+++ /dev/null
-;;; cl-loaddefs.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
-;;; Code:
-;;;### (autoloads (cl-prettyexpand cl-macroexpand-all cl-remprop
-;;;;;; cl-do-remf cl-set-getf getf get* tailp list-length nreconc
-;;;;;; revappend concatenate subseq cl-float-limits random-state-p
-;;;;;; make-random-state random* signum rem* mod* round* truncate*
-;;;;;; ceiling* floor* isqrt lcm gcd cl-progv-before cl-set-frame-visible-p
-;;;;;; cl-map-overlays cl-map-intervals cl-map-keymap-recursively
-;;;;;; notevery notany every some mapcon mapcan mapl maplist map
-;;;;;; cl-mapcar-many equalp coerce) "cl-extra" "cl-extra.el" "47c92504dda976a632c2c10bedd4b6a4")
-;;; Generated autoloads from cl-extra.el
-(autoload (quote coerce) "cl-extra" "\
-Coerce OBJECT to type TYPE.
-TYPE is a Common Lisp type specifier.
-\(fn OBJECT TYPE)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote equalp) "cl-extra" "\
-Return t if two Lisp objects have similar structures and contents.
-This is like `equal', except that it accepts numerically equal
-numbers of different types (float vs. integer), and also compares
-strings case-insensitively.
-\(fn X Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-mapcar-many) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn CL-FUNC CL-SEQS)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote map) "cl-extra" "\
-Map a FUNCTION across one or more SEQUENCEs, returning a sequence.
-TYPE is the sequence type to return.
-\(fn TYPE FUNCTION SEQUENCE...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote maplist) "cl-extra" "\
-Map FUNCTION to each sublist of LIST or LISTs.
-Like `mapcar', except applies to lists and their cdr's rather than to
-the elements themselves.
-\(fn FUNCTION LIST...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote mapl) "cl-extra" "\
-Like `maplist', but does not accumulate values returned by the function.
-\(fn FUNCTION LIST...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote mapcan) "cl-extra" "\
-Like `mapcar', but nconc's together the values returned by the function.
-\(fn FUNCTION SEQUENCE...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote mapcon) "cl-extra" "\
-Like `maplist', but nconc's together the values returned by the function.
-\(fn FUNCTION LIST...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote some) "cl-extra" "\
-Return true if PREDICATE is true of any element of SEQ or SEQs.
-If so, return the true (non-nil) value returned by PREDICATE.
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote every) "cl-extra" "\
-Return true if PREDICATE is true of every element of SEQ or SEQs.
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote notany) "cl-extra" "\
-Return true if PREDICATE is false of every element of SEQ or SEQs.
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote notevery) "cl-extra" "\
-Return true if PREDICATE is false of some element of SEQ or SEQs.
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ...)" nil nil)
-(defalias (quote cl-map-keymap) (quote map-keymap))
-(autoload (quote cl-map-keymap-recursively) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn CL-FUNC-REC CL-MAP &optional CL-BASE)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-map-intervals) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn CL-FUNC &optional CL-WHAT CL-PROP CL-START CL-END)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-map-overlays) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn CL-FUNC &optional CL-BUFFER CL-START CL-END CL-ARG)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-set-frame-visible-p) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn FRAME VAL)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-progv-before) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn SYMS VALUES)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote gcd) "cl-extra" "\
-Return the greatest common divisor of the arguments.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote lcm) "cl-extra" "\
-Return the least common multiple of the arguments.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote isqrt) "cl-extra" "\
-Return the integer square root of the argument.
-\(fn X)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote floor*) "cl-extra" "\
-Return a list of the floor of X and the fractional part of X.
-With two arguments, return floor and remainder of their quotient.
-\(fn X &optional Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote ceiling*) "cl-extra" "\
-Return a list of the ceiling of X and the fractional part of X.
-With two arguments, return ceiling and remainder of their quotient.
-\(fn X &optional Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote truncate*) "cl-extra" "\
-Return a list of the integer part of X and the fractional part of X.
-With two arguments, return truncation and remainder of their quotient.
-\(fn X &optional Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote round*) "cl-extra" "\
-Return a list of X rounded to the nearest integer and the remainder.
-With two arguments, return rounding and remainder of their quotient.
-\(fn X &optional Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote mod*) "cl-extra" "\
-The remainder of X divided by Y, with the same sign as Y.
-\(fn X Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote rem*) "cl-extra" "\
-The remainder of X divided by Y, with the same sign as X.
-\(fn X Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote signum) "cl-extra" "\
-Return 1 if X is positive, -1 if negative, 0 if zero.
-\(fn X)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote random*) "cl-extra" "\
-Return a random nonnegative number less than LIM, an integer or float.
-Optional second arg STATE is a random-state object.
-\(fn LIM &optional STATE)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote make-random-state) "cl-extra" "\
-Return a copy of random-state STATE, or of `*random-state*' if omitted.
-If STATE is t, return a new state object seeded from the time of day.
-\(fn &optional STATE)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote random-state-p) "cl-extra" "\
-Return t if OBJECT is a random-state object.
-\(fn OBJECT)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-float-limits) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote subseq) "cl-extra" "\
-Return the subsequence of SEQ from START to END.
-If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence.
-If START or END is negative, it counts from the end.
-\(fn SEQ START &optional END)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote concatenate) "cl-extra" "\
-Concatenate, into a sequence of type TYPE, the argument SEQUENCEs.
-\(fn TYPE SEQUENCE...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote revappend) "cl-extra" "\
-Equivalent to (append (reverse X) Y).
-\(fn X Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nreconc) "cl-extra" "\
-Equivalent to (nconc (nreverse X) Y).
-\(fn X Y)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote list-length) "cl-extra" "\
-Return the length of list X. Return nil if list is circular.
-\(fn X)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote tailp) "cl-extra" "\
-Return true if SUBLIST is a tail of LIST.
-\(fn SUBLIST LIST)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote get*) "cl-extra" "\
-Return the value of SYMBOL's PROPNAME property, or DEFAULT if none.
-\(fn SYMBOL PROPNAME &optional DEFAULT)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote getf) "cl-extra" "\
-Search PROPLIST for property PROPNAME; return its value or DEFAULT.
-PROPLIST is a list of the sort returned by `symbol-plist'.
-\(fn PROPLIST PROPNAME &optional DEFAULT)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-set-getf) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn PLIST TAG VAL)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-do-remf) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn PLIST TAG)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-remprop) "cl-extra" "\
-Remove from SYMBOL's plist the property PROPNAME and its value.
-\(fn SYMBOL PROPNAME)" nil nil)
-(defalias (quote remprop) (quote cl-remprop))
-(defalias (quote cl-gethash) (quote gethash))
-(defalias (quote cl-puthash) (quote puthash))
-(defalias (quote cl-remhash) (quote remhash))
-(defalias (quote cl-clrhash) (quote clrhash))
-(defalias (quote cl-maphash) (quote maphash))
-(defalias (quote cl-make-hash-table) (quote make-hash-table))
-(defalias (quote cl-hash-table-p) (quote hash-table-p))
-(defalias (quote cl-hash-table-count) (quote hash-table-count))
-(autoload (quote cl-macroexpand-all) "cl-extra" "\
-Expand all macro calls through a Lisp FORM.
-This also does some trivial optimizations to make the form prettier.
-\(fn FORM &optional ENV)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-prettyexpand) "cl-extra" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn FORM &optional FULL)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (compiler-macroexpand define-compiler-macro ignore-errors
-;;;;;; assert check-type typep cl-struct-setf-expander defstruct
-;;;;;; define-modify-macro callf2 callf letf* letf rotatef shiftf
-;;;;;; remf cl-do-pop psetf setf get-setf-method defsetf define-setf-method
-;;;;;; declare the locally multiple-value-setq multiple-value-bind
-;;;;;; lexical-let* lexical-let symbol-macrolet macrolet labels
-;;;;;; flet progv psetq do-all-symbols do-symbols dotimes dolist
-;;;;;; do* do loop return-from return block etypecase typecase ecase
-;;;;;; case load-time-value eval-when destructuring-bind function*
-;;;;;; defmacro* defun* gentemp gensym cl-compile-time-init) "cl-macs"
-;;;;;; "cl-macs.el" "7ccc827d272482ca276937ca18a7895a")
-;;; Generated autoloads from cl-macs.el
-(autoload (quote cl-compile-time-init) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote gensym) "cl-macs" "\
-Generate a new uninterned symbol.
-The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default \"G\".
-\(fn &optional PREFIX)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote gentemp) "cl-macs" "\
-Generate a new interned symbol with a unique name.
-The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default \"G\".
-\(fn &optional PREFIX)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote defun*) "cl-macs" "\
-Define NAME as a function.
-Like normal `defun', except ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp conventions,
-and BODY is implicitly surrounded by (block NAME ...).
-\(fn NAME ARGLIST [DOCSTRING] BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote defmacro*) "cl-macs" "\
-Define NAME as a macro.
-Like normal `defmacro', except ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp conventions,
-and BODY is implicitly surrounded by (block NAME ...).
-\(fn NAME ARGLIST [DOCSTRING] BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote function*) "cl-macs" "\
-Introduce a function.
-Like normal `function', except that if argument is a lambda form,
-its argument list allows full Common Lisp conventions.
-\(fn FUNC)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote destructuring-bind) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn ARGS EXPR &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote eval-when) "cl-macs" "\
-Control when BODY is evaluated.
-If `compile' is in WHEN, BODY is evaluated when compiled at top-level.
-If `load' is in WHEN, BODY is evaluated when loaded after top-level compile.
-If `eval' is in WHEN, BODY is evaluated when interpreted or at non-top-level.
-\(fn (WHEN...) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote load-time-value) "cl-macs" "\
-Like `progn', but evaluates the body at load time.
-The result of the body appears to the compiler as a quoted constant.
-\(fn FORM &optional READ-ONLY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote case) "cl-macs" "\
-Eval EXPR and choose among clauses on that value.
-Each clause looks like (KEYLIST BODY...). EXPR is evaluated and compared
-against each key in each KEYLIST; the corresponding BODY is evaluated.
-If no clause succeeds, case returns nil. A single atom may be used in
-place of a KEYLIST of one atom. A KEYLIST of t or `otherwise' is
-allowed only in the final clause, and matches if no other keys match.
-Key values are compared by `eql'.
-\(fn EXPR (KEYLIST BODY...)...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote ecase) "cl-macs" "\
-Like `case', but error if no case fits.
-`otherwise'-clauses are not allowed.
-\(fn EXPR (KEYLIST BODY...)...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote typecase) "cl-macs" "\
-Evals EXPR, chooses among clauses on that value.
-Each clause looks like (TYPE BODY...). EXPR is evaluated and, if it
-satisfies TYPE, the corresponding BODY is evaluated. If no clause succeeds,
-typecase returns nil. A TYPE of t or `otherwise' is allowed only in the
-final clause, and matches if no other keys match.
-\(fn EXPR (TYPE BODY...)...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote etypecase) "cl-macs" "\
-Like `typecase', but error if no case fits.
-`otherwise'-clauses are not allowed.
-\(fn EXPR (TYPE BODY...)...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote block) "cl-macs" "\
-Define a lexically-scoped block named NAME.
-NAME may be any symbol. Code inside the BODY forms can call `return-from'
-to jump prematurely out of the block. This differs from `catch' and `throw'
-in two respects: First, the NAME is an unevaluated symbol rather than a
-quoted symbol or other form; and second, NAME is lexically rather than
-dynamically scoped: Only references to it within BODY will work. These
-references may appear inside macro expansions, but not inside functions
-called from BODY.
-\(fn NAME &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote return) "cl-macs" "\
-Return from the block named nil.
-This is equivalent to `(return-from nil RESULT)'.
-\(fn &optional RESULT)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote return-from) "cl-macs" "\
-Return from the block named NAME.
-This jump out to the innermost enclosing `(block NAME ...)' form,
-returning RESULT from that form (or nil if RESULT is omitted).
-This is compatible with Common Lisp, but note that `defun' and
-`defmacro' do not create implicit blocks as they do in Common Lisp.
-\(fn NAME &optional RESULT)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote loop) "cl-macs" "\
-The Common Lisp `loop' macro.
-Valid clauses are:
- for VAR from/upfrom/downfrom NUM to/upto/downto/above/below NUM by NUM,
- for VAR in LIST by FUNC, for VAR on LIST by FUNC, for VAR = INIT then EXPR,
- for VAR across ARRAY, repeat NUM, with VAR = INIT, while COND, until COND,
- always COND, never COND, thereis COND, collect EXPR into VAR,
- append EXPR into VAR, nconc EXPR into VAR, sum EXPR into VAR,
- count EXPR into VAR, maximize EXPR into VAR, minimize EXPR into VAR,
- if COND CLAUSE [and CLAUSE]... else CLAUSE [and CLAUSE...],
- unless COND CLAUSE [and CLAUSE]... else CLAUSE [and CLAUSE...],
- do EXPRS..., initially EXPRS..., finally EXPRS..., return EXPR,
- finally return EXPR, named NAME.
-\(fn CLAUSE...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote do) "cl-macs" "\
-The Common Lisp `do' loop.
-\(fn ((VAR INIT [STEP])...) (END-TEST [RESULT...]) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote do*) "cl-macs" "\
-The Common Lisp `do*' loop.
-\(fn ((VAR INIT [STEP])...) (END-TEST [RESULT...]) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote dolist) "cl-macs" "\
-Loop over a list.
-Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each `car' from LIST, in turn.
-Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default nil.
-\(fn (VAR LIST [RESULT]) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote dotimes) "cl-macs" "\
-Loop a certain number of times.
-Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to successive integers from 0, inclusive,
-to COUNT, exclusive. Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default
-\(fn (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote do-symbols) "cl-macs" "\
-Loop over all symbols.
-Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each interned symbol, or to each symbol
-from OBARRAY.
-\(fn (VAR [OBARRAY [RESULT]]) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote do-all-symbols) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn SPEC &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote psetq) "cl-macs" "\
-Set SYMs to the values VALs in parallel.
-This is like `setq', except that all VAL forms are evaluated (in order)
-before assigning any symbols SYM to the corresponding values.
-\(fn SYM VAL SYM VAL ...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote progv) "cl-macs" "\
-Bind SYMBOLS to VALUES dynamically in BODY.
-The forms SYMBOLS and VALUES are evaluated, and must evaluate to lists.
-Each symbol in the first list is bound to the corresponding value in the
-second list (or made unbound if VALUES is shorter than SYMBOLS); then the
-BODY forms are executed and their result is returned. This is much like
-a `let' form, except that the list of symbols can be computed at run-time.
-\(fn SYMBOLS VALUES &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote flet) "cl-macs" "\
-Make temporary function definitions.
-This is an analogue of `let' that operates on the function cell of FUNC
-rather than its value cell. The FORMs are evaluated with the specified
-function definitions in place, then the definitions are undone (the FUNCs
-go back to their previous definitions, or lack thereof).
-\(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote labels) "cl-macs" "\
-Make temporary function bindings.
-This is like `flet', except the bindings are lexical instead of dynamic.
-Unlike `flet', this macro is fully compliant with the Common Lisp standard.
-\(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote macrolet) "cl-macs" "\
-Make temporary macro definitions.
-This is like `flet', but for macros instead of functions.
-\(fn ((NAME ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote symbol-macrolet) "cl-macs" "\
-Make symbol macro definitions.
-Within the body FORMs, references to the variable NAME will be replaced
-by EXPANSION, and (setq NAME ...) will act like (setf EXPANSION ...).
-\(fn ((NAME EXPANSION) ...) FORM...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote lexical-let) "cl-macs" "\
-Like `let', but lexically scoped.
-The main visible difference is that lambdas inside BODY will create
-lexical closures as in Common Lisp.
-\(fn VARLIST BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote lexical-let*) "cl-macs" "\
-Like `let*', but lexically scoped.
-The main visible difference is that lambdas inside BODY will create
-lexical closures as in Common Lisp.
-\(fn VARLIST BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote multiple-value-bind) "cl-macs" "\
-Collect multiple return values.
-FORM must return a list; the BODY is then executed with the first N elements
-of this list bound (`let'-style) to each of the symbols SYM in turn. This
-is analogous to the Common Lisp `multiple-value-bind' macro, using lists to
-simulate true multiple return values. For compatibility, (values A B C) is
-a synonym for (list A B C).
-\(fn (SYM...) FORM BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote multiple-value-setq) "cl-macs" "\
-Collect multiple return values.
-FORM must return a list; the first N elements of this list are stored in
-each of the symbols SYM in turn. This is analogous to the Common Lisp
-`multiple-value-setq' macro, using lists to simulate true multiple return
-values. For compatibility, (values A B C) is a synonym for (list A B C).
-\(fn (SYM...) FORM)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote locally) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote the) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn TYPE FORM)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote declare) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn &rest SPECS)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote define-setf-method) "cl-macs" "\
-Define a `setf' method.
-This method shows how to handle `setf's to places of the form (NAME ARGS...).
-The argument forms ARGS are bound according to ARGLIST, as if NAME were
-going to be expanded as a macro, then the BODY forms are executed and must
-return a list of five elements: a temporary-variables list, a value-forms
-list, a store-variables list (of length one), a store-form, and an access-
-form. See `defsetf' for a simpler way to define most setf-methods.
-\(fn NAME ARGLIST BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote defsetf) "cl-macs" "\
-Define a `setf' method.
-This macro is an easy-to-use substitute for `define-setf-method' that works
-well for simple place forms. In the simple `defsetf' form, `setf's of
-the form (setf (NAME ARGS...) VAL) are transformed to function or macro
-calls of the form (FUNC ARGS... VAL). Example:
- (defsetf aref aset)
-Alternate form: (defsetf NAME ARGLIST (STORE) BODY...).
-Here, the above `setf' call is expanded by binding the argument forms ARGS
-according to ARGLIST, binding the value form VAL to STORE, then executing
-BODY, which must return a Lisp form that does the necessary `setf' operation.
-Actually, ARGLIST and STORE may be bound to temporary variables which are
-introduced automatically to preserve proper execution order of the arguments.
- (defsetf nth (n x) (v) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr n x) v))
-\(fn NAME [FUNC | ARGLIST (STORE) BODY...])" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote get-setf-method) "cl-macs" "\
-Return a list of five values describing the setf-method for PLACE.
-PLACE may be any Lisp form which can appear as the PLACE argument to
-a macro like `setf' or `incf'.
-\(fn PLACE &optional ENV)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote setf) "cl-macs" "\
-Set each PLACE to the value of its VAL.
-This is a generalized version of `setq'; the PLACEs may be symbolic
-references such as (car x) or (aref x i), as well as plain symbols.
-For example, (setf (cadar x) y) is equivalent to (setcar (cdar x) y).
-The return value is the last VAL in the list.
-\(fn PLACE VAL PLACE VAL ...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote psetf) "cl-macs" "\
-Set PLACEs to the values VALs in parallel.
-This is like `setf', except that all VAL forms are evaluated (in order)
-before assigning any PLACEs to the corresponding values.
-\(fn PLACE VAL PLACE VAL ...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote cl-do-pop) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn PLACE)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote remf) "cl-macs" "\
-Remove TAG from property list PLACE.
-PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
-The form returns true if TAG was found and removed, nil otherwise.
-\(fn PLACE TAG)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote shiftf) "cl-macs" "\
-Shift left among PLACEs.
-Example: (shiftf A B C) sets A to B, B to C, and returns the old A.
-Each PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
-\(fn PLACE... VAL)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote rotatef) "cl-macs" "\
-Rotate left among PLACEs.
-Example: (rotatef A B C) sets A to B, B to C, and C to A. It returns nil.
-Each PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
-\(fn PLACE...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote letf) "cl-macs" "\
-Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
-This is the analogue of `let', but with generalized variables (in the
-sense of `setf') for the PLACEs. Each PLACE is set to the corresponding
-VALUE, then the BODY forms are executed. On exit, either normally or
-because of a `throw' or error, the PLACEs are set back to their original
-values. Note that this macro is *not* available in Common Lisp.
-As a special case, if `(PLACE)' is used instead of `(PLACE VALUE)',
-the PLACE is not modified before executing BODY.
-\(fn ((PLACE VALUE) ...) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote letf*) "cl-macs" "\
-Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
-This is the analogue of `let*', but with generalized variables (in the
-sense of `setf') for the PLACEs. Each PLACE is set to the corresponding
-VALUE, then the BODY forms are executed. On exit, either normally or
-because of a `throw' or error, the PLACEs are set back to their original
-values. Note that this macro is *not* available in Common Lisp.
-As a special case, if `(PLACE)' is used instead of `(PLACE VALUE)',
-the PLACE is not modified before executing BODY.
-\(fn ((PLACE VALUE) ...) BODY...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote callf) "cl-macs" "\
-FUNC should be an unquoted function name. PLACE may be a symbol,
-or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
-\(fn FUNC PLACE ARGS...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote callf2) "cl-macs" "\
-Like `callf', but PLACE is the second argument of FUNC, not the first.
-\(fn FUNC ARG1 PLACE ARGS...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote define-modify-macro) "cl-macs" "\
-Define a `setf'-like modify macro.
-If NAME is called, it combines its PLACE argument with the other arguments
-from ARGLIST using FUNC: (define-modify-macro incf (&optional (n 1)) +)
-\(fn NAME ARGLIST FUNC &optional DOC)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote defstruct) "cl-macs" "\
-Define a struct type.
-This macro defines a new Lisp data type called NAME, which contains data
-stored in SLOTs. This defines a `make-NAME' constructor, a `copy-NAME'
-copier, a `NAME-p' predicate, and setf-able `NAME-SLOT' accessors.
-\(fn (NAME OPTIONS...) (SLOT SLOT-OPTS...)...)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote cl-struct-setf-expander) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-(autoload (quote typep) "cl-macs" "\
-Check that OBJECT is of type TYPE.
-TYPE is a Common Lisp-style type specifier.
-\(fn OBJECT TYPE)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote check-type) "cl-macs" "\
-Verify that FORM is of type TYPE; signal an error if not.
-STRING is an optional description of the desired type.
-\(fn FORM TYPE &optional STRING)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote assert) "cl-macs" "\
-Verify that FORM returns non-nil; signal an error if not.
-Second arg SHOW-ARGS means to include arguments of FORM in message.
-Other args STRING and ARGS... are arguments to be passed to `error'.
-They are not evaluated unless the assertion fails. If STRING is
-omitted, a default message listing FORM itself is used.
-\(fn FORM &optional SHOW-ARGS STRING &rest ARGS)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote ignore-errors) "cl-macs" "\
-Execute BODY; if an error occurs, return nil.
-Otherwise, return result of last form in BODY.
-\(fn &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote define-compiler-macro) "cl-macs" "\
-Define a compiler-only macro.
-This is like `defmacro', but macro expansion occurs only if the call to
-FUNC is compiled (i.e., not interpreted). Compiler macros should be used
-for optimizing the way calls to FUNC are compiled; the form returned by
-BODY should do the same thing as a call to the normal function called
-FUNC, though possibly more efficiently. Note that, like regular macros,
-compiler macros are expanded repeatedly until no further expansions are
-possible. Unlike regular macros, BODY can decide to \"punt\" and leave the
-original function call alone by declaring an initial `&whole foo' parameter
-and then returning foo.
-\(fn FUNC ARGS &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload (quote compiler-macroexpand) "cl-macs" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn FORM)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (tree-equal nsublis sublis nsubst-if-not nsubst-if
-;;;;;; nsubst subst-if-not subst-if subsetp nset-exclusive-or set-exclusive-or
-;;;;;; nset-difference set-difference nintersection intersection
-;;;;;; nunion union rassoc-if-not rassoc-if rassoc* assoc-if-not
-;;;;;; assoc-if assoc* cl-adjoin member-if-not member-if member*
-;;;;;; merge stable-sort sort* search mismatch count-if-not count-if
-;;;;;; count position-if-not position-if position find-if-not find-if
-;;;;;; find nsubstitute-if-not nsubstitute-if nsubstitute substitute-if-not
-;;;;;; substitute-if substitute delete-duplicates remove-duplicates
-;;;;;; delete-if-not delete-if delete* remove-if-not remove-if remove*
-;;;;;; replace fill reduce) "cl-seq" "cl-seq.el" "8805f76626399794931f5db36ddf855f")
-;;; Generated autoloads from cl-seq.el
-(autoload (quote reduce) "cl-seq" "\
-Reduce two-argument FUNCTION across SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :start :end :from-end :initial-value :key
-\(fn FUNCTION SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote fill) "cl-seq" "\
-Fill the elements of SEQ with ITEM.
-Keywords supported: :start :end
-\(fn SEQ ITEM [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote replace) "cl-seq" "\
-Replace the elements of SEQ1 with the elements of SEQ2.
-SEQ1 is destructively modified, then returned.
-Keywords supported: :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2
-\(fn SEQ1 SEQ2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote remove*) "cl-seq" "\
-Remove all occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn ITEM SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote remove-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Remove all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote remove-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Remove all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote delete*) "cl-seq" "\
-Remove all occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn ITEM SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote delete-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Remove all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote delete-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Remove all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote remove-duplicates) "cl-seq" "\
-Return a copy of SEQ with all duplicate elements removed.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote delete-duplicates) "cl-seq" "\
-Remove all duplicate elements from SEQ (destructively).
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote substitute) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for OLD in SEQ.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn NEW OLD SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote substitute-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-(autoload (quote substitute-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-(autoload (quote nsubstitute) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for OLD in SEQ.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end
-\(fn NEW OLD SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nsubstitute-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-(autoload (quote nsubstitute-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end
-(autoload (quote find) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first occurrence of ITEM in SEQ.
-Return the matching ITEM, or nil if not found.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn ITEM SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote find-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-Return the matching item, or nil if not found.
-Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote find-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-Return the matching item, or nil if not found.
-Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote position) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first occurrence of ITEM in SEQ.
-Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn ITEM SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote position-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.
-Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote position-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.
-Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote count) "cl-seq" "\
-Count the number of occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end
-\(fn ITEM SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote count-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Count the number of items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :key :start :end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote count-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Count the number of items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
-Keywords supported: :key :start :end
-\(fn PREDICATE SEQ [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote mismatch) "cl-seq" "\
-Compare SEQ1 with SEQ2, return index of first mismatching element.
-Return nil if the sequences match. If one sequence is a prefix of the
-other, the return value indicates the end of the shorter sequence.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 :from-end
-\(fn SEQ1 SEQ2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote search) "cl-seq" "\
-Search for SEQ1 as a subsequence of SEQ2.
-Return the index of the leftmost element of the first match found;
-return nil if there are no matches.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 :from-end
-\(fn SEQ1 SEQ2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote sort*) "cl-seq" "\
-Sort the argument SEQ according to PREDICATE.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ if possible.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn SEQ PREDICATE [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote stable-sort) "cl-seq" "\
-Sort the argument SEQ stably according to PREDICATE.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ if possible.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn SEQ PREDICATE [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote merge) "cl-seq" "\
-Destructively merge the two sequences to produce a new sequence.
-TYPE is the sequence type to return, SEQ1 and SEQ2 are the two argument
-sequences, and PREDICATE is a `less-than' predicate on the elements.
-Keywords supported: :key
-(autoload (quote member*) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first occurrence of ITEM in LIST.
-Return the sublist of LIST whose car is ITEM.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn ITEM LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote member-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in LIST.
-Return the sublist of LIST whose car matches.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn PREDICATE LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote member-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in LIST.
-Return the sublist of LIST whose car matches.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn PREDICATE LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote cl-adjoin) "cl-seq" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn CL-ITEM CL-LIST &rest CL-KEYS)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote assoc*) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item whose car matches ITEM in LIST.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn ITEM LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote assoc-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item whose car satisfies PREDICATE in LIST.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn PREDICATE LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote assoc-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item whose car does not satisfy PREDICATE in LIST.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn PREDICATE LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote rassoc*) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item whose cdr matches ITEM in LIST.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn ITEM LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote rassoc-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item whose cdr satisfies PREDICATE in LIST.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn PREDICATE LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote rassoc-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Find the first item whose cdr does not satisfy PREDICATE in LIST.
-Keywords supported: :key
-\(fn PREDICATE LIST [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote union) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or LIST2.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nunion) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or LIST2.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
-whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote intersection) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-intersection operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in both LIST1 and LIST2.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nintersection) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-intersection operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in both LIST1 and LIST2.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
-whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote set-difference) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-difference operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in LIST1 but not LIST2.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nset-difference) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-difference operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in LIST1 but not LIST2.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
-whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote set-exclusive-or) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-exclusive-or operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in exactly one of LIST1, LIST2.
-This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
-to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nset-exclusive-or) "cl-seq" "\
-Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-exclusive-or operation.
-The result list contains all items that appear in exactly one of LIST1, LIST2.
-This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
-whenever possible.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote subsetp) "cl-seq" "\
-Return true if LIST1 is a subset of LIST2.
-I.e., if every element of LIST1 also appears in LIST2.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn LIST1 LIST2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote subst-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for elements matching PREDICATE in TREE (non-destructively).
-Return a copy of TREE with all matching elements replaced by NEW.
-Keywords supported: :key
-(autoload (quote subst-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for elts not matching PREDICATE in TREE (non-destructively).
-Return a copy of TREE with all non-matching elements replaced by NEW.
-Keywords supported: :key
-(autoload (quote nsubst) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for OLD everywhere in TREE (destructively).
-Any element of TREE which is `eql' to OLD is changed to NEW (via a call
-to `setcar').
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn NEW OLD TREE [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nsubst-if) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for elements matching PREDICATE in TREE (destructively).
-Any element of TREE which matches is changed to NEW (via a call to `setcar').
-Keywords supported: :key
-(autoload (quote nsubst-if-not) "cl-seq" "\
-Substitute NEW for elements not matching PREDICATE in TREE (destructively).
-Any element of TREE which matches is changed to NEW (via a call to `setcar').
-Keywords supported: :key
-(autoload (quote sublis) "cl-seq" "\
-Perform substitutions indicated by ALIST in TREE (non-destructively).
-Return a copy of TREE with all matching elements replaced.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn ALIST TREE [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote nsublis) "cl-seq" "\
-Perform substitutions indicated by ALIST in TREE (destructively).
-Any matching element of TREE is changed via a call to `setcar'.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn ALIST TREE [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-(autoload (quote tree-equal) "cl-seq" "\
-Return t if trees TREE1 and TREE2 have `eql' leaves.
-Atoms are compared by `eql'; cons cells are compared recursively.
-Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key
-\(fn TREE1 TREE2 [KEYWORD VALUE]...)" nil nil)
-;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; End:
-;; arch-tag: 08cc5aab-e992-47f6-992e-12a7428c1a0e
-;;; cl-loaddefs.el ends here