## The similar name is FOO.c if FOO begins with '{lib-,}src/', FOO.el
## otherwise. Although this heuristic does not identify all the
## dependencies, it is better than nothing.
- srcfile = $(patsubst %-tests,$(srcdir)/../%,$(1))$(if $(patsubst src/%,,$(patsubst lib-src/%,,$(1))),.el,.c)
ifeq (,$(patsubst %-tests,,$(1))$(findstring -tests/,$(1)))
- ifeq ($(shell test -e $(srcfile) && echo -n yes),yes)
- $(1).log: $(srcfile)
+ $(1).log: $(patsubst %-tests,$(srcdir)/../%,$(1))$(if \
+ $(patsubst src/%,,$(patsubst lib-src/%,,$(1))),.el,.c)
$(notdir $(1).log): $(1).log
- endif
## Short aliases that always re-run the tests, with no logging.
## Define both with and without the directory name for ease of use.