(deffoo nnselect-request-update-info (group info &optional _server)
(let* ((group (nnselect-add-prefix group))
- (gnus-newsgroup-selection
- (or gnus-newsgroup-selection (nnselect-get-artlist group)))
- newmarks)
+ (gnus-newsgroup-selection
+ (or gnus-newsgroup-selection (nnselect-get-artlist group)))
+ newmarks)
(gnus-info-set-marks info nil)
(setf (gnus-info-read info) nil)
(pcase-dolist (`(,artgroup . ,nartids)
- (ids-by-group
- (number-sequence 1 (nnselect-artlist-length
- gnus-newsgroup-selection))))
+ (ids-by-group
+ (number-sequence 1 (nnselect-artlist-length
+ gnus-newsgroup-selection))))
(let* ((gnus-newsgroup-active nil)
- (artids (cl-sort nartids #'< :key 'car))
- (group-info (gnus-get-info artgroup))
- (marks (gnus-info-marks group-info))
- (unread (gnus-uncompress-sequence
- (range-difference (gnus-active artgroup)
- (gnus-info-read group-info)))))
+ (idmap (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
+ (gactive (sort (mapcar 'cdr nartids) '<))
+ (group-info (gnus-get-info artgroup))
+ (marks (gnus-info-marks group-info)))
+ (pcase-dolist (`(,val . ,key) nartids)
+ (puthash key val idmap))
(setf (gnus-info-read info)
- (range-add-list
- (gnus-info-read info)
- (delq nil (mapcar
- (lambda (art)
- (unless (memq (cdr art) unread) (car art)))
- artids))))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,type . ,mark-list) marks)
- (let ((mark-type (gnus-article-mark-to-type type)) new)
- (when
- (setq new
- (delq nil
- (cond
- ((eq mark-type 'tuple)
- (mapcar
- (lambda (id)
- (let (mark)
- (when
- (setq mark (assq (cdr id) mark-list))
- (cons (car id) (cdr mark)))))
- artids))
- (t
- (setq mark-list
- (range-uncompress mark-list))
- (mapcar
- (lambda (id)
- (when (memq (cdr id) mark-list)
- (car id))) artids)))))
- (let ((previous (alist-get type newmarks)))
- (if previous
- (nconc previous new)
- (push (cons type new) newmarks))))))))
+ (range-add-list
+ (gnus-info-read info)
+ (sort (mapcar (lambda (art) (gethash art idmap))
+ (gnus-sorted-intersection
+ gactive
+ (range-uncompress (gnus-info-read group-info))))
+ '<)))
+ (pcase-dolist (`(,type . ,mark-list) marks)
+ (let ((mark-type (gnus-article-mark-to-type type)) new)
+ (when
+ (setq new
+ (if (not mark-list) nil
+ (cond
+ ((eq mark-type 'tuple)
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (mark)
+ (let ((id (gethash (car mark) idmap)))
+ (when id (cons id (cdr mark)))))
+ mark-list)))
+ (t
+ (mapcar (lambda (art) (gethash art idmap))
+ (gnus-sorted-intersection
+ gactive (range-uncompress mark-list)))))))
+ (let ((previous (alist-get type newmarks)))
+ (if previous
+ (nconc previous new)
+ (push (cons type new) newmarks))))))))
;; Clean up the marks: compress lists;
(pcase-dolist (`(,type . ,mark-list) newmarks)
(let ((mark-type (gnus-article-mark-to-type type)))
- (unless (eq mark-type 'tuple)
- (setf (alist-get type newmarks)
- (gnus-compress-sequence mark-list)))))
+ (unless (eq mark-type 'tuple)
+ (setf (alist-get type newmarks)
+ (gnus-compress-sequence (sort mark-list '<))))))
;; and ensure an unexist key.
(unless (assq 'unexist newmarks)
(push (cons 'unexist nil) newmarks))
(gnus-info-set-marks info newmarks)
(gnus-set-active group (cons 1 (nnselect-artlist-length
- gnus-newsgroup-selection)))))
+ gnus-newsgroup-selection)))))
(deffoo nnselect-request-thread (header &optional group server)
(deffoo nnselect-request-group-scan (group &optional _server _info)
(let* ((group (nnselect-add-prefix group))
- (artlist (nnselect-run
- (gnus-group-get-parameter group 'nnselect-specs t))))
+ (artlist (nnselect-uncompress-artlist (nnselect-run
+ (gnus-group-get-parameter group 'nnselect-specs t)))))
(gnus-set-active group (cons 1 (nnselect-artlist-length
;; When the backend can store marks we collect any
;; changes. Unlike a normal group the mark lists only
;; include marks for articles we retrieved.
- (when (and (gnus-check-backend-function
- 'request-set-mark artgroup)
- (not (gnus-article-unpropagatable-p type)))
(let* ((old (range-list-intersection
(alist-get type (gnus-info-marks group-info))))
;; This shouldn't happen, but is a sanity check.
(setq del (range-intersection
(gnus-active artgroup) del))
- (push (list del 'del (list type)) delta-marks))))
+ (push (list del 'del (list type)) delta-marks)))
;; Marked sets are of mark-type 'tuple, 'list, or
;; 'range. We merge the lists with what is already in