(if (memq (nth 1 a) '(0 2)) ")" "]")))
+;;; Yacas
+(defun calc-yacas-language ()
+ "Change the Calc language to be Yacas-like."
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (calc-set-language 'yacas)
+ (message "`Yacas' language mode")))
+(put 'yacas 'math-vector-brackets "{}")
+(put 'yacas 'math-complex-format 'I)
+(add-to-list 'calc-lang-brackets-are-subscripts 'yacas)
+(put 'yacas 'math-variable-table
+ '(( Infinity . var-inf)
+ ( Infinity . var-uinf)
+ ( Undefined . var-nan)
+ ( Pi . var-pi)
+ ( E . var-e) ;; Not really in Yacas
+ ( GoldenRatio . var-phi)
+ ( Gamma . var-gamma)))
+(put 'yacas 'math-parse-table
+ '((("Deriv(" 0 ")" 0)
+ calcFunc-deriv (var ArgB var-ArgB) (var ArgA var-ArgA))
+ (("D(" 0 ")" 0)
+ calcFunc-deriv (var ArgB var-ArgB) (var ArgA var-ArgA))
+ (("Integrate(" 0 ")" 0)
+ calcFunc-integ (var ArgB var-ArgB)(var ArgA var-ArgA))
+ (("Integrate(" 0 "," 0 "," 0 ")" 0)
+ calcFunc-integ (var ArgD var-ArgD) (var ArgA var-ArgA)
+ (var ArgB var-ArgB) (var ArgC var-ArgC))
+ (("Subst(" 0 "," 0 ")" 0)
+ calcFunc-subst (var ArgC var-ArgC) (var ArgA var-ArgA)
+ (var ArgB var-ArgB))
+ (("Taylor(" 0 "," 0 "," 0 ")" 0)
+ calcFunc-taylor (var ArgD var-ArgD)
+ (calcFunc-eq (var ArgA var-ArgA) (var ArgB var-ArgB))
+ (var ArgC var-ArgC))))
+(put 'yacas 'math-oper-table
+ '(("+" + 30 30)
+ ("-" - 30 60)
+ ("*" * 60 60)
+ ("/" / 70 70)
+ ("u-" neg -1 60)
+ ("^" ^ 80 80)
+ ("u+" ident -1 30)
+ ("<<" calcFunc-lsh 80 80)
+ (">>" calcFunc-rsh 80 80)
+ ("!" calcFunc-fact 80 -1)
+ ("!!" calcFunc-dfact 80 -1)
+ ("X" calcFunc-cross 70 70)
+ ("=" calcFunc-eq 10 10)
+ ("!=" calcFunc-neq 10 10)
+ ("<" calcFunc-lt 10 10)
+ (">" calcFunc-gt 10 10)
+ ("<=" calcFunc-leq 10 10)
+ (">=" calcFunc-geq 10 10)
+ ("And" calcFunc-land 5 5)
+ ("Or" calcFunc-or 4 4)
+ ("Not" calcFunc-lnot -1 3)
+ (":=" calcFunc-assign 1 1)))
+(put 'yacas 'math-function-table
+ '(( Div . calcFunc-idiv)
+ ( Mod . calcFunc-mod)
+ ( Abs . calcFunc-abs)
+ ( Sign . calcFunc-sign)
+ ( Sqrt . calcFunc-sqrt)
+ ( Max . calcFunc-max)
+ ( Min . calcFunc-min)
+ ( Floor . calcFunc-floor)
+ ( Ceil . calcFunc-ceil)
+ ( Round . calcFunc-round)
+ ( Conjugate . calcFunc-conj)
+ ( Arg . calcFunc-arg)
+ ( Re . calcFunc-re)
+ ( Im . calcFunc-im)
+ ( Rationalize . calcFunc-pfrac)
+ ( Sin . calcFunc-sin)
+ ( Cos . calcFunc-cos)
+ ( Tan . calcFunc-tan)
+ ( Sec . calcFunc-sec)
+ ( Csc . calcFunc-csc)
+ ( Cot . calcFunc-cot)
+ ( ArcSin . calcFunc-arcsin)
+ ( ArcCos . calcFunc-arccos)
+ ( ArcTan . calcFunc-arctan)
+ ( Sinh . calcFunc-sinh)
+ ( Cosh . calcFunc-cosh)
+ ( Tanh . calcFunc-tanh)
+ ( Sech . calcFunc-sech)
+ ( Csch . calcFunc-csch)
+ ( Coth . calcFunc-coth)
+ ( ArcSinh . calcFunc-arcsinh)
+ ( ArcCosh . calcFunc-arccosh)
+ ( ArcTanh . calcFunc-arctanh)
+ ( Ln . calcFunc-ln)
+ ( Exp . calcFunc-exp)
+ ( Gamma . calcFunc-gamma)
+ ( Gcd . calcFunc-gcd)
+ ( Lcm . calcFunc-lcm)
+ ( Bin . calcFunc-choose)
+ ( Bernoulli . calcFunc-bern)
+ ( Euler . calcFunc-euler)
+ ( StirlingNumber1 . calcFunc-stir1)
+ ( StirlingNumber2 . calcFunc-stir2)
+ ( IsPrime . calcFunc-prime)
+ ( Factors . calcFunc-prfac)
+ ( NextPrime . calcFunc-nextprime)
+ ( Moebius . calcFunc-moebius)
+ ( Random . calcFunc-random)
+ ( Concat . calcFunc-vconcat)
+ ( Head . calcFunc-head)
+ ( Tail . calcFunc-tail)
+ ( Length . calcFunc-vlen)
+ ( Reverse . calcFunc-rev)
+ ( CrossProduct . calcFunc-cross)
+ ( Dot . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( DiagonalMatrix . calcFunc-diag)
+ ( Transpose . calcFunc-trn)
+ ( Inverse . calcFunc-inv)
+ ( Determinant . calcFunc-det)
+ ( Trace . calcFunc-tr)
+ ( RemoveDuplicates . calcFunc-rdup)
+ ( Union . calcFunc-vunion)
+ ( Intersection . calcFunc-vint)
+ ( Difference . calcFunc-vdiff)
+ ( Apply . calcFunc-apply)
+ ( Map . calcFunc-map)
+ ( Simplify . calcFunc-simplify)
+ ( ExpandBrackets . calcFunc-expand)
+ ( Solve . calcFunc-solve)
+ ( Degree . calcFunc-pdeg)
+ ( If . calcFunc-if)
+ ( Contains . (math-lang-switch-args calcFunc-in))
+ ( Sum . (math-yacas-parse-Sum calcFunc-sum))
+ ( Factorize . (math-yacas-parse-Sum calcFunc-prod))))
+(put 'yacas 'math-special-function-table
+ '(( calcFunc-sum . (math-yacas-compose-sum "Sum"))
+ ( calcFunc-prod . (math-yacas-compose-sum "Factorize"))
+ ( calcFunc-deriv . (math-yacas-compose-deriv "Deriv"))
+ ( calcFunc-integ . (math-yacas-compose-deriv "Integrate"))
+ ( calcFunc-taylor . math-yacas-compose-taylor)
+ ( calcFunc-in . (math-lang-compose-switch-args "Contains"))))
+(put 'yacas 'math-compose-subscr
+ (function
+ (lambda (a)
+ (let ((args (cdr (cdr a))))
+ (list 'horiz
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 1000)
+ "["
+ (math-compose-vector args ", " 0)
+ "]")))))
+(defun math-yacas-parse-Sum (f val)
+ "Read in the arguments to \"Sum\" in Calc's Yacas mode."
+ (let ((args (math-read-expr-list)))
+ (math-read-token)
+ (list (nth 2 f)
+ (nth 3 args)
+ (nth 0 args)
+ (nth 1 args)
+ (nth 2 args))))
+(defun math-yacas-compose-sum (a fn)
+ "Compose the \"Sum\" function in Calc's Yacas mode."
+ (list 'horiz
+ (nth 1 fn)
+ "("
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 4 a) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)
+ ")"))
+(defun math-yacas-compose-deriv (a fn)
+ "Compose the \"Deriv\" function in Calc's Yacas mode."
+ (list 'horiz
+ (nth 1 fn)
+ "("
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) -1)
+ (if (not (nth 3 a))
+ ")"
+ (concat
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 4 a) -1)
+ ")"))
+ " "
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)))
+(defun math-yacas-compose-taylor (a)
+ "Compose the \"Taylor\" function in Calc's Yacas mode."
+ (list 'horiz
+ "Taylor("
+ (if (eq (car-safe (nth 2 a)) 'calcFunc-eq)
+ (concat (math-compose-expr (nth 1 (nth 2 a)) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 2 (nth 2 a)) -1))
+ (concat (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) -1) ",0"))
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) -1)
+ ") "
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)))
+;;; Maxima
+(defun calc-maxima-language ()
+ "Change the Calc language to be Maxima-like."
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (calc-set-language 'maxima)
+ (message "`Maxima' language mode")))
+(put 'maxima 'math-oper-table
+ '(("+" + 100 100)
+ ("-" - 100 134)
+ ("*" * 120 120)
+ ("." * 130 129)
+ ("/" / 120 120)
+ ("u-" neg -1 180)
+ ("u+" ident -1 180)
+ ("^" ^ 140 139)
+ ("**" ^ 140 139)
+ ("!" calcFunc-fact 160 -1)
+ ("!!" calcFunc-dfact 160 -1)
+ ("=" calcFunc-eq 80 80)
+ ("#" calcFunc-neq 80 80)
+ ("<" calcFunc-lt 80 80)
+ (">" calcFunc-gt 80 80)
+ ("<=" calcFunc-leq 80 80)
+ (">=" calcFunc-geq 80 80)
+ ("and" calcFunc-land 65 65)
+ ("or" calcFunc-or 60 60)
+ ("not" calcFunc-lnot -1 70)
+ (":" calcFunc-assign 180 20)))
+(put 'maxima 'math-function-table
+ '(( matrix . vec)
+ ( abs . calcFunc-abs)
+ ( cabs . calcFunc-abs)
+ ( signum . calcFunc-sign)
+ ( floor . calcFunc-floor)
+ ( entier . calcFunc-floor)
+ ( fix . calcFunc-floor)
+ ( conjugate . calcFunc-conj )
+ ( carg . calcFunc-arg)
+ ( realpart . calcFunc-re)
+ ( imagpart . calcFunc-im)
+ ( rationalize . calcFunc-pfrac)
+ ( asin . calcFunc-arcsin)
+ ( acos . calcFunc-arccos)
+ ( atan . calcFunc-arctan)
+ ( atan2 . calcFunc-arctan2)
+ ( asinh . calcFunc-arcsinh)
+ ( acosh . calcFunc-arccosh)
+ ( atanh . calcFunc-arctanh)
+ ( log . calcFunc-ln)
+ ( plog . calcFunc-ln)
+ ( bessel_j . calcFunc-besJ)
+ ( bessel_y . calcFunc-besY)
+ ( factorial . calcFunc-fact)
+ ( binomial . calcFunc-choose)
+ ( primep . calcFunc-prime)
+ ( next_prime . calcFunc-nextprime)
+ ( prev_prime . calcFunc-prevprime)
+ ( append . calcFunc-vconcat)
+ ( rest . calcFunc-tail)
+ ( reverse . calcFunc-rev)
+ ( innerproduct . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( inprod . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( row . calcFunc-mrow)
+ ( columnvector . calcFunc-mcol)
+ ( covect . calcFunc-mcol)
+ ( transpose . calcFunc-trn)
+ ( invert . calcFunc-inv)
+ ( determinant . calcFunc-det)
+ ( mattrace . calcFunc-tr)
+ ( member . calcFunc-in)
+ ( lmax . calcFunc-vmax)
+ ( lmin . calcFunc-vmin)
+ ( distrib . calcFunc-expand)
+ ( partfrac . calcFunc-apart)
+ ( rat . calcFunc-nrat)
+ ( product . calcFunc-prod)
+ ( diff . calcFunc-deriv)
+ ( integrate . calcFunc-integ)
+ ( quotient . calcFunc-pdiv)
+ ( remainder . calcFunc-prem)
+ ( divide . calcFunc-pdivrem)
+ ( equal . calcFunc-eq)
+ ( notequal . calcFunc-neq)
+ ( rhs . calcFunc-rmeq)
+ ( subst . (math-maxima-parse-subst))
+ ( substitute . (math-maxima-parse-subst))
+ ( taylor . (math-maxima-parse-taylor))))
+(defun math-maxima-parse-subst (f val)
+ "Read in the arguments to \"subst\" in Calc's Maxima mode."
+ (let ((args (math-read-expr-list)))
+ (math-read-token)
+ (list 'calcFunc-subst
+ (nth 1 args)
+ (nth 2 args)
+ (nth 0 args))))
+(defun math-maxima-parse-taylor (f val)
+ "Read in the arguments to \"taylor\" in Calc's Maxima mode."
+ (let ((args (math-read-expr-list)))
+ (math-read-token)
+ (list 'calcFunc-taylor
+ (nth 0 args)
+ (list 'calcFunc-eq
+ (nth 1 args)
+ (nth 2 args))
+ (nth 3 args))))
+(put 'maxima 'math-parse-table
+ '((("if" 0 "then" 0 "else" 0)
+ calcFunc-if
+ (var ArgA var-ArgA)
+ (var ArgB var-ArgB)
+ (var ArgC var-ArgC))))
+(put 'maxima 'math-special-function-table
+ '(( calcFunc-taylor . math-maxima-compose-taylor)
+ ( calcFunc-subst . math-maxima-compose-subst)
+ ( calcFunc-if . math-maxima-compose-if)))
+(defun math-maxima-compose-taylor (a)
+ "Compose the \"taylor\" function in Calc's Maxima mode."
+ (list 'horiz
+ "taylor("
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)
+ ","
+ (if (eq (car-safe (nth 2 a)) 'calcFunc-eq)
+ (concat (math-compose-expr (nth 1 (nth 2 a)) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 2 (nth 2 a)) -1))
+ (concat (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) -1) ",0"))
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) -1)
+ ")"))
+(defun math-maxima-compose-subst (a)
+ "Compose the \"subst\" function in Calc's Maxima mode."
+ (list 'horiz
+ "substitute("
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) -1)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)
+ ")"))
+(defun math-maxima-compose-if (a)
+ "Compose the \"if\" function in Calc's Maxima mode."
+ (list 'horiz
+ "if "
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)
+ " then "
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) -1)
+ " else "
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) -1)))
+(put 'maxima 'math-variable-table
+ '(( infinity . var-uinf)
+ ( %pi . var-pi)
+ ( %e . var-e)
+ ( %i . var-i)
+ ( %phi . var-phi)
+ ( %gamma . var-gamma)))
+(put 'maxima 'math-complex-format '%i)
+(add-to-list 'calc-lang-allow-underscores 'maxima)
+(add-to-list 'calc-lang-allow-percentsigns 'maxima)
+(add-to-list 'calc-lang-brackets-are-subscripts 'maxima)
+(put 'maxima 'math-compose-subscr
+ (function
+ (lambda (a)
+ (let ((args (cdr (cdr a))))
+ (list 'horiz
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 1000)
+ "["
+ (math-compose-vector args ", " 0)
+ "]")))))
+(put 'maxima 'math-matrix-formatter
+ (function
+ (lambda (a)
+ (list 'horiz
+ "matrix("
+ (math-compose-vector (cdr a)
+ (concat math-comp-comma " ")
+ math-comp-vector-prec)
+ ")"))))
+;;; Giac
+(defun calc-giac-language ()
+ "Change the Calc language to be Giac-like."
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (calc-set-language 'giac)
+ (message "`Giac' language mode")))
+(put 'giac 'math-oper-table
+ '( ( "[" (math-read-giac-subscr) 250 -1 )
+ ( "+" + 180 181 )
+ ( "-" - 180 181 )
+ ( "/" / 191 192 )
+ ( "*" * 191 192 )
+ ( "^" ^ 201 200 )
+ ( "u+" ident -1 197 )
+ ( "u-" neg -1 197 )
+ ( "!" calcFunc-fact 210 -1 )
+ ( ".." (math-read-maple-dots) 165 165 )
+ ( "\\dots" (math-read-maple-dots) 165 165 )
+ ( "intersect" calcFunc-vint 191 192 )
+ ( "union" calcFunc-vunion 180 181 )
+ ( "minus" calcFunc-vdiff 180 181 )
+ ( "<" calcFunc-lt 160 160 )
+ ( ">" calcFunc-gt 160 160 )
+ ( "<=" calcFunc-leq 160 160 )
+ ( ">=" calcFunc-geq 160 160 )
+ ( "=" calcFunc-eq 160 160 )
+ ( "==" calcFunc-eq 160 160 )
+ ( "!=" calcFunc-neq 160 160 )
+ ( "and" calcFunc-land 110 111 )
+ ( "or" calcFunc-lor 100 101 )
+ ( "&&" calcFunc-land 110 111 )
+ ( "||" calcFunc-lor 100 101 )
+ ( "not" calcFunc-lnot -1 121 )
+ ( ":=" calcFunc-assign 51 50 )))
+(put 'giac 'math-function-table
+ '(( rdiv . calcFunc-div)
+ ( iquo . calcFunc-idiv)
+ ( irem . calcFunc-mod)
+ ( remain . calcFunc-mod)
+ ( floor . calcFunc-floor)
+ ( iPart . calcFunc-floor)
+ ( ceil . calcFunc-ceil)
+ ( ceiling . calcFunc-ceil)
+ ( re . calcFunc-re)
+ ( real . calcFunc-re)
+ ( im . calcFunc-im)
+ ( imag . calcFunc-im)
+ ( float2rational . calcFunc-pfrac)
+ ( exact . calcFunc-pfrac)
+ ( evalf . calcFunc-pfloat)
+ ( bitand . calcFunc-and)
+ ( bitor . calcFunc-or)
+ ( bitxor . calcFunc-xor)
+ ( asin . calcFunc-arcsin)
+ ( acos . calcFunc-arccos)
+ ( atan . calcFunc-arctan)
+ ( asinh . calcFunc-arcsinh)
+ ( acosh . calcFunc-arccosh)
+ ( atanh . calcFunc-arctanh)
+ ( log . calcFunc-ln)
+ ( logb . calcFunc-log)
+ ( factorial . calcFunc-fact)
+ ( comb . calcFunc-choose)
+ ( binomial . calcFunc-choose)
+ ( nCr . calcFunc-choose)
+ ( perm . calcFunc-perm)
+ ( nPr . calcFunc-perm)
+ ( bernoulli . calcFunc-bern)
+ ( is_prime . calcFunc-prime)
+ ( isprime . calcFunc-prime)
+ ( isPrime . calcFunc-prime)
+ ( ifactors . calcFunc-prfac)
+ ( euler . calcFunc-totient)
+ ( phi . calcFunc-totient)
+ ( rand . calcFunc-random)
+ ( concat . calcFunc-vconcat)
+ ( augment . calcFunc-vconcat)
+ ( mid . calcFunc-subvec)
+ ( length . calcFunc-length)
+ ( size . calcFunc-length)
+ ( nops . calcFunc-length)
+ ( SortA . calcFunc-sort)
+ ( SortB . calcFunc-rsort)
+ ( revlist . calcFunc-rev)
+ ( cross . calcFunc-cross)
+ ( crossP . calcFunc-cross)
+ ( crossproduct . calcFunc-cross)
+ ( mul . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( dot . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( dotprod . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( dotP . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( scalar_product . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( scalar_Product . calcFunc-mul)
+ ( row . calcFunc-mrow)
+ ( col . calcFunc-mcol)
+ ( dim . calcFunc-mdims)
+ ( tran . calcFunc-trn)
+ ( transpose . calcFunc-trn)
+ ( lu . calcFunc-lud)
+ ( trace . calcFunc-tr)
+ ( member . calcFunc-in)
+ ( sum . calcFunc-vsum)
+ ( add . calcFunc-vsum)
+ ( product . calcFunc-vprod)
+ ( mean . calcFunc-vmean)
+ ( median . calcFunc-vmedian)
+ ( stddev . calcFunc-vsdev)
+ ( stddevp . calcFunc-vpsdev)
+ ( variance . calcFunc-vpvar)
+ ( map . calcFunc-map)
+ ( apply . calcFunc-map)
+ ( of . calcFunc-map)
+ ( zip . calcFunc-map)
+ ( expand . calcFunc-expand)
+ ( fdistrib . calcFunc-expand)
+ ( partfrac . calcFunc-apart)
+ ( ratnormal . calcFunc-nrat)
+ ( diff . calcFunc-deriv)
+ ( derive . calcFunc-deriv)
+ ( integrate . calcFunc-integ)
+ ( int . calcFunc-integ)
+ ( Int . calcFunc-integ)
+ ( romberg . calcFunc-ninteg)
+ ( nInt . calcFunc-ninteg)
+ ( lcoeff . calcFunc-plead)
+ ( content . calcFunc-pcont)
+ ( primpart . calcFunc-pprim)
+ ( quo . calcFunc-pdiv)
+ ( rem . calcFunc-prem)
+ ( quorem . calcFunc-pdivrem)
+ ( divide . calcFunc-pdivrem)
+ ( equal . calcFunc-eq)
+ ( ifte . calcFunc-if)
+ ( not . calcFunc-lnot)
+ ( rhs . calcFunc-rmeq)
+ ( right . calcFunc-rmeq)
+ ( prepend . (math-lang-switch-args calcFunc-cons))
+ ( contains . (math-lang-switch-args calcFunc-in))
+ ( has . (math-lang-switch-args calcFunc-refers))))
+(defun math-lang-switch-args (f val)
+ "Read the arguments to a Calc function in reverse order.
+This is used for various language modes which have functions in reverse
+order to Calc's."
+ (let ((args (math-read-expr-list)))
+ (math-read-token)
+ (list (nth 2 f)
+ (nth 1 args)
+ (nth 0 args))))
+(put 'giac 'math-parse-table
+ '((("set" 0)
+ calcFunc-rdup
+ (var ArgA var-ArgA))))
+(put 'giac 'math-special-function-table
+ '((calcFunc-cons . (math-lang-compose-switch-args "prepend"))
+ (calcFunc-in . (math-lang-compose-switch-args "contains"))
+ (calcFunc-refers . (math-lang-compose-switch-args "has"))
+ (intv . math-compose-maple-intv)))
+(defun math-lang-compose-switch-args (a fn)
+ "Compose the arguments to a Calc function in reverse order.
+This is used for various language modes which have functions in reverse
+order to Calc's."
+ (list 'horiz (nth 1 fn)
+ "("
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) 0)
+ ","
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 0)
+ ")"))
+(put 'giac 'math-variable-table
+ '(( infinity . var-inf)
+ ( infinity . var-uinf)))
+(add-to-list 'calc-lang-allow-underscores 'giac)
+(put 'giac 'math-compose-subscr
+ (function
+ (lambda (a)
+ (let ((args (cdr (cdr a))))
+ (list 'horiz
+ (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 1000)
+ "["
+ (math-compose-expr
+ (calc-normalize (list '- (nth 2 a) 1)) 0)
+ "]")))))
+(defun math-read-giac-subscr (x op)
+ (let ((idx (math-read-expr-level 0)))
+ (or (equal math-expr-data "]")
+ (throw 'syntax "Expected ']'"))
+ (math-read-token)
+ (list 'calcFunc-subscr x (calc-normalize (list '+ idx 1)))))
+(add-to-list 'calc-lang-c-type-hex 'giac)
(defun calc-mathematica-language ()