;; slip our fold announcement into the list
(setcdr outl-entry (nconc foldout-entry (cdr outl-entry)))
+;; outline-flag-region has different `flag' values in outline.el and
+;; noutline.el for hiding and showing text.
+(defconst foldout-hide-flag
+ (if (featurep 'noutline) t ?\^M))
+(defconst foldout-show-flag
+ (if (featurep 'noutline) nil ?\n))
(defun foldout-zoom-subtree (&optional exposure)
;; hide the subtree
(if hide-fold
- (outline-flag-region start-marker end-of-subtree ?\^M))
+ (outline-flag-region start-marker end-of-subtree
+ foldout-hide-flag))
;; make sure the next heading is exposed
(if end-marker
- (outline-flag-region end-of-subtree
- beginning-of-heading ?\n))
+ (outline-flag-region end-of-subtree beginning-of-heading
+ foldout-show-flag))
;; zap the markers so they don't slow down editing