DEFUN ("xwidget-webkit-goto-history",
Fxwidget_webkit_goto_history, Sxwidget_webkit_goto_history,
2, 2, 0,
- doc: /* Make the XWIDGET webkit load REL-POS (-1, 0, 1) page in browse history. */)
+ doc: /* Make the XWIDGET webkit the REL-POSth element in load history.
+If REL-POS is 0, the widget will be just reload the current element in
+history. If REL-POS is more or less than 0, the widget will load the
+REL-POSth element around the current spot in the load history. */)
(Lisp_Object xwidget, Lisp_Object rel_pos)
#ifdef USE_GTK
WebKitWebView *wkwv = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (xw->widget_osr);
- switch (XFIXNAT (rel_pos))
+ WebKitBackForwardList *list;
+ WebKitBackForwardListItem *it;
+ if (XFIXNUM (rel_pos) == 0)
+ webkit_web_view_reload (wkwv);
+ else
- case -1: webkit_web_view_go_back (wkwv); break;
- case 0: webkit_web_view_reload (wkwv); break;
- case 1: webkit_web_view_go_forward (wkwv); break;
+ list = webkit_web_view_get_back_forward_list (wkwv);
+ it = webkit_back_forward_list_get_nth_item (list, XFIXNUM (rel_pos));
+ if (!it)
+ error ("There is no item at this index");
+ webkit_web_view_go_to_back_forward_list_item (wkwv, it);
#elif defined NS_IMPL_COCOA
nsxwidget_webkit_goto_history (xw, XFIXNAT (rel_pos));