(goto-char (point-max))))))
(set-marker end nil))
+(defun comment-make-bol-ws (len)
+ "Make a white-space string of width LEN for use at BOL.
+When `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil, tab characters will be used."
+ (if (and indent-tabs-mode (> tab-width 0))
+ (concat (make-string (/ len tab-width) ?\t)
+ (make-string (% len tab-width) ? ))
+ (make-string len ? )))
(defun comment-make-extra-lines (cs ce ccs cce min-indent max-indent &optional block)
"Make the leading and trailing extra lines.
This is used for `extra-line' style (or `box' style if BLOCK is specified)."
(setq cs (replace-match fill t t s)))
(string-match re e)
(setq ce (replace-match fill t t e))))
- (cons (concat cs "\n" (make-string min-indent ? ) ccs)
- (concat cce "\n" (make-string (+ min-indent eindent) ? ) ce))))
+ (cons (concat cs "\n" (comment-make-bol-ws min-indent) ccs)
+ (concat cce "\n" (comment-make-bol-ws (+ min-indent eindent)) ce))))
(defmacro comment-with-narrowing (beg end &rest body)
"Execute BODY with BEG..END narrowing.