(require 'python)
(defmacro python-tests-with-temp-buffer (contents &rest body)
- "Create a `python-mode' enabeld temp buffer with CONTENTS.
+ "Create a `python-mode' enabled temp buffer with CONTENTS.
BODY is code to be executed within the temp buffer. Point is
always located at the beginning of buffer."
(declare (indent 1) (debug t))
(defun python-tests-look-at (string &optional num restore-point)
"Move point at beginning of STRING in the current buffer.
Optional argument NUM defaults to 1 and is an integer indicating
-how many ocurrences must be found, when positive the search is
+how many occurrences must be found, when positive the search is
done forwards, otherwise backwards. When RESTORE-POINT is
non-nil the point is not moved but the position found is still
returned. When searching forward and point is already looking at