Prolog code. This section elaborates about Prolog initialization and
its customization options in Sweep:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-initialize
- Function: sweeprolog-initialize prog &rest args :: Initialize the
embedded Prolog runtime. PROG should be the path to the =swipl=
executable, and ARGS should be a list of strings denoting command
line arguments for =swipl=. They are used to initialize Prolog as if
it was started from the command line as ~PROG ARGS~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-handle-command-line-args
- Function: sweeprolog-handle-command-line-args :: Enable support for
the Sweep specific ~--swipl-args~ Emacs command line flag. This flag
can be used to specify additional Prolog initialization arguments
for Sweep to use when initializing Prolog on-demand, directly from
Emacs's command line invocation.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-init-args
- User Option: sweeprolog-init-args :: List of strings used as
initialization arguments for Prolog. Sweep uses these as the ARGS
argument of ~sweeprolog-initialize~ when it initializes Prolog
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-restart
- Command: sweeprolog-restart :: Restart the embedded Prolog runtime.
In Sweep, Prolog initialization is done via
This section describes a set of Elisp functions that let you invoke
Prolog queries and interact with the embedded Prolog runtime:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-open-query
- Function: sweeprolog-open-query context module functor input reverse :: Query
the Prolog predicate MODULE:FUNCTOR/2 in the context of the module
CONTEXT. Converts INPUT to a Prolog term and uses it as the first
that the query wants to return to Elisp. The output argument can be
retrieved with ~sweeprolog-next-solution~. Always returns ~t~ if called
with valid arguments, otherwise returns ~nil~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-next-solution
- Function: sweeprolog-next-solution :: Return the next solution of
the last Prolog query. Returns a cons cell ~(DET . OUTPUT)~ if the
query succeed, where ~DET~ is the symbol ~!~ if no choice points remain
~nil~ instead. If a Prolog exception was thrown, return a cons cell
~(exception . EXP)~ where ~EXP~ is the exception term converted to
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-cut-query
- Function: sweeprolog-cut-query :: Cut the last Prolog query. This
releases any resources reserved for it and makes further calls to
~sweeprolog-next-solution~ invalid until you open a new query.
-- Function: sweeprolog-cut-query :: Close the last Prolog query.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-close-query
+- Function: sweeprolog-close-query :: Close the last Prolog query.
Similar to ~sweeprolog-cut-query~ expect that any unifications created
by the last query are dropped.
Sweep includes a dedicated major mode for reading and editing Prolog
code, called ~sweeprolog-mode~:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-mode
- Command: sweeprolog-mode :: Enable Sweep major mode for reading and
editing SWI-Prolog code in the current buffer.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-mode-hook
- Variable: sweeprolog-mode-hook :: Hook run after entering
~sweeprolog-mode~. For more information about major mode hooks in
Emacs see [[info:emacs#Hooks][Hooks]] in the Emacs manual.
analyses the syntactic context of a given line and determines the
appropriate indentation to apply based on a set of rules.
- Key: TAB (indent-for-tab-command) :: Indent the current line. If
the region is active, indent all the lines within it. Calls the
mode-dependent function specified by the variable
~indent-line-function~ to do the work.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-indent-line
- Function: sweeprolog-indent-line :: Indent the current line
according to SWI-Prolog conventions. This function is used as an
~indent-line-function~ in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-infer-indent-style
- Command: sweeprolog-infer-indent-style :: Infer indentation style
for the current buffer from its contents.
invoked to updated the semantic highlighting in response to changes in
the buffer.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-analyze-buffer
- Key: C-c C-c (sweeprolog-analyze-buffer) :: Analyze the current
buffer and update cross-references.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-analyze-buffer-on-idle
- User Option: sweeprolog-analyze-buffer-on-idle :: If non-nil,
analyze ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers on idle. Defaults to ~t~.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-analyze-buffer-max-size
- User Option: sweeprolog-analyze-buffer-max-size :: Maximum number
characters in a ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffer to analyze on idle. Larger
buffers are not analyzed on idle. Defaults to 100,000 characters.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-analyze-buffer-min-interval
- User Option: sweeprolog-analyze-buffer-min-interval :: Minimum
number of idle seconds to wait before analyzing a ~sweeprolog-mode~
buffer. Defaults to 1.5.
3. The ~dark~ style mimics the colors used in the SWI-Prolog built-in
editor in dark mode.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-faces-style
- User Option: sweeprolog-faces-style :: Style of faces to use for
semantic highlighting in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers. Defaults to ~nil~.
when the cursor enters or leaves certain text regions (see also [[info:elisp#Special
Properties][Special Properties in the Elisp manual]]).
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-highlight-variable
- Command: sweeprolog-highlight-variable :: Highlight occurrences of a
Prolog variable in the clause at point. With a prefix argument,
clear variable highlighting in the clause at point instead.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-enable-cursor-sensor
- User Option: sweeprolog-enable-cursor-sensor :: If non-nil, use
~cursor-sensor-mode~ to highlight Prolog variables sharing with the
variable at point in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers. Defaults to ~t~.
Quasi-quotations in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffer are highlighted according
to the Emacs mode corresponding to the quoted language by default.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-qq-mode-alist
- User Option: sweeprolog-qq-mode-alist :: Alist of (TYPE . MODE)
pairs, where TYPE is a Prolog quasi-quotation type, and MODE is a
symbol specifying a major mode to use for highlighting the
in Prolog code mean by annotating them with a textual description
that's displayed when you hover over them with the mouse.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-enable-help-echo
- User Option: sweeprolog-enable-help-echo :: If non-nil, annotate
Prolog tokens with help text via the ~help-echo~ text
property. Defaults to ~t~.
:ALT_TITLE: Aligning Spaces
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-align-spaces
- Command: sweeprolog-align-spaces :: Insert or remove spaces around
point to such that the next Prolog token starts at a column
distanced from the beginning of the previous token by a multiple of
four columns.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-enable-cycle-spacing
- User Option: sweeprolog-enable-cycle-spacing :: If non-nil, add
~sweeprolog-align-spaces~ as the first element of
~cycle-spacing-actions~ in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers. Defaults to ~t~.
The minor mode ~sweeprolog-electric-layout-mode~ adjusts whitespace
around point automatically as you type:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-electric-layout-mode
- Command: sweeprolog-electric-layout-mode :: Toggle automatic
whitespace adjustment according to SWI-Prolog conventions.
after the other.
#+KINDEX: C-c C-m
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-insert-term-with-holes
- Key: C-c RET (sweeprolog-insert-term-with-holes) :: Insert a Prolog
term with a given functor and arity at point, using holes for
Use these commands to move between holes in the current Prolog buffer:
#+KINDEX: C-c C-i
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-forward-hole
- Key: C-c TAB (sweeprolog-forward-hole) :: Move point to the next
hole in the buffer and select it as the region. With numeric prefix
argument /n/, move forward over /n/ - 1 holes and select the next one.
#+KINDEX: C-c C-S-i
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-backward-hole
- Key: C-c S-TAB (sweeprolog-backward-hole) :: Move point to the
previous hole in the buffer and select it as the region. With
numeric prefix argument /n/, move backward over /n/ - 1 holes and select
the next one.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-count-holes
- Key: C-0 C-c TAB (sweeprolog-count-holes) :: Display the number of
holes that are present in the buffer.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-forward-hole-on-tab-mode
- Command: sweeprolog-forward-hole-on-tab-mode :: Toggle moving to the
next hole in the buffer with ~TAB~ if the current line is already
properly indented.
Sweep highlights holes in Prolog buffer by default so you can easily
identify missing terms.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-highlight-holes
- User Option: sweeprolog-highlight-holes :: If non-nil, highlight
holes in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers with a dedicated face. By default,
this is set to ~t~.
The following commands act on entire Prolog predicate definitions as a
single unit:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-forward-predicate
- Key: M-n (sweeprolog-forward-predicate) :: Move forward from point
to the next predicate definition in the current buffer.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-backward-predicate
- Key: M-p (sweeprolog-backward-predicate) :: Move backward from point
to the previous predicate definition.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-mark-predicate
- Key: M-h (sweeprolog-mark-predicate) :: Select the current predicate
as the active region, put point at the its beginning, and the mark
at the end.
as ~library(lists)~ which refers to a file in any of the Prolog
library directories.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-find-file-at-point
- Key: C-c C-o (sweeprolog-find-file-at-point) :: Resolve file
specification at point and visit the specified file.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-file-at-point
- Function: sweeprolog-file-at-point &optional point :: Return the
file name specified by the Prolog file specification at POINT.
#+CINDEX: loading
You can load a buffer of SWI-Prolog code with the following command:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-load-buffer
- Key: C-c C-l (sweeprolog-load-buffer) :: Load the current buffer
into the embedded SWI-Prolog runtime.
creation of new SWI-Prolog modules. =auto-insert= allows for populating
newly created files with templates defined by the relevant major mode.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-module-header-comment-skeleton
- User Option: sweeprolog-module-header-comment-skeleton :: Additional
content to put in the topmost comment in Prolog module headers.
Prolog predicates. For an overview of the relevant standard Emacs
commands, see [[info:emacs#Comment Commands][Comment Commands in the Emacs manual]].
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-document-predicate-at-point
- Key: C-c C-d (sweeprolog-document-predicate-at-point) :: Insert
=PlDoc= documentation comment for the predicate at or above point.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-read-predicate-documentation-function
- User Option: sweeprolog-read-predicate-documentation-function :: Function
to use for determining the initial contents of documentation
comments inserted with ~sweeprolog-document-predicate-at-point~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-read-predicate-documentation-default-function
- Function: sweeprolog-read-predicate-documentation-default-function functor arity :: Prompt
and read from the minibuffer the arguments modes, determinism
specification and initial summary for the documentation of the
predicate FUNCTOR/ARITY.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-read-predicate-documentation-with-holes
- Function: sweeprolog-read-predicate-documentation-with-holes functor arity :: Use
holes for the initial documentation of the predicate FUNCTOR/ARITY.
summary of that predicate are displayed in the echo area at the bottom
of the frame.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-enable-eldoc
- User Option: sweeprolog-enable-eldoc :: If non-nil, enable ElDoc
support in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers. Defaults to ~t~.
to the user by integrating with Flymake, a powerful interface for
on-the-fly diagnostics built into Emacs.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-enable-flymake
- User Option: sweeprolog-enable-flymake :: If non-nil, enable Flymake
support in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers. Defaults to ~t~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-show-diagnostics
- Key: C-c C-` (sweeprolog-show-diagnostics) :: List diagnostics for
the current buffer or project in a dedicated buffer.
export list of the defining module (i.e. the second argument of the
~module/2~ directive).
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-export-predicate
- Key: C-c C-e (sweeprolog-export-predicate) :: Add the predicate
predicate at point to the export list of the current Prolog module.
~sweeprolog-insert-term-dwim~ is invoked.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-insert-term-dwim
- Key: M-RET (sweeprolog-insert-term-dwim) :: Insert an appropriate
Prolog term in the current buffer, based on the context at point.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-insert-term-functions
- Variable: sweeprolog-insert-term-functions :: List of functions for
~sweeprolog-insert-term-dwim~ to try for inserting a Prolog term based
on the current context.
functions, in order:
#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-new-predicate-location-function
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-maybe-insert-next-clause
- Function: sweeprolog-maybe-insert-next-clause :: If the last token before
point is a fullstop ending a predicate clause, insert a new clause
below it.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-maybe-define-predicate
- Function: sweeprolog-maybe-define-predicate :: If point is over a call to an
undefined predicate, insert a definition for that predicate. By
default, the new predicate definition is inserted right below the
block of unit tests (also known as a /test-set/) in a Prolog buffer, use
the command ~M-x sweeprolog-plunit-testset-skeleton~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-plunit-testset-skeleton
- Command: sweeprolog-plunit-testset-skeleton :: Insert a =PlUnit=
test-set skeleton at point.
and make the dependencies on them explicit, use the command ~M-x
sweeprolog-update-dependencies~ bound to ~C-c C-u~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-update-dependencies
- Key: C-c C-u (sweeprolog-update-dependencies) :: Add explicit
dependencies for implicitly autoloaded predicates in the current
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-note-implicit-autoloads
- User Option: sweeprolog-note-implicit-autoloads :: If non-nil, have
Flymake complain about implicitly autoloaded predicates in
~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers.
You can search for Prolog terms matching a given search term with the
command ~M-x sweeprolog-term-search~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-term-search
- Key: C-c C-s (sweeprolog-term-search) :: Search for Prolog terms
matching a given search term in the current buffer.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-term-search-repeat-forward
- Command: sweeprolog-term-search-repeat-forward :: Repeat the last
Term Search, searching forward from point.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-term-search-repeat-backward
- Command: sweeprolog-term-search-repeat-backward :: Repeat the last
Term Search, searching backward from point.
- Command: context-menu-mode :: Toggle Context Menu mode. When
enabled, clicking the mouse button ~down-mouse-3~ (i.e. right-click)
activates a menu whose contents depend on its surrounding context.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-context-menu-functions
- Variable: sweeprolog-context-menu-functions :: List of functions
that create Context Menu entries for Prolog tokens. Each function
should receive as its arguments the menu that is being created, the
You can rename a Prolog variable across the current top-term with the
following command:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-rename-variable
- Key: C-c C-r (sweeprolog-rename-variable) :: Rename a variable
across the topmost Prolog term at point.
+#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-rename-variable-allow-existing
- User Option: sweeprolog-rename-variable-allow-existing :: If
non-nil, allow selecting an existing variable name as the new name
of a variable being renamed with ~sweeprolog-rename-variable~. If it
Sweep provides convenient commands for managing such /numbered variable/
sequences consistently:
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-increment-numbered-variables
- Key: C-c C-+ (sweeprolog-increment-numbered-variables) :: Prompt for
a numbered variable and increment it and all numbered variables with
the same base name and a greater number in the current clause.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-decrement-numbered-variables
- Key: C-c C-- (sweeprolog-decrement-numbered-variables) :: Prompt for
a numbered variable and decrement it and all numbered variables with
the same base name and a greater number in the current clause.
Emacs ~help~ and its special major mode, ~help-mode~, see [[info:emacs#Help Mode][Help Mode in the
Emacs manual]].
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-describe-module
- Command: sweeprolog-describe-module :: Prompt for a Prolog module
and display its full documentation in a help buffer.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-describe-predicate
- Command: sweeprolog-describe-predicate :: Prompt for a Prolog
predicate and display its full documentation in a help buffer.
threads and capturing their output in Emacs buffers as it is produced.
You can use this for running queries without blocking Emacs.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-async-goal
- Key: C-c C-& (sweeprolog-async-goal) :: Execute a Prolog goal
asynchronously and display its output in a dedicated buffer.