("col" t ,@cellhalign ,@cellvalign ("span") ("width"))
("colgroup" \n ,@cellhalign ,@cellvalign ("span") ("width"))
("dir" ,@list)
+ ("figcaption")
+ ("figure" \n)
("font" nil "size" ("-1") ("+1") ("-2") ("+2") ,@1-7)
("form" (\n _ \n "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"\""
(if sgml-xml-mode " />" ">"))
("article" \n)
("aside" \n)
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("bdo" nil ("lang") ("dir" ("ltr") ("rtl")))
("type" ("submit") ("reset") ("button"))
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("caption" ("valign" ("top") ("bottom")))
("center" \n)
("code" \n)
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("dd" ,(not sgml-xml-mode))
("del" nil ("cite") ("datetime"))
("dt" (t _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</dt>")
"<dd>" (if sgml-xml-mode "</dd>") \n))
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("fieldset" \n)
("fn" "id" "fn") ;; Footnotes were deprecated in HTML 3.2
("footer" \n)
("legend" nil ("accesskey"))
("li" ,(not sgml-xml-mode))
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("map" \n ("name"))
+ ("mark")
("math" \n)
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("noframes" \n)
("disabled" "disabled") ("tabindex") ("onfocus") ("onblur")
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("over" t)
("param" t ("name") ("value")
("valuetype" ("data") ("ref") ("object")) ("type"))
("person") ;; Tag for person's name tag deprecated in HTML 3.2
("pre" \n)
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("q" nil ("cite"))
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+ ("rt" t)
+ ("ruby")
("script" nil ("charset") ("type") ("src") ("defer" "defer"))
("section" \n)
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("span" nil
("style" \n ("type") ("media") ("title"))
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("tr" t)
+ ("track" t
+ ("kind" ("subtitles") ("captions") ("descriptions")
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("wbr" t)))
"Value of `sgml-tag-alist' for HTML mode.")
("article" . "An independent part of document or site")
("aside" . "Secondary content related to surrounding content (e.g. page or article)")
("au" . "Author")
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("b" . "Bold face")
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("bdo" . "Override text directionality")
("big" . "Font size")
("blink" . "Blinking text")
("box" . "Math fraction")
("br" . "Line break")
("button" . "Clickable button")
+ ("canvas" . "Script generated graphics canvas")
("caption" . "Table caption")
("center" . "Centered text")
("changed" . "Change bars")
("code" . "Formatted source code")
("col" . "Group of attribute specifications for table columns")
("colgroup" . "Group of columns")
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("dd" . "Definition of term")
("del" . "Deleted text")
("dfn" . "Defining instance of a term")
("fieldset" . "Group of related controls and labels")
("fig" . "Figure")
("figa" . "Figure anchor")
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("figd" . "Figure description")
("figt" . "Figure text")
+ ("figure" . "Self-contained content, often with a caption")
("fn" . "Footnote") ;; No one supports special footnote rendering.
("font" . "Font size")
("footer" . "Footer of a section")
("legend" . "Caption for a fieldset")
("li" . "List item")
("link" . "Link relationship")
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("meta" . "Document properties")
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("nav" . "Group of navigational links")
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("optgroup" . "Group of options")
("option" . "Selection list item")
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("over" . "Math fraction rule")
("p" . "Paragraph start")
("panel" . "Floating panel")
("param" . "Parameters for an object")
("person" . "Person's name")
("pre" . "Preformatted fixed width text")
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("q" . "Quotation")
("rev" . "Reverse video")
+ ("rp" . "Fallback text for when ruby annotations aren't supported")
+ ("rt" . "Ruby text component of a ruby annotation")
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("samp" . "Sample text")
("script" . "Executable script within a document")
("section" . "Section of a document")
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("sp" . "Nobreak space")
("span" . "Generic inline container")
("strong" . "Standout text")
("style" . "Style information")
("sub" . "Subscript")
+ ("summary" . "Summary, caption, or legend")
("sup" . "Superscript")
("table" . "Table with rows and columns")
("tb" . "Table vertical break")
("tfoot" . "Table foot")
("th" . "Table header cell")
("thead" . "Table head")
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("tt" . "Typewriter face")
("u" . "Underlined text")
("ul" . "Unordered list")
("var" . "Math variable face")
+ ("video" . "Video or movie")
("wbr" . "Enable <br> within <nobr>"))
"Value of variable `sgml-tag-help' for HTML mode.")