#'car eglot--tag-faces)])))
+ :general
+ (list
+ :positionEncodings ["utf-32" "utf-8" "utf-16"])
:experimental eglot--{})))
(cl-defgeneric eglot-workspace-folders (server)
(defun eglot-current-column () (- (point) (line-beginning-position)))
+(defun eglot-bytewise-column ()
+ "Calculate current column using the LSP `utf-8' criterion."
+ (length (encode-coding-region (line-beginning-position) (point)
+ 'utf-8-unix t)))
(defvar eglot-current-column-function #'eglot-lsp-abiding-column
"Function to calculate the current column.
(setq goal-char (1- goal-char)))
(forward-char 1))))
+(defun eglot-move-to-bytewise-column (column)
+ "Move to COLUMN as computed using the LSP `utf-8' criterion."
+ (let* ((bol (line-beginning-position))
+ (goal-byte (+ (position-bytes bol) column))
+ (eol (line-end-position)))
+ (goto-char bol)
+ (while (and (< (position-bytes (point)) goal-byte)
+ (< (point) eol))
+ (if (>= (char-after) #x3fff80) ; raw bytes take 2 bytes in the buffer
+ (setq goal-byte (1+ goal-byte)))
+ (forward-char 1))))
(defun eglot--lsp-position-to-point (pos-plist &optional marker)
"Convert LSP position POS-PLIST to Emacs point.
If optional MARKER, return a marker instead"
:init-value nil :lighter nil :keymap eglot-mode-map
+ (pcase (plist-get (eglot--capabilities (eglot-current-server))
+ :positionEncoding)
+ ("utf-32"
+ (eglot--setq-saving eglot-current-column-function #'eglot-current-column)
+ (eglot--setq-saving eglot-move-to-column-function #'eglot-move-to-column))
+ ("utf-8"
+ (eglot--setq-saving eglot-current-column-function #'eglot-bytewise-column)
+ (eglot--setq-saving eglot-move-to-column-function #'eglot-move-to-bytewise-column)))
(add-hook 'after-change-functions 'eglot--after-change nil t)
(add-hook 'before-change-functions 'eglot--before-change nil t)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'eglot--managed-mode-off nil t)