--- /dev/null
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 1999-2000,2002-2007, 2009-2012 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 2015 The Mercury team.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Module: accumulator.m.
+% Main authors: petdr.
+% Attempts to transform a single proc to a tail recursive form by
+% introducing accumulators. The algorithm can do this if the code after
+% the recursive call has either the order independent state update or
+% associative property.
+% /* Order independent State update property */
+% :- promise all [A,B,S0,S]
+% (
+% (some[SA] (update(A, S0, SA), update(B, SA, S)))
+% <=>
+% (some[SB] (update(B, S0, SB), update(A, SB, S)))
+% ).
+% /* Associativity property */
+% :- promise all [A,B,C,ABC]
+% (
+% (some[AB] (assoc(A, B, AB), assoc(AB, C, ABC)))
+% <=>
+% (some[BC] (assoc(B, C, BC), assoc(A, BC, ABC)))
+% ).
+% XXX What about exceptions and non-termination?
+% The promise declarations above only provide promises about the declarative
+% semantics, but in order to apply this optimization, we ought to check that
+% it will preserve the operational semantics (modulo whatever changes are
+% allowed by the language semantics options).
+% Currently we check and respect the --fully-strict option, but not the
+% --no-reorder-conj option. XXX we should check --no-reorder-conj!
+% If --no-reorder-conj was set, it would still be OK to apply this
+% transformation, but ONLY in cases where the goals which get reordered
+% are guaranteed not to throw any exceptions.
+% The algorithm implemented is a combination of the algorithms from
+% "Making Mercury Programs Tail Recursive" and
+% "State Update Transformation", which can be found at
+% <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/research/mercury/information/papers.html>.
+% Note that currently "State Update Transformation" paper only resides
+% in CVS papers archive in the directory update, but has been submitted
+% to PPDP '00.
+% The transformation recognises predicates in the form
+% p(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc) :-
+% minimal(In),
+% initialize(OutUpdate),
+% base(OutAssoc).
+% p(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc) :-
+% decompose(In, Current, Rest),
+% p(Rest, OutUpdate0, OutAssoc0),
+% update(Current, OutUpdate0, OutUpdate),
+% assoc(Current, OutAssoc0, OutAssoc).
+% which can be transformed by the algorithm in "State Update Transformation" to
+% p(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc) :-
+% initialize(AccUpdate),
+% p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate).
+% p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate) :-
+% minimal(In),
+% base(OutAssoc),
+% OutUpdate = AccUpdate.
+% p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate0) :-
+% decompose(In, Current, Rest),
+% update(Current, AccUpdate0, AccUpdate),
+% p_acc(Rest, OutUpdate, OutAssoc0, AccUpdate),
+% assoc(Current, OutAssoc0, OutAssoc).
+% we then apply the algorithm from "Making Mercury Programs Tail Recursive"
+% to p_acc to obtain
+% p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate) :-
+% minimal(In),
+% base(OutAssoc),
+% OutUpdate = AccUpdate.
+% p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate0) :-
+% decompose(In, Current, Rest),
+% update(Current, AccUpdate0, AccUpdate),
+% p_acc2(Rest, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate, Current).
+% p_acc2(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate0, AccAssoc0) :-
+% minimal(In),
+% base(Base),
+% assoc(AccAssoc0, Base, OutAssoc),
+% OutUpdate = AccUpdate0.
+% p_acc2(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate0, AccAssoc0) :-
+% decompose(In, Current, Rest),
+% update(Current, AccUpdate0, AccUpdate),
+% assoc(AccAssoc0, Current, AccAssoc),
+% p_acc2(Rest, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate, AccAssoc).
+% p_acc is no longer recursive and is only ever called from p, so we
+% inline p_acc into p to obtain the final schema.
+% p(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc) :-
+% minimal(In),
+% base(OutAssoc),
+% initialize(AccUpdate),
+% OutUpdate = AccUpdate.
+% p(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc) :-
+% decompose(In, Current, Rest),
+% initialize(AccUpdate0),
+% update(Current, AccUpdate0, AccUpdate),
+% p_acc2(Rest, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate, Current).
+% p_acc2(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate0, AccAssoc0) :-
+% minimal(In),
+% base(Base),
+% assoc(AccAssoc0, Base, OutAssoc),
+% OutUpdate = AccUpdate0.
+% p_acc2(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate0, AccAssoc0) :-
+% decompose(In, Current, Rest),
+% update(Current, AccUpdate0, AccUpdate),
+% assoc(AccAssoc0, Current, AccAssoc),
+% p_acc2(Rest, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate, AccAssoc).
+% The only real difficulty in this new transformation is identifying the
+% initialize/1 and base/1 goals from the original base case.
+% Note that if the recursive clause contains multiple calls to p, the
+% transformation attempts to move each recursive call to the end
+% until one succeeds. This makes the order of independent recursive
+% calls in the body irrelevant.
+% XXX Replace calls to can_reorder_goals with calls to the version that
+% use the intermodule-analysis framework.
+:- module transform_hlds.accumulator.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module hlds.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_pred.
+:- import_module univ.
+ % Attempt to transform a procedure into accumulator recursive form.
+ % If we succeed, we will add the recursive version of the procedure
+ % to the module_info. However, we may also encounter errors, which
+ % we will add to the list of error_specs in the univ accumulator.
+ %
+:- pred accu_transform_proc(pred_proc_id::in, pred_info::in,
+ proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+ univ::in, univ::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module hlds.assertion.
+:- import_module hlds.goal_util.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_error_util.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_goal.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_out.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_out.hlds_out_util.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_promise.
+:- import_module hlds.instmap.
+:- import_module hlds.pred_table.
+:- import_module hlds.quantification.
+:- import_module hlds.status.
+:- import_module hlds.vartypes.
+:- import_module libs.
+:- import_module libs.globals.
+:- import_module libs.optimization_options.
+:- import_module libs.options.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.sym_name.
+:- import_module parse_tree.
+:- import_module parse_tree.error_util.
+:- import_module parse_tree.prog_data.
+:- import_module parse_tree.prog_mode.
+:- import_module parse_tree.prog_util.
+:- import_module parse_tree.set_of_var.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.goal_store.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module pair.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module solutions.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module term.
+:- import_module varset.
+ % The form of the goal around the base and recursive cases.
+ %
+:- type top_level
+ ---> switch_base_rec
+ ; switch_rec_base
+ ; disj_base_rec
+ ; disj_rec_base
+ ; ite_base_rec
+ ; ite_rec_base.
+ % An accu_goal_id represents a goal. The first field says which conjunction
+ % the goal came from (the base case or the recursive case), and the second
+ % gives the location of the goal in that conjunction.
+ %
+:- type accu_goal_id
+ ---> accu_goal_id(accu_case, int).
+:- type accu_case
+ ---> accu_base
+ ; accu_rec.
+ % The goal_store associates a goal with each goal_id.
+ %
+:- type accu_goal_store == goal_store(accu_goal_id).
+ % A substitution from the first variable name to the second.
+ %
+:- type accu_subst == map(prog_var, prog_var).
+:- type accu_warning
+ ---> accu_warn(prog_context, pred_id, prog_var, prog_var).
+ % Warn that two prog_vars in a call to pred_id at the given context
+ % were swapped, which may cause an efficiency problem.
+accu_transform_proc(proc(PredId, ProcId), PredInfo, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo,
+ !Cookie) :-
+ module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
+ globals.get_opt_tuple(Globals, OptTuple),
+ DoLCMC = OptTuple ^ ot_opt_lcmc_accumulator,
+ globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, fully_strict, FullyStrict),
+ ( if
+ should_attempt_accu_transform(!ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, PredInfo,
+ !ProcInfo, FullyStrict, DoLCMC, Warnings)
+ then
+ globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
+ (
+ VeryVerbose = yes,
+ trace [io(!IO)] (
+ module_info_get_name(!.ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+ get_progress_output_stream(Globals, ModuleName,
+ ProgressStream, !IO),
+ PredStr = pred_id_to_string(!.ModuleInfo, PredId),
+ io.format(ProgressStream,
+ "%% Accumulators introduced into %s\n", [s(PredStr)], !IO)
+ )
+ ;
+ VeryVerbose = no
+ ),
+ (
+ Warnings = []
+ ;
+ Warnings = [_ | _],
+ pred_info_get_context(PredInfo, Context),
+ PredPieces = describe_one_pred_name(!.ModuleInfo,
+ should_module_qualify, PredId),
+ InPieces = [words("In") | PredPieces] ++ [suffix(":"), nl],
+ InMsg = simple_msg(Context,
+ [option_is_set(warn_accumulator_swaps, yes,
+ [always(InPieces)])]),
+ proc_info_get_varset(!.ProcInfo, VarSet),
+ generate_warnings(!.ModuleInfo, VarSet, Warnings, WarnMsgs),
+ (
+ Warnings = [_],
+ EnsurePieces = [words("Please ensure that this"),
+ words("argument rearrangement does not introduce"),
+ words("performance problems.")]
+ ;
+ Warnings = [_, _ | _],
+ EnsurePieces = [words("Please ensure that these"),
+ words("argument rearrangements do not introduce"),
+ words("performance problems.")]
+ ),
+ SuppressPieces =
+ [words("These warnings can be suppressed by"),
+ quote("--no-warn-accumulator-swaps"), suffix(".")],
+ VerbosePieces = [words("If a predicate has been declared"),
+ words("associative"),
+ words("via a"), quote("promise"), words("declaration,"),
+ words("the compiler will rearrange the order of"),
+ words("the arguments in calls to that predicate,"),
+ words("if by so doing it makes the containing predicate"),
+ words("tail recursive. In such situations, the compiler"),
+ words("will issue this warning. If this reordering"),
+ words("changes the performance characteristics"),
+ words("of the call to the predicate, use"),
+ quote("--no-accumulator-introduction"),
+ words("to turn the optimization off, or "),
+ quote("--no-warn-accumulator-swaps"),
+ words("to turn off the warnings.")],
+ EnsureSuppressMsg = simple_msg(Context,
+ [option_is_set(warn_accumulator_swaps, yes,
+ [always(EnsurePieces), always(SuppressPieces)]),
+ verbose_only(verbose_once, VerbosePieces)]),
+ Severity = severity_conditional(warn_accumulator_swaps, yes,
+ severity_warning, no),
+ Msgs = [InMsg | WarnMsgs] ++ [EnsureSuppressMsg],
+ Spec = error_spec($pred, Severity, phase_accumulator_intro, Msgs),
+ det_univ_to_type(!.Cookie, Specs0),
+ Specs = [Spec | Specs0],
+ type_to_univ(Specs, !:Cookie)
+ )
+ else
+ true
+ ).
+:- pred generate_warnings(module_info::in, prog_varset::in,
+ list(accu_warning)::in, list(error_msg)::out) is det.
+generate_warnings(_, _, [], []).
+generate_warnings(ModuleInfo, VarSet, [Warning | Warnings], [Msg | Msgs]) :-
+ generate_warning(ModuleInfo, VarSet, Warning, Msg),
+ generate_warnings(ModuleInfo, VarSet, Warnings, Msgs).
+:- pred generate_warning(module_info::in, prog_varset::in, accu_warning::in,
+ error_msg::out) is det.
+generate_warning(ModuleInfo, VarSet, Warning, Msg) :-
+ Warning = accu_warn(Context, PredId, VarA, VarB),
+ PredPieces = describe_one_pred_name(ModuleInfo, should_module_qualify,
+ PredId),
+ varset.lookup_name(VarSet, VarA, VarAName),
+ varset.lookup_name(VarSet, VarB, VarBName),
+ Pieces = [words("warning: the call to")] ++ PredPieces ++
+ [words("has had the location of the variables"),
+ quote(VarAName), words("and"), quote(VarBName),
+ words("swapped to allow accumulator introduction."), nl],
+ Msg = simplest_msg(Context, Pieces).
+ % should_attempt_accu_transform is only true iff the current proc
+ % has been transformed to call the newly created accumulator proc.
+ %
+:- pred should_attempt_accu_transform(module_info::in, module_info::out,
+ pred_id::in, proc_id::in, pred_info::in, proc_info::in, proc_info::out,
+ bool::in, maybe_opt_lcmc_accumulator::in,
+ list(accu_warning)::out) is semidet.
+should_attempt_accu_transform(!ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, PredInfo,
+ !ProcInfo, FullyStrict, DoLCMC, Warnings) :-
+ proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, Goal0),
+ proc_info_get_headvars(!.ProcInfo, HeadVars),
+ proc_info_get_initial_instmap(!.ModuleInfo, !.ProcInfo, InitialInstMap),
+ accu_standardize(Goal0, Goal),
+ identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap,
+ TopLevel, Base, BaseInstMap, Rec, RecInstMap),
+ C = initialize_goal_store(Rec, RecInstMap, Base, BaseInstMap),
+ identify_recursive_calls(PredId, ProcId, C, RecCallIds),
+ list.length(Rec, M),
+ should_attempt_accu_transform_2(!ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo, !ProcInfo,
+ HeadVars, InitialInstMap, TopLevel, FullyStrict, DoLCMC,
+ RecCallIds, C, M, Rec, Warnings).
+ % should_attempt_accu_transform_2 takes a list of locations of the
+ % recursive calls, and attempts to introduce accumulator into each of the
+ % recursive calls, stopping at the first one that succeeds.
+ % This catches the following case, as selecting the first recursive call
+ % allows the second recursive call to be moved before it, and
+ % OutA is in the correct spot in list.append.
+ %
+ % p(InA, OutA),
+ % p(InB, OutB),
+ % list.append(OutB, OutA, Out)
+ %
+:- pred should_attempt_accu_transform_2(module_info::in, module_info::out,
+ pred_id::in, pred_info::in, proc_info::in, proc_info::out,
+ list(prog_var)::in, instmap::in, top_level::in, bool::in,
+ maybe_opt_lcmc_accumulator::in,
+ list(accu_goal_id)::in, accu_goal_store::in, int::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+ list(accu_warning)::out) is semidet.
+should_attempt_accu_transform_2(!ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo, !ProcInfo,
+ HeadVars, InitialInstMap, TopLevel, FullyStrict, DoLCMC,
+ [Id | Ids], C, M, Rec, Warnings) :-
+ proc_info_get_vartypes(!.ProcInfo, VarTypes0),
+ identify_out_and_out_prime(!.ModuleInfo, VarTypes0, InitialInstMap,
+ Id, Rec, HeadVars, Out, OutPrime, HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst),
+ ( if
+ accu_stage1(!.ModuleInfo, VarTypes0, FullyStrict, DoLCMC, Id, M, C,
+ Sets),
+ accu_stage2(!.ModuleInfo, !.ProcInfo, Id, C, Sets, OutPrime, Out,
+ VarSet, VarTypes, Accs, BaseCase, BasePairs, Substs, CS,
+ WarningsPrime),
+ accu_stage3(Id, Accs, VarSet, VarTypes, C, CS, Substs,
+ HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst, BaseCase, BasePairs, Sets, Out,
+ TopLevel, PredId, PredInfo, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo)
+ then
+ Warnings = WarningsPrime
+ else
+ should_attempt_accu_transform_2(!ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo,
+ !ProcInfo, HeadVars, InitialInstMap, TopLevel, FullyStrict, DoLCMC,
+ Ids, C, M, Rec, Warnings)
+ ).
+ % Transform the goal into a standard form that is amenable to
+ % introducing accumulators.
+ %
+ % At the moment all this does is remove any extra disj/conj wrappers
+ % around the top level goal.
+ %
+ % Future work is for this code to rearrange code with multiple base
+ % and recursive cases into a single base and recursive case.
+ %
+:- pred accu_standardize(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accu_standardize(Goal0, Goal) :-
+ ( if
+ Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, _),
+ (
+ GoalExpr0 = conj(plain_conj, [Goal1])
+ ;
+ GoalExpr0 = disj([Goal1])
+ )
+ then
+ accu_standardize(Goal1, Goal)
+ else
+ Goal = Goal0
+ ).
+ % This predicate takes the original goal and identifies the `shape'
+ % of the goal around the recursive and base cases.
+ %
+ % Note that the base case can contain a recursive call, as the
+ % transformation doesn't depend on what is in the base case.
+ %
+:- pred identify_goal_type(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, hlds_goal::in,
+ instmap::in, top_level::out, list(hlds_goal)::out, instmap::out,
+ list(hlds_goal)::out, instmap::out) is semidet.
+identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap, Type,
+ Base, BaseInstMap, Rec, RecInstMap) :-
+ Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
+ (
+ GoalExpr = switch(_Var, _CanFail, Cases),
+ ( if
+ Cases = [case(_IdA, [], GoalA), case(_IdB, [], GoalB)],
+ goal_to_conj_list(GoalA, GoalAList),
+ goal_to_conj_list(GoalB, GoalBList)
+ then
+ ( if is_recursive_case(GoalAList, proc(PredId, ProcId)) then
+ Type = switch_rec_base,
+ Base = GoalBList,
+ Rec = GoalAList
+ else if is_recursive_case(GoalBList, proc(PredId, ProcId)) then
+ Type = switch_base_rec,
+ Base = GoalAList,
+ Rec = GoalBList
+ else
+ fail
+ ),
+ BaseInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+ RecInstMap = InitialInstMap
+ else
+ fail
+ )
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+ ( if
+ Goals = [GoalA, GoalB],
+ goal_to_conj_list(GoalA, GoalAList),
+ goal_to_conj_list(GoalB, GoalBList)
+ then
+ ( if is_recursive_case(GoalAList, proc(PredId, ProcId)) then
+ Type = disj_rec_base,
+ Base = GoalBList,
+ Rec = GoalAList
+ else if is_recursive_case(GoalBList, proc(PredId, ProcId)) then
+ Type = disj_base_rec,
+ Base = GoalAList,
+ Rec = GoalBList
+ else
+ fail
+ ),
+ BaseInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+ RecInstMap = InitialInstMap
+ else
+ fail
+ )
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = if_then_else(_Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
+ Cond = hlds_goal(_CondGoalExpr, CondGoalInfo),
+ CondInstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(CondGoalInfo),
+ goal_to_conj_list(Then, GoalAList),
+ goal_to_conj_list(Else, GoalBList),
+ ( if is_recursive_case(GoalAList, proc(PredId, ProcId)) then
+ Type = ite_rec_base,
+ Base = GoalBList,
+ Rec = GoalAList,
+ BaseInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+ apply_instmap_delta(CondInstMapDelta, InitialInstMap, RecInstMap)
+ else if is_recursive_case(GoalBList, proc(PredId, ProcId)) then
+ Type = ite_base_rec,
+ Base = GoalAList,
+ Rec = GoalBList,
+ RecInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+ apply_instmap_delta(CondInstMapDelta, InitialInstMap, BaseInstMap)
+ else
+ fail
+ )
+ ).
+ % is_recursive_case(Gs, Id) is true iff the list of goals, Gs,
+ % contains a call to the procedure specified by Id, where the call
+ % is located in a position that can be used by the transformation
+ % (i.e. not hidden in a compound goal).
+ %
+:- pred is_recursive_case(list(hlds_goal)::in, pred_proc_id::in) is semidet.
+is_recursive_case(Goals, proc(PredId, ProcId)) :-
+ list.append(_Initial, [RecursiveCall | _Final], Goals),
+ RecursiveCall = hlds_goal(plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _), _).
+ % The store info is folded over the list of goals which
+ % represent the base and recursive case conjunctions.
+:- type store_info
+ ---> store_info(
+ store_loc :: int,
+ % The location of the goal in the conjunction.
+ store_instmap :: instmap,
+ store_goals :: accu_goal_store
+ ).
+ % Initialise the goal_store, which will hold the C_{a,b} goals.
+ %
+:- func initialize_goal_store(list(hlds_goal), instmap,
+ list(hlds_goal), instmap) = accu_goal_store.
+initialize_goal_store(Rec, RecInstMap, Base, BaseInstMap) = C :-
+ goal_store_init(C0),
+ list.foldl3(accu_store(accu_rec), Rec,
+ 1, _, RecInstMap, _, C0, C1),
+ list.foldl3(accu_store(accu_base), Base,
+ 1, _, BaseInstMap, _, C1, C).
+:- pred accu_store(accu_case::in, hlds_goal::in,
+ int::in, int::out, instmap::in, instmap::out,
+ accu_goal_store::in, accu_goal_store::out) is det.
+accu_store(Case, Goal, !N, !InstMap, !GoalStore) :-
+ Id = accu_goal_id(Case, !.N),
+ goal_store_det_insert(Id, stored_goal(Goal, !.InstMap), !GoalStore),
+ !:N = !.N + 1,
+ Goal = hlds_goal(_, GoalInfo),
+ InstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo),
+ apply_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, !InstMap).
+ % Determine the k's which are recursive calls.
+ % Note that this doesn't find recursive calls which are `hidden'
+ % in compound goals, this is not a problem as currently we can't use
+ % these to do transformation.
+ %
+:- pred identify_recursive_calls(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+ accu_goal_store::in, list(accu_goal_id)::out) is det.
+identify_recursive_calls(PredId, ProcId, GoalStore, Ids) :-
+ P =
+ ( pred(Key::out) is nondet :-
+ goal_store_member(GoalStore, Key, stored_goal(Goal, _InstMap)),
+ Key = accu_goal_id(accu_rec, _),
+ Goal = hlds_goal(plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _), _)
+ ),
+ solutions.solutions(P, Ids).
+ % Determine the variables which are members of the sets Out and Out',
+ % and initialize the substitutions between the two sets.
+ %
+ % This is done by identifing those variables whose instantiatedness change
+ % in the goals after the recursive call and are headvars.
+ %
+ % Note that we are only identifying the output variables which will need
+ % to be accumulated, as there may be other output variables which are
+ % produced prior to the recursive call.
+ %
+:- pred identify_out_and_out_prime(module_info::in, vartypes::in, instmap::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+ list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::out, list(prog_var)::out,
+ accu_subst::out, accu_subst::out) is det.
+identify_out_and_out_prime(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InitialInstMap, GoalId,
+ Rec, HeadVars, Out, OutPrime, HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(_Case, K),
+ ( if
+ list.take(K, Rec, InitialGoals),
+ list.drop(K-1, Rec, FinalGoals),
+ FinalGoals = [hlds_goal(plain_call(_, _, Args, _, _, _), _) | Rest]
+ then
+ goal_list_instmap_delta(InitialGoals, InitInstMapDelta),
+ apply_instmap_delta( InitInstMapDelta,
+ InitialInstMap, InstMapBeforeRest),
+ goal_list_instmap_delta(Rest, InstMapDelta),
+ apply_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, InstMapBeforeRest, InstMapAfterRest),
+ instmap_changed_vars(ModuleInfo, VarTypes,
+ InstMapBeforeRest, InstMapAfterRest, ChangedVars),
+ assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, Args, HeadArg0),
+ Member =
+ ( pred(M::in) is semidet :-
+ M = HeadVar - _,
+ set_of_var.member(ChangedVars, HeadVar)
+ ),
+ list.filter(Member, HeadArg0, HeadArg),
+ list.map(fst, HeadArg, Out),
+ list.map(snd, HeadArg, OutPrime),
+ map.from_assoc_list(HeadArg, HeadToCallSubst),
+ list.map((pred(X-Y::in, Y-X::out) is det), HeadArg, ArgHead),
+ map.from_assoc_list(ArgHead, CallToHeadSubst)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "test failed")
+ ).
+ % For each goal after the recursive call, we place that goal
+ % into a set according to what properties that goal has.
+ % For the definition of what goes into each set, inspect the documentation
+ % for the functions named before, assoc, and so on.
+ %
+:- type accu_sets
+ ---> accu_sets(
+ as_before :: set(accu_goal_id),
+ as_assoc :: set(accu_goal_id),
+ as_construct_assoc :: set(accu_goal_id),
+ as_construct :: set(accu_goal_id),
+ as_update :: set(accu_goal_id),
+ as_reject :: set(accu_goal_id)
+ ).
+ % Stage 1 is responsible for identifying which goals are associative,
+ % which can be moved before the recursive call and so on.
+ %
+:- pred accu_stage1(module_info::in, vartypes::in, bool::in,
+ maybe_opt_lcmc_accumulator::in, accu_goal_id::in, int::in,
+ accu_goal_store::in, accu_sets::out) is semidet.
+accu_stage1(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, DoLCMC, GoalId, M, GoalStore,
+ Sets) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, K),
+ NextGoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, K + 1),
+ accu_sets_init(Sets0),
+ accu_stage1_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, NextGoalId, K, M,
+ GoalStore, Sets0, Sets1),
+ Sets1 = accu_sets(Before, Assoc,
+ ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, Reject),
+ Sets = accu_sets(Before `set.union` set_upto(Case, K - 1), Assoc,
+ ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, Reject),
+ % Continue the transformation only if the set reject is empty and
+ % the set assoc or update contains something that needs to be moved
+ % before the recursive call.
+ set.is_empty(Reject),
+ (
+ not set.is_empty(Assoc)
+ ;
+ not set.is_empty(Update)
+ ),
+ (
+ DoLCMC = do_not_opt_lcmc_accumulator,
+ % If LCMC is not turned on, then there must be no construction
+ % unifications after the recursive call.
+ set.is_empty(Construct),
+ set.is_empty(ConstructAssoc)
+ ;
+ DoLCMC = opt_lcmc_accumulator
+ ).
+ % For each goal after the recursive call decide which set
+ % the goal belongs to.
+ %
+:- pred accu_stage1_2(module_info::in, vartypes::in, bool::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, int::in, int::in, accu_goal_store::in,
+ accu_sets::in, accu_sets::out) is det.
+accu_stage1_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K, M, GoalStore,
+ !Sets) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, I),
+ NextGoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, I + 1),
+ ( if I > M then
+ true
+ else
+ ( if
+ accu_before(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K,
+ GoalStore, !.Sets)
+ then
+ !Sets ^ as_before := set.insert(!.Sets ^ as_before, GoalId),
+ accu_stage1_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, NextGoalId, K, M,
+ GoalStore, !Sets)
+ else if
+ accu_assoc(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K,
+ GoalStore, !.Sets)
+ then
+ !Sets ^ as_assoc := set.insert(!.Sets ^ as_assoc, GoalId),
+ accu_stage1_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, NextGoalId, K, M,
+ GoalStore, !Sets)
+ else if
+ accu_construct(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K,
+ GoalStore, !.Sets)
+ then
+ !Sets ^ as_construct := set.insert(!.Sets ^ as_construct, GoalId),
+ accu_stage1_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, NextGoalId, K, M,
+ GoalStore, !Sets)
+ else if
+ accu_construct_assoc(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K,
+ GoalStore, !.Sets)
+ then
+ !Sets ^ as_construct_assoc :=
+ set.insert(!.Sets ^ as_construct_assoc, GoalId),
+ accu_stage1_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, NextGoalId, K, M,
+ GoalStore, !Sets)
+ else if
+ accu_update(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K,
+ GoalStore, !.Sets)
+ then
+ !Sets ^ as_update := set.insert(!.Sets ^ as_update, GoalId),
+ accu_stage1_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, NextGoalId, K, M,
+ GoalStore, !Sets)
+ else
+ !Sets ^ as_reject := set.insert(!.Sets ^ as_reject, GoalId)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred accu_sets_init(accu_sets::out) is det.
+accu_sets_init(Sets) :-
+ set.init(EmptySet),
+ Before = EmptySet,
+ Assoc = EmptySet,
+ ConstructAssoc = EmptySet,
+ Construct = EmptySet,
+ Update = EmptySet,
+ Reject = EmptySet,
+ Sets = accu_sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, Reject).
+ % set_upto(Case, K) returns the set
+ % {accu_goal_id(Case, 1) .. accu_goal_id(Case, K)}.
+ %
+:- func set_upto(accu_case, int) = set(accu_goal_id).
+set_upto(Case, K) = Set :-
+ ( if K =< 0 then
+ set.init(Set)
+ else
+ Set0 = set_upto(Case, K - 1),
+ set.insert(accu_goal_id(Case, K), Set0, Set)
+ ).
+ % A goal is a member of the before set iff the goal only depends on goals
+ % which are before the recursive call or can be moved before the recursive
+ % call (member of the before set).
+ %
+:- pred accu_before(module_info::in, vartypes::in, bool::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, int::in, accu_goal_store::in, accu_sets::in) is semidet.
+accu_before(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K, GoalStore, Sets) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, _I),
+ Before = Sets ^ as_before,
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, GoalId, stored_goal(LaterGoal, LaterInstMap)),
+ (
+ member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, GoalId, LessThanGoalId,
+ stored_goal(EarlierGoal, EarlierInstMap)),
+ not can_reorder_goals_old(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict,
+ EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal, LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
+ )
+ =>
+ (
+ set.member(LessThanGoalId, set_upto(Case, K - 1) `union` Before)
+ ).
+ % A goal is a member of the assoc set iff the goal only depends on goals
+ % upto and including the recursive call and goals which can be moved
+ % before the recursive call (member of the before set) AND the goal
+ % is associative.
+ %
+:- pred accu_assoc(module_info::in, vartypes::in, bool::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, int::in, accu_goal_store::in, accu_sets::in) is semidet.
+accu_assoc(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K, GoalStore, Sets) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, _I),
+ Before = Sets ^ as_before,
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, GoalId, stored_goal(LaterGoal, LaterInstMap)),
+ LaterGoal = hlds_goal(plain_call(PredId, _, Args, _, _, _), _),
+ accu_is_associative(ModuleInfo, PredId, Args, _),
+ (
+ % XXX LessThanGoalId was _N - J, not N - J: it ignored the case.
+ % See the diff with the previous version.
+ member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, GoalId, LessThanGoalId,
+ stored_goal(EarlierGoal, EarlierInstMap)),
+ not can_reorder_goals_old(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict,
+ EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal, LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
+ )
+ =>
+ (
+ set.member(LessThanGoalId, set_upto(Case, K) `union` Before)
+ ).
+ % A goal is a member of the construct set iff the goal only depends
+ % on goals upto and including the recursive call and goals which
+ % can be moved before the recursive call (member of the before set)
+ % AND the goal is construction unification.
+ %
+:- pred accu_construct(module_info::in, vartypes::in, bool::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, int::in, accu_goal_store::in, accu_sets::in) is semidet.
+accu_construct(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K, GoalStore,
+ Sets) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, _I),
+ Before = Sets ^ as_before,
+ Construct = Sets ^ as_construct,
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, GoalId, stored_goal(LaterGoal, LaterInstMap)),
+ LaterGoal = hlds_goal(unify(_, _, _, Unify, _), _GoalInfo),
+ Unify = construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+ (
+ % XXX LessThanGoalId was _N - J, not N - J: it ignored the case.
+ % See the diff with the previous version.
+ member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, GoalId, LessThanGoalId,
+ stored_goal(EarlierGoal, EarlierInstMap)),
+ not can_reorder_goals_old(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict,
+ EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal, LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
+ )
+ =>
+ (
+ set.member(LessThanGoalId,
+ set_upto(Case, K) `union` Before `union` Construct)
+ ).
+ % A goal is a member of the construct_assoc set iff the goal depends only
+ % on goals upto and including the recursive call and goals which can be
+ % moved before the recursive call (member of the before set) and goals
+ % which are associative AND the goal is construction unification AND
+ % there is only one member of the assoc set which the construction
+ % unification depends on AND the construction unification can be expressed
+ % as a call to the member of the assoc set which the construction
+ % unification depends on.
+ %
+:- pred accu_construct_assoc(module_info::in, vartypes::in, bool::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, int::in, accu_goal_store::in, accu_sets::in) is semidet.
+accu_construct_assoc(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict,
+ GoalId, K, GoalStore, Sets) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, _I),
+ Before = Sets ^ as_before,
+ Assoc = Sets ^ as_assoc,
+ ConstructAssoc = Sets ^ as_construct_assoc,
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, GoalId, stored_goal(LaterGoal, LaterInstMap)),
+ LaterGoal = hlds_goal(unify(_, _, _, Unify, _), _GoalInfo),
+ Unify = construct(_, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _),
+ goal_store_all_ancestors(GoalStore, GoalId, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
+ FullyStrict, Ancestors),
+ set.is_singleton(Assoc `intersect` Ancestors, AssocId),
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, AssocId,
+ stored_goal(AssocGoal, _AssocInstMap)),
+ AssocGoal = hlds_goal(plain_call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _), _),
+ is_associative_construction(ModuleInfo, PredId, ConsId),
+ (
+ % XXX LessThanGoalId was _N - J, not N - J: it ignored the case.
+ % See the diff with the previous version.
+ member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, GoalId, LessThanGoalId,
+ stored_goal(EarlierGoal, EarlierInstMap)),
+ not can_reorder_goals_old(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict,
+ EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal, LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
+ )
+ =>
+ (
+ set.member(LessThanGoalId,
+ set_upto(Case, K) `union` Before `union` Assoc
+ `union` ConstructAssoc)
+ ).
+ % A goal is a member of the update set iff the goal only depends
+ % on goals upto and including the recursive call and goals which
+ % can be moved before the recursive call (member of the before set)
+ % AND the goal updates some state.
+ %
+:- pred accu_update(module_info::in, vartypes::in, bool::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, int::in, accu_goal_store::in, accu_sets::in) is semidet.
+accu_update(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict, GoalId, K, GoalStore, Sets) :-
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, _I),
+ Before = Sets ^ as_before,
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, GoalId, stored_goal(LaterGoal, LaterInstMap)),
+ LaterGoal = hlds_goal(plain_call(PredId, _, Args, _, _, _), _),
+ accu_is_update(ModuleInfo, PredId, Args, _),
+ (
+ % XXX LessThanGoalId was _N - J, not N - J: it ignored the case.
+ % See the diff with the previous version.
+ member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, GoalId, LessThanGoalId,
+ stored_goal(EarlierGoal, EarlierInstMap)),
+ not can_reorder_goals_old(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, FullyStrict,
+ EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal, LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
+ )
+ =>
+ (
+ set.member(LessThanGoalId, set_upto(Case, K) `union` Before)
+ ).
+ % member_lessthan_goalid(GS, IdA, IdB, GB) is true iff the goal_id, IdB,
+ % and its associated goal, GB, is a member of the goal_store, GS,
+ % and IdB is less than IdA.
+ %
+:- pred member_lessthan_goalid(accu_goal_store::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, accu_goal_id::out, stored_goal::out) is nondet.
+member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, GoalId, LessThanGoalId, LessThanGoal) :-
+ goal_store_member(GoalStore, LessThanGoalId, LessThanGoal),
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, I),
+ LessThanGoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, J),
+ J < I.
+:- type accu_assoc
+ ---> accu_assoc(
+ set_of_progvar, % the associative input args
+ prog_var, % the corresponding output arg
+ bool % is the predicate commutative?
+ ).
+ % If accu_is_associative is true, it returns the two arguments which are
+ % associative and the variable which depends on those two arguments,
+ % and an indicator of whether or not the predicate is commutative.
+ %
+:- pred accu_is_associative(module_info::in, pred_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+ accu_assoc::out) is semidet.
+accu_is_associative(ModuleInfo, PredId, Args, Result) :-
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+ pred_info_get_assertions(PredInfo, Assertions),
+ AssertionsList = set.to_sorted_list(Assertions),
+ associativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertionsList, Args,
+ AssociativeVarsOutputVar),
+ ( if
+ commutativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertionsList, Args,
+ _CommutativeVars)
+ then
+ IsCommutative = yes
+ else
+ IsCommutative = no
+ ),
+ AssociativeVarsOutputVar =
+ associative_vars_output_var(AssociativeVars, OutputVar),
+ Result = accu_assoc(AssociativeVars, OutputVar, IsCommutative).
+ % Does there exist one (and only one) associativity assertion for the
+ % current predicate?
+ % The 'and only one condition' is required because we currently
+ % do not handle the case of predicates which have individual parts
+ % which are associative, because then we do not know which variable
+ % is descended from which.
+ %
+:- pred associativity_assertion(module_info::in, list(assert_id)::in,
+ list(prog_var)::in, associative_vars_output_var::out) is semidet.
+associativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, [AssertId | AssertIds], Args0,
+ AssociativeVarsOutputVar) :-
+ ( if
+ assertion.is_associativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertId,
+ Args0, AssociativeVarsOutputVarPrime)
+ then
+ AssociativeVarsOutputVar = AssociativeVarsOutputVarPrime,
+ not associativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertIds, Args0, _)
+ else
+ associativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertIds, Args0,
+ AssociativeVarsOutputVar)
+ ).
+ % Does there exist one (and only one) commutativity assertion for the
+ % current predicate?
+ % The 'and only one condition' is required because we currently
+ % do not handle the case of predicates which have individual
+ % parts which are commutative, because then we do not know which variable
+ % is descended from which.
+ %
+:- pred commutativity_assertion(module_info::in,list(assert_id)::in,
+ list(prog_var)::in, set_of_progvar::out) is semidet.
+commutativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, [AssertId | AssertIds], Args0,
+ CommutativeVars) :-
+ ( if
+ assertion.is_commutativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertId,
+ Args0, CommutativeVarsPrime)
+ then
+ CommutativeVars = CommutativeVarsPrime,
+ not commutativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertIds, Args0, _)
+ else
+ commutativity_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertIds, Args0,
+ CommutativeVars)
+ ).
+ % Does the current predicate update some state?
+ %
+:- pred accu_is_update(module_info::in, pred_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+ state_update_vars::out) is semidet.
+accu_is_update(ModuleInfo, PredId, Args, ResultStateVars) :-
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+ pred_info_get_assertions(PredInfo, Assertions),
+ list.filter_map(
+ ( pred(AssertId::in, StateVars::out) is semidet :-
+ assertion.is_update_assertion(ModuleInfo, AssertId,
+ PredId, Args, StateVars)
+ ),
+ set.to_sorted_list(Assertions), Result),
+ % XXX Maybe we should just match on the first result,
+ % just in case there are duplicate promises.
+ Result = [ResultStateVars].
+ % Can the construction unification be expressed as a call to the
+ % specified predicate.
+ %
+:- pred is_associative_construction(module_info::in, pred_id::in, cons_id::in)
+ is semidet.
+is_associative_construction(ModuleInfo, PredId, ConsId) :-
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+ pred_info_get_assertions(PredInfo, Assertions),
+ list.filter(
+ ( pred(AssertId::in) is semidet :-
+ assertion.is_construction_equivalence_assertion(ModuleInfo,
+ AssertId, ConsId, PredId)
+ ),
+ set.to_sorted_list(Assertions), Result),
+ Result = [_ | _].
+:- type accu_substs
+ ---> accu_substs(
+ acc_var_subst :: accu_subst,
+ rec_call_subst :: accu_subst,
+ assoc_call_subst :: accu_subst,
+ update_subst :: accu_subst
+ ).
+:- type accu_base
+ ---> accu_base(
+ % goals which initialize update
+ init_update :: set(accu_goal_id),
+ % goals which initialize assoc
+ init_assoc :: set(accu_goal_id),
+ % other goals
+ other :: set(accu_goal_id)
+ ).
+ % Stage 2 is responsible for identifying the substitutions which
+ % are needed to mimic the unfold/fold process that was used as
+ % the justification of the algorithm in the paper.
+ % It is also responsible for ensuring that the reordering of arguments
+ % doesn't worsen the big-O complexity of the procedure.
+ % It also divides the base case into goals that initialize the
+ % variables used by the update goals, and those used by the assoc
+ % goals and then all the rest.
+ %
+:- pred accu_stage2(module_info::in, proc_info::in,
+ accu_goal_id::in, accu_goal_store::in, accu_sets::in,
+ list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::out,
+ list(prog_var)::out, accu_base::out, list(pair(prog_var))::out,
+ accu_substs::out, accu_goal_store::out, list(accu_warning)::out)
+ is semidet.
+accu_stage2(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo0, GoalId, GoalStore, Sets, OutPrime, Out,
+ !:VarSet, !:VarTypes, Accs, BaseCase, BasePairs, !:Substs,
+ CS, Warnings) :-
+ Sets = accu_sets(Before0, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, _),
+ GoalId = accu_goal_id(Case, K),
+ Before = Before0 `union` set_upto(Case, K-1),
+ % Note Update set is not placed in the after set, as the after set is used
+ % to determine the variables that need to be accumulated for the
+ % associative calls.
+ After = Assoc `union` ConstructAssoc `union` Construct,
+ P =
+ ( pred(Id::in, Set0::in, Set::out) is det :-
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, Id, stored_goal(Goal, _InstMap)),
+ Goal = hlds_goal(_GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+ NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo),
+ set_of_var.union(NonLocals, Set0, Set)
+ ),
+ list.foldl(P, set.to_sorted_list(Before),
+ set_of_var.init, BeforeNonLocals),
+ list.foldl(P, set.to_sorted_list(After),
+ set_of_var.init, AfterNonLocals),
+ InitAccs = set_of_var.intersect(BeforeNonLocals, AfterNonLocals),
+ proc_info_get_varset(ProcInfo0, !:VarSet),
+ proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo0, !:VarTypes),
+ accu_substs_init(set_of_var.to_sorted_list(InitAccs), !VarSet, !VarTypes,
+ !:Substs),
+ set_of_var.list_to_set(OutPrime, OutPrimeSet),
+ accu_process_assoc_set(ModuleInfo, GoalStore, set.to_sorted_list(Assoc),
+ OutPrimeSet, !Substs, !VarSet, !VarTypes, CS, Warnings),
+ accu_process_update_set(ModuleInfo, GoalStore, set.to_sorted_list(Update),
+ OutPrimeSet, !Substs, !VarSet, !VarTypes, UpdateOut, UpdateAccOut,
+ BasePairs),
+ Accs = set_of_var.to_sorted_list(InitAccs) ++ UpdateAccOut,
+ accu_divide_base_case(ModuleInfo, !.VarTypes, GoalStore, UpdateOut, Out,
+ UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase),
+ BaseCase = accu_base(UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase).
+:- pred accu_substs_init(list(prog_var)::in, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out,
+ vartypes::in, vartypes::out, accu_substs::out) is det.
+accu_substs_init(InitAccs, !VarSet, !VarTypes, Substs) :-
+ map.init(Subst),
+ acc_var_subst_init(InitAccs, !VarSet, !VarTypes, AccVarSubst),
+ RecCallSubst = Subst,
+ AssocCallSubst = Subst,
+ UpdateSubst = Subst,
+ Substs = accu_substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst,
+ UpdateSubst).
+ % Initialise the acc_var_subst to be from Var to A_Var where Var is a
+ % member of InitAccs and A_Var is a fresh variable of the same type of Var.
+ %
+:- pred acc_var_subst_init(list(prog_var)::in,
+ prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out,
+ accu_subst::out) is det.
+acc_var_subst_init([], !VarSet, !VarTypes, map.init).
+acc_var_subst_init([Var | Vars], !VarSet, !VarTypes, Subst) :-
+ create_new_var(Var, "A_", AccVar, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
+ acc_var_subst_init(Vars, !VarSet, !VarTypes, Subst0),
+ map.det_insert(Var, AccVar, Subst0, Subst).
+ % Create a fresh variable which is the same type as the old variable
+ % and has the same name except that it begins with the prefix.
+ %
+:- pred create_new_var(prog_var::in, string::in, prog_var::out,
+ prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
+create_new_var(OldVar, Prefix, NewVar, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
+ varset.lookup_name(!.VarSet, OldVar, OldName),
+ string.append(Prefix, OldName, NewName),
+ varset.new_named_var(NewName, NewVar, !VarSet),
+ lookup_var_type(!.VarTypes, OldVar, Type),
+ add_var_type(NewVar, Type, !VarTypes).
+ % For each member of the assoc set determine the substitutions needed,
+ % and also check the efficiency of the procedure isn't worsened
+ % by reordering the arguments to a call.
+ %
+:- pred accu_process_assoc_set(module_info::in, accu_goal_store::in,
+ list(accu_goal_id)::in, set_of_progvar::in,
+ accu_substs::in, accu_substs::out,
+ prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out,
+ accu_goal_store::out, list(accu_warning)::out) is semidet.
+accu_process_assoc_set(_ModuleInfo, _GS, [], _OutPrime, !Substs,
+ !VarSet, !VarTypes, CS, []) :-
+ goal_store_init(CS).
+accu_process_assoc_set(ModuleInfo, GS, [Id | Ids], OutPrime, !Substs,
+ !VarSet, !VarTypes, CS, Warnings) :-
+ !.Substs = accu_substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst0, AssocCallSubst0,
+ UpdateSubst),
+ lookup_call(GS, Id, stored_goal(Goal, InstMap)),
+ Goal = hlds_goal(plain_call(PredId, _, Args, _, _, _), GoalInfo),
+ accu_is_associative(ModuleInfo, PredId, Args, AssocInfo),
+ AssocInfo = accu_assoc(Vars, AssocOutput, IsCommutative),
+ OutPrimeVars = set_of_var.intersect(Vars, OutPrime),
+ set_of_var.is_singleton(OutPrimeVars, DuringAssocVar),
+ set_of_var.is_singleton(set_of_var.difference(Vars, OutPrimeVars),
+ BeforeAssocVar),
+ map.lookup(AccVarSubst, BeforeAssocVar, AccVar),
+ create_new_var(BeforeAssocVar, "NewAcc_", NewAcc, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
+ map.det_insert(DuringAssocVar, AccVar, AssocCallSubst0, AssocCallSubst1),
+ map.det_insert(AssocOutput, NewAcc, AssocCallSubst1, AssocCallSubst),
+ map.det_insert(DuringAssocVar, AssocOutput, RecCallSubst0, RecCallSubst1),
+ map.det_insert(BeforeAssocVar, NewAcc, RecCallSubst1, RecCallSubst),
+ !:Substs = accu_substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst,
+ UpdateSubst),
+ % ONLY swap the order of the variables if the goal is
+ % associative and not commutative.
+ (
+ IsCommutative = yes,
+ CSGoal = stored_goal(Goal, InstMap),
+ CurWarnings = []
+ ;
+ IsCommutative = no,
+ % Ensure that the reordering doesn't cause a efficiency problem.
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+ ModuleName = pred_info_module(PredInfo),
+ PredName = pred_info_name(PredInfo),
+ Arity = pred_info_orig_arity(PredInfo),
+ ( if accu_has_heuristic(ModuleName, PredName, Arity) then
+ % Only do the transformation if the accumulator variable is
+ % *not* in a position where it will control the running time
+ % of the predicate.
+ accu_heuristic(ModuleName, PredName, Arity, Args,
+ PossibleDuringAssocVars),
+ set_of_var.member(PossibleDuringAssocVars, DuringAssocVar),
+ CurWarnings = []
+ else
+ ProgContext = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
+ CurWarnings = [accu_warn(ProgContext, PredId, BeforeAssocVar,
+ DuringAssocVar)]
+ ),
+ % Swap the arguments.
+ [A, B] = set_of_var.to_sorted_list(Vars),
+ map.from_assoc_list([A - B, B - A], Subst),
+ rename_some_vars_in_goal(Subst, Goal, SwappedGoal),
+ CSGoal = stored_goal(SwappedGoal, InstMap)
+ ),
+ accu_process_assoc_set(ModuleInfo, GS, Ids, OutPrime, !Substs,
+ !VarSet, !VarTypes, CS0, Warnings0),
+ goal_store_det_insert(Id, CSGoal, CS0, CS),
+ Warnings = Warnings0 ++ CurWarnings.
+:- pred accu_has_heuristic(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in) is semidet.
+accu_has_heuristic(unqualified("list"), "append", 3).
+ % heuristic returns the set of which head variables are important
+ % in the running time of the predicate.
+ %
+:- pred accu_heuristic(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in,
+ list(prog_var)::in, set_of_progvar::out) is semidet.
+accu_heuristic(unqualified("list"), "append", 3, [_Typeinfo, A, _B, _C],
+ Set) :-
+ set_of_var.make_singleton(A, Set).
+ % For each member of the update set determine the substitutions needed
+ % (creating the accumulator variables when needed).
+ % Also associate with each Output variable which accumulator variable
+ % to get the result from.
+ %
+:- pred accu_process_update_set(module_info::in, accu_goal_store::in,
+ list(accu_goal_id)::in, set_of_progvar::in,
+ accu_substs::in, accu_substs::out,
+ prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out,
+ list(prog_var)::out, list(prog_var)::out, list(pair(prog_var))::out)
+ is semidet.
+accu_process_update_set(_ModuleInfo, _GS, [], _OutPrime, !Substs,
+ !VarSet, !VarTypes, [], [], []).
+accu_process_update_set(ModuleInfo, GS, [Id | Ids], OutPrime, !Substs,
+ !VarSet, !VarTypes, StateOutputVars, Accs, BasePairs) :-
+ !.Substs = accu_substs(AccVarSubst0, RecCallSubst0, AssocCallSubst,
+ UpdateSubst0),
+ lookup_call(GS, Id, stored_goal(Goal, _InstMap)),
+ Goal = hlds_goal(plain_call(PredId, _, Args, _, _, _), _GoalInfo),
+ accu_is_update(ModuleInfo, PredId, Args, StateVars),
+ StateVars = state_update_vars(StateVarA, StateVarB),
+ ( if set_of_var.member(OutPrime, StateVarA) then
+ StateInputVar = StateVarA,
+ StateOutputVar = StateVarB
+ else
+ StateInputVar = StateVarB,
+ StateOutputVar = StateVarA
+ ),
+ create_new_var(StateInputVar, "Acc_", Acc0, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
+ create_new_var(StateOutputVar, "Acc_", Acc, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
+ map.det_insert(StateInputVar, Acc0, UpdateSubst0, UpdateSubst1),
+ map.det_insert(StateOutputVar, Acc, UpdateSubst1, UpdateSubst),
+ map.det_insert(StateInputVar, StateOutputVar, RecCallSubst0, RecCallSubst),
+ map.det_insert(Acc, Acc0, AccVarSubst0, AccVarSubst),
+ !:Substs = accu_substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst,
+ UpdateSubst),
+ accu_process_update_set(ModuleInfo, GS, Ids, OutPrime, !Substs,
+ !VarSet, !VarTypes, StateOutputVars0, Accs0, BasePairs0),
+ % Rather then concatenating to start of the list we concatenate to the end
+ % of the list. This allows the accumulator introduction to be applied
+ % as the heuristic will succeed (remember after transforming the two
+ % input variables will have their order swapped, so they must be in the
+ % inefficient order to start with)
+ StateOutputVars = StateOutputVars0 ++ [StateOutputVar],
+ Accs = Accs0 ++ [Acc],
+ BasePairs = BasePairs0 ++ [StateOutputVar - Acc0].
+ % divide_base_case(UpdateOut, Out, U, A, O) is true iff given the output
+ % variables which are instantiated by update goals, UpdateOut, and all
+ % the variables that need to be accumulated, Out, divide the base case up
+ % into three sets, those base case goals which initialize the variables
+ % used by update calls, U, those which initialize variables used by
+ % assoc calls, A, and the rest of the goals, O. Note that the sets
+ % are not necessarily disjoint, as the result of a goal may be used
+ % to initialize a variable in both U and A, so both U and A will contain
+ % the same goal_id.
+ %
+:- pred accu_divide_base_case(module_info::in, vartypes::in,
+ accu_goal_store::in, list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+ set(accu_goal_id)::out, set(accu_goal_id)::out, set(accu_goal_id)::out)
+ is det.
+accu_divide_base_case(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, C, UpdateOut, Out,
+ UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase) :-
+ list.delete_elems(Out, UpdateOut, AssocOut),
+ list.map(accu_related(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, C), UpdateOut, UpdateBaseList),
+ list.map(accu_related(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, C), AssocOut, AssocBaseList),
+ UpdateBase = set.power_union(set.list_to_set(UpdateBaseList)),
+ AssocBase = set.power_union(set.list_to_set(AssocBaseList)),
+ Set = base_case_ids_set(C) `difference` (UpdateBase `union` AssocBase),
+ set.to_sorted_list(Set, List),
+ list.map(
+ ( pred(GoalId::in, Ancestors::out) is det :-
+ goal_store_all_ancestors(C, GoalId, VarTypes,
+ ModuleInfo, no, Ancestors)
+ ), List, OtherBaseList),
+ OtherBase = set.list_to_set(List) `union`
+ (base_case_ids_set(C) `intersect`
+ set.power_union(set.list_to_set(OtherBaseList))).
+ % accu_related(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, GoalStore, Var, Related):
+ %
+ % From GoalStore, return all the goal_ids, Related, which are needed
+ % to initialize Var.
+ %
+:- pred accu_related(module_info::in, vartypes::in, accu_goal_store::in,
+ prog_var::in, set(accu_goal_id)::out) is det.
+accu_related(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, GoalStore, Var, Related) :-
+ solutions.solutions(
+ ( pred(Key::out) is nondet :-
+ goal_store_member(GoalStore, Key, stored_goal(Goal, InstMap0)),
+ Key = accu_goal_id(accu_base, _),
+ Goal = hlds_goal(_GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+ InstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo),
+ apply_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, InstMap0, InstMap),
+ instmap_changed_vars(ModuleInfo, VarTypes,
+ InstMap0, InstMap, ChangedVars),
+ set_of_var.is_singleton(ChangedVars, Var)
+ ), Ids),
+ (
+ Ids = [],
+ unexpected($pred, "no Id")
+ ;
+ Ids = [Id],
+ goal_store_all_ancestors(GoalStore, Id, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, no,
+ Ancestors),
+ list.filter((pred(accu_goal_id(accu_base, _)::in) is semidet),
+ set.to_sorted_list(set.insert(Ancestors, Id)), RelatedList),
+ Related = set.list_to_set(RelatedList)
+ ;
+ Ids = [_, _ | _],
+ unexpected($pred, "more than one Id")
+ ).
+:- inst stored_goal_plain_call for goal_store.stored_goal/0
+ ---> stored_goal(goal_plain_call, ground).
+ % Do a goal_store_lookup where the result is known to be a call.
+ %
+:- pred lookup_call(accu_goal_store::in, accu_goal_id::in,
+ stored_goal::out(stored_goal_plain_call)) is det.
+lookup_call(GoalStore, Id, stored_goal(Call, InstMap)) :-
+ goal_store_lookup(GoalStore, Id, stored_goal(Goal, InstMap)),
+ ( if
+ Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+ GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+ then
+ Call = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not a call")
+ ).
+ % accu_stage3 creates the accumulator version of the predicate using
+ % the substitutions determined in stage2. It also redefines the
+ % original procedure to call the accumulator version of the procedure.
+ %
+:- pred accu_stage3(accu_goal_id::in, list(prog_var)::in, prog_varset::in,
+ vartypes::in, accu_goal_store::in, accu_goal_store::in,
+ accu_substs::in, accu_subst::in, accu_subst::in,
+ accu_base::in, list(pair(prog_var))::in, accu_sets::in,
+ list(prog_var)::in, top_level::in, pred_id::in, pred_info::in,
+ proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+accu_stage3(RecCallId, Accs, VarSet, VarTypes, C, CS, Substs,
+ HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst, BaseCase, BasePairs, Sets, Out,
+ TopLevel, OrigPredId, OrigPredInfo, !OrigProcInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
+ acc_proc_info(Accs, VarSet, VarTypes, Substs, !.OrigProcInfo,
+ AccTypes, AccProcInfo),
+ acc_pred_info(AccTypes, Out, AccProcInfo, OrigPredId, OrigPredInfo,
+ AccProcId, AccPredInfo),
+ AccName = unqualified(pred_info_name(AccPredInfo)),
+ module_info_get_predicate_table(!.ModuleInfo, PredTable0),
+ predicate_table_insert(AccPredInfo, AccPredId, PredTable0, PredTable),
+ module_info_set_predicate_table(PredTable, !ModuleInfo),
+ accu_create_goal(RecCallId, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName, Substs,
+ HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst, BaseCase, BasePairs, Sets, C, CS,
+ OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal, AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal),
+ proc_info_get_goal(!.OrigProcInfo, OrigGoal0),
+ accu_top_level(TopLevel, OrigGoal0, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal,
+ AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal, OrigGoal, AccGoal),
+ proc_info_set_goal(OrigGoal, !OrigProcInfo),
+ proc_info_set_varset(VarSet, !OrigProcInfo),
+ proc_info_set_vartypes(VarTypes, !OrigProcInfo),
+ requantify_proc_general(ordinary_nonlocals_no_lambda, !OrigProcInfo),
+ update_accumulator_pred(AccPredId, AccProcId, AccGoal, !ModuleInfo).
+ % Construct a proc_info for the introduced predicate.
+ %
+:- pred acc_proc_info(list(prog_var)::in, prog_varset::in, vartypes::in,
+ accu_substs::in, proc_info::in, list(mer_type)::out, proc_info::out)
+ is det.
+acc_proc_info(Accs0, VarSet, VarTypes, Substs, OrigProcInfo,
+ AccTypes, AccProcInfo) :-
+ % ProcInfo Stuff that must change.
+ proc_info_get_headvars(OrigProcInfo, HeadVars0),
+ proc_info_get_argmodes(OrigProcInfo, HeadModes0),
+ proc_info_get_inst_varset(OrigProcInfo, InstVarSet),
+ proc_info_get_inferred_determinism(OrigProcInfo, Detism),
+ proc_info_get_goal(OrigProcInfo, Goal),
+ proc_info_get_context(OrigProcInfo, Context),
+ proc_info_get_rtti_varmaps(OrigProcInfo, RttiVarMaps),
+ proc_info_get_is_address_taken(OrigProcInfo, IsAddressTaken),
+ proc_info_get_has_parallel_conj(OrigProcInfo, HasParallelConj),
+ proc_info_get_var_name_remap(OrigProcInfo, VarNameRemap),
+ Substs = accu_substs(AccVarSubst, _RecCallSubst, _AssocCallSubst,
+ _UpdateSubst),
+ list.map(map.lookup(AccVarSubst), Accs0, Accs),
+ % We place the extra accumulator variables at the start, because placing
+ % them at the end breaks the convention that the last variable of a
+ % function is the output variable.
+ HeadVars = Accs ++ HeadVars0,
+ % XXX we don't want to use the inst of the var as it can be more specific
+ % than it should be. ie int_const(1) when it should be any integer.
+ % However this will no longer handle partially instantiated data
+ % structures.
+ Inst = ground(shared, none_or_default_func),
+ inst_lists_to_mode_list([Inst], [Inst], Mode),
+ list.duplicate(list.length(Accs), list.det_head(Mode), AccModes),
+ HeadModes = AccModes ++ HeadModes0,
+ lookup_var_types(VarTypes, Accs, AccTypes),
+ SeqNum = item_no_seq_num,
+ proc_info_create(Context, SeqNum, VarSet, VarTypes, HeadVars,
+ InstVarSet, HeadModes, detism_decl_none, Detism, Goal, RttiVarMaps,
+ IsAddressTaken, HasParallelConj, VarNameRemap, AccProcInfo).
+ % Construct the pred_info for the introduced predicate.
+ %
+:- pred acc_pred_info(list(mer_type)::in, list(prog_var)::in, proc_info::in,
+ pred_id::in, pred_info::in, proc_id::out, pred_info::out) is det.
+acc_pred_info(NewTypes, OutVars, NewProcInfo, OrigPredId, OrigPredInfo,
+ NewProcId, NewPredInfo) :-
+ % PredInfo stuff that must change.
+ pred_info_get_arg_types(OrigPredInfo, TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, Types0),
+ ModuleName = pred_info_module(OrigPredInfo),
+ Name = pred_info_name(OrigPredInfo),
+ PredOrFunc = pred_info_is_pred_or_func(OrigPredInfo),
+ pred_info_get_context(OrigPredInfo, PredContext),
+ pred_info_get_markers(OrigPredInfo, Markers),
+ pred_info_get_class_context(OrigPredInfo, ClassContext),
+ pred_info_get_origin(OrigPredInfo, OldOrigin),
+ pred_info_get_var_name_remap(OrigPredInfo, VarNameRemap),
+ set.init(Assertions),
+ proc_info_get_context(NewProcInfo, Context),
+ term.context_line(Context, Line),
+ Counter = 0,
+ Types = NewTypes ++ Types0,
+ make_pred_name_with_context(ModuleName, "AccFrom", PredOrFunc, Name,
+ Line, Counter, SymName),
+ OutVarNums = list.map(term.var_to_int, OutVars),
+ Origin = origin_transformed(transform_accumulator(OutVarNums),
+ OldOrigin, OrigPredId),
+ GoalType = goal_not_for_promise(np_goal_type_none),
+ pred_info_create(ModuleName, SymName, PredOrFunc, PredContext, Origin,
+ pred_status(status_local), Markers, Types, TypeVarSet,
+ ExistQVars, ClassContext, Assertions, VarNameRemap, GoalType,
+ NewProcInfo, NewProcId, NewPredInfo).
+ % create_goal creates the new base and recursive case of the
+ % original procedure (OrigBaseGoal and OrigRecGoal) and the base
+ % and recursive cases of accumulator version (AccBaseGoal and
+ % AccRecGoal).
+ %
+:- pred accu_create_goal(accu_goal_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+ pred_id::in, proc_id::in, sym_name::in, accu_substs::in,
+ accu_subst::in, accu_subst::in, accu_base::in,
+ list(pair(prog_var))::in, accu_sets::in,
+ accu_goal_store::in, accu_goal_store::in,
+ hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accu_create_goal(RecCallId, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName, Substs,
+ HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst, BaseIds, BasePairs,
+ Sets, C, CS, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal, AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal) :-
+ lookup_call(C, RecCallId, stored_goal(OrigCall, _InstMap)),
+ Call = create_acc_call(OrigCall, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName),
+ create_orig_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst,
+ BaseIds, Sets, C, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal),
+ create_acc_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst, BaseIds, BasePairs,
+ Sets, C, CS, AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal).
+ % create_acc_call takes the original call and generates a call to the
+ % accumulator version of the call, which can have the substitutions
+ % applied to it easily.
+ %
+:- func create_acc_call(hlds_goal::in(goal_plain_call), list(prog_var)::in,
+ pred_id::in, proc_id::in, sym_name::in) = (hlds_goal::out(goal_plain_call))
+ is det.
+create_acc_call(OrigCall, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName) = Call :-
+ OrigCall = hlds_goal(OrigCallExpr, GoalInfo),
+ OrigCallExpr = plain_call(_PredId, _ProcId, Args, Builtin, Context, _Name),
+ CallExpr = plain_call(AccPredId, AccProcId, Accs ++ Args, Builtin,
+ Context, AccName),
+ Call = hlds_goal(CallExpr, GoalInfo).
+ % Create the goals which are to replace the original predicate.
+ %
+:- pred create_orig_goal(hlds_goal::in, accu_substs::in,
+ accu_subst::in, accu_subst::in, accu_base::in, accu_sets::in,
+ accu_goal_store::in, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+create_orig_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst,
+ BaseIds, Sets, C, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal) :-
+ Substs = accu_substs(_AccVarSubst, _RecCallSubst, _AssocCallSubst,
+ UpdateSubst),
+ BaseIds = accu_base(UpdateBase, _AssocBase, _OtherBase),
+ Before = Sets ^ as_before,
+ Update = Sets ^ as_update,
+ U = create_new_orig_recursive_goals(UpdateBase, Update,
+ HeadToCallSubst, UpdateSubst, C),
+ rename_some_vars_in_goal(CallToHeadSubst, Call, BaseCall),
+ Cbefore = accu_goal_list(set.to_sorted_list(Before), C),
+ Uupdate = accu_goal_list(set.to_sorted_list(UpdateBase) ++
+ set.to_sorted_list(Update), U),
+ Cbase = accu_goal_list(base_case_ids(C), C),
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(plain_conj, Cbefore ++ Uupdate ++ [BaseCall]),
+ OrigRecGoal),
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(plain_conj, Cbase), OrigBaseGoal).
+ % Create the goals which are to go in the new accumulator version
+ % of the predicate.
+ %
+:- pred create_acc_goal(hlds_goal::in, accu_substs::in, accu_subst::in,
+ accu_base::in, list(pair(prog_var))::in, accu_sets::in,
+ accu_goal_store::in, accu_goal_store::in,
+ hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+create_acc_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst, BaseIds, BasePairs, Sets,
+ C, CS, AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal) :-
+ Substs = accu_substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst,
+ UpdateSubst),
+ BaseIds = accu_base(_UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase),
+ Sets = accu_sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update,
+ _Reject),
+ rename_some_vars_in_goal(RecCallSubst, Call, RecCall),
+ Cbefore = accu_goal_list(set.to_sorted_list(Before), C),
+ % Create the goals which will be used in the new recursive case.
+ R = create_new_recursive_goals(Assoc, Construct `union` ConstructAssoc,
+ Update, AssocCallSubst, AccVarSubst, UpdateSubst, C, CS),
+ Rassoc = accu_goal_list(set.to_sorted_list(Assoc), R),
+ Rupdate = accu_goal_list(set.to_sorted_list(Update), R),
+ Rconstruct = accu_goal_list(set.to_sorted_list(Construct `union`
+ ConstructAssoc), R),
+ % Create the goals which will be used in the new base case.
+ B = create_new_base_goals(Assoc `union` Construct `union`
+ ConstructAssoc, C, AccVarSubst, HeadToCallSubst),
+ Bafter = set.to_sorted_list(Assoc `union`
+ Construct `union` ConstructAssoc),
+ BaseCase = accu_goal_list(set.to_sorted_list(AssocBase `union` OtherBase)
+ ++ Bafter, B),
+ list.map(acc_unification, BasePairs, UpdateBase),
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(plain_conj, Cbefore ++ Rassoc ++ Rupdate
+ ++ [RecCall] ++ Rconstruct), AccRecGoal),
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(plain_conj, UpdateBase ++ BaseCase), AccBaseGoal).
+ % Create the U set of goals (those that will be used in the original
+ % recursive case) by renaming all the goals which are used to initialize
+ % the update state variable using the head_to_call followed by the
+ % update_subst, and rename all the update goals using the update_subst.
+ %
+:- func create_new_orig_recursive_goals(set(accu_goal_id), set(accu_goal_id),
+ accu_subst, accu_subst, accu_goal_store) = accu_goal_store.
+create_new_orig_recursive_goals(UpdateBase, Update, HeadToCallSubst,
+ UpdateSubst, C)
+ = accu_rename(set.to_sorted_list(Update), UpdateSubst, C, Ubase) :-
+ Ubase = accu_rename(set.to_sorted_list(UpdateBase),
+ chain_subst(HeadToCallSubst, UpdateSubst), C, goal_store_init).
+ % Create the R set of goals (those that will be used in the new
+ % recursive case) by renaming all the members of assoc in CS
+ % using assoc_call_subst and all the members of (construct U
+ % construct_assoc) in C with acc_var_subst.
+ %
+:- func create_new_recursive_goals(set(accu_goal_id), set(accu_goal_id),
+ set(accu_goal_id), accu_subst, accu_subst, accu_subst,
+ accu_goal_store, accu_goal_store) = accu_goal_store.
+create_new_recursive_goals(Assoc, Constructs, Update,
+ AssocCallSubst, AccVarSubst, UpdateSubst, C, CS)
+ = accu_rename(set.to_sorted_list(Constructs), AccVarSubst, C, RBase) :-
+ RBase0 = accu_rename(set.to_sorted_list(Assoc), AssocCallSubst, CS,
+ goal_store_init),
+ RBase = accu_rename(set.to_sorted_list(Update), UpdateSubst, C, RBase0).
+ % Create the B set of goals (those that will be used in the new base case)
+ % by renaming all the base case goals of C with head_to_call and all the
+ % members of (assoc U construct U construct_assoc) of C with acc_var_subst.
+ %
+:- func create_new_base_goals(set(accu_goal_id), accu_goal_store,
+ accu_subst, accu_subst) = accu_goal_store.
+create_new_base_goals(Ids, C, AccVarSubst, HeadToCallSubst)
+ = accu_rename(set.to_sorted_list(Ids), AccVarSubst, C, Bbase) :-
+ Bbase = accu_rename(base_case_ids(C), HeadToCallSubst, C, goal_store_init).
+ % acc_unification(O-A, G):
+ %
+ % is true if G represents the assignment unification Out = Acc.
+ %
+:- pred acc_unification(pair(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+acc_unification(Out - Acc, Goal) :-
+ UnifyMode = unify_modes_li_lf_ri_rf(free, ground_inst,
+ ground_inst, ground_inst),
+ Context = unify_context(umc_explicit, []),
+ Expr = unify(Out, rhs_var(Acc), UnifyMode, assign(Out,Acc), Context),
+ set_of_var.list_to_set([Out, Acc], NonLocalVars),
+ InstMapDelta = instmap_delta_bind_var(Out),
+ goal_info_init(NonLocalVars, InstMapDelta, detism_det, purity_pure, Info),
+ Goal = hlds_goal(Expr, Info).
+ % Given the top level structure of the goal create new version
+ % with new base and recursive cases plugged in.
+ %
+:- pred accu_top_level(top_level::in, hlds_goal::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accu_top_level(TopLevel, Goal, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal,
+ NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
+ (
+ TopLevel = switch_base_rec,
+ ( if
+ Goal = hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0), GoalInfo),
+ Cases0 = [case(IdA, [], _), case(IdB, [], _)]
+ then
+ OrigCases = [case(IdA, [], OrigBaseGoal),
+ case(IdB, [], OrigRecGoal)],
+ OrigGoal = hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, OrigCases), GoalInfo),
+ NewCases = [case(IdA, [], NewBaseGoal), case(IdB, [], NewRecGoal)],
+ NewGoal = hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, NewCases), GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not the correct top level")
+ )
+ ;
+ TopLevel = switch_rec_base,
+ ( if
+ Goal = hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0), GoalInfo),
+ Cases0 = [case(IdA, [], _), case(IdB, [], _)]
+ then
+ OrigCases = [case(IdA, [], OrigRecGoal),
+ case(IdB, [], OrigBaseGoal)],
+ OrigGoal = hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, OrigCases), GoalInfo),
+ NewCases = [case(IdA, [], NewRecGoal), case(IdB, [], NewBaseGoal)],
+ NewGoal = hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, NewCases), GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not the correct top level")
+ )
+ ;
+ TopLevel = disj_base_rec,
+ ( if
+ Goal = hlds_goal(disj(Goals), GoalInfo),
+ Goals = [_, _]
+ then
+ OrigGoals = [OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal],
+ OrigGoal = hlds_goal(disj(OrigGoals), GoalInfo),
+ NewGoals = [NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal],
+ NewGoal = hlds_goal(disj(NewGoals), GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not the correct top level")
+ )
+ ;
+ TopLevel = disj_rec_base,
+ ( if
+ Goal = hlds_goal(disj(Goals), GoalInfo),
+ Goals = [_, _]
+ then
+ OrigGoals = [OrigRecGoal, OrigBaseGoal],
+ OrigGoal = hlds_goal(disj(OrigGoals), GoalInfo),
+ NewGoals = [NewRecGoal, NewBaseGoal],
+ NewGoal = hlds_goal(disj(NewGoals), GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not the correct top level")
+ )
+ ;
+ TopLevel = ite_base_rec,
+ ( if Goal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond, _, _), GoalInfo) then
+ OrigGoal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond,
+ OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal), GoalInfo),
+ NewGoal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond,
+ NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal), GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not the correct top level")
+ )
+ ;
+ TopLevel = ite_rec_base,
+ ( if Goal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond, _, _), GoalInfo) then
+ OrigGoal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond,
+ OrigRecGoal, OrigBaseGoal), GoalInfo),
+ NewGoal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond,
+ NewRecGoal, NewBaseGoal), GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not the correct top level")
+ )
+ ).
+ % Place the accumulator version of the predicate in the HLDS.
+ %
+:- pred update_accumulator_pred(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+update_accumulator_pred(NewPredId, NewProcId, AccGoal, !ModuleInfo) :-
+ module_info_pred_proc_info(!.ModuleInfo, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+ PredInfo, ProcInfo0),
+ proc_info_set_goal(AccGoal, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo1),
+ requantify_proc_general(ordinary_nonlocals_no_lambda, ProcInfo1, ProcInfo),
+ module_info_set_pred_proc_info(NewPredId, NewProcId,
+ PredInfo, ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo).
+ % accu_rename(Ids, Subst, From, Initial):
+ %
+ % Return a goal_store, Final, which is the result of looking up each
+ % member of set of goal_ids, Ids, in the goal_store, From, applying
+ % the substitution and then storing the goal into the goal_store, Initial.
+ %
+:- func accu_rename(list(accu_goal_id), accu_subst,
+ accu_goal_store, accu_goal_store) = accu_goal_store.
+accu_rename(Ids, Subst, From, Initial) = Final :-
+ list.foldl(
+ ( pred(Id::in, GS0::in, GS::out) is det :-
+ goal_store_lookup(From, Id, stored_goal(Goal0, InstMap)),
+ rename_some_vars_in_goal(Subst, Goal0, Goal),
+ goal_store_det_insert(Id, stored_goal(Goal, InstMap), GS0, GS)
+ ), Ids, Initial, Final).
+ % Return all the goal_ids which belong in the base case.
+ %
+:- func base_case_ids(accu_goal_store) = list(accu_goal_id).
+base_case_ids(GS) = Base :-
+ solutions.solutions(
+ ( pred(Key::out) is nondet :-
+ goal_store_member(GS, Key, _Goal),
+ Key = accu_goal_id(accu_base, _)
+ ), Base).
+:- func base_case_ids_set(accu_goal_store) = set(accu_goal_id).
+base_case_ids_set(GS) = set.list_to_set(base_case_ids(GS)).
+ % Given a list of goal_ids, return the list of hlds_goals from
+ % the goal_store.
+ %
+:- func accu_goal_list(list(accu_goal_id), accu_goal_store) = list(hlds_goal).
+accu_goal_list(Ids, GS) = Goals :-
+ list.map(
+ ( pred(Key::in, G::out) is det :-
+ goal_store_lookup(GS, Key, stored_goal(G, _))
+ ), Ids, Goals).
+:- pred calculate_goal_info(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+calculate_goal_info(GoalExpr, hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)) :-
+ ( if GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, GoalList) then
+ goal_list_nonlocals(GoalList, NonLocals),
+ goal_list_instmap_delta(GoalList, InstMapDelta),
+ goal_list_determinism(GoalList, Detism),
+ goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, Detism, purity_pure, GoalInfo)
+ else
+ unexpected($pred, "not a conj")
+ ).
+:- func chain_subst(accu_subst, accu_subst) = accu_subst.
+chain_subst(AtoB, BtoC) = AtoC :-
+ map.keys(AtoB, Keys),
+ chain_subst_2(Keys, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC).
+:- pred chain_subst_2(list(A)::in, map(A, B)::in, map(B, C)::in,
+ map(A, C)::out) is det.
+chain_subst_2([], _, _, AtoC) :-
+ map.init(AtoC).
+chain_subst_2([A | As], AtoB, BtoC, AtoC) :-
+ chain_subst_2(As, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC0),
+ map.lookup(AtoB, A, B),
+ ( if map.search(BtoC, B, C) then
+ map.det_insert(A, C, AtoC0, AtoC)
+ else
+ AtoC = AtoC0
+ ).
+:- end_module transform_hlds.accumulator.