configurations, we have additional specialized files:
. INSTALL.REPO if you build from a Git checkout
- . nt/INSTALL if you build for MS-Windows
+ . nt/INSTALL if you build a native (non-Cygwin) Emacs for MS-Windows
. nextstep/INSTALL if you build for GNUstep/macOS
. java/INSTALL if you build for Android
. msdos/INSTALL if you build for MS-DOS
-(This is for a Unix or Unix-like system. For GNUstep and macOS,
-see nextstep/INSTALL. For non-ancient versions of MS Windows, see
-the file nt/INSTALL. For MS-DOS and MS Windows 3.X, see msdos/INSTALL.)
+(This is for a Unix or Unix-like system (including Cygwin on
+MS-Windows). For GNUstep and macOS, see nextstep/INSTALL. For building
+a native Windows Emacs for non-ancient versions of MS Windows, see the
+file nt/INSTALL. For MS-DOS and MS Windows 3.X, see msdos/INSTALL.)
1) See BASIC INSTALLATION above for getting and configuring Emacs.
+1a) For ordinary production builds, if you want to specify non-default
+compiler options via CFLAGS variable, we recommend against using
+optimization options -O3 or -Os, and also recommend not to use the
+compiler option -fsanitize=undefined. These are known to sometimes cause
+problems with the generated code, and we recommend using them only in
+debugging builds or for testing specific problems in Emacs.
2) In the unlikely event that 'configure' does not detect your system
type correctly, consult './etc/MACHINES' to see what --host, --build
options you should pass to 'configure'. That file also offers hints
switch to the compiler, and link against libfoo and libbar
libraries in addition to the standard ones.
+For ordinary production builds, we recommend against using -O3 and -Os
+in CFLAGS, and also against using -fsanitize=undefined compiler option.
For some libraries, like Gtk+, fontconfig and ALSA, 'configure' uses
pkg-config to find where those libraries are installed.
If you want pkg-config to look in special directories, you have to set
./configure --prefix=/d/usr/emacs --enable-checking='yes,glyphs' \
CFLAGS='-O0 -g3'
+ (For ordinary production builds, we recommend not to use -O3 or -Os
+ in CFLAGS, as those could sometimes produce bad or suboptimal code,
+ especially in major new releases of GCC.)
3. After the configure script finishes, it should display the
resulting configuration. After that, type