(if (calendar-date-is-visible-p advent)
(list (list advent string))))))
-(defun holiday-easter-etc (n string)
- "Date of Nth day after Easter (named STRING), if visible in calendar window."
- (let* ((century (1+ (/ displayed-year 100)))
- (shifted-epact ;; Age of moon for April 5...
- (% (+ 14 (* 11 (% displayed-year 19));; ...by Nicaean rule
- (- ;; ...corrected for the Gregorian century rule
- (/ (* 3 century) 4))
- (/ ;; ...corrected for Metonic cycle inaccuracy.
- (+ 5 (* 8 century)) 25)
- (* 30 century));; Keeps value positive.
- 30))
- (adjusted-epact ;; Adjust for 29.5 day month.
- (if (or (= shifted-epact 0)
- (and (= shifted-epact 1) (< 10 (% displayed-year 19))))
- (1+ shifted-epact)
- shifted-epact))
- (paschal-moon ;; Day after the full moon on or after March 21.
- (- (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list 4 19 displayed-year))
- adjusted-epact))
- (abs-easter (calendar-dayname-on-or-before 0 (+ paschal-moon 7)))
- (mandatory
- (list
- (list (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute (+ abs-easter n))
- string)))
- (output-list (filter-visible-calendar-holidays mandatory)))
- output-list))
+(defun holiday-easter-etc (&optional n string)
+ "Date of Nth day after Easter (named STRING), if visible in calendar window.
+Negative values of N are interpreted as days before Easter.
+STRING is used purely for display purposes. The return value has
+the form ((MONTH DAY YEAR) STRING), where the date is that of the
+Nth day before or after Easter.
+For backwards compatability, if this function is called with no
+arguments, then it returns a list of \"standard\" Easter-related
+holidays (with more entries if `all-christian-calendar-holidays'
+is non-nil)."
+ ;; Backwards compatability layer.
+ (if (not n)
+ (let (res-list res)
+ (dolist (elem (append
+ (if all-christian-calendar-holidays
+ '((-63 . "Septuagesima Sunday")
+ (-56 . "Sexagesima Sunday")
+ (-49 . "Shrove Sunday")
+ (-48 . "Shrove Monday")
+ (-47 . "Shrove Tuesday")
+ (-14 . "Passion Sunday")
+ (-7 . "Palm Sunday")
+ (-3 . "Maundy Thursday")
+ (35 . "Rogation Sunday")
+ (39 . "Ascension Day")
+ (49 . "Pentecost (Whitsunday)")
+ (50 . "Whitmonday")
+ (56 . "Trinity Sunday")
+ (60 . "Corpus Christi")))
+ '((0 . "Easter Sunday")
+ (-2 . "Good Friday")
+ (-46 . "Ash Wednesday")))
+ res-list)
+ ;; Filter out nil (not visible) values.
+ (if (setq res (holiday-easter-etc (car elem) (cdr elem)))
+ (setq res-list (append res res-list)))))
+ (let* ((century (1+ (/ displayed-year 100)))
+ (shifted-epact ;; Age of moon for April 5...
+ (% (+ 14 (* 11 (% displayed-year 19)) ;; ...by Nicaean rule
+ (- ;; ...corrected for the Gregorian century rule
+ (/ (* 3 century) 4))
+ (/ ;; ...corrected for Metonic cycle inaccuracy.
+ (+ 5 (* 8 century)) 25)
+ (* 30 century)) ;; Keeps value positive.
+ 30))
+ (adjusted-epact ;; Adjust for 29.5 day month.
+ (if (or (zerop shifted-epact)
+ (and (= shifted-epact 1) (< 10 (% displayed-year 19))))
+ (1+ shifted-epact)
+ shifted-epact))
+ (paschal-moon ;; Day after the full moon on or after March 21.
+ (- (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list 4 19 displayed-year))
+ adjusted-epact))
+ (abs-easter (calendar-dayname-on-or-before 0 (+ paschal-moon 7))))
+ (filter-visible-calendar-holidays
+ (list (list (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute (+ abs-easter n))
+ string))))))
(defun holiday-greek-orthodox-easter ()
"Date of Easter according to the rule of the Council of Nicaea."