longer present.
Tar up the generated html_node/emacs/ and elisp/ directories and update
-the files manual/elisp.html_node.tar.gz and emacs.html_node.tar.gz.
+the files manual/elisp.html_node.tar.gz and emacs.html_node.tar.gz.
Use GNU Tar as follows so that the tarballs are reproducible:
-cd manual
-tar='tar --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=go+u,go-w --sort=name'
-gzip='gzip --best --no-name'
-$tar -cf - html_node/emacs | $gzip >emacs.html_node.tar.gz
-$tar -cf - html_node/elisp | $gzip >elisp.html_node.tar.gz
+ cd manual
+ tar='tar --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=go+u,go-w --sort=name'
+ gzip='gzip --best --no-name'
+ $tar -cf - html_node/emacs | $gzip >emacs.html_node.tar.gz
+ $tar -cf - html_node/elisp | $gzip >elisp.html_node.tar.gz
Use M-x make-manuals-dist from admin/admin.el to update the
manual/*.tar files.
Add compressed copies of the main info pages from the tarfile to manual/info/
as follows:
-cd manual
-mkdir info
-gzip --best --no-name <../info/eintr.info >info/eintr.info.gz
-gzip --best --no-name <../info/elisp.info >info/elisp.info.gz
-gzip --best --no-name <../info/emacs.info >info/emacs.info.gz
+ cd manual
+ mkdir info
+ gzip --best --no-name <../info/eintr.info >info/eintr.info.gz
+ gzip --best --no-name <../info/elisp.info >info/elisp.info.gz
+ gzip --best --no-name <../info/emacs.info >info/emacs.info.gz
FIXME: The above instructions are not quite complete, as they do not
specify how to copy the generated files in the 'manual' directory to