For the `mapcar' case, only the `mapcar' function can be used in
-the symbol list. For `suspicious', only `set-buffer' and `lsh' can be used."
+the symbol list. For `suspicious', only `set-buffer', `lsh' and `eq'
+can be used."
;; Note: during compilation, this definition is overridden by the one in
;; byte-compile-initial-macro-environment.
(declare (debug (sexp body)) (indent 1))
(eval form)
+;; Check for (in)comparable constant values in calls to `eq', `memq' etc.
+(defun bytecomp--dodgy-eq-arg (x number-ok)
+ "Whether X is a bad argument to `eq' (or `eql' if NUMBER-OK is non-nil)."
+ (cond ((consp x) (and (eq (car x) 'quote) (consp (cadr x))))
+ ((symbolp x) nil)
+ ((integerp x) (not (or (<= -536870912 x 536870911) number-ok)))
+ ((floatp x) (not number-ok))
+ (t t)))
+(defun bytecomp--value-type-description (x)
+ (cond ((and x (proper-list-p x)) "list")
+ ((recordp x) "record")
+ (t (symbol-name (type-of x)))))
+(defun bytecomp--arg-type-description (x)
+ (bytecomp--value-type-description
+ (if (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'quote))
+ (cadr x)
+ x)))
+(defun bytecomp--warn-dodgy-eq-arg (form type parenthesis)
+ (macroexp-warn-and-return
+ (format "`%s' called with literal %s that may never match (%s)"
+ (car form) type parenthesis)
+ form '(suspicious eq) t))
+(defun bytecomp--check-eq-args (form a b &rest _ignore)
+ (let* ((number-ok (eq (car form) 'eql))
+ (bad-arg (cond ((bytecomp--dodgy-eq-arg a number-ok) 1)
+ ((bytecomp--dodgy-eq-arg b number-ok) 2))))
+ (if bad-arg
+ (bytecomp--warn-dodgy-eq-arg
+ form
+ (bytecomp--arg-type-description (nth bad-arg form))
+ (format "arg %d" bad-arg))
+ form)))
+(put 'eq 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-eq-args)
+(put 'eql 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-eq-args)
+(defun bytecomp--check-memq-args (form elem list &rest _ignore)
+ (let* ((fn (car form))
+ (number-ok (eq fn 'memql)))
+ (cond
+ ((bytecomp--dodgy-eq-arg elem number-ok)
+ (bytecomp--warn-dodgy-eq-arg
+ form (bytecomp--arg-type-description elem) "arg 1"))
+ ((and (consp list) (eq (car list) 'quote)
+ (proper-list-p (cadr list)))
+ (named-let loop ((elts (cadr list)) (i 1))
+ (if elts
+ (let* ((elt (car elts))
+ (x (cond ((eq fn 'assq) (car-safe elt))
+ ((eq fn 'rassq) (cdr-safe elt))
+ (t elt))))
+ (if (or (symbolp x)
+ (and (integerp x)
+ (or (<= -536870912 x 536870911) number-ok))
+ (and (floatp x) number-ok))
+ (loop (cdr elts) (1+ i))
+ (bytecomp--warn-dodgy-eq-arg
+ form (bytecomp--value-type-description x)
+ (format "element %d of arg 2" i))))
+ form)))
+ (t form))))
+(put 'memq 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-memq-args)
+(put 'memql 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-memq-args)
+(put 'assq 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-memq-args)
+(put 'rassq 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-memq-args)
+(put 'remq 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-memq-args)
+(put 'delq 'compiler-macro #'bytecomp--check-memq-args)
(provide 'byte-compile)
(provide 'bytecomp)
(declare (indent 1))
`(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Compile-Log*")
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
- (byte-compile ,@form)
- (ert-info ((prin1-to-string (buffer-string)) :prefix "buffer: ")
- (should (re-search-forward ,(string-replace " " "[ \n]+" re-warning))))))
+ (let ((text-quoting-style 'grave))
+ (byte-compile ,@form)
+ (ert-info ((prin1-to-string (buffer-string)) :prefix "buffer: ")
+ (should (re-search-forward
+ (string-replace " " "[ \n]+" ,re-warning)))))))
(ert-deftest bytecomp-warn-wrong-args ()
(bytecomp--with-warning-test "remq.*3.*2"
(bytecomp--with-warning-test "defvar.*foo.*wider than.*characters"
`(defvar foo t ,bytecomp-tests--docstring)))
+(ert-deftest bytecomp-warn-dodgy-args-eq ()
+ (dolist (fn '(eq eql))
+ (cl-flet ((msg (type arg)
+ (format
+ "`%s' called with literal %s that may never match (arg %d)"
+ fn type arg)))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg "list" 1) `(,fn '(a) 'x))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg "string" 2) `(,fn 'x "a"))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg "vector" 2) `(,fn 'x [a]))
+ (unless (eq fn 'eql)
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg "integer" 2) `(,fn 'x #x10000000000))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg "float" 2) `(,fn 'x 1.0))))))
+(ert-deftest bytecomp-warn-dodgy-args-memq ()
+ (dolist (fn '(memq memql remq delq assq rassq))
+ (cl-labels
+ ((msg1 (type)
+ (format
+ "`%s' called with literal %s that may never match (arg 1)"
+ fn type))
+ (msg2 (type)
+ (format
+ "`%s' called with literal %s that may never match (element 2 of arg 2)"
+ fn type))
+ (lst (elt)
+ (cond ((eq fn 'assq) `((a . 1) (,elt . 2) (c . 3)))
+ ((eq fn 'rassq) `((1 . a) (2 . ,elt) (3 . c)))
+ (t `(a ,elt c))))
+ (form2 (elt)
+ `(,fn 'x ',(lst elt))))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg1 "list") `(,fn '(a) '(x)))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg1 "string") `(,fn "a" '(x)))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg1 "vector") `(,fn [a] '(x)))
+ (unless (eq fn 'memql)
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg1 "integer") `(,fn #x10000000000 '(x)))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg1 "float") `(,fn 1.0 '(x))))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg2 "list") (form2 '(b)))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg2 "list") (form2 ''b))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg2 "string") (form2 "b"))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg2 "vector") (form2 [b]))
+ (unless (eq fn 'memql)
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg2 "integer") (form2 #x10000000000))
+ (bytecomp--with-warning-test (msg2 "float") (form2 1.0))))))
(defmacro bytecomp--define-warning-file-test (file re-warning &optional reverse)
`(ert-deftest ,(intern (format "bytecomp/%s" file)) ()
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Compile-Log*")