;; Author: John Wiegley <jwiegley@gmail.com>
;; Created: 17 Jun 2012
-;; Version: 1.0
+;; Version: 2.0
;; Package-Requires: ((bind-key "1.0") (diminish "0.44"))
;; Keywords: dotemacs startup speed config package
;; X-URL: https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package
:type 'boolean
:group 'use-package)
-(defcustom use-package-minimum-reported-time 0.01
+(defcustom use-package-minimum-reported-time 0.1
"Minimal load time that will be reported.
Note that `use-package-verbose' has to be set to t, for anything
:type 'number
:group 'use-package)
-(defcustom use-package-idle-interval 3
- "Time to wait when using :idle in a `use-package' specification."
- :type 'number
- :group 'use-package)
(defmacro use-package-with-elapsed-timer (text &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((nowvar (make-symbol "now")))
- `(if (bound-and-true-p use-package-verbose)
- (let ((,nowvar (current-time)))
+ (if (bound-and-true-p use-package-verbose)
+ `(let ((,nowvar (current-time)))
(message "%s..." ,text)
(progn ,@body)
(message "%s...done (%.3fs)" ,text elapsed)
(message "%s...done" ,text)))))
- ,@body)))
+ `(progn ,@body))))
+(defsubst use-package-error (msg)
+ "Report MSG as an error, so the user knows it came from this package."
+ (error "use-package: %s" msg))
+(defun use-package-normalize-form (label args)
+ "Given a list of forms, return it wrapped in `progn'."
+ (unless (listp (car args))
+ (use-package-error (concat label " wants a sexp or list of sexps")))
+ (if (= (length args) 1)
+ (car args)
+ (cons 'progn args)))
+(defsubst use-package-normalize-value (label arg)
+ "Normalize a value."
+ (cond ((symbolp arg)
+ `(symbol-value ',arg))
+ ((functionp arg)
+ `(funcall #',arg))
+ (t arg)))
+(defun use-package-normalize-diminish (name-symbol label arg &optional recursed)
+ "Normalize the arguments to diminish down to a list of one of two forms:
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp arg)
+ (list arg))
+ ((stringp arg)
+ (list (cons (intern (concat (symbol-name name-symbol) "-mode")) arg)))
+ ((and (consp arg) (stringp (cdr arg)))
+ (list arg))
+ ((and (not recursed) (listp arg) (listp (cdr arg)))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (car (use-package-normalize-diminish
+ name-symbol label x t))) arg))
+ (t
+ (use-package-error
+ (concat label " wants a string, symbol, "
+ "(symbol . string) or list of these")))))
+(defun use-package-only-one (label args f)
+ "Call F on the first member of ARGS if it has exactly one element."
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ (cond
+ ((and (listp args) (listp (cdr args))
+ (= (length args) 1))
+ (funcall f label (car args)))
+ (t
+ (use-package-error
+ (concat label " wants exactly one argument")))))
+(defun use-package-as-one (label args f)
+ "Call F on the first element of ARGS if it has one element, or all of ARGS."
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ (if (and (listp args) (listp (cdr args)))
+ (if (= (length args) 1)
+ (funcall f label (car args))
+ (funcall f label args))
+ (use-package-error
+ (concat label " wants a list"))))
+(defsubst use-package-is-sympair (x)
+ "Return t if X has the type (STRING . SYMBOL)."
+ (and (consp x)
+ (stringp (car x))
+ (symbolp (cdr x))))
+(defun use-package-normalize-pairs (name-symbol label arg &optional recursed)
+ "Normalize a list of string/symbol pairs."
+ (cond
+ ((stringp arg)
+ (list (cons arg name-symbol)))
+ ((use-package-is-sympair arg)
+ (list arg))
+ ((and (not recursed) (listp arg) (listp (cdr arg)))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (car (use-package-normalize-pairs
+ name-symbol label x t))) arg))
+ (t
+ (use-package-error
+ (concat label " wants a string, (string . symbol) or list of these")))))
+(defun use-package-normalize-symbols (label arg &optional recursed)
+ "Normalize a list of symbols."
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp arg)
+ (list arg))
+ ((and (not recursed) (listp arg) (listp (cdr arg)))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (car (use-package-normalize-symbols label x t))) arg))
+ (t
+ (use-package-error
+ (concat label " wants a symbol, or list of symbols")))))
+(defun use-package-normalize-paths (label arg &optional recursed)
+ "Normalize a list of filesystem paths."
+ (cond
+ ((or (symbolp arg) (functionp arg))
+ (let ((value (use-package-normalize-value label arg)))
+ (use-package-normalize-paths label (eval value))))
+ ((stringp arg)
+ (let ((path (if (file-name-absolute-p arg)
+ arg
+ (expand-file-name arg user-emacs-directory))))
+ (if (file-directory-p path)
+ (list path)
+ (use-package-error
+ (concat label " wants a directory path, or list of paths")))))
+ ((and (not recursed) (listp arg) (listp (cdr arg)))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+ (car (use-package-normalize-paths label x t))) arg))
+ (t
+ (use-package-error
+ (concat label " wants a directory path, or list of paths")))))
+(defun use-package-split-list (pred xs)
+ (let ((ys (list nil)) (zs (list nil)) flip)
+ (dolist (x xs)
+ (if flip
+ (nconc zs (list x))
+ (if (funcall pred x)
+ (progn
+ (setq flip t)
+ (nconc zs (list x)))
+ (nconc ys (list x)))))
+ (cons (cdr ys) (cdr zs))))
+(defun use-package-normalize-plist (name-symbol input)
+ "Given a pseudo-plist, normalize it to a regular plist."
+ (if (null input)
+ nil
+ (let* ((head (car input))
+ (xs (use-package-split-list #'keywordp (cdr input)))
+ (args (car xs))
+ (tail (cdr xs)))
+ (append
+ (list
+ (cond ((memq head '(:when :unless)) :if)
+ (t head))
+ (pcase head
+ ((or :bind :bind* :bind-keymap :bind-keymap* :interpreter :mode)
+ (use-package-as-one (symbol-name head) args
+ (apply-partially #'use-package-normalize-pairs name-symbol)))
+ ((or :commands :defines :functions :requires)
+ (use-package-as-one (symbol-name head) args
+ #'use-package-normalize-symbols))
+ ((or :defer :demand :disabled :ensure)
+ (if (null args)
+ t
+ (use-package-only-one (symbol-name head) args
+ #'use-package-normalize-value)))
+ ((or :if :when :unless)
+ (use-package-only-one (symbol-name head) args
+ #'use-package-normalize-value))
+ (:diminish
+ (use-package-as-one (symbol-name head) args
+ (apply-partially #'use-package-normalize-diminish name-symbol)))
+ ((or :init :config :idle)
+ (use-package-normalize-form (symbol-name head) args))
+ (:idle-priority
+ (if (null args)
+ 5
+ (use-package-only-one (symbol-name head) args
+ (lambda (label arg)
+ (if (numberp arg)
+ arg
+ (use-package-error
+ ":idle-priority wants an optional number"))))))
+ (:load-path
+ (use-package-as-one (symbol-name head) args
+ #'use-package-normalize-paths))
+ (:pin
+ (use-package-only-one (symbol-name head) args
+ (lambda (label arg)
+ (if (stringp arg)
+ arg
+ (use-package-error ":pin wants an archive name (a string)")))))
+ (_ (use-package-error (format "Unrecognized keyword: %s" head)))))
+ (use-package-normalize-plist name-symbol tail)))))
+(defsubst use-package-cat-maybes (&rest elems)
+ "Delete all empty lists from ELEMS (nil or (list nil)), and append them."
+ (apply #'nconc (delete nil (delete (list nil) elems))))
+(defsubst use-package-expand (name label form)
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ (and form
+ `(with-demoted-errors
+ ,(format "Failure in %s of %s: %%S" label name)
+ ,form)))
+(defun use--package (name-symbol name-string args)
+ "See docstring for `use-package'."
+ (let*
+ ((commands (plist-get args :commands))
+ ;; Note: evaluation of this forms possibly extends the value of
+ ;; `commands'.
+ (bindings
+ (append
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
+ `(bind-key ,(car binding)
+ #'(lambda () (interactive)
+ (use-package-autoload-keymap
+ ',(cdr binding) ,name-symbol nil))))
+ (plist-get args :bind-keymap))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
+ `(bind-key ,(car binding)
+ #'(lambda () (interactive)
+ (use-package-autoload-keymap
+ ',(cdr binding) ,name-symbol t))))
+ (plist-get args :bind-keymap*))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (mode)
+ (push (cdr mode) commands)
+ `(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist ',mode))
+ (plist-get args :mode))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (interpreter)
+ (push (cdr interpreter) commands)
+ `(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist ',interpreter))
+ (plist-get args :interpreter))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
+ (push (cdr binding) commands)
+ `(bind-key ,(car binding) #',(cdr binding)))
+ (plist-get args :bind))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
+ (push (cdr binding) commands)
+ `(bind-key* ,(car binding) #',(cdr binding)))
+ (plist-get args :bind*))))
+ ;; Should we defer loading of the package lazily?
+ (defer-loading (and (not (plist-get args :demand))
+ (or commands (plist-get args :defer))))
+ ;; These are all the configurations to be made after the package has
+ ;; loaded.
+ (config-body
+ (use-package-cat-maybes
+ (list (use-package-expand name-string ":config"
+ (plist-get args :config)))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (var)
+ (if (listp var)
+ `(diminish (quote ,(car var)) ,(cdr var))
+ `(diminish (quote ,var))))
+ (plist-get args :diminish)))))
+ ;; Return the main body of the macro
+ (use-package-cat-maybes
+ ;; Setup the load-path
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (path) `(add-to-list 'load-path ,path))
+ (plist-get args :load-path))
+ ;; Setup any required autoloads
+ (if defer-loading
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (command) `(autoload #',command ,name-string nil t))
+ commands))
+ (when (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (fn)
+ `(declare-function ,fn ,name-string))
+ (append (plist-get args* :functions) commands)))
+ ;; The user's initializations
+ (list (use-package-expand name-string ":init"
+ (plist-get args :init)))
+ (if defer-loading
+ (use-package-cat-maybes
+ bindings
+ (if config-body
+ (let ((body
+ `(use-package-with-elapsed-timer
+ ,(format "Configuring package %s"
+ name-string)
+ ,@config-body)))
+ (list `(eval-after-load ,name-string
+ ',body)))))
+ `((use-package-with-elapsed-timer
+ ,(format "Loading package %s" name-string)
+ (if (not (require ',name-symbol nil t))
+ (message "Could not load package %s" ,name-string)
+ ,@(use-package-cat-maybes
+ bindings
+ config-body)
+ t))))
+ ;; Any :idle form that should be executed later
+ (let ((idle-body (plist-get args :idle)))
+ (when idle-body
+ `((require 'use-package)
+ (use-package-init-on-idle
+ #'(lambda () ,(use-package-expand name-string ":idle" idle-body))
+ ,(plist-get args :idle-priority)))))
+ (list t))))
+(defmacro use-package (name &rest args)
+ "Declare an Emacs package by specifying a group of configuration options.
+For full documentation, please see the README file that came with
+this file. Usage:
+ (use-package package-name
+ [:keyword [option]]...)
+:init Code to run before PACKAGE-NAME has been loaded.
+:config Code to run after PACKAGE-NAME has been loaded. Note that if
+ loading is deferred for any reason, this code does not execute
+ until the lazy load has occurred.
+:mode Form to be added to `auto-mode-alist'.
+:interpreter Form to be added to `interpreter-mode-alist'.
+:commands Define autoloads for commands that will be defined by the
+ package. This is useful if the package is being lazily loaded,
+ and you wish to conditionally call functions in your `:init'
+ block that are defined in the package.
+:bind Bind keys, and define autoloads for the bound commands.
+:bind* Bind keys, and define autoloads for the bound commands,
+ *overriding all minor mode bindings*.
+:bind-keymap Bind a key prefix to an auto-loaded keymap defined in the
+ package. This is like `:bind', but for keymaps.
+:bind-keymap* Like `:bind-keymap', but overrides all minor mode bindings
+:defer Defer loading of a package -- this is implied when using
+ `:commands', `:bind', `:bind*', `:mode' or `:interpreter'.
+:demand Prevent deferred loading in all cases.
+:if EXPR Initialize and load only if EXPR evaluates to a non-nil value.
+:disabled The package is ignored completely, the same as `:if nil'.
+:defines Declare certain variables to silence the byte-compiler.
+:functions Declare certain functions to silence the byte-compiler.
+:load-path Add to the `load-path' before attempting to load the package.
+:diminish Support for diminish.el (if installed).
+:idle Adds a form to be run on an idle timer after initialization.
+:idle-priority Schedules the :idle form to run with the given priority (lower
+ priorities run first). Default priority is 5; forms with the
+ same priority are run in the order in which they are evaluated.
+:ensure Loads the package using package.el if necessary.
+:pin Pin the package to an archive."
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ (unless (member :disabled args)
+ (let* ((name-string (if (stringp name) name (symbol-name name)))
+ (name-symbol (if (stringp name) (intern name) name))
+ (args*
+ (condition-case-unless-debug err
+ (use-package-normalize-plist name-symbol args)
+ (error (message (error-message-string err))))))
+ ;; Pin any packages that have been marked with `:pin'.
+ (let ((archive-name (plist-get args* :pin)))
+ (when archive-name
+ (use-package-pin-package name archive-name)))
+ ;; Ensure that the package has been installed, if marked with
+ ;; `:ensure'.
+ (let* ((ensure (plist-get args* :ensure))
+ (package-name (or (and (eq ensure t) name) ensure)))
+ (when package-name
+ (require 'package)
+ (use-package-ensure-elpa package-name)))
+ ;; At this point, we can expand the macro using the helper function.
+ ;; `use--package'.
+ (let*
+ ((body (use--package name-symbol name-string args*))
+ (pred (plist-get args* :if))
+ (expansion (if pred
+ `(when ,pred ,@body)
+ (if (= (length body) 1)
+ (car body)
+ `(progn ,@body))))
+ (requires (plist-get args* :requires))
+ (pre-compile-load
+ ;; When byte-compiling, load the package here so that all of its
+ ;; symbols are in scope.
+ (when (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
+ `((eval-when-compile
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(defvar ,var))
+ (plist-get args* :defines))
+ (with-demoted-errors
+ ,(format "Error in %s: %%S" name-string)
+ (message "Compiling package %s" ,name-string)
+ (require ',name-symbol nil t))))))
+ (body*
+ (use-package-cat-maybes
+ pre-compile-load
+ (list
+ (if (null requires)
+ expansion
+ `(if ,(if (listp requires)
+ `(not (member nil (mapcar #'featurep ',requires)))
+ `(featurep ',requires))
+ ,expansion))))))
+ ;; If a dynamic test has been requested -- that certain other
+ ;; packages must be loaded first, before attempting to load and
+ ;; configure this package -- wrap that logic around the expansion.
+ (if (= (length body*) 1)
+ (car body*)
+ `(progn ,@body*))))))
+(defun use-package-autoload-keymap (keymap-symbol package override)
+ "Loads PACKAGE and then binds the key sequence used to invoke
+this function to KEYMAP-SYMBOL. It then simulates pressing the
+same key sequence a again, so that the next key pressed is routed
+to the newly loaded keymap.
+This function supports use-package's :bind-keymap keyword. It
+works by binding the given key sequence to an invocation of this
+function for a particular keymap. The keymap is expected to be
+defined by the package. In this way, loading the package is
+deferred until the prefix key sequence is pressed."
+ (if (not (require package nil t))
+ (error "Could not load package %s" package)
+ (if (and (boundp keymap-symbol)
+ (keymapp (symbol-value keymap-symbol)))
+ (let ((key (key-description (this-command-keys-vector)))
+ (keymap (symbol-value keymap-symbol)))
+ (if override
+ ;; eval form is necessary to avoid compiler error
+ `(eval `(bind-key* ,key ,keymap))
+ (bind-key key keymap))
+ (setq unread-command-events
+ (listify-key-sequence (this-command-keys-vector))))
+ (error "use-package: package %s failed to define keymap %s"
+ package keymap-symbol))))
+(defconst use-package-font-lock-keywords
+ '(("(\\(use-package\\(?:-with-elapsed-timer\\)?\\)\\_>[ \t']*\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)?"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t))))
+(font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode use-package-font-lock-keywords)
+;; :idle support
-(put 'use-package-with-elapsed-timer 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(defcustom use-package-idle-interval 3
+ "Time to wait when using :idle in a `use-package' specification."
+ :type 'number
+ :group 'use-package)
(defvar use-package-idle-timer nil)
(defvar use-package-idle-forms (make-hash-table))
(if next
(when use-package-verbose
- (message "use-package idle:%s" next))
+ (message "use-package idle: %s" next))
(condition-case e
(funcall next)
- (error "Failure on use-package idle. Form: %s, Error: %s"
- next e))
+ (error
+ (error "Failure on use-package idle. Form: %s, Error: %s"
+ next e)))
;; recurse after a bit
(when (sit-for use-package-idle-interval)
(cancel-timer use-package-idle-timer)
(setq use-package-idle-timer nil))))
+;; :pin and :ensure support
(defvar package-pinned-packages)
(defvar package-archives))
(when (not (package-installed-p package))
(package-install package)))
-(defvar use-package-keywords
- '(:bind
- :bind*
- :commands
- :config
- :defer
- :defines
- :demand
- :diminish
- :disabled
- :ensure
- :idle
- :idle-priority
- :if
- :init
- :interpreter
- :load-path
- :mode
- :pin
- :pre-init
- :pre-load
- :requires
- :bind-keymap
- :bind-keymap*)
- "Keywords recognized by `use-package'.")
-(defun use-package-mplist-get (plist prop)
- "Get the values associated to PROP in PLIST, a modified plist.
-A modified plist is one where keys are keywords and values are
-all non-keywords elements that follow it.
-As a special case : if the first occurrence of the keyword PROP
-is followed by another keyword or is the last element in the
-list, the function returns t.
-Currently this function infloops when the list is circular."
- (let ((tail plist) found result)
- (while (and (consp tail)
- (not (eq prop (car tail))))
- (pop tail))
- (when (eq prop (pop tail))
- (setq found t))
- (while (and (consp tail)
- (not (keywordp (car tail))))
- (push (pop tail) result))
- (or (nreverse result) found)))
-(defun use-package-plist-get (plist prop &optional eval-backquote no-progn)
- "Compatibility layer between classical and modified plists.
-If `use-package-mplist-get' returns exactly one value, that is
-returned ; otherwise the list is returned wrapped in a `progn'
-unless NO-PROGN is non-nil.
-When EVAL-BACKQUOTE is non-nil, the value is first evaluated as
-if it were backquoted."
- (let ((values (use-package-mplist-get plist prop)))
- (when eval-backquote
- (setq values (eval (list 'backquote values))))
- (when values
- (cond ((not (listp values))
- values)
- ((eq 1 (length values))
- (car values))
- (t (if no-progn
- values
- (cons 'progn values)))))))
-(defun use-package-mplist-keys (plist)
- "Get the keys in PLIST, a modified plist.
-A modified plist is one where properties are keywords and values
-are all non-keywords elements that follow it."
- (let ((result))
- (mapc #'(lambda (elt)
- (when (keywordp elt)
- (push elt result)))
- plist)
- (nreverse result)))
-(defun use-package-validate-keywords (args)
- "Error if any keyword given in ARGS is not recognized.
-Return the list of recognized keywords."
- (mapc #'(lambda (keyword)
- (unless (memq keyword use-package-keywords)
- (error "Unrecognized keyword: %s" keyword)))
- (use-package-mplist-keys args)))
-(defsubst use-package-maybe-list (sym-or-list)
- "If SYM-OR-LIST is just (a . b), return ((a . b))"
- (if (and (consp sym-or-list)
- (stringp (car sym-or-list)))
- (list sym-or-list)
- sym-or-list))
-(defmacro use-package (name &rest args)
- "Use a package with configuration options.
-For full documentation. please see commentary.
- (use-package package-name
- :keyword option)
-:init Code to run when `use-package' form evals.
-:bind Perform key bindings, and define autoload for bound
- commands.
-:bind* Perform key bindings, and define autoload for bound
- commands, overriding all minor mode bindings.
-:bind-keymap Bind key prefix to an auto-loaded keymap that
- is defined in the package. Like bind but for keymaps
- instead of commands.
-:bind-keymap* like bind-keymap, but overrides all minor mode bindings
-:commands Define autoloads for given commands.
-:pre-load Code to run when `use-package' form evals and before
- anything else. Unlike :init this form runs before the
- package is required or autoloads added.
-:mode Form to be added to `auto-mode-alist'.
-:interpreter Form to be added to `interpreter-mode-alist'.
-:defer Defer loading of package -- automatic
- if :commands, :bind, :bind*, :mode or :interpreter are used.
-:demand Prevent deferred loading in all cases.
-:config Runs if and when package loads.
-:if Conditional loading.
-:disabled Ignore everything.
-:defines Define vars to silence byte-compiler.
-:load-path Add to `load-path' before loading.
-:diminish Support for diminish package (if it's installed).
-:idle adds a form to run on an idle timer
-:idle-priority schedules the :idle form to run with the given
- priority (lower priorities run first). Default priority
- is 5; forms with the same priority are run in the order in
- which they are evaluated.
-:ensure loads package using package.el if necessary.
-:pin pin package to archive."
- (use-package-validate-keywords args) ; error if any bad keyword, ignore result
- ;; force this immediately -- one off cost
- (unless (use-package-plist-get args :disabled)
- (let* ((commands (use-package-plist-get args :commands t t))
- (pre-init-body (use-package-plist-get args :pre-init))
- (pre-load-body (use-package-plist-get args :pre-load))
- init-body
- (config-body (use-package-plist-get args :config))
- (diminish-var (use-package-plist-get args :diminish t))
- (defines (use-package-plist-get args :defines t t))
- (idle-body (use-package-plist-get args :idle))
- (idle-priority (use-package-plist-get args :idle-priority))
- (keybindings-alist (use-package-plist-get args :bind t t))
- (overriding-keybindings-alist (use-package-plist-get args :bind* t t))
- (keymap-alist (use-package-plist-get args :bind-keymap t t))
- (overriding-keymap-alist
- (use-package-plist-get args :bind-keymap* t t))
- (mode (use-package-plist-get args :mode t t))
- (mode-alist
- (if (stringp mode) (cons mode name) mode))
- (interpreter (use-package-plist-get args :interpreter t t))
- (interpreter-alist
- (if (stringp interpreter) (cons interpreter name) interpreter))
- (predicate (use-package-plist-get args :if))
- (pkg-load-path (use-package-plist-get args :load-path t t))
- (archive-name (use-package-plist-get args :pin))
- (defines-eval (if (null defines)
- nil
- (if (listp defines)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(defvar ,var)) defines)
- `((defvar ,defines)))))
- (requires (use-package-plist-get args :requires t))
- (requires-test (if (null requires)
- t
- (if (listp requires)
- `(not (member nil (mapcar #'featurep
- (quote ,requires))))
- `(featurep (quote ,requires)))))
- (name-string (if (stringp name) name (symbol-name name)))
- (name-symbol (if (stringp name) (intern name) name)))
- (when archive-name
- (use-package-pin-package name archive-name))
- (let* ((ensure (use-package-plist-get args :ensure))
- (package-name (or (and (eq ensure t) name) ensure)))
- (when package-name
- (require 'package)
- (use-package-ensure-elpa package-name)))
- (if diminish-var
- (setq
- config-body
- `(progn
- ,config-body
- (ignore-errors
- ,@(cond
- ((stringp diminish-var)
- `((diminish (quote ,(intern (concat name-string "-mode")))
- ,diminish-var)))
- ((symbolp diminish-var)
- `((diminish (quote ,diminish-var))))
- ((and (consp diminish-var) (stringp (cdr diminish-var)))
- `((diminish (quote ,(car diminish-var))
- ,(cdr diminish-var))))
- (t ; list of symbols or (symbol . "string") pairs
- (mapcar #'(lambda (var)
- (if (listp var)
- `(diminish (quote ,(car var)) ,(cdr var))
- `(diminish (quote ,var))))
- diminish-var)))))))
- (if (and commands (symbolp commands))
- (setq commands (list commands)))
- (setq
- init-body
- (append
- (mapcar #'(lambda (mode)
- (push (cdr mode) commands)
- `(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist ',mode))
- (use-package-maybe-list mode-alist))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (interpreter)
- (push (cdr interpreter) commands)
- `(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist ',interpreter))
- (use-package-maybe-list interpreter-alist))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
- (push (cdr binding) commands)
- `(bind-key ,(car binding) #',(cdr binding)))
- (use-package-maybe-list keybindings-alist))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
- (push (cdr binding) commands)
- `(bind-key* ,(car binding) #',(cdr binding)))
- (use-package-maybe-list overriding-keybindings-alist))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
- `(bind-key ,(car binding)
- #'(lambda () (interactive)
- (use-package-autoload-keymap
- ',(cdr binding) ,name-symbol nil))))
- (use-package-maybe-list keymap-alist))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
- `(bind-key ,(car binding)
- #'(lambda () (interactive)
- (use-package-autoload-keymap
- ',(cdr binding) ,name-symbol t))))
- (use-package-maybe-list overriding-keymap-alist))
- ;; First, execute the user's initializations
- (list (use-package-plist-get args :init))
- (when idle-body
- (when (null idle-priority)
- (setq idle-priority 5))
- (list
- `(progn
- (require 'use-package)
- (use-package-init-on-idle #'(lambda () ,idle-body)
- ,idle-priority))))))
- `(progn
- ,pre-load-body
- ,@(mapcar
- #'(lambda (path)
- `(add-to-list 'load-path
- ,(if (file-name-absolute-p path)
- path
- (expand-file-name path user-emacs-directory))))
- (cond ((stringp pkg-load-path)
- (list pkg-load-path))
- ((functionp pkg-load-path)
- (funcall pkg-load-path))
- (t pkg-load-path)))
- (eval-when-compile
- (when (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
- ,@defines-eval
- (with-demoted-errors
- ,(format "Error in %s: %%S" name)
- (require ',name-symbol nil t))))
- ,(if (and (or commands (use-package-plist-get args :defer))
- (not (use-package-plist-get args :demand)))
- `(when ,(or predicate t)
- ,pre-init-body
- ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (command)
- `(autoload #',command ,name-string nil t))
- commands)
- ,@init-body
- ,(if (and config-body requires-test)
- `(eval-after-load ,name-string
- '(use-package-with-elapsed-timer
- ,(format "Configuring package %s" name-string)
- ,config-body)))
- t)
- `(when (and ,(or predicate t) ,requires-test)
- (use-package-with-elapsed-timer
- ,(format "Loading package %s" name-string)
- (if (not (require ',name-symbol nil t))
- (message "Could not load package %s" ,name-string)
- ,pre-init-body
- ,@init-body
- ,config-body
- t))))))))
-(defun use-package-autoload-keymap (keymap-symbol package override)
- "Loads PACKAGE and then binds the key sequence used to invoke
-this function to KEYMAP-SYMBOL. It then simulates pressing the
-same key sequence a again, so that the next key pressed is routed
-to the newly loaded keymap.
-This function supports use-package's :bind-keymap keyword. It
-works by binding the given key sequence to an invocation of this
-function for a particular keymap. The keymap is expected to be
-defined by the package. In this way, loading the package is
-deferred until the prefix key sequence is pressed."
- (if (not (require package nil t))
- (error "Could not load package %s" package)
- (if (and (boundp keymap-symbol)
- (keymapp (symbol-value keymap-symbol)))
- (let ((key (key-description (this-command-keys-vector)))
- (keymap (symbol-value keymap-symbol)))
- (if override
- ;; eval form is necessary to avoid compiler error
- `(eval `(bind-key* ,key ,keymap))
- (bind-key key keymap))
- (setq unread-command-events
- (listify-key-sequence (this-command-keys-vector))))
- (error "use-package: package %s failed to define keymap %s"
- package keymap-symbol))))
(put 'use-package 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(defconst use-package-font-lock-keywords
- '(("(\\(use-package\\(?:-with-elapsed-timer\\)?\\)\\_>[ \t']*\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)?"
- (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t))))
-(font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode use-package-font-lock-keywords)
+(put 'use-package-expand 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
+(put 'use-package-only-one 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
+(put 'use-package-as-one 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
+(put 'use-package-with-elapsed-timer 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
(provide 'use-package)