(unless (global-key-binding [(control shift tab)])
(global-set-key [(control shift tab)] 'tab-previous))
(unless (global-key-binding [(control shift iso-lefttab)])
- (global-set-key [(control shift iso-lefttab)] 'tab-previous)))
+ (global-set-key [(control shift iso-lefttab)] 'tab-previous))
+ ;; Replace default value with a condition that supports displaying
+ ;; global-mode-string in the tab bar instead of the mode line.
+ (when (member '(global-mode-string ("" global-mode-string " "))
+ mode-line-misc-info)
+ (setq mode-line-misc-info
+ (append '(global-mode-string
+ ("" (:eval (if (and tab-bar-mode
+ (memq 'tab-bar-format-global
+ tab-bar-format))
+ "" global-mode-string))
+ " "))
+ (remove '(global-mode-string ("" global-mode-string " "))
+ mode-line-misc-info)))))
(defun tab-bar--undefine-keys ()
"Uninstall key bindings previously bound by `tab-bar--define-keys'."
'face (if current-p 'tab-bar-tab 'tab-bar-tab-inactive))))
-(defun tab-bar-make-keymap-1 ()
- "Generate an actual keymap from `tab-bar-map', without caching."
+(defvar tab-bar-format '(tab-bar-format-history
+ tab-bar-format-tabs
+ tab-bar-separator
+ tab-bar-format-add-tab)
+ "Template for displaying tab bar items.
+Every item in the list is a function that returns
+a string, or a list of menu-item elements, or nil.
+When you add more items `tab-bar-format-align-right' and
+`tab-bar-format-global' to the end, then after enabling
+`display-time-mode' (or any other mode that uses `global-mode-string')
+it will display time aligned to the right on the tab bar instead of
+the mode line.")
+(defun tab-bar-format-history ()
+ (when (and tab-bar-history-mode tab-bar-history-buttons-show)
+ `((sep-history-back menu-item ,(tab-bar-separator) ignore)
+ (history-back
+ menu-item ,tab-bar-back-button tab-bar-history-back
+ :help "Click to go back in tab history")
+ (sep-history-forward menu-item ,(tab-bar-separator) ignore)
+ (history-forward
+ menu-item ,tab-bar-forward-button tab-bar-history-forward
+ :help "Click to go forward in tab history"))))
+(defun tab-bar-format-tabs ()
(let ((separator (tab-bar-separator))
(tabs (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function))
(i 0))
- (append
- '(keymap (mouse-1 . tab-bar-handle-mouse))
- (when (and tab-bar-history-mode tab-bar-history-buttons-show)
- `((sep-history-back menu-item ,separator ignore)
- (history-back
- menu-item ,tab-bar-back-button tab-bar-history-back
- :help "Click to go back in tab history")
- (sep-history-forward menu-item ,separator ignore)
- (history-forward
- menu-item ,tab-bar-forward-button tab-bar-history-forward
- :help "Click to go forward in tab history")))
- (mapcan
- (lambda (tab)
- (setq i (1+ i))
- (append
- `((,(intern (format "sep-%i" i)) menu-item ,separator ignore))
- (cond
- ((eq (car tab) 'current-tab)
- `((current-tab
- menu-item
- ,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i)
- ignore
- :help "Current tab")))
- (t
- `((,(intern (format "tab-%i" i))
- menu-item
- ,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i)
- ,(or
- (alist-get 'binding tab)
- `(lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (tab-bar-select-tab ,i)))
- :help "Click to visit tab"))))
- `((,(if (eq (car tab) 'current-tab) 'C-current-tab (intern (format "C-tab-%i" i)))
- menu-item ""
- ,(or
- (alist-get 'close-binding tab)
- `(lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (tab-bar-close-tab ,i)))))))
- tabs)
- `((sep-add-tab menu-item ,separator ignore))
- (when (and tab-bar-new-button-show tab-bar-new-button)
- `((add-tab menu-item ,tab-bar-new-button tab-bar-new-tab
- :help "New tab"))))))
+ (mapcan
+ (lambda (tab)
+ (setq i (1+ i))
+ (append
+ `((,(intern (format "sep-%i" i)) menu-item ,separator ignore))
+ (cond
+ ((eq (car tab) 'current-tab)
+ `((current-tab
+ menu-item
+ ,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i)
+ ignore
+ :help "Current tab")))
+ (t
+ `((,(intern (format "tab-%i" i))
+ menu-item
+ ,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i)
+ ,(or
+ (alist-get 'binding tab)
+ `(lambda ()
+ (interactive)
+ (tab-bar-select-tab ,i)))
+ :help "Click to visit tab"))))
+ `((,(if (eq (car tab) 'current-tab) 'C-current-tab (intern (format "C-tab-%i" i)))
+ menu-item ""
+ ,(or
+ (alist-get 'close-binding tab)
+ `(lambda ()
+ (interactive)
+ (tab-bar-close-tab ,i)))))))
+ tabs)))
+(defun tab-bar-format-add-tab ()
+ (when (and tab-bar-new-button-show tab-bar-new-button)
+ `((add-tab menu-item ,tab-bar-new-button tab-bar-new-tab
+ :help "New tab"))))
+(defun tab-bar-format-align-right ()
+ "Align the rest of tab bar items to the right."
+ (let* ((rest (cdr (memq 'tab-bar-format-align-right tab-bar-format)))
+ (rest (tab-bar-format-list rest))
+ (rest (mapconcat (lambda (item) (nth 2 item)) rest ""))
+ (hpos (length rest))
+ (str (propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right ,hpos)))))
+ `((tab-bar-format-align-right menu-item ,str ignore))))
+(defun tab-bar-format-global ()
+ "Format `global-mode-string' to display it in the tab bar.
+When `tab-bar-format-global' is added to `tab-bar-format'
+(possibly appended after `tab-bar-format-align-right'),
+then modes that display information on the mode line
+using `global-mode-string' will display the same text
+on the tab bar instead."
+ `((tab-bar-format-global
+ menu-item
+ ,(format-mode-line global-mode-string)
+ ignore)))
+(defun tab-bar-format-list (format-list)
+ (let ((i 0))
+ (apply #'append
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (format)
+ (setq i (1+ i))
+ (cond
+ ((functionp format)
+ (let ((ret (funcall format)))
+ (when (stringp ret)
+ (setq ret `((,(intern (format "str-%i" i))
+ menu-item ,ret ignore))))
+ ret))))
+ format-list))))
+(defun tab-bar-make-keymap-1 ()
+ "Generate an actual keymap from `tab-bar-map', without caching."
+ (append
+ '(keymap (mouse-1 . tab-bar-handle-mouse))
+ (tab-bar-format-list tab-bar-format)))
;; Some window-configuration parameters don't need to be persistent.