(puthash (indirect-function function) signature
-(defun make-obsolete (obsolete-name current-name &optional when)
+(defun make-obsolete (obsolete-name current-name when)
"Make the byte-compiler warn that function OBSOLETE-NAME is obsolete.
OBSOLETE-NAME should be a function name or macro name (a symbol).
\(it should end with a period, and not start with a capital).
WHEN should be a string indicating when the function
was first made obsolete, for example a date or a release number."
- (declare (advertised-calling-convention
- ;; New code should always provide the `when' argument.
- (obsolete-name current-name when) "23.1"))
(put obsolete-name 'byte-obsolete-info
;; The second entry used to hold the `byte-compile' handler, but
;; is not used any more nowadays.
(purecopy (list current-name nil when)))
-(defmacro define-obsolete-function-alias (obsolete-name current-name
- &optional when docstring)
+(defmacro define-obsolete-function-alias ( obsolete-name current-name when
+ &optional docstring)
"Set OBSOLETE-NAME's function definition to CURRENT-NAME and mark it obsolete.
\(define-obsolete-function-alias \\='old-fun \\='new-fun \"22.1\" \"old-fun's doc.\")
made obsolete, for example a date or a release number.
See the docstrings of `defalias' and `make-obsolete' for more details."
- (declare (doc-string 4)
- (advertised-calling-convention
- ;; New code should always provide the `when' argument.
- (obsolete-name current-name when &optional docstring) "23.1"))
+ (declare (doc-string 4))
(defalias ,obsolete-name ,current-name ,docstring)
(make-obsolete ,obsolete-name ,current-name ,when)))
-(defun make-obsolete-variable (obsolete-name current-name &optional when access-type)
+(defun make-obsolete-variable ( obsolete-name current-name when
+ &optional access-type)
"Make the byte-compiler warn that OBSOLETE-NAME is obsolete.
The warning will say that CURRENT-NAME should be used instead.
If CURRENT-NAME is a string, that is the `use instead' message.
was first made obsolete, for example a date or a release number.
ACCESS-TYPE if non-nil should specify the kind of access that will trigger
obsolescence warnings; it can be either `get' or `set'."
- (declare (advertised-calling-convention
- ;; New code should always provide the `when' argument.
- (obsolete-name current-name when &optional access-type) "23.1"))
(put obsolete-name 'byte-obsolete-variable
(purecopy (list current-name access-type when)))
-(defmacro define-obsolete-variable-alias (obsolete-name current-name
- &optional when docstring)
+(defmacro define-obsolete-variable-alias ( obsolete-name current-name when
+ &optional docstring)
"Make OBSOLETE-NAME a variable alias for CURRENT-NAME and mark it obsolete.
WHEN should be a string indicating when the variable was first
any of the following properties, they are copied to
CURRENT-NAME, if it does not already have them:
`saved-value', `saved-variable-comment'."
- (declare (doc-string 4)
- (advertised-calling-convention
- ;; New code should always provide the `when' argument.
- (obsolete-name current-name when &optional docstring) "23.1"))
+ (declare (doc-string 4))
(defvaralias ,obsolete-name ,current-name ,docstring)
;; See Bug#4706.