(defvar sh-mode--treesit-settings)
+(defun sh--guess-shell ()
+ "Guess the shell used in the current buffer.
+Return the name of the shell suitable for `sh-set-shell'."
+ (cond ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (looking-at auto-mode-interpreter-regexp))
+ (match-string 2))
+ ((not buffer-file-name) sh-shell-file)
+ ;; Checks that use `buffer-file-name' follow.
+ ((string-match "\\.m?spec\\'" buffer-file-name) "rpm")
+ ((string-match "[.]sh\\>" buffer-file-name) "sh")
+ ((string-match "[.]bash\\(rc\\)?\\>" buffer-file-name) "bash")
+ ((string-match "[.]ksh\\>" buffer-file-name) "ksh")
+ ((string-match "[.]mkshrc\\>" buffer-file-name) "mksh")
+ ((string-match "[.]t?csh\\(rc\\)?\\>" buffer-file-name) "csh")
+ ((string-match "[.]zsh\\(rc\\|env\\)?\\>" buffer-file-name) "zsh")
+ ((equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) ".profile") "sh")
+ (t sh-shell-file)))
(define-derived-mode sh-base-mode prog-mode "Shell-script"
"Generic major mode for editing shell scripts.
;; Parse or insert magic number for exec, and set all variables depending
;; on the shell thus determined.
- (sh-set-shell
- (cond ((save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (looking-at auto-mode-interpreter-regexp))
- (match-string 2))
- ((not buffer-file-name) sh-shell-file)
- ;; Checks that use `buffer-file-name' follow.
- ((string-match "\\.m?spec\\'" buffer-file-name) "rpm")
- ((string-match "[.]sh\\>" buffer-file-name) "sh")
- ((string-match "[.]bash\\(rc\\)?\\>" buffer-file-name) "bash")
- ((string-match "[.]ksh\\>" buffer-file-name) "ksh")
- ((string-match "[.]mkshrc\\>" buffer-file-name) "mksh")
- ((string-match "[.]t?csh\\(rc\\)?\\>" buffer-file-name) "csh")
- ((string-match "[.]zsh\\(rc\\|env\\)?\\>" buffer-file-name) "zsh")
- ((equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) ".profile") "sh")
- (t sh-shell-file))
- nil nil)
+ (sh-set-shell (sh--guess-shell) nil nil)
(add-hook 'flymake-diagnostic-functions #'sh-shellcheck-flymake nil t)
(add-hook 'hack-local-variables-hook
#'sh-after-hack-local-variables nil t))
(define-derived-mode bash-ts-mode sh-base-mode "Bash"
- "Major mode for editing Bash shell scripts."
+ "Major mode for editing Bash shell scripts.
+This mode automatically falls back to `sh-mode' if the buffer is
+not written in Bash or sh."
(when (treesit-ready-p 'bash)
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
'(( comment function)
+(advice-add 'bash-ts-mode :around #'sh--redirect-bash-ts-mode
+ ;; Give it lower precedence than normal advice, so other
+ ;; advices take precedence over it.
+ '((depth . 50)))
+(defvar sh--redirect-recursing nil)
+(defun sh--redirect-bash-ts-mode (oldfn)
+ "Redirect to `sh-mode' if the current file is not written in Bash.
+OLDFN should be `bash-ts-mode'."
+ (let ((sh--redirect-recursing sh--redirect-recursing))
+ (funcall (if (or delay-mode-hooks sh--redirect-recursing)
+ oldfn
+ (setq sh--redirect-recursing t)
+ (if (member (file-name-base (sh--guess-shell)) '("bash" "sh"))
+ oldfn
+ #'sh-mode)))))
(defun sh-font-lock-keywords (&optional keywords)
"Function to get simple fontification based on `sh-font-lock-keywords'.
This adds rules for comments and assignments."