(require 'lisp-mnt)
(require 'vc)
(require 'seq)
+(require 'map)
(require 'xdg)
(defgroup package-vc nil
:type 'directory
:version "29.1")
+(defcustom package-vc-default-backend 'Git
+ "VC backend to use as a fallback."
+ :type `(choice
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) (list 'const b))
+ vc-handled-backends))
+ :version "29.1")
+(defvar package-vc-archive-spec-alist nil
+ "List of package specifications for each archive.
+The list maps package names as string to plist. Valid keys
+ `:url' (string)
+The URL of the repository used to fetch the package source.
+ `:branch' (string)
+If given, the branch to check out after cloning the directory.
+ `:lisp-dir' (string)
+The repository-relative directory to use for loading the Lisp
+sources. If not given, the value defaults to the root directory
+of the repository.
+ `:main-file' (string)
+The main file of the project, relevant to gather package
+metadata. If not given, the assumed default is the package named
+with \".el\" concatenated to the end.
+All other values are ignored.")
+(defun pacakge-vc-desc->spec (pkg-desc &optional name)
+ "Retrieve the package specification for PKG-DESC.
+The optional argument NAME can be used to override the default
+name for PKG-DESC."
+ (let ((spec (alist-get
+ (or name (package-desc-name pkg-desc))
+ (alist-get (intern (package-desc-archive pkg-desc))
+ package-vc-archive-spec-alist)
+ nil nil #'string=)))
+ spec))
+(defun package-vc--read-archive-data (archive)
+ "Update `package-vc-archive-spec-alist' with the contents of ARCHIVE.
+This function is meant to be used as a hook for
+ (let* ((contents-file (expand-file-name
+ (format "archives/%s/elpa-packages" archive)
+ package-user-dir)))
+ (when (file-exists-p contents-file)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8))
+ (insert-file-contents contents-file))
+ (setf (alist-get (intern archive) package-vc-archive-spec-alist)
+ (read (current-buffer)))))))
+(defun package-vc--download-and-read-archives (&optional async)
+ "Download specifications of all `package-archives' and read them.
+Populate `package-vc-archive-spec-alist' with the result.
+If optional argument ASYNC is non-nil, perform the downloads
+ (dolist (archive package-archives)
+ (condition-case-unless-debug nil
+ (package--download-one-archive archive "elpa-packages" async)
+ (error (message "Failed to download `%s' archive." (car archive))))))
+(add-hook 'package-read-archive-hook #'package-vc--read-archive-data 20)
+(add-hook 'package-refresh-contents-hook #'package-vc--download-and-read-archives 20)
(defun package-vc-commit (pkg)
"Extract the commit of a development package PKG."
(cl-assert (package-vc-p pkg))
return it
finally return "0"))
-(defun package-vc-main-file (pkg-desc)
- "Return the main file of the package PKG-DESC.
-If no file can be found that appends \".el\" to the end of the
-package name, the file with the closest file name is chosen."
- (let* ((default-directory (package-desc-dir pkg-desc))
- (best (format "%s.el" (package-desc-name pkg-desc)))
- (distance most-positive-fixnum) next-best)
- (if (file-exists-p best)
- (expand-file-name best)
- (dolist (file (directory-files default-directory nil "\\.el\\'"))
- (let ((distance* (string-distance best file)))
- (when (< distance* distance)
- (setq distance distance* next-best file))))
- next-best)))
(defun package-vc-generate-description-file (pkg-desc pkg-file)
"Generate a package description file for PKG-DESC.
The output is written out into PKG-FILE."
;; Infer the subject if missing.
(unless (package-desc-summary pkg-desc)
(setf (package-desc-summary pkg-desc)
- (or (and-let* ((pkg (cadr (assq name package-archive-contents))))
+ (or (package-desc-summary pkg-desc)
+ (and-let* ((pkg (cadr (assq name package-archive-contents))))
(package-desc-summary pkg))
- (lm-summary (package-vc-main-file pkg-desc))
+ (and-let* ((pkg-spec (pacakge-vc-desc->spec pkg-desc))
+ (main-file (plist-get pkg-spec :main-file)))
+ (lm-summary main-file))
+ (and-let* ((main-file (expand-file-name
+ (format "%s.el" name)
+ (package-desc-dir pkg-desc)))
+ ((file-exists-p main-file)))
+ (lm-summary main-file))
(let ((print-level nil)
(print-quoted t)
(cons (package-desc-name pkg-desc)
-(defun package-vc-unpack (pkg-desc)
- "Install the package described by PKG-DESC."
+(defun package-vc-unpack (pkg-desc pkg-spec &optional rev)
+ "Install the package described by PKG-DESC.
+PKG-SPEC is a package specification is a property list describing
+how to fetch and build the package PKG-DESC. See
+`package-vc-archive-spec-alist' for details. The optional argument
+REV specifies a specific revision to checkout. This overrides
+the `:brach' attribute in PKG-SPEC."
(let* ((name (package-desc-name pkg-desc))
(dirname (package-desc-full-name pkg-desc))
(pkg-dir (expand-file-name dirname package-user-dir)))
(if (yes-or-no-p "Overwrite previous checkout?")
(package--delete-directory pkg-dir pkg-desc)
(error "There already exists a checkout for %s" name)))
- (pcase-let* ((attr (package-desc-extras pkg-desc))
- (`(,backend ,repo ,dir ,branch)
- (or (alist-get :upstream attr)
- (error "Source package has no repository")))
+ (pcase-let* ((extras (package-desc-extras pkg-desc))
+ ((map :url :branch :lisp-dir) pkg-spec)
- (if (null dir)
+ (if (null lisp-dir)
(unless (file-exists-p package-vc-repository-store)
(make-directory package-vc-repository-store t))
;; FIXME: We aren't sure this directory
;; will be unique, but we can try other
;; names to avoid an unnecessary error.
- (file-name-base repo)))))
+ (file-name-base url)))))
;; Clone the repository into `repo-dir' if necessary
(unless (file-exists-p repo-dir)
(make-directory (file-name-directory repo-dir) t)
- (unless (setf (car (alist-get :upstream attr))
- (vc-clone backend repo repo-dir))
- (error "Failed to clone %s from %s" name repo)))
+ (unless (vc-clone (or (alist-get :vc-backend extras)
+ package-vc-default-backend)
+ url repo-dir)
+ (error "Failed to clone %s from %s" name url)))
(unless (eq pkg-dir repo-dir)
;; Link from the right position in `repo-dir' to the package
;; directory in the ELPA store.
- (make-symbolic-link (file-name-concat repo-dir dir) pkg-dir))
- (when-let ((default-directory repo-dir)
- (rev (or (alist-get :rev attr) branch)))
+ (make-symbolic-link (file-name-concat repo-dir lisp-dir) pkg-dir))
+ (when-let* ((default-directory repo-dir) (rev (or rev branch)))
(vc-retrieve-tag pkg-dir rev)))
(package-vc-unpack-1 pkg-desc pkg-dir)))
"Generate a list of packages with VC data."
(lambda (pkg)
- (let ((extras (package-desc-extras (cadr pkg))))
- (or (alist-get :vc extras)
- ;; If we have no explicit VC data, we can try a kind of
- ;; heuristic and use the URL header, that might already be
- ;; pointing towards a repository, and use that as a backup
- (and-let* ((url (alist-get :url extras))
- (backend (alist-get url package-vc-heusitic-alist
- nil nil #'string-match-p)))
- (setf (alist-get :vc (package-desc-extras (cadr pkg)))
- (list backend url))
- t))))
+ (or (pacakge-vc-desc->spec (cadr pkg))
+ ;; If we have no explicit VC data, we can try a kind of
+ ;; heuristic and use the URL header, that might already be
+ ;; pointing towards a repository, and use that as a backup
+ (and-let* ((extras (package-desc-extras (cadr pkg)))
+ (url (alist-get :url extras))
+ (backend (alist-get url package-vc-heusitic-alist
+ nil nil #'string-match-p))))))
(defun package-vc-update (pkg-desc)
(package-vc-unpack-1 pkg-desc default-directory)))
(package-vc-unpack-1 pkg-desc default-directory))))
(defun package-vc-install (name-or-url &optional name rev)
"Fetch the source of NAME-OR-URL.
(name (file-name-base input)))
(list input (intern (string-remove-prefix "emacs-" name))))))
- (package-vc-unpack
- (cond
- ((and (stringp name-or-url)
- (url-type (url-generic-parse-url name-or-url)))
- (package-desc-create
- :name (or name (intern (file-name-base name-or-url)))
- :kind 'vc
- :extras `((:upstream . ,(list nil name-or-url nil nil))
- (:rev . ,rev))))
- ((when-let* ((desc (cadr (assoc name-or-url package-archive-contents
- #'string=)))
- (upstream (or (alist-get :vc (package-desc-extras desc))
- (user-error "Package has no VC data"))))
+ (cond
+ ((and-let* ((stringp name-or-url)
+ (backend (alist-get name-or-url
+ package-vc-heusitic-alist
+ nil nil #'string-match-p)))
+ (package-vc-unpack
- :name (if (stringp name-or-url)
- (intern name-or-url)
- name-or-url)
- :kind 'vc
- :extras `((:upstream . ,upstream)
- (:rev . ,rev)))))
- ((user-error "Unknown package to fetch: %s" name-or-url)))))
+ :name (or name (intern (file-name-base name-or-url)))
+ :kind 'vc)
+ (list :vc-backend backend :url name-or-url)
+ rev)))
+ ((and-let* ((desc (assoc name-or-url package-archive-contents #'string=)))
+ (package-vc-unpack
+ (let ((copy (copy-package-desc (cadr desc))))
+ (setf (package-desc-kind copy) 'vc)
+ copy)
+ (or (pacakge-vc-desc->spec (cadr desc))
+ (user-error "Package has no VC data"))
+ rev)))
+ ((user-error "Unknown package to fetch: %s" name-or-url))))
(defalias 'package-checkout #'package-vc-install)