int from, to, x, y, with_background;
UINT options = 0;
+ HRGN orig_clip;
+ /* Save clip region for later restoration. */
+ GetClipRgn(s->hdc, orig_clip);
+ if (s->num_clips > 0)
+ {
+ HRGN new_clip = CreateRectRgnIndirect (s->clip);
+ if (s->num_clips > 1)
+ {
+ HRGN clip2 = CreateRectRgnIndirect (s->clip + 1);
+ CombineRgn (new_clip, new_clip, clip2, RGN_OR);
+ DeleteObject (clip2);
+ }
+ SelectClipRgn (s->hdc, new_clip);
+ DeleteObject (new_clip);
+ }
if (with_background)
+ SetBkColor (s->hdc, s->gc->background);
+ SetBkMode (s->hdc, OPAQUE);
+#if 0
HBRUSH brush;
RECT rect;
rect.bottom = y + ((struct font *) (s->font_info->font))->descent;
FillRect (s->hdc, &rect, brush);
DeleteObject (brush);
SetBkMode (s->hdc, TRANSPARENT);
ExtTextOutW (s->hdc, x, y, options, NULL, s->char2b + from, to - from, NULL);
+ /* Restore clip region. */
+ if (s->num_clips > 0)
+ {
+ SelectClipRgn (s->hdc, orig_clip);
+ }
/* w32 implementation of free_entity for font backend.