this interface and on top of the standard Emacs facilities to provide
advanced features for developing SWI-Prolog programs in Emacs.
-** High-level architecture
+** High-level Architecture
:CUSTOM_ID: high-level-architecture
:DESCRIPTION: Overall structure of this project
objects to Prolog terms and vice versa.
#+CINDEX: sweeprolog.el
-- =sweeprolog.el= defines an Elisp library (named simply =sweeprolog=), which builds
- on top of =sweep-module= to provide user-facing commands and
- functionality. It is also responsible for loading and compiling the
- dynamically loaded =sweep-module=.
+- =sweeprolog.el= defines an Elisp library (named simply =sweeprolog=),
+ which builds on top of =sweep-module= to provide user-facing commands
+ and functionality. It is also responsible for loading =sweep-module=.
- defines a Prolog module (named, unsurprisingly, Sweep)