using faces.
-*** `calc-histogram' has the option of using a vector to determine the bins.
-*** New "O" option prefix.
-*** Use the "O" prefix to "d r" (`calc-radix') to turn on twos-complement mode.
-** Calendar, Diary, and Appt
-*** Diary entries can contain non-printing "comments".
-See the variable `diary-comment-start'.
-*** Appointments can specify their individual warning times.
-See the variable `appt-warning-time-regexp'.
-*** The function specified by `appt-disp-window-function' may be passed
-lists of arguments if multiple appointments are due at similar times.
-If you are using a custom function for this, you should update it.
-*** New function `diary-hebrew-birthday'.
-*** Elements of `calendar-day-abbrev-array' and `calendar-month-abbrev-array'
-may no longer be nil, but must all be strings.
-*** The obsolete (since Emacs 22.1) method of enabling the appt
-package by adding `appt-make-list' to `diary-hook' has been removed.
-Use `appt-activate' instead.
-*** Some appt variables (obsolete since Emacs 22.1) have been removed:
-appt-issue-message (use the function appt-activate)
-appt-visible/appt-msg-window (use the variable appt-display-format)
-*** Some diary function aliases (obsolete since Emacs 22.1) have been removed:
-view-diary-entries, list-diary-entries, show-all-diary-entries
-** CC Mode
-*** New feature to "guess" the style in an existing buffer.
-The main entry point is M-x c-guess.
-*** Java Mode now supports Java 5.0 (Tiger) and 6 (Mustang).
-*** `c-beginning-of-defun' and `c-end-of-defun' now respect nested scopes.
-Thus C-M-a will, by default, go to the beginning of the immediate function,
-not the top level.
-*** "Macros with semicolons" can be registered for correct indentation.
-Where such a macro ends a line (no semicolon) the next statement is no longer
-parsed as a statement continuation.
-** Comint and modes derived from it use the standard completion code.
-** Compilation mode
-*** Compilation mode can be used without Font Lock mode.
-`compilation-parse-errors-function' is now obsolete.
-*** New variable `compilation-filter-start', which is bound while
-`compilation-filter-hook' runs. It records the start position of the
-text inserted by `compilation-filter'.
-*** `compilation-error-screen-columns' and `compilation-first-column'
-are obeyed in the editing buffer. So programming language modes can
-set them, whereas previously only the value in the *Compilation*
-buffer was used.
-** Customize
-*** Customize buffers now contain a search field.
-The search is performed using `customize-apropos'.
-To turn off the search field, set `custom-search-field' to nil.
-*** Options in customize group buffers start out hidden if not customized.
-Use the arrow to the left of the option name to toggle visibility.
-*** custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically now defaults to t.
-*** The color widget now has a "Choose" button, which allows you to
-choose a color via `list-colors-display'.
-** D-Bus
-*** It is now possible to access buses other than the default system
-or session bus.
-*** The `dbus-register-method' and `dbus-register-property' functions
-optionally do not register names.
-*** The new function `dbus-register-service' registers a known service
-name on a D-Bus without also registering a property or a method.
-** Dired-x
-*** C-x C-j (`dired-jump') and C-x 4 C-j (`dired-jump-other-window'),
-if called with a prefix argument, read a file name from the minibuffer
-instead of using the current buffer.
-*** The "dired local variables" feature of Dired-x is obsolete.
-The standard directory local variables feature replaces it.
-** ERC changes
-*** New options `erc-autojoin-timing' and `erc-autojoin-delay',
-controlling attempts to autojoin a channel.
-*** New variable `erc-coding-system-precedence': If we use `undecided'
-as the server coding system, this variable will then be consulted.
-The default is to decode strings that can be decoded as utf-8 as
-utf-8, and do the normal `undecided' decoding for the rest.
-** Eshell changes
-*** The default value of `eshell-directory-name' has changed
-to be an "eshell" directory in `user-emacs-directory'.
-The old "~/.eshell/" directory is still used if it exists, though.
-** gdb-mi
-*** The M-x gdb command now uses the GDB Machine Interface protocol.
-It now supports multithread non-stop debugging and simultaneous
-debugging of several threads.
-** Image mode
-*** RET (`image-toggle-animation') toggles animation, if applicable.
-Animation plays once, unless the option `image-animate-loop' is non-nil.
-** Info
-*** New command M-x info-display-manual displays a named Info manual.
-If that manual is already visited in some Info buffer, it displays
-that buffer. (This is handy if you have many manuals in many *info*
-buffers, and don't remember the name of the buffer visiting the manual
-you want to consult.) Otherwise, it loads and displays the manual.
-*** `e' is now bound to `end-of-buffer' rather than to `Info-edit'.
-This is for compatibility with the stand-alone Info reader program,
-and also because `Info-edit' is a rarely used command that is disabled
-by default.
-** Mail mode changes (not Message mode)
-*** New command M-x mail-add-attachment for adding MIME attachments
-*** The command M-x mail-attach-file was renamed to M-x mail-insert-file.
-(Its name is misleading, since it has nothing to do with MIME
-attachments.) The old name is now an obsolete alias to the new name.
-** MH-E has been updated to MH-E version 8.3.1.
-See MH-E-NEWS for details.
-** Modula-2 mode provides auto-indentation.
-** mpc.el: Can use pseudo tags of the form tag1|tag2 as a union of two tags.
-** nXML mode no longer binds C-RET to `nxml-complete'.
-Completion is now performed via `completion-at-point', bound to C-M-i
-or M-TAB. If `nxml-bind-meta-tab-to-complete-flag' is non-nil (the
-default), this performs tag completion.
-** Org mode has been updated to version 7.8.09.
-See ORG-NEWS for details.
-** Prolog mode has been completely revamped, with lots of additional
-functionality such as more intelligent indentation, electricity,
-support for more variants, including Mercury, and a lot more.
-** Rmail
-*** The command `rmail-epa-decrypt' decrypts OpenPGP data
-in the Rmail incoming message.
-*** The variable `rmail-message-filter' no longer has any effect.
-This change was made in Emacs 23.1 but was not advertised at the time.
-Try using `rmail-show-message-hook' instead.
-** Shell mode
-*** M-x shell prompts for the shell path name if the default directory
-is a remote file name and neither the environment variable $ESHELL nor
-the variable `explicit-shell-file-name' is set.
-*** TAB is now bound to the standard `completion-at-point' command,
-which now implements the pcomplete rules for shell command completion.
-** SMTPmail
-*** SMTPmail now uses encrypted connections (via STARTTLS) by default
-if the mail server supports them. This uses either built-in GnuTLS
-support, or the starttls.el library. Customize `smtpmail-stream-type'
-to change this.
-*** The variable `smtpmail-auth-credentials' has been removed.
-By default, the information is now stored in the file ~/.authinfo.
-This was the default value of smtpmail-auth-credentials. If you had
-customized smtpmail-auth-credentials to a list of user names and
-passwords, those settings are not used. During your first connection
-to the smtp server, Emacs will prompt for the user name and password,
-and offer to save them to ~/.authinfo. Or you can manually copy the
-credentials to ~/.authinfo. For example, if you had
- (setq smtpmail-auth-credentials
- '(("" 25 "jim" "s!cret")))
-then the equivalent line in ~/.authinfo would be
- machine port 25 login jim password s!cret
-See the auth-source manual for more information, e.g. on encrypting
-the credentials file.
-*** The variable `smtpmail-starttls-credentials' has been removed.
-If you had that set, you need to put
- machine port 25 key "~/.my_smtp_tls.key" cert "~/.my_smtp_tls.cert"
-in your ~/.authinfo file instead.
-*** SMTPmail defaults to using the address in the From: header as the
-SMTP MAIL FROM envelope. To override this, set `mail-envelope-from'
-to the address you wish to use instead.
-** SQL mode
-*** New options `sql-port', `sql-connection-alist', `sql-send-terminator',
-and `sql-oracle-scan-on'.
-*** New options controlling prompting for login parameters.
-Each supported product has a custom variable `sql-*-login-params',
-which is a list of the parameters to be prompted for before a
-connection is established.
-*** The command `sql-product-interactive' now takes a prefix argument,
-which causes it to prompt for an SQL product.
-*** Product-specific SQL interactive commands now take prefix arguments.
-These commands (`sql-sqlite', `sql-postgres', `sql-mysql', etc.),
-given a prefix argument, prompt for a name for the SQL interactive
-buffer. This reduces the need for calling `sql-rename-buffer'.
-*** SQL interactive modes suppress command continuation prompts, and
-replace tabs with spaces. The first change impacts multiple line SQL
-statements entered with C-j between each line, statements yanked into
-the buffer and statements sent with `sql-send-*' functions. The
-second prevents the MySQL and Postgres interpreters from listing
-object name completions when sent text via `sql-send-*' functions.
-*** New command `sql-connect' starts a predefined SQLi session,
-using the login parameters from `sql-connection-alist'.
-*** New "Save Connection" menu item in SQLi buffers.
-This gathers the login params specified for the SQLi session, if it
-was not started by a connection, and saves them as a new connection.
-*** New commands for listing database objects and details:
-sql-list-all and sql-list-table.
-*** An API for manipulating SQL product definitions has been added.
-** TeX modes
-*** latex-electric-env-pair-mode keeps \begin..\end matched on the fly.
-** Tramp
-*** New inline access method "ksu" (kerberized su).
-*** The following access methods are discontinued: "ssh1_old",
-"ssh2_old", "scp1_old", "scp2_old", "imap", "imaps" and "fish".
-*** The user option `remote-file-name-inhibit-cache' controls whether
-remote file attributes are cached for better performance.
-*** The option `ange-ftp-binary-file-name-regexp' has changed its
-default value to "".
-*** Handlers for `file-selinux-context' and `set-file-selinux-context'
-for remote machines which support SELinux.
-** New function `url-queue-retrieve', which behaves like url-retrieve,
-but with limits (`url-queue-parallel-processes', `url-queue-timeout') on
-the degree of parallelism.
-** VC and related modes
-*** Support for pulling on distributed version control systems.
-The command C-x v + (`vc-pull') runs a "pull" operation, if it is
-supported (currently with Bzr, Git, and Mercurial), to update the
-current branch and working tree. A prefix argument means to prompt
-the user for specifics, e.g. a pull location.
-*** `vc-update' is now an alias for `vc-pull'.
-*** Support for merging on distributed version control systems.
-The command C-x v m (`vc-merge') now runs a "merge" operation, if it
-is supported (currently with Bzr, Git, and Mercurial), to merge
-changes from another branch into the current one. It prompts for
-specifics, e.g. a merge source.
-*** New option `vc-revert-show-diff' controls whether `vc-revert'
-shows a diff while querying the user. It defaults to t.
-*** Log entries in some Log View buffers can be toggled to display a
-longer description by typing RET (log-view-toggle-entry-display).
-This is currently supported for Bzr, Git, and Mercurial (to support
-another backend, define a `log-view-expanded-log-entry-function').
-In the Log View buffers made by C-x v L (`vc-print-root-log'), you can
-use this to display the full log entry for the revision at point.
-*** New command `vc-ediff' allows visual comparison of two revisions
-of a file similar to `vc-diff', but using ediff backend.
-*** The option `vc-initial-comment' was removed in Emacs 23.2, but
-this was not advertised at the time.
-*** `vc-toggle-read-only' is an obsolete alias for `toggle-read-only'.
-Since Emacs 23, it has done the same thing as `toggle-read-only', but
-this was not advertised at the time.
-** Obsolete modes
-*** abbrevlist.el
-*** erc-hecomplete.el (use erc-pcomplete.el instead)
-*** partial-completion-mode (complete.el) is obsolete.
-You can get a comparable behavior with:
-(setq completion-styles '(partial-completion initials))
-(setq completion-pcm-complete-word-inserts-delimiters t)
-*** pc-mode.el is obsolete (CUA mode is much more comprehensive).
-*** pgg is obsolete (use EasyPG instead).
-*** sregex.el is obsolete, since rx.el is a strict superset.
-*** s-region.el and pc-select.el are obsolete.
-They are superseded by shift-select-mode, enabled by default since 23.1.
-*** vc-mcvs.el is obsolete (for lack of a maintainer).
-** Miscellaneous
-*** The Landmark game is now invoked with `landmark', not `lm'.
-Its functions and variables have been similarly renamed.
-*** In `ido-file-completion-map', C-v is no longer bound to `ido-toggle-vc'.
-(This interfered with cua-mode.)
-*** f90.el has some support for Fortran 2008 syntax.
-*** `copyright-fix-years' can optionally convert consecutive years to ranges.
-*** New command `nato-region' converts text to NATO phonetic alphabet.
-* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.1
-** Occur Edit mode applies edits made in *Occur* buffers to the
-original buffers. It is bound to "e" in Occur mode.
-** New global minor mode electric-pair-mode.
-When enabled, typing an open parenthesis automatically inserts the
-matching closing one.
-** New global minor mode electric-indent-mode.
-When enabled, typing certain characters triggers reindentation.
-Major modes wishing to use this can set electric-indent-chars or
-** New global minor mode electric-layout-mode.
-When enabled, typing certain characters automatically inserts newlines.
-Major modes wishing to use this can set electric-layout-rules.
-** tabulated-list.el provides a generic major mode for tabulated data,
-from which other modes can be derived.
-** pcase.el provides the ML-style pattern matching macro `pcase'.
-** secrets.el is an implementation of the Secret Service API, an
-interface to password managers like GNOME Keyring or KDE Wallet. The
-Secret Service API requires D-Bus for communication. The command
-`secrets-show-secrets' offers a buffer with a visualization of the
-** notifications.el provides an implementation of the Desktop
-Notifications API. It requires D-Bus for communication.
-** soap-client.el supports access to SOAP web services from Emacs.
-soap-inspect.el is an interactive inspector for SOAP WSDL structures.
-** New generic mode, xmodmap-generic-mode, for xmodmap files.
-** New emacs-lock.el package.
-The previous version has been moved to obsolete/old-emacs-lock.el.
-Now, there is a proper minor mode `emacs-lock-mode'. Protection
-against exiting Emacs and killing the buffer can be set separately.
-The mechanism for automatically turning off protection for buffers
-with dead inferior processes has been generalized.
-* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.1
-** Passing a nil argument to a minor mode function call now ENABLES
-the minor mode unconditionally. This is so that you can write e.g.
- (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'foo-mode)
-to enable foo-mode in Text mode buffers, removing the need for
-`turn-on-foo-mode' style functions. This affects all mode commands
-defined by `define-minor-mode'. If called interactively, the mode
-command still toggles the minor mode.
-** The return value of `backup-buffer' has changed.
-It is now a list of three elements, where the second element is a list
-describing the original file's SELinux context. If Emacs or the
-system lacks SELinux support, the context list is (nil nil nil nil).
-See "Basic SELinux support" above, under "Changes in Emacs 24.1".
-** `char-direction-table' and the `char-direction' function were deleted.
-They were buggy and inferior to the new support of bidirectional
-editing introduced in Emacs 24. If you need the bidirectional
-properties of a character, use `get-char-code-property' with the last
-argument `bidi-class'.
-** `copy-directory' now copies the source directory as a subdirectory
-of the target directory, if the latter is an existing directory. The
-new optional arg COPY-CONTENTS, if non-nil, makes the function copy
-the contents directly into a pre-existing target directory.
-** For mouse click input events in the text area, the Y pixel
-coordinate in the POSITION list now counts from the top of the text
-area, excluding any header line. Previously, it counted from the top
-of the header line.
-** Support for "old-style" backquotes, obsolete for 10+ years, has
-been further reduced. Now a backquote not followed by a space is
-always treated as a "new-style" backquote. Please remove all
-"old-style" backquotes from your code. If your code uses backquotes
-as documented in the Elisp manual, and compiles without warning, then
-you have nothing to do in this regard. Code not following the
-appropriate conventions may fail to compile.
-The most common cause of trouble seems to be an old-style backquote
-followed by a newline. Another cause of trouble is vector notation
-for key sequence notation: instead of [(control ,)] and [(control ')],
-you should write [(control ?,)] and [(control ?')], which will work in
-older Emacsen too.
-** The macro `eval-at-startup' was removed in Emacs 23.2, but this
-was not advertised at the time. The function `custom-initialize-delay'
-replaced all known uses.
-** `view-buffer' now treats special mode-class in the same way that
-`view-file' has since Emacs 22 (i.e. it won't enable View mode if the
-major mode is special).
-** Menu and tool bar changes
-*** During startup, Emacs no longer adds entries for `menu-bar-lines'
-and `tool-bar-lines' to `default-frame-alist' and `initial-frame-alist'.
-With these alist entries omitted, `make-frame' checks the value of the
-variable `menu-bar-mode'/`tool-bar-mode' to determine whether to create
-a menu-bar or tool-bar, respectively. If the alist entries are added,
-they override the value of `menu-bar-mode'/`tool-bar-mode'.
-*** The menu bar bindings's caches are not used any more.
-Use (where-is-internal <def> nil t) instead.
-** Regions created by mouse dragging are now normal active regions,
-similar to those created by shift-selection (see Selection changes
-above). In previous Emacs versions, these regions were delineated by
-`mouse-drag-overlay'; that variable has been removed.
-** The fourth argument of `filter-buffer-substring' has been removed.
-If you want to remove text properties from the final result, simply
-pass the result through substring-no-properties.
-** cl.el no longer provides `cl-19'.
-** The following obsolete functions and aliases have been removed
-(the appropriate new function is given in parentheses; "not needed"
-means you can just remove all calls to the function in question):
-*** `comint-kill-output' (`comint-delete-output')
-*** `decompose-composite-char' (`char-to-string')
-*** `outline-visible' (`outline-invisible-p')
-*** `internal-find-face' (`facep')
-*** `internal-get-face' (`facep and check-face')
-*** `frame-update-faces' (not needed)
-*** `frame-update-face-colors' (`frame-set-background-mode')
-*** `x-frob-font-weight' and `x-frob-font-slant' (`make-face-*' functions)
-*** `x-make-font-bold' and `x-make-font-demibold' (`make-face-bold')
-*** `x-make-font-italic' and `x-make-font-oblique' (`make-face-italic')
-*** `x-make-font-bold-italic' (`make-face-bold-italic')
-*** `x-make-font-unbold' (`make-face-unbold')
-*** `x-make-font-unitalic' (`make-face-unitalic')
-*** `mldrag-drag-mode-line' (`mouse-drag-mode-line')
-*** `mldrag-drag-vertical-line' (`mouse-drag-vertical-line')
-*** `iswitchb-default-keybindings' (`iswitchb-mode')
-*** `char-bytes' (== 1)
-*** `isearch-return-char' (`isearch-printing-char')
-*** `make-local-hook' (not needed)
-*** `set-screen-height' (`set-frame-height')
-*** `set-screen-width' (`set-frame-width')
-** The following obsolete variables and varaliases have been removed
-(the appropriate new variable is given in parentheses):
-*** `checkdoc-minor-keymap' (`checkdoc-minor-mode-map')
-*** `vc-header-alist' (`vc-BACKEND-header')
-*** `directory-sep-char' (== ?/)
-*** `font-lock-defaults-alist' (`font-lock-defaults')
-*** `e' (`float-e').
-** The following obsolete files were removed:
-sc.el, x-menu.el, rnews.el, rnewspost.el
-** The format of the finder-inf.el file has changed, since the Finder
-mechanism is now based on the package system. The variable
-`finder-package-info' is replaced by `package--builtins' and
-** When generating autoloads, `update-directory-autoloads' no longer
-assumes every inspected file is in your `load-path'. It instead
-generates relative names according to the current `load-path'.
-* Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.1
-** Code can now use lexical scoping by default instead of dynamic scoping.
-The `lexical-binding' variable enables lexical scoping for local
-variables. It is typically set via a file-local variable in the first
-line of the file, in which case it applies to all the code in that
-*** `eval' takes a new optional argument `lexical' to choose the new lexical
-binding instead of the old dynamic binding mode.
-*** Lexically scoped interpreted functions are represented with a new form
-of function value which looks like (closure ENV ARGS &rest BODY).
-*** New macro `letrec' to define recursive local functions.
-*** `defvar' and `defconst' now mark the variable as special (dynamic).
-So do `defcustom' and other forms that call `defvar' as a subroutine.
-*** New function `special-variable-p' to check whether a variable is
-declared as dynamically bound.
-*** The form ((lambda ...) ...) is deprecated.
-** An Emacs Lisp testing tool is now included.
-Emacs Lisp developers can use this tool to write automated tests for
-their code. See the ERT info manual for details.
-** Changes for bidirectional display and editing
-*** New function `current-bidi-paragraph-direction'.
-This returns the base direction of the paragraph at point.
-*** New function `bidi-string-mark-left-to-right'.
-Given a string containing characters from right-to-left scripts, this
-function returns another string which can be safely inserted into a
-buffer, such that any following text will be always displayed to the
-right of that string. (This works by appending an invisible Unicode
-"LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK" character if the argument string might need it.)
-This is useful when the buffer has overall left-to-right paragraph
-direction and you need to insert a string whose contents are not known
-in advance, without disrupting the layout of the line.
-** Window changes
-*** Window tree functions are accessible in Elisp.
-Functions are provided to return the parent, siblings or child windows
-of any window including internal windows (windows not associated with a
-buffer) in the window tree.
-**** New function `window-valid-p' gives non-nil for live and internal
-**** Window manipulation can deal with internal windows.
-Many window handling functions like `split-window', `delete-window', or
-`delete-other-windows' as well as the window resizing functions can now
-act on any window including internal ones.
-*** window-total-height/-width vs window-body-height/-width.
-The function `window-height' has been renamed to `window-total-height'
-and `window-width' has been renamed to `window-body-width'. The old
-names are provided as aliases. Two new functions `window-total-width'
-and `window-body-height' are provided.
-*** Window parameters specific to window handling functions.
-For each window you can specify a parameter to override the default
-behavior of a number of functions like `split-window', `delete-window'
-and `delete-other-windows'. The variable `ignore-window-parameters'
-allows to ignore processing such parameters.
-*** New semantics of third argument of `split-window'.
-The third argument of `split-window' has been renamed to SIDE and can be
-set to any of the values 'below, 'right, 'above, or 'left to make the
-new window appear on the corresponding side of the window that shall be
-split. Any other value of SIDE will cause `split-window' to split the
-window into two side-by-side windows as before.
-*** Window resizing functions.
-A new standard function for resizing windows called `window-resize' has
-been introduced. This and all other functions for resizing windows no
-longer delete any windows when they become too small.
-*** Deleting the selected window now selects the most recently selected
-live window on that frame instead.
-*** `adjust-window-trailing-edge' adjustments.
-`adjust-window-trailing-edge' can now deal with fixed-size windows and
-is able to resize other windows if a window adjacent to the trailing
-edge cannot be shrunk any more. This makes its behavior more similar to
-that of Emacs 21 without compromising, however, its inability to delete
-windows which was introduced in Emacs 22.
-*** Window-local buffer lists.
-Windows now have local buffer lists. This means that removing a buffer
-from display in a window will preferably show the buffer previously
-shown in that window with its previous window-start and window-point
-positions. This also means that the same buffer may be automatically
-shown twice even if it already appears in another window.
-*** `switch-to-buffer' has a new optional argument FORCE-SAME-WINDOW,
-which if non-nil requires the buffer to be displayed in the currently
-selected window, signaling an error otherwise. If nil, another window
-can be used, e.g. if the selected one is strongly dedicated.
-*** `split-window-vertically' and `split-window-horizontally' renamed
-to `split-window-below' and `split-window-right' respectively.
-The old names are kept as aliases.
-*** Display actions
-**** The second arg to `display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer' is now
-named ACTION, and takes a display action of the same form as
-`display-buffer-base-action' (see Changes, above). A non-nil,
-non-list value is treated specially, as the old meaning.
-**** New variable `display-buffer-overriding-action'.
-**** The procedure of `display-buffer' etc. to choose a window is
-determined by combining `display-buffer-overriding-action',
-`display-buffer-alist', the ACTION arg, `display-buffer-base-action',
-and `display-buffer-fallback-action'. The second and fourth of these
-are user-customizable variables.
-See the docstring of `display-buffer' for details.
-*** New functions `window-state-get' and `window-state-put'.
-These functions allow to save and restore the state of an arbitrary
-frame or window as an Elisp object.
-** Completion
-*** New variable `completion-extra-properties' used to specify extra
-properties of the current completion:
-- :annotate-function, same as the old completion-annotate-function.
-- :exit-function, function to call after completion took place.
-*** Functions on `completion-at-point-functions' can return any of the
-properties valid for `completion-extra-properties'.
-*** `completion-annotate-function' is obsolete.
-*** New `metadata' method for completion tables. The metadata thus returned
-can specify various details of the data returned by `all-completions':
-- `category' is the kind of objects returned (e.g., `buffer', `file', ...),
- used to select a style in completion-category-overrides.
-- `annotation-function' to add annotations in *Completions*.
-- `display-sort-function' to specify how to sort entries in *Completions*.
-- `cycle-sort-function' to specify how to sort entries when cycling.
-*** `minibuffer-local-filename-must-match-map' is not used any more.
-Instead, the bindings in `minibuffer-local-filename-completion-map'
-are combined with `minibuffer-local-must-match-map'.
-*** New variable `completing-read-function' allows overriding the
-behavior of `completing-read'.
-** `glyphless-char-display' can now distinguish between graphical and
-text terminal display, via a char-table entry that is a cons cell.
-** `pre-command-hook'/`post-command-hook' are not reset to nil on error.
-Instead, the offending function is removed.
-** New hook types
-*** New function `run-hook-wrapped' for running an abnormal hook by
-passing the hook functions as arguments to a "wrapping" function.
-Like `run-hook-with-args-until-success', it stops at the first
-non-nil return value.
-*** New macro `with-wrapper-hook' for running an abnormal hook as a
-set of "wrapping" filters, similar to around advice.
-(A version of this macro was actually added in Emacs 23.2 but was not
-advertised at the time.)
-** Debugger changes
-*** New macro `condition-case-unless-debug' (this was actually added in
-Emacs 23.1 as condition-case-no-debug, but not advertised)
-*** The macro `with-demoted-errors' was added in Emacs 23.1, but not advertised.
-*** Variable `stack-trace-on-error' removed.
-*** The debugger can now "continue" from an error, which means it will
-jump to the error handler as if the debugger had not been invoked
-instead of jumping all the way to the top-level.
-*** Set `debug-on-event' to enter the debugger on events like SIGUSR1.
-This can be useful when `inhibit-quit' is set.
-** The new function `server-eval-at' allows evaluation of Lisp forms on
-named Emacs server instances.
-** `call-process' and `call-process-region' allow a `(:file "file")' spec
-to redirect STDOUT to a file.
-** The function `format-time-string' now supports the %N directive,
-for higher-resolution time stamps.
-** New input reading functions
-*** New function `read-char-choice' reads a restricted set of
-characters, discarding any inputs not inside the set.
-*** The command `read-color' now requires a match for a color name
-or RGB triplet, instead of signaling an error if the user provides
-invalid input.
-**** `facemenu-read-color' is now an alias for `read-color'.
-** `image-library-alist' is renamed to `dynamic-library-alist'.
-The variable is now used to load all kind of supported dynamic libraries,
-not just image libraries. The previous name is still available as an
-obsolete alias.
-** Syntax parsing changes
-*** New variable `syntax-propertize-function'.
-This replaces `font-lock-syntactic-keywords' which is now obsolete.
-This allows syntax-table properties to be set independently from font-lock:
-just call syntax-propertize to make sure the text is propertized.
-Together with this new variable come a new hook
-syntax-propertize-extend-region-functions, as well as two helper functions:
-syntax-propertize-via-font-lock to reuse old font-lock-syntactic-keywords
-as-is; and syntax-propertize-rules which provides a new way to specify
-syntactic rules.
-*** Syntax tables support a new "comment style c" additionally to style b.
-** New hook `post-self-insert-hook', run after `self-insert-command'.
-** frame-local variables cannot be let-bound any more.
-** Major and minor mode changes
-*** `set-auto-mode' now respects mode: local variables at the end of files,
-as well as those in the -*- line.
-*** `prog-mode' is a new major mode from which programming modes
-should be derived.
-**** `prog-mode-hook' can be used to enable features for programming
-modes, e.g. (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flyspell-prog-mode) to enable
-on-the-fly spell checking for comments and strings.
-*** New hook `change-major-mode-after-body-hook', run by
-`run-mode-hooks' just before any other mode hooks.
-*** Enabled globalized minor modes can be disabled in specific major modes.
-If the global mode is global-FOO-mode, then run (FOO-mode -1) in the
-major mode's hook, where FOO-mode toggles the mode on a per-buffer basis.
-*** `define-minor-mode' accepts new keywords :variable, :after-hook.
-** File-handling changes
-*** `delete-file' and `delete-directory' now accept optional arg TRASH.
-Trashing is performed if TRASH and `delete-by-moving-to-trash' are
-both non-nil. Interactively, TRASH defaults to t, unless a prefix
-argument is supplied (see Trash changes, above).
-*** New file predicates: `file-equal-p', `file-in-directory-p'.
-** Tool-bars can display separators.
-Tool-bar separators are handled like menu separators in menu-bar maps,
-i.e. via menu entries of the form `(menu-item "--")'.
-** Image API
-*** Animated images support (currently animated gifs only).
-**** `image-animated-p' returns non-nil if an image can be animated.
-**** `image-animate' animates a supplied image spec.
-**** `image-animate-timer' returns the timer object for an image that
-is being animated.
-*** `image-extension-data' has been renamed to `image-metadata'.
-The old name is an obsolete alias to the new one.
-*** Image mode can view any image type that ImageMagick supports.
-This requires Emacs to be built with ImageMagick support.
-**** New function `imagemagick-types', defined if ImageMagick support
-is enabled, returns a list of image file extensions that your
-ImageMagick installation supports.
-**** New function `imagemagick-register-types' enables ImageMagick
-image types in Image mode and in `create-image' and other helper
-**** New option `imagemagick-types-inhibit' excludes certain
-ImageMagick image types from `imagemagick-register-types'.
-**** With ImageMagick support, there are extra Image mode commands to
-resize and rotate images: `image-transform-fit-to-height',
-`image-transform-fit-to-width', `image-transform-set-rotation', and
-** `compose-mail' now accepts an optional 8th arg, RETURN-ACTION, and
-passes it to the mail user agent function. This argument specifies an
-action for returning to the caller after finishing with the mail. For
-example, this is used by Rmail to optionally delete a mail window.
-** XML and HTML parsing
-If Emacs is compiled with libxml2 support, there are two new
-functions: `libxml-parse-html-region' (which parses "real world" HTML)
-and `libxml-parse-xml-region' (which parses XML). Both return an
-Emacs Lisp parse tree.
-** Networking and encryption changes
-*** `open-network-stream' can now be used to open an encrypted stream.
-It now accepts an optional `:type' parameter for initiating a TLS
-connection, directly or via STARTTLS. To do STARTTLS, additional
-parameters (`:end-of-command', `:success', `:capabilities-command')
-must also be supplied.
-*** New library gnutls.el.
-The new function `gnutls-available-p' returns non-nil if Emacs is
-built with GnuTLS support. The main entry points are
-`open-gnutls-stream' and `gnutls-negotiate'. It's easiest to use
-these functions through `open-network-stream', because that can
-upgrade connections through STARTTLS opportunistically or use plain
-SSL, depending on your needs. For debugging, set `gnutls-log-level'
-greater than 0.
-*** New primitive `secure-hash' that supports many secure hash algorithms:
-md5, sha1, sha2, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512. The lisp library
-sha1.el has been removed. The `sha1' feature is provided by default.
-** Isearch
-*** New hook `isearch-update-post-hook' that runs in `isearch-update'.
-** Progress reporters can now "spin".
-The MIN-VALUE and MAX-VALUE arguments of `make-progress-reporter' can
-now be nil, or omitted. This makes a "non-numeric" reporter. Each
-time you call `progress-reporter-update' on that progress reporter,
-with a nil or omitted VALUE argument, the reporter message is
-displayed with a "spinning bar".
-** New variable `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' is true while a buffer is
-being reverted, even if the buffer has a local `revert-buffer-function'.
-** New variables `delayed-warnings-list' and `delayed-warnings-hook'.
-If delayed-warnings-list is non-nil, the command loop calls
-`delayed-warnings-hook' after `post-command-hook'. At present, this
-is only used by Emacs on some platforms to display warnings during
-startup, which might otherwise not be noticed. This uses the
-functions `display-delayed-warnings' and `collapse-delayed-warnings'.
-** rx.el has a new `group-n' construct for explicitly numbered groups.
-** New function `make-composed-keymap' that constructs a new keymap
-from multiple input maps. You can use this to make a keymap that
-inherits from multiple maps, eg:
- (set-keymap-parent newmap (make-composed-keymap othermap parent))
-** New function `string-prefix-p'.
-(This was actually added in Emacs 23.2 but was not advertised at the time.)
-** New reader macro ## that stands for the empty symbol.
-This means that the empty symbol can now be read back. Also, #: by itself
-(when not immediately followed by a possible symbol character) stands for
-an empty uninterned symbol.
-** New math functions `isnan', `copysign', `frexp', `ldexp'.
-** The following functions and variables are obsolete:
-*** `tooltip-use-echo-area' is obsolete.
-Rather than setting this to t, disable Tooltip mode instead.
-*** buffer-substring-filters is obsolete.
-Use `filter-buffer-substring-functions' instead.
-*** `byte-compile-disable-print-circle' is obsolete.
-*** `deferred-action-list' and `deferred-action-function' are obsolete.
-Use `post-command-hook' instead.
-*** `font-lock-maximum-size' is obsolete.
-* Changes in Emacs 24.1 on Non-Free Operating Systems
-** On MS Windows, Emacs warns when using the obsolete init file _emacs,
-and also when HOME is set to C:\ by default.
-** New configure.bat options
-*** --enable-checking builds Emacs with extra runtime checks.
-*** --distfiles specifies files to be included in binary distribution.
-*** --without-gnutls disables automatic GnuTLS detection.
-*** --lib for general library linkage, works with the USER_LIBS build variable.
-** New make target `dist' to create binary distribution for MS Windows.
-** The Lisp function `w32-default-color-map' is now obsolete.
-(It is only used internally in the Emacs C code.)
-** Customize ns-auto-hide-menu-bar to have the menu-bar hidden, but
-reappear on mouse-over. (Requires OS X 10.6 or later.)
-** On Mac OS X, dragging a file into Emacs visits the file, like on
-other platforms, rather than inserting its contents into the buffer.
--- /dev/null
+GNU Emacs NEWS -- history of user-visible changes.
+Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+See the end of the file for license conditions.
+Please send Emacs bug reports to
+If possible, use M-x report-emacs-bug.
+This file is about changes in Emacs version 24.
+See files NEWS.23, NEWS.22, NEWS.21, NEWS.20, NEWS.19, NEWS.18,
+and NEWS.1-17 for changes in older Emacs versions.
+You can narrow news to a specific version by calling `view-emacs-news'
+with a prefix argument or by typing C-u C-h C-n.
+* Installation Changes in Emacs 24.4
+** Emacs can now be compiled with ACL (access control list) support.
+This happens by default if a suitable support library is found at
+build time, like libacl on GNU/Linux. To prevent this, use the
+configure option `--disable-acl'. See below for the features this provides.
+** Emacs can now be compiled with file notification support.
+This happens by default if a suitable system library is found at
+build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
+`--without-file-notification'. See below for file-notify features.
+This feature is not available for the Nextstep port.
+** Emacs can now be compiled with zlib support.
+This happens by default if zlib is present, which it normally is.
+To prevent this, use the configure option `--without-zlib'.
+This provides the function `zlib-decompress-region'; see below for details.
+** The configure option `--without-compress-info' has been generalized,
+and renamed to `--without-compress-install'. It now prevents compression
+of _any_ files during installation.
+** The configure option `--with-crt-dir' has been removed.
+It is no longer needed, as the crt*.o files are no longer linked specially.
+** Directories passed to configure option `--enable-locallisppath' are
+no longer created during installation.
+** Emacs for Nextstep (Mac OS X, GNUstep) can be built with ImageMagick support.
+This requires pkg-config to be available at build time.
+* Startup Changes in Emacs 24.4
+** When initializing `load-path', an empty element in the EMACSLOADPATH
+environment variable (either leading, e.g., ":/foo"; trailing, e.g.,
+"/foo:"; or embedded, e.g., "/foo::/bar") is replaced with the default
+load-path (the one that would have been used if EMACSLOADPATH was unset).
+This makes it easier to _extend_ the load-path via EMACSLOADPATH
+(previously, EMACSLOADPATH had to specify the complete load-path,
+including the defaults). (In older versions of Emacs, an empty element
+was replaced by ".", so use an explicit "." now if that is what you want.)
+** The -L option, which normally prepends its argument to load-path,
+will instead append, if the argument begins with `:' (or `;' on MS Windows;
+i.e., `path-separator').
+** If you use either site-load.el or site-init.el to customize the dumped
+Emacs executable, any changes to `load-path' that these files make
+will no longer be present after dumping. To affect a permanent change
+to `load-path', use the `--enable-locallisppath' option of `configure'.
+** The user option `initial-buffer-choice' can now specify a function
+to set up the initial buffer.
+* Changes in Emacs 24.4
+** Support for ACLs (access control lists).
+This requires a suitable support library to be found at build time.
+On GNU/Linux, the POSIX ACL interface is used via libacl.
+On MS-Windows, the NT Security APIs are used to emulate the POSIX interface.
+ACLs are extended file attributes, used e.g. for finer-grained permissions.
+*** Emacs preserves the ACL entries of files when backing up.
+*** New functions `file-acl' and `set-file-acl' get and set file ACLs.
+** Support for menus on text-mode terminals.
+If the terminal supports a mouse, clicking on the menu bar, or on
+sensitive portions of the mode line or header line, will drop down the
+menu defined at that position. Likewise, clicking C-mouse-1, C-mouse-2, or
+C-mouse-3 on the text area will pop up the menus defined for those locations.
+If the text terminal does not support a mouse, you can activate the
+first menu-bar menu by typing F10, which invokes `menu-bar-open'.
+If you want the previous behavior, where F10 invoked `tmm-menubar',
+customize the option `tty-menu-open-use-tmm' to a non-nil value.
+(Typing M-` always invokes `tmm-menubar', even if `tty-menu-open-use-tmm'
+is nil.)
+** New option `load-prefer-newer' affects how the `load' function chooses
+the file to load. If this is non-nil, then when both .el and .elc
+versions of a file exist, and the caller did not explicitly specify
+which one to load, then the newer file is loaded. The default, nil,
+means to always load the .elc file.
+** Multi-monitor support
+*** New functions `display-monitor-attributes-list' and
+`frame-monitor-attributes' can be used to obtain information about
+each physical monitor on multi-monitor setups.
+*** The functions `display-pixel-width' and `display-pixel-height' now
+behave consistently among the platforms: they return the pixel width
+or height for all physical monitors associated with the given display
+as if they were on X. To get information for each physical
+monitor, use the new functions above. Similar notes also apply to
+`x-display-pixel-width', `x-display-pixel-height', `display-mm-width',
+`display-mm-height', `x-display-mm-width', and `x-display-mm-height'.
+** New function `zlib-decompress-region', which decompresses gzip- and
+zlib-format compressed data using built-in zlib support (if available).
+** The *Messages* buffer is created in `messages-buffer-mode',
+a new major mode, with read-only status. Any code that might create
+the *Messages* buffer should call the function `messages-buffer' to do
+so and set up the mode.
+** The cursor stops blinking after 10 blinks (by default) on X and Nextstep.
+You can change the default by customizing `blink-cursor-blinks'.
+** In keymaps where SPC scrolls forward, S-SPC now scrolls backward.
+This affects View mode, etc.
+** The default value of `make-backup-file-name-function' is no longer nil.
+Instead it defaults to a function that does what the nil value used to.
+** Help
+*** The command `apropos-variable' is renamed to `apropos-user-option'.
+`apropos-user-option' shows all user options, while `apropos-variable'
+shows all variables. When called with a universal prefix argument,
+the two commands swap their behaviors. When `apropos-do-all' is
+non-nil, they output the same results.
+*** The key `?' now describes prefix bindings, like `C-h'.
+*** The command `describe-function' has been extended for EIEIO.
+Running it on constructors will show a full description of the
+generated class. For generic functions, it will show all
+implementations together with links to the source. The old commands
+`describe-class', `describe-constructor' and `describe-generic' were
+*** The function `quail-help' is no longer an interactive command.
+Use `C-h C-\' (`describe-input-method') instead.
+** Frame and window handling
+*** New commands `toggle-frame-fullscreen' and `toggle-frame-maximized',
+bound to <f11> and M-<f10>, respectively.
+*** New hooks `focus-in-hook', `focus-out-hook'.
+These are normal hooks run when an Emacs frame gains or loses input focus.
+*** The function `window-in-direction' now takes additional arguments
+for specifying a reference point, wrapping the selection around frame
+borders, and specifying ways to select the minibuffer window.
+*** Emacs can now change frame sizes in units of pixels, rather than
+text rows or columns. When maximizing a frame or making it fullscreen,
+remaining extra pixels are no longer given to the minibuffer, the rightmost
+fringe, or other unusable space, but are distributed among the text
+areas of the frame's windows. If the new option `frame-resize-pixelwise'
+is non-nil, all frame size changes happen pixelwise and set the
+corresponding size hints for the window manager.
+*** Emacs can now change window sizes in units of pixels.
+Mouse-dragging a mode line or window divider now changes the size of
+adjacent windows pixelwise. If the new option `window-resize-pixelwise'
+is non-nil, functions like `balance-windows-area' and `fit-window-to-buffer'
+resize windows pixelwise. Most functions for changing or accessing
+window sizes now have an additional argument that allows changes to apply,
+or values to be returned, in pixels instead of lines/columns.
+*** The functions `window-body-height' and `window-body-width' now never
+count partially visible lines or columns if called with a nil PIXELWISE
+*** Emacs can now draw dividers between adjacent windows. To put
+dividers between side-by-side/vertically stacked windows customize the
+frame parameters `right-divider-width' and `bottom-divider-width' to
+some positive integer. You can drag dividers with the mouse (they show
+a corresponding cursor when the mouse hovers over them). You can change
+the appearance of dividers by customizing the faces `window-divider',
+`window-divider-first-pixel', and `window-divider-last-pixel'. The last
+two are useful to provide a 3D effect, or to better distinguish dividers
+from surrounding display objects.
+*** New functions to return the pixel sizes of window components, namely
+`window-scroll-bar-width', `window-mode-line-height',
+`window-header-line-height', `window-right-divider-width', and
+*** The new function `window-text-pixel-size' returns the size of the
+text of a window's buffer in pixels. This allows functions like
+`fit-frame-to-buffer' and `fit-window-to-buffer' to accurately fit a
+window to its buffer as it will be displayed.
+*** `fit-window-to-buffer' can now resize windows in both dimensions.
+This behavior is controlled by the new option
+`fit-window-to-buffer-horizontally'. The new option
+`fit-frame-to-buffer' allows you to fit the window's frame to its buffer.
+*** `fit-frame-to-buffer' now fits frames in both dimensions. The new
+options `fit-frame-to-buffer-margins' and `fit-frame-to-buffer-sizes'
+control the size of the frame and its position on screen.
+*** Temp Buffer Resize Mode can now adjust the height and width of
+windows and frames. The new option `temp-buffer-max-width' allows you to
+control the width of temporary buffer windows. Moreover, if the new
+option `fit-frame-to-buffer' is non-nil and the buffer appears in the
+root window of a frame, Temp Buffer Resize Mode will try to adjust the
+width and/or height of the frame.
+*** `split-window' is now a non-interactive function, not a command.
+As a command, it was a special case of `C-x 2' (`split-window-below'),
+and as such superfluous. After being reimplemented in Lisp, its
+interactive form was mistakenly retained.
+*** The functions `window-size' and `window-total-size' now have an
+optional argument to return a rounded size value.
+*** `window-state-put' now allows you to put a window state into internal
+windows too.
+*** New option `scroll-bar-adjust-thumb-portion'.
+Available only on X, this option allows you to control over-scrolling
+using the scroll bar (i.e., dragging the thumb down even when the end
+of the buffer is visible).
+*** New display actions functions for `display-buffer':
+**** `display-buffer-at-bottom' chooses or creates a window at the
+bottom of the selected frame.
+**** `display-buffer-no-window' to not display the buffer in a window.
+*** New display action alist entry `allow-no-window' to indicate the
+caller of `display-buffer' is ready to handle the case of not displaying
+the buffer in a window.
+*** `display-buffer-in-previous-window' is now a member of
+** Lisp evaluation
+*** `eval-defun' on an already defined defcustom calls the :set function,
+if there is one.
+*** The commands `eval-expression' (`M-:'), `eval-last-sexp' (`C-x C-e'),
+and `eval-print-last-sexp' (`C-j' in Lisp Interaction mode) can take a
+zero prefix argument. This disables truncation of lists in the output,
+equivalent to setting `(eval-expression-)print-length' and
+`(eval-expression-)print-level' to nil. Additionally, it causes integers
+to be printed in other formats (octal, hexadecimal, and character).
+*** New hook `eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook' run by
+`eval-expression' on entering the minibuffer.
+** `cache-long-line-scans' is now non-nil, and renamed to `cache-long-scans',
+because it affects caching of paragraph scanning results as well.
+There is no reason to set this to nil except for debugging purposes.
+** `emacs-bzr-version' has been renamed to `emacs-repository-version',
+and works for git too, if you fetch the repository notes.
+** The default value of `comment-use-global-state' is now t,
+and this variable has been marked obsolete.
+** `write-region-inhibit-fsync' now defaults to t in batch mode.
+** The option `set-mark-default-inactive' has been deleted.
+This unfinished feature was introduced by accident in Emacs 23.1;
+simply disabling Transient Mark mode does the same thing.
+* Editing Changes in Emacs 24.4
+** Indentation
+*** `electric-indent-mode' is now enabled by default.
+Typing RET reindents the current line and indents the new line.
+`C-j' inserts a newline but does not indent. In some programming modes,
+additional characters are electric (eg `{').
+*** New buffer-local `electric-indent-local-mode'.
+*** The behavior of `C-x TAB' (`indent-rigidly') has changed.
+When invoked without a prefix argument, it now activates a transient
+mode in which typing <left>, <right>, <S-left>, and <S-right> adjusts
+the text indentation in the region. Typing any other key resumes
+normal editing behavior.
+*** `tab-stop-list' is now implicitly extended to infinity by repeating
+the last step. Its default value is changed to nil, which means a tab
+stop every `tab-width' columns.
+** Uniquify is enabled by default, with `post-forward-angle-brackets' style.
+In other words, if you visit two files that have the same base name,
+then rather than creating buffers basename and basename<2>,
+Emacs uses basename<dirA> and basename<dirB>. To change this,
+customize `uniquify-buffer-name-style'. Set it to nil for the old behavior.
+** New command `C-x SPC' (`rectangle-mark-mode') makes a rectangular region.
+Most commands are still unaware of it, but kill/yank do work on the rectangle.
+** New option `visual-order-cursor-movement'.
+If this is non-nil, cursor motion with arrow keys will follow the
+visual order of characters on the screen: <left> always moves to the
+left, <right> always moves to the right, disregarding the surrounding
+bidirectional context.
+** New command `delete-duplicate-lines'.
+This searches the region for identical lines, and removes all but one
+copy of each repeated line. The lines need not be sorted.
+** New command `cycle-spacing' acts like a smarter `just-one-space'.
+When called in succession, it cycles between spacing conventions:
+one space, no spaces, original spacing.
+** `blink-matching-paren' now only highlights the matching open-paren
+by default, instead of moving the cursor. Set this variable to `jump' to
+restore the old behavior.
+** The new function `fill-single-char-nobreak-p' can stop fill from breaking
+a line after a one-letter word, which is an error in some typographical
+conventions. To use it, add it to the `fill-nobreak-predicate' hook.
+** Registers
+*** All interactive commands that read a register (`copy-to-register', etc.)
+now display a temporary window after `register-preview-delay' seconds
+that summarizes existing registers. To disable this, set that option to nil.
+Interactive commands that read registers and want to make use of this
+should use `register-read-with-preview' to read register names.
+*** New command `frameset-to-register' bound to `C-x r f', replacing
+`frame-configuration-to-register'. It offers similar functionality,
+plus enhancements like the ability to restore deleted frames.
+(`frame-configuration-to-register' still exists, but no longer has a
+key binding.)
+*** New command `C-x C-k x' (`kmacro-to-register') stores keyboard
+macros in registers.
+* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.4
+** Backtrace and debugger
+*** New Lisp debugger command `v' (`debugger-toggle-locals') toggles the
+display of local variables of the current stack frame.
+*** The Lisp debugger's `e' command (`debugger-eval-expression') now includes
+the lexical environment when evaluating the code in the context at point
+(and so allows you to access lexical variables).
+*** New minor mode `jit-lock-debug-mode' helps you debug code run via JIT Lock.
+** Battery information can now be retrieved from BSD's `apm' utility.
+** In the Buffer Menu, `M-s a C-o' shows matches for a regexp in marked buffers.
+** Calc
+*** Calc by default now uses the Gregorian calendar for all dates, and
+uses January 1, 1 AD as its day number 1. Previously Calc used the
+Julian calendar for dates before September 14, 1752, and it used
+December 31, 1 BC as its day number 1; the new scheme is more
+consistent with Calendar's calendrical system and day numbering.
+*** The new option `calc-gregorian-switch' lets you configure if
+(and when) Calc switches from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.
+*** Support for ISO 8601 dates.
+** Calendar and Diary
+*** New faces `calendar-weekday-header', `calendar-weekend-header',
+and `calendar-month-header'.
+*** New option `calendar-day-header-array'.
+*** New variable `diary-from-outlook-function', used by the command
+*** The variable `calendar-font-lock-keywords' is obsolete.
+*** EDE
+**** The cpp-root project now supports executing a compile command.
+It can be set through the new :compile-command slot or the
+buffer-local variable `compile-command'.
+**** Better selection of include directories for the 'linux' project.
+Include directories now support out-of-tree build directories and
+target architecture auto-detection.
+*** Semantic
+**** Improved detection of used namespaces in current scope in C++.
+**** Parsing of default values for variables and function arguments in C/C++.
+They are also displayed by the summarize feature in the mode line.
+**** Improved parsing of function pointers in C/C++.
+This also includes parsing of function pointers as function arguments.
+**** Parsing of C/C++ preprocessor macros that open new scope.
+For example, this enables parsing of macros that open new namespaces.
+**** Support for 'this' pointer in inline member functions in C++.
+** CFEngine mode
+*** Support for completion, ElDoc, and Flycheck has been added.
+*** The current CFEngine syntax is parsed from "cf-promises -s json".
+There is a fallback syntax available if you don't have cf-promises or
+if your version doesn't support that option. See option `cfengine-cf-promises'.
+** cl-lib
+*** New macro `cl-tagbody'.
+This executes statements while allowing for control transfer to labels.
+*** letf is now just an alias for cl-letf.
+** CUA mode
+*** CUA mode now uses `delete-selection-mode' and `shift-select-mode'.
+Hence, you can now enable it independently from those modes, and from
+*** `cua-highlight-region-shift-only' is now obsolete.
+You can disable `transient-mark-mode' to get the same result.
+*** CUA's rectangles can now be used without CUA by calling the command
+** Delete Selection mode can now be used without Transient Mark mode.
+** Desktop
+*** `desktop-save-mode' by default now auto-saves an existing desktop file
+after `desktop-auto-save-timeout'. To disable this, customize that option
+to nil (or zero).
+*** Desktop now saves and restores the frame/window configuration.
+To disable this, set `desktop-restore-frames' to nil.
+See also related options `desktop-restore-reuses-frames',
+`desktop-restore-in-current-display', and `desktop-restore-forces-onscreen'.
+** New Dired minor mode `dired-hide-details-mode' toggles whether details,
+such as file ownership or permissions, are visible in Dired buffers.
+See the new options `dired-hide-details-hide-symlink-targets' and
+`dired-hide-details-hide-information-lines' for customizing what to hide.
+** You can enable ElDoc inside the `eval-expression' minibuffer with:
+ (add-hook 'eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook 'eldoc-mode)
+The results display in the mode line.
+** Electric Pair mode
+*** New option `electric-pair-preserve-balance', enabled by default.
+If non-nil, pairing/skipping only kicks in when that help the balance
+of parentheses and quotes; i.e., the buffer should end up at least as
+balanced as before.
+You can further control this behavior by adjusting the predicates
+stored in `electric-pair-inhibit-predicate' and `electric-pair-skip-self'.
+*** New option `electric-pair-delete-adjacent-pairs', enabled by default.
+In `electric-pair-mode', the commands `backward-delete-char' and
+`backward-delete-char-untabify' are now bound to electric variants
+that delete the closer when invoked between adjacent pairs.
+*** New option `electric-pair-open-newline-between-pairs', enabled by default.
+In `electric-pair-mode', inserting a newline between adjacent pairs
+opens an extra newline after point, which is indented if
+`electric-indent-mode' is also set.
+*** New option `electric-pair-skip-whitespace', enabled by default.
+This controls if skipping over closing delimiters should jump over any
+whitespace slack. Setting it to `chomp' makes it delete this
+whitespace. See also the variable `electric-pair-skip-whitespace-chars'.
+*** New variables control the pairing in strings and comments.
+You can customize `electric-pair-text-pairs' and
+`electric-pair-text-syntax-table' to tweak pairing behavior inside
+strings and comments.
+** New EPA option `epa-mail-aliases'.
+You can set this to a list of email address aliases that `epa-mail-encrypt'
+should use to find keys.
+** New ERC option `erc-accidental-paste-threshold-seconds'.
+If set to a number, this can be used to avoid accidentally pasting large
+amounts of data into the ERC input.
+** New ERT macro `skip-unless' allows skipping ERT tests.
+** Eshell
+*** `eshell' now supports visual subcommands and options.
+Eshell has been able to handle "visual" commands (interactive,
+non-line oriented commands such as top that require display
+capabilities not provided by eshell) by running them in an Emacs
+terminal emulator. See `eshell-visual-commands'.
+This feature has been extended to subcommands and options that make a
+usually line-oriented command a visual command. Typical examples are
+"git log" and "git <command> --help", which display their output in a
+pager by default. See `eshell-visual-subcommands' and `eshell-visual-options'.
+*** New Eshell-Tramp module.
+External su and sudo commands are now the default; the internal,
+Tramp-using variants can still be used by enabling the eshell-tramp module.
+** New F90 mode option `f90-smart-end-names'.
+** New option `gnutls-verify-error', if non-nil, means that Emacs
+should reject SSL/TLS certificates that GnuTLS determines as invalid.
+(This option defaults to nil at present, but this is expected to change
+in a future release.)
+** Hi-Lock
+*** New global command `M-s h .' (`highlight-symbol-at-point') highlights
+the symbol near point.
+*** New option `hi-lock-auto-select-face'. When non-nil, hi-lock commands
+will cycle through faces in `hi-lock-face-defaults' without prompting.
+** Icomplete is now more similar to Ido.
+*** Icomplete by default now applies to all forms of minibuffer completion.
+The variable `icomplete-with-completion-tables' (now a user option)
+controls this. To restore the old behavior, set it back to
+*** You can navigate through and select completions using the keys
+from `icomplete-minibuffer-map'.
+*** The string that separates potential completions is now a customizable
+option (`icomplete-separator'). The default is " | " rather than ",".
+*** New face `icomplete-first-match'; and new options
+`icomplete-hide-common-prefix' and `icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input'.
+*** The option `icomplete-show-key-bindings' has been removed.
+** Ido
+*** An Ido user manual is now included.
+*** The option `ido-use-virtual-buffers' can now take the value `auto'.
+This means to use virtual buffers if the current ido input does not match
+an existing buffer.
+*** The variable `ido-decorations' can optionally have two new elements,
+which are the brackets to use around the sole remaining completion.
+** Image mode
+*** New commands `n' (`image-next-file') and `p' (`image-previous-file')
+visit the next image file and the previous image file in the same
+directory, respectively.
+*** New commands to show specific frames of multi-frame images.
+`f' (`image-next-frame') and `b' (`image-previous-frame') visit the
+next or previous frame. `F' (`image-goto-frame') shows a specific frame.
+*** New commands to speed up, slow down, or reverse animation.
+`a +' (`image-increase-speed') and `a -' (`image-decrease-speed') to
+speed up and slow down the animation. `a r' (`image-reverse-speed')
+to reverse it and `a 0' (`image-reset-speed') to reset it.
+*** The command `image-mode-fit-frame' deletes other windows.
+When toggling, it restores the frame's previous window configuration.
+It also has an optional frame argument, which can be used by Lisp
+callers to fit the image to a frame other than the selected frame.
+** New Imenu option `imenu-generic-skip-comments-and-strings'.
+** Info
+*** New Info face `info-index-match', used to highlight matches in index
+entries displayed by `Info-index-next', `Info-virtual-index' and
+*** The Info-edit command is obsolete. Editing Info nodes by hand
+has not been relevant for some time.
+** JS Mode
+*** New option `js-switch-indent-offset'.
+*** Better indentation of multiple-variable declarations.
+If a declaration spans several lines, variables on the following lines
+are lined up to the first one.
+*** Recognition and better indentation of continuations in array comprehensions.
+** MH-E has been updated to version 8.6 - see separate MH-E-NEWS file.
+** Octave mode
+*** Font locking for Texinfo comments and new keywords.
+*** Completion in Octave file buffers.
+*** ElDoc support.
+*** Jump to definition.
+*** Documentation lookup/search.
+** OPascal mode is the new name for Delphi mode
+*** All delphi-* variables and functions have been renamed to opascal-*.
+Obsolete aliases exist for those likely to have been used externally.
+*** The option `delphi-newline-always-indents' has been removed.
+Use `electric-indent-mode' instead.
+*** The TAB key runs the standard `indent-for-tab-command', not `delphi-tab'.
+** Package
+*** The package library now supports digital signing of packages.
+Maintainers of package archives should consider signing their packages
+to enhance security.
+**** If the user option `package-check-signature' is non-nil,
+Emacs tries to check package signatures at install time.
+The value `allow-unsigned' allows installation of unsigned packages.
+**** The user option `package-unsigned-archives' lists archives where
+Emacs will not try to check signatures.
+*** New option `package-pinned-packages'. This is useful if you have multiple
+archives enabled, with more than one offering a given package that you want.
+*** In the `list-packages' buffer, you can use `f' (`package-menu-filter')
+to filter the list of packages by a keyword.
+*** In the `describe-package' buffer, there are now buttons listing the
+keywords related to the package. Click on a button to see other packages
+related to that keyword.
+*** The format of `archive-contents' files, generated by package
+repositories, has changed to allow a new (fifth) element in the data
+vectors, containing an associative list with extra properties.
+(For example, `describe-package' uses the `:url' extra property to
+display a "Homepage" header.)
+** In Prolog mode, `prolog-use-smie' has been removed,
+along with the non-SMIE indentation code.
+** Python mode
+*** Out of the box support for CPython, iPython and readline based shells.
+**** `python-shell-completion-module-string-code' is no longer used.
+*** Automatic shell prompt detection. New user options:
+**** `python-shell-interpreter-interactive-arg'.
+**** `python-shell-prompt-detect-enabled'.
+**** `python-shell-prompt-detect-failure-warning'.
+**** `python-shell-prompt-input-regexps'.
+**** `python-shell-prompt-output-regexps'.
+*** Python shell support for remote hosts via tramp.
+*** Correct display of line numbers for code sent to the Python shell.
+** Remember
+*** The new command `remember-notes' creates a buffer that is saved on exit.
+You can use it as a more permanent *scratch* buffer.
+*** Remember can now store notes in separate files.
+To use this, add `remember-store-in-files' to the `remember-handler-functions'
+option. The files are saved in `remember-data-directory' using
+names specified by `remember-directory-file-name-format'.
+** Rmail
+*** Customize `rmail-mbox-format' to influence some minor aspects of
+how Rmail displays non-MIME messages.
+*** The `unrmail' command now converts from BABYL to mboxrd format,
+rather than mboxo. Customize `unrmail-mbox-format' to change this.
+** Ruby mode
+*** Improved syntax highlighting and indentation.
+*** New `electric-indent-mode' integration.
+*** New option `ruby-encoding-magic-comment-style'.
+*** New option `ruby-custom-encoding-magic-comment-template'.
+*** New option `ruby-align-to-stmt-keywords'.
+*** New option `ruby-align-chained-calls'.
+*** More Ruby file types have been added to `auto-mode-alist'.
+** Search and Replace
+*** New global command `M-s .' (`isearch-forward-symbol-at-point')
+starts a symbol (identifier) incremental search forward with the
+symbol found near point added to the search string initially.
+*** `C-x 8 RET' in Isearch mode reads a character by its Unicode name
+and adds it to the search string.
+*** `M-s i' in Isearch mode toggles whether search matches invisible text.
+*** `query-replace' skips invisible text when `search-invisible' is nil,
+and opens overlays with hidden text when `search-invisible' is `open'.
+*** A negative prefix argument of replacement commands replaces backward.
+`M-- M-%' replaces a string backward, `M-- C-M-%' replaces a regexp
+backward, `M-s w words M-- M-%' replaces a sequence of words backward.
+*** By default, prefix arguments do not now terminate Isearch mode.
+Set `isearch-allow-prefix' to nil to restore the old behavior.
+*** More Isearch commands accept prefix arguments, namely
+`isearch-printing-char', `isearch-quote-char', `isearch-yank-word',
+*** Word search now matches whitespace at the beginning/end
+of the search string if it contains leading/trailing whitespace.
+In an incremental word search or when using a non-nil LAX argument
+of `word-search-regexp', the lax matching can also match part of
+the first word (in addition to the lax matching of the last word).
+The same rules are now applied to the symbol search, with the difference
+that it matches symbols, and non-symbol characters between symbols.
+** New SES command `ses-rename-cell' allows assignment of names to SES cells.
+** The shell.el option `explicit-bash-args' includes --noediting by default.
+All non-ancient Bash versions support this option.
+** Shell Script mode
+*** The SMIE indentation engine is now used by default - see `sh-use-smie'.
+*** `sh-mode' now has its own setting for `add-log-current-defun-function'.
+** SMIE
+*** You can customize the SMIE indentation of a mode via `smie-config'.
+The command `smie-config-guess' can help you derive the appropriate
+indentation settings, if you provide it with an indented sample file.
+Use `smie-config-save' to save the result.
+*** You can customize the SMIE indentation of a file by adding an entry to
+the file's local variables of the form: `eval: (smie-config-local '(RULES))'.
+*** New commands `smie-config-show-indent' and `smie-config-set-indent'.
+** SQL mode
+*** Improved login monitoring and appropriate response to login failures.
+New variable `sql-login-delay' defines maximum wait time for a connection.
+*** Oracle support.
+SQL*Plus script placeholders are properly highlighted and identified
+in `sql-placeholders-filter'. When starting SQL*Plus, `sql-oracle-options'
+are passed before the logon parameter, as required. The default now
+includes `-L', to limit the number of logon attempts per invocation.
+** New Term mode option `term-suppress-hard-newline'.
+** Todo mode has been rewritten and enhanced.
+The Todo mode user manual describes all commands and most user
+options. To support some of these features, a new file format is
+used, which is incompatible with the old format; however, you can
+convert old todo and done item files to the new format on initializing
+the first new todo file, or at any later time with the provided
+conversion command. The previous version of todo-mode.el has been
+renamed to otodo-mode.el and is now obsolete. New features include:
+*** Support for multiple todo files and archive files of done items.
+*** Renaming, reordering, moving, merging, and deleting categories.
+*** Sortable tabular summaries of categories and the item types they contain.
+*** Cross-category lists of items filtered by specific criteria.
+*** More fine-grained interaction with the Emacs diary, by being able to
+decide for each todo item whether it appears in the Fancy Diary display.
+*** Highly flexible new item insertion and item editing.
+*** Moving items between categories, storing done items in their category
+or in archive files, undoing or unarchiving done items.
+*** Reprioritizing items by inputting a numerical priority.
+*** Extensive customizability of operation and display, including many faces.
+** Trace
+*** `trace-function' and `trace-function-background' no longer prompt for
+the output buffer. Unless you use a prefix argument, they output to
+*** With a prefix argument, `trace-function' and `trace-function-background'
+will prompt for a "context". This is a Lisp expression, whose value at the
+time the function is entered/exited is printed along with the function's
+name and arguments.
+** Tramp
+*** New connection method "adb", which allows to access Android
+devices by the Android Debug Bridge. The variable `tramp-adb-program'
+can be used to adapt the path of the "adb" program, if needed.
+*** Handlers for `file-acl' and `set-file-acl' for remote machines
+that support POSIX ACLs.
+*** Handlers for `file-notify-add-watch' and `file-notify-rm-watch'
+for remote machines that support filesystem notifications.
+*** The experimental url syntax for remote file names has been removed.
+*** The connection methods "plink1", "ssh1", "ssh2", "scp1", "scp2",
+"scpc" and "rsyncc" are discontinued. The ssh option
+"ControlMaster=auto" is set automatically in all ssh-based methods,
+when possible. See `tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options'.
+** New URL command `url-cookie-list' displays the current cookies,
+and allows you to interactively remove cookies.
+** VC and related modes
+*** In VC directory mode, `D' displays diffs between VC-controlled
+whole tree revisions.
+*** In VC directory mode, `L' lists the change log for the current VC
+controlled tree in a window.
+*** In VC directory mode, `I' shows a log of changes that will be
+received with a pull operation.
+*** `C-x v G' (globally) and `G' (in VC directory mode) ignores a file
+under current version control system. When called with a prefix
+argument, you can remove a file from the ignored file list.
+** VHDL mode
+*** New options: `vhdl-actual-generic-name', `vhdl-beautify-options'.
+*** New commands: `vhdl-fix-statement-region', `vhdl-fix-statement-buffer'.
+** The Woman commands `woman-default-faces' and `woman-monochrome-faces'
+are obsolete. Customize the `woman-*' faces instead.
+** More packages look for ~/.emacs.d/<foo> additionally to ~/.<foo>.
+Affected files:
+~/.emacs.d/timelog replaces ~/.timelog
+~/.emacs.d/vip replaces ~/.vip
+~/.emacs.d/viper replaces ~/.viper
+~/.emacs.d/ido.last replaces ~/.ido.last
+~/.emacs.d/kkcrc replaces ~/.kkcrc
+~/.emacs.d/quickurls replaces ~/.quickurls
+~/.emacs.d/idlwave/ replaces ~/.idlwave/
+~/.emacs.d/bdfcache.el replaces ~/.bdfcache.el
+~/.emacs.d/places replaces ~/.emacs-places
+~/.emacs.d/shadows replaces ~/.shadows
+~/.emacs.d/shadow_todo replaces ~/.shadow_todo
+~/.emacs.d/strokes replaces ~/.strokes
+~/.emacs.d/notes replaces ~/.notes
+~/.emacs.d/type-break replaces ~/.type-break
+Also the following files used by the now obsolete otodo-mode.el:
+~/.emacs.d/todo-do replaces ~/.todo-do
+~/.emacs.d/todo-done replaces ~/.todo-done
+~/.emacs.d/todo-top replaces ~/.todo-top
+** Obsolete packages
+*** iswitchb.el; use icomplete-mode.
+*** longlines.el; use visual-line-mode.
+*** meese.el.
+*** sup-mouse.el.
+*** terminal.el; use term.el instead.
+*** the old version of todo-mode.el (renamed to otodo-mode.el).
+*** xesam.el (owing to the cancellation of the XESAM project).
+*** yow.el; use fortune.el or cookie1.el instead.
+* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.4
+** New package eww.el provides a built-in web browser.
+This requires Emacs to have been compiled with libxml2 support.
+** New package nadvice.el offers lighter-weight advice facilities.
+It is layered as:
+*** `add-function'/`remove-function', which can be used to add/remove code on
+any function-carrying place, such as process filters or `<foo>-function' hooks.
+*** `advice-add'/`advice-remove' to add/remove a piece of advice on a named
+function, much like `defadvice' does.
+** New package frameset.el provides a set of operations to save a frameset
+(the state of all or a subset of the existing frames and windows, somewhat
+similar to a frame configuration), both in-session and persistently, and
+restore it at some point in the future.
+** New package filenotify.el provides an interface for file system
+notifications. It requires that Emacs be compiled with one of the
+low-level libraries gfilenotify.c, inotify.c or w32notify.c.
+** New minor modes `prettify-symbols-mode' and `global-prettify-symbols-mode'
+display specified symbols as composed characters. E.g., in Emacs Lisp mode,
+this replaces the string "lambda" with the Greek lambda character.
+** New minor mode `superword-mode', which overrides the default word motion
+commands to treat "symbol_words" as a single word, similar to what
+`subword-mode' does.
+* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.4
+** The default file coding for Emacs Lisp files is now utf-8.
+(See `file-coding-system-alist'.) In most cases, this change is
+transparent, but files that contain unusual characters without
+specifying an explicit coding system may fail to load with obscure
+errors. You should either convert them to utf-8 or add an explicit
+`coding:' cookie.
+** Default process filters and sentinels are not nil any more.
+Instead they default to a function that does what the nil value used to do.
+** Overlay priority does not have to be nil or a non-negative integer.
+Overlay priority can be other kinds of Lisp objects. We didn't yet
+decide whether other types of values are stable enough, and therefore
+don't feel it's right to document them. For now, don't assume in your
+code that the values of overlay priority can only be either nil or an
+integer, always test them with an appropriate predicate to be one or
+the other. If you need to sort arbitrary overlays into priority
+order, `overlays-at' can now optionally do this.
+You should still only specify integer priorities on overlays you create.
+** The cars of the elements in `interpreter-mode-alist' are now
+treated as regexps rather than literal strings.
+** `overriding-terminal-local-map' no longer replaces the local keymaps.
+It used to disable the minor mode, major mode, and text-property keymaps,
+whereas now it simply has higher precedence.
+** `kill-region' has lost its `yank-handler' optional argument.
+** `(input-pending-p)' no longer runs other timers that are ready to run.
+The new optional CHECK-TIMERS parameter allows for the prior behavior.
+** `defvar' and `defcustom' in a let-binding affect the "external" default.
+** The syntax of ?» and ?« is now punctuation instead of matched parens.
+Some languages match those as »...«, and others as «...», so it is
+better for Emacs to stay neutral by default.
+** `read-event' does not always decode chars in ttys any more. As was the case
+in Emacs 22 and before, `read-event' (and `read-char') by default read raw
+bytes from the terminal. If you want to read decoded chars instead (as was
+always the case in Emacs-23, for example), pass a non-nil
+`inherit-input-method' argument.
+** In `symbol-function', nil and "unbound" are indistinguishable.
+`symbol-function' does not signal a `void-function' error any more.
+To determine if a symbol's function definition is void, use `fboundp'.
+** `defadvice' does not honor the `freeze' flag and cannot advise
+special-forms any more.
+** `dolist' no longer binds VAR while evaluating the RESULT form,
+when lexical binding is enabled. Previously, VAR was bound to nil,
+which often led to spurious unused-variable warnings.
+** The return value of `backup-buffer' has changed.
+The second argument is no longer an SELinux context, instead it is an
+alist of extended attributes as returned by the new function
+`file-extended-attributes'. The attributes can be applied to another
+file using `set-file-extended-attributes'.
+** By default `copy-file' no longer copies file permission bits to an
+existing destination; and it sets the file permission bits of a newly
+created destination to those of the source, masked by the default file
+permissions. To copy the file permission bits, pass t as the
+PRESERVE-PERMISSIONS argument of `copy-file'.
+** `visited-file-modtime' now returns -1 for nonexistent files.
+Formerly it returned a list (-1 LOW USEC PSEC), but this was ambiguous
+in the presence of files with negative time stamps.
+** Frame-local variables that affect redisplay do not work any more.
+More specifically, redisplay does not bother to check for a frame-local
+value when looking up variables.
+** In compiled Lisp files, the header no longer includes a timestamp.
+** The option `inhibit-local-menu-bar-menus' has been removed.
+* Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.4
+** Change to the Emacs Lisp coding conventions: the package descriptor
+and name of global variables, constants, and functions should be separated
+by two hyphens if the symbol is not meant to be used by other packages.
+** The second argument of `eval' can now specify a lexical environment.
+** New macro `define-alternatives' can be used to define generic commands.
+Generic commands are interactive functions whose implementation can be
+selected among several alternatives, as a matter of user preference.
+** Numeric comparison functions =, <, >, <=, >= can now take many arguments.
+** New functions `special-form-p' and `macrop'.
+** New macro `with-eval-after-load'.
+This is like the old `eval-after-load', but better behaved.
+** If you give a symbol a `defalias-fset-function' property, `defalias'
+on that symbol will use the associated value as a function to call
+in place of `fset'.
+** New variable `enable-dir-local-variables'.
+Directory-local variables are ignored if this is nil. This may be
+useful for modes that want to ignore directory-locals while still
+respecting file-local variables.
+** `read-regexp' now uses the new variable `read-regexp-defaults-function'
+as a function to call to provide default values.
+** New functions `group-gid' and `group-real-gid'.
+** New function `get-pos-property'.
+** New hook `pre-redisplay-function'.
+** `byte-compile-interactive-only-functions' is now obsolete.
+To specify that a command should only be called interactively, give it
+a non-nil `interactive-only' property.
+** New function `string-suffix-p'.
+** `split-string' now takes an optional argument TRIM.
+The value, if non-nil, is a regexp that specifies what to trim from
+the start and end of each substring.
+** Completion
+*** The separator used by `completing-read-multiple' is now a regexp.
+The default `crm-separator' has been changed to allow surrounding spaces
+around the comma.
+*** New function `completion-table-with-cache' is a wrapper for
+`completion-table-dynamic' that caches the result of the last lookup.
+*** New function `completion-table-merge' to combine several
+completion tables by merging their completions.
+*** The `common-substring' argument of `display-completion-list',
+which has been documented as obsolete since Emacs 23.1, is now _really_
+obsolete, and no longer advertised. Instead either call
+`completion-hilit-commonality' to add the highlighting; or use
+`completion-all-completions', which returns highlighted strings.
+** Encoding and decoding of text
+*** New coding-system `prefer-utf-8'.
+This is like `undecided' but prefers UTF-8 on decoding if the text to
+be decoded does not contain any invalid UTF-8 sequences. On encoding,
+any non-ASCII characters are automatically encoded as UTF-8.
+*** New attributes of coding-systems whose type is `undecided'.
+Two new attributes, `:inhibit-null-byte-detection' and
+`:inhibit-iso-escape-detection', determine how to detect encoding of
+text that includes null bytes and ISO-2022 escape sequences, respectively.
+Each of these attributes can be either nil, zero, or t. If t, decoding
+text ignores null bytes and ISO-2022 sequences, respectively. If nil,
+null bytes cause text to be decoded with no-conversion, and ISO-2022
+sequences cause Emacs to assume the text is encoded in one of the ISO-2022
+encodings, such as iso-2022-7bit. If zero, Emacs consults the variables
+`inhibit-null-byte-detection' and `inhibit-iso-escape-detection'.
+The new attribute `:prefer-utf-8', if non-nil, causes Emacs to prefer
+UTF-8 encoding and decoding, whenever possible.
+These attributes are only meaningful for coding-systems of type `undecided'.
+(The type of a coding-system is determined by its `:coding-type' attribute
+and can be accessed by calling the `coding-system-type' function.)
+** Error-handling
+*** New function `define-error'.
+*** `with-demoted-errors' takes an additional argument `format'.
+*** Errors from timer functions are no longer silently discarded,
+but are reported as messages. So you may see "Error running timer"
+messages from code that was failing silently till now. Set
+`debug-on-error' non-nil to get a real error and a backtrace.
+** Faces
+*** Face specs set via Custom themes now replace the `defface' spec
+rather than inheriting from it. In other words, setting a face via a
+theme now behaves like setting it via Customize: you only need to
+specify the attributes that you want, you don't need to unset those
+that you don't want.
+*** The function `face-spec-set' is now like `setq' for face specs.
+Its third arg now accepts values specifying a face spec type (defface,
+custom, or override spec), and the relevant spec is set accordingly.
+*** New face spec attribute :distant-foreground
+specifies foreground to use if background color is near the foreground
+color that would otherwise have been used.
+*** New function `add-face-text-property', which can be used to
+conveniently prepend/append new face properties.
+*** New face characteristic (supports :underline (:style wave))
+specifies whether or not the terminal can display a wavy line.
+** File-handling
+*** Support for filesystem notifications.
+Emacs now supports notifications of filesystem changes, such as
+creation, modification, and deletion of files. This requires the
+`glib' API, or the 'inotify' API (on GNU/Linux systems only). On
+MS-Windows systems, this is supported for Windows XP and newer.
+*** The 9th element returned by `file-attributes' is now unspecified.
+Formerly, it was t if the file's gid would change if file were deleted
+and recreated. This value has been inaccurate for years on many
+platforms, and nobody seems to have noticed or cared.
+*** The 6th argument to `copy-file' has been renamed to
+PRESERVE-PERMISSIONS as it now handles ACL entries and the traditional
+Unix file permission bits as well as SELinux context.
+*** The function `file-ownership-preserved-p' now has an optional
+argument GROUP which causes it check for file group too. This can be
+used in place of the 9th element of `file-attributes'.
+*** The function `set-visited-file-modtime' now accepts a 0 or -1 argument,
+with the same interpretation as the returned value of `visited-file-modtime'.
+** Image API
+*** `image-animated-p' is now `image-multi-frame-p'.
+It returns non-nil for any image that contains multiple frames,
+whether or not it specifies a frame delay.
+*** New variable `image-default-frame-delay' gives the frame delay for
+animated images which do not specify a frame delay.
+*** New functions `image-current-frame' and `image-show-frame' for getting
+and setting the current frame of a multi-frame image.
+** ImageMagick
+*** ImageMagick images now support the :max-width and :max-height keywords.
+*** When using `create-image' with image data, you can pass a :format
+attribute (via the property-list argument) in order to help
+ImageMagick detect the image type. The value should be a MIME
+content-type that is found in the new variable `image-format-suffixes'.
+** Revert and Autorevert
+*** If Emacs is compiled with file notification support, it uses notifications
+instead of checking file time stamps. To disable this, set the user option
+`auto-revert-use-notify' to nil. Alternatively, you can specify a regular
+expression matching directories to be excluded from file notifications via
+*** The default values of `buffer-stale-function', `revert-buffer-function',
+and `revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function' are no longer nil.
+Instead they default to functions that do what the nil value used to.
+*** `buffer-stale-function' is now used for buffers visiting files too.
+*** The new user option `auto-revert-remote-files' enables reversion
+of remote files, if non-nil.
+** Terminal
+*** Functions to pop up menus and dialogs now work on all terminals,
+including TTYs. This includes `x-popup-menu', `x-popup-dialog',
+`message-box', `yes-or-no-p', etc.
+The function `display-popup-menus-p' will now return non-nil for a
+display or frame whenever a mouse is supported on that display or frame.
+*** New hook `tty-setup-hook', run at the end of initializing a text terminal.
+*** The hook `term-setup-hook' is obsolete. It is entirely equivalent
+to `emacs-startup-hook'. See also the new `tty-setup-hook'.
+** Minor internal changes to the details of lock files.
+The lock for DIR/FILE is now _always_ DIR/.#FILE.
+If DIR/.#FILE already exists and is not an Emacs lock file,
+Emacs makes no attempt to lock DIR/FILE. (Previously, it fell back to
+numbered lock files DIR/.#FILE.0...).
+On file systems that do not support symbolic links, the lock is now a
+regular file with contents being what would have been in the symlink.
+** New bool-vector set operation functions:
+*** `bool-vector-exclusive-or'
+*** `bool-vector-union'
+*** `bool-vector-intersection'
+*** `bool-vector-set-difference'
+*** `bool-vector-not'
+*** `bool-vector-subsetp'
+*** `bool-vector-count-consecutive'
+*** `bool-vector-count-population'
+** New library subr-x.el with miscellaneous small utility functions:
+*** `hash-table-keys'
+*** `hash-table-values'
+*** `string-blank-p'
+*** `string-empty-p'
+*** `string-join'
+*** `string-reverse'
+*** `string-trim-left'
+*** `string-trim-right'
+*** `string-trim'
+*** `string-remove-prefix'
+*** `string-remove-suffix'
+** The `time-to-seconds' alias to `float-time' is no longer marked obsolete.
+** The spelling of the rx.el category `chinese-two-byte' has been
+corrected (the first 'e' was missing).
+** EIEIO namespace cleanup, obsolete-aliasing functions to use `eieio-' prefix:
+*** object-name -> eieio-object-name
+*** object-class -> eieio-object-class
+*** object-class-fast -> eieio--object-class
+*** object-class-name -> eieio-object-class-name
+*** object-name-string -> eieio-object-name-string
+*** object-num-slots -> eieio--object-num-slots
+*** object-set-name-string -> eieio-object-set-name-string
+*** class-of -> eieio-object-class
+*** class-name -> eieio-class-name
+*** class-parent -> eieio-class-parent
+*** class-parents -> eieio-class-parents
+*** class-parents-fast -> eieio-class-parents-fast
+*** class-children -> eieio-class-children
+*** class-num-slots -> eieio--class-num-slots
+*** class-precedence-list -> eieio-class-precedence-list
+*** class-direct-subclasses -> eieio-class-children
+*** class-direct-superclasses -> eieio-class-parents
+** Obsoleted functions
+*** `log10'
+*** `dont-compile'
+*** `lisp-complete-symbol'
+*** `field-complete'
+*** `minibuffer-completion-contents'
+*** `isearch-nonincremental-exit-minibuffer'
+*** `isearch-filter-visible'
+*** `generic-make-keywords-list'
+*** `get-upcase-table' (use `case-table-get-table' instead).
+** `with-wrapper-hook' is obsoleted by `add-function'.
+The few hooks that used with-wrapper-hook are replaced as follows:
+*** `abbrev-expand-function' obsoletes `abbrev-expand-functions'.
+*** `completion-in-region-function' obsoletes `completion-in-region-functions'.
+*** `filter-buffer-substring-function' obsoletes `filter-buffer-substring-functions'.
+* Changes in Emacs 24.4 on Non-Free Operating Systems
+** New Core Text based font backend for Mac OS X 10.5 and newer.
+To use the old font backend, use the following on the command line:
+ % defaults write org.gnu.Emacs FontBackend ns
+GNUstep and Mac OS X 10.4 use the old font backend.
+** Improved fullscreen support on Mac OS X 10.7 and newer, where the
+default fullscreen method is now "native" fullscreen. To use the
+old style fullscreen, customize `ns-use-native-fullscreen' to nil.
+** On Mac OS X 10.7 and newer, Emacs can use sRGB colorspace, and does so
+by default. Customize `ns-use-srgb-colorspace' to go back to the old method.
+Note that this does not apply to images.
+** The procedure for building Emacs on MS-Windows has changed.
+It is now built by running the same configure script as on all other
+platforms. This requires the MSYS environment and MinGW development
+tools. See the updated instructions in nt/INSTALL for details.
+Using the Posix configure script and Makefiles also means a change in
+the directory structure of the Emacs installation on Windows. It is
+now the same as on GNU and Unix systems. In particular, the auxiliary
+programs, such as cmdproxy.exe and hexl.exe, are in
+libexec/emacs/VERSION/i686-pc-mingw32 (where VERSION is the Emacs
+version), version-independent site-lisp is in share/emacs/site-lisp,
+version-specific Lisp files are in share/emacs/VERSION/lisp and in
+share/emacs/VERSION/site-lisp, Info docs are in share/info, and data
+files are in share/emacs/VERSION/etc. (Emacs knows about all these
+directories and will find the files in there automatically; there's no
+need to set any variables due to this change.)
+** Emacs on Windows 2000 and later can now access files and directories
+whose names cannot be encoded in the current system codepage.
+The new variable `w32-unicode-filenames' controls this feature: if it
+is t, Emacs uses Unicode APIs to pass file names to system calls,
+which lifts the limitation of file names to the current locale.
+** Lock files now work on MS-Windows.
+This helps to prevent losing your edits if the same file is being
+edited in another Emacs session or by another user. See the node
+"Interlocking" in the Emacs User Manual for the details. To disable
+file locking, customize `create-lockfiles' to nil.
+** The "generate a backtrace on fatal error" feature now works on MS-Windows.
+The backtrace is written to the 'emacs_backtrace.txt' file in the
+directory where Emacs was running.
+** The `network-interface-list' and `network-interface-info' functions
+are now available on MS-Windows.
+** The variable `buffer-file-type' is no longer supported.
+Setting it has no effect, and %t in the mode-line format is ignored.
+Likewise, `file-name-buffer-file-type-alist' is now obsolete, and
+modifying it has no effect.
+* Installation Changes in Emacs 24.3
+** The default X toolkit is now Gtk+ version 3.
+If you don't pass `--with-x-toolkit' to configure, or if you use
+`--with-x-toolkit=gtk' or `--with-x-toolkit=yes', configure will try
+to build with Gtk+ version 3, and if that fails, try Gtk+ version 2.
+You can explicitly require a specific version by passing
+`--with-x-toolkit=gtk2' or `--with-x-toolkit=gtk3' to configure.
+** New configure option `--enable-link-time-optimization', to utilize
+an appropriate feature provided by GCC since version 4.5.0.
+** New configure option `--without-all' to disable most of the optional
+features (image support, etc.) that are normally enabled by default.
+** New configure option `--enable-gcc-warnings' (for developing/debugging
+Emacs). If building with GCC, this enables compile-time checks that
+warn/give errors about possibly-questionable C code. On a recent GNU
+system there should be no warnings; on older and on non-GNU systems
+the results may be useful to developers.
+** The configure option `--enable-use-lisp-union-type' has been
+renamed to `--enable-check-lisp-object-type', as the resulting
+Lisp_Object type no longer uses a union to implement the compile time
+check that this option enables.
+** The configure option `--disable-maintainer-mode' has been removed,
+as it was confusingly-named and rarely useful.
+** The configure options `--program-prefix', `--program-suffix', and
+`--program-transform-name' apply to more than just the installed
+binaries. Now they also affect the man pages, icons, and the
+etc/emacs.desktop file; but not the info pages, since this would break
+links between the various manuals.
+** You can use `NO_BIN_LINK=t make install' to prevent the installation
+overwriting "emacs" in the installation bin/ directory with a link
+to "emacs-VERSION".
+** Emacs uses libtinfo in preference to libncurses, if available.
+** On FreeBSD and NetBSD, configure no longer adds /usr/local/lib and
+/usr/pkg/lib to the linker search path. You must add them yourself if
+you want them.
+** The standalone scripts `rcs-checkin' and `vcdiff' have been removed
+(from the bin and libexec directories, respectively). The former is
+no longer relevant, the latter is replaced by lisp (in vc-sccs.el).
+* Startup Changes in Emacs 24.3
+** Emacs no longer searches for `leim-list.el' files beneath the standard
+lisp/ directory. There should not be any there anyway. If you have
+been adding them there, put them somewhere else; e.g., site-lisp.
+** The `--no-site-lisp' command line option now works for Nextstep builds.
+* Changes in Emacs 24.3
+** Help
+*** `C-h f' (`describe-function') can now perform autoloading.
+When this command is called for an autoloaded function whose docstring
+contains a key substitution construct, that function's library is
+automatically loaded, so that the documentation can be shown
+correctly. To disable this, set `help-enable-auto-load' to nil.
+*** `C-h f' now reports previously-autoloaded functions as "autoloaded",
+even after their associated libraries have been loaded (and the
+autoloads have been redefined as functions).
+** ImageMagick
+*** Images displayed via ImageMagick now support transparency and the
+:background image specification property.
+*** When available, ImageMagick support is automatically enabled.
+It is no longer necessary to call `imagemagick-register-types'
+explicitly to install ImageMagick image types; that function is called
+automatically at startup, or when customizing an imagemagick- option.
+*** Setting `imagemagick-types-inhibit' to t now disables the use of
+ImageMagick to view images. (You must call `imagemagick-register-types'
+afterwards if you do not use customize to change this.)
+*** The new variable `imagemagick-enabled-types' also affects which
+ImageMagick types are treated as images. The function
+`imagemagick-filter-types' returns the list of types that will be
+treated as images.
+** Minibuffer
+*** In minibuffer filename prompts, `C-M-f' and `C-M-b' now move to the
+next and previous path separator, respectively.
+*** `minibuffer-electric-default-mode' can shorten "(default ...)" to "[...]"
+in minibuffer prompts. Just set `minibuffer-eldef-shorten-default'
+non-nil before enabling the mode.
+** Mode line
+*** New option `mode-line-default-help-echo' specifies the help text
+(shown in a tooltip or in the echo area) for any part of the mode line
+that does not have its own specialized help text.
+*** You can now click mouse-3 in the coding system indicator to invoke
+** Server and client
+*** emacsclient now obeys string values for `initial-buffer-choice',
+if it is told to open a new frame without specifying any file to visit
+or expression to evaluate.
+*** New option `server-auth-key' specifies a shared server key.
+** Emacs now generates backtraces on fatal errors.
+On encountering a fatal error, Emacs now outputs a textual description
+of the fatal signal, and a short backtrace on platforms like glibc
+that support backtraces.
+** `C-x C-q' is now bound to the new minor mode `read-only-mode'.
+This minor mode replaces `toggle-read-only', which is now obsolete.
+** Most `y-or-n' prompts now allow you to scroll the selected window.
+Typing `C-v' or `M-v' at a y-or-n prompt scrolls forward or backward
+respectively, without exiting from the prompt.
+** In the Package Menu, newly-available packages are listed as "new",
+and sorted above the other "available" packages by default.
+** If your Emacs was built from a repository checkout, the new variable
+`emacs-bzr-version' contains information about the bzr revision used.
+** New option `create-lockfiles' specifies usage of lockfiles.
+It defaults to t. Changing it to nil inhibits the creation of lock
+files (use this with caution).
+** New option `enable-remote-dir-locals', if non-nil, allows directory-local
+variables on remote hosts.
+** The entry for PCL-CVS has been removed from the Tools menu.
+The PCL-CVS commands are still available via the keyboard.
+** Using "unibyte: t" in Lisp source files is obsolete.
+Use "coding: raw-text" instead.
+** In the buffer made by `M-x report-emacs-bug', the `C-c m' binding
+has been changed to `C-c M-i' (`report-emacs-bug-insert-to-mailer').
+The previous binding, introduced in Emacs 24.1, was a mistake, because
+`C-c LETTER' bindings are reserved for user customizations.
+** Internationalization
+*** New language environment: Persian.
+*** New input method `vietnamese-vni'.
+** Nextstep (GNUstep / Mac OS X) port
+*** Support for fullscreen and the frame parameter fullscreen.
+*** A file dialog is used for open/save operations initiated from the
+* Editing Changes in Emacs 24.3
+** Search and Replace
+*** Non-regexp Isearch now performs "lax" space matching.
+Each sequence of spaces in the supplied search string may match any
+sequence of one or more whitespace characters, as specified by the
+variable `search-whitespace-regexp'. (This variable is also used by a
+similar existing feature for regexp Isearch.)
+*** New Isearch command `M-s SPC' toggles lax space matching.
+This applies to both ordinary and regexp Isearch.
+*** New option `replace-lax-whitespace'.
+If non-nil, `query-replace' uses flexible whitespace matching too.
+The default is nil.
+*** Global `M-s _' starts a symbol (identifier) incremental search,
+and `M-s _' in Isearch toggles symbol search mode.
+`M-s c' in Isearch toggles search case-sensitivity.
+** Navigation commands
+*** New binding `M-g c' for `goto-char'.
+*** New binding `M-g TAB' for `move-to-column'.
+*** `M-g TAB' (`move-to-column') prompts for a column number if called
+interactively with no prefix arg. Previously, it moved to column 1.
+** New option `yank-handled-properties' allows processing of text
+properties on yanked text, in ways that are more general than just
+removing them (as is done by `yank-excluded-properties').
+** New option `delete-trailing-lines' specifies whether
+M-x delete-trailing-whitespace should delete trailing lines at the end
+of the buffer. It defaults to t.
+** `C-u M-=' now counts lines/words/characters in the entire buffer.
+** `C-x 8 RET' is now bound to `insert-char', which is now a command.
+`ucs-insert' is now an obsolete alias for `insert-char'.
+** The `z' key no longer has a binding in most special modes.
+It used to be bound to `kill-this-buffer', but `z' is too easy to
+accidentally type.
+** New command `C-x r M-w' (`copy-rectangle-as-kill').
+It copies the region-rectangle as the last rectangle kill.
+** Registers
+*** `C-x r +' is now overloaded to invoke `append-to-register'.
+*** New option `register-separator' specifies the register containing
+the text to put between collected texts for use with
+M-x append-to-register and M-x prepend-to-register.
+* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.3
+** Common Lisp emulation (CL)
+*** CL's main entry is now (require 'cl-lib).
+`cl-lib' is like the old `cl' except that it uses the namespace cleanly;
+i.e., all its definitions have the "cl-" prefix (and internal definitions
+use the "cl--" prefix).
+If `cl' provided a feature under the name `foo', then `cl-lib'
+provides it under the name `cl-foo' instead; with the exceptions of the
+few `cl' definitions that had to use `foo*' to avoid conflicts with
+pre-existing Elisp entities. These have been renamed to `cl-foo'
+rather than `cl-foo*'.
+The old `cl' is now deprecated and is mainly just a bunch of aliases that
+provide the old, non-prefixed names. Some exceptions are listed below:
+*** `cl-flet' is not like `flet' (which is deprecated).
+Instead it obeys the behavior of Common-Lisp's `flet'.
+In particular, in cl-flet function definitions are lexically scoped,
+whereas in flet the scoping is dynamic.
+*** `cl-labels' is slightly different from `labels'.
+The difference is that it relies on the `lexical-binding' machinery
+(as opposed to the `lexical-let' machinery used previously) to capture
+definitions in closures, so such closures will only work if `lexical-binding'
+is in use.
+*** `cl-letf' is not exactly like `letf'.
+The only difference is in details that relate to some deprecated usage
+of `symbol-function' in place forms.
+*** `progv' was rewritten to use the `let' machinery.
+A side effect is that variables without corresponding values are bound
+to nil rather than being made unbound.
+*** The following methods of extending `setf' are obsolete
+(use features from gv.el instead):
+`define-modify-macro' (use `gv-letplace')
+`defsetf' (use `gv-define-simple-setter' or `gv-define-setter')
+`define-setf-expander' (use `gv-define-setter' or `gv-define-expander')
+`get-setf-method' no longer exists (see "Incompatible Lisp Changes")
+** Diff mode
+*** Changes are now highlighted using the same color scheme as in
+modern VCSes. Deletions are displayed in red (new faces
+`diff-refine-removed' and `smerge-refined-removed', and new definition
+of `diff-removed'), insertions in green (new faces `diff-refine-added'
+and `smerge-refined-added', and new definition of `diff-added').
+*** The variable `diff-use-changed-face' defines whether to use the
+face `diff-changed', or `diff-removed' and `diff-added' to highlight
+changes in context diffs.
+*** The new command `diff-delete-trailing-whitespace' removes trailing
+whitespace introduced by a diff.
+** Ediff now uses the same color scheme as Diff mode.
+** Python mode
+A new version of python.el, which provides several new features, including:
+per-buffer shells, better indentation, Python 3 support, and improved
+shell-interaction compatible with iPython (and virtually any other
+text based shell).
+*** Some user options have been replaced/renamed, including (old -> new):
+**** python-indent -> python-indent-offset
+**** python-guess-indent -> python-indent-guess-indent-offset
+**** python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p -> python-pdbtrack-activate
+**** python-use-skeletons -> python-skeleton-autoinsert
+*** Some user options have been removed, including:
+**** `python-indent-string-contents': Strings are never indented.
+**** `python-honour-comment-indentation':
+Comments are always considered as indentation markers.
+**** `python-continuation-offset': Indentation is automatically
+calculated in a pep8 compliant way depending on the context.
+**** `python-shell-prompt-alist', `python-shell-continuation-prompt-alist':
+Have no direct mapping as the shell interaction is completely different.
+**** `python-python-command', `python-jython-command':
+Replaced by `python-shell-interpreter'.
+**** `inferior-python-filter-regexp', `python-remove-cwd-from-path',
+`python-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string', `python-source-modes':
+No longer relevant.
+*** Some commands have been replaced (old -> new):
+**** python-insert-class -> python-skeleton-class
+**** python-insert-def -> python-skeleton-def
+**** python-insert-for -> python-skeleton-for
+**** python-insert-if -> python-skeleton-if
+**** python-insert-try/except -> python-skeleton-try
+**** python-insert-try/finally -> python-skeleton-try
+**** python-insert-while -> python-skeleton-while
+**** python-find-function -> python-nav-jump-to-defun
+**** python-next-statement -> python-nav-forward-sentence
+**** python-previous-statement -> python-nav-backward-sentence
+**** python-beginning-of-defun-function -> python-nav-beginning-of-defun
+**** python-end-of-defun-function -> python-nav-end-of-defun
+**** python-send-buffer -> python-shell-send-buffer
+**** python-send-defun -> python-shell-send-defun
+**** python-send-region -> python-shell-send-region
+**** python-send-region-and-go -> emulate with python-shell-send-region
+and python-shell-switch-to-shell
+**** python-send-string -> python-shell-send-string
+**** python-switch-to-python -> python-shell-switch-to-shell
+**** python-describe-symbol -> python-eldoc-at-point
+** D-Bus
+*** New variables `dbus-compiled-version' and `dbus-runtime-version'.
+*** The D-Bus object manager interface is implemented.
+*** Variables of type :(u)int32 and :(u)int64 accept floating points,
+if their value does not fit into Emacs's integer range.
+*** The function `dbus-call-method' is now non-blocking.
+It can be interrupted by `C-g'. `dbus-call-method-non-blocking' is obsolete.
+*** Signals can also be sent as unicast messages.
+*** The argument list of `dbus-register-signal' has been extended,
+according to the new match rule types of D-Bus.
+*** `dbus-init-bus' supports private connections.
+*** There is a new function `dbus-setenv'.
+** `desktop-path' no longer includes the "." directory.
+Desktop files are now located in ~/.emacs.d by default.
+** Dired
+*** `dired-do-async-shell-command' executes each file sequentially
+if the command ends in `;' (when operating on multiple files).
+Otherwise, it executes the command on each file in parallel.
+*** Typing `M-n' in the minibuffer of `dired-do-chmod', `dired-do-chgrp',
+`dired-do-chown', and `dired-do-touch' yanks the attributes of the
+file at point.
+*** When the region is active, `m' (`dired-mark'), `u' (`dired-unmark'),
+`DEL' (`dired-unmark-backward'), and `d' (`dired-flag-file-deletion')
+mark/unmark/flag all files in the active region.
+*** The minibuffer default for `=' (`dired-diff') has changed.
+It is now the backup file for the file at point, if one exists.
+In Transient Mark mode the default is the file at the active mark.
+*** `M-=' is no longer bound to `dired-backup-diff' in Dired buffers.
+The global binding for `M-=', `count-words-region' is in effect.
+** ERC
+*** New module "notifications", which can send a notification when you
+receive a private message or your nickname is mentioned.
+*** ERC will look up server/channel names via auth-source and use any
+channel keys found.
+*** New option `erc-lurker-hide-list', similar to `erc-hide-list', but
+only applies to messages sent by lurkers.
+** reStructuredText mode
+*** Keybindings (see `C-c C-h'), TAB indentation, filling and auto-filling,
+fontification, comment handling, and customization have all been revised
+and improved.
+*** Support for `imenu' and `which-function-mode'.
+*** The reStructuredText syntax is more closely covered.
+Sphinx support has been improved.
+*** `rst-insert-list' inserts new list or continues existing lists.
+*** A negative prefix argument always works for `rst-adjust'.
+*** The window configuration is reset after displaying a TOC.
+*** The constant `rst-version' describes the rst.el package version.
+** Ruby mode
+*** Support for percent literals and recognition of regular expressions
+in method calls without parentheses with more methods, including Cucumber
+steps definitions.
+*** Improved syntax highlighting and indentation.
+*** New command `ruby-toggle-block', bound to `C-c {'.
+*** Some non-standard keybindings/commands have been removed:
+**** `ruby-electric-brace'; use `electric-indent-mode' instead.
+**** `ruby-mark-defun'; use `mark-defun'.
+**** `ruby-beginning-of-defun' and `ruby-end-of-defun' are replaced by
+appropriate settings for the variables `beginning-of-defun-function'
+and `end-of-defun-function'.
+**** Non-standard keybindings for `backward-kill-word', `comment-region',
+`reindent-then-newline-and-indent' and `newline' have been removed.
+** Shell Script mode
+*** Pairing of parens/quotes uses `electric-pair-mode' instead of skeleton-pair.
+*** `sh-electric-here-document-mode' now controls auto-insertion of here-docs.
+*** `sh-use-smie' lets you choose a new indentation and navigation code.
+** VHDL mode
+*** The free software compiler GHDL is supported (and now the default).
+*** Support for the VHDL-AMS packages has been added/updated.
+*** Updated to the 2002 revision of the VHDL standard.
+*** Accepts \r and \f as whitespace.
+** Apropos
+*** The faces used by Apropos are now directly customizable.
+These faces are named `apropos-symbol', `apropos-keybinding', and so on;
+see the `apropos' Custom group for details.
+*** The old options whose values specified faces to use have been removed
+(i.e. `apropos-symbol-face', `apropos-keybinding-face', `apropos-label-face',
+`apropos-match-face' and `apropos-property-face'.).
+** Buffer Menu
+*** This package has been rewritten to use Tabulated List mode.
+*** Option `Buffer-menu-buffer+size-width' is now obsolete.
+Use `Buffer-menu-name-width' and `Buffer-menu-size-width' instead.
+** Calc
+*** Algebraic simplification mode is now the default.
+To restrict to the limited simplifications given by the former
+default simplification mode, use `m I'.
+** Calendar
+*** You can customize the header text that appears above each calendar month.
+See the variable `calendar-month-header'.
+*** New LaTeX calendar style, produced by `cal-tex-cursor-week2-summary'.
+*** The calendars produced by cal-html include holidays.
+Customize `cal-html-holidays' to change this.
+*** The major modes from the parser generators "Bovine" and "Wisent"
+are now properly integrated in Emacs. The file suffixes ".by" and ".wy"
+are in `auto-mode-alist', and the corresponding manuals are included.
+*** EDE
+**** Menu support for the "Configuration" feature. This allows users to
+choose the active configuration (such as debug or install) from the menu.
+**** New command `ede-set' to interactively set project-local variables.
+**** Support for compiling, debugging, and running in "generic" projects.
+**** Autoconf editing support for M4 macros with complex arguments.
+**** Compilation support for the "linux" project type.
+**** "simple" projects have been removed; use "generic" projects instead.
+*** Semantic
+**** Support for parsing #include statements inside a namespace in C/C++.
+**** Improved support for 'extern "C"' declarations in C/C++.
+**** The ability to ignore more common special C/C++ preprocessor symbols,
+such as '__nonnull' and '__asm'. Add '__cplusplus' macro when parsing C++.
+If available, include cdefs.h as an additional source of preprocessor symbols.
+**** Improved C/C++ function pointer parsing.
+**** In Python, support for converting imports to include file names.
+**** Ability to dynamically determine the Python load path.
+**** Support for the Python 'WITH' and 'AT' keywords.
+**** Improved tooltip completion.
+*** SRecode
+**** The SRecode manual is now included.
+**** Tag generation supports constructor/destructor settings and system
+include differentiation.
+**** Addition of 'Framework' support: Frameworks are specified when a
+particular kind of library (such as Android) is needed in a common language
+mode (like Java).
+**** Support for nested templates and let variables override based on priority.
+**** Support for merging tables from multiple related modes, such as
+default -> c++ -> arduino.
+** Compile has a new option `compilation-always-kill'.
+** Customize
+*** `custom-reset-button-menu' now defaults to t.
+*** Non-option variables are never matched in `customize-apropos' and
+`customize-apropos-options' (i.e., the prefix argument does nothing for
+these commands now).
+** Term
+*** The variables `term-default-fg-color' and `term-default-bg-color'
+are now deprecated in favor of the customizable face `term'.
+*** You can customize how to display ANSI terminal colors and styles
+by customizing the corresponding `term-color-<COLOR>',
+`term-color-underline' and `term-color-bold' faces.
+** Tramp
+*** The syntax has been extended in order to allow ad-hoc proxy definitions.
+*** Remote processes are now also supported on remote MS-Windows hosts.
+** URL
+*** Structs made by `url-generic-parse-url' have nil `attributes' slot.
+Previously, this slot stored semicolon-separated attribute-value pairs
+appended to some imap URLs, but this is not compatible with RFC 3986.
+So now the `filename' slot stores the entire path and query components,
+and the `attributes' slot is always nil.
+*** New function `url-encode-url' for encoding a URI string.
+The `url-retrieve' function now uses this to encode its URL argument,
+in case that is not properly encoded.
+** notifications.el supports now version 1.2 of the Notifications API.
+The function `notifications-get-capabilities' returns the supported
+server properties.
+** Flymake uses fringe bitmaps to indicate errors and warnings.
+See `flymake-fringe-indicator-position', `flymake-error-bitmap' and
+** The FFAP option `ffap-url-unwrap-remote' can now be a list of strings,
+specifying URL types that should be converted to remote file names at
+the FFAP prompt. The default is now '("ftp").
+** New Ibuffer `derived-mode' filter, bound to `/ M'.
+The old binding for `/ M' (filter by used-mode) is now bound to `/ m'.
+** New option `mouse-avoidance-banish-position' specifies where the
+`banish' mouse avoidance setting moves the mouse.
+** In Perl mode, new option `perl-indent-parens-as-block' causes non-block
+closing brackets to be aligned with the line of the opening bracket.
+** In Proced mode, new command `proced-renice' renices marked processes.
+** New option `async-shell-command-buffer' specifies the buffer to use
+for a new asynchronous `shell-command' when the default output buffer
+`*Async Shell Command*' is already in use.
+** SQL mode has a new option `sql-db2-escape-newlines'.
+If non-nil, newlines sent to the command interpreter will be escaped
+by a backslash. The default does not escape the newlines and assumes
+that the sql statement will be terminated by a semicolon.
+** New command `tabulated-list-sort', bound to `S' in Tabulated List mode
+(and modes that derive from it), sorts the column at point, or the Nth
+column if a numeric prefix argument is given.
+** `which-func-modes' now defaults to t, so Which Function mode, when
+enabled, applies to all applicable major modes.
+** `winner-mode-hook' now runs when the mode is disabled, as well as when
+it is enabled.
+** Follow mode no longer works by using advice.
+The option `follow-intercept-processes' has been removed.
+** `javascript-generic-mode' is now an obsolete alias for `js-mode'.
+** Hooks renamed to avoid obsolete "-hooks" suffix:
+*** semantic-lex-reset-hooks -> semantic-lex-reset-functions
+*** semantic-change-hooks -> semantic-change-functions
+*** semantic-edits-new-change-hooks -> semantic-edits-new-change-functions
+*** semantic-edits-delete-change-hooks -> semantic-edits-delete-change-functions
+*** semantic-edits-reparse-change-hooks -> semantic-edits-reparse-change-functions
+*** semanticdb-save-database-hooks -> semanticdb-save-database-functions
+*** c-prepare-bug-report-hooks -> c-prepare-bug-report-hook
+*** rcirc-sentinel-hooks -> rcirc-sentinel-functions
+*** rcirc-receive-message-hooks -> rcirc-receive-message-functions
+*** rcirc-activity-hooks -> rcirc-activity-functions
+*** rcirc-print-hooks -> rcirc-print-functions
+*** dbus-event-error-hooks -> dbus-event-error-functions
+*** eieio-pre-method-execution-hooks -> eieio-pre-method-execution-functions
+*** checkdoc-style-hooks -> checkdoc-style-functions
+*** checkdoc-comment-style-hooks -> checkdoc-comment-style-functions
+*** archive-extract-hooks -> archive-extract-hook
+*** filesets-cache-fill-content-hooks -> filesets-cache-fill-content-hook
+*** hfy-post-html-hooks -> hfy-post-html-hook
+*** nndiary-request-create-group-hooks -> nndiary-request-create-group-functions
+*** nndiary-request-update-info-hooks -> nndiary-request-update-info-functions
+*** nndiary-request-accept-article-hooks -> nndiary-request-accept-article-functions
+*** gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-hooks -> gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-functions
+** Obsolete packages
+*** assoc.el
+In most cases, assoc+member+push+delq work just as well.
+And in any case it's just a terrible package: ugly semantics, terrible
+inefficiency, and not namespace-clean.
+*** bruce.el
+*** cust-print.el
+*** ledit.el
+*** mailpost.el
+*** mouse-sel.el
+*** patcomp.el
+* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.3
+** Docstrings starting with `*' no longer indicate user options.
+Only variables defined using `defcustom' are considered user options.
+The function `user-variable-p' is now an obsolete alias for
+** The return values of `defalias', `defun' and `defmacro' have changed,
+and are now undefined. For backwards compatibility, `defun' and
+`defmacro' currently return the name of the newly defined
+function/macro, but this should not be relied upon.
+** `random' by default now returns a different random sequence in
+every Emacs run. Use `(random S)', where S is a string, to set the
+random seed to a value based on S, in order to get a repeatable
+sequence in later calls.
+** If the NEWTEXT arg to `replace-match' contains a substring "\?",
+that substring is inserted literally even if the LITERAL arg is
+non-nil, instead of causing an error to be signaled.
+** `select-window' now always makes the window's buffer current.
+It does so even if the window was selected before.
+** The function `x-select-font' can return a font spec, instead of a
+font name as a string. Whether it returns a font spec or a font name
+depends on the graphical library.
+** `face-spec-set' no longer sets frame-specific attributes when the
+third argument is a frame (that usage was obsolete since Emacs 22.2).
+** `set-buffer-multibyte' now signals an error in narrowed buffers.
+** The CL package's `get-setf-method' function no longer exists.
+Generalized variables are now part of core Emacs Lisp, and implemented
+differently to the way cl.el used to do it. It is not possible to
+define a compatible replacement for `get-setf-method'. See the file
+gv.el for internal details of the new implementation.
+** The arguments of `dbus-register-signal' are no longer just strings,
+but keywords or keyword-string pairs. The old argument list will
+still be supported for Emacs 24.x.
+** Miscellaneous name changes
+Some Lisp symbols have been renamed to correct their spelling,
+or to be more consistent with standard Emacs terminology.
+*** Renamed functions
+**** hangul-input-method-inactivate -> hangul-input-method-deactivate
+**** inactivate-input-method -> deactivate-input-method
+**** quail-inactivate -> quail-deactivate
+**** robin-inactivate -> robin-deactivate
+**** viper-inactivate-input-method -> viper-deactivate-input-method
+**** viper-inactivate-input-method-action ->
+ viper-deactivate-input-method-action
+**** ucs-input-inactivate -> ucs-input-deactivate
+*** Renamed hooks
+The old hooks are still supported for backward compatibility, but they
+are deprecated and will be removed eventually.
+**** input-method-inactivate-hook -> input-method-deactivate-hook
+**** robin-inactivate-hook -> robin-deactivate-hook
+**** quail-inactivate-hook -> quail-deactivate-hook
+*** Renamed variables
+**** follow-deactive-menu -> follow-inactive-menu
+**** inactivate-current-input-method-function ->
+ deactivate-current-input-method-function
+** Some obsolete functions, variables, and faces have been removed:
+*** `last-input-char', `last-command-char', `unread-command-char'
+*** `facemenu-unlisted-faces'
+*** `rmail-decode-mime-charset'
+*** `iswitchb-read-buffer'
+*** `sc-version', `sc-submit-bug-report'
+*** `set-char-table-default'
+*** `string-to-sequence' (use `string-to-list' or `string-to-vector')
+*** `compile-internal'
+*** `modeline'
+*** `mode-line-inverse-video'
+*** `follow-mode-off-hook'
+*** `cvs-commit-buffer-require-final-newline'
+(use `log-edit-require-final-newline' instead)
+*** `cvs-changelog-full-paragraphs'
+(use `log-edit-changelog-full-paragraphs' instead)
+*** `cvs-diff-ignore-marks', `cvs-diff-buffer-name'
+*** `vc-ignore-vc-files' (use `vc-handled-backends' instead)
+*** `vc-master-templates' (use `vc-handled-backends' instead)
+*** `vc-checkout-carefully'
+* Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.3
+** CL-style generalized variables are now in core Elisp.
+`setf' is autoloaded; `push' and `pop' accept generalized variables.
+You can define your own generalized variables using `gv-define-simple-setter',
+`gv-define-setter', etc.
+** Emacs tries to macroexpand interpreted (non-compiled) files during load.
+This can significantly speed up execution of non-byte-compiled code,
+but can also bump into previously unnoticed cyclic dependencies.
+These are generally harmless: they will simply cause the macro calls
+to be left for later expansion (as before), but will result in a
+warning ("Eager macro-expansion skipped due to cycle") describing the cycle.
+You may wish to restructure your code so this does not happen.
+** New sampling-based Elisp profiler.
+Try M-x profiler-start, do some work, and then call M-x profiler-report.
+When finished, use M-x profiler-stop. The sampling rate can be based on
+CPU time or memory allocations.
+** `defun' also accepts a (declare DECLS) form, like `defmacro'.
+The interpretation of the DECLS is determined by `defun-declarations-alist'.
+** New macros `setq-local' and `defvar-local'.
+** Face underlining can now use a wave.
+** `read-regexp' has a new argument HISTORY; the first argument PROMPT
+of `read-regexp' accepts a string ending with a colon and space, and its
+second argument DEFAULTS can be a list of strings accessible via `M-n'
+in the minibuffer ahead of other hard-coded useful regexp-related values.
+More commands use `read-regexp' now to read their regexp arguments.
+** Completion
+*** New function `completion-table-with-quoting' to handle completion
+in the presence of quoting, such as file completion in shell buffers.
+*** New function `completion-table-subvert' to use an existing completion
+table, but with a different prefix.
+** Debugger
+*** New error type and new function `user-error'.
+These do not trigger the debugger.
+*** New option `debugger-bury-or-kill', saying what to do with the
+debugger buffer when exiting debug.
+*** Set `debug-on-message' to enter the debugger when a certain
+message is displayed in the echo area. This can be useful when trying
+to work out which code is doing something.
+*** New var `inhibit-debugger', automatically set to prevent accidental
+recursive invocations.
+** Window handling
+*** New command `fit-frame-to-buffer' adjusts the frame height to
+fit the contents.
+*** The command `fit-window-to-buffer' can adjust the frame height
+if the new option `fit-frame-to-buffer' is non-nil.
+*** New macro `with-temp-buffer-window', similar to
+*** `temp-buffer-resize-mode' no longer resizes windows that have been
+*** New option `switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point' to restore a
+window's point when switching buffers.
+*** New display action alist entries `window-height' and `window-width'
+specify the size of new windows created by `display-buffer'.
+*** New display action alist entry `pop-up-frame-parameters', if
+non-nil, specifies frame parameters to give any newly-created frame.
+*** New display action alist entry `inhibit-switch-frame', if non-nil,
+tells display action functions to avoid changing which frame is
+*** New display action alist entry `previous-window', if non-nil,
+specifies window to reuse in `display-buffer-in-previous-window'.
+*** New display action functions `display-buffer-below-selected',
+and `display-buffer-in-previous-window'.
+*** The functions `get-lru-window', `get-mru-window' and `get-largest-window'
+now accept a third argument to avoid choosing the selected window.
+*** Additional values recognized for option `window-combination-limit'.
+*** The following variables are obsolete, as they can be replaced by
+appropriate entries in the `display-buffer-alist' function introduced
+in Emacs 24.1:
+**** `dired-shrink-to-fit'
+**** `display-buffer-reuse-frames'
+**** `display-buffer-function'
+**** `special-display-buffer-names'
+**** `special-display-frame-alist'
+**** `special-display-function'
+**** `special-display-regexps'
+** Time
+*** `current-time-string' no longer requires that its argument's year
+must be in the range 1000..9999. It now works with any year supported
+by the underlying C implementation.
+*** `current-time' now returns extended-format time stamps
+(HIGH LOW USEC PSEC), where the new PSEC slot specifies picoseconds.
+PSEC is typically a multiple of 1000 on current machines. Other
+functions that use this format, such as `file-attributes' and
+`format-time-string', have been changed accordingly. Old-format time
+stamps are still accepted.
+*** The format of timers in `timer-list' and `timer-idle-list' is now
+The PSECS slot is new, and uses picosecond resolution. It can be
+accessed via the new `timer--psecs' accessor.
+*** Last-modified time stamps in undo lists now are of the form
+*** Improved security when handling persistent objects:
+**** `eieio-persistent-read' now features optional arguments for specifying
+the class to load, as well as a flag stating whether subclasses are allowed;
+if provided, other classes will be rejected by the reader. For
+compatibility with existing code, if the class is omitted only a
+warning is issued.
+**** New specialized reader for pulling in classes and signaling errors
+without evaluation of suspicious code.
+**** All slots that contain objects must have a :type. Slots with lists
+of objects must use a new type predicate for a list of an object type.
+*** Support for `find-function' and similar utilities, through the addition
+of filename support to generated symbols.
+** Floating point functions now always return special values like NaN,
+instead of signaling errors, if given invalid args; e.g., (log -1.0).
+Previously, they returned NaNs on some platforms but signaled errors
+on others. The affected functions are acos, asin, tan, exp, expt,
+log, log10, sqrt, and mod.
+** New fringe bitmap `exclamation-mark'.
+** Miscellaneous changes to special forms and macros
+*** `defun' and `defmacro' are now macros rather than special forms.
+*** `kbd' is now a function rather than a macro.
+** Miscellaneous new functions
+*** `set-temporary-overlay-map' sets up a temporary keymap that
+takes precedence over most other maps for a short while (normally one key).
+*** `autoloadp' tests if its argument is an autoloaded object.
+*** `autoload-do-load' performs the autoloading operation.
+*** `buffer-narrowed-p' tests if the buffer is narrowed.
+*** `file-name-base' returns a file name sans directory and extension.
+*** `function-get' fetches a function property, following aliases.
+*** `posnp' tests if an object is a `posn'.
+*** `system-users' returns the user names on the system.
+*** `system-groups' returns the group names on the system.
+*** `tty-top-frame' returns the topmost frame of a text terminal.
+** The following functions and variables are obsolete:
+*** `automount-dir-prefix' (use `directory-abbrev-alist')
+*** `buffer-has-markers-at'
+*** `macro-declaration-function' (use `macro-declarations-alist')
+*** `window-system-version' (provides no useful information)
+*** `dired-pop-to-buffer' (use `dired-mark-pop-up')
+*** `query-replace-interactive'
+*** `font-list-limit' (has had no effect since Emacs < 23)
+* Changes in Emacs 24.3 on Non-Free Operating Systems
+** Cygwin builds can use the native MS Windows user interface.
+Pass `--with-w32' to configure. The default remains the X11 interface.
+** Two new functions are available in Cygwin builds:
+`cygwin-convert-file-name-from-windows' and
+`cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows'. These functions allow Lisp
+code to access the Cygwin file-name mapping machinery to convert
+between Cygwin and Windows-native file and directory names.
+** When invoked with the -nw switch to run on the Windows text-mode terminal,
+Emacs now supports `mouse-highlight', help-echo (in the echo area), and
+** On MS Windows Vista and later Emacs now supports symbolic links.
+** On MS Windows, you can pass `--without-libxml2' to configure.bat to omit
+support for libxml2, even if its presence is detected.
+** On Mac OS X, the Nextstep port requires OS X 10.4 or later.
+** On Mac OS X, configure no longer automatically adds the Fink "/sw"
+directories to the search path. You must add them yourself if you want them.
+* Changes in Emacs 24.2
+** This is mainly a bug-fix release.
+* Installation Changes in Emacs 24.1
+** Emacs can be compiled with Gtk+ 3.0 if you pass --with-x-toolkit=gtk3
+to configure. Note that other libraries used by Emacs, RSVG and GConf,
+also depend on Gtk+. You can disable them with --without-rsvg and
+** Emacs can be compiled with GnuTLS support.
+This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
+found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
+`--without-gnutls'. See below for GnuTLS features.
+** Emacs can be compiled with SELinux support.
+This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
+found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
+`--without-selinux'. See below for SELinux features.
+** Emacs can be compiled with ImageMagick support.
+This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
+found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
+`--without-imagemagick'. See below for ImageMagick features.
+This feature is not available for the Nextstep or MS ports.
+** Emacs can be compiled with libxml2 support.
+This happens by default if a suitably recent version of the library is
+found at build time. To prevent this, use the configure option
+`--without-xml2'. See below for libxml2 features.
+** By default, the installed Info and man pages are compressed.
+You can disable this by configuring --without-compress-info.
+** New configure option --with-wide-int.
+With it, Emacs integers typically have 62 bits, even on 32-bit machines.
+On 32-bit hosts, this raises the limit on buffer sizes from about 512 MiB
+to about 2 GiB.
+** New configure options: --with-mmdf, --with-mail-unlink, --with-mailhost.
+These provide no new functionality, they just remove the need to edit
+lib-src/Makefile by hand in order to use the associated features.
+** New configure option --enable-use-lisp-union-type.
+This is only useful for Emacs developers to debug certain types of bugs.
+This is not a new feature; only the configure flag is new.
+** The standalone programs digest-doc and sorted-doc are removed.
+Emacs now uses Lisp commands `doc-file-to-man' and `doc-file-to-info'.
+** The standalone program `fakemail' is removed.
+If you need it, feedmail.el provides a superset of the functionality.
+* Startup Changes in Emacs 24.1
+** The --unibyte, --multibyte, --no-multibyte, and --no-unibyte
+command line arguments, and the EMACS_UNIBYTE environment variable, no
+longer have any effect. (They were declared obsolete in Emacs 23.)
+** New command line option `--no-site-lisp' removes site-lisp directories
+from load-path. -Q now implies this. This option does not affect the
+EMACSLOADPATH environment variable (and hence has no effect for
+Nextstep builds).
+* Changes in Emacs 24.1
+** Completion
+*** Many packages now use the `completion-at-point' command,
+rather than implementing separate completion commands.
+*** `completion-at-point' now handles tags and semantic completion.
+*** Completion in a non-minibuffer now tries to detect the end of completion
+and pops down the *Completions* buffer accordingly.
+*** New option `completion-cycle-threshold' allows completion cycling.
+*** New option `completion-category-overrides' for overriding the
+default completion style in certain circumstances.
+*** New completion style `substring'.
+*** Completion of buffer names uses `substring' completion by default.
+*** The option `widget-complete-field' has been removed.
+** Mail changes
+*** The first time you try sending mail, Emacs asks for a mail method.
+This is implemented by a new default for `send-mail-function', which
+is `sendmail-query-once'. This offers to use the smtpmail package, or
+to use the old defaults relying on external mail facilities
+(`sendmail-send-it' on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like systems, and
+`mailclient-send-it' on Windows).
+*** Typing `C-c m' in the buffer made by `M-x report-emacs-bug'
+transfers the report to your desktop's preferred mail client, if there
+is one. This uses either the "xdg-email" utility, or Mac OS's "open"
+*** See Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages for SMTPmail changes
+and Mail mode changes
+** Emacs server and client changes
+*** New option `server-port' specifies the port for TCP Emacs servers.
+*** New emacsclient argument -q/--quiet suppresses some status messages.
+*** New emacsclient argument --frame-parameters specifies the frame
+parameters of any newly-created graphical frame.
+*** If emacsclient shuts down due to Emacs signaling an error,
+its exit status is 1.
+*** New emacsclient argument --parent-id ID.
+This opens a client frame in parent X window ID, via XEmbed, similar
+to the --parent-id argument to Emacs.
+** Internationalization changes
+*** Emacs now supports display and editing of bidirectional text.
+Right-to-left (RTL) scripts, such as Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew, are
+displayed in the correct visual order as expected by users of those
+scripts. The display reordering is a "full bidirectionality" class
+implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UBA). Buffers
+with no RTL text should look exactly the same as before.
+**** New buffer-local variable `bidi-display-reordering'.
+To disable display reordering in a buffer, change this to nil.
+**** New buffer-local variable `bidi-paragraph-direction'.
+If nil (the default), Emacs determines the base direction of each
+paragraph from its text, as specified by the UBA. Setting the value
+to `right-to-left' or `left-to-right' forces a base direction on each
+Paragraphs with right-to-left base direction are displayed starting at
+the right window edge.
+*** Enhanced support for characters with no glyphs in available fonts,
+or, on text terminals, characters that cannot be encoded by the
+terminal coding system. The new option `glyphless-char-display-control'
+specifies how to display them: as a hexadecimal code in a box, a thin
+1-pixel space, an empty box, etc.
+*** New input methods for Farsi and Bulgarian
+(farsi-isiri-9147, farsi-transliterate-banan, bulgarian-alt-phonetic).
+*** `nobreak-char-display' now also highlights Unicode hyphen chars
+(U+2010 and U+2011).
+*** New Hebrew translation of the Emacs Tutorial.
+Type `C-u C-h t' to choose it in case your language setup doesn't
+automatically select it.
+** An Emacs Lisp package manager is now included.
+This is a convenient way to download and install additional packages,
+from a package repository at
+*** M-x list-packages shows a list of packages, which can be
+selected for installation.
+*** New command `describe-package', bound to `C-h P'.
+*** By default, all installed packages are loaded automatically when
+Emacs starts up. To disable this, set `package-enable-at-startup' to
+nil. To specify the packages to load, customize `package-load-list'.
+** Custom theme changes
+*** New command `M-x customize-themes', which provides a convenient
+interface for enabling and disabling Custom themes.
+*** New option `custom-theme-load-path' is the load path for themes.
+Emacs no longer looks for Custom themes in `load-path'. The default
+value of `custom-theme-load-path' says to look for themes in
+`custom-theme-directory', followed by a subdirectory of
+`data-directory' named "themes/", which contains a small selection of
+built-in Custom themes.
+*** New option `custom-safe-themes' records known-safe theme files.
+If a theme is not in this list, Emacs queries before loading it, and
+offers to save the theme to `custom-safe-themes' automatically. By
+default, all themes included in Emacs are treated as safe.
+** Improved GTK integration
+*** GTK scroll-bars are now placed on the right by default.
+The function `set-scroll-bar-mode' can change this.
+*** GTK tool bars can have just text, just images or images and text.
+Customize `tool-bar-style' to choose the style. On a Gnome desktop,
+the default is taken from desktop settings.
+*** GTK tool bars can be placed on any edge of the frame.
+The frame-parameter tool-bar-position controls this. It takes the
+values top, left, right or bottom. The Options => Show/Hide menu has
+entries for this.
+*** The default colors for selected text (the `region' face) are taken
+from the GTK theme when Emacs is built with GTK.
+*** Emacs uses GTK tooltips by default if built with GTK.
+You can disable this by changing `x-gtk-use-system-tooltips' to nil.
+** Graphical interface changes
+*** On graphical displays, the mode-line no longer ends in dashes.
+Also, the first dash (which does not indicate anything) is just
+displayed as a space.
+*** `menu-bar-select-buffer-function' lets you choose another operation
+instead of `switch-to-buffer' when selecting an item in the Buffers menu.
+*** Lucid menus and dialogs can display antialiased fonts if Emacs is
+built with Xft. These fonts can be set via X resources, for example:
+Emacs.pane.menubar.font: Courier-12
+** Exiting changes
+*** Emacs now calls `kill-emacs' if it receives SIGTERM or SIGHUP,
+or if it receives a SIGINT signal in batch mode.
+*** `kill-emacs-hook' is now also run in batch mode.
+Third-party code which adds to `kill-emacs-hook' should check if they
+do the right thing in batch mode.
+** Scrolling changes
+*** New scrolling commands `scroll-up-command' and `scroll-down-command'
+(bound to C-v/[next] and M-v/[prior]) do not signal errors at top/bottom
+of buffer at first key-press (instead they move to top/bottom of buffer)
+when `scroll-error-top-bottom' is non-nil.
+*** New option `scroll-error-top-bottom' (see above).
+*** New scrolling commands `scroll-up-line' and `scroll-down-line'
+scroll a line instead of full screen.
+*** New property `scroll-command' should be set on a command's symbol to
+define it as a scroll command affected by `scroll-preserve-screen-position'.
+*** If you customize `scroll-conservatively' to a value greater than 100,
+Emacs will never recenter point in the window when it scrolls due to
+cursor motion commands or commands that move point (e.f., `M-g M-g').
+Previously, you needed to use `most-positive-fixnum' as the value of
+`scroll-conservatively' to achieve the same effect.
+*** "Aggressive" scrolling now honors the scroll margins.
+If you customize `scroll-up-aggressively' or
+`scroll-down-aggressively' and move point off the window, Emacs now
+scrolls the window so as to avoid positioning point inside the scroll
+** Basic SELinux support has been added.
+This requires Emacs to be linked with libselinux at build time.
+*** Emacs preserves the SELinux file context when backing up.
+Also, the function `copy-file' has an extra optional argument for
+preserving SELinux context, and the return value of `backup-buffer'
+now includes the SELinux context.
+*** New functions `file-selinux-context' and `set-file-selinux-context'
+get and set the SELinux context of a file.
+** Trash changes
+*** `delete-by-moving-to-trash' now only affects commands that specify
+trashing. This avoids inadvertently trashing temporary files.
+*** Calling `delete-file' or `delete-directory' with a prefix argument
+now forces true deletion, regardless of `delete-by-moving-to-trash'.
+** File- and directory-local variable changes
+*** You can stop directory local vars from applying to subdirectories.
+Add an element (subdirs . nil) to the alist portion of any variables
+settings to indicate that the section should not apply to
+*** Directory local variables can apply to some file-less buffers.
+Affected modes include dired, vc-dir, and log-edit. For example,
+adding "(diff-mode . ((mode . whitespace)))" to .dir-locals.el will
+turn on `whitespace-mode' for *vc-diff* buffers. Modes should call
+`hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer' to support this.
+*** Using "mode: MINOR-MODE" to enable a minor mode is deprecated.
+Instead, use "eval: (minor-mode 1)".
+*** The variable `inhibit-first-line-modes-regexps' has been renamed
+to `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'. As the name suggests, it now
+applies to ALL file local variables, not just -*- lines. The
+associated `inhibit-first-line-modes-suffixes' has been renamed in the
+corresponding way.
+** Window changes
+*** The `quit-window' command now restores the last buffer displayed
+in the quitted window.
+*** Resizing an Emacs frame now preserves proportional window sizes,
+modulo restrictions like window minimum sizes and fixed-size windows.
+*** The behavior of `display-buffer' is now customizable in detail.
+**** New option `display-buffer-base-action' specifies a list of
+user-determined display "actions" (functions and optional arguments
+for choosing the displaying window).
+This takes precedence over the default display action, which is
+specified by `display-buffer-fallback-action'.
+**** New option `display-buffer-alist' maps buffer name regexps to
+display actions, taking precedence over `display-buffer-base-action'.
+*** New option `window-combination-limit'.
+The new option `window-combination-limit' allows to return the space
+obtained for resizing or creating a window more reliably to the window
+from which such space was obtained.
+*** New option `window-combination-resize'.
+The new option `window-combination-resize' allows to split a window that
+otherwise cannot be split because it's too small by stealing space from
+other windows in the same combination. Subsequent resizing or deletion
+of the window will resize all windows in the same combination as well.
+*** New option `frame-auto-hide-function' lets you choose between
+iconifying or deleting a frame when burying a buffer in a dedicated
+frame, or quitting a window showing a buffer in a frame of its own.
+*** New commands `maximize-window' and `minimize-window'.
+These maximize and minimize the size of a window within its frame.
+*** New commands `switch-to-prev-buffer' and `switch-to-next-buffer'.
+These functions allow to navigate through the live buffers that have
+been shown in a specific window.
+** Minibuffer changes
+*** The inactive minibuffer has its own major mode `minibuffer-inactive-mode'.
+This is handy for minibuffer-only frames, and is also used for the feature
+where mouse-1 pops up *Messages*"', which can now easily be changed.
+*** Minibuffers set `truncate-lines' to nil.
+If you want to change the value to something else, you could use
+for example `minibuffer-setup-hook'.
+** `auto-mode-case-fold' is now enabled by default.
+** `backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' now defaults to t.
+** New basic faces `error', `warning', `success'.
+These are used to highlight text indicating failure, caution or
+successful operation.
+** New option `list-colors-sort' defines the color sort order
+for `list-colors-display'.
+** The variable `focus-follows-mouse' now always defaults to nil.
+* Editing Changes in Emacs 24.1
+** Search changes
+*** C-y in Isearch is now bound to `isearch-yank-kill', instead of
+*** M-y in Isearch is now bound to `isearch-yank-pop', instead of
+*** M-s C-e in Isearch is now bound to `isearch-yank-line'.
+** New commands `count-words-region' and `count-words'.
+*** M-= is bound to `count-words-region', not `count-lines-region'.
+The `count-words-region' command, when called interactively, reports
+the number of lines, words, and characters in the region. It is a
+superset of the old `count-lines-region', which is now an obsolete
+alias for it.
+** The command `just-one-space' (M-SPC), if given a negative argument,
+also deletes newlines around point.
+** Deletion changes
+*** New option `delete-active-region'.
+If non-nil, [delete] and DEL delete the region if it is active and no
+prefix argument is given. If set to `kill', those commands kill
+*** New command `delete-forward-char', bound to [delete].
+This is meant for interactive use, and obeys `delete-active-region'.
+The command `delete-char' does not obey `delete-active-region'.
+*** `delete-backward-char' is now a Lisp function.
+Apart from obeying `delete-active-region', its behavior is unchanged.
+However, the byte compiler now warns if it is called from Lisp; Lisp
+callers should use delete-char with a negative argument instead.
+*** The option `mouse-region-delete-keys' has been deleted.
+** Selection changes.
+The default handling of clipboard and primary selections has been
+changed to conform with modern X applications. In short, most
+commands for killing and yanking text now use the clipboard, while
+mouse commands use the primary selection.
+In the following, we provide a list of these changes, followed by a
+list of steps to get the old behavior back if you prefer that.
+*** `select-active-regions' now defaults to t.
+Merely selecting text (e.g. with drag-mouse-1) no longer puts it in
+the kill ring. The selected text is put in the primary selection, if
+the system possesses a separate primary selection facility (e.g. X).
+**** `select-active-regions' also accepts a new value, `only'.
+This means to only set the primary selection for temporarily active
+regions (usually made by mouse-dragging or shift-selection);
+"ordinary" active regions, such as those made with C-SPC followed by
+point motion, do not alter the primary selection.
+**** `mouse-drag-copy-region' now defaults to nil.
+*** mouse-2 is now bound to `mouse-yank-primary'.
+This pastes from the primary selection, ignoring the kill-ring.
+Previously, mouse-2 was bound to `mouse-yank-at-click'.
+*** `x-select-enable-clipboard' now defaults to t on all platforms.
+*** `x-select-enable-primary' now defaults to nil.
+Thus, commands that kill text or copy it to the kill-ring (such as
+M-w, C-w, and C-k) also use the clipboard---not the primary selection.
+**** The "Copy", "Cut", and "Paste" items in the "Edit" menu are now
+exactly equivalent to M-w, C-w, and C-y respectively.
+**** Note that on MS-Windows, `x-select-enable-clipboard' was already
+non-nil by default, as Windows does not support the primary selection
+between applications.
+*** To return to the previous behavior, do the following:
+**** Change `select-active-regions' to nil.
+**** Change `mouse-drag-copy-region' to t.
+**** Change `x-select-enable-primary' to t (on X only).
+**** Change `x-select-enable-clipboard' to nil.
+**** Bind `mouse-yank-at-click' to mouse-2.
+*** Support for X cut buffers has been removed.
+*** X clipboard managers are now supported.
+To inhibit this, change `x-select-enable-clipboard-manager' to nil.
+** New command `C-x r N' (`rectangle-number-lines') numbers the lines
+in the current rectangle. With a prefix argument, this prompts for a
+number to count from and for a format string.
+** `redisplay-dont-pause' now defaults to t.
+This makes Emacs feel more responsive to editing commands that arrive
+at high rate, e.g. if you lean on some key, because stopping redisplay
+in the middle (when this variable is nil) forces more expensive
+updates later on, and Emacs appears to be unable to keep up.
+** The behavior of <TAB> for active regions in Text mode has changed.
+In Text and related modes, typing <TAB> (`indent-for-tab-command')
+when the region is active causes Emacs to indent all the lines in the
+region, aligning them with the line previous to the first line in the
+region (or with the left margin if there is no previous line).
+** When `occur' is called with a prefix argument, matching strings are
+collected into the `*Occur*' buffer without line numbers. If there
+are parenthesized subexpressions in the specified regexp, `occur'
+reads replacement text that may contain \\& and \\N whose convention
+follows `replace-match'.
+* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.1
+** Archive Mode has basic support for browsing and updating 7z archives.
+** BibTeX mode
+*** BibTeX mode now supports biblatex.
+Use the variable `bibtex-dialect' to select different BibTeX dialects.
+`bibtex-entry-field-alist' is now an obsolete alias for
+*** New command `bibtex-search-entries', bound to C-c C-a.
+*** New `bibtex-entry-format' option `sort-fields', disabled by default.
+*** New variable `bibtex-search-entry-globally'.
+** Browse-url
+*** New option `browse-url-mailto-function' specifies how to handle "mailto:"s.
+*** The default browser used by the package is now the "xdg-open" program,
+on platforms that support it. This calls your desktop's preferred browser.
+** Calc
+*** Support for musical notes.
+*** Support for logarithmic units.
+*** No longer uses the tex prefix for TeX specific unit names when
+using TeX or LaTeX mode.
+*** New option to highlight selections using faces.
+*** `calc-histogram' has the option of using a vector to determine the bins.
+*** New "O" option prefix.
+*** Use the "O" prefix to "d r" (`calc-radix') to turn on twos-complement mode.
+** Calendar, Diary, and Appt
+*** Diary entries can contain non-printing "comments".
+See the variable `diary-comment-start'.
+*** Appointments can specify their individual warning times.
+See the variable `appt-warning-time-regexp'.
+*** The function specified by `appt-disp-window-function' may be passed
+lists of arguments if multiple appointments are due at similar times.
+If you are using a custom function for this, you should update it.
+*** New function `diary-hebrew-birthday'.
+*** Elements of `calendar-day-abbrev-array' and `calendar-month-abbrev-array'
+may no longer be nil, but must all be strings.
+*** The obsolete (since Emacs 22.1) method of enabling the appt
+package by adding `appt-make-list' to `diary-hook' has been removed.
+Use `appt-activate' instead.
+*** Some appt variables (obsolete since Emacs 22.1) have been removed:
+appt-issue-message (use the function appt-activate)
+appt-visible/appt-msg-window (use the variable appt-display-format)
+*** Some diary function aliases (obsolete since Emacs 22.1) have been removed:
+view-diary-entries, list-diary-entries, show-all-diary-entries
+** CC Mode
+*** New feature to "guess" the style in an existing buffer.
+The main entry point is M-x c-guess.
+*** Java Mode now supports Java 5.0 (Tiger) and 6 (Mustang).
+*** `c-beginning-of-defun' and `c-end-of-defun' now respect nested scopes.
+Thus C-M-a will, by default, go to the beginning of the immediate function,
+not the top level.
+*** "Macros with semicolons" can be registered for correct indentation.
+Where such a macro ends a line (no semicolon) the next statement is no longer
+parsed as a statement continuation.
+** Comint and modes derived from it use the standard completion code.
+** Compilation mode
+*** Compilation mode can be used without Font Lock mode.
+`compilation-parse-errors-function' is now obsolete.
+*** New variable `compilation-filter-start', which is bound while
+`compilation-filter-hook' runs. It records the start position of the
+text inserted by `compilation-filter'.
+*** `compilation-error-screen-columns' and `compilation-first-column'
+are obeyed in the editing buffer. So programming language modes can
+set them, whereas previously only the value in the *Compilation*
+buffer was used.
+** Customize
+*** Customize buffers now contain a search field.
+The search is performed using `customize-apropos'.
+To turn off the search field, set `custom-search-field' to nil.
+*** Options in customize group buffers start out hidden if not customized.
+Use the arrow to the left of the option name to toggle visibility.
+*** custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically now defaults to t.
+*** The color widget now has a "Choose" button, which allows you to
+choose a color via `list-colors-display'.
+** D-Bus
+*** It is now possible to access buses other than the default system
+or session bus.
+*** The `dbus-register-method' and `dbus-register-property' functions
+optionally do not register names.
+*** The new function `dbus-register-service' registers a known service
+name on a D-Bus without also registering a property or a method.
+** Dired-x
+*** C-x C-j (`dired-jump') and C-x 4 C-j (`dired-jump-other-window'),
+if called with a prefix argument, read a file name from the minibuffer
+instead of using the current buffer.
+*** The "dired local variables" feature of Dired-x is obsolete.
+The standard directory local variables feature replaces it.
+** ERC changes
+*** New options `erc-autojoin-timing' and `erc-autojoin-delay',
+controlling attempts to autojoin a channel.
+*** New variable `erc-coding-system-precedence': If we use `undecided'
+as the server coding system, this variable will then be consulted.
+The default is to decode strings that can be decoded as utf-8 as
+utf-8, and do the normal `undecided' decoding for the rest.
+** Eshell changes
+*** The default value of `eshell-directory-name' has changed
+to be an "eshell" directory in `user-emacs-directory'.
+The old "~/.eshell/" directory is still used if it exists, though.
+** gdb-mi
+*** The M-x gdb command now uses the GDB Machine Interface protocol.
+It now supports multithread non-stop debugging and simultaneous
+debugging of several threads.
+** Image mode
+*** RET (`image-toggle-animation') toggles animation, if applicable.
+Animation plays once, unless the option `image-animate-loop' is non-nil.
+** Info
+*** New command M-x info-display-manual displays a named Info manual.
+If that manual is already visited in some Info buffer, it displays
+that buffer. (This is handy if you have many manuals in many *info*
+buffers, and don't remember the name of the buffer visiting the manual
+you want to consult.) Otherwise, it loads and displays the manual.
+*** `e' is now bound to `end-of-buffer' rather than to `Info-edit'.
+This is for compatibility with the stand-alone Info reader program,
+and also because `Info-edit' is a rarely used command that is disabled
+by default.
+** Mail mode changes (not Message mode)
+*** New command M-x mail-add-attachment for adding MIME attachments
+*** The command M-x mail-attach-file was renamed to M-x mail-insert-file.
+(Its name is misleading, since it has nothing to do with MIME
+attachments.) The old name is now an obsolete alias to the new name.
+** MH-E has been updated to MH-E version 8.3.1.
+See MH-E-NEWS for details.
+** Modula-2 mode provides auto-indentation.
+** mpc.el: Can use pseudo tags of the form tag1|tag2 as a union of two tags.
+** nXML mode no longer binds C-RET to `nxml-complete'.
+Completion is now performed via `completion-at-point', bound to C-M-i
+or M-TAB. If `nxml-bind-meta-tab-to-complete-flag' is non-nil (the
+default), this performs tag completion.
+** Org mode has been updated to version 7.8.09.
+See ORG-NEWS for details.
+** Prolog mode has been completely revamped, with lots of additional
+functionality such as more intelligent indentation, electricity,
+support for more variants, including Mercury, and a lot more.
+** Rmail
+*** The command `rmail-epa-decrypt' decrypts OpenPGP data
+in the Rmail incoming message.
+*** The variable `rmail-message-filter' no longer has any effect.
+This change was made in Emacs 23.1 but was not advertised at the time.
+Try using `rmail-show-message-hook' instead.
+** Shell mode
+*** M-x shell prompts for the shell path name if the default directory
+is a remote file name and neither the environment variable $ESHELL nor
+the variable `explicit-shell-file-name' is set.
+*** TAB is now bound to the standard `completion-at-point' command,
+which now implements the pcomplete rules for shell command completion.
+** SMTPmail
+*** SMTPmail now uses encrypted connections (via STARTTLS) by default
+if the mail server supports them. This uses either built-in GnuTLS
+support, or the starttls.el library. Customize `smtpmail-stream-type'
+to change this.
+*** The variable `smtpmail-auth-credentials' has been removed.
+By default, the information is now stored in the file ~/.authinfo.
+This was the default value of smtpmail-auth-credentials. If you had
+customized smtpmail-auth-credentials to a list of user names and
+passwords, those settings are not used. During your first connection
+to the smtp server, Emacs will prompt for the user name and password,
+and offer to save them to ~/.authinfo. Or you can manually copy the
+credentials to ~/.authinfo. For example, if you had
+ (setq smtpmail-auth-credentials
+ '(("" 25 "jim" "s!cret")))
+then the equivalent line in ~/.authinfo would be
+ machine port 25 login jim password s!cret
+See the auth-source manual for more information, e.g. on encrypting
+the credentials file.
+*** The variable `smtpmail-starttls-credentials' has been removed.
+If you had that set, you need to put
+ machine port 25 key "~/.my_smtp_tls.key" cert "~/.my_smtp_tls.cert"
+in your ~/.authinfo file instead.
+*** SMTPmail defaults to using the address in the From: header as the
+SMTP MAIL FROM envelope. To override this, set `mail-envelope-from'
+to the address you wish to use instead.
+** SQL mode
+*** New options `sql-port', `sql-connection-alist', `sql-send-terminator',
+and `sql-oracle-scan-on'.
+*** New options controlling prompting for login parameters.
+Each supported product has a custom variable `sql-*-login-params',
+which is a list of the parameters to be prompted for before a
+connection is established.
+*** The command `sql-product-interactive' now takes a prefix argument,
+which causes it to prompt for an SQL product.
+*** Product-specific SQL interactive commands now take prefix arguments.
+These commands (`sql-sqlite', `sql-postgres', `sql-mysql', etc.),
+given a prefix argument, prompt for a name for the SQL interactive
+buffer. This reduces the need for calling `sql-rename-buffer'.
+*** SQL interactive modes suppress command continuation prompts, and
+replace tabs with spaces. The first change impacts multiple line SQL
+statements entered with C-j between each line, statements yanked into
+the buffer and statements sent with `sql-send-*' functions. The
+second prevents the MySQL and Postgres interpreters from listing
+object name completions when sent text via `sql-send-*' functions.
+*** New command `sql-connect' starts a predefined SQLi session,
+using the login parameters from `sql-connection-alist'.
+*** New "Save Connection" menu item in SQLi buffers.
+This gathers the login params specified for the SQLi session, if it
+was not started by a connection, and saves them as a new connection.
+*** New commands for listing database objects and details:
+sql-list-all and sql-list-table.
+*** An API for manipulating SQL product definitions has been added.
+** TeX modes
+*** latex-electric-env-pair-mode keeps \begin..\end matched on the fly.
+** Tramp
+*** New inline access method "ksu" (kerberized su).
+*** The following access methods are discontinued: "ssh1_old",
+"ssh2_old", "scp1_old", "scp2_old", "imap", "imaps" and "fish".
+*** The user option `remote-file-name-inhibit-cache' controls whether
+remote file attributes are cached for better performance.
+*** The option `ange-ftp-binary-file-name-regexp' has changed its
+default value to "".
+*** Handlers for `file-selinux-context' and `set-file-selinux-context'
+for remote machines which support SELinux.
+** New function `url-queue-retrieve', which behaves like url-retrieve,
+but with limits (`url-queue-parallel-processes', `url-queue-timeout') on
+the degree of parallelism.
+** VC and related modes
+*** Support for pulling on distributed version control systems.
+The command C-x v + (`vc-pull') runs a "pull" operation, if it is
+supported (currently with Bzr, Git, and Mercurial), to update the
+current branch and working tree. A prefix argument means to prompt
+the user for specifics, e.g. a pull location.
+*** `vc-update' is now an alias for `vc-pull'.
+*** Support for merging on distributed version control systems.
+The command C-x v m (`vc-merge') now runs a "merge" operation, if it
+is supported (currently with Bzr, Git, and Mercurial), to merge
+changes from another branch into the current one. It prompts for
+specifics, e.g. a merge source.
+*** New option `vc-revert-show-diff' controls whether `vc-revert'
+shows a diff while querying the user. It defaults to t.
+*** Log entries in some Log View buffers can be toggled to display a
+longer description by typing RET (log-view-toggle-entry-display).
+This is currently supported for Bzr, Git, and Mercurial (to support
+another backend, define a `log-view-expanded-log-entry-function').
+In the Log View buffers made by C-x v L (`vc-print-root-log'), you can
+use this to display the full log entry for the revision at point.
+*** New command `vc-ediff' allows visual comparison of two revisions
+of a file similar to `vc-diff', but using ediff backend.
+*** The option `vc-initial-comment' was removed in Emacs 23.2, but
+this was not advertised at the time.
+*** `vc-toggle-read-only' is an obsolete alias for `toggle-read-only'.
+Since Emacs 23, it has done the same thing as `toggle-read-only', but
+this was not advertised at the time.
+** Obsolete modes
+*** abbrevlist.el
+*** erc-hecomplete.el (use erc-pcomplete.el instead)
+*** partial-completion-mode (complete.el) is obsolete.
+You can get a comparable behavior with:
+(setq completion-styles '(partial-completion initials))
+(setq completion-pcm-complete-word-inserts-delimiters t)
+*** pc-mode.el is obsolete (CUA mode is much more comprehensive).
+*** pgg is obsolete (use EasyPG instead).
+*** sregex.el is obsolete, since rx.el is a strict superset.
+*** s-region.el and pc-select.el are obsolete.
+They are superseded by shift-select-mode, enabled by default since 23.1.
+*** vc-mcvs.el is obsolete (for lack of a maintainer).
+** Miscellaneous
+*** The Landmark game is now invoked with `landmark', not `lm'.
+Its functions and variables have been similarly renamed.
+*** In `ido-file-completion-map', C-v is no longer bound to `ido-toggle-vc'.
+(This interfered with cua-mode.)
+*** f90.el has some support for Fortran 2008 syntax.
+*** `copyright-fix-years' can optionally convert consecutive years to ranges.
+*** New command `nato-region' converts text to NATO phonetic alphabet.
+* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 24.1
+** Occur Edit mode applies edits made in *Occur* buffers to the
+original buffers. It is bound to "e" in Occur mode.
+** New global minor mode electric-pair-mode.
+When enabled, typing an open parenthesis automatically inserts the
+matching closing one.
+** New global minor mode electric-indent-mode.
+When enabled, typing certain characters triggers reindentation.
+Major modes wishing to use this can set electric-indent-chars or
+** New global minor mode electric-layout-mode.
+When enabled, typing certain characters automatically inserts newlines.
+Major modes wishing to use this can set electric-layout-rules.
+** tabulated-list.el provides a generic major mode for tabulated data,
+from which other modes can be derived.
+** pcase.el provides the ML-style pattern matching macro `pcase'.
+** secrets.el is an implementation of the Secret Service API, an
+interface to password managers like GNOME Keyring or KDE Wallet. The
+Secret Service API requires D-Bus for communication. The command
+`secrets-show-secrets' offers a buffer with a visualization of the
+** notifications.el provides an implementation of the Desktop
+Notifications API. It requires D-Bus for communication.
+** soap-client.el supports access to SOAP web services from Emacs.
+soap-inspect.el is an interactive inspector for SOAP WSDL structures.
+** New generic mode, xmodmap-generic-mode, for xmodmap files.
+** New emacs-lock.el package.
+The previous version has been moved to obsolete/old-emacs-lock.el.
+Now, there is a proper minor mode `emacs-lock-mode'. Protection
+against exiting Emacs and killing the buffer can be set separately.
+The mechanism for automatically turning off protection for buffers
+with dead inferior processes has been generalized.
+* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.1
+** Passing a nil argument to a minor mode function call now ENABLES
+the minor mode unconditionally. This is so that you can write e.g.
+ (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'foo-mode)
+to enable foo-mode in Text mode buffers, removing the need for
+`turn-on-foo-mode' style functions. This affects all mode commands
+defined by `define-minor-mode'. If called interactively, the mode
+command still toggles the minor mode.
+** The return value of `backup-buffer' has changed.
+It is now a list of three elements, where the second element is a list
+describing the original file's SELinux context. If Emacs or the
+system lacks SELinux support, the context list is (nil nil nil nil).
+See "Basic SELinux support" above, under "Changes in Emacs 24.1".
+** `char-direction-table' and the `char-direction' function were deleted.
+They were buggy and inferior to the new support of bidirectional
+editing introduced in Emacs 24. If you need the bidirectional
+properties of a character, use `get-char-code-property' with the last
+argument `bidi-class'.
+** `copy-directory' now copies the source directory as a subdirectory
+of the target directory, if the latter is an existing directory. The
+new optional arg COPY-CONTENTS, if non-nil, makes the function copy
+the contents directly into a pre-existing target directory.
+** For mouse click input events in the text area, the Y pixel
+coordinate in the POSITION list now counts from the top of the text
+area, excluding any header line. Previously, it counted from the top
+of the header line.
+** Support for "old-style" backquotes, obsolete for 10+ years, has
+been further reduced. Now a backquote not followed by a space is
+always treated as a "new-style" backquote. Please remove all
+"old-style" backquotes from your code. If your code uses backquotes
+as documented in the Elisp manual, and compiles without warning, then
+you have nothing to do in this regard. Code not following the
+appropriate conventions may fail to compile.
+The most common cause of trouble seems to be an old-style backquote
+followed by a newline. Another cause of trouble is vector notation
+for key sequence notation: instead of [(control ,)] and [(control ')],
+you should write [(control ?,)] and [(control ?')], which will work in
+older Emacsen too.
+** The macro `eval-at-startup' was removed in Emacs 23.2, but this
+was not advertised at the time. The function `custom-initialize-delay'
+replaced all known uses.
+** `view-buffer' now treats special mode-class in the same way that
+`view-file' has since Emacs 22 (i.e. it won't enable View mode if the
+major mode is special).
+** Menu and tool bar changes
+*** During startup, Emacs no longer adds entries for `menu-bar-lines'
+and `tool-bar-lines' to `default-frame-alist' and `initial-frame-alist'.
+With these alist entries omitted, `make-frame' checks the value of the
+variable `menu-bar-mode'/`tool-bar-mode' to determine whether to create
+a menu-bar or tool-bar, respectively. If the alist entries are added,
+they override the value of `menu-bar-mode'/`tool-bar-mode'.
+*** The menu bar bindings's caches are not used any more.
+Use (where-is-internal <def> nil t) instead.
+** Regions created by mouse dragging are now normal active regions,
+similar to those created by shift-selection (see Selection changes
+above). In previous Emacs versions, these regions were delineated by
+`mouse-drag-overlay'; that variable has been removed.
+** The fourth argument of `filter-buffer-substring' has been removed.
+If you want to remove text properties from the final result, simply
+pass the result through substring-no-properties.
+** cl.el no longer provides `cl-19'.
+** The following obsolete functions and aliases have been removed
+(the appropriate new function is given in parentheses; "not needed"
+means you can just remove all calls to the function in question):
+*** `comint-kill-output' (`comint-delete-output')
+*** `decompose-composite-char' (`char-to-string')
+*** `outline-visible' (`outline-invisible-p')
+*** `internal-find-face' (`facep')
+*** `internal-get-face' (`facep and check-face')
+*** `frame-update-faces' (not needed)
+*** `frame-update-face-colors' (`frame-set-background-mode')
+*** `x-frob-font-weight' and `x-frob-font-slant' (`make-face-*' functions)
+*** `x-make-font-bold' and `x-make-font-demibold' (`make-face-bold')
+*** `x-make-font-italic' and `x-make-font-oblique' (`make-face-italic')
+*** `x-make-font-bold-italic' (`make-face-bold-italic')
+*** `x-make-font-unbold' (`make-face-unbold')
+*** `x-make-font-unitalic' (`make-face-unitalic')
+*** `mldrag-drag-mode-line' (`mouse-drag-mode-line')
+*** `mldrag-drag-vertical-line' (`mouse-drag-vertical-line')
+*** `iswitchb-default-keybindings' (`iswitchb-mode')
+*** `char-bytes' (== 1)
+*** `isearch-return-char' (`isearch-printing-char')
+*** `make-local-hook' (not needed)
+*** `set-screen-height' (`set-frame-height')
+*** `set-screen-width' (`set-frame-width')
+** The following obsolete variables and varaliases have been removed
+(the appropriate new variable is given in parentheses):
+*** `checkdoc-minor-keymap' (`checkdoc-minor-mode-map')
+*** `vc-header-alist' (`vc-BACKEND-header')
+*** `directory-sep-char' (== ?/)
+*** `font-lock-defaults-alist' (`font-lock-defaults')
+*** `e' (`float-e').
+** The following obsolete files were removed:
+sc.el, x-menu.el, rnews.el, rnewspost.el
+** The format of the finder-inf.el file has changed, since the Finder
+mechanism is now based on the package system. The variable
+`finder-package-info' is replaced by `package--builtins' and
+** When generating autoloads, `update-directory-autoloads' no longer
+assumes every inspected file is in your `load-path'. It instead
+generates relative names according to the current `load-path'.
+* Lisp Changes in Emacs 24.1
+** Code can now use lexical scoping by default instead of dynamic scoping.
+The `lexical-binding' variable enables lexical scoping for local
+variables. It is typically set via a file-local variable in the first
+line of the file, in which case it applies to all the code in that
+*** `eval' takes a new optional argument `lexical' to choose the new lexical
+binding instead of the old dynamic binding mode.
+*** Lexically scoped interpreted functions are represented with a new form
+of function value which looks like (closure ENV ARGS &rest BODY).
+*** New macro `letrec' to define recursive local functions.
+*** `defvar' and `defconst' now mark the variable as special (dynamic).
+So do `defcustom' and other forms that call `defvar' as a subroutine.
+*** New function `special-variable-p' to check whether a variable is
+declared as dynamically bound.
+*** The form ((lambda ...) ...) is deprecated.
+** An Emacs Lisp testing tool is now included.
+Emacs Lisp developers can use this tool to write automated tests for
+their code. See the ERT info manual for details.
+** Changes for bidirectional display and editing
+*** New function `current-bidi-paragraph-direction'.
+This returns the base direction of the paragraph at point.
+*** New function `bidi-string-mark-left-to-right'.
+Given a string containing characters from right-to-left scripts, this
+function returns another string which can be safely inserted into a
+buffer, such that any following text will be always displayed to the
+right of that string. (This works by appending an invisible Unicode
+"LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK" character if the argument string might need it.)
+This is useful when the buffer has overall left-to-right paragraph
+direction and you need to insert a string whose contents are not known
+in advance, without disrupting the layout of the line.
+** Window changes
+*** Window tree functions are accessible in Elisp.
+Functions are provided to return the parent, siblings or child windows
+of any window including internal windows (windows not associated with a
+buffer) in the window tree.
+**** New function `window-valid-p' gives non-nil for live and internal
+**** Window manipulation can deal with internal windows.
+Many window handling functions like `split-window', `delete-window', or
+`delete-other-windows' as well as the window resizing functions can now
+act on any window including internal ones.
+*** window-total-height/-width vs window-body-height/-width.
+The function `window-height' has been renamed to `window-total-height'
+and `window-width' has been renamed to `window-body-width'. The old
+names are provided as aliases. Two new functions `window-total-width'
+and `window-body-height' are provided.
+*** Window parameters specific to window handling functions.
+For each window you can specify a parameter to override the default
+behavior of a number of functions like `split-window', `delete-window'
+and `delete-other-windows'. The variable `ignore-window-parameters'
+allows to ignore processing such parameters.
+*** New semantics of third argument of `split-window'.
+The third argument of `split-window' has been renamed to SIDE and can be
+set to any of the values 'below, 'right, 'above, or 'left to make the
+new window appear on the corresponding side of the window that shall be
+split. Any other value of SIDE will cause `split-window' to split the
+window into two side-by-side windows as before.
+*** Window resizing functions.
+A new standard function for resizing windows called `window-resize' has
+been introduced. This and all other functions for resizing windows no
+longer delete any windows when they become too small.
+*** Deleting the selected window now selects the most recently selected
+live window on that frame instead.
+*** `adjust-window-trailing-edge' adjustments.
+`adjust-window-trailing-edge' can now deal with fixed-size windows and
+is able to resize other windows if a window adjacent to the trailing
+edge cannot be shrunk any more. This makes its behavior more similar to
+that of Emacs 21 without compromising, however, its inability to delete
+windows which was introduced in Emacs 22.
+*** Window-local buffer lists.
+Windows now have local buffer lists. This means that removing a buffer
+from display in a window will preferably show the buffer previously
+shown in that window with its previous window-start and window-point
+positions. This also means that the same buffer may be automatically
+shown twice even if it already appears in another window.
+*** `switch-to-buffer' has a new optional argument FORCE-SAME-WINDOW,
+which if non-nil requires the buffer to be displayed in the currently
+selected window, signaling an error otherwise. If nil, another window
+can be used, e.g. if the selected one is strongly dedicated.
+*** `split-window-vertically' and `split-window-horizontally' renamed
+to `split-window-below' and `split-window-right' respectively.
+The old names are kept as aliases.
+*** Display actions
+**** The second arg to `display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer' is now
+named ACTION, and takes a display action of the same form as
+`display-buffer-base-action' (see Changes, above). A non-nil,
+non-list value is treated specially, as the old meaning.
+**** New variable `display-buffer-overriding-action'.
+**** The procedure of `display-buffer' etc. to choose a window is
+determined by combining `display-buffer-overriding-action',
+`display-buffer-alist', the ACTION arg, `display-buffer-base-action',
+and `display-buffer-fallback-action'. The second and fourth of these
+are user-customizable variables.
+See the docstring of `display-buffer' for details.
+*** New functions `window-state-get' and `window-state-put'.
+These functions allow to save and restore the state of an arbitrary
+frame or window as an Elisp object.
+** Completion
+*** New variable `completion-extra-properties' used to specify extra
+properties of the current completion:
+- :annotate-function, same as the old completion-annotate-function.
+- :exit-function, function to call after completion took place.
+*** Functions on `completion-at-point-functions' can return any of the
+properties valid for `completion-extra-properties'.
+*** `completion-annotate-function' is obsolete.
+*** New `metadata' method for completion tables. The metadata thus returned
+can specify various details of the data returned by `all-completions':
+- `category' is the kind of objects returned (e.g., `buffer', `file', ...),
+ used to select a style in completion-category-overrides.
+- `annotation-function' to add annotations in *Completions*.
+- `display-sort-function' to specify how to sort entries in *Completions*.
+- `cycle-sort-function' to specify how to sort entries when cycling.
+*** `minibuffer-local-filename-must-match-map' is not used any more.
+Instead, the bindings in `minibuffer-local-filename-completion-map'
+are combined with `minibuffer-local-must-match-map'.
+*** New variable `completing-read-function' allows overriding the
+behavior of `completing-read'.
+** `glyphless-char-display' can now distinguish between graphical and
+text terminal display, via a char-table entry that is a cons cell.
+** `pre-command-hook'/`post-command-hook' are not reset to nil on error.
+Instead, the offending function is removed.
+** New hook types
+*** New function `run-hook-wrapped' for running an abnormal hook by
+passing the hook functions as arguments to a "wrapping" function.
+Like `run-hook-with-args-until-success', it stops at the first
+non-nil return value.
+*** New macro `with-wrapper-hook' for running an abnormal hook as a
+set of "wrapping" filters, similar to around advice.
+(A version of this macro was actually added in Emacs 23.2 but was not
+advertised at the time.)
+** Debugger changes
+*** New macro `condition-case-unless-debug' (this was actually added in
+Emacs 23.1 as condition-case-no-debug, but not advertised)
+*** The macro `with-demoted-errors' was added in Emacs 23.1, but not advertised.
+*** Variable `stack-trace-on-error' removed.
+*** The debugger can now "continue" from an error, which means it will
+jump to the error handler as if the debugger had not been invoked
+instead of jumping all the way to the top-level.
+*** Set `debug-on-event' to enter the debugger on events like SIGUSR1.
+This can be useful when `inhibit-quit' is set.
+** The new function `server-eval-at' allows evaluation of Lisp forms on
+named Emacs server instances.
+** `call-process' and `call-process-region' allow a `(:file "file")' spec
+to redirect STDOUT to a file.
+** The function `format-time-string' now supports the %N directive,
+for higher-resolution time stamps.
+** New input reading functions
+*** New function `read-char-choice' reads a restricted set of
+characters, discarding any inputs not inside the set.
+*** The command `read-color' now requires a match for a color name
+or RGB triplet, instead of signaling an error if the user provides
+invalid input.
+**** `facemenu-read-color' is now an alias for `read-color'.
+** `image-library-alist' is renamed to `dynamic-library-alist'.
+The variable is now used to load all kind of supported dynamic libraries,
+not just image libraries. The previous name is still available as an
+obsolete alias.
+** Syntax parsing changes
+*** New variable `syntax-propertize-function'.
+This replaces `font-lock-syntactic-keywords' which is now obsolete.
+This allows syntax-table properties to be set independently from font-lock:
+just call syntax-propertize to make sure the text is propertized.
+Together with this new variable come a new hook
+syntax-propertize-extend-region-functions, as well as two helper functions:
+syntax-propertize-via-font-lock to reuse old font-lock-syntactic-keywords
+as-is; and syntax-propertize-rules which provides a new way to specify
+syntactic rules.
+*** Syntax tables support a new "comment style c" additionally to style b.
+** New hook `post-self-insert-hook', run after `self-insert-command'.
+** frame-local variables cannot be let-bound any more.
+** Major and minor mode changes
+*** `set-auto-mode' now respects mode: local variables at the end of files,
+as well as those in the -*- line.
+*** `prog-mode' is a new major mode from which programming modes
+should be derived.
+**** `prog-mode-hook' can be used to enable features for programming
+modes, e.g. (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flyspell-prog-mode) to enable
+on-the-fly spell checking for comments and strings.
+*** New hook `change-major-mode-after-body-hook', run by
+`run-mode-hooks' just before any other mode hooks.
+*** Enabled globalized minor modes can be disabled in specific major modes.
+If the global mode is global-FOO-mode, then run (FOO-mode -1) in the
+major mode's hook, where FOO-mode toggles the mode on a per-buffer basis.
+*** `define-minor-mode' accepts new keywords :variable, :after-hook.
+** File-handling changes
+*** `delete-file' and `delete-directory' now accept optional arg TRASH.
+Trashing is performed if TRASH and `delete-by-moving-to-trash' are
+both non-nil. Interactively, TRASH defaults to t, unless a prefix
+argument is supplied (see Trash changes, above).
+*** New file predicates: `file-equal-p', `file-in-directory-p'.
+** Tool-bars can display separators.
+Tool-bar separators are handled like menu separators in menu-bar maps,
+i.e. via menu entries of the form `(menu-item "--")'.
+** Image API
+*** Animated images support (currently animated gifs only).
+**** `image-animated-p' returns non-nil if an image can be animated.
+**** `image-animate' animates a supplied image spec.
+**** `image-animate-timer' returns the timer object for an image that
+is being animated.
+*** `image-extension-data' has been renamed to `image-metadata'.
+The old name is an obsolete alias to the new one.
+*** Image mode can view any image type that ImageMagick supports.
+This requires Emacs to be built with ImageMagick support.
+**** New function `imagemagick-types', defined if ImageMagick support
+is enabled, returns a list of image file extensions that your
+ImageMagick installation supports.
+**** New function `imagemagick-register-types' enables ImageMagick
+image types in Image mode and in `create-image' and other helper
+**** New option `imagemagick-types-inhibit' excludes certain
+ImageMagick image types from `imagemagick-register-types'.
+**** With ImageMagick support, there are extra Image mode commands to
+resize and rotate images: `image-transform-fit-to-height',
+`image-transform-fit-to-width', `image-transform-set-rotation', and
+** `compose-mail' now accepts an optional 8th arg, RETURN-ACTION, and
+passes it to the mail user agent function. This argument specifies an
+action for returning to the caller after finishing with the mail. For
+example, this is used by Rmail to optionally delete a mail window.
+** XML and HTML parsing
+If Emacs is compiled with libxml2 support, there are two new
+functions: `libxml-parse-html-region' (which parses "real world" HTML)
+and `libxml-parse-xml-region' (which parses XML). Both return an
+Emacs Lisp parse tree.
+** Networking and encryption changes
+*** `open-network-stream' can now be used to open an encrypted stream.
+It now accepts an optional `:type' parameter for initiating a TLS
+connection, directly or via STARTTLS. To do STARTTLS, additional
+parameters (`:end-of-command', `:success', `:capabilities-command')
+must also be supplied.
+*** New library gnutls.el.
+The new function `gnutls-available-p' returns non-nil if Emacs is
+built with GnuTLS support. The main entry points are
+`open-gnutls-stream' and `gnutls-negotiate'. It's easiest to use
+these functions through `open-network-stream', because that can
+upgrade connections through STARTTLS opportunistically or use plain
+SSL, depending on your needs. For debugging, set `gnutls-log-level'
+greater than 0.
+*** New primitive `secure-hash' that supports many secure hash algorithms:
+md5, sha1, sha2, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512. The lisp library
+sha1.el has been removed. The `sha1' feature is provided by default.
+** Isearch
+*** New hook `isearch-update-post-hook' that runs in `isearch-update'.
+** Progress reporters can now "spin".
+The MIN-VALUE and MAX-VALUE arguments of `make-progress-reporter' can
+now be nil, or omitted. This makes a "non-numeric" reporter. Each
+time you call `progress-reporter-update' on that progress reporter,
+with a nil or omitted VALUE argument, the reporter message is
+displayed with a "spinning bar".
+** New variable `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' is true while a buffer is
+being reverted, even if the buffer has a local `revert-buffer-function'.
+** New variables `delayed-warnings-list' and `delayed-warnings-hook'.
+If delayed-warnings-list is non-nil, the command loop calls
+`delayed-warnings-hook' after `post-command-hook'. At present, this
+is only used by Emacs on some platforms to display warnings during
+startup, which might otherwise not be noticed. This uses the
+functions `display-delayed-warnings' and `collapse-delayed-warnings'.
+** rx.el has a new `group-n' construct for explicitly numbered groups.
+** New function `make-composed-keymap' that constructs a new keymap
+from multiple input maps. You can use this to make a keymap that
+inherits from multiple maps, eg:
+ (set-keymap-parent newmap (make-composed-keymap othermap parent))
+** New function `string-prefix-p'.
+(This was actually added in Emacs 23.2 but was not advertised at the time.)
+** New reader macro ## that stands for the empty symbol.
+This means that the empty symbol can now be read back. Also, #: by itself
+(when not immediately followed by a possible symbol character) stands for
+an empty uninterned symbol.
+** New math functions `isnan', `copysign', `frexp', `ldexp'.
+** The following functions and variables are obsolete:
+*** `tooltip-use-echo-area' is obsolete.
+Rather than setting this to t, disable Tooltip mode instead.
+*** buffer-substring-filters is obsolete.
+Use `filter-buffer-substring-functions' instead.
+*** `byte-compile-disable-print-circle' is obsolete.
+*** `deferred-action-list' and `deferred-action-function' are obsolete.
+Use `post-command-hook' instead.
+*** `font-lock-maximum-size' is obsolete.
+* Changes in Emacs 24.1 on Non-Free Operating Systems
+** On MS Windows, Emacs warns when using the obsolete init file _emacs,
+and also when HOME is set to C:\ by default.
+** New configure.bat options
+*** --enable-checking builds Emacs with extra runtime checks.
+*** --distfiles specifies files to be included in binary distribution.
+*** --without-gnutls disables automatic GnuTLS detection.
+*** --lib for general library linkage, works with the USER_LIBS build variable.
+** New make target `dist' to create binary distribution for MS Windows.
+** The Lisp function `w32-default-color-map' is now obsolete.
+(It is only used internally in the Emacs C code.)
+** Customize ns-auto-hide-menu-bar to have the menu-bar hidden, but
+reappear on mouse-over. (Requires OS X 10.6 or later.)
+** On Mac OS X, dragging a file into Emacs visits the file, like on
+other platforms, rather than inserting its contents into the buffer.
+This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+Local variables:
+coding: utf-8
+mode: outline
+paragraph-separate: "[ \f]*$"