;; - auto-generate docstrings for cl-defstruct slot accessors instead of
;; storing them in the accessor itself?
+;; Related constructs:
+;; - `funcallable-standard-object' (FSO) in Common-Lisp. These are different
+;; from OClosures in that they involve an additional indirection to get
+;; to the actual code, and that they offer the possibility of
+;; changing (via mutation) the code associated with
+;; an FSO. Also the FSO's function can't directly access the FSO's
+;; other fields, contrary to the case with OClosures where those are directly
+;; available as local variables.
+;; - Function objects in Javascript.
+;; - Function objects in Python.
+;; - Callable/Applicable classes in OO languages, i.e. classes with
+;; a single method called `apply' or `call'. The most obvious
+;; difference with OClosures (beside the fact that Callable can be
+;; extended with additional methods) is that all instances of
+;; a given Callable class have to use the same method, whereas every
+;; OClosure object comes with its own code, so two OClosure objects of the
+;; same type can have different code. Of course, you can get the
+;; same result by turning every `oclosure-lambda' into its own class
+;; declaration creating an ad-hoc subclass of the specified type.
+;; In this sense, OClosures are just a generalization of `lambda' which brings
+;; some of the extra feature of Callable objects.
+;; - Apply hooks and "entities" in MIT Scheme
+;; https://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/documentation/stable/mit-scheme-ref/Application-Hooks.html
+;; Apply hooks are basically the same as Common-Lisp's FSOs, and "entities"
+;; are a variant of it where the inner function gets the FSO itself as
+;; additional argument (a kind of "self" arg), thus making it easier
+;; for the code to get data from the object's extra info, tho still
+;; not as easy as with OClosures.
;;; Code:
;; Slots are currently immutable, tho they can be updated functionally
;; to perform store-conversion on the variable, so we'd either have
;; to prevent cconv from doing it (which might require a new bytecode op
;; to update the in-closure variable), or we'd have to keep track of which
-;; slots have been store-converted so `oclosure-get' can access their value
+;; slots have been store-converted so `oclosure--get' can access their value
;; correctly.
;; - If the mutated variable/slot is captured by another (nested) closure
;; store-conversion is indispensable, so if we want to avoid store-conversion
(memq 'oclosure-object (oclosure--class-allparents (cl--find-class type))))))
(cl-deftype oclosure-object () '(satisfies oclosure--object-p))
-(defun oclosure--defstruct-make-copiers (copiers slots name)
- (require 'cl-macs) ;`cl--arglist-args' is not autoloaded.
- (mapcar
- (lambda (copier)
- (pcase-let*
- ((cname (pop copier))
- (args (or (pop copier) `(&key ,@slots)))
- (doc (or (pop copier)
- (format "Copier for objects of type `%s'." name)))
- (obj (make-symbol "obj"))
- (absent (make-symbol "absent"))
- (anames (cl--arglist-args args))
- (index -1)
- (argvals
- (mapcar
- (lambda (slot)
- (setq index (1+ index))
- (when (memq slot anames)
- ;; FIXME: Skip the `unless' test for mandatory args.
- `(if (eq ',absent ,slot)
- (oclosure-get ,obj ,index)
- ,slot)))
- slots)))
- `(cl-defsubst ,cname (&cl-defs (',absent) ,obj ,@args)
- ,doc
- (declare (side-effect-free t))
- (oclosure--copy ,obj ,@argvals))))
- copiers))
+(defun oclosure--defstruct-make-copiers (copiers slotdescs name)
+ (require 'cl-macs) ;`cl--arglist-args' is not autoloaded.
+ (let* ((mutables '())
+ (slots (mapcar
+ (lambda (desc)
+ (let ((name (cl--slot-descriptor-name desc)))
+ (unless (alist-get :read-only
+ (cl--slot-descriptor-props desc))
+ (push name mutables))
+ name))
+ slotdescs)))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (copier)
+ (pcase-let*
+ ((cname (pop copier))
+ (args (or (pop copier) `(&key ,@slots)))
+ (doc (or (pop copier)
+ (format "Copier for objects of type `%s'." name)))
+ (obj (make-symbol "obj"))
+ (absent (make-symbol "absent"))
+ (anames (cl--arglist-args args))
+ (mnames
+ (let ((res '())
+ (tmp args))
+ (while (and tmp
+ (not (memq (car tmp)
+ cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
+ (push (pop tmp) res))
+ res))
+ (index -1)
+ (mutlist '())
+ (argvals
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (slot)
+ (setq index (1+ index))
+ (let* ((mutable (memq slot mutables))
+ (get `(oclosure--get ,obj ,index ,(not (not mutable)))))
+ (push mutable mutlist)
+ (cond
+ ((not (memq slot anames)) get)
+ ((memq slot mnames) slot)
+ (t
+ `(if (eq ',absent ,slot)
+ ,get
+ ,slot)))))
+ slots)))
+ `(cl-defun ,cname (&cl-defs (',absent) ,obj ,@args)
+ ,doc
+ (declare (side-effect-free t))
+ (oclosure--copy ,obj ',(if (remq nil mutlist) (nreverse mutlist))
+ ,@argvals))))
+ copiers)))
(defmacro oclosure-define (name &optional docstring &rest slots)
(declare (doc-string 2) (indent 1))
(cons sa (merge (cdr slots-a) (cdr slots-b))))))))
- (slotdescs (append
- parent-slots
- (mapcar (lambda (field)
- (cl--make-slot-descriptor field nil nil
- '((:read-only . t))))
- slots)))
+ (slotdescs
+ (append
+ parent-slots
+ (mapcar (lambda (field)
+ (if (not (consp field))
+ (cl--make-slot-descriptor field nil nil
+ '((:read-only . t)))
+ (let ((name (pop field))
+ (type nil)
+ (read-only t)
+ (props '()))
+ (while field
+ (pcase (pop field)
+ (:mutable (setq read-only (not (car field))))
+ (:type (setq type (car field)))
+ (p (message "Unknown property: %S" p)
+ (push (cons p (car field)) props)))
+ (setq field (cdr field)))
+ (cl--make-slot-descriptor name nil type
+ `((:read-only . ,read-only)
+ ,@props)))))
+ slots)))
(allparents (apply #'append (mapcar #'cl--class-allparents
(class (oclosure--class-make name docstring slotdescs parents
(cl--find-class type))))))))
,@(let ((i -1))
(mapcar (lambda (desc)
- (let ((slot (cl--slot-descriptor-name desc)))
+ (let* ((slot (cl--slot-descriptor-name desc))
+ (mutable
+ (not (alist-get :read-only
+ (cl--slot-descriptor-props desc))))
+ ;; Always use a double hyphen: if users wants to
+ ;; make it public, they can do so with an alias.
+ (name (intern (format "%S--%S" name slot))))
(cl-incf i)
(when (gethash slot it)
(error "Duplicate slot name: %S" slot))
(setf (gethash slot it) i)
- ;; Always use a double hyphen: if users wants to
- ;; make it public, they can do so with an alias.
- `(defalias ',(intern (format "%S--%S" name slot))
- ;; We use `oclosure--copy' instead of `oclosure--accessor-copy'
- ;; here to circumvent bootstrapping problems.
- (oclosure--copy oclosure--accessor-prototype
- ',name ',slot ,i))))
+ (if (not mutable)
+ `(defalias ',name
+ ;; We use `oclosure--copy' instead of
+ ;; `oclosure--accessor-copy' here to circumvent
+ ;; bootstrapping problems.
+ (oclosure--copy oclosure--accessor-prototype nil
+ ',name ',slot ,i))
+ `(progn
+ (defalias ',name
+ (oclosure--accessor-copy
+ oclosure--mut-getter-prototype
+ ',name ',slot ,i))
+ (defalias ',(gv-setter name)
+ (oclosure--accessor-copy
+ oclosure--mut-setter-prototype
+ ',name ',slot ,i))))))
- copiers (mapcar #'cl--slot-descriptor-name slotdescs) name))))
+ copiers slotdescs name))))
(defun oclosure--define (class pred)
(let* ((name (cl--class-name class))
(defalias predname pred)
(put name 'cl-deftype-satisfies predname)))
-(defmacro oclosure--lambda (type bindings args &rest body)
+(defmacro oclosure--lambda (type bindings mutables args &rest body)
"Low level construction of an OClosure object.
TYPE is expected to be a symbol that is (or will be) defined as an OClosure type.
BINDINGS should list all the slots expected by this type, in the proper order.
+MUTABLE is a list of symbols indicating which of the BINDINGS
+should be mutable.
No checking is performed,"
(declare (indent 3) (debug (sexp (&rest (sexp form)) sexp def-body)))
;; FIXME: Fundamentally `oclosure-lambda' should be a special form.
;; FIXME: Since we use the docstring internally to store the
;; type we can't handle actual docstrings. We could fix this by adding
;; a docstring slot to OClosures.
- ((`(,prebody . ,body) (macroexp-parse-body body)))
+ ((`(,prebody . ,body) (macroexp-parse-body body))
+ (rovars (mapcar #'car bindings)))
+ (dolist (mutable mutables)
+ (setq rovars (delq mutable rovars)))
`(let ,(mapcar (lambda (bind)
(if (cdr bind) bind
;; Bind to something that doesn't look
;; This `oclosure--fix-type' + `ignore' call is used by the compiler (in
;; `cconv.el') to detect and signal an error in case of
;; store-conversion (i.e. if a variable/slot is mutated).
- (ignore ,@(mapcar #'car bindings))
+ (ignore ,@rovars)
(lambda ,args
(:documentation ',type)
;; Add dummy code which accesses the field's vars to make sure
;; they're captured in the closure.
- (if t nil ,@(mapcar #'car bindings))
+ (if t nil ,@rovars ,@(mapcar (lambda (m) `(setq ,m ,m)) mutables))
(defmacro oclosure-lambda (type-and-slots args &rest body)
((`(,type . ,fields) type-and-slots)
(class (cl--find-class type))
(slots (oclosure--class-slots class))
+ (mutables '())
(slotbinds (mapcar (lambda (slot)
- (list (cl--slot-descriptor-name slot)))
+ (let ((name (cl--slot-descriptor-name slot))
+ (props (cl--slot-descriptor-props slot)))
+ (unless (alist-get :read-only props)
+ (push name mutables))
+ (list name)))
(tempbinds (mapcar
(lambda (field)
;; FIXME: Optimize temps away when they're provided in the right order?
`(let ,tempbinds
- (oclosure--lambda ,type ,slotbinds ,args ,@body))))
+ (oclosure--lambda ,type ,slotbinds ,mutables ,args ,@body))))
(defun oclosure--fix-type (_ignore oclosure)
(if (byte-code-function-p oclosure)
(cadr oclosure))
-(defun oclosure--copy (oclosure &rest args)
+(defun oclosure--copy (oclosure mutlist &rest args)
(if (byte-code-function-p oclosure)
- (apply #'make-closure oclosure args)
+ (apply #'make-closure oclosure
+ (if (null mutlist)
+ args
+ (mapcar (lambda (arg) (if (pop mutlist) (list arg) arg)) args)))
(cl-assert (eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure)))
(cl-assert (eq :type (caar (cadr oclosure))))
(let ((env (cadr oclosure)))
,@(nthcdr (1+ (length args)) env))
,@(nthcdr 2 oclosure)))))
-(defun oclosure-get (oclosure index)
+(defun oclosure--get (oclosure index mutable)
(if (byte-code-function-p oclosure)
- (let ((csts (aref oclosure 2)))
- (aref csts index))
+ (let* ((csts (aref oclosure 2))
+ (v (aref csts index)))
+ (if mutable (car v) v))
(cl-assert (eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure)))
(cl-assert (eq :type (caar (cadr oclosure))))
(cdr (nth (1+ index) (cadr oclosure)))))
+(defun oclosure--set (v oclosure index)
+ (if (byte-code-function-p oclosure)
+ (let* ((csts (aref oclosure 2))
+ (cell (aref csts index)))
+ (setcar cell v))
+ (cl-assert (eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure)))
+ (cl-assert (eq :type (caar (cadr oclosure))))
+ (setcdr (nth (1+ index) (cadr oclosure)) v)))
(defun oclosure-type (oclosure)
"Return the type of OCLOSURE, or nil if the arg is not a OClosure."
(if (byte-code-function-p oclosure)
;; Use `oclosure--lambda' to circumvent a bootstrapping problem:
;; `oclosure-accessor' is not yet defined at this point but
;; `oclosure--accessor-prototype' is needed when defining `oclosure-accessor'.
- (oclosure--lambda oclosure-accessor ((type) (slot) (index)) (oclosure) (oclosure-get oclosure index)))
+ (oclosure--lambda oclosure-accessor ((type) (slot) (index)) nil
+ (oclosure) (oclosure--get oclosure index nil)))
(oclosure-define accessor
"OClosure function to access a specific slot of an object."
"OClosure function to access a specific slot of an OClosure function."
+(defconst oclosure--mut-getter-prototype
+ (oclosure-lambda (oclosure-accessor (type) (slot) (index)) (oclosure)
+ (oclosure--get oclosure index t)))
+(defconst oclosure--mut-setter-prototype
+ ;; FIXME: The generated docstring is wrong.
+ (oclosure-lambda (oclosure-accessor (type) (slot) (index)) (val oclosure)
+ (oclosure--set val oclosure index)))
(provide 'oclosure)
;;; oclosure.el ends here