* lisp/dired.el (dired--move-to-next-line):
* lisp/emacs-lisp/ert.el (ert-run-tests-batch, ert-face-for-stats):
* lisp/emacs-lisp/pp.el (pp--format-definition):
* lisp/gnus/gnus-icalendar.el (gnus-icalendar-event--org-timestamp):
* lisp/ibuffer.el (ibuffer-compile-format, ibuffer--format-title)
* lisp/image-mode.el (image-transform-set-percent):
* lisp/international/emoji.el (emoji--list-generate, emoji--read-emoji):
* lisp/progmodes/ebrowse.el (ebrowse-set-tree-indentation)
(ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-sibling-class, ebrowse-push-position):
* lisp/textmodes/dns-mode.el (dns-mode-reverse-and-expand-ipv6):
* test/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp-tests.el
* test/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-seq-tests.el (cl-member-if-test)
(cl-member-if-not-test, cl-assoc-if-not-test, cl-rassoc-if-test)
* test/src/emacs-module-tests.el (mod-test-add-nanosecond/valid):
Prefer plusp and minusp to cl-plusp and cl-minusp.
(cherry picked from commit
;; Up/Down indicates the direction.
- (moving-down (if (cl-plusp arg)
+ (moving-down (if (plusp arg)
1 ; means Down.
-1))) ; means Up.
;; Line by line in case we forget to skip empty lines.
;; means infinite loop with no files found.
(if (and wrapped (eq old-arg arg))
(setq arg 0)
- (goto-char (if (cl-plusp moving-down)
+ (goto-char (if (plusp moving-down)
(setq wrapped t))
(message "%9s %S%s"
(ert-string-for-test-result result nil)
(ert-test-name test)
- (if (cl-plusp
+ (if (plusp
(length (getenv "EMACS_TEST_VERBOSE")))
(ert-reason-for-test-result result)
(message "%9s %S%s"
(ert-string-for-test-result result nil)
(ert-test-name test)
- (if (cl-plusp
+ (if (plusp
(length (getenv "EMACS_TEST_VERBOSE")))
(ert-reason-for-test-result result)
(defun ert-face-for-stats (stats)
"Return a face that represents STATS."
(cond ((ert--stats-aborted-p stats) 'nil)
- ((cl-plusp (ert-stats-completed-unexpected stats))
+ ((plusp (ert-stats-completed-unexpected stats))
(ert-face-for-test-result nil))
((eql (ert-stats-completed-expected stats) (ert-stats-total stats))
(ert-face-for-test-result t))
(insert ")")))
(defun pp--format-definition (sexp indent edebug)
- (while (and (cl-plusp indent)
+ (while (and (plusp indent)
(insert " ")
;; We don't understand all the edebug specs.
;; A 0:0 - A .:. -> A 0:0-.:. (default 1)
;; A 0:0 - A+n .:. -> A - A+n .:.
((and start-at-midnight
- (cl-plusp start-end-date-diff)) (format "<%s>--<%s %s>" start-date end-date end-time))
+ (plusp start-end-date-diff))
+ (format "<%s>--<%s %s>" start-date end-date end-time))
;; default
;; A .:. - A .:. -> A .:.-.:.
;; A .:. - B .:.
(max (nth 2 form))
(align (nth 3 form))
(elide (nth 4 form)))
- (let* ((from-end-p (when (cl-minusp min)
+ (let* ((from-end-p (when (minusp min)
(setq min (- min))
(letbindings nil)
(pcase-let ((`(,sym ,min ,_max ,align) element))
;; Ignore negative MIN, since the titles are left-aligned.
- (when (cl-minusp min)
+ (when (minusp min)
(setq min (- min)))
(let* ((name (or (get sym 'ibuffer-column-name)
(error "Unknown column %s in ibuffer-formats" sym)))
(make-string (length element) ?\s)
(pcase-let ((`(,sym ,min ,_max ,align) element))
;; Ignore negative MIN, since the summaries are left-aligned.
- (when (cl-minusp min)
+ (when (minusp min)
(setq min (- min)))
(let* ((summary
(if (get sym 'ibuffer-column-summarizer)
(interactive (list (read-number "Scale (% of original): " 100
- (unless (cl-plusp scale)
+ (unless (plusp scale)
(error "Not a positive number: %s" scale))
(setq image-transform-resize (/ scale 100.0))
(cl-loop for i from 0
for glyph in alist
- (when (and (cl-plusp i)
+ (when (and (plusp i)
(zerop (mod i width)))
(insert "\n"))
nil t)))
- (if (cl-plusp (length name))
+ (if (plusp (length name))
(let ((glyph (if emoji-alternate-names
(cadr (split-string name "\t"))
(gethash name emoji--all-bases))))
(string-to-number chunk 16)))))
(nreverse (if (and prefix-length
- (cl-minusp prefix-length))
+ (minusp prefix-length))
(substring expanded-address prefix-length-nibbles)
(substring expanded-address 0 prefix-length-nibbles)))))
(insert char)
(insert "."))
(if (and prefix-length
- (cl-minusp prefix-length))
+ (minusp prefix-length))
(delete-char -1)
(insert "ip6.arpa."))
(insert " ")
(set-file-modes directory #o500)
(should (byte-compile-file input-file))
(should (file-regular-p output-file))
- (should (cl-plusp (file-attribute-size
- (file-attributes output-file)))))
+ (should (plusp (file-attribute-size
+ (file-attributes output-file)))))
;; Allow the directory to be deleted.
(set-file-modes directory #o777)))))
(ert-fail `((status . ,status)
(output . ,(buffer-string)))))))
(should (file-regular-p output-file))
- (should (cl-plusp (file-attribute-size
- (file-attributes output-file)))))
+ (should (plusp (file-attribute-size
+ (file-attributes output-file)))))
;; Allow the directory to be deleted.
(set-file-modes directory #o777))))))
nil "test.el" nil nil nil 'excl)
(should (byte-compile-file "test.el"))
(should (file-regular-p "test.elc"))
- (should (cl-plusp (file-attribute-size
- (file-attributes "test.elc")))))))
+ (should (plusp (file-attribute-size
+ (file-attributes "test.elc")))))))
(defun bytecomp-tests--get-vars ()
(list (ignore-errors (symbol-value 'bytecomp-tests--var1))
(should (equal result '(a a a a))))
(let ((result (cl-member-if #'evenp '())))
(should (equal result nil)))
- (let ((result (cl-member-if #'cl-minusp '(1 2 3 4 5))))
+ (let ((result (cl-member-if #'minusp '(1 2 3 4 5))))
(should (equal result nil)))
(let ((result (cl-member-if (lambda (x) (and (numberp x) (<= x 2)))
'(1 "two" 3 0))))
(should (equal result nil)))
(let ((result (cl-member-if-not (lambda (x) (eq x 'a)) '(a a a a))))
(should (equal result nil)))
- (let ((result (cl-member-if-not #'cl-minusp '(1 2 3 4 5))))
+ (let ((result (cl-member-if-not #'minusp '(1 2 3 4 5))))
(should (equal result '(1 2 3 4 5))))
(let ((result (cl-member-if-not
(lambda (x) (or (numberp x) (stringp x) (eq x 'b)))
(let* ((alist '((1 . "odd") (2 . "even") (3 . "odd") (4 . "even")))
(result (cl-assoc-if-not #'evenp alist)))
(should (equal result '(1 . "odd"))))
- (let ((result (cl-assoc-if-not #'cl-plusp
+ (let ((result (cl-assoc-if-not #'plusp
'((1 . "one") (2 . "two") (3 . "three")))))
(should (equal result nil)))
(let ((result (cl-assoc-if-not (lambda (x) (< x 5))
(should (equal result '("one" . 1))))
(let ((result (cl-rassoc-if #'evenp '())))
(should (equal result nil)))
- (let ((result (cl-rassoc-if #'cl-plusp
+ (let ((result (cl-rassoc-if #'plusp
'(("first" . 1) ("second" . 2) ("third" . 3)))))
(should (equal result '("first" . 1))))
(let ((result (cl-rassoc-if (lambda (x) (string= (number-to-string x) "two"))
(let ((result (cl-rassoc-if-not #'evenp
'(("one" . 1) ("two" . 2) ("three" . 3)))))
(should (equal result '("one" . 1))))
- (let ((result (cl-rassoc-if-not #'cl-plusp
+ (let ((result (cl-rassoc-if-not #'plusp
'(("one" . 1) ("two" . 2) ("three" . 3)))))
(should (equal result nil)))
(let ((result (cl-rassoc-if-not (lambda (x) (< x 5))
(should (consp result))
(should (integerp (car result)))
(should (integerp (cdr result)))
- (should (cl-plusp (cdr result)))
+ (should (plusp (cdr result)))
(should (time-equal-p result desired-result))))))
(ert-deftest mod-test-add-nanosecond/nil ()