* lisp/obsolete/autoarg.el: Make obsolete.
'elide-head' does; disabling it shows the header. The commands
'elide-head' and 'elide-head-show' are now obsolete.
+** The autoarg.el library is now marked obsolete.
+This library provides the 'autoarg-mode' and 'autoarg-kp-mode' minor
+modes to emulate the behavior of the historical editor Twenex Emacs.
+It is believed to no longer be useful.
* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 29.1
+++ /dev/null
-;;; autoarg.el --- make digit keys supply prefix args -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Dave Love <fx@gnu.org>
-;; Created: 1998-09-04
-;; Keywords: abbrev, emulations
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This provides `autoarg-mode', a global minor mode meant to emulate
-;; a facility reported from Twenex Emacs whereby digit keys supplied
-;; prefix args rather than self inserting, with a digit sequence
-;; terminated by space acting to insert the digits.
-;; The bindings of DIGIT and C-DIGIT are swapped and a command bound
-;; to SPC deals with a numeric prefix arg or acts normally without
-;; such an arg. (In the absence of a suitable terminal, you'd
-;; probably want to swap DIGIT and M-DIGIT.) See the mode doc.
-;; You probably don't really want to use this.
-;; Also provides `autoarg-kp-mode' which is similar, but leaves the
-;; digit keys alone and redefines the `keypad' keys, `kp-1' &c as
-;; digit arguments. (Use `NumLock' if necessary to generate kp-N.)
-;; You're more likely to want to use this.
-;;; Code:
-(defvar autoarg-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- ;; Loop over digit characters to set up keymap.
- (dotimes (i 10)
- (define-key map `[,(+ ?0 i)] 'digit-argument)
- (define-key map `[(control ,(+ ?0 i))] 'self-insert-command))
- (define-key map " " 'autoarg-terminate)
- map)
- "Keymap for Autoarg mode.")
-;; Logical additions:
-;; (define-key autoarg-mode-map [?-] 'negative-argument)
-;; (define-key autoarg-mode-map [(control ?-)] 'self-insert-command)
-;; A sensible/addition?
-;; (define-key autoarg-mode-map [?\r] 'autoarg-terminate)
-(defvar autoarg-kp-digits
- (mapcar (lambda (i) (cons (intern (format "kp-%d" i)) i))
- (reverse (number-sequence 0 9))))
-(defun autoarg-kp-digit-argument (arg)
- "Part of the numeric argument for the next command, like `digit-argument'."
- (interactive "P")
- (let ((digit (cdr (assq last-command-event autoarg-kp-digits))))
- (cond ((integerp arg)
- (setq prefix-arg (+ (* arg 10)
- (if (< arg 0) (- digit) digit))))
- ((eq arg '-)
- ;; Treat -0 as just -, so that -01 will work.
- (setq prefix-arg (if (zerop digit) '- (- digit))))
- (t
- (setq prefix-arg digit))))
- (setq overriding-terminal-local-map universal-argument-map))
-(defvar autoarg-kp-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- ;; Loop over digit characters to set up keymap.
- (dotimes (i 10)
- (let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i))))
- (define-key map (vector sym) 'autoarg-kp-digit-argument)))
- (define-key map [kp-subtract] 'negative-argument)
- map)
- "Keymap for Autoarg-KP mode.")
-(define-minor-mode autoarg-mode
- "Toggle Autoarg mode, a global minor mode.
-In Autoarg mode, digits are bound to `digit-argument', i.e. they
-supply prefix arguments as C-DIGIT and M-DIGIT normally do.
-Furthermore, C-DIGIT inserts DIGIT.
-\\[autoarg-terminate] terminates the prefix sequence and inserts
-the digits of the autoarg sequence into the buffer.
-Without a numeric prefix arg, the normal binding of \\[autoarg-terminate]
-is invoked, i.e. what it would be with Autoarg mode off.
-For example:
-`6 9 \\[autoarg-terminate]' inserts `69' into the buffer, as does `C-6 C-9'.
-`6 9 a' inserts 69 `a's into the buffer.
-`6 9 \\[autoarg-terminate] \\[autoarg-terminate]' inserts `69' into the buffer and
-then invokes the normal binding of \\[autoarg-terminate].
-`\\[universal-argument] \\[autoarg-terminate]' invokes the normal binding of \\[autoarg-terminate] four times.
- :lighter" Aarg" :global t :group 'keyboard)
-(define-minor-mode autoarg-kp-mode
- "Toggle Autoarg-KP mode, a global minor mode.
-This is similar to `autoarg-mode' but rebinds the keypad keys
-`kp-1' etc. to supply digit arguments.
- :lighter " Aakp" :global t :group 'keyboard
- (if autoarg-kp-mode
- (dotimes (i 10)
- (let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i))))
- (define-key universal-argument-map (vector sym)
- 'autoarg-kp-digit-argument)))
- (dotimes (i 10)
- (let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i))))
- (define-key universal-argument-map (vector sym) nil)))))
-(defun autoarg-terminate (n)
- "Maybe terminate a digit prefix sequence.
-With a non-negative numeric prefix arg, insert the digits comprising
-the arg into the current buffer. Otherwise use the binding of the key
-which invoked this function, excluding the Autoarg keymap."
- (interactive "P")
- (if (numberp n)
- (insert (number-to-string n))
- (let* ((autoarg-mode nil) ; hide the bindings
- (binding (key-binding (this-single-command-keys))))
- (if binding (call-interactively binding)))))
-(provide 'autoarg)
-;;; autoarg.el ends here
--- /dev/null
+;;; autoarg.el --- make digit keys supply prefix args -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Dave Love <fx@gnu.org>
+;; Created: 1998-09-04
+;; Keywords: abbrev, emulations
+;; Obsolete-since: 29.1
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This provides `autoarg-mode', a global minor mode meant to emulate
+;; a facility reported from Twenex Emacs whereby digit keys supplied
+;; prefix args rather than self inserting, with a digit sequence
+;; terminated by space acting to insert the digits.
+;; The bindings of DIGIT and C-DIGIT are swapped and a command bound
+;; to SPC deals with a numeric prefix arg or acts normally without
+;; such an arg. (In the absence of a suitable terminal, you'd
+;; probably want to swap DIGIT and M-DIGIT.) See the mode doc.
+;; You probably don't really want to use this.
+;; Also provides `autoarg-kp-mode' which is similar, but leaves the
+;; digit keys alone and redefines the `keypad' keys, `kp-1' &c as
+;; digit arguments. (Use `NumLock' if necessary to generate kp-N.)
+;; You're more likely to want to use this.
+;;; Code:
+(defvar autoarg-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ ;; Loop over digit characters to set up keymap.
+ (dotimes (i 10)
+ (define-key map `[,(+ ?0 i)] 'digit-argument)
+ (define-key map `[(control ,(+ ?0 i))] 'self-insert-command))
+ (define-key map " " 'autoarg-terminate)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for Autoarg mode.")
+;; Logical additions:
+;; (define-key autoarg-mode-map [?-] 'negative-argument)
+;; (define-key autoarg-mode-map [(control ?-)] 'self-insert-command)
+;; A sensible/addition?
+;; (define-key autoarg-mode-map [?\r] 'autoarg-terminate)
+(defvar autoarg-kp-digits
+ (mapcar (lambda (i) (cons (intern (format "kp-%d" i)) i))
+ (reverse (number-sequence 0 9))))
+(defun autoarg-kp-digit-argument (arg)
+ "Part of the numeric argument for the next command, like `digit-argument'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((digit (cdr (assq last-command-event autoarg-kp-digits))))
+ (cond ((integerp arg)
+ (setq prefix-arg (+ (* arg 10)
+ (if (< arg 0) (- digit) digit))))
+ ((eq arg '-)
+ ;; Treat -0 as just -, so that -01 will work.
+ (setq prefix-arg (if (zerop digit) '- (- digit))))
+ (t
+ (setq prefix-arg digit))))
+ (setq overriding-terminal-local-map universal-argument-map))
+(defvar autoarg-kp-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ ;; Loop over digit characters to set up keymap.
+ (dotimes (i 10)
+ (let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i))))
+ (define-key map (vector sym) 'autoarg-kp-digit-argument)))
+ (define-key map [kp-subtract] 'negative-argument)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for Autoarg-KP mode.")
+(define-minor-mode autoarg-mode
+ "Toggle Autoarg mode, a global minor mode.
+In Autoarg mode, digits are bound to `digit-argument', i.e. they
+supply prefix arguments as C-DIGIT and M-DIGIT normally do.
+Furthermore, C-DIGIT inserts DIGIT.
+\\[autoarg-terminate] terminates the prefix sequence and inserts
+the digits of the autoarg sequence into the buffer.
+Without a numeric prefix arg, the normal binding of \\[autoarg-terminate]
+is invoked, i.e. what it would be with Autoarg mode off.
+For example:
+`6 9 \\[autoarg-terminate]' inserts `69' into the buffer, as does `C-6 C-9'.
+`6 9 a' inserts 69 `a's into the buffer.
+`6 9 \\[autoarg-terminate] \\[autoarg-terminate]' inserts `69' into the buffer and
+then invokes the normal binding of \\[autoarg-terminate].
+`\\[universal-argument] \\[autoarg-terminate]' invokes the normal binding of \\[autoarg-terminate] four times.
+ :lighter" Aarg" :global t :group 'keyboard)
+(define-minor-mode autoarg-kp-mode
+ "Toggle Autoarg-KP mode, a global minor mode.
+This is similar to `autoarg-mode' but rebinds the keypad keys
+`kp-1' etc. to supply digit arguments.
+ :lighter " Aakp" :global t :group 'keyboard
+ (if autoarg-kp-mode
+ (dotimes (i 10)
+ (let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i))))
+ (define-key universal-argument-map (vector sym)
+ 'autoarg-kp-digit-argument)))
+ (dotimes (i 10)
+ (let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i))))
+ (define-key universal-argument-map (vector sym) nil)))))
+(defun autoarg-terminate (n)
+ "Maybe terminate a digit prefix sequence.
+With a non-negative numeric prefix arg, insert the digits comprising
+the arg into the current buffer. Otherwise use the binding of the key
+which invoked this function, excluding the Autoarg keymap."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (numberp n)
+ (insert (number-to-string n))
+ (let* ((autoarg-mode nil) ; hide the bindings
+ (binding (key-binding (this-single-command-keys))))
+ (if binding (call-interactively binding)))))
+(provide 'autoarg)
+;;; autoarg.el ends here