'(display-buffer-in-direction . ((direction . below))))
+(defun xref--show-defs-minibuffer (fetcher alist)
+ (let* ((xrefs (funcall fetcher))
+ (xref-alist (xref--analyze xrefs))
+ xref-alist-with-line-info
+ xref)
+ (cl-loop for ((group . xrefs) . more1) on xref-alist
+ do
+ (let ((show-summary (> (length xrefs) 1)))
+ (cl-loop for (xref . more2) on xrefs do
+ (with-slots (summary location) xref
+ (let* ((line (xref-location-line location))
+ (line-fmt (if line (format "%s:" line) ""))
+ (candidate
+ (if show-summary
+ (format "%s:%s%s" group line-fmt summary)
+ (format "%s" group))))
+ (push (cons candidate xref) xref-alist-with-line-info))))))
+ (setq xref (if (not (cdr xrefs))
+ (car xrefs)
+ (cdr (assoc (completing-read "Jump to definition: "
+ (reverse xref-alist-with-line-info))
+ xref-alist-with-line-info))))
+ (xref-pop-to-location xref (assoc-default 'display-action alist))))
(defcustom xref-show-xrefs-function 'xref--show-xref-buffer
"Function to display a list of search results.