For further details, please consult the manual:
+* Version 0.11.3 on 2023-01-015
+** Improve integration with the standard ~compilation-mode~
+In previous versions, following an error/warning message from a buffer
+that enables ~compilation-mode~ or one of its derivatives to a
+~sweeprolog-mode~ buffer would forcefully set the ~next-error-last-buffer~
+to the target ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffer. That would cause further ~M-x
+next-error~ (~M-g n~) invocations to jump to the next Flymake error in
+that buffer, instead of going to the next error from the original
+~compilation-mode~ buffer. This issue is fixed in this version.
+The manual is also extended to cover the usage of
+~compilation-shell-minor-mode~ in Sweep Top-level buffers.
+** New command ~sweeprolog-top-level-send-goal~
+This command can be called from anywhere to send a Prolog query to the
+Sweep Top-level and show the results. In ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers,
+it's bound to ~C-c C-q~. It's also bound to ~q~ in ~sweeprolog-prefix-map~,
+so if you've got that bound to e.g. ~C-c p~ you can run a query with
+this command from anywhere with ~C-c p q~.
+** Various documentation improvements
+The Sweep manual is extended with more details and useful information,
+and several docstrings have been tweaked.
* Version 0.11.2 on 2023-01-07
** Term Search now uses terms at point for "future history"
;; Maintainer: Eshel Yaron <~eshel/>
;; Keywords: prolog languages extensions
;; URL:
-;; Package-Version: 0.11.2
+;; Package-Version: 0.11.3
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.