(declare-function epg-signature-status "epg" (signature))
(declare-function epg-signature-to-string "epg" (signature))
+(defun package--display-verify-error (context sig-file)
+ (unless (equal (epg-context-error-output context) "")
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Error*"
+ (with-current-buffer standard-output
+ (if (epg-context-result-for context 'verify)
+ (insert (format "Failed to verify signature %s:\n" sig-file)
+ (mapconcat #'epg-signature-to-string
+ (epg-context-result-for context 'verify)
+ "\n"))
+ (insert (format "Error while verifying signature %s:\n" sig-file)))
+ (insert "\nCommand output:\n" (epg-context-error-output context))))))
(defun package--check-signature (location file)
"Check signature of the current buffer.
GnuPG keyring is located under \"gnupg\" in `package-user-dir'."
(sig-content (package--with-work-buffer location sig-file
(setf (epg-context-home-directory context) homedir)
- (epg-verify-string context sig-content (buffer-string))
+ (condition-case error
+ (epg-verify-string context sig-content (buffer-string))
+ (error
+ (package--display-verify-error context sig-file)
+ (signal (car error) (cdr error))))
(let (good-signatures had-fatal-error)
;; The .sig file may contain multiple signatures. Success if one
;; of the signatures is good.
(unless (and (eq package-check-signature 'allow-unsigned)
(eq (epg-signature-status sig) 'no-pubkey))
(setq had-fatal-error t))))
- (if (and (null good-signatures) had-fatal-error)
- (error "Failed to verify signature %s: %S"
- sig-file
- (mapcar #'epg-signature-to-string
- (epg-context-result-for context 'verify)))
- good-signatures))))
+ (when (and (null good-signatures) had-fatal-error)
+ (package--display-verify-error context sig-file)
+ (error "Failed to verify signature %s: %S"
+ sig-file
+ ))
+ good-signatures)))
(defun package-install-from-archive (pkg-desc)
"Download and install a tar package."