and C-k to commands that operate by visual lines instead of logical
lines. This is a more reliable replacement for longlines-mode.
-** A new `whitespace' package has been installed, and the pre-existing one
-renamed to `old-whitespace'.
-Now, besides reporting bogus blanks, whitespace package has a minor mode and a
-global minor mode to visualize blanks (TAB, (HARD) SPACE and NEWLINE). The
-visualization is made via faces and/or display table. Also it is possible to
-select which kind of blanks should be visualized, for example, trailing blanks,
-leading blanks, spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.
** xesam.el is an implementation of Xesam, an interface to (desktop)
search engines like Beagle, Strigi, and Tracker. The Xesam API
requires D-Bus for communication.
with Avahi, a zeroconf implementation, via D-Bus messages on systems
which have installed this software.
+** A new `whitespace' package has been installed, and the pre-existing one
+renamed to `old-whitespace'.
+Now, besides reporting bogus blanks, whitespace package has a minor mode and a
+global minor mode to visualize blanks (TAB, (HARD) SPACE and NEWLINE). The
+visualization is made via faces and/or display table.
+The main commands are `whitespace-mode', `whitespace-toggle-options',
+`global-whitespace-mode' and `global-whitespace-toggle-options'.
+There are also the following useful commands: `whitespace-newline-mode',
+`global-whitespace-newline-mode', `whitespace-report',
+`whitespace-report-region', `whitespace-cleanup' and
+It has the following hook variables: `whitespace-mode-hook',
+`global-whitespace-mode-hook' and `whitespace-load-hook'.
+It has the following options: `whitespace-style', `whitespace-action',
+`whitespace-line-column', `whitespace-display-mappings' and
+It has the following faces: `whitespace-space', `whitespace-hspace',
+`whitespace-tab', `whitespace-newline', `whitespace-trailing',
+`whitespace-line', `whitespace-space-before-tab', `whitespace-indentation',
+`whitespace-empty' and `whitespace-space-after-tab'.
+It has the following regexp options: `whitespace-space-regexp',
+`whitespace-hspace-regexp', `whitespace-tab-regexp',
+`whitespace-trailing-regexp', `whitespace-space-before-tab-regexp',
+`whitespace-indentation-regexp', `whitespace-empty-at-bob-regexp',
+`whitespace-empty-at-eob-regexp' and `whitespace-space-after-tab-regexp'.
+The `whitespace-style' option specifies which kind of blanks should be
+visualized. It's a list containing some or all of the following values:
+trailing trailing blanks are visualized via faces.
+tabs TABs are visualized via faces.
+spaces SPACEs and HARD SPACEs are visualized via faces.
+lines lines whose have columns beyond `whitespace-line-column' are
+ highlighted via faces.
+ Whole line is highlighted.
+ It has precedence over `lines-tail' (see below).
+lines-tail lines whose have columns beyond `whitespace-line-column' are
+ highlighted via faces.
+ But only the part of line which goes beyond
+ `whitespace-line-column' column.
+ It has effect only if `lines' (see above) is not present in
+ `whitespace-style'.
+newline NEWLINEs are visualized via faces.
+empty empty lines at beginning and/or end of buffer are visualized
+ via faces.
+indentation::tab 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line are visualized
+ via faces.
+indentation::space TABs at beginning of line are visualized via faces.
+indentation 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line are visualized, if
+ `indent-tabs-mode' (which see) is non-nil; otherwise, TABs at
+ beginning of line are visualized via faces.
+space-after-tab::tab 8 or more SPACEs after a TAB are visualized via faces.
+space-after-tab::space TABs are visualized when occurs 8 or more SPACEs after
+ a TAB via faces.
+space-after-tab 8 or more SPACEs after a TAB are visualized, if
+ `indent-tabs-mode' (which see) is non-nil; otherwise,
+ the TABs are visualized via faces.
+space-before-tab::tab SPACEs before TAB are visualized via faces.
+space-before-tab::space TABs are visualized when occurs SPACEs before TAB via
+ faces.
+space-before-tab SPACEs before TAB are visualized, if `indent-tabs-mode'
+ (which see) is non-nil; otherwise, the TABs are
+ visualized via faces.
+space-mark SPACEs and HARD SPACEs are visualized via display table.
+tab-mark TABs are visualized via display table.
+newline-mark NEWLINEs are visualized via display table.
+Any other value is ignored.
+The `whitespace-action' option specifies which action is taken when a buffer is
+visited, killed or written. It's a list containing some or all of the
+following values:
+nil no action is taken.
+cleanup cleanup any bogus whitespace always when local whitespace is
+ turned on. See `whitespace-cleanup' and
+ `whitespace-cleanup-region'.
+report-on-bogus report if there is any bogus whitespace always when local
+ whitespace is turned on.
+auto-cleanup cleanup any bogus whitespace when buffer is written or killed.
+ See `whitespace-cleanup' and `whitespace-cleanup-region'.
+abort-on-bogus abort if there is any bogus whitespace and the buffer is
+ written or killed.
+Any other value is treated as nil.
* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 23.1