;; Filename: newst-backend.el
;; URL: http://www.nongnu.org/newsticker
;; Keywords: News, RSS, Atom
-;; Time-stamp: "23. September 2014, 19:51:10 (ulf)"
;; Package: newsticker
;; ======================================================================
"List of timers for news retrieval.
This is an alist, each element consisting of (feed-name . timer).")
-(defvar newsticker--download-logos nil
- "If non-nil download feed logos if available.")
(defvar newsticker--sentinel-callback nil
"Function called at end of `newsticker--sentinel'.")
(set-buffer buffer)
- ;; a very very dirty workaround to overcome the
- ;; problems with the newest (20030621) xml.el:
- ;; remove all unnecessary whitespace
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward ">[ \t\r\n]+<" nil t)
- (replace-match "><" nil t))
- ;; and another brutal workaround (20031105)! For some
- ;; reason the xml parser does not like the colon in the
- ;; doctype name "rdf:RDF"
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (re-search-forward "<!DOCTYPE[ \t\n]+rdf:RDF" nil t)
- (replace-match "<!DOCTYPE rdfColonRDF" nil t))
- ;; finally.... ~##^°!!!!!
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
- (replace-match "\n" nil t))
- ;; still more brutal workarounds (20040309)! The xml
- ;; parser does not like doctype rss
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (re-search-forward "<!DOCTYPE[ \t\n]+rss[ \t\n]*>" nil t)
- (replace-match "" nil t))
- ;; And another one (20050618)! (Fixed in GNU Emacs
- ;; Remove comments to avoid this xml-parsing bug:
- ;; "XML files can have only one toplevel tag"
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (search-forward "<!--" nil t)
- (let ((start (match-beginning 0)))
- (unless (search-forward "-->" nil t)
- (error "Can't find end of comment"))
- (delete-region start (point))))
- ;; And another one (20050702)! If description is HTML
- ;; encoded and starts with a `<', wrap the whole
- ;; description in a CDATA expression. This happened for
- ;; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/_/WoD/rss.aspx?type=quote
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "<description>\\(<img.*?\\)</description>" nil t)
- (replace-match
- "<description><![CDATA[ \\1 ]]></description>"))
- ;; And another one (20051123)! XML parser does not
- ;; like this: <yweather:location city="Frankfurt/Main"
- ;; region="" country="GM" />
- ;; try to "fix" empty attributes
- ;; This happened for
- ;; http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=GMXX0040&u=f
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "\\(<[^>]*\\)=\"\"" nil t)
- (replace-match "\\1=\" \""))
- ;;
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+ (unless (fboundp 'libxml-parse-xml-region)
+ (newsticker--do-xml-workarounds))
;; check coding system
(goto-char (point-min))
- (if (re-search-forward "encoding=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\""
+ (if (re-search-forward "encoding=['\"]\\([^\"]+?\\)['\"]"
nil t)
(setq coding-system (intern (downcase (match-string 1))))
(setq coding-system
(condition-case errordata
;; The xml parser might fail
;; or the xml might be bugged
- (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (if (fboundp 'libxml-parse-xml-region)
+ (list (libxml-parse-xml-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(error (message "Could not parse %s: %s"
(buffer-name) (cadr errordata))
(throw 'oops nil)))))
(topnode (car node-list))
- (channelnode (car (xml-get-children topnode 'channel)))
(imageurl nil))
;; mark all items as obsolete
(newsticker--cache-replace-age newsticker--cache
(setq imageurl (newsticker--get-logo-url-rss-0.92 topnode))
(newsticker--parse-rss-0.92 name time topnode))
;; RSS 1.0
- ((eq 'rdf:RDF (xml-node-name topnode))
+ ((or (eq 'RDF (xml-node-name topnode))
+ (eq 'rdf:RDF (xml-node-name topnode)))
(setq imageurl (newsticker--get-logo-url-rss-1.0 topnode))
(newsticker--parse-rss-1.0 name time topnode))
;; RSS 2.0
(setq imageurl (newsticker--get-logo-url-atom-0.3 topnode))
(newsticker--parse-atom-0.3 name time topnode))
;; Atom 1.0
- ((and (eq 'feed (xml-node-name topnode))
- (string= "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
- (xml-get-attribute topnode 'xmlns)))
+ (t
+ ;; The test for Atom 1.0 does not work when using
+ ;; libxml, as with libxml the namespace attribute is
+ ;; not in the xml tree. For the time being we skip
+ ;; the check and assume that we are dealing with an
+ ;; Atom 1.0 feed.
+ ;; (and (eq 'feed (xml-node-name topnode))
+ ;; (string= "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
+ ;; (xml-get-attribute topnode 'xmlns)))
(setq imageurl (newsticker--get-logo-url-atom-1.0 topnode))
(newsticker--parse-atom-1.0 name time topnode))
;; unknown feed type
- (t
- (newsticker--debug-msg "Feed type unknown: %s: %s"
- (xml-node-name topnode) name)
- nil))
+ ;; (t
+ ;; (newsticker--debug-msg "Feed type unknown: %s: %s"
+ ;; (xml-node-name topnode) name)
+ ;; nil)
+ )
(setq something-was-added t))
(error (message "sentinelerror in %s: %s" name error-data)))
(unless newsticker-debug
(kill-buffer buffer))
;; launch retrieval of image
- (when (and imageurl newsticker--download-logos)
+ (when (and imageurl (boundp 'newsticker-download-logos)
+ newsticker-download-logos)
(newsticker--image-get name imageurl)))))
(when newsticker--sentinel-callback
(funcall newsticker--sentinel-callback)))
+(defun newsticker--do-xml-workarounds ()
+ "Fix all issues which `xml-parse-region' could be choking on."
+ ;; a very very dirty workaround to overcome the
+ ;; problems with the newest (20030621) xml.el:
+ ;; remove all unnecessary whitespace
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward ">[ \t\r\n]+<" nil t)
+ (replace-match "><" nil t))
+ ;; and another brutal workaround (20031105)! For some
+ ;; reason the xml parser does not like the colon in the
+ ;; doctype name "rdf:RDF"
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "<!DOCTYPE[ \t\n]+rdf:RDF" nil t)
+ (replace-match "<!DOCTYPE rdfColonRDF" nil t))
+ ;; finally.... ~##^°!!!!!
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+ (replace-match "\n" nil t))
+ ;; still more brutal workarounds (20040309)! The xml
+ ;; parser does not like doctype rss
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "<!DOCTYPE[ \t\n]+rss[ \t\n]*>" nil t)
+ (replace-match "" nil t))
+ ;; And another one (20050618)! (Fixed in GNU Emacs
+ ;; Remove comments to avoid this xml-parsing bug:
+ ;; "XML files can have only one toplevel tag"
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (search-forward "<!--" nil t)
+ (let ((start (match-beginning 0)))
+ (unless (search-forward "-->" nil t)
+ (error "Can't find end of comment"))
+ (delete-region start (point))))
+ ;; And another one (20050702)! If description is HTML
+ ;; encoded and starts with a `<', wrap the whole
+ ;; description in a CDATA expression. This happened for
+ ;; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/_/WoD/rss.aspx?type=quote
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "<description>\\(<img.*?\\)</description>" nil t)
+ (replace-match
+ "<description><![CDATA[ \\1 ]]></description>"))
+ ;; And another one (20051123)! XML parser does not
+ ;; like this: <yweather:location city="Frankfurt/Main"
+ ;; region="" country="GM" />
+ ;; try to "fix" empty attributes
+ ;; This happened for
+ ;; http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=GMXX0040&u=f
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\\(<[^>]*\\)=\"\"" nil t)
+ (replace-match "\\1=\" \""))
+ ;;
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(defun newsticker--get-logo-url-atom-1.0 (node)
"Return logo URL from atom 1.0 data in NODE."
(car (xml-node-children
(xml-node-children node))))
(or new-item new-feed)))
+(defun newsticker--unxml (node)
+ "Reverse parsing of an xml string.
+Restore an xml-string from a an xml-node that was returned by xml-parse..."
+ (if (or (not node) (stringp node))
+ node
+ (newsticker--unxml-node node)))
+(defun newsticker--unxml-node (node)
+ "Actually restore xml-string of an xml node."
+ (let ((qname (symbol-name (car node)))
+ (att-list (cadr node))
+ (children (cddr node)))
+ (concat "<" qname
+ (when att-list " ")
+ (mapconcat 'newsticker--unxml-attribute att-list " ")
+ ">"
+ (mapconcat 'newsticker--unxml children "") "</" qname ">")))
+(defun newsticker--unxml-attribute (att)
+ "Actually restore xml-string of an attribute of an xml node."
+ (let ((name (symbol-name (car att)))
+ (value (cdr att)))
+ (concat name "=\"" value "\"")))
(defun newsticker--parse-atom-1.0 (name time topnode)
"Parse Atom 1.0 data.
Argument NAME gives the name of a news feed. TIME gives the
(car (xml-get-children node 'title)))))
;; desc-fn
(lambda (node)
- (or (car (xml-node-children
- (car (xml-get-children node 'content))))
+ ;; unxml the content node. Atom allows for
+ ;; integrating (x)html into the atom structure
+ ;; but we need the raw html string.
+ ;; e.g. http://www.heise.de/open/news/news-atom.xml
+ (or (newsticker--unxml
+ (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children node 'content)))))
(car (xml-node-children
(car (xml-get-children node 'summary))))))
;; link-fn
(car (xml-node-children
(car (xml-get-children channelnode 'title))))
;; desc
- (car (xml-node-children
- (car (xml-get-children channelnode
- 'description))))
+ (or (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children channelnode
+ 'encoded))))
+ (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children channelnode
+ 'content:encoded))))
+ (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children channelnode
+ 'description)))))
;; link
(car (xml-node-children
(car (xml-get-children channelnode 'link))))
;; time-fn
(lambda (node)
- (car (xml-node-children
- (car (xml-get-children node 'dc:date))))))
+ (or (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children node 'dc:date))))
+ (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children node 'date)))))))
;; guid-fn
(lambda (node)
(car (xml-node-children
(car (xml-get-children channelnode 'title))))
;; desc
- (car (xml-node-children
- (car (xml-get-children channelnode
- 'description))))
+ (or (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children channelnode
+ 'encoded))))
+ (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children channelnode
+ 'content:encoded))))
+ (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children channelnode
+ 'description)))))
;; link
(car (xml-node-children
(car (xml-get-children channelnode 'link))))
;; desc-fn
(lambda (node)
(or (car (xml-node-children
+ (car (xml-get-children node
+ 'encoded))))
+ (car (xml-node-children
(car (xml-get-children node
(car (xml-node-children
;; decode numeric entities
(setq title (xml-substitute-numeric-entities title))
(when desc
- (setq desc (xml-substitute-numeric-entities desc)))
+ (setq desc (xml-substitute-numeric-entities desc)))
(setq link (xml-substitute-numeric-entities link))
;; remove whitespace from title, desc, and link
(setq title (newsticker--remove-whitespace title))
(let ((prev-age (newsticker--age old-item)))
(unless newsticker-automatically-mark-items-as-old
;; Some feeds deliver items multiply, the
- ;; first time we find an 'obsolete-old one the
- ;; cache, the following times we find an 'old
- ;; one
+ ;; first time we find an 'obsolete-old one in
+ ;; the cache, the following times we find an
+ ;; 'old one
(if (memq prev-age '(obsolete-old old))
(setq age2 'old)
(setq age2 'new)))
;; ======================================================================
(defun newsticker--images-dir ()
"Return directory where feed images are saved."
- (concat newsticker-dir "/images"))
+ (concat newsticker-dir "/images/"))
(defun newsticker--image-get (feed-name url)
"Get image of the news site FEED-NAME from URL.
(item (or (assoc feed-name newsticker-url-list)
(assoc feed-name newsticker-url-list-defaults)
- "Cannot get news for %s: Check newsticker-url-list"
+ "Cannot get image for %s: Check newsticker-url-list"
(wget-arguments (or (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr item)))))